Exam 1

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"Communication is transactional" means that

communication affects all parties involved.

According to the research on competition the following can be concluded

competition can incite hostile communication

A consistent relationship between two variables is a:


Balance as a criterion for an effective speech outline means that

all main points receive relatively equal but not exactly the same treatment

Speech anxiety

a) typically diminishes substantially after the first minute of a person's speech b) can be made worse by an intake of caffeine, simple sugars, and nicotine prior to the speech c) is worsened by perfectionist thinking d) all of the above

What are the elements of a destructive communication climate?

a) unwillingness to communication with others b) protective reaction to perceived attack on our self-esteem and self-concept c) closedness d) all of the above

Amy wants to enhance her credibility with her audience because she is faced with a big challenge in changing attitudes about a needle exchange program for the inner cities' drug problem. She can enhance her credibility by

b) exhibiting a keen interest and enthusiasm for the subject c) citing sources of evidence to support claims made

The degree to which an issue is relevant or important to a person is

ego involvement

Listeners cope with the bombardment of persuasive messages by sorting them into those that are important, or central, and those that are less relevant, or peripheral, according to the

elaboration likelihood model

Speech topics can be narrowed in which of the following ways?

fit the topic to the time limit

A speech delivered without preparation is:


In a speech to his colleagues celebrating winning a prestigious award, Sam stated: "We bagged the Baldridge award because our brainy, beautiful business people are the best." Sam was using which of the following:


If everyone who works in the office leaves early on days when the boss is not there but no one reports it, this represents

an implicit rule

A stylistic device that uses opposites to create an impact is:


Self-defeating thoughts

are grounded in a concern that your audience will judge and reject you

A learned predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably toward some object is a/an


You're researching the topic of great speeches given in recent history. Tips for narrowing your search on this topic when using the Internet include:

b) Add a plus sign before great and speeches. c) Place the phrase great speeches in quotation marks.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the course quizzes and exams?

b) The unit exams are composed primarily of the chapter quiz questions. c) At the end of the semester you may re-take one of the unit exams again and the best score is the one that counts in your final course grade.

What is supportiveness?

b) a confirmation of the worth and value of others c) a willingness to help others be successful

A persuasive strategy that begins with a large request that makes a smaller request seem more acceptable is the

b) contrast effect d) door-in-the face strategy

Division as a criterion for an effective speech outline means that

main points are divided into no fewer than two subpoints

During the 2008 presidential election, when candidate John McCain stated: "Homeowners are the innocent bystanders in a drive-by shooting by Wall Street and Washington," he was using a/an:


The anchor in the social judgment theory is the

the preexisting attitude on an issue that serves as a reference point for a range of positions and attitudes.

Fear appeals are more persuasive when combined with high-quality arguments.


In general a speaker's anxiety will diminish during the course of delivering the speech.


Monroe's Motivated Sequence includes the following steps:

a) need b) action

Telling an effective story in an informative speech requires which of the following suggestions?

Choose a story that fits your audience

"According to Newsweek magazine . . ." is a complete citation of a credible source.


A metaphor is an explicit comparison of two seemingly dissimilar things using the words "like" or "as."


A transition is an organizational marker that indicates the structure of a speech and notifies listeners that a particular point is to be addressed.


According to Carter, integrity is the same as honesty.


Achievement and performance are typically best enhanced by a hypercompetitive environment.


Antithesis is the repetition of the same sound, usually a consonant sound, starting several words in a sentence.


Any humorous comment, joke, story, or quotation that grabs attention is appropriate for a speech.


Communication is a linear process of sharing meaning with others.


Conversion is a realistic goal for a student giving a 7-minute speech in a class


Conversion often happens from a single persuasive attempt


Poor communication is the basis of all human problems.


Presenting arguments to support your case is called refutation.


Recent research shows that in convincing listeners to change attitudes, one-sided speeches are more effective than two-sided speeches.


The goal of most persuasive speaking is to change audience members' attitudes.


There are virtually no differences between oral and written style. That is, a speech is essentially an essay read aloud to an audience.


Unpleasant, intense examples used to arouse audience interest are always inappropriate and should be avoided.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an informative speech?

It advocates a point of view

Meaning is

a) socially constructed b) never perfectly shared, only approximately shared c) the conscious pattern humans create out of their interpretation of experience d) shared both verbally and nonverbally e) all of the above

Basing a claim on popular opinion is called:

a) sufficiency b) relevance c) ad hominem fallacy d) none of the above

When citing testimony from an expert as supporting material for a claim made in a speech, a complete citation should include

a) the name of the expert b) the expert's specific title or expertise c) the publication in which the expert's statement appears d) all of the above

A speech is divided into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.


According to Rothwell the core of any public speech is audience analysis.


As competitiveness increases, empathy decreases.


Communication skills top employers' lists of the most-desired skill, and moreover, once people are hired skillful communication is the determining factor of how well they perform on the job.


Division is a criterion for effective outlining that requires a minimum of two subpoints for dividing any main point.


Empathy is thinking and feeling what you perceive another to be thinking and feeling.


Individuals who experience low to moderate anxiety that is under control typically give better speeches than individuals who experience little to no anxiety.


Listeners are more likely to accept a bigger second request or offer when contrasted with a much bigger request or offer.


Research shows that reading a list of bulleted points to your audience (from a PowerPoint slide, for example) inhibits learning the information


Resistance to counterpersuasion (attacks from an opposing side) can be induced by forewarning an audience that an attempt to change their attitudes and behavior will occur.


