Exam 2: MGT 3513: Introduction to Human Resource Management (Dr. Kincy Madison) Spring 2018: Mississippi State University

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Developing performance appraisal items

1. Job analysis 2. Job description 3. Performance appraisal items

2 types of absolute judgement

1. Narrative essays 2. Rating scales

Content of the Interview

1. Seek additional job related information and examples of past job related behavior 2. Provide information about (the company, job, and expectations)

Halo bias

1st good impression covers the whole interview

Employee referral

asking employees to refer someone to fill the vacancy (Benefits: motivation, referring good employee makes you look good) (Negatives: bias and preference can create a lack of diversity and lead to lawsuits)


aspect of the job that will be evaluated by the performance appraisal (performance appraisal item)


at the interview stage candidates are assumed to be qualified

Pre employment screening

background investigations are used to determine the accuracy of information and obtain information from different sources depending upon the position

Rating scales

can access behaviors and traits and use anchors to define the scale, but are limited to general information

Forced distribution

classify employees into groups (ex. Top, middle, lowest)

Relative judgement

compare an employee's performance to the performance of other employees doing the same job

Labor shortage

demand > supply


depending on the situation we can use slides and videotapes (cheap and consistent information) simulations and virtual reality (interactions) or classroom and role-plays (interactions)

Medical exam

determine if whether an applicant is capable of performing the work and the American's with Disabilities act does not prohibit theses exams but determines when it can occur

Paired comparison

each employee is compared with another employee

Main legal concern with training

employees must have an equal opportunity to training and development programs

Internal labor market

existing employs (inside the organization)


learning the content of training

Absolute judgement

make judgment about an employee's performance based solely on performance standards

Review of Resumes

many companies now use software to scan resumes for key words

Horn bias

one negative impression taints the whole interview

External labor market

outside the organization


performance appraisals that assess Behaviors are the most legally defensible


personal characteristics (tend to be subjective)


process of choosing the individual BEST suited for a particular position and organization from a group of applicants (Goal is to match people with jobs and organization because selecting the wrong person can be costly)

Preliminary screening

process of eliminating CLEARLY unqualified job applicants early in the selection process ( 3 to 5 second comparison of resume to job description)

Return on results

the company's return on training investment

Employment at will

the employer can terminate you at any time for any non discriminatory reason and you can quit at any time for any reason

Negligent hiring

the liability that a company incurs when it fails to conduct a reasonable investigation into the applicants background (Whether the risk of harm was reasonably foreseeable by the employer)


the main difference between training and development is that training focuses on the CURRENT while development focuses on the FUTURE


the medical exam can ONLY be done after an offer to hire has been made


the more steps in the selection process the better employee you will get

Labor supply

the number of available workers who possess the required skills that an employer might need

Labor demand

the number of workers an organization needs

HR planning

the process an organization uses to ensure that it has the RIGHT AMOUNT and RIGHT KIND of people to deliver a particular level of out put


the process of generating a pool of qualified candidate for a job


the process of making the hiring decision


the process of orientating new employees


the two main purposes of performance appraisals are Administration and Development


the ultimate objective of trainings is *transfer of Training*


throughout the selection process we are rejecting people

On the job training

training in the actual work setting with the benefits of relevant experience and cheaper, but the drawbacks can include costumer frustration

Flypaper approach

try to attract as many applicants as possible and emphasize the good points of the job leading to Unrealistic Expectations Of The Job and Higher Turnover


two types of interviewer bias are horn and halo

Selection tests

used to predict future job performance

Don'ts of interviewing

• Children • Age • Disabilities • Physical characteristics • Material status • Citizenship • Arrest records (ask about convictions) • Smoking • Diseases • Religion

Types of Selection test

• Cognitive aptitude (IQ) • Psychomotor abilities (strength and coordination) • Job knowledge • Work sample • Personality • Genetic testing • Hand writing analysis • Polygraph testing

Evaluating Recruitment Effectiveness

• Determine what source to use • Yield rations (input/output) • Cost per hire • Applicant quality (by source)

Sources of appraisal

• Direct supervisor review • Self review • Peer review • Subordinate review • 360 degree feedback

Approaches to recruitment

• Flypaper approach • Realistic Job preview (RJP approach)

HR planning

• Forecast the labor demand • Estimate the labor supply

Hiring process

• HR Planning • Recruitment • Selection • Socialization

External recruitment sources

• High schools and vocational schools • Community colleges • Colleges and universities • Competitors in the labor market • Former employees • Unemployed workers • Military personnel • Self employed workers

Internal recruitment methods

• Human resource database (proactive) • Job posting/ bidding (they have to apply)

Potential interviewing problems

• Inappropriate questions • Permitting non-job-related information • Interviewer bias • Interviewer domination • Lack of training • Nonverbal communication

External recruitment methods

• Media advertising • Employment agencies • Recruiters • Job fairs • Internships • Executive search firms • Professional associations • Unsolicited applicants • Open houses • Event recruiting • Sign-on bonuses • Competitive games

Concluding the interview

• Obtained necessary information • Tell applicant the will be notified • Determine most suitable candidate

Method of Interviewing

• One on one interview • Group interview (several applicants) • Board interview (several interviewers) • Multiple interviews • Video interview • Stress interview

3 levels of needs assessment

• Organizational analysis • Task Analysis • Personal analysis

Factors affecting the selection process

• Other HR functions • Legal considerations • Decision making speed • Organizational hierarchy • Applicant pool • Organizational fit

Objectives of needs assessment

• Performance • Quality • Conditions (ex. Conduct CPR on a dummy, making no mistakes, without assistance from instructor)

Evaluating selection effectiveness

• Quality of hire • Time required to hire • New hire retention • Hiring manager overall satisfaction • Turnover rate

4 levels of training evaluation

• Reactions • Learning • Behavior *transfer of training* • Return/results

Selection process

• Recruiting candidates • Preliminary screening • Review of applications and resumes • Selection tests • Employment interviews • Pre Employment screening • Selection decision • Physical exam • New employee

2 measurement tools

• Relative judgement • Absolute judgment

Types of training

• Skills • Retraining • Cross functional • Diversity • Crisis • Ethics • Socialization (organizational) • *Sexual harassment*- most common

3 types of relative judgement

• Straight ranking • Paired comparison • Forced distribution

Challenges of training

• Training is NOT always an appropriate solution • Goals of training should be clear and realistic • Training can be expensive, but may be a worthwhile investment


Knowledge, skills, abilities (part of a task analysis and obtained from the job description)

Selection decision

(most critical step) choosing the person who most closely conforms to requirements of open position and organization

Needs Assessment

(phase 1) the purpose is to determine if training is needed

Development and conduct

(phase 2) the location options of this include on the job training and off the job training


(phase 3) reevaluating the training process to insure that training is effective and worth the investment


* actual behavior

Transfer of training

* use their new skills and knowledge on the job


Employee referral is the MOST effective tool for getting quality long term employees

What are the two schools of thought about reference checks concerning a companies previous employees?

Two schools of thoughts: • Can't tell them anything cause could get sued • Can tell everything, honest


actual results (can be affected by things other than the employee)


all medical exams must be directly relevant to the job requirements and a firm cannot order a medical exam until the applicant is offered employment

Behavioral interviews

ask candidate to tell you about a time they had a particular issue and how they responded

Promotion from within

filling job vacancies with current employees (Benefits: already trained, empowerment, raises, motivation, low cost ) (Negatives: lack of diversity, new vacancy, can't be used for entry level positions)

Off the job training

formal courses and simulations

Situational interviews

gives candidate a situation and ask how they will respond to predict future actions

Employment interview

goal oriented conversation where the interviewer and applicant exchange information (PRIMARY method to evaluate applicants)

Control group

group of workers who did not go through training

Performance appraisal

includes the identification, measurement, and management of human performance in an organization

Review of Applications

including essential information in a standardized format to reflect the company's needs and EEO requirements and should include: • Certification that information is accurate • State position is EMPLOYMENT AT WILL • Gives permission for background check

Reference checks

information from individuals who know the applicants and provides insight and verification with the possible flaw that it is ONE SIDED


providing employs with specific skills for their current job or helping them overcome deficiencies in their performance


providing employs with the abilities the organization will need in the future

Unstructured interview

questions are asked opened and followed up (can't be used to compare employees and can open the door for discrimination)

Straight ranking

rank order from best to worst

Narrative essays

raters give information in a narrative form (cons limited by time and writing skills)


reaction to training

Selection tests

reliable and accurate means of selecting qualified employees at a minimal cost and find information that may not appear in an interview (Potential Problems: • Can do vs. Will do • Test anxiety • Discrimination lawsuits)

Structured interview

same job related questions are asked to every candidate (can be compared)

Realistic Job Preview

show the good AND bad points of the job leading to More Realistic Expectations of Job and Lower Turnover


situational and behavioral interviews are better predictions of job performance

Labor surplus

supply > demand


test need to be job related and valid predictors because a personality test caused a company to be sued for adverse impact upon individuals with disabilities

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