Exam 2

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(CH14 pre3) Distinguish between desert and jungle cacti.

Desert cacti are adapted to drought conditions, lack leaves, minimizing transpiration. often prickly. Jungle cacti, are generally epiphytic and adapted to humid and shady conditions. stems are flattened, and they lack ribs on their stems. not prickly.

(CH15 pre3) Describe the steps involved in a landscape design.

Design ideas (books magazines), design aesthetics (colors styles plants), plant site suitability, lines in the landscape (human eye tends to follow lines created in the landscape, row of trees ect), access and movement, proper care (maintenance, weeding, water), budget, The whole landscape (everything designed as a whole).

(CH12 1)Explain the underlying principles of a greenhouse design.

Designed to take advantage of sunlight. Transparent material allowing light. Sealed, not allowing humidity to escape, as well as insects, weather ect to get in. Many different types of greenhouses.

(CH12 3) Compare contrast glass, polyethylene, and fiberglass as glazing material for greenhouse.

Glass- does not transmit light in the UV range of light spectrum. durable. popular. 25+yrs. UV does not effect glass like others. expensive. breaks easily, heavy, does not retain heat well. Polyethylene- most common. least durable. plastic film. UV makes it brittle over time. Can be protected by double sheeting or chemical additives. Less light than glass Fiberglass- can be bent. newly installed is near quality of glass with light transmitting. over time light is less. 10-15 yrs. easier to cool. prone to extreme heat.

(CH13 1)Give an overview of the geography of greenhouse production in the United States.

Greenhouse produced floricultural plants account for about 35% of of total production. US lead the world in floriculture production. potted flowering plants (24%) foliage plants (18%) cut flowers (18%). Most important bedding plant states are California, Florida, Texas, and Michigan, accounting for 50% of total crop value. Southwestern greenhouses are expensive because it is hot there. cooling it expensive. Southwest is advantaged in the cooler months for greenhouses. Northeast region is disadvantaged harsh climate.

(CH12 pre2) Describe the methods of controlling indoor plant growth factors (light temperature moisture nutrients and air) for the benefit of crops.

Greenhouses are used solely for plant growth as a control environment suitable for the plants needs. The Greenhouse will be sealed to keep out undesirable wind, soil, insects and spores. You can have a covered ground to prevent weeds, improve sanitation and increase temperature control. Location is critical. Greenhouses are covered in transparent material to allow light to enter and the water in the greenhouse will evaporate but remain in the greenhouse increasing humidity control.

(CH11 4) Explain why plants often exhibit some degree of abnormal growth or changes in plant characteristics shortly after being in brought home from the commercial greenhouse.

Greenhouses have high intensity light whereas homes have low intensity lighting. This change is drastic for many plants, which immediately begin to readjust and adapt to the home environment. plants readjust differently. some plants drop their leaves, some make thinner leaves, others change colors from green to a yellowish. some people put plants through a weaning process before taking them home. (the idea is the same in humidity and temperature changes)

(CH11 pre1) Distinguish between practices involved in growing plants in the house and under controlled environments (greenhouses)

Growing plants in a space designated for plants is different than just in your home because the designated space can have a controlled amount of light and temperature. Whereas in your home with yourself, family and animals, your light need and temperature needs comes before the plants.

(CH12 pre3) Describe how greenhouses are used in the production of horticultural plants.

Greenhouses give you an advantage to control the perfect environment for plants, enabling you to grow many with a larger survival rate.

(CH15 pre 1) Define the term landscaping and discuss its categories.

Landscaping- function and aesthetics. Landscaping is the use of plants outdoors to fulfill aesthetic and functional purposes. categories- Residential landscaping, public landscaping, commercial landscaping, specialty landscaping.

(CH14 2) In what ways are cacti unique among succulents?

They have unique structure called areoles. An areole consists of two buds from which flowers, branches, fruits, and spines emerge. Thorns are also unique.

(CH14 5) Distinguish between jungle cacti and desert cacti.

answered previously

Adding organic matter to soil improves its structure by

contributing to formation of soil aggregates

Bringing a plant into bloom ahead of its normal season is called


Deriving a generalization from specific details is called

inductive reasoning

Damping-off infection of seedlings may be caused by a potting medium that has not been sterilized.


(CH16 pre4) List at least five plants in each of the categories of bedding plants, ground covers, ornamental grasses, trees, shrubs, and plants with underground modified structures.

Christmas tree-ground beds, evergreen and deciduous shrubs. red maple- shade tree. flowering tree- crab apple.

