exam 3 management

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As group passes through each of these four stages, it is generally become more mature and effective

* members function as a unit * members participate effectively in group effort * members are oriented towards a single goal * members have the equipment, tools, and skills necessary to attain group goals * members ask and receive suggestions, opinions, and information from one another

Nonverbal behavior

*Visual restatements. Use as many visual restatements as possible, such as pictures, graphs, tables, and slides. *Gestures. Use more facial and appropriate hand gestures to emphasize the meaning of words. *Demonstrations. Act out themes. *Pauses. Pause more frequently *Summaries. Hand out written summaries.


*total power* : a manager posses is made up of two different kinds of power: position power and personal power *position power* : is power derived from the organization position a manager holds *personal power* : is power derived from a manager's relationship with others

5 steps in capacity decision

1 measure the capacity of currently available facilities 2. estimate future capacity needs on the basis of demand forecasts 3. compare future needs and avaiable capacity to determine whether capacity must be increased or decreased 4. identify ways to accommodate long range capacity changes (expansion or reduction) 5. select the best alternative based on quantitative and qualitative evaluation

steps for increasing total power

1. a sense of obligation toward the manager 2. a belief that the manager posses a significant level of expertise within the organization 3. a sense of identification with the manager 4. the perception that they are dependent on the manager


1. interact w one another 2. are psychologically aware of one another 3. perceive themselves to be a group

flexible manufacturing

A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a production method that is designed to easily adapt to changes in the type and quantity of the product being manufactured. Machines and computerized systems can be configured to manufacture a variety of parts and handle changing levels of production

job enrichment

A motivational strategy that emphasizes motivating the worker through the job itself. page 329

Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership

Charismatic Leadership: Leaders possess characteristics or act to inspire their followers. Transformational Leadership: Leaders change things from what could be to what is; they translate a vision into reality. Servant Leadership: Leaders are there to serve their followers and take care of their needs..

Successful Teams

Developmental activities in which successful groups engage: Forming - Establish the ground rules for acceptable behavior Storming - Conflicts over positions, power, and status Norming - Agreement on shared goals and norms Performing - Energies channeled toward task performance Adjouring: now the team is finshing its job and preparing to disband.


Expectancy Theory


Groupthink is a mode of thinking that a group members engage when the desire for agreement so dominates the group but it overrides the need to realistically appraise alternative solutions. Groups tend to slip into group thing when their members become overly concerned about being too harsh when critiquing one another's ideas and lose their objectively. Search groups tend to seek complete support on every issue in order to avoid conflicts that might endanger the "we-feel" atmosphere

positive reinforcement

Increasing behaviors by presenting positive stimuli, such as food. A positive reinforcer is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response.

negative reinforcement

Increasing behaviors by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, such as shock. A negative reinforcer is any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response. (Note: negative reinforcement is not punishment.)

Informal group

Is defined as a collection of individuals whose common work experiences result in the development of a system of interpersonal relations that extend beyond those established by management

Types of Organization Culture (1 of 2)



Project Management is the method of using emergence to elicit local knowledge, integrate it with the global knowledge, and use the integrated knowledge to manage projects more effectively. Foreign mangers can leverage local knowledge using this method.

types of budget

Sales budget Production budget Cost production budget cash budget Master budget

coaching leadership

Taking the time to develop others and in doing so they also develop a relationship of trust.

influencing subsystem

The primary purpose of the influencing subsystem, as already stated is to enhance the attainment of management system objectives by guiding the activities of organization members in appropriate directions. 1. leading 2. motivating 3. considering groups 4. communicating 5. encouraging creativity and innovation 6. building corporate culture

Traditional Leadership Perspectives

Trait Approach: A leadership personality exists; leaders are born not made. Behavioral Approach: Leader behaviors are related to task performance, group maintenance, and employee participation; leaders can be trained. Situational Approach: Effective leader behaviors vary from situation to situation; leaders can be trained to assess the situation and use the appropriate leadership style.

