exam 3 practice questions

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Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the femoral canal? A) It is the passageway by which the external iliac vessels enter the thigh. B) its abdominal opening is termed the femoral ring C) It contains lymph vessels. D) It is bounded anteriorly by the inguinal ligament. E) It usually transmits a femoral hernia.

A) It is the passageway by which the external iliac vessels enter the thigh.

Which is incorrect pertaining to the patella? A) because of the way it ossifies, it always fracture into 4 pieces B) it increases the mechanical advantage of the quadriceps femoris for extending the knee C) its apex indicates the level of the knee joint when leg is extended D) testing of its associated tendon reflex is done with the patients sitting legs are dangling E) Pain felt deep to it may be associated with a condition known as chondromalacia patella

A) because of the way it ossifies, it always fractures into 4 pieces

In the following axial MRI at the level of the hip joint, the red arrow points to the: A) obturator internus. B) piriformis. C) gluteus medius. D) levator ani. E) quadratus femoris.

A) obturator internus

What structure supports the longitudinal arch and encloses the flexor tendons of the foot?

plantar aponeurosis

You are concerned that your patient's medial deltoid ligament may have been torn from its proximal attachment. Which of the following would you palpate for tenderness?

medial malleolus

You examine a patient after an automobile accident that resulted in a posterior dislocation of the hip joint. Which nerve are you most concerned might have been injured by such an accident? A) sciatic B) femoral C) obturator D) lumbosacral trunk E) pelvic splanchnic

A) sciatic

The talus articulates with all of the following bones except: A. cuboid. B. navicular. C. calcaneus. D. tibia. E. fibula.

A. Cuboid

Which of the following would demonstrate functionality of the deep fibular nerve? A. response to pin prick between first and second toes B. response to pin prick on the anteromedial surface of the middle of the leg C. eversion of the foot D. inversion of the foot E. response to pin prick on the foot at the level of the malleoli

A. first and second toes

Which walking abnormalities result from a fibular neck fracture? A. high stepping gait B. shortened stance phase C. lack of balance D. lack of effective hallux push-off E. excessive flexion of the knee at heel-strike

A. high stepping gait

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the calcaneal tendon? A. it continues into the foot as long plantar ligament B. it is separated from the superior of the posterior surface of the calcaneous by a bursa C. it spirals while passing inferiorly to its attachment of the calcaneous D. it is used to test S1 and S2 nerve function E. it is the common distal attachment of the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris muscles

A. it continues into the foot as long plantar ligament

Patient severely kicked in "shin", besides pain patient experiences weakness in ankle dorsiflexion. you examine a barely perceptible dorsalis pedis pulse, what is a reasonable diagnosis? A. lacerated deep fibular nerve and anterior tibial artery B. atrophy of the tibialis anterior C. aneurysm of the anterior tibial artery with concomitant pressure on the nerve D. anterior compartment syndrome due to anterior tibial artery hemorrhage E. anterior compartment syndrome due to lymphatic swelling

A. lacerated deep fibular nerve

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the plantar aponuerosis? A. It is part of the superficial fascia of the sole of the foot B. It functions as a ligament supporting the longitudinal arches C. It attaches to the calcaneous D. It becomes continuous with the fibrous digital sheaths of the toes E. when inflamed and painful it produces a condition called plantar fasciitis

A. superficial fascia

While assisting in a surgery to repair the middle portion of a torn semitendinosus muscle, the surgeon points to an artery supplying that portion of the muscle and asks you to name it. You reply: A) deep artery of the thigh. B) superior gluteal artery. C) perforating artery. D) obturator artery. E) femoral artery.

C) perforating artery.

Coxa vara refers to: A) an abnormal decrease in the angle between the shaft of the femur and the tibia. B) an abnormal decrease in the angle between the head and neck of the femur and its shaft (angle of inclination). C) an abnormally short distance between the anterior superior iliac spine and the center of the acetabulum. D) an abnormally short distance between the iliac crest and the greater trochanter. E) an abnormally short femur.

B) an abnormal decrease in the angle between the head and neck of the femur and its shaft (angle of inclination).

A saphenous cutdown refers to a skin incision associated with: A) removal of the saphenous vein for use in a coronary bypass procedure. B) insertion of a cannula into the vein at the ankle for prolonged administration of blood, drugs, etc. C) repair of a femoral hernia that traverses the saphenous opening in the fascia lata. D) removal of a piece of saphenous nerve for use as a nerve graft. E) removal of the saphenous nerve because of severe pain along the medial side of the foot.

