Exam 2: Ch. 20-22

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cardiac output

(heart rate) X (stroke volume)

Identify components of the red pulp of the spleen. Choose all that apply: -lymphatic nodules -periarterial lymphatic sheath -splenic cord -venous sinus

-splenic cords -venous sinus

The chambers of the human heart include:

2 atria & 2 ventricles

Coronary blood releases about ________ of its oxygen to cardiac muscle under resting conditions.


Everything on the right side of the heart . . .

Is receiving blood from everywhere else

Describe lymphatic follicles

Lymphatic nodules found within lymph nodes

During a secondary response, what cell type responds to the exposure to the antigen?

Memory B cells

The right side of the heart . . .

Supplies blood to the lungs for exchange of respiratory gases

True/False: In comparing blood supply to different tissues, tissues with high metabolic demand will have more capillaries then those tissues that are less metabolically active.


True/False: Lymphedema is a result of the blockage of lymphatic drainage.


True/False: Lymphocytes are found in blood and lymph nodes.


True/False: Skeletal muscle cells experience tetany.



a narrow valve that never fully open

Ventricles must develop ectopi foci a. AV node block b. bradycardia c. fibrillation d. SA node block

a. AV node block

chemical mediators

act directly against microbes or activate other mechanisms that destroy microbes


active in controlling blood pressure

Defense mechanisms that are acquired through exposure to different pathogens and respond to pathogens more quickly and stronger upon repeated exposure are referred to as ________ immunity.


Defense mechanisms that respond to a particular foreign substance are classified as ________ immunity and defense mechanisms that can respond to various foreign substances are classified as ________ immunity.

adaptive; innate

The predominant tunic in large veins is the tunica ________.


The density of blood vessels supplying the myocardium may be increased by ________.

aerobic exercise

The right and left coronary arteries arise from the ________.


The vessel that carries blood out of the left ventricle is the ________.


What do the right and left coronary arteries arise from?


The blunt tapered inferior portion of the heart is the ________ of the heart.


Hardening of the arteries results in ________ and deposition of plaques in the walls of the arteries results in ________.

arteriosclerosis; atherosclerosis

A vascular arrangement in which blood flows directly from an arteriole to a venule with no capillaries presents is a(n):

arteriovenous anastomosis

Blood from the posterior abdominal wall drains into the ________ veins.

ascending lumbar

palatine tonsil

at junction between oral cavity and pharynx

Coronary arteries release the highest percentage of oxygen when a person is ________.

at rest

A condition called ________ involves deposit of material (plaques) in the walls of arteries.


Which of the following decreases heart rate? a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic stimulation

b. parasympathetic stimulation

The alternate name for the left atrioventricular (AV) valve is the ________ valve.


A drop in pH and rise in carbon dioxide ________ heart rate.


During exercise, blood flow ________ through the coronary arteries.


Define immunotherapy. Treatment of disease by:

increasing or decreasing immune functions

Regulatory T cells

inhibits activity of B cells, T helper and T cytotoxic cells

Interferon activity is part of our ________ immunity.


White blood cells, physical barriers, and chemical mediators are the three components of ________ immunity.


tunica intima

innermost layer; endothelium with its basement membrane ad lamina propria

The fossa ovalis is a depression in the ________.

interatrial septum

The upper chambers of the heart are divided from each other by the ________ ________.

interatrial septum

Intercellular communication between cardiac muscle cells is a result of specialized cell junctions termed _________________.

intercalated discs

Proteins produced by virally-infected cells that stimulate neighboring cells to produce antiviral proteins to inhibit viral reproduction are called ________.


Within a blood vessel wall, the ________ elastic membrane separates the tunica intima and tunica media.


The venous sinuses within the cranial cavity drain into the:

internal jugular vein

Edema occurs when there is an accumulation of fluid in the:

interstitial fluid

The right and left ventricles are divided from each other by the ________ ________.

interventricular septum

Tunica ________ lines the inside of the vessel and is exposed to the blood.



largest lumen

Tunica externa, tunica intima and tunica media are all ________.

layers found in the walls of the blood vessels


leaky valve that causes back flow of blood

Two-thirds of the heart's mass if found on the ________ side of the body.