Social judgment theory strongly suggests that setting conversion as your goal for persuasion is unrealistic.


The United States is a low-context culture. Thus, speeches that are carefully organized so that points are explicitly stated and developed will likely be more effective than speeches that are loosely organized with points more vaguely presented.


The essence of hypercompetitiveness is a winning-is-everything attitude.


The initial citation of a source should be complete, but subsequent references to the same source can be abbreviated unless the abbreviation might cause confusion.


The speech topic "The history of NASA" is an informative speech topic.


The strength of an argument depends primarily on the strength of the warrant.


What is the theme of the course?

What does it mean to be an ethical communicator?

Which of the following statements about communication is/are TRUE

You cannot not communicate.

Commitment is part of the communication competence model. It refers to

a passion for excellence; accepting nothing less than the best that you can be and dedicating yourself to achieving that excellence

An internal summary is

a restatement of a key point or points during a speech presentation

Ethics in the communication competence model is

a set of standards for judging the moral correctness of communication behavior

The reliability of Internet information can be evaluated in which of the following ways?

a) Be suspicious of any author of a Web document whose credentials are not cited b) Be especially concerned about source bias if the Web site is a .com address c) Be suspicious if no source is identified for the article d) All of the above

An effective speaking style should include which of the following?

a) Clarity of language b) Precise use of words

Which of the following are appropriate suggestions for improving your delivery?

a) For effective eye contact, focus on one or two people in the audience b) In order to avoid awkward pauses, use vocal fillers c) Plan your gestures in advance d) For maximum comprehension, strive to speak below 125 words per minute e) none of the above

Which of the following regarding Academic Integrity and/or Plagiarism are true?

a) Plagiarism includes "the use of a direct quotation [of] the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment; unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in selling or otherwise providing term papers or other academic materials" b) Plagiarism includes "the use by paraphrase [of] the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment" c) Plagiarism includes " . . . the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in selling or otherwise providing term papers or other academic materials" d) all of the above

A competent conclusion to a speech includes all of the following requirements EXCEPT

a) Reference to the introduction to tie the speech together b) Summary of main points c) CORRECT Apology for running overtime d) Memorable finish

Drawbacks to using a chalkboard or whiteboard as a visual aid during a speech include:

a) The time spent drawing or writing on the board diminishes the time spent giving the speech b) Chalk drawings are usually of poor quality. c) Time delays occur if the chalk drawing is made prior to the speech. d) all of the above

Which of the following are minimum requirements you must meet in order to pass the class with a final grade of D or higher?

a) Your exam scores plus quiz scores must total a minimum of 360 points. b) You must deliver the formal, public speech. c) You must submit at least four written worksheet Assignment papers on time. d) Your total score must be at least 540 points. e) all of the above

Effective oral style fulfills all of the following criteria EXCEPT

a) clarity b) precision c) CORRECT substance d) vividness

Principles of effective outlining include which of the following?

a) completeness b) coherence c) division d) all of the above

Some of the short cuts used in the peripheral route to persuasion include all of the following EXCEPT

a) credibility and likeability of a persuader b) how others react to the message c) possible consequences from agreeing to disagreeing with the persuader d) CORRECT evaluating counterarguments

All of the following are drawbacks of manuscript speaking cited by your text EXCEPT:

a) failure to establish eye contact. b) smooth digressions from a manuscript are difficult. c) disconnection from the audience. d) CORRECT requires too much rehearsal time. e) none of the above

According to Rothwell, ethics

a) is a set of standards for judging the moral correctness of communication behavior. b) may involved the collision of standards.

Situational variables that impact speech anxiety include:

a) novelty b) conspicuousness

The oral and the written word have distinct differences that should be considered when speaking to an audience. Which is true about the oral style?

a) oral style usually uses simpler sentences than written style b) oral style is highly interactive, written style is not

An informative speech that shows the audience how to use an object or to perform a specific activity is a

a) report b) narrative c) lecture d) none of the above

All of the following can be validly claimed when comparing oral and written styles of communicating EXCEPT

a) CORRECT They have no differences; a speech and an essay read to an audience are the same b) Oral style typically uses simpler sentences than written style c) Oral style is less formal than written style d) Oral style can be adjusted immediately because feedback from listeners is usually immediate; written style cannot be so readily adjusted

Which type of audience is filled with listeners who want to be inspired to act?


Intensity is

concentrated stimuli

If the company for which you work emphasizes teaching those with inadequate skills to improve and become more capable team members, that company emphasizes


A consistent relationship between two variables is a


The opposite of integrity, according to Carter, is


"Tomorrow we begin our quest; tomorrow we embark on a new adventure; tomorrow we grab for the golden ring" is an example of


Another word for emotional appeals is


"The sale of candy and sugared beverages should be banned from elementary schools" is a proposition of


"The sale, distribution, and use of marijuana should be legalized" is a

proposition of policy


provide a basis for determining the appropriateness of our communication

State the opposing argument, state your reaction to the opposing argument, support your response with reasoning and evidence, and finally, indicate what effect opposing arguments have had on the strength of your case, are the steps to


Word choice that is confusing or distracting, and thus creates interference is what kind of noise?


Which of the following is not a part of ethos according to Aristotle?


Extemporaneous speaking is

speaking from a prepared outline or notes

The preview of a speech should

state the main points of the speech clearly and concisely

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