(CH12 4) Discuss the management of heat in greenhouse production.

Controlled primarily by devices, motorized windows, vents, ventilation fans, circulation fans, heaters, heating circles cooling pads and misters, thermal shades, sprayers and evaporators, and carbon dioxide generations.

(CH12 pre4) compare and contrast greenhouse and field production.

Greenhouses are controlled, temp, light, weather, humidity, ect. Field production is not controlled,, you have unpredictable outcomes, less survival rate, unpredictable weather, insects, diseases. ect.

(CH11 2) Discuss, giving, examples, how plants are used in the home.

Most common way plants are used in the home is as decor, meant to liven the home up. People will use decorated pots, or have unique plants, or have plant hangers. Second most common i think is to aid in air quality. A Lot of plants get rid of radicals in the air. Some plants let off fragrance. You can also use some plants in food or aromatherapy. cover up undesirable views.

(CH14 4) Describe how desert cacti adapt to drought conditions.

They lack leaves, have reduced leaf structure, eliminating or minimizing transpiration.

Both poinsettias and potted mums require LONG NIGHTS for development of flower buds


Refrigerating seed under moist conditions is a way of breaking seed ____


Asexual (vegetative) propagation results in plants with a mixture of traits from both parents.


Hydrozoning is

grouping plants according to their water needs.

Coarse aggregates (mineral ingredients) used in commercial potting media include

sand, perlite, vermiculite.

Fan-and-pad greenhouse cooling systems work because evaporation of water from moistened pads removes heat from the air.


(CH17 pre3) List five common plants in each of the categories of bedding plants, ground covers, ornamental grasses, trees, and shrubs.

Bedding plants: spider flower, babys breath, sunflower, sinnia, marigold. Ground Cover bedding plant: bishops weed, sweet woodruff, winter creeper, enlgish ivy, ajuga. Ornamental Grasses:Bottlebrush grass, revenna grass, giant reed, indian grass, pampas grass. Trees: tilia cordata, quercus palustris, european birch, pecan, pin oak. Shrubs: daphne, arrowwood, cranberry bush, mock orange, abelia,

(CH14 pre4) Describe the methods of cacti propagation.

Cacti can be raised from seeds, offsets, or cuttings. unglazed clay pots are preferred containers for cacti. Alot of moisture needed for seed germination. seeds scattered on the soil surface. Offsets come from older plants around the base of the stem. they can be cut off or pulled off from the parent plant. need to be dried before planting to prevent rotting. watered moderately. can also get cuttings off the stem.

(CH11 pre4) Discuss the correct ways of watering plants.

Check and see if your plant needs watering before you water it or do a set schedule. Check to see if the soil is still moist. Pay attention to signs of overwatering stress. It is best to measure your soil moisture by sticking your finger in about 1 inch or more or use instruments. You can water the soil directly from above or from below.

(CH11 6) Discuss how the material used in making containers feature in the management of potted plants.

Clay pots absorb more water than plastic pots, so they need more frequent watering. Clay pots can help to prevent overwaters, but are breakable and heavier than plastic pots. Clay pots increase likelihood of pot bound roots. Plastic pots can be all types of thickness, colors, ect. They are easier to clean, but retain more water and increase chances over watering.

(CH11 pre3) List ten common houseplants.

Lucky bamboo/dracaena sanderian Spider Plant/Chlorphytum comosum Aloe Begonia/ begonia sp African Violet/ saintpaulia

(CH12 2) Discuss the advantages of gutter-connected greenhouses.

Makes the buildings more economical to heat on a per-unit-are basis. greenhouses joined along the eaves to create a large, undivided space for a large operation.

(CH14 pre6) Describe how to propagate and care for bromeliads.

May be propagated from seed. The seeds are sowed and cared for the same as succulents. commercial nurseries raise them for sale. its easier thought to propagate by using offsets.

(CH11 3) Discuss the basis for locating plants in the home on the basis of light requirements.

Most indoor foliage do not require high light intensities. Most indoor plants are tolerant to imperfect light conditions and can just be moved occasionally. however your best bet is to purchase plants that work for your home. plants generally need 12 to 16 hours of light per day for proper growth and you can buy supplementary lighting to help five them that.

(CH15 pre4) Describe how plants are selected for a landscape.

Personal taste, certain colors, styles. formal to informal, symmetrical a symmetrical. naturalistic, highly designed. high maintenance or low maintenance.

(CH11 7) Give three major signs that a potted plant needs repotting.