Which ventricle has thicker walls? (left or right)


The anterior interventricular artery, the left marginal artery and the circumflex artery are branches of the ________ ________ artery.

left coronary

chamber with the thickest walls (also largest chamber)

left ventricle

During exchange at the capillaries, what can cross the endothelial cells, diffusing through the plasma membranes?

lipid soluble molecules and small water soluble molecules

The fluid that moves from the interstitial fluid into lymphatic capillaries is called ________.


A small secondary lymphatic organ found along the course of a lymphatic vessel that filters the lymph and functions as an activation site for B and T cells is a ________ ________.

lymph node

As lymph flows through the lymphatic vessels, the lymph flows through structures in series that filter the lymph. These structures are:

lymph nodes

What structure functions to filter lymph?

lymph nodes

What structure is located along the course of lymphatic vessels?

lymph nodes

The system that consists of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, the tonsils, the spleen and the thymus gland is the ________ system.


Excess fluid in the interstitial spaces is collected by:

lymphatic capillaries

Interstitial fluid becomes lymphatic fluid when it enters the:

lymphatic capillaries

Lymphatic nodules found within lymph nodes are called:

lymphatic follicles

Distinct connective tissue capsules surround _________.

lymphatic organs

Natural killer (NK) cells are a type of white blood cell, more specifically they are a type of ________.


Cells that are produced in red bone marrow, mature in either the red bone marrow of thymus, then circulate to and reside in lymphatic tissue are:


The white blood cell that is a primary component of lymphatic tissue is the ________.


Cells derived from monocytes that function as phagocytes and antigen-presenting cells are called:


The cells lining lymphatic sinuses of lymph nodes that function in the removal of foreign substances as lymph as being filtered:


A vein that is so often used to draw blood is the ________ vein, located in the cubital fossa (hollow area in front of elbow).

median cubital

The ________ vein connects are basilic vein and cephalic vein.

median cubital

The electrical charge difference between the inside and outside of the plasma membrane in excitable cells is referred to as the resting ________ ________.

membrane potential

Short vessels that link arterioles and capillaries are called:


Diffuse lymphatic tissue and lymphatic nodules are examples of:

mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)

A class of arteries called ________ arteries have a role in regulating blood supply into different regions of the body by constricting or dilating.


Vessels with 25-40 layers of smooth muscle within the tunica media are called ________ arteries.


pharyngeal tonsil

near junction of nasal cavity and pharynx

The first type of white blood cell to enter infected tissue where they act as phagocytes and release chemicals that are chemotactic and that enhance inflammation are:


Small deviations in extracellular sodium usually result in:

no change in heart function

tunica adventitia

outermost layer; connective tissue layer

The three groups of tonsils include the paired ________ tonsils, the ________ tonsil or the adenoids and the ________ tonsil.

palatine; pharyngeal; lingual

The ________ muscles are attached to the chordae tendlneae and prevent backflow into the atria during ventricular contraction.


found within the auricles

pectinate muscle

immune cells

phagocytes; production of chemical mediators

A form of endocytosis in which a cell surrounds a foreign particle with pseudopods and engulfs is called ________.


Skin and mucous membranes

physical barriers

lingual tonsil

posterior surface of tongue

The electrolyte ________ has the greatest chronotropic (heart rate) effect on the heart. An imbalance in this electrolyte is a medical emergency.


Dendritic cells

present antigens to B and T cells

Mucous associated lymphoid tissue

prevent microorganisms penetrating the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive tracts

Semilunar valve

prevents backflow of blood from great vessel into ventricle

What is the function of a vein valve?

prevents the reverse flow of blood through the vessel

Plasma cells

produce antibodies

Blood exits the right ventricle through the ________ valve.

pulmonary semilunar

Left atrium

receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins

Lymphocyte activation requires the ability for the lymphocyte to:

recognize an antigen and increase in number

Within the spleen, splenic cords and venous sinuses form the ________ pulp.


Describe vasodilation.

relaxation of smooth muscle in the tunica media which increases vessel diameter and blood flow

lymphatic capillaries

removes tissue fluid and absorbs lipids from the small intestine

Lymphatic tissues are built upon ________ and contain primarily ________.

reticular fibers; lymphocytes

Inferior vena cava

returns blood to the right atrium

One-third of the heart's mass is found on the ________ side of the body.


The right marginal artery and the posterior interventricular artery are branches of the ________ ________ artery.

right coronary

blood exits this chamber into the pulmonary artery

right ventricle

The valves between the ventricles and great vessels are called ________ valves.


