exam 1 evo

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The acronym HIV stands for which of the following?

human immunodeficiency virus

Which of the following phylogeny inference tools is the best at reconstructing the most accurate phylogenetic trees?

- parsimony - maximum likelihood - Bayesian inference !!answer!! - All of these methods have pros and cons.

Social, political, and legal controversy surrounding acceptance of evolution goes back to the decade of the ________, when teacher John Scopes was tried for teaching evolution.


HIV-1 Group M is responsible for 95% of human infections. When is it estimated that HIV-1 Group M was transferred to humans?


The AIDS phase of HIV infection begins when the concentration of CD4 T cells in the blood drops below what concentration?

200 cells per cubic millimeter

Radioactive dating techniques have demonstrated that Earth was formed approximately ________ years ago.

4.6 billion

Early in the infection with HIV, most virions bind to the host cell using CCR5 as a coreceptor. As the infection progresses, the HIV population evolves to use an alternate coreceptor. What is the alternate coreceptor these X4 viruses utilize?


Which of the following drug categories are used to treat HIV infections?

DNAse inhibitors

The illustration in the accompanying figure represents an early phylogenetic tree as depicted by ________.


Which of the following U.S. Supreme Court decisions struck down laws prohibiting the teaching of evolution?

Epperson v. Arkansas, 1968

Proponents of ________ [two words] argue that the complexities of living systems can only be accounted for by the creative acts of a conscious entity.

Intelligent design (ID)

Regarding the nature of natural selection, which of the following is NOT an accurate statement?

Populations evolve traits by natural selection that will be useful for future environmental changes.

in which of the following regions has AIDS killed the largest number of individuals?

Sub-Saharan Africa

Which of the following statements best summarizes natural selection?

Traits that promote survival and reproduction become more frequent in species from one generation to the next.

When the Darwin/Wallace theory of natural selection is summarized, four central postulates emerge. Which of the following is NOT one of these four natural selection postulates?

Variations in traits are produced by mutations.

In the accompanying figure of Jones and Reithel's work with snapdragons, what is the most likely outcome if these plants were in a natural setting? (HAS CHART)

Yellow flowers will continue to increase in frequency, as compared to white flowers, over time.

Processed pseudogenes are useful for testing Darwin's theory of descent with modification because they ________.

accumulate mutations at a constant rate, and thus older processed pseudogenes should be shared by a greater variety of species

A trait that confers a greater level of fitness, relative to those who lack it, is called a(n) ________.


An attribute that increases an organism's fitness, as compared to individuals lacking it, is called a(n) ________.


Evolution by natural selection was conceived and written about in the 1800s by ______.

all of these A) Alfred Russel Wallace B) Charles Darwin C) W. C. Wells D) Patrick Matthew

Which of the following issues constitute a threat(s) to estimating the heritability of the Galapagos Island finches?

all of these. - bisidentified paternity - conspecific nest parasitism - shared environments - maternal effects

Darwin developed his theory of natural selection despite having an incomplete and/or inaccurate knowledge base from which to work. Which of the following were problems for Darwin?

all of these. - the source of variations in populations - an understanding of inheritance patterns from one generation to the next - The accepted age of the Earth was far too young to allow for the gradual changes Darwin envisioned.

Tomatoes carry a gene called fw2.2 that encodes a protein made during early fruit development―the job of which is to repress cell division. Additionally, researchers have identified a second gene called fas that controls the number of compartments in the mature fruit. Artificial selection leading to the production of very large tomatoes has apparently capitalized on ________.

alleles associated with low production of the repressor protein and an increase in the number of fruit compartments

A novel, derived character is also referred to as a(n) ________.


Varieties produced under domestication via artificial selection most generally have traits that ________.

are not typically well adapted in a wild setting

After several generations of selectively breeding mice in a laboratory, Ted Garland and his colleagues established populations of mice that voluntarily chose to run great distances on exercise wheels. The process of establishing these populations of mice is termed ________.

artificial selection

Darwin confirmed the concept of evolution under domestication himself by experimenting with pigeons. This mechanism is more commonly known as ________. [two words]

artificial selection

Darwin studied and wrote extensively about the mechanism known as artificial selection. Artificial selection is similar to natural selection, except that ________.

artificial selection produces varieties that would be less likely be favored in nature

Coreceptor inhibitors block HIV infection by preventing which of the following?

binding of the HIV virion onto the CCR5 receptor

Before Mendel's work was rediscovered, some argued that natural selection would not work because favorable traits would merge into existing traits over time and become lost. This hypothesis is known as ________. [two words]

blending inheritance

Estimating the uncertainty of phylogenetic trees using computer-generated replicates from an original data set is known as ________.


The proteins that enable the HIV virus to bind to cells are typically CD4 and CCR5. On what type of cells are these proteins typically observed?

both effector helper T cells and memory helper T cells

Evolution by natural selection ________.

both. - can be tested experimentally - can be tested observationally

The radioactive isotope ________ has a half-life of 5,730 years, and has an effective dating range of 100 to 100,000 years.


HIV-1 is believed to have been transmitted to humans from which of the following organisms?


An ancestor and all of its descendants are known as a monophyletic group or a(n) ________.


Every node in a phylogenetic tree represents a(n) ________.

common ancestor

The wings of bats and birds and the streamlined body form of sharks and whales represent examples of ________.