Plant grows to big. Roots become pot-bound. Roots grow out the drainage holes. Plants are not growing, may need more nutrition in soil.

(CH13 2) Discuss the impact of plug technology on modern greenhouse production.

Plug technology has greatly facilitated the production of bedding plants and green potted plants. (FLorida California, and Texas) relatively easy to operate amenable to automation for quick and large scale production, operation is able to monitor for uniform germination, special seed treatments are easy to provide, cost effective, time to sale is reduced.

(CH19 pre5) Describe specialty pruning strategies such as espalier, topiary, and pollarding.

Pollarding: severe pruning of the plant after it has attained its maximum desirable height. Topiary: art of plant sculpture in which plants are trained and pruned into formal shapes. espalier training: is to create a work of art confined to a specific space, requires heavy pruning to control shoots on top of horizontal limbs.

(CH11 pre6) Describe how plants are repotted.

Remove the plant by putting the stem between two fingers, turning it upside down and tapping the bottom. watering the plant before removal can also help. Old pots should be cleaned and disinfected. you have to decide what type and size pot you need or want. Cover the drainage holes with a layer of pebble or gravel for drainage. Use a potting mix that is slightly moist. straighten out roots, put a layer of new soil in new pot, place plant and fill sides with new soil. Plant should be placed no deeper than previous pot.

(CH18 pre5) List advantages and disadvantages of each method of lawn establishment.

Sodding: rapid, expensive Plugging: timing is critical. labor-intensive. can be done mechanically. Sprigging: timing Seeding: uneven seeding if done by hand, slow,

(CH11 8) Discuss the role of plant growth cycle and seasons in the water and nutrient management of houseplants.

Spring- increase day length. gradual rise in temperature. affects when house light is turned on and humidity. Summer- More light, temps reach max, air is dry and hot, air conditioner is turned on, open curtains, danger by intense light from sun. Fall- Day length shortens temps decrease. heating system turned on. Winter- Day length minimal. room temps drop. indoor heating at maximum. danger to plant becomes in a variety of ways. plants in windows exposed to temperature extremes, very cold outside and very hot inside. severe winter damage. drafts from door. placed near heaters.

(CH11 10) Discuss the properties of a desirable potting mix.

Sterilized potting medium to kill pathogens. Depending on plants can be soil based or soiless. Soilless are lighter but lack nutrients. 1prt sterilized soil + 1prt medium grade + peat moss + 1prt fine perlite.

(CH14 pre2) Describe how succulents are propagated.

Succulents may be propagated from seed, cuttings, or offsets. seeds may be nursed in trays or pots containing a root medium that drains very well. seeds are sprinkled on surface and then watered. germination 2-3 weeks. keep moist with cover. cuttings are best in may and june for quick healing of wounds. sharp blade. leaf cuttings can be propagated by first rooting them in water or soil. cut surface should be allowed to dry for a few before planting. offsets are identical plants that develop as side growths from the mother plant.

(CH12 6) In what ways does fertilization of greenhouse plants differ from fertilization of field crops?

The volume of medium in a pot is only a fraction of that available to plants in the field. The growing medium may be soilless and need nutritional supplementation. greenhouse crops sometimes receive a hundredfold of the fertilizer applied in the field. Organic fertilizers are not generally used in in greenhouse plant production because they are not automatically applied through water ect and release a odor.

(CH11 pre5) Discuss the correct ways of feeding plants.

You can feed your houseplants with fertilizers in the form of solids, liquids, powders, crystals, or granules. Timing of feeding is crucial, as well as taking into consideration other factors.

(CH11 5) Discuss how moisture may be applied safely and effectively to potted plants.

You can increase humidity by using a humidifier, occasionally misting your plant, or using a pebble tray. Setting your pots on pebbles in a tray and adding water that is not higher than the pebbles.

(CH13 5) Discuss the advantages of greenhouse production over field production of plants.

You have security, less likely to lose your produce to outside factors, diseases, insects, bad weather ect.

(CH11 1) Compare and contrast the environmental conditions required for growing plants outdoors and indoors, pointing out how they are managed for optimum plant growth.

You have to take into consideration the temperature requirements and humidity requirements. For example, if you have plants that require a high amount of humidity but you live in a low humidity place (desert), you might keep that plant inside where you might have a water cooler. during the winter you may bring your plants inside or they will become dormant outside.

(CH15 1) Discuss the purpose of landscaping.

aesthetic and functional purposes. paint a picture. appeal, increase property value, blend concrete and architectural creations into natural scenery, provide privacy, control traffic, hide unsightly areas, modify environmental factors.

(CH15 3) Explain the landscape design principles of balance and focalization.

answered previously

(CH16 2) Compare and contrast bare-root and balled and burlapped tree seedlings as landscape planting materials.

bare root- dug up without soil around the roots, do not store well and are prone to transplanting shock. small trees and shrubs. lighter and easier to transport than balled and burlapped trees. balled and burlapped trees require plants to be planted in the ground and dug with a ball of soil around the roots. mechanical harvesters. soil is balled and wrapped with burlap material and tied. harvesting by tree spade can severely prune roots.

(CH16 pre2) List the categories of plants produced by a nursery business.

bare-root trees, balled and burlapped trees,

(CH17 1) What are bedding plants?

bedding plants are largely annual plants that are grown in beds. whereas vegetable bedding plants are grown for aesthetic reasons inthe landscape. bedding plants are grown for food.

(CH17 6) Give three shrubs with attractive fall colors in the landscape.

burning bush, sumac, spirea, red chokeberry.

(CH13 3) Give the pros and cons of hydroponic production.

can increase production costs, have to provide support for plants. commercial application is limited. because roots are only partially submerged plants are never in danger of waterlogging. using shallow water decreases need for extra support. disease organisms can be recirculated and infect all plants. pump failure can be disastrous. tedious work. regular fertilizing.

(CH16 3) Discuss the incidence of cold injury in container nursery production.

chilling injury and freezing injury. Chilling injury- surface legions, pitting, large sunken areas and discoloration, water soaked tissues, wilting and browning, internal discoloration, accelerated rate of senescence, slowed growth. Freezing injury- desiccation or burning of foliage, water-soaked areas, resulting in necrotic spots on the plant.

Rooting characteristics of woody plants that can cause problems in a landscape include ___________ (select all answers that are true).

circling roots. invasive roots. surface roots.

(CH17 4) Discuss three specific factors to consider in planting tree seedlings in the landscape to enhance their success.

condition of plant roots, woody transplant material, younger trees. (bare root trees, balled and burlapped trees, containergrown?)

(CH16 4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of container production?

container plant roots are less resistant to cold than field roots because they are less protected. burrying the pot in the ground can increase winter protection. pots can be moved, indoors, ect. transportation is easier. tree seedlings remain longer in the containers.

(CH18 pre2) List three examples each of popular cool- and warm-season turfgrasses.

cool-ryegrass, bluegrass, bentgrass. warm- grama, bermuda grass, carpetgrass.

SHORT NIGHTS during production of potted mums

delays flower bud development.

An individual's phenotype is a product of the genotype and ___


The gaseous hormone _____ stimulated fruit ripening


The hormone responsible for abscission or separation of leaves from stems of deciduous plants in the fall is___


Turfgrass should be kept as short as possible to decrease water use.


(CH19 4) Describe how a hedge should be pruned for best growth and development.

formal hedges should have a dense growth habit and tolerate close clippings. it is important that hedges be uniformly dense from top to bottom. sheared on regular basis. informal hedges- plants may be allowed to grow freely according to their natural shapes, and pruned only to restrict size and maintain an attracctive visual appearance.

The basic unit of heredity is the


(CH15 5) Discuss the use of landscaping to accomplish functional purposes outdoors.

golf courses landscaped to provide obstacles necessary for the game as well as for scenic beauty. zoological gardens adopt landscape designs that are functional with respect to the animals on display.

(CH11 pre2) List and discuss the factors that one should consider in growing houseplants.

good soil, air, water, light, and nutrients. Plants during the cold season need extra attentions. Supplemental lighting. Humidity.

(CH18 pre3) Discuss the guidelines for selecting turfgrass species.

growth habit, texture, competitiveness, resistance to wear, maintenance.

(CH12 8) The following exercises are designed to help the student better understand greenhouse energy issues. They were developed by Dr. AJ Both and Dr. David Mears of the Bioresource Engineering Department of Plant Biology and Pathology Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ:

heat exercises. Moving tables allowing for maximum space, and heating under tables. Greenhouse production of lettuce in soil.

(CH17 pre1) Define hardscaping.

is a term used for the installation of hard or static features in the landscape. simple (fences, walls, patios, and walks to major constructions such as fountains and pools.).

Limestone is often added to a potting medium containing Sphagnum peat moss because

it counteracts the acidity of Sphagnum peat moss

(CH13 4)Discuss the challenge of imports to the U.S. horticultural industry.

it is easy to transport so that makes alot of competition, meaning they need to lower their production costs.

(CH18 pre7) Describe how pests and diseases are controlled in a lawn.

keep turfgrass healthy and thick, lay properly. gaps allow room for weeds. poor nutrition less competitive to weeds. mowtereed and watered a few days before herbicide.

(CH14 1) What are succulents?

large group of plants, water storing adapted for low water conditions. dry land. fleshy plants.

(CH18 pre1) Distinguish between terms lawn and turf.

lawn- piece of land on which grass grows, residential commerical and recreational. Turf- used by horticulturalists to refer to grass that is mowed and maintained, commercial, recreational, residential. turf has three main functions- ornamental, sports, recreational.

(CH17 2) Discuss the role of ground covers in the landscape.

low spreading plants. reduce soil erosion on steep slopes, cover rocky and rough areas that are difficult to mow. cover up areas under trees that are poorly lit, hide unattractive parts of landscape, enhance aesthetic value of landscape.

(CH15 6) Give and discuss three major factors to consider in selecting plants for the landscape.

maintenance, cold and heat hardiness, sunlight availability, soil drainage, average rainfall.

White, woolly insects that resemble balls of cotton and congregate within stem axils are


Thatch build-up in a lawn can be controlled by regular ________ (select the 2 best answers).

mowing aeration

(CH14 pre5) Discuss how to care for cacti for healthy growth.

observe rest and growth periods, withold water during rest periods, provide optimal growth factors during growth periods. rain water should be used if unsure about sensitivity to tap water. dont put wet cactus in direct sunlight., it can burn. can be dried if over watered by uprooting and leaving it out to dry. some prefer partial shade, but many love sun. light intensity is critical. fertilizing is least important. clean plants after rest period, removing dust particles, washing roots. no soap. calls for water. warm climates. repotted every 2-4 years.

(CH18 pre6) Discuss how a lawn mowing schedule is developed and implemented.

once a week. no more than 30% of the leaf should be removed. pick a height and mow it whenever it gets there. inconsistent mowing is unhealthy.

The most common mistakes in landscape design are

overplanting and not accounting for mature plant size

(CH15 7) Discuss the concept of landscape appreciation.

perceive environment through engagement of their senses. smell, tough, sight, and sound. design landscape to evoke a certain response. communicate specific feelings. time place and circumstances make environment different. challenge is to combine intuition, creativity, training, and experience to create a design that meets the needs of the client.

In terms of LIGHT requirements for indoor plants, PAR stands for

photosyntheticaly active radiation.

(CH19 1) Discuss the general purposes of pruning.

previously answered

(CH14 3) Discuss the seasonal care of cacti.

previously answered.

(CH19 3) How is pruning different from training of plants?

pruning is removal of a portion of a tree that is used to correct or maintain tree structure. training is a new practice in which tree growth is directed into desirable shape and form.

(CH19 6) What is coppicing, and what is its purpose in the landscape?

purpose- cut to a short stump where new growth emerges. have dwarfing effects.

(CH19 2) Discuss how deciduous fruits are pruned.

remove dead, diseased, or broken limbs. proper training opens up the tree canopy to maximize light penetration. heading cut.

(CH19 pre1) List and discuss the general purposes of pruning

removing excessive and undesirable growth and structures by cutting. pruning is an art and a science. manipulating the growth of plants. apical dominance is broken when a stem is cut, stimulating new growth. pruning invigorates regrowth. pruning can be used to direct growth. timing is critical. 4 purposes sanitation, aesthetics, reproduction, physiology.

An experiment that can be tested statistically requires

replication and controls

(CH15 2) Distinguish between residential landscaping and commercial landscaping.

residential- individual homeowner needs. may establish a theme on homeowners and community. reflecting needs and taste of owner. Commercial- designed to look beautiful, blending architect with nature, pleasing, plants used too enhance edifices, beautiful offices, parks, designed for public use, schools, libraries, museums, colleges, maintaining public grounds. designed for broad spectrum of people.

(CH19 pre2) List the basic pruning tools and their uses.

shears, saws, ladders, pruning knife and rasp. pole pruners.

(CH16 pre1) Describe how a site for locating a nursery is selected.

should be selected after careful analysis, considering both economic and ecological factors. including soil and climate. more critical than greenhouse because it is open. temp, rainfall, wind, light, air pollution. drainage, topography, soil texture and structure, soil fertility. economic- markets, land, labor.

