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Intrinsic motivation includes many internal sources of motivation. These might include:

- interests - beliefs - personal enjoyment and pleasure - sense of accomplishment - personal pride - skill development and competency - social status - power

Results in a high level of satisfaction when that person completes projects on time, closes sales with prospects, or drives new and innovative ideas.

A high need for achievement

When Home Depot needed to re-establish a customer service culture, they instructed employees on how to behave, how quickly to speak to customers, and what to say. Home Depot accelerated the culture change with

A training program

There are four major theories in the needs-based category:

Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Frederick Herzberg's dual factor theory, Clayton Alderfer's existence-relatedness-growth (ERG) theory, and David McClelland's acquired needs theory.

David McClelland's theory

Acquired Needs Theory

Clayton Alderfer's ERG theory modifies Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory.

Alderfer's ERG Theory > Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Existence > Psychological and safety needs Relatedness > Social and self-esteem needs Growth > Self-actualization needs

E.H. Schein's three levels of corporate culture are

Artifacts, values, and assumptions.

What role do stereotypes play in the workplace?

Aside from the rare exception where they may open the door to a learning experience, stereotypes have no place in the workplace.

What is something that is important to do during the unfreezing stage?

Communicate your vision and plan for change.

Bill is a Brazilian immigrant. Bill's work before joining the group was terrific, a breakthrough in combining position data and financial modeling. He joined a new group to clean up a financial database. His work relied on cooperation from the IT department, and they claimed to be too busy to help. He made no substantive progress for months. Peter, the executive for the division, did not like Bill from the start. When he heard of the delays, he blamed Bill. This is an example of

Confirmation bias.

Rob teaches online for a community college. Because the course is online, he is careful about structuring the course so it is easy to navigate and the instructions are clear and consistent. He checks into the course regularly to respond to student messages and check their progress. In the Big Five personality traits, Rob is


In 2007, the auto companies asked for a two-tier pay structure. New hires would be paid half as much. But "The problem with two tier isn't just the low pay," said Bill Parker, president of a Detroit-area Chrysler local. "The problem is that two tier creates a division within our ranks." As a consequence,

Dissidents wanted equal pay for equal work. - At the UAW convention in 2011, dissidents wore T-shirts that read, "Do the math! = pay 4 = work = solidarity!"

Which is a reason for managers to understand personalities and work behaviors?

Effective leading requires an understanding of employees' personalities, attitudes, and values.

In 2005, AIG, an insurance conglomerate, was forced to restate its financial statements for the previous 5 years. Since lenders are reluctant to lend without good financial statements, employees were under pressure to finish quickly. Accounting staff were working 12 hours a day. Some worked 6 and 7 days per week. 70 hour work weeks were routine. Management needed to temper the demand for speed with concerns for

Employee stress levels

Perceived fairness

Equity theory

Two main process based theories

Equity theory, and Expectancy theory

Corresponds to the psychological and safety needs


Under Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a person focuses on one level at a time. A hungry person does not spend energy on social needs such as joining a MeetUp or group or book club and would not go to church, for example. Alderfer relaxed this constraint. He saw that people address different needs simultaneously. For example, a hungry person struggling with ________ needs might still go to a book club to address ________ needs.

Existence, relatedness

The belief or expectation that the employee can accomplish the goal.


CEOs are often offered stock options to align their interests with stockholders (in theory). But CEOs have more levers to raise stock prices than just improving the company. Financial gimmicks like stock buybacks can increase the stock price without increasing the net value of the company. CEOs can still cash in their stock options, worth tens of millions of dollars. The motivating factor for CEOs who use gimmicks like this is

External. - These CEOs make decisions to increase their external or financial rewards.

Raj is smart. He doesn't do anything unless he can see the payoff for himself, and he works all the angles. Raj is

Extrinsically motivated.

Corresponds to self-actualization needs


Companies recruit candidates who are most likely to fit their culture. Studies have found that a good fit between a candidate's personality and the company's culture leads to better retention. Companies can also use ________ to maintain their culture.

Hiring decisions and training.

A friend graduated from your current college last year with a degree in accounting. After several interviews, she accepted a position with a top accounting firm. She was pleased with the offer: challenging work and an opportunity to gain valuable experience, and the highest salary of any accounting major from your school that was offered last year—$6,500 a month. Twelve months have passed. You graduated with an accounting degree as well, and got hired by the same firm as your friend. Your friend has enjoyed the challenges, worked hard and performed very well, and even received a $200-a-month raise. However, when she found out you received $7,000 a month, she won't talk to you, and you found out she was actively looking for another job.

In this example, the relevant inputs would be the hard work your friend was providing, the number of months she has worked there, and her loyalty to the organization. The outputs are the rewards your friend receives from the situation. The $6,700 a month your friend is receiving is a salient output. Other outputs could include benefits or the positive working relationship she has with her supervisor. Friends referent - you

According to Robert Half Management Resources, most change efforts fail because of

Inadequate communication.

a way in which managers might tend to show favoritism in judgment. Those who have been fortunate enough to be accepted in the manager's "in" circle receive special positive judgments, while those not in that circle do not.

Ingroup Bias

Asks if management will honor the bargain.


Bill is a sales person at a Fortune 500 company. Although the company has an excellent reputation in the market, the inside view is very different. Despite a sales cycle of 6 months to a year, quotas, accounts, and other elements of compensation are changed on an ongoing basis—often during the middle of a cycle, or retroactively applied to the cycle that just ended. Meeting quota, not to mention personal financial objectives, seems to be out of the individual sales representative's control. Bill is an experienced and highly motivated sales person; he has won numerous quarterly and annual sales awards. Bill's ________ is low.


Focuses on employees' perceptions of the quality of the interpersonal treatment received during the enactment of organizational procedures

Interactional Justice

Rob works in a textbook order fulfillment plant for the summer. The foreman offered him a choice of two jobs: (1) collecting books and filling the boxes or (2) checking the books in the boxes, sealing the box, and adding the label and invoice. Both jobs are tedious and repetitive, but the checking needs to be separated from the collecting. What could the foreman do to relieve the routine?

Job Rotation- The foreman can implement a practice of job rotation that allows employees to learn something new and avoid boredom burnout.

The process by which managers decide how to divide tasks into specific jobs is known as _____.

Job design

Nick's Pizza and Pub requires employees to mix it up. After training, they can serve customers, run the cash register or make pizza, whatever needs doing at the time. This approach is

Job rotation

Amy is a great social organizer even though her job is credit analysis. Jorge is very analytical and loves the more complicated spreadsheets. Frank likes his routine. As a manager, who should get the job of analyzing a new portfolio of questionable loans?


Jeanne is outgoing, even flamboyant. In any meeting, she soon draws the attention of her colleagues. Her math and spreadsheet skills are weak. She loves teaching and the students generally love her. Her hobby is studying the work of Shakespeare and Moliere. In terms of person-job fit, Jeanne is probably

Lead instructor for a theater camp - Her knowledge, skill, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAO) would fit this job

Which is an example of meeting the needs of the esteem tier in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Liam working well with his coworkers and feeling that they appreciate his contribution.

Research in education finds people with a fixed mindset define ability primarily by innate talent, whereas individuals with a growth mindset believe ability depends just as much on effort. When faced with a challenge, those with a growth mindset may feel greater control over their development compared to someone with a fixed mindset, who may feel unable to overcome their shortcomings. This insight can be used in business and improve

Motivation - A growth mindset helps people avoid discouragement at early failures. Failure is routine in business.

Acquired Needs Theory

Need for achievement, affiliation, and power all operate in combination and are the result of a person's life experiences.

Stacy worked for Freddie Mac for 21 years in various roles: financial analyst, credit analyst, and customer representative. She believes in Freddie Mac's mission of making homes affordable. Stacy demonstrates

Organizational commitment

In 2013, when Frontier Airline was struggling, union employees agreed to a pay cut to help the firm survive. Indigo Partners acquired Frontier in 2014 and executive managers received large payouts. Union employee pay was not restored to the previous levels. The employees started a campaign asking for fair treatment. They asked for

Organizational justice - organizations must try for fairness or justice or employees will learn to distrust management.

According to the equity theory of motivation, we:

Perceive fairness if we believe that the input-to-output ratio we are bringing into the situation is similar to the input/output ratio of a comparison person, or a referent.

________ is defined as the degree to which a person's values, personality, and other characteristics match those aspects of an organization.

Person-environment fit

________ is defined as the degree to which the abilities, knowledge, skills, and other characteristics of a person match the job demands.

Person-job fit

________ is the unique, relatively stable set of thoughts, behavioral patterns, and feelings of a person.


Aaron is the owner of a profitable art gallery. He often makes jokes at others expense, degrades the artists whose work he refuses to display, and enjoys his ability to delegate tasks to other people. His position and the way he uses its status express his personal need for

Power- Taking advantage of those who work for him expresses his values of power

Professor Jon Maner and Charleen Case of the Kellogg School of Management experimented on teams. They wanted to see which people would sabotage others and under what conditions. In McClelland's acquired needs theory, these saboteurs are most likely those who showed a need for

Power- Those who desire power can succeed by undermining competitors.

Refers to the degree to which fair decision-making procedures are used.

Procedural Justice

The Department of Labor has charged Google with discrimination against female engineers. These women are seeking ________.

Procedural Justice - these women want equal pay for equal work, which is a process based decision.

Motivation depends on a comparison to others


________ is the motivation theory that behavior is a function of its immediate consequences.

Reinforcement theory

Corresponds to social and self-esteem needs


As a manager applying reinforcement theory, what methods would you use to increase the frequency of a desired behavior?

Reward the desired behavior and thereby reinforce it.

Colleagues were concerned when they heard reports about an incident where someone broke into an office two streets away and threatened several individuals at knifepoint. Due to lack of security in their own office, several people spoke to Greg, the boss, asking him to do something. After speaking with building management, he arranged for a security guard to be present 24/7, rather than only at night. Greg had a responsibility to meet employees' basic need for


Under Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a Walmart employee who requires food stamps to make ends meet is probably not worried about

Self actualization - In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, people do not consider higher needs like self-actualization until basic needs are met.

Which of the following is one of the sources of resistance to change?

Self interest.

reflects the human tendency to focus on ourselves and prefer those who are like we are. It leads managers to give special, positive attention and judgments to those who somehow remind the manager of himself or herself

Similarity bias

Before the 2008 crisis, loan officers at Countrywide were paid $500 for each loan they originated. Loan officers were responsible for making sure application forms were filled out correctly. But Countrywide did not establish documentation guidelines to ensure the integrity of loan application documentation. For example, the loan officer was paid the same whether the borrower provided proof of his or her salary or not. What is missing from the loan officer's goal?


Travis Kalanick is the founder of transportation network company Uber. Uber's board gave him a great deal of freedom in running the company because of his past success. When allegations of systematic sexual harassment arose against the company, the board preferred to let Kalanick, the CEO, handle it. But in June 2017, he was forced to resign as the CEO when he was accused of having done little to stop the rampant harassment. The board may have exhibited

Spillover bias

can skew a manager's perspective by paying too much attention to past information. This bias usually relates to a prominent episode in the employee's past activities that comes to dominate the manager's thoughts about that employee.

Spillover bias

As a manager, how can you influence your employee's expectancy perceptions positively?

Talk with employees and discover what they value, and use those as rewards for good performance.

Big Bank USA has started using a personality test on candidates, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Most of the successful people at the bank are ESTJs - Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judgmental. Intuitive people, Ns, and Feeling people, Fs, are generally uncomfortable with the culture and eventually leave. The HR department has decided to avoid this by just hiring one type, the ESTJs. How would you advise Big Bank's management?

The MBTI is not useful or suitable for hiring decisions

Organizational Culture Includes

The shared values, attitudes, standards, and beliefs that characterize members of an organization and define its nature.

Extrinsic motivation includes motivational stimuli that come from outside the individual.

These stimuli take the form of tangible rewards, such as commissions, bonuses, raises, promotions, and additional time off from work.

The theory suggests that managers will need to help regressing employees see the importance of their pursuit of higher needs to their personal growth.

This is referred to as the frustration-regression principle.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Top ( highest )- Self actualization : inner fulfillment Down - Esteem : Self worth, accomplishment, confidence Down - Social : family, friendship, intimacy, belonging Down - Security : Safety, employment, assets Bottom ( first )- Physiological : Food, water, shelter, warmth

The three steps in the basic process of managing organizational change outlined by Kurt Lewin are which of the following?

Unfreezing, change intervention, and refreezing.

Peter, the boss, is upset with Mike for bringing up an ethics issue. If Mike had left it alone, then no one might ever know there was an issue. Peter begins avoiding him and excludes him from meetings. According to reinforcement theory, Mike is

Unlikely to bring up another ethics issue. - Behavior is not rewarded is less likely in the future.

Is the degree to which an employee values the rewards, such as a promotion or pay raise.


The ________ in expectancy theory means the value the employee puts on the reward.


Stable life goals that express what is most important to a person are:


The expectancy theory says that a rational calculation determines whether individuals are motivated to demonstrate more effort or less effort. Questions people ask themselves as part of this rational calculation include:

Will my effort lead to high performance? Will management deliver if the goal is met? Do I find the outcomes desirable?

You are a relatively new manager at a regional company that has a policy of conducting annual employee surveys. Survey data will be available for review tomorrow - two days before your monthly team huddle. The company does not have an established procedure for working with survey data. As a manager, how should you handle survey results?

You should summarize survey data and share results and discuss any issues with employees

What would be considered "hygiene" factors as described by Herzberg?

Your office building is right next to the dump, so some days it is hard to concentrate over the smell.

Perceptions of organizational justice affect employee attitudes toward the company. In general, employees want

a workplace characterized by fairness, where everyone is treated with equal respect and given equal opportunities.

People who have a strong need to be successful have a high need for


People who value building relationships have a high need for


Companies can accurately assess employee work attitudes by

conducting confidential attitude surveys and exit interviews.

During this stage of the grief cycle people may act as if nothing is actually changing


A _____ workforce may offer more creative approaches or solutions to problems.


The explosive growth in global trade means that large corporations are hiring Americans of mixed cultural backgrounds. For example, first-generation Americans of immigrant parents may speak two or more languages well. To deal with firms in other countries, large corporations benefit from

employees from diverse backgrounds.

Clayton Alderfer modified Maslow's hierarchy of needs into three categories:

existence, relatedness, and growth (ERG).

While job satisfaction focuses on the employee's feelings about his particular role, organizational commitment looks at

how the employee feels about the organization as a whole.

According to Herzberg, the strongest motivators are

interesting work, responsibility, achievement, recognition, growth, and advancement.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator classifies personalities into 16 types. The test is

not supported by statistical testing.

When talking about personality traits, the acronym OCEAN stands for

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Diversity as a strategy hopes to gain, for example, from more problem-solving approaches or more connections. In this context, diversity includes

personality, cognitive style, education, and social background.

People who are motivated to influence others and control their environment have a high need for


An employee's job satisfaction is strongly influenced by the

relationships the employee has with coworkers and managers.

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