Exam 3 C11101
How do we end relationships? Do we use different strategies for friendships vs romantic relationships?
End Romantic Relationships: lack of autonomy, compatibility, support Sudden Death: betrayal, no warning Passing Away: relationships decline over time End Friendships: Withdrawal/Avoidance - Spend less time together, avoid places Machiavellian tactics - Having a third party convey one's unhappiness about a relationship. • Positive tone strategies - communicate concern for the rejected friend and try to make the person feel better• Openness - Straightforwardly explaining why the relationship is ending.
Can you define and explain the 5 different theories of relationships?
Attraction Theory: Forces that draw people together (proximity, attractiveness, similarity) Uncertainty Reduction Theory: reduce uncertainty positive first meeting, close relationship, cease interaction Predicted Outcome Theory: explains Uncertainty Reduction = attraction or repulsion Social Exchange Theory: maximize rewards and minimize costs of relationships Equity Theory: satisfied, fair, costs/rewards balanced
Chap 14
Communicating Through Social and Interactive Media
Chap 9
Communicating in Close Relationships
Chap 11
Communicating in Organizations
Chap 12
Communicating in Public: Rhetoric
Chap 13
Communication and Media
Can you identify the qualities that define close relationships?
Frequency Intensity Diversity of contact Level of intimacy Level of importance Level of satisfaction
How does Relational Dialectics Theory help us understand how we manage relationships? Can you identify sets of competing needs that we try to fulfill in relationships?
Relational Dialectics Theory: Needs fulfilled: Autonomy and Connection (independence/feeling close) Expressiveness and Privacy (self-disclosure/keep things to ourselves) Change and Predictability (security/spontaneous)
Do you understand the concept of Knapp's Stage Model? What is the main divide between the five stages on one side and five on the other side?
Relationships occur in stages/staircase Focuses on how people communicate as relationships develop/decline Commitment: Initiating Experimenting Intensifying Integrating Bonding Termination: Differentiation Circumscribing Stagnating Avoiding Terminating
How do we initiate romantic relationships vs friendships? What is Social Penetration Theory?
Romantic Relationships: flirting, non-verbal signs, apps Friendships: shared activity, reciprocal self-disclosure Social Penetration Theory: (onion) Communication and self-disclosure = relationship development 3 dimensions: Breadth Depth Frequency
Chap 10
Small Group Communication
What is the turning point model, and how can turning points impact relationships?
Turning Point Model: couples move toward/away from commitment during the relationship Turning points impact relationships increase, decrease, lessen commitment