Alderfer's ERG theory

a human needs theory postulating that people have three basic sets of needs that can operate simultaneously -Growth relatedness -existence


a sign that a problem exists page 396

Equity Theory

a theory that states that people will be motivated when they perceive that they are being treated fairly

Porter-Lawler Model

a theory where the relationship between job satisfaction and performance is mediated by work-related rewards

quality assurance

an operation process involving a broad group of activities aimed at achieving an organization's quality objectives. quality assurance is a continuum of activities that start when the quality standards are set and end when the quality goods and services are delivered to the customer

job enlargement

another strategy to overcome boredom. -increasing the number of operation an individual perform in order to enhance the individual satisfaction with work


any factor within an organization that is a barrier to organizational goal attainment


area of freedom for subordinates (manager presents problem, gets suggestion, makes decision)


as the relationship between the total amount of goods and services being produced (output) and the organization resources needed to produce them (input)

formal and informal communication

formal:Vertical, Follows authority, task-related (upward, downward, lateral) informal: multi directional, skips authority, social- related (gossip follows the grapevine)

what is a vision

is a mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the organization.

just in tome inventory control (JIT)

is a technique for reducing inventories to minimum by arranging for production components to be delivered to the production facility "just in time" for them to be used.

nonverbal communication

is sharing information without using words to encode thoughts -gestures, facial expression, vocal tone


is the level of activity established to serve as a model

McClelland's Needs theory

need for achievement, need for affiliation, need for power

Maslow Need Hierarchy

self actualization ego social safety physiological

Super Leadership

the process of leading others to lead themselves


the right to use power

boss centered

use of authority by the manager (manager makes decision)

Importance of Organization Culture

•Managers should not only take seriously their firm's culture but also should ensure culture is embedded into the organizational strategy to build a competitive advantage

steps in the controlling process page 329

1. set performance standard 2. measure performance 3. compare (standards) 4. determine deviation 5. within limits if yes (continue work progress) if no. (take corrective action


is the destination reaction to a message. feedback can be used to by the source to ensure successful communication.

tolerance for ambiguity

the ability to hold conflicting ideas in your mind simultaneously, without denying or dismissing any of them

Maintaining Health of Organization Culture (1 of 3)

•Healthy Culture -Facilitates achievement of organization's mission and objectives •Unhealthy Culture -Does not facilitate achievement of organization's mission and objectives

Path Goal Theory

Path-goal theory gets its name from its concern with how leaders influence followers' perceptions of their work goals and the paths they follow toward goal attainment.


is a group that exists within a group organization by virtue of management decree to perform tasks that enhance the attainment of organizational objectives

stoners's model

source/Encoding: is the person in the interpersonal communication situation who originates and encodes info to be shared w others. *ENCODING* is putting info into a form tht can b received and understood by another individual. ex: put thoughts to letter 2. the signal:encoded info tht the source intends to share constitutes a message a *MESSAGE* tht has been transmitted from one person to another is called a signal 3.The decoder/destination- the decoder is the person that with whom the source is attempting to share info with. this person recieves the signal and decodes or interprets, the message to determine its meaning. -converts message back to info-


the replacement of human effort by electromechanical devoces in such operation as welding, materials, design, and decision making

Behavioral Approach to Leadership

*Task Leadership -Assigning roles -Asking for and giving information -Summarize the discussion *Social Leadership -Reading mood of group -Facilitating participation of all members -Reducing tension in group

Teams can be divided into four primary types

-Work teams -Project and development teams -Parallel teams -Management teams

life cycle theory of leadership

A theory stating that the optimal combination of initiating structure and consideration depends on the readiness of the employees in the work unit -leadership styles should reflect the maturity level of the followers

tropanaar's dimension achievement

•Achievement: What you do - What have you accomplished lately •Norway, Ireland, USA, Australia, Germany


•Ascription: Who you are - Family, Class, Age, Gender, Education, What you've done over your career •Egypt, Austria, Cuba, Argentina


•Individualist •U.S. Australia, U.K., Germany, Norway

trust and effective teams

-communicate often to team members -show respect for team members -be fair to team members -be predictable -demonstrate competence

standards pg 394

1. probability standards 2. market position standard 3. productivity standard 4. product leadership standard 5. personnel development standard 6. employee attitudes standards 7. social responsibility standards 8. standard reflecting the relative balance between short and long range goals


•Collectivist •Mexico, Japan, China, India

Keeping Organization Culture Alive and Well

•Quality Dimension •Ethics Dimension •Innovation Dimension •Spirituality Dimension •Diversity Dimension •Customer Dimension

Tropanaar's Dimensions: Neutral/Affective

•Show Emotions? •Yes: Arabic countries, Spain & Hispanic cultures, • Russia, France, Ireland • •Some: USA, Mexico, Finland, UK • •No: Japan, Hong Kong, China, Austria, Poland

Five Core Job Dimensions

1. Skill variety - Different job activities involving several skills and talents. 2. Task Identity - The completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work. 3. Task Significance - An important, positive impact on the lives of others. 4. Autonomy - Independence and discretion in making decisions. 5. Feedback - Information about job performance.

bureaucratic control

Feedforward Control takes place before operations begin and includes policies, procedures, and rules designed to ensure that planned activities are performed properly. Concurrent Control takes place while plans are being carried out and includes directing, monitoring, and fine-tuning activities as they occur. Feedback Control focuses on the use of information about results from the acceptable standard after they arise.


is the process of directing the behavior of others toward the accomplishment of an objective.

Theory X and Y (McGregor)

theory x involves negative assumptions about people tht mcgregor believes tht managers often use as the as the basis for dealing w their subordinates (the average person doesn't like work and will avoid it) theory y: positive assumption tht ppl should strive to use (ppl exercise self direction and self control in meeting their objectives)

types of organizational culture

•Clan -Shared values and goals - Cohesion •Adhocracy -Flexibility and discretion - External focus •Hierarchy -Formal and structured - Internal focus •Market -Stability and control - Emphasizes relationships

increasing organizational productivity

1. improving the effectiveness of the organization workforce through training 2. improving the production process through automation 3. improving product design to make product easier to assemble 4. improving the production facility by purchasing more modern equipment 5. improving the quality of the workers hired to fill open positions

argyris maturity continuum

Understanding Argyris's Maturity-Immaturity Continuum. First, people are transformed from a passive state to a state of activity, becoming more active. Second, people seek interdependence with others and grow to an independent state (rather than being dependent).

structured behavior OSU studies

is any leadership activity that delineates the relationship btw the leader and the leaders followers or establishes well-defined procedures tht the followers should adhere to in performing their jobs -limits the self guidance of followers -is firm

types of informal commuincation

single strand grapevine: A tells B who tells C who tells D... etc The gossip grapevine: A informs everyone else in the grapevine the probability grapevine: A communicated randomly. To F and D and they also do the same manner the cluster grapevine: information in this grapevines only goes to select individuals

job rotation

the first attempt to overcome boredom was job rotation - moving workers from job to job rather than requiring them to perform only one simple and specialized job over the long term


the main purpose of these scheduling innovations is not to reduce the total number of work hours but rather to give workers greater flexibility in scheduling their hours. the main thrust or flextime, is that it allows workers to complete their job within a workweek of a normal number of hours that they schedule themselves

expectancy theory

the theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their efforts will lead to good performance, that good performance will be rewarded, and that they will be offered attractive rewards Expectancy - Perceived likelihood that efforts will lead to successful performance . Instrumentality - Perceived likelihood that performance will lead to a particular outcome. Valence - The perceived value of the outcome.

direction of communication

upward: consists of the flow of performance reports, grievances, and other information from lower to higher levels. downward: consists of policies, rules, and procedures that flow from top administration to lower levels. lateral: as the exchange, imparting or sharing of information, ideas or feeling between people within a community, peer groups, departments or units of an organization who are at or about the same hierarchical level as each other for the purpose of coordinating activities,

Boss Centered Leadership

A preferred leadership style is developed by the leader through learning and experience. And the leader's tendency is to fit the situation to his or her particular style. ... Boss-centered leadership is on the left and subordinate-centered leadership is on the right

Pygmalion effect

closely related to the self-fulfilling prophecy; the two terms are even considered synonymous in some circles; it is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy where if you think something will happen, you may unconsciously make it happen through your actions or inaction. It occurs in the workplace when a manager raises his or her expectations for the performance of workers, and this actually results in an increase in worker performance.

command group

is a formal group that is outlined in the chain of command on an organization chart. they handle routine organizational activities.

process strategy

is a plan of action outlining the means and methods an organization will use to transform resources that must be transformed.

Barriers to Effective Communication

*Filtering:A message sender sees the world through one set of filters (experiences and values) and the receiver sees it through a different set of filters. Each message has to pass, therefore, through at least two sets of filters *Defensiveness:It is caused by a threat to our self-image, which we want to protect. Defensiveness often results in an end to effective communication. *Language: speak diff lang *Selective Perception:Selective perception is the tendency to either "under notice" or "over focus on" stimuli that cause emotional discomfort or contradict prior beliefs. For instance, some people live purposefully healthy lifestyles by frequently exercising and eating only nutritious food but still smoke cigarettes. Psychologists believe that they are selectively ignoring the evidence that smoking is dangerous to their health *Information Overload:We have all been in situations when we felt that too much information was coming at us. When this happens, we feel overwhelmed and fear that we will not be able to retain any information at all *Apprehension:"fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons

Two-Factor Theory

-Hygienes (Extrinsic Factors) -Pay and Benefits -Co-workers and Supervision -Company Policies -Satisfiers (Intrinsic Factors) -Promotions -Recognition -Personal Growth

•Defining Organization Culture

-Set of values organization members share regarding functioning and existence of organization -Personality of the organization -Description of how the organization functions -Describes "how things are done here"

effective listening

1. seek to calify your ideas before communicating 2. examine the true purpose of each communication 3. consider the total physical and human setting whenever you communicate 4. consult with others, when appropriate, in planning communications 5.be mindful of overtones 6.convey something of help, or value 7. follow up on your communication 8. communicate for tomorrow as well as today 9. be sure your actions support your communication 10. understand and be a good listener

Maintaining Health of Organization Culture (2 of 3)

1.Openness and humility from top to bottom of the organization Arrogance kills off learning and growth by blinding us to our own weaknesses. Strength comes out of receptivity and the willingness to learn from others. 2.An environment of accountability and personal responsibility Denial, blame, and excuses harden relationships and intensify conflict. Successful teams hold each other accountable and willingly accept personal responsibility. 3.Freedom for risk-taking within appropriate limits Both extremes—an excessive, reckless risk-taking and a stifling, fearful control—threaten any organization. Freedom to risk new ideas flourishes best within appropriate limits. 4.A fierce commitment to "do it right" Mediocrity is easy; excellence is hard work, and there are many temptations for shortcuts. A search for excellence always inspires both inside and outside an organization.

Maintaining Health of Organization Culture (3 of 3)

5.A willingness to tolerate and learn from mistakes Punishing honest mistakes sties creativity. Learning from mistakes encourages healthy experimentation and converts negatives into positives. 6.Unquestioned integrity and consistency Dishonesty and inconsistency undermine trust. Organizations and relationships thrive on clarity, transparency, honesty, and reliable follow-through. 7.A pursuit of collaboration, integration, and holistic thinking Turf wars and narrow thinking are deadly. Drawing together the best ideas and practices, integrating the best people into collaborative teams, multiplies organizational strength. 8.Courage and persistence in the face of difficulty The playing field is not always level, or life fair, but healthy cultures remain both realistic about the challenges they face and unintimidated and undeterred by difficulty.

Designing Effective Control Systems

Effective control is achieved by designing control systems that 1. Are based on valid performance standards. 2. Communicate adequate information to employees. 3. Are acceptable to employees. 4. Use multiple approaches. 5. Recognize the relationship between empowerment and control.