B) insertion of a cannula into the vein at the ankle for prolonged administration of blood, drugs, etc.

You examine a patient with swelling in her femoral triangle. She also has varicose veins. Of the following choices, which is the most likely cause of the swelling? A) aneurysm of the femoral artery B) saphenous varix C) femoral nerve neuroma D) indirect inguinal hernia E) bursitis

B) saphenous varix

Following a football injury, a patient complains of knee pain. To test the integrity of his anterior cruciate ligament, you would have him: A) lay supine and press posteriorly on his patella. B) sit with his leg flexed at the knee and pull anteriorly on his tibia. C) sit with his leg flexed at the knee and push posteriorly on his tibia. D) sit with his leg flexed at the knee and laterally rotate his leg. E) sit with his leg flexed at the knee and medially rotate his leg.

B) sit with his leg flexed at the knee and pull anteriorly on his tibia.

You examine a female patient with enlarged superficial inguinal lymph nodes. Upon further examination, you cannot find any cutaneous or subcutaneous signs that would suggest an infection. Perplexed, you ask your colleague what else might cause this condition. She reminds you that these nodes also receive some lymph from the: A) liver via the falciform ligament. B) ovary via the suspensory ligament of the ovary. C) uterus via the round ligament of the uterus. D) bladder via vessels that accompany the urethra. E) vertebral column via posterior cluneal vessels.

C) uterus via the round ligament of the uterus.

Which of the following symptoms is associated with damage to deep fibular nerve? A. Weakness in plantarflexion B. Inability to dorsiflex C. Loss of sensation on medial side of leg D. Weakness in eversion of foot E. Loss of sensation on dorsum of foot except between digit 1&2

B. Inability to dorsiflex Weakness in plantarflexion > tibial nerve Loss of sensation on medial side of leg > saphenous nerve Weakness in eversion of foot>superficial fibular nerve Loss of sensation on dorsum of foot except between digit 1&2 >superficial fibular nerve

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the plantar aponeurosis? A. It is part of the superficial fascia of the sole of the foot. B. It attaches to the calcaneus. C. It becomes continuous with the fibrous digital sheaths of the toes. D. When inflamed and painful it produces a condition called plantar fascitis. E. It functions as a ligament supporting the longitudinal arches of the foot.

B. It attaches to the calcaneus.

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the dorsalis pedis artery? A. The absence of the dorsalis pedis pulse in an otherwise healthy adult suggests an enlargement of the patient's perforating fibular artery. B. It enters the foot superficial to the extensor retinaculum. C. It supplements the arterial supply to the plantar surface of the foot. D. It gives rise to the arcuate artery. E. It runs between the extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum longus tendons on the dorsum of the foot.

B. It enters the foot superficial to the extensor retinaculum.

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the foot joints and ligaments? A. The anatomical subtalar joint is between the posterior articular facet of the calcaneus and the talus. B. The transverse tarsal joint is the anatomical joint between the talus, navicular, and calcaneus. C. The plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (spring ligament) supports the head of the talus. D. The long plantar ligament attaches to the calcaneus and cuboid. E. The long plantar ligament supports the longitudinal arches of the foot.

B. The transverse tarsal joint is the anatomical joint between the talus, navicular, and calcaneus.

The arches of the Foot: A. are primarily supported by muscle contraction. B. assist in propulsion. C. involve the phalanges. D. are all aligned longitudinally. E. all involve the talus.

B. assist in propulsion.

Patient is mildly obese and sedentary, participated in 10 mile walk and experiences pain when pressure is placed on her tibialis anterior, what is a likely diagnosis? A. anterior tibial artery hemorrhage B. shin splints C. tibialis anterior atrophy D. venous compression of the muscle due to inadequate venous return E. lymphedema due to sedentary lifestyle

B. shin splints

You examine a mildly obese sedentary patient who is complaining of pain in the distal two-thirds of her tibia after participating in a 10-mile walk for cerebral palsy. When you exert pressure on her tibialis anterior, she winces in pain. Your most likely diagnosis is: A. venous compression of the muscle due to inadequate venous return. B. shin splints. C. lymphedema due to sedentary lifestyle. D. anterior tibial artery hemorrhage. E. tibialis anterior atrophy.

B. shin splints.

Which of the following associations is incorrect? A. hallux valgus—lateral deviation of the hallux B. talipes equinovarus—dorsiflexed ankle and toe C. claw toe—hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal joints and flexion of the interphalangeal joints D. hammertoe—usually affects second digit E. clubfoot—a foot that is twisted out of its normal orientation

B. talipes equinovarus—dorsiflexed ankle and toe

The medial meniscus is injured much more frequently than the lateral meniscus because it is: A. more mobile B. attached to the tibial collateral ligament C. thinner D. attached to the popliteus E. attached to the patella

B. tibial collateral ligament

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the ankle joint (talocrural articulation)? A. It is a hinge type of synovial joint. B. It is more stable in dorsiflexion than in plantarflexion. C. A sprained ankle is typically an eversion injury. D. A Pott fracture is associated with ankle injury. E. Edema between the medial malleolus and calcaneus may cause compression of the tibial nerve and associated heel pain.

C. A sprained ankle is typically an eversion injury.

Calcaneal fractures A. result from severe dorsiflexion B. Can cause avascular necrosis of talar body C. Are often accompanied by lumbar vertebral compression fractures D. Are never comminuted E. Are often associated with avulsion of the calcaneal tuberosity

C. Are often accompanied by lumbar vertebral compression fractures

A 30-year-old man that received an intramuscular injection of antibiotics to the right buttocks complains of difficulty getting up a chair and climbing stairs. What is the most likely diagnosis for the patient's condition? A. Injury to superior gluteal nerve B. Injury to sciatic nerve C. Injury to inferior gluteal nerve D. Injury to tibial nerve E. Injury to femoral nerve

C. Injury to inferior gluteal nerve

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to venous or lymphatic drainage of the foot? A. The small saphenous vein begins from the lateral part of the dorsal venous arch (lateral marginal vein). B. Deep veins accompany all the arteries of the foot. C. Most of the blood from the foot drains via the deep veins. D. Inguinal lymphadenopathy, without popliteal lymphadenopathy, can result from infections along the medial border of the foot. E. Veins from the plantar surface of the foot drain toward the medial or lateral margins of the foot.

C. Most of the blood from the foot drains via the deep veins.

You examine a patient with severe bruising on the anterolateral surface of his leg. The patient relates that he was severely kicked "in the shin" while playing soccer a few days ago. Besides the pain, the patient is complaining of weakness in ankle dorsiflexion. Your examination reveals a barely perceptible dorsalis pedis pulse. Which of the following is your most reasonable diagnosis? A. atrophy of the tibialis anterior B. lacerated deep fibular nerve and anterior tibial artery C. anterior compartment syndrome due to anterior tibial artery hemorrhage D. anterior compartment syndrome due to lymphatic swelling E. aneurysm of the anterior tibial artery with concomitant pressure on the nerve

C. anterior compartment syndrome due to anterior tibial artery hemorrhage

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the knee joint? A. the joint is supplied with blood via branches of the femoral, popliteal, anterior tibial recurrent, and circumflex fibular arteries B. the posterior cruciate ligament attaches to the intercondylar area of the tibia and medial femoral condyle C. the knee joint consists of four articulations, two femoral-tibial articulations, and one tibial-fibular articulation D. flexion of the joint from a fully extended position with the foot on the ground requires an initial lateral femoral rotation that is produced by popliteus E. the joint is innervated via branches of the femoral and sciatic nerves

C. four articulations

You examine a young patient in the emergency room who is complaining of ankle pain following a soccer game. The patient demonstrates to you that an accident resulted in his foot being forced into an excessively inverted position. Based on this scenario, which of the following is the most likely injury? A. fractured talus B. fractured calcaneus C. fractured lateral malleolus D. tibial dislocation E. medial malleolar dislocation

C. fractured lateral malleolus

You see a patient in the emergency room with a fibular neck fracture subsequent to an automobile accident. You are fearful that the patient may have severed his common fibular nerve. To determine this, you ask him to walk. Which of the following walking abnormalities would suggest that the nerve has been severed? A. excessive flexion of the knee at heel-strike B. shortened stance phase C. high-stepping (steppage) gait D. lack of balance (use of a cane) E. lack of effective hallux push-off

C. high-stepping (steppage) gait *Foot Drop*

The adductor canal is: A. an opening in the adductor magnus muscle B a passageway used by the obturator externus muscle to reach the greater trochanter C. a mid-thigh intermuscular passageway that conducts the femoral vessels D. the passageway used by the obturator internus muscle to exit the pelvis E. the space between the adductor longus and brevis that transmits the anterior divisions of the obturator vessels

C. mid-thigh intermuscular passageway

Exertional compartment syndrome is associated with all except: A. ischemia B. noncompliant osseofacial structures C. pain is relieved by passive stretching D. microtrauma and deoxygenation to muscle E. parasthesia

C. passive stretching

The tibialis posterior: A. everts the foot. B. attaches to the femur. C. supports the medial longitudinal arch of the foot. D. is an important swing phase muscle. E. is innervated by the deep fibular nerve.

C. supports the medial longitudinal arch of the foot.

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the patella? A) It increases the mechanical advantage of the quadriceps femoris for extending the knee. B) Its apex indicates the level of the knee joint when the leg is extended. C) Pain felt deep to it may be associated with a condition known as chondromalacia patella. D) Because of the way it ossifies, the patella always fractures in at least four pieces. E) Testing of its associated tendon reflex is done with the patient sitting and legs "dangling."

D) Because of the way it ossifies, the patella always fractures in at least four pieces

While on a neurology rotation, the attending physician asks you to test a patient's femoral nerve function. Which of the following would you do? A) Have the patient do a sit-up while you hold and resist his thigh. B) Have the patient rotate his thigh medially while you resist this movement C) Have the patient extend his thigh against your resistance. D) Have the patient extend his knee against your resistance. E) Have the patient flex his knee against your resistance.

D) Have the patient extend his knee against your resistance.

Which of the following is not correct pertaining to the popliteal artery? A) It begins at the adductor hiatus. B) It is the continuation of the femoral artery. C) It can be ruptured by a dislocated knee. D) It is located superficial to the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa. E) It is located deep to the popliteal vein in the popliteal fossa.

D) It is located superficial to the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa.

Following an argument with his wife in which a man backed through a glass storm door resulting in deep laceration of his buttocks, he is having great difficulty walking. To better understand the nature of his disability, you ask him to stand on one foot. By doing so, you are doing all of the following except: A) using a Trendelenburg test. B) evaluating the function of the abductors of the thigh. C) evaluating the function of the gluteus medius and minimus. D) evaluating the function of the gluteus Maximus E) evaluating the function of the superior gluteal nerve.

D) evaluating the function of the gluteus maximus

The most likely reason for avascular necrosis in an 80-year-old woman following hip fracture is that the: A) fracture included the head of the femur. B) fracture split the neck of the femur longitudinally. C) fracture included lacerating the transverse acetabular ligament. D) retinacular branches of the medial femoral circumflex artery were severed by the fracture. E) deep artery of the thigh was severed by the fracture.

D) retinacular branches of the medial femoral circumflex artery were severed by the fracture.

Weight of the body is transferred from the talus to A. Navicular tuberosity B. Cuboid tuberosity C. Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal D. Calcaneal tuberosity E. Tuberosity of 1st metatarsal

D. Calcaneal tuberosity

Forced inversion of the foot can results in avulsion of the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal by A. Tibialis anterior tendon B. Fibularis longus tendon C. Tibialis posterior tendon D. Fibularis brevis tendon E. Fibularis tertius tendon

D. Fibularis brevis tendon

Which of the following muscles does NOT attach to the calcaneal tuberosity A. Abductor hallucis brevis B. Flexor digitorum brevis C. Plantaris D. Flexor hallucis brevis E. Abductor digiti minimi

D. Flexor hallucis brevis

Which muscle unlock the knee to initiate knee flexion? A. Plantaris B. Gastrocnemius C. Articularis Genu D. Popliteus E. sartorius

D. Popliteus

A 24 year-old patient cannot flex and medially rotate his thigh. Which of the following muscles is most likely damaged? A. Sartorius B. Semimembranosus C. Rectus femoris D. Tensor fascia latae E. Gracilis

D. Tensor fascia latae

To palpate the pulse in the posterior tibial artery, you should have the patient: A. invert foot and place fingers between posterior surface of lateral malleolus and the lateral border of the calcaneal tendon B. invert foot and place your fingers along medial margin of flexor hallucis longus tendon in the middle of the leg C. evert the foot and place your finger along the medial margin of the foot D. invert the foot and place fingers between posterior surface of the medial malleolus and the medial border of the calcaneal tendon

D. invert the foot and place fingers between posterior surface of the medial malleolus and the medial border of the calcaneal tendon

Carpet installer complains of knee pain and anterior swelling of knee, what is most likely diagnosis? A. popliteal cyst B. rupture of patella tendon C. patellofemoral syndrome D. prepatellar bursitis E. comminuted fracture of patella

D. prepatella bursitis

An intramuscular injection into the buttocks is most safely done: A. into superomedial quadrant B. into inferolateral quadrant C. into inferomedial quadrant D. into superolateral quadrant E. centrally

D. superolateral quadrant

Which of the following is not true of the fibularis longus, brevis, or tertius? A) innervated by deep fibular nerve B) resists inversion of the foot C) plantarflexes ankle D) attaches to the first metatarsal E) attaches to the calcaneus

E) attaches to the calcaneus

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the ankle joint (talocrural articulation)? A. it is a hinge type synovial joint B. A Pott fracture is associated with ankle injury C. Edema between the medial malleolus and calcaneous may cause compression of the tibial nerve and associated with heel pain D.It is more stable in dorssiflexion than in plantarflexion E. A sprained ankle is typically an eversion injury

E. eversion injury

Which of the following factors is not correct in relation to the increased risk of knee injury in females: A. sex related differences in proprioception B. females have smaller Q-angle C. sex related differences in muscle strength D. hormonal differences E. females tend to land with greater valgus angle and with greater knee extension

E. greater valgus angle

Which of the following would conclusively demonstrate functionality of the deep fibular nerve? A. eversion of the foot B. inversion of the foot C. response to pin prick on the anteromedial surface of the middle of the leg D. response to pin prick on the foot at the level of the malleoli E. response to pin prick on the foot between the first and second toes

E. response to pin prick on the foot between the first and second toes

The tibialis posterior: A. attaches to the femur B. is an important swing phase muscle C. is innervated by the deep fibular nerve D. everts the foot E. supports the medial longitudinal arch of the foot

E. supports arch

Pronation is a triplanar motion comprised of the following elements: A. Inversion, Adduction & Plantarflexion B. Inversion, Adduction & Dorsiflexion C. Eversion, abduction & Plantarflexion D. Eversion, Abduction & Dorsiflexion E. Inversion, Abduction & Dorsiflexion

Eversion, Abduction & Dorsiflexion

The muscles that make up the three-headed triceps surae are:

Gastrocnemius and soleus

The iliotibial tract is the conjoint distal aponeurotic attachment of which pair of muscles? A) gluteus medius and minimus B) gluteus medius and Maximus C) gluteus maximus and the tensor of the fascia lata D) the tensor of the fascia lata and rectus femoris E) rectus and biceps femoris

Gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata

To test a femoral nerve function, what should the test be?

Patient has extended knee against your resistance

A 37-year-old male automobile passenger was turning to his right during a head-on collision, in which his left knee struck the dashboard. He experiences a painful pop and his left hip is very painful. His left lower limb is shortened, adducted, and medially rotated. A large painful mass is present in the lateral gluteal area. He is exhibiting weakness of extension of the thigh at the hip. What was the painful 'pop' heard by your patient and what is the large painful mass in the lateral gluteal area?

The pop was the femoral head tearing through the joint capsule and the gluteal mass is the femoral head on the lateral aspect of the ilium.

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to human locomotion? A) The stance phase of walking begins with "foot-flat" as the entire plantar surface of the foot contacts the ground. B) The stance phase of walking is longer than the swing phase. C) During walking there is a period when both feet are in contact with the ground. D) The push-off phase of walking is associated with contraction of the plantar flexors. E) The knee extensors contract during the first part of the stance phase.

The stance phase of walking begins with "foot-flat" as the entire plantar surface of the foot contacts the ground.

Pes Planus results from the dysfunction of the A. Tibialis anterior B. Tibialis posterior C. Flexor hallucis longus D. Flexor digitorum longus E. Fibularis longus

Tibialis posterior

Deep laceration of buttocks, results in difficulty walking. By standing on one foot, you are evaluating all of the following except, a) gluteus maximus function b) abductors of the thigh function c) superior gluteal nerve function d) gluteus medius and minimus function e) Trendelenburg test

a) gluteus maximus function

Genu valgum and genu varum refer to a knee that: a. Has a large Q-angle (knock-knees) and a small Q-angle (bow-legged), respectively b. Can be displaced posteriorly and anteriorly, respectively c. Can be displaced medially (because of a weak tibial collateral ligament), respectively d. Can be hyperflexed and extended, respectively e. Can be hyper-rotated medially and laterally, respectively

a. Has a large Q-angle (knock knees) and a small Q-angle (bow-legged), respectively

The arches of the foot: a. Assist in propulsion b. Are all aligned longitudinally c. Are primarily supported by muscle contraction d. All involve talus e. Involve the phalanges

a. assist in propulsion

Which of the following is NOT correct in relation to the exertional compartment syndrome? a. Intramuscular pressure is higher following concentric muscle contractions compared to eccentric contractions b. It is reversible c. Modification of running technique to utilize the hamstrings to pull foot from ground may postpone and/or reduce symptoms d. It results from increased intramuscular pressure during exercise e. May be made worse with heel striking while running due to increased ground reaction forces and eccentric muscle contractions of the tibialis anterior

a. intramuscular pressure is higher following concentric muscle contractions compared to eccentric contractions

Which of the following is NOT correct in relation to the knee? a. The gastrocnemius does not aid in knee stability b. Eccentric muscle activity leads to fatigue faster and may result in greater risk of injury c. Muscles acting across the knee are involved in deceleration of the body during running, landing, and cutting. d. Hamstring strength training is recommended in knee injury prevention e. Fatigue from eccentric quadriceps exercise leads to delayed firing of the vastus medialis and lateralis during crossover cutting

a. the gastrocnemius does not aid in knee stability

Flat feet is associated with weakness or dysfunction of the: a. Tibialis posterior b. Tibialis anterior c. Fibularis longus d. Quadratus plantae e. Flexor digitorum longus

a. tibialis posterior

Moving the femur laterally at the pelvic joint is an example of which type of movement?


What is the function of the pelvic girdle?

attachment site for lower limbs

The piriformis muscle: a) is innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve b) may compress the sciatic nerve, a condition called piriformis syndrome c) attaches to the lesser trochanter d) is innervated by the superior gluteal nerve e) medially rotates the thigh

b) may compress the sciatic nerve, a condition called piriformis syndrome

Your friend is diagnosed with trochanteric bursitis. You explain to him that his bursa is between the: a. Gluteus maximus and medius at the site of the greater trochanter, allowing the muscles to move freely across one another. b. Gluteus maximus and the greater trochanter, allowing the muscle to smoothly slide over the trochanter. c. Skin and the gluteus maximus at the site of the greater trochanter, allowing comfortable sitting by distributing forces across the trochanter. d. Obturator externus and the lesser trochanter, allowing the muscle to move freely across the trochanter. e. Illiopsoas tendon and the lesser trochanter, allowing the muscle to move freely across the neck of the femur.

b. Gluteus maximus and medius at the site of the gretaer trochanter, allowing the muscles to smoothly slide over the trochanter

Which of the following is NOT correct in relation to the patella? a. Patellofemoral pain syndrome can be caused by chronic overload b. Patellofemoral joint reaction force decreases with increased lateral tracking of the patella c. The patella increases the mechanical advantage of the quadriceps d. It adds to the stabilizing force of the leg extensors e. Patellofemoral joint reaction force increases with the angle of flexion(leg)

b. Patellofemoral joint reaction force decreases with increased lateral tracking of the patella

The hip joint: a. Can be rotated more strongly medially than laterally b. Is supported anteriorly and superiorly by the illiofemoral ligament, which prevents hyperextension. c. Is supported posteriorly by the pubofemoral ligament, which prevents over-abduction d. Exhibits complete contract between the head of the femur and acetabulum during normal standing e. Is strongly supported by the ligament of the head of the femur

b. it is supported anteriorly and superiorly by the illiofemoral ligament, which prevents hyperextension

The part of the femur that is most susceptible to fracture in conjunction with osteoporosis is: a. Intercondylar area b. Neck c. mid-shaft d. along the intertrochanteric line e. medial condyle

b. neck

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the hamstrings? a. One of them is partially innervated by the common fibular division of the sciatic nerve b. They all attach to the tibia c. They all attach to the ischial tuberosity d. One of them is part of the "pes anserinus" e. They all can produce both hip extensions and knee flexion

b. they all attach to the tibia

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the great saphenous vein? A) it traverses the saphenous opening in the fascia lata B) it passes posterior to medial condyle of the femur C) it passes posterior to the medial malleolus D) it has early uniform diameter because blood is shunted to deeper veins E) is drains into the femoral vein

c) it passes posterior to the medial malleolus

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the femoral triangle? a) it contains lymph nodes b) it can be viewed on the surface of the skin when thigh is flexed, abducted, and laterally rotated c) the iliopectineal arch forms the lateral boundary of the triangle d) the femoral nerve enters the triangle by passing deep to the inguinal ligament e) the femoral sheath and its contents enter the triangle by passing posterior to the inguinal ligament

c) the iliopectineal arch forms the lateral boundary of the triangle

Which of the following factors is NOT correct in relation to the increased risk of knee injury in females? a. Sex related differences in proprioception b. Sex related differences in muscle strength c. Females have a smaller Q angle d. Females tend to land with greater valgus angle and with greater knee extension e. Hormonal differences

c. females have a smaller Q angle

Which of the following associations is not correct? a. The flexor hallucis longus supports the medial longitudinal arch b. The plantar aponeurosis supports both longitudinal arches c. The arch of the forefoot has only active stabilizers d. The fibularis longus supports the transverse arch

c. the arch of the forefoot has only active stabilizers

Following a soccer injury, a patient complains of knee pain. To test the integrity of his posterior cruciate ligament, you would have him: a. Sit with his leg flexed at the knee and pull anteriorly on his tibia b. Sit with his leg flexed at the knee and laterally rotated his leg c. Sit with his leg flexed at the knee and medially rotate his leg d. Sit with his leg flexed at the knee and push posteriorly on his tibia e. Lay supine and press posteriorly on his patella

d. sit with his leg flexed at the knee and push posteriorly on his tibia

The tibialis posterior: a. Is innervated by the deep fibular nerve b. Everts the foot c. Attaches to the femur d. Supports the medial longitudinal arch of the foot e. Is an important swing phase muscle

d. supports the medial longitudinal arch of the foot

Which of the following is incorrect in regards to the terminal swing of the gait cycle? a. The knee flexors decelerate the leg-eccentric contractions b. The dorsiflexors help to pace the foot c. The knee extensors extend the leg-concentric contractions d. The plantar flexors-concentric contractions e. The hip extensors decelerate the thigh-eccentric contractions

d. the plantar flexors-concentric contractions

Which of the following is incorrect pertaining to the plantar aponeurosis? a. It attaches to the calcaneus b. When inflamed and painful it produces a condition called plantar fasciitis c. It functions as a ligament supporting the longitudinal arches of the foot d. It becomes continuous with the fibrous digital sheaths of the toes e. It is part of the superficial fascia of the sole of the foot

e. it is part of the superficial fascia of the sole of the foot

Which is incorrect in relation to the foot and plantar vault? a. The plantar vault is functionally important for absorbing vertical loads b. The arrangement of the plantar vault creates two longitudinal and one transverse arch c. The forefoot is functionally important in adapting to the level of the ground d. The midfoot is functionally important for stability and mobility e. The plantar vault distributes forces only along the medial ray

e. the plantar vault distributes forces only along the medial ray

The deep fascia of the thigh is called

fascia lata

What is the name of the artery in the femoral triangle from which a pulse can be taken?

femoral artery

When your hands are on your hips, they rest on your _____.

iliac crest

What is the main function of the obturator internus, piriformis, superior and inferior gemelli and quadratus femoris?

lateral rotation

Testing integrity of anterior cruciate ligament

leg flexed, and pull knee anteriorly

Which process on the femur serves as an attachment point for tendons of several thigh muscles?

linea aspera

The most important muscle/s stabilizing the knee joint is/are the ______ and functions well if this/these muscle/s are well conditioned.


Flexion and extension usually occur along which plane?


Two major superficial veins of the lower limb are the great and small _____ veins.


On the plantar surface of a foot, the lateral area of skin is innervated by the: A. saphenous nerve. B. medial plantar nerve. C. sural nerve. D. superficial fibular nerve. E. deep fibular nerve.

saphenous nerve.

A 25-year-old twists her right lower limb in a ski accident. She has right knee swelling, tenderness, and excessive anterior mobility with the knee flexed. Your patient has sustained an external force to the knee. You have examined the patient and find there is weakness in the ability to flex the knee. This indicates a problem with which of the following muscles?


Female patient with enlarged superficial inguinal lymph nodes. Upon further examination you cannot find any cutaneous or subcutaneous signs that would suggest an infection. These nodes receive lymph from:

uterus via the round ligament of the uterus

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