exam 3 bio 2

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Amoebas, foraminifera, and radiolarians move using their A. cytoplasm B. flagella C. cilia D. setae


Among protists, a mixotroph is both A. phototropic and heterotropic B. unicellular and colonial C. mobile and sessile D. asexual and sexual


Ascomycetes form reproductive spores in A. a special sac called the ascus B. gills on the basidiocarp C. sporangiophores D. the mycelium


Chlamydomonas is unlike plants in that in chlamydomonas A. gamete fusion is not followed by mitosis B. only chlorophyll a is found C. phycoerythrin makes the green of chlorophyll D. both haploid and diploid phases of the life cycle occur


Compare what happens to a spore mother cell as if gives rise to a spore with what happens to a spore as it gives rise to a gametophyte. A. the spore mother cell and the spore both go through meiosis B. the spore mother cell and the spore both go through mitosis C. the spore mother cell goes through mitosis and the spore goes through meiosis D. the spore mother cell goes through meiosis and the spore goes through mitosis


Determine which of the following is correct regarding the yest Saccaromyces cerevisiae. A. it reproduces asexually by a process called budding B. it produces an ascocarp during reproduction C. it belongs in the group zygomycota D. all of the above are correct


Encephalitozoon cunicull is an intracellular parasite, why can't it live on its own? A. it lacks a mitochondira B. it lacks a nucleus C. it lacks DNA D. it lacks plasma membrane


Examine the life cycle of cellular slime molds, and determine which feature affords the greatest advantage for surviving food shortages. A. cellular slime molds produce spores when starved B. cellular slime molds are saprobes C. a diet of bacteria ensures there will never be a shortage of food D. cellular slime molds use cAMP to guide each other to food sources


Fungi reproduce A. both sexually and asexually B. sexually only C. asexually only D. sexually, asexually, and by fragmentation


If a cell contains a pellicle, it A. can change shape readily B. is shaped like a sphere C. is shaped like a torpedo D. must have a contractile vacuole


The distinguished feature of chytrids are A. motile zoospores B. a haploid gametophyte C. meiosis after fertilization D. sexual reproduction


Which of the following groups of fungi is not monophyletic? A. zygomycota B. basidiomycota C. glomeromycota D. ascomycota


Which of these protist super-groups has given rise to two multicellular kingdoms? A. chromalveolata B. rhizaria C. arhcaeoplastida D. unikonta


Choose all of the following that are photosynthetic A. diatoms B. ciliates C. apicomplexans D. dinoflagellates

A, D

Appraise the fungal relationship between a forest tree and a basidiomycete and determine the most suitable classification for the symbiosis. A. parasitism only B. an arbuscular mychorrhizae C. ectomycorrhizae D. a lichen


Fossil evidence of eukaryotes dates back to A. 2.5 BYA B. 1.5 BYA C. 2.5 MYA D. 1.5 MYA


Lichens are mutualistic associations between A. fungi and plants B. fungi and algae C. fungi and insects D. fungi and coral


Meiosis in basidiomycetes occurs in the A. hyphae B. basidia C. mycelium D. basidiocarp


More than half of the described fungi species are in the A. basidiomycota B. ascomycota C. zygomycota D. chytridiomycota


Neocallimastigomycetes can digest the cellulose that is found in plant cell walls. They are found living inside the digestive tract of many herbivores. What kind of relationship is this an example of? A. parasitism B. mutualism C. commensalism


One piece of evidence supporting the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of eukaryotic cells is that A. eukaryotic cells have internal membranes B. mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA C. the nuclear membrane resembles the organelle membranes D. mitochondria have silica in their cell walls


The Actinopodia do not A. have hard calcium carbonate shells B. have amoeboid shapes in many groups C. have glassy silicon exoskeletons D. have spiky needle-like pseudopods


The early evolution of terrestrial plants was made possible by mycorrhizal relationships with the A. zygomycetes B. glomeromycota C. ascomycota D. basidiomycota


The sporophyte form of the protist ulva A. produces gametes B. contains haploid sperm C. produces diploid spores D. is the product of fertilization


Which of the following is not a characteristic of the fungi kingdom? A. heterotrophic B. cellulose cell walls C. nuclear mitosis D. nonmotile sperm


Which pathogenic fungus colonizes in humans? A. aperergillus flavus B Ustilago maydi C. Batrachonchytrium dendrobatidis D. Pheumocyctis jiroveci


Which protists are used as geological markers that are used to search for petroleum? A. radiolarians B. forams C. diatoms D. myxomycotes


Zygomyceyes are different from other fungi because they do not produce A. a mycelium B. fruiting bodies C. a heterokaryon D. a sporangium


Choose all of the following that exhibit an alternation of multicellular generations. A. dinoflagellates B. brown algae C. red algae D. diatoms


Both diplmonads and parabasalids A. contain chloroplasts B. have multinucleate cells C. lack mitochondria D. have silica in their cell walls


Giardia lack mitochondira, implying that A. the cells do not carry out oxidative respiration B. the cells nuclei do not contain mitochondrial genes C. they are a primitive form of protist D. they are not a primitive form of protist


Glomeromycota fungi are obligate plant symbionts, this means A. they harm the plant B. they grow best when associated with a plant C. they cannot live without a plant symbiont D. they are parasites


Mitosis in multicellular fungi differs from that seen in other multicellular organisms in that A. the spindle apparatus is formed outside the nucleus B. there is no DNA replication between mitotic divisions C. the nuclear envelope does not break down D. centrioles regulate the formation of microtubules


Molecular taxonomists have begun to suspect that the protist ancestor of fungi was a A. charophyte B. choanoflagellate C. nucleariid D. cellular slime mold


Plants are unlike charophytes in having all of the following except A. haplodiplontic life cycle B. diploid embryos C. plasmodesmata D. all of the above


Stramenopila are A. tiny flagella B. large cilia C. small hairs on flagella D. pairs of large flagella


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fungus? A. cell walls made of chitin B. a form of mitosis different from plants and animals C. ability to conduct photosynthesis D. filamentous structure


Which of the following species of fungi is not associated with disease in humans? A. Pneumocytisis jirocei B. Aspergillus flavrus C. candida albicans D. bareachochutrium dendrobatidis


A fungi cell that contains two genetically different nuclei would be classified as A. monokaryotic B. bikaryotic C. homokaryotic D. heterokaryotic


All protists possess A. cell walls B. functional chloroplasts C. multicellular organization D. nuclei


Analyze the following statements and choose the one that most accurately supports the endosymbiotic theory. A. Mitochondria rely on mitosis for replication. B. Chloroplasts contain DNA but translation does not occur in chloroplasts. C. Vacuoles have double membranes. D. Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria can have the same effect on mitochondria.


Based on physical characteristics, the ______ represent the most ancient phylum of fungi. A. basidiomycota B. zygomycota C. ascomycota D. glomeromycota


Choose which of the following best reflects the symbiotic relationship between animals and fungi. A. protection from bacteria B. colonization of land C. protection from desiccation D. exchange of nutrients


Chytridiomycota and their close relatives inclue members that A. use sex pheromones B. are a danger to frogs C. digest cellulose D. all of the above


In a culture of hyphae of unknown origin you notice that the hyphae lack septa and that the fungi reproduce asexually by using clumps of erect stalks. However, at times sexual reproduction can be observed. To what group of fungi would you assign it? A. chytridiomycota B. basidiomycota C. ascomycota D. zygomycota


Microsporidia are A. protists B. cellulose digestors C. flagellated D. intracellular parasites


Mycorrhizae help plants obtain A. water B. oxygen C. carbohydrates D. minerals


Protists do not include A. algae B. ciliates C. apicomplexans D. mushrooms


Protists that form aggregates, have cellulose cell walls, and are heterotrophic are probably A. ciliates B. choanoflagellates C. radiolarians D. slime molds


Symbiotic relationships occur between the fungi and A. plants B. bacteria C. animals D. all of the above


The gills of a mushroom A. extract oxygen from the atmosphere B. contain the spores C. are the mature adult form the fungus D. are diploid


The protists that share the most recent common ancestor to plants are found in the A. rhizaria B. archaeplastida C. amoebozoa D. chromalveolata


When the protein-encoding genes of chlamydomonas are compared to red algae and plant genomes, A. most of the chlamydomonas genes are unique B. most of the red algae genes are unique C. most of the plant genes are unique D. most of the genes are common to all three groups


Which is most likely the ancestor of animals? A. trypanosomes B. diplomonads C. ciliates D. choanoflagellates


Which of the following is not a protist mode of locomotion? A. waving cilia B. extending pseudopodia C. shortening axopodia D. gliding on extruded slime


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