Exam 4 Scientific Endeavor Questions

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the ancient and popular belief that they positions of the moon, some of the planets, and certain stars at the time of birth influence a person's personality traits and various aspects of daily life

Scientific heretics

those who challenge established scientific thought, divided into two categories: Endoheretics - members of the scientific community and present their challenges to scientific orthodoxy through established means, such as peer-reviewed journals and books Exoheretics - pseudoscientists who attack scientific orthodoxy from outside the system, often have little training or a flawed comprehension of the topic they study, and typically they present their ideas directly to the general public (most of whom have little understanding of science)


Trofim Lysenko promoted his agricultural innovations, which generally failed because he rejected much of biology, but were backed strongly by the Communist party which allowed him to silence his opponents. It is a terrifying example of the consequences of totalitarian control on science, and consequently, the need for academic freedom for all scientists.


commonly believed to be of extraterrestrial origin, when in fact they are, as the phrase implies, merely unidentified. Visions and memory may at times be unreliable in UFO sitings which may explain many of the reported cases of alien space crafts

Paranormal Phenomena

include a variety of topics for which known physical concepts do not appear to be involved, include telepathy, precognition, faith healing, psychic surgery, psychokinesis, and contacting spirits of the dead, ghosts, and pