Exam 3 Pornichu Physical Geography UGA

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b) Oxbow lake

A _____ is a meander that becomes isolated from the rest of the river


A central peak, such as a volcanic mountain, generally produces a ________ drainage pattern

d) discharge

A stream's volume of flow per unit of time is its

c) Rock

An assemblage of minerals bound together is called a

d) tsunami

An earthquake, a submarine landslide, or a volcanic eruption is capable of producing a

d) seismometer

An instrument used to record vibrations in the crust is the

b) Nickpoint

An interruption in a stream's graded profile of equilibrium is called a

a)along collision zones between continental and oceanic plates

At which of the following locations does subduction occur?

d) meandering stream

Channels with gradual slopes often develop a sinuous form called a ________ pattern

c) symbiotic

Coral and algae have a reciprocal relationship in which the algae perform photosynthesis, providing the coral with some nutrients and helping with the calcification process. In return, the coral provide the algae with certain nutrients and a place to live in a lighted environment. This is an example of a ________ relationship.

a) The loss of algae from the coral

Coral bleaching refers to

b) Karst topography

Extensive landscapes formed by the dissolution of limestone and other carbonate rock are characterized by pitted, bumpy surface topography, poor surface drainage and well developed solutions channels are known as

d)friction, cohesion of particles, and inertial resistance .

If material is to move downslope, it must overcome the force of

c) downstream

In most river basins in humid regions, discharge is highest

d) subtropical oceans

In which of the following regions would you expect the highest levels of seawater salinity

d) carbonation and and solution

Karst topography is formed primarily

c) sedimentary; calcium carbonate precipitates, or organic material containing calcium carbonate accumulates in a water environment

Limestone is a type of ________ rock that forms when __________.

c) Plates are moving apart (diverging)

Mid ocean ridges occur where

c) lava

Molten rock that pours fourth on Earth's surface is called

c) tephra, or pyroclastics

Pulverized rock and clastic materials ejected violently during an eruption are called

b) arid

Salt-crystal growth (salt-weathering) is prevalent in which climate type?

d) brine

Seawater that exceeds the 3.5% average is termed

d) Climate, regional steepness and relief, variations in rock resistance

Stream drainage patterns are determined by which of the following?

d) normal fault

Tensional stress along a fault can result in a dropped hanging-wall block relative to the footwall side, producing a?

b) drainage basin

The area of land from which all water in it drains into the same place is known as a(n)

a) normal; tensional

The basin and Range Province in western United States is a result of _______ faulting produced by _________ forces.

b) mass movement

The downslope movement of a body of material made up of soil, sediment, or rock propelled by the force of gravity is known as

b) gradient

The drop in stream elevation per unit distance

a) frost wedging

The fact that water expands as much of 9% of its volume as it freezes is the basis of

d) Abrasion

The grinding and shaping of rock surfaces by the "sandblasting" action of particles carried by wind is

d) hyposometry

The measurement of land elevation relative to sea level is known as

c) The dynamic equilibrium model

The principle that landscape formation is balance between endogenic and exogenic processes is called?


The principle that the same physical processes currently active in the environment were operating throughout Earth's history is known as


The process that breaks down rock at Earth's surface through disintegration of rocks into mineral particles or dissolving it into water is


The removal and lifting of individual loose particles by the wind is termed

a) stratigraphy; superposition

The scientific study of rock start (layers) is known as _______ and based on the principle of ________

c) dissolved load

The sediment load that travels in solution is

b) geomorphology

The subfield of geography and geology concerned with the study of origins, evolutions, form and spatial distribution of Earth's landforms is

d) focus, or hypocenter

The subsurface area where the motion of seismic waves is initiated along the fault plane

b) sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous

The three basic rock types are

Sea level

The ultimate base level is

c)Both endogenic and exogenic processes

The variety of surfaces features on Earth results from

b) 3.5%

The worldwide average salinity of seawater is?

a) hot spots

Volcanic activity located away from plate boundaries is associated with

c) drainage diveds

Watersheds are defined by

c) spheroidal weathering

Weathering that softens and rounds the sharp edges and corners of jointed rock is known as

a) sedimentary

What type of rock is derived from the bits and pieces of former rock?

b) A delta

When a river reaches a base level, its forward velocity rapidly decelerated as it enter a larger body of standing water and ________ is formed

a) strike-slip fault

When lateral shear causes horizontal movement along a fault plane, the resulting fault is called a

d) faulting

When rock strata are strained beyond their ability to remain an intact unit, displacement occurs in a process known as

c) breaker

When the height of a wave exceeds its vertical stability, the wave is called a

c)sharing-stretching or faulting

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched?

a) Orogeny

Which of the following is NOT a denudation process?

d) Rectilinear

Which of the following is NOT a general shape that scientists use to classify dunes?

a) tectonic uplift

Which of the following is NOT exogenic in nature

a) Volcanism

Which of the following is an endogenic process

b) The Iberian Plateau

Which of the following is an example of a first order of relief

b) weathering

Which of the following is an exogenic process

d) Weathering, erosion, transport, deposition

Which of the following lists of processes are in the CORRECT sequence from beginning to end?

d) less; lower

Wind is _______ effective at eroding and transporting materials than other geomorphic agents because its density is ______ than that of other geomorphic agents.

b)plate tectonics

_______ is the theory that describes the motion of Earth's lithosphere

c) shield volcano

a gently sloping mountain landform built from effusive eruptions is known as?

d) Denudation

aAll processes that cause reductions and rearrangement of landforms are included in the term

a) Gravity

athe angle of repose represent a balance between the driving force and resisting force. Which of the following is the driving force?

a) granite; basalt

continental crust is basically _________, whereas oceanic crust is basically __________.

b) crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

which of the following gives the correct sequence of the layers in Earth from the surface to center?

d)poor; they can be unstable, mobile, and overrun by storm surges

Barrier islands make ______ sites for real estate development because _________.

e) both saltation and traction, but not superposition

Bed load is moved by?

d) major events in Earth's history, such as major extinctions

Boundaries between intervals of the geological time scale are determined by?

surfaces of concentrated pebbles and gravels

Desert pavement refers to


Elongated, streamlined ridges aligned parallel to the most effective wind direction are called

a) overlying rock is removed, thereby allowing the underlying rock mass to expand and fracture.

Exfoliation occurs because

c) composite volcanoes

Explosive eruptions tend to build up

c) water

other than the rock itself, the most important chemical substance needed for the majority of weathering process is

b) beach drift

particles of sand, gravels, and shells that move along the shore form

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