Exam 1 (sc and meninges)

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Area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve

Below c7 cervical vertebra spinal nerves exit in what fashion

BELOW respective vertebra

interomediolateral cell column (IML) location

Between anterior and posterior horns

Upper limb plexus of nerves

Brachial plexus (UL)

segmental arteries in spinal cord come from

Branch from Arteries that supply blood to the posterior body walk in different regions

Ventral ramus

Branches to the anterior of the body. Both sensory and motor travel this way.


By Jan 14

Location cervical enlargement


subarachnoid space contains what important fluid

CSF. That supports sc. as well as pushes arachnoid mater against dura.

spinal nerves

Carey sensory and motor fibers. They are mixed nerves

Why does the ventral root not have swelling?

Cell bodies are in ventral horn

Which spinal nerves are shorter


What plexuses should we know exist

Cervical brachial lumbar sacral plexuses

Pia mater continues on until


bulge on posterior of spinal cord


Specifically what arteries do segmental arteries in the spinal cord branch from?

Deep cervical artery / vertebral artery Posterior intercostal a. Lumbar a. Lateral sacral a.

anterior cutaneous branch

In anterior, goes to skin, sensory only.

Brain stem resides

In cranial cavity

Which spinal nerves have to travel further to get to their intervertebral foramen?

Inferior spinal nerves

The ventral ramus in the anterior trunk name becomes

Intercostal nerve

Know the figure for anterior and posterior radicular arteries blood in

Know the blood out figure

Where does spinal cord end


conus medullaris location


Location lumbar enlargement


Subarachnoid space location

Lies deep to the arachnoid mater

Where do they draw when drawing CSF?

Low to avoid injury. Spinal tap.

Lower limb plexus of nerves

Lumbosacral plexus

Example L5 is far from its intervertebral foramen. When throw out back feel it in lower limbs.

Morphology difference is important to consider clinically

Because at every level the vertebral venous plexuses anastomose with wackier and regional veins what does this allow for?

Provides a conduit for spread of infection and cancer etc

Radish / affecting roots


A peripheral nerve may contain fibers associated with more than one spinal cord segment t or f?

T. Ulnar nerve. Contains fibers associated with spinal cord segments c8 and t1

Beginning of sympathetic nervous system


Preganglionic sympathetic neurons are always located at these levels


level of umbilicus


Lowest extent of trunk level


Level of the Areola is what nerve


subdural space

space between dura mater and arachnoid mater. Lies deep to dura. And superficial to arachnoid.

vertebral column


Which vessels are located in the epidural space of the vertebral column?

internal venous plexus

Where do spinal nerves pass through

intervertebral foramen

white matter of spinal cord

This area surrounds the gray matter. It is composed of both myelinated and unmyelinated axons.

When spinal nerves don't merge they cause

True segmentation of spinal cord

Dermatome: Clinical

Used in determining level of spinal injuries Anesthetic injections for surgeries Shingles

Contains somatic motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscles

Ventral horn

Ulnar and sciatic nerve are an example of which rami

Ventral rami, with mixed nerve function

Innervates hypoxia muscles and overlying skin branches out to front to the body. Motor and sensory. Innervates somatic

Ventral ramus

Anterior vertebral artery via

Vertebral artery

intervertebral foramen

What is the name of the opening thru which the spinal nerves pass after branching from the spinal chord?

plexus of nerves

When spinal nerves merge together

Somatic nerve plexus

Where nerves merge and diverge Segmentation exists just more complicated

hemiazygous vein

Which of these blood vessels is located on the left side of the median plane below the heart

the spinal cord is composed of bundles of ascending and descending myelinated fibers called

White matter

filum terminale

fibrous extension of the pia mater that arises from conus medullaris; anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx

avascular meningeal layer

Arachnoid membrane

Anterior vertebral artery how many ?


coccygeal # of spinal nerves


coccygeal spinal nerves

1 pair (Co1)

Thoracic number of nerves


thoracic spinal nerves

12 pairs (T1-T12)

Posterior vertebral artery how many?


How can you tell the front and back of the spine?

2 vertebral arteries indicates posterior 1 vertebral arteries indicate anterior

Lumbar # of nerves


Sacral # of nerves


lumbar spinal nerves

5 pairs (L1-L5)

sacral spinal nerves

5 pairs (S1-S5)

Cervical # of nerves


cervical spinal nerves

8 pairs (C1-C8)

Above 7th cervical vertebra spinal nerves exit in what fashion

ABOVE respective vertebra

cauda equina

Dorsal and ventral roots of the inferior spinal cords segmented L2-Co1 that travel inferiorly in the vertebral canal until they can exit out proper vertebral foramen

Part of spinal cord that receives inputs from afferent fibers

Dorsal horn

Innervates epaxial muscles and overlying skin branch leading toward back of body

Dorsal ramus

where the unipolar neuron stretched through to the dorsal horn

Dorsal root

Why do enlargements exist?