Task group

Is a formal group of organization members who interact with one another to accomplish most of the organizations non-routine task. Although task groups are usually made up of members of the same organizational level, they can consist of people from different levels of the organizational hierarchy. For example, a manager might establish a task group to consider the feasibility of manufacturing a new product and include representatives in various levels of such organizational areas as production, market research, and sales

friendship group

Is an informal group that forms in organizations because of the personal affiliation members have with one another. Such personal factors as recreational interest, race, gender, and religion serve as the foundation for friendship group as with interests you, the membership of friendships group tent to change over time. In this case, however membership changes as friendships dissolve or new friendships are mean

Formal group development process

The acceptance stage; it is common for members of a new group to miss trust one another someone initially. The acceptance stage is only reached after this initial miss trust dwindles and the group has been transformed into one characterized by mutual trust and acceptance The communication and decision making stage: once they have passed through the acceptance stage, group members are better able to communicate frankly with one another. This frank communication provides a basis for establishing and using an effective group decision making mechanism The group solidarity stage group solidarity comes naturally as a mutual acceptance of group members increases and communication and decision making continue with in the group. At this stage, members become more involved in group activities and cooperate, rather than compete, with one another. In addition, members fine belonging to a group extremely satisfied and are more committed to enhancing the groups overall success The group control stage: a natural result of group solidarity is group control. In this stage, group members attempt to maximize the group success by matching individual abilities with group activities by assisting one another. Flexibility and informality usually characterized the stage

mass customization job shop

W/ the introduction of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), it has become possible to get the cost advantage of high volume while increasing product variety. This is achieved w/ automated machines, robots, and material handling systems. Using this method, companies can produce a wider range of products in wider ranges of volumes quickly and at low cost. Customers design a product by choosing from range of options. Example: building a customer computer. (Matrix: high/moderate PVar & PF; High/very high PV/m & SPF) Mass customization is a marketing and manufacturing technique which combines the flexibility and personalization of custom-made products with the low unit costs associated with mass production. ... Mass customization may apply to many fields, but many connect it to the retail industry

behavior modification

focuses on encouraging appropriate behavior by controlling the consequences of that behavior


is a group of individuals charged w performing a type of specific activities and is usually classifies as a task group. 1. to allow org memb to exchange ideas 2. to generate suggestions and recommendations that can be offered to other organizational units 3. to develop new ideas for solving existing organizational problems 4. to assist in the development of organizational policies

cross- functional teams

is a group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal. It may include people from finance, marketing, operations, and human resources departments. Typically, it includes employees from all levels of an organization. focused on a specific objective

consideration behavior OSU studies

is a leadership behavior tht reflects, mutual trust, respect, and warmth in the relationship btw leader and followers. this type of behavior generally aims to develop and maintain a good relationship btw leader and followers

capacity strategy

is a plan of action aimed at providing an organization with the right facilities to produce the needed output at the right time insufficient capacity: results in loss of sales affects profits

likert's system 1-4

system 1- this style Of management is characterized by the lack of confidence or trust in sub ordinate subordinance do not feel free to discuss their jobs with superiors and are motivated by fear, threats, punishment, and occasional rewards. Information flow in the organization is directed primarily down word; upward communication is viewed with great suspicion. the bulk of our decision making is done at the top of the organization. System two: This style of management is characterized by condescending, master to serve in style confidence and trust in sub ordinate. Sub ordinance do not feel free to discuss their job with superiors and are motivated by rewards an actual or potential punishments. Information flows mostly down word; open communication may or may not be viewed with suspicion. Although policies are made primarily at the top of the organization, decisions within a prescribed framework are made at lower levels. System three this style of management is characterized by substantial, so not complete, confidence and some ornaments. Subordinate feel fairly free to discuss your jobs with superior and are motivated by rewards, occasional punishment, and some involvement. Information flows both upward and downward in the organization. Upper communication is often excepted the times it may be viewed with suspicion. Also brought a policies and general decisions are made at the top of the organization, more specific decisions are made at lower levels. System for this style of management is characterized by complete trust and confidence in subordinate . Subordinate feel completely free to discuss their jobs with superiors and are motivated by factors such as economic rewards, which are based on the compensation system develops through employee participation and involvement in goalsetting. Information flows upwards downwards and horizontally. Open communication is generally accepted but even when it's not employees questions are answered candidly. Decision making is Fred Wiley through the organization and is well coordinated.

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