(CH15 pre2) List and discuss the basic principles of landscaping.

simplicity, balance, focalization, rhythm and line, and scale or proportionm transition. Simplicity- variety is a very important element, theme subject ect. distractions should be eliminated. Balance- stability resulting from equal distribution of weight around a central axis. Focalization- emphasis, center of attraction. Rhythm and line- sense of low or continuity. panoramic view. avoid disjointed display. scale or proportion- relationship with other structures and general functionality. size at maturity. Transition- gradual change in a factor. color. color wheel. three dimensional perspective.

(CH18 pre4) Describe how a lawn may be established by seeding, sodding, sprigging, or plugging.

sodding: sod is grass that is specially cultivated, mowed, and cut into strips like pieces of carpet, including about 1-2 inches of roots. most expensive. rapd results.. Plugging: transplanting of small pieces of sod plugs into holes in the seedbed. holes are spaced out. Sprigging: pieces of short stems or runners may also be used to establish a lawn. placing sprigs in shallow furrows. sprigs are covered so that only a little is above ground. Seeding:seeded by hand, mechanically. frequent watering.

(CH17 8) Discuss the planting of bulbs in the landscape.

some bulbs are planted in spring and others in fall. it is important that planting depth be uniform in the bed to promote even flowering. close planting is desirable. deeper they are planted the wider they are spaced. bulb planter (trowel or spade) used to remove plugs of soil where bulbs are placed. watered well after potting.

(CH17 pre2) Distinguish between formal garden and informal garden.

some gardener will grow any plant they find pretty. others are particular.

(CH16 1) Describe the role of the nursery in modern horticultural industry.

success of landscape depends on nursery worker, roles are supply the correct plants in terms of species, size, and other specified characteristics. supply healthy plants. supply materials in a timely basis deliver well packaged plant materials provide basic instructions for care.

(CH15 8) Describe what a landscape architect does.

the art of design, planning, or management of the land, arrangement of natural and man-made elements, through application of cultural and scientific knowledge. with concern for resource conservation, stewardship, enjoyable purpose.

Native plants are beneficial in urban gardens because ___________ (select the 2 best answers).

they attract native pollinators and other beneficial insects they are less likely to become invasive

The most effective cut for overall size control of landscape plants is a

thinning cut

(CH19 pre3) List and discuss the basic strategies of pruning.

thinning cuts, heading cuts,

(CH17 5) List five key factors that affect the selection of landscape trees.

timing, location, digging the hole, plant preparation, planting,

Which of the following statements about tissue culture is true?

tissue culture requires a sterile environment.

(CH17 7) What is the purpose of forcing in bulb propagation?

to induce flowering in the bulbs,.

(CH19 5) What is topiary?

topiary is the art of plant sculpture in which plants are trained and prunes into formal shapes.

(CH12 5) Describe how greenhouse producers manage light for optimal crop growth.

transparent walls/roof, artificial lighting/ having greenhouse in a sunny area/

(CH17 pre4) Discuss how the plants in each of the categories (3) above are planted.

trees: in nurseries from seedling, bare root tree, balled and burlapped trees, and container grown. immediate postplanting care- water retaining wall, mulch, staking and anchoring. shrubs: staking or anchoring is unnecessary because small,the rest is same as tree ornamental grasses: soil preparation. free of weeds. choose right type for your needs. close space, thorough watering and mulching after planting,

The goal of nursery plant production is to get plants to saleable size as quickly as possible to maximize profit.


Inducing a plant to flower by subjecting it to cool temperatures is called


(CH11 9) Tap water may be injurious to some potted plants. Explain.

water should be lukewarm, and soft. some places have very cold water and some plants are sensitive to salt.

(CH14 pre1) Describe the basic characteristics of succulents.

water storing adaptation that makes them thrive in harsh, water-limited environments in which other plants perish. These plants live on dry land and have fleshy leaves and stems that are covered with a thick waxy cuticle surface. specialized cells hold tightly to to water.

The planting hole for trees and shrubs should be

wider than it is deep.

Common materials used for greenhouse glazing include all EXCEPT:


(CH12 7)Describe how greenhouse design can optimize the use of greenhouse space.

you can use shelves, moving tables, heat under the tables.

(CH15 4) Describe the role of homeowner in planning the design of a landscape.

you need to know how high of maintenance you are willing to take on. certain themes you may want. high traffic areas, if you want to focus in areas or hide unsightly things.

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