________ evolution is the independent evolution of similar derived characters in different lineages.


The concept of uniformitarianism, articulated by James Hutton in the late 1700s, states that ________.

current geological processes on Earth operate in the same manner as those that operated in the past

In the accompanying figure, the three "dashes" in the fourth row of nucleotides represent a(n) ________ that was corrected for in this example of molecular data analysis.


A(n) ________ [two words] is a novel feature that evolved in a lineage and may be unique to a species or shared among species.

derived character

The accompanying figure shows data on composite values for beak size, beak shape, and body size for the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) inhabiting Daphne Major. Complete data sets were collected from 1973 onward. For each of the three graphs in the accompanying figure, the 95% confidence intervals are shown as vertical bars extending above and below each data point for each year. The fact that many of these 95% confidence intervals do not overlap with the data from 1973 (the original reference point for this study) do not overlap reveals that ________.

detectable evolution by natural selection did occur

The transitional fossil Archaeopteryx shows a combination of traits consistent with the hypothesis that it shared a common ancestor with ________.

dinosaurs and birds

What is the effect of the ∆32 allele of CCR5 on HIV binding?

does not appear on the surface of CD4 T cells

The HIV virus contains all of the following components except ________.

double-stranded RNA

Antibodies and killer T cells recognize HIV or HIV-infected cells by binding to short pieces of viral proteins displayed on the virus or the infected host cell. These short pieces of viral proteins are called ________.


The ∆32 allele of CCR5 is found at the highest frequency in which of the following populations?


Occasional traits, such as the insect-capturing features of carnivorous plants, emerge because existing traits become used in novel ways. Such traits are known as ________.


________, in general terms, is an individual's ability to survive and reproduce.


In the case study involving the phylogeny of whales, ________.

fossil discoveries confirmed what molecular data already suggested: whales are cetaceans

The amount of time it takes for a radioactive element to decay to 50% of its daughter isotope is called ________.


________ can be defined as the fraction of the variation in a population that is due to differences in genes.


Anatomical features that show an underlying structural similarity even though their superficial structure is different are termed ________ structures.


Complications in constructing phylogenetic trees due to reversals and convergent evolution are known collectively as ________.


Phylogenetic trees can always be regarded as ________ about evolutionary relationships.


The comparative anatomist Georges Cuvier confirmed the concept of extinction in 1812 when he demonstrated that there were no extant species anatomically related to the fossilized remains of the ________.

irish elk

Large evolutionary changes that result in the placement of related organisms into different genera or higher-level taxa occur via the process of ________.


In response to environmental conditions, the average beak size in a population of birds may change between successive generations. This process of change is referred to as ________.


Beginning around 1930, the ________ [two words] developed as a reformulation of Darwinian natural selection based on the ways in which knowledge in genetics has informed us about heredity.

modern synthesis

Analysis of neutral mutation rates to answer interesting questions such as "When did humans begin to wear clothes?" relies on the ________ [two words] hypothesis, which states that molecular traits change at a steady rate.

molecular clocks

A phylogenetic tree grouping that consists of a common ancestor and all of its descendants is known as a ________ group.


A group consisting of a common ancestor and some, but not all, of its descendants is known as a ________ group.


A ________ [two words] is the evolutionary history of an ancestral lineage and its descendants

phylogeny/phylogenetic tree

The use of phylogenetic trees in answering questions about the spatial distribution of living things is called ________.


A preexisting, ancestral character is also known as a(n) ________.


The biological species concept, formalized by Ernst Mayr in 1942, defined a species as a ________.

population within and among which individuals actually or potentially interbreed and outside of which they do not interbreed

Nonfunctional copies of normal genes, which lack both introns and promoters, and are important in estimating evolutionary ages of phylogenetic relationships, are ________.

processed pseudogenes

In determining the evolutionary relationships of current species, one needs to ________.

read "back" to nodes connecting species to determine common ancestry

Which of the following enzymes is responsible for transcribing viral RNA into DNA?

reverse transcriptase

Two closely related species that share a recent common ancestor are called ________ species.


In constructing phylogenetic trees, it is useful to think of monophyletic groups as being defined by ________.


A derived character that is shared among two or more lineages is also called a(n) ________.


The label "1" in the accompanying figure represents ________.

the "root" for the tree and the common ancestor for the hypothetical lineage

The accompanying figure shows data on composite values for beak size, beak shape, and body size for the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) inhabiting Daphne Major. Complete data sets were collected from 1973 onward. The figure shows that ________.

the population of Geospiza fortis evolved a bigger beak in response to the 1977 drought and then evolved a smaller beak in response to the 2003-04 drought

The theory that species do not change over time, are created separately and independently, and that the Earth and life on Earth are young is called the ________. [four words]

theory of special creation.

After correcting for the noted deletion in slots 62-64, it becomes clear that mutations in the ________ triplet have the most effects on changes in phenotype.


Andrew Hendry and colleagues demonstrated that the process of speciation is gradual by studying the distribution and variation in gill raker length in ________.

threespine sticklebacks

Tetherin is an important protein produced by the host. What is the function of tetherin in protecting a host cell from HIV?

ties maturing virions to the membrane of the host cell, thereby preventing the release of the mature virus

The coccyx, a tiny tailbone found in humans, is believed to be a ________ structure.


A useless or rudimentary body part that is thought to have been important in ancestral populations but no longer has a known function is termed a(n) ________.

vestigial structure

Natural selection ________.

works on individuals, but its long-term effect is rendered on populations

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