Due to increased neuronal density in the areas that supply UL and LL

Dural sleeves

Dura mater extends out along each spinal nerve to the distal end of the ganglion where is becomes continuous with the epineurium

Order of meninges and spaces (superficial to deep)

Epidural space Dura mater Subdural space (doesn't alw exist) Arachnoid mem Subarachnoid space (CSF) Spinal cord

Passes with neuronal fibers of the cauda equina to fuse the vertebral column in the region of the coccyx

Filum terminale

Length of arachnoid membrane

Follows dura mater into Dural sleeves and caudally into Dural sac

The spinal cord begins at the

Foramen Magnum just inferior to brain stem

Dura mater extends from

From the foramen magnum to s2 level of vertebral canal

Lateral cutaneous branch

Goes to skin. Only sensory. (No motor fibers bc no muscle in skin)

Is composed of neuronal cell bodies (neurons) and glial cells bodies.

Gray matter

Spinal cord comprised of what 2 sections

Gray matter and white matter

ventral horn (anterior horn)

Motor region

conus medullaris

Narrowed end of spinal cord

somatosensory neuron

Neuron that carries information from the skin to the spinal cord

Do Anterior and posterior radicular a. merge with longitudinal a. ?


radiculopathy of the ventral root

Only motor loss

radiculopathy of the dorsal root

Only sensory loss

Posterior vertebral artery via

Posterior inferior cerebellar aorta

Name change for dorsal ramus in posterior trunk

Primary ramus of t3 etc etc etc

Beginning of parasympathetic nervous system

S2,s3,s4 2,3.4 get our junk off the floor

1/2 of preglangionic parasympathetic neurons are located at these levels + where are the other half located

S2,s3,s4. + other half are located in the brianstem associated with the vagus nerve)

Conus medullaris aligns with what spinal cord levels

Sacral and coccygeal

dorsal horn (posterior horn) of grey matter

Sensory region

Trunk nerves terminal branch merges or stay separate


The DRG contains

Somatosensory neurons

Lumbar puncture (spinal anesthesia) what meningeal space location

Subarachnoid space

What space in life is a potential space?

Subdural space

Epidural space

Superficial to dura mater. Contains fat and internal vertebral plexus that drains spinal cord

Anterior and posterior radicular a. Supply spinal nerve, dorsal and ventral roots. T or F


Segmental a. Join longitudinal a. T or f


There are only nerve roots in Dural sac T or F


epaxial muscles

The muscles located posterior to the spinal cord.

hypaxial muscles

The muscles that are located anterior to the spinal cord.

How do sacral parts of sc located at L1/L2 make it to their intervertebral foramen?

The nerve roots extend down

If the Filum terminale is broken what would happen

The sc would float in canal and would get various symptoms

Do Anterior and posterior radicular a. Branch from regional arteries? but not merge with longitudinal a.


Azygous vein

a large vein on the right side at the back of the thorax, draining into the superior vena cava.


abnormal sensation such as numbness and tingling

dorsal ramus

branches to posterior part of body. Both sensory and motor travel this way.

Below L1-L2, the vertebral canal is occupied by a bundle of spinal nerve roots called the:

cauda equina

ventral root

contains axons of motor neurons

Ventral root

contains axons of motor neurons heading out of ventral horn

dorsal root

contains axons of sensory neurons that head into dorsal horn

vertebral canal

contains the spinal cord


disease of the nerve roots


dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater

dural sac

ends at S2. Ends as a blind pouch.

epidural lumbar puncture anesthesia

epidural space

lumbar puncture (spinal tap)

examination of spinal fluid withdrawn via a needle inserted in between two lumbar vertebra into the subarachnoid space of the spine

denticulate ligaments

extensions of pia mater that secure cord to dura mater

Varicella Zoster Virus lives and expressed how

in DRG and is expressed by each dermatome strip that it Innervates

The internal vertebral plexus of veins where?

lies inside the vertebral canal in the epidural space


muscle or group of muscles supplied by a specific spinal nerve

gray matter of spinal cord

nerve cell bodies arranged in a butterfly shape with anterior and posterior "horns"

intercostal nerves

nerves between the ribs

lumbar enlargement

nerves to pelvic region and lower limbs

The external vertebral plexus of veins lies

outside the vertebral canal

cervical enlargement

supplies nerves to the shoulder and upper limbs

filum terminale

thin thread of fibrous tissue at end of conus medullaris, attaches to coccygeal ligament

pia mater

thin, delicate inner membrane of the meninges Adherent to sc


tough fibrous sheath around a nerve

dura mater

tough, outermost layer of the meninges Tough mother

Shingles caused by

varicella zoster virus

arachnoid mater

weblike middle layer of the three meninges Small membrane No connections between arachnoid and dura

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