The endothelium of capillaries is composed of _________ epithelium surrounded by loose connective tissue.

simple squamous

The group of cells located in the right atrium that act as a pacemaker for the heart is called the:

sinoatrial node

What part of the conducting system serves are the normal pacemaker of the heart?

sinoatrial node

The major types of veins are superficial veins, deep veins, and ________.


The largest fenestrae are seen in ________ capillaries while the smallest fenestrae are seen in _______ capillaries.

sinusoidal; fenestrated

Large molecules, such as clotting proteins and albumin synthesized by the liver, enter the blood through:


AV node firing

slows down action potential to the ventricles

The structure that destroys old a defective erythrocytes, contains immune cells that respond to foreign substances in the blood, and acts as a blood reservoir is the:


A surgical procedure in which the spleen is removed is called a(n) ________.


What is the function of interferons?

stimulate cells to produce antiviral proteins

An antigen is a substance that:

stimulates an adaptive immune response

The peripheral chemoreceptors that respond to oxygen levels of the blood and regulate heart activity are located in:

structures near the carotids and aortic arch

The internal and external jugular veins drain into the ________.

subclavian vein

The brachiocephalic vein is formed by the union of the ________ and the ________ veins.

subclavian; internal jugular

The azygos vein drains the thoracic wall and empties into the ________.

superior vena cava

Posterior Interventricular

supplies blood to the posterior and interior portion of the heart

Vasoconstriction is caused by ________ stimulation of vascular smooth muscle; ________ stimulation of vascular smooth muscle causes vasodilation.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

The period of contraction of a heart chamber is called ________.


The peak arterial blood pressure, generated by ventricular contraction, is ________ pressure while ________ pressure is the lowest arterial blood pressure, occurring during ventricular diastole.

systolic; diastolic

Action potentials spread the fastest from the SA node to:

the AV node


the blunt, rounded point of the heart oriented to the left of the sternum

Name the layer of a blood vessel that consists of endothelium, basement membrane, lamina propria, and an internal elastic membrane.

tunica intima

Name the layer of a blood vessel wall that is comprised of smooth muscle.

tunica media

The infolding of the tunica intima in veins forms structures called ________ which prevent reverse blood flow in the vessel.


Narrowing of blood vessels caused by contraction of smooth muscle cells in the tunica media is known as:


Blood flow increases as a result of ________.


Lymphatic vessels are anatomically very similar to:


Name the vessels which in general have thinner walls, less elastic tissue and fewer smooth muscles cells.


The left and right pulmonary ________ empty into the left atrium.


________ are the blood vessels that return blood to the heart.


What are portal veins?

veins that run from one capillary bed to a second capillary bed

What are cardiac veins?

veins that transport blood from the walls of the heart to the right atrium.

The right and left ________ are the thick inferior chambers of the heart that pump blood into the arteries.


What are the thick inferior chambers of the heart that pump blood into the arteries called?


During which phase of the cardiac cycle does blood flow through the coronary circulation?

ventricular diastole

When does blood flow through the coronary circulation increase?

ventricular diastole

after load

ventricular pressure needed to overcome aortic pressure

S-T interval

ventricular systole

List the correct order of blood flow from capillaries to the heart.

venules, small veins, medium veins, large veins

Arteries, capillaries, and veins are types of blood ________.


Electrical changes across the membrane cause the opening and closing of ________-gated ion channels..


The most important cellular component of the immune system is the ________ blood cell.


The periartial lymphatic sheath and the lymphatic nodules are part of the ________ pulp of the spleen.


The most important cellular component of the immune system is the ________.

white blood cell

As blood enters the spleen, it first passes through the ________ pulp, then through the ________ pulp.

white; red

Within the spleen, ________ pulp is associated with arteries and consists of lymphatic tissue (periarterial lymphatic sheath). The ________ pulp is associated with veins and contains macrophages and erythrocytes.

white; red

complement, pyrogens and interferons

chemical barriers

What term refers to a group of identical lymphocytes, all of which target the same antigen?


Heart sounds are associated with valve (closure, opening)


Enhanced phagocytosis, inflammation and chemotaxis, as well as lysis of cells occurs as a result of:


The blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen only to the heart muscle make up the specific type of circulation called the ________ circulation.


Lymphatic ducts

drain lymph into veins

Place the events of the baroreceptor reflex in chronological order. A. An increase in blood pressure within the aorta stimulates an increase in frequency of action potentials within the baroreceptors B. Heart rate and stroke volume decreases. C. Response is a decrease in blood pressure. D. Sympathetic response decreases and parasympathetic response increases. E. Afferent signals sent to the medulla oblongata.

1. A 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. C


filters blood



Distinct connective tissue capsules surround which of the following?

lymphatic organs

tunica medla

middle layer; smooth muscle layer

Blood flow into capillary beds is regulated by ________.

precapillary sphincters

physical barriers

prevent microbes from entering body or removes them from body surfaces

Newly found blood cells enter circulation from the bone marrow and lymphatic organs via:


Thymus gland

site of T-cell maturation


slowed flow allows diffusion

fenestrated capillaries

small intestine

Right marginal artery

supplies blood to the lateral wall of the right ventricle

The type of blood vessels with thinner and less muscular walls are ________ while the blood vessels with thicker and more muscular walls are ________.

veins; arteries

What vessels empty into the right atrium? (Choose all that apply) -superior vena cava -pulmonary veins -coronary sinus -pulmonary arteries -inferior vena cava

-inferior vena cava -superior vena cava -coronary sinus

Indicate the veins that merge to form the common lilac veins. Choose all that apply: -deep femoral vein -internal lilac vein -femoral vein -external lilac vein

-internal lilac vein -external lilac vein

Identify the characteristics of cardiac muscle cells. -non-striated appearance -organized myofilaments -peripherally located nuclei -elongated, branching cells -intercalated discs between cells

-organized myofilaments -elongated, branching cells -intercalated discs between cells

Identify the components of the white pulp of the spleen. Choose all that apply: -periarterial lymphatic sheath -venous sinus -lymphatic nodules -splenic cord

-periarterial lymphatic sheath -lymphatic nodules

Identify the typical requirements for the production of an immune response by either T or B cells. -recognition of an antibody -release of cytokines -recognition of an MHC-II/antigen complex -costimulation

-recognition of an MHC-II/antigen complex -costimulation

What are the actions of the cell-mediated immune response?

-responsible for delayed hypersensitivity reactions -targets intracellular microorganisms -targets tumor cells

What are some examples of physical barriers important in innate immunity? Chose all that apply. -natural killer cells, macrophages -interferon, complement -skin, mucous membranes -saliva, tears, mucus

-skin, mucous membranes -saliva, tears, mucus

The flow of lymph is induced by:

-squeezing of the surrounding skeletal muscles -rhythmic contractions of the lymphatic vessels

Indicate the characteristics of neutrophils: Choose all that apply: -stimulate chemotaxis of other WBCs -part of innate immunity -release of antibodies -enter tissue later in infection -enhance inflammation

-stimulate chemotaxis of other WBCs -part of innate immunity -enhance inflammation

Identify organs of the lymphatic system. Choose all that apply: -liver -tonsils -pancreas -thyroid -spleen -lymph nodes -thymus

-tonsils -spleen -lymph nodes -thymus

Select the terms used to describe the tunics of a blood vessel. Choose all that apply: -tunica adventitia -tunica media -tunica externa -tunica intima -tunica connectiva

-tunica adventitia -tunica media -tunica externa -tunica intima

Select the terms used to describe the tunics of a blood vessel. -tunica media -tunica adventitia -tunica intima -tunica externa -tunica connective

-tunica adventitia -tunica media -tunica intima -tunica externa

List the order of lymphatic vessels as lymph flows from the tissue to the subclavian vein. 1. Lymphatic capillaries 2. Efferent lymphatic vessels 3. Collecting duct 4. Afferent lymphatic vessel 5. Lymphatic trunk 6. Lymph node

1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 3

List in order the events of the cardiac conduction system.

1. The SA node fires 2. Excitation spreads through atrial myocardium 3. AV node fires 4. Excitation spreads down AV bundle 5. Purkinje fibers distribute excitation through ventricular myocardium

Impulse conduction through the cardiac conduction system is slowest through the ________ node, allowing a pause between atrial conduction and ventricular conduction.


The group of autorhythmic cells in the interatrial septum of the heart that relays excitation from the atria to the ventricles is known as the ________ node.


Helper T cell

Activates B cells and cytotoxic T cells

The two types of lymphocytes in lymphatic tissue are ________ cells and ________ cells.

B; T

The plateau region of the cardiac action potential is associated with ______________ ion channel opening.


Identify the ions that affect cardiac muscle function. (Choose all that apply) Calcium Phosphate Sodium Potassium

Calcium, Sodium & Potassium

Cytotoxic T cell

Destroy cells via lysing or production of cytokines


Diffusion of Ca++ into the cell


Diffusion of K+ out of the cell

Initial depolarization

Diffusion of Na+ into the cells

True/False: Action potentials from the SA node travel to all cells in the atria and the AV node at the same rate.


True/False: Both lymphatic tissues and lymphatic organs have distinct connective tissue capsules surrounding them.


True/False: Lymphatic vessels are found in all body tissues


True/False: Lymphocytes only mature in the thymus.


True/False: The artery that exits the aorta and then divides into the circumflex artery, the anterior interventricular artery, and a marginal artery is the right coronary artery.


True or False: Lymphocytes are produced in lymph nodes.

False; Lymphocytes are blood cells and, like other blood cells, they are produced in the red bone marrow

True/False: Antibodies directly attach to and destroy their antigens.

False; the antibodies can physically block antigen activity, cause them to clump or precipitate, or initiate inflammation or complement activation which in turn leads to the destruction of the antigens

In pulmonary circulation, veins carry ________ and arteries carry ________.

O2-rich blood; deoxygenated blood

Lymphatic nodules located in the lamina propria of the intestinal mucosa are called:

Peyer's patches

The terminal branches of the conduction system that distribute the electrical signals throughout the ventricles are called:

Purkinje fibers

The left side of the heart . . .

Supplies blood to the systematic circulation

The primary cells involved in cell-mediated immunity are ________ cells, while ________ cells are the primary cells involved in antibody-mediated immunity.

T; B

True/False: The underlying function of the circulatory system is to deliver adequate blood flow to tissues to meet their needs.


What is a thoroughfare channel?

a channel that directly links a venule to an arteriole.

What is a sinusoid?

a large diameter capillary with very large fenestrae

It is important to know the location of the heart for __________. (choose all that apply) a. cardiopulmonary resuscitation b. body temperature readings c. applying leads for ECG d. listening to heart sounds

a. cardiopulmonary resuscitation, c. applying leads for ECG & d. listening to heart sounds

What condition results from leakiness of the valves in veins? a. varicose veins b. myocardial infarction c. atherosclerosis d. stenosis

a. varicose veins

The predominant tunic in large veins is the tunica:


Tunica ________ of blood vessel walls is comprised of connective tissue.


What is the importance of the action potential delay at the AV node?

allows for the completion of atrial contraction before ventricular contraction

A direct connection between multiple arteries that provides an alternate route of blood flow if blockage occurs is an arterial ________.


A direct connection between two arteries that provides an alternate route of blood flow if blockage occurs is called an arterial ________.


A(n) ________ -mediated immune response is effective against extracellular antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins when they are outside the cell..


A substance that stimulates an adaptive immune response is a(n)________.


The semilunar valve associated with the left ventricle is the ________ valve.


Blood exits the left ventricle through the _________ valve.

aortic semilunar

Ventricular contraction begins at the ________ of the heart.


Blood vessels with thinner muscular walls are ________ while blood vessels with thinner walls with minimal smooth muscle are ________.

arteries; veins

Name the smallest arteries that possess three tunics in their walls.


Small arteries called ________ are capable of vasoconstriction and vasodilation.


The condition called ________, or hardening of the arteries, results from degenerative changes to arterial walls, reducing their elasticity.


P-Q interval

atrial systole

The valves that prevent the backflow of blood into the atria are called ________ valves.


The valves that separate the upper and lower chambers of the heart are called ________ valves.


The group of autorhythmic cells in the interatrial septum of the heart that relays excitation from the atria to the ventricles is known as the ________.

atrioventricular node

The thin-walled superior chambers of the heart are called the right and left ________.


increase surface area of atria


The basilic vein of the arm becomes the ________ vein as blood flows through the armpit.


The lymph nodes are located in the arm pit are the:

axillary lymph nodes

During systole of the ventricles the ______________ valves close. a. Semilunar b. AV

b. AV

Which atrium contains oxygenated blood? a. Right atrium b. Left atrium c. Neither d. Both

b. Left atrium

_________________stretches the ventricular walls thereby increasing the force of contraction. a. Cardiac Output b. Preload c. Afterload d. Viscosity

b. Preload

Which artery branches from the left coronary artery and provides blood to the posterior side of the heart? a. anterior intraventricular artery b. circumflex artery c. right coronary artery d. right marginal artery

b. circumflex artery

Blood is in the pulmonary artery is ________________________. a. oxygenated b. deoxygenated

b. deoxygenated

Which feature of the lymphatic capillaries allows fluid to enter from the interstitial space, but prevents the lymph from returning to the interstitial space? a. valves arising from the inside of vessel walls and extending into the lumen b. overlapping squamous cells of vessel walls c. their location within tissues, intertwining with blood capillaries

b. overlapping squamous cells of vessel walls

B cell

becomes a plasma or memory cell following differentiation

continuous capillaries

blood brain barrier

The sequence of events that begins with heart muscle contraction and ends with the beginning of the next contraction is called the ___________ ___________.

cardiac cycle

P-QRS-T waves represents

cardiac cycle (1 heart beat)

The veins visible on the forearm and hand drain into the:

cephalic and basilic veins

Chemicals or microbial components that attract white blood cells to a particular site are called ________ factors.


The process by which white blood cells move toward a chemical signal is called ________.


Plaques are the result of the accumulation of ________ in the tunica intima.


connective tissue that supports the AV valves

chordae tendinae

The string-like structures that attach the AV valves to the papillary muscles are called ________ ________.

chordae tendlneae

Which is not a type of capillary? -fenestrated -continuous -complete -sinusoid


There are no gaps between endothelial cells in ________ capillaries.


In the posterior coronary sulcus is a large vein called the ________ which collects venous drainage from all of the coronary veins and drains into the right atrium.

coronary sinus

The coronary artery runs along the ________ sulcus and supplies blood to the ________.

coronary; right ventricle

Within a lymph node, the lymphatic nodules (follicles) are located in the:


A knowledge of heart location would NOT be important for which of the following? a. cardiopulmonary resuscitation b. stethoscope positioning c. electrocardiograms d. blood pressure readings

d. blood pressure readings

Which of the following is true of an individual who is lacking a thymus? a. they will not have any immunprotection b. they will not have mature B-cells in circulation c. they will not be able to produce complement d. they will not have mature T-cells in circulation

d. they will not have mature T-cells in circulation

Vasoconstriction causes a ________ in blood flow.


In response to drastically decreased oxygen levels, the carotid receptors ________ the heart rate.


Lymphatic nodules

dense arrangements of lymphatic tissue organized into spherical structures

In systemic circulation, veins carry ________ and arteries carry ________,

deoxygenated blood; O2-rich blood


designed to minimize friction as blood flows through the heart


designed to minimize friction of beating heart

The junctions that hold cardiac muscle cells together are called ________.



destroys defective red blood cells and serves as a blood reservoir

The period in which a heart chamber relaxes and fills with blood is called:


Systole is to contraction as __________ is to __________.

diastole; dilate

Arteries that can partially regulate blood supply are also called muscular or ________ arteries.


Conducting arteries are also called ________ arteries.


As blood flows through ________, its pressure fluctuates between systolic and diastolic pressure.

elastic arteries

Name the arteries that have the most elastic tissue and the least smooth muscle.

elastic arteries

The walls of venules consists of:

endothelium, its basement membrane, a few smooth muscle cells


experiences the highest blood pressure

Name the structure which separates the tunica media from the tunica adventitia.

external elastic membrane

The indicated blood vessel is the ________ ________ vein.

external jugular

The endothelial cells of some capillaries have areas of the plasma membrane where the cytoplasm is absent and the membrane is very porous. These areas are called ________.


Intestinal villi, ciliary processes of the eye, glomeruli of the kidney, and choroid plexuses of the brain are common locations of ________ capillaries.


lymph nodes

filters lymph


flat, superior and of the heart that lies deep to the sternum and extends to the second intercostal space

The fetal opening in the interatrial septum if referred to as the ________ ________.

foramen ovale

The ________ ________ are channels in intercalated discs that allow ions to flow directly from the cytoplasm of one cardiocyte to another.

gap junctions

The ________ of the intercalated discs allow the entire myocardium of both ventricles to contract as a unit.

gap junctions

Where in a lymph node do B-cells undergo proliferation, differentiation, and activation?

germinal center

The blood vessel that collects venous drainage from the left side of the heart and travels alongside the anterior interventricular artery is the ________ ________ vein.

great cardiac

The jugular veins drain the:

head and neck

By definition, the failure of any part of the cardiac conduction system to transmit signals is called:

heart block

During a response to an antigen, the first type of lymphocyte to proliferate is ________ T cells.


Name the portal vein that carries nutrient rich flood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver.

hepatic portal vein

Fenestrated capillaries are:

highly permeable

macrophage, neutrophils and basophils

immune cells

antibodies are found:

in body fluids outside of the cell

Describe Peyer patches. Choose all that apply: -Groups of lymph nodules -Associated with the appendix -Associated with the large intestine

-Associated with the appendix -Groups of lymph nodules

Prior to antibody production by plasma, which must occur?

-B cell proliferates in response to cytokines -B cell binds to, endocytotizes, processes, and presents antigen -Some active B cells converts to plasma cells -Helper T cell binds to MHC class II/antigen complex on B cell

What are the layers of the heart wall and associated membranes in order, beginning with the most superficial structure?

-Fibrous pericardium -Parietal pericardium -Pericardial cavity -Epicardium (visceral pericardium) -Myocardium -Endocardium

The mechanisms by which antibodies (Ab) can inactivate or affect the functioning of antigens (Ag) include: Choose all that apply: -antibody binding causes clumping or precipitation of antigens by binding to two separate antigens -antibody/antigen bonding causes activation of complement cascade -antibody binding causes antigen to break apart, rendering it unable to function -antibody binding it to antigen, blocking its ability to function -antibody/antigen binding causes inflammation

-antibody binding causes clumping or precipitation of antigens by binding to two separate antigens -antibody/antigen bonding causes activation of complement cascade -antibody binding it to antigen, blocking its ability to function -antibody/antigen binding causes inflammation

Describe the thymus gland. choose all that apply: -consists of a network of reticular fibers -located in the abdominal cavity -is an endocrine gland -bilobed gland

-bilobed gland -is an endocrine gland

Identify tissues that are lacking lymphatic vessels. Choose all that apply: -liver -bone marrow -cartilage -skeletal muscle -central nervous system

-central nervous system -bone marrow -cartilage

Describe the structure of lymphatic vessels. choose all that apply: -middle layer of skeletal muscle and elastic tissue -consist of 3 layers of tissue -similar in structure to small arteries -contains one-way valves

-consist of 3 layers of tissue -contains one-way valves

Indicate the veins carrying blood into the right atrium. Choose all that apply: -coronary sinus -pulmonary trunk -inferior vena cava -pulmonary veins -superior vena cava

-coronary sinus -superior vena cava -inferior vena cava

Choose the two variables that will increase blood flow. Choose all that apply: -decreased resistance (R) -decreased pressure difference (P1-P2) -increased pressure difference (P1-P2) -increased resistance (R)

-decreased resistance (R) -increased pressure difference (P1-P2)

Indicate the way(s) in which the circulatory system meets the needs of the tissues. Choose all that apply. -adjusts heat production -deliver O2 and nutrients -adjusts the amounts of hormones secreted into blood -removes wastes -regulates amount of blood flowing to each tissue

-deliver O2 and nutrients -removes wastes -regulates amount of blood flowing to each tissue

Indicate the type of junctions found at intercalated discs. (Choose all that apply) -desmosomes -T tubules -tight junctions -gap junctions

-desmosomes -gap junctions

Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) prevents microorganisms from penetrating the: Choose all that apply: -digestive tract -thymus gland -respiratory tract -central nervous system -urinary tract -reproductive tract

-digestive tract -respiratory tract -urinary tract -reproductive tract

Identify the functions of lymph nodes. Choose all that apply: -site of B and T cell development -filtration of lymph -site of B and T cell activation -filtration of blood

-filtration of lymph -site of B and T cell activation

Identify the functions of the heart. -adjusting blood supply depending on tissue needs -generating blood pressure -gas exchange of oxygen/carbon dioxide -separating pulmonary and systemic circulations -moving blood in one direction -emotional responses to stimuli -moving lymph through lymphatics

-generating blood pressure -separating pulmonary and systemic circulation -moving blood in one direction -adjusting blood supply depending on tissue needs

When compared to arteries of the same diameter, veins (select all that apply): -have less smooth muscles -have thinner walls -have valves -have more elastic tissue

-have less smooth muscles -have thinner walls -have valves

When compared to arteries of the same diameter, veins: Choose all that apply -have valves -have less smooth muscles -have more elastic tissue -have thinner walls

-have thinner walls -have less smooth muscles -have valves

Portal veins are associated with the: Choose all that apply: -bronchi -kidney -hypothalamus -stomach -liver

-hypothalamus -liver

Put the following in order as seen on a standard ECG trace. -ventricular depolarization -ventricular repolarization -atrial depolarization

1. atrial depolarization 2. ventricular depolarization 3. ventricular repolarization

List in correct order the structures of the cardiac conduction system (start with the pacemaker).

1. sinoatrial (SA) node 2. atrioventricular (AV) node 3. atrioventricular (AV) bundle 4. right and left bundle branches 5. Purkinje fibers 6. Ventricular myocardium

List the correct order of veins carrying venous drainage from the anterior thoracic wall to the superior vena cava. 1. superior vana cava 2. anterior intercostal veins 3. internal thoracic veins 4. brachiocephalic veins

2, 3, 4, 1

Place the structures that lymph flows through a lymph node in order. 1. efferent lymphatic vessel 2. sinuses of cortex and medulla 3. afferent lymphatic vessel 4. subcapsular sinus of the cortex

3, 4, 2, 1

List the following events of B cell activation and antibody production in correct order. 1. B cell proliferates, enlarging clone 2. Receptor on helper T cell binds MHC II/antigen complex 3. Some B cell of the clone become plasma cells that produce and secrete antibody molecules 4. B cell binds to antigen; B cell endocytizes and processes antigen 5. Helper T cell releases interleukins as costimulators 6. Antigen is presented on B cell surfaces along with MHC class II molecule

4, 6, 2, 5, 1, 3

List the order of veins as blood would flow from the foot to the inferior vena cava: 1. inferior vena cava 2. external iliac vein 3. fibular vein 4. popliteal vein 5. lateral plantar vein 6. common iliac vein

5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 1

What are vasa vasorum?

blood vessels that nourish the tunica adventitia and tunica media

At a given point in time, blood flows in the heart from:

both atria to both ventricles

The radial and ulnar veins drain into the ________ vein.


The electrical pathway by which signals leave the AV node to move to the interventricular septum is the atrioventricular ________.


When someone has worsening angina due to atherosclerosis and medications/lifestyle changes aren't enough to improve your health, then _____________________ is a treatment option to improve coronary blood flow. a. heart transplant b. an apple a day c. angioplasty d. myocardial infarction

c. angioplasty

The ________________ valve prevents backflow into the left ventricle. a. tricuspid b. bicuspid c. aortic d. pulmonic

c. aortic

Blood vessels that consist of only a single layer of endothelial cells resting on a basement membrane are ________.


The vessels that are the site of exchange between the blood and the tissue fluid are the ________.


The heart is predominately composed of _______ muscle tissue.


What are venules?

the smallest veins

The lymphatic vessel found along the posterior midline of the abdominal and thoracic cavities from about the 12th thoracic vertebra to the base of the neck is the ________ ________.

thoracic duct

Lymph is drained from the entire left side of the body along with the right side of the body inferior to the thorax by the ________ duct and the lymph from the right side of the head is drained by the right ________ duct.

thoracic; lymphatic

A passageway that provides relatively direct blood flow from the arteriole to the venule is called a/an ________.

thoroughfare channel

The bilobed lymphatic gland located within the mediastinum is the ________ gland.


The lymphatic organ that produces a hormone called thymosin, which is important to the process of T-cell maturation is the:


The lymphatic structure that increases in age until 1, then remains the same until approximately 60 when it decreases in size is the ________.


Diffuse lymphatic tissue

tissue lacking a clear boundary blending with surrounding tissue

Groups of lymphatic nodules and diffuse lymphatic tissue found deep to the mucosa within the pharynx (throat) are the ________.


muscular ridges of the ventricular wall

trabeculae carneae

Systemic circulation:

transports blood from the left ventricle to the body tissues to supply the tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

Pulmonary circulation:

transports blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs for exchange of gases.

The valve found in the right side of the heart between the upper and lower chamber is the ________ valve.


SA node firing

triggers atrial depolarization

Purkinje fibers firing

triggers ventricular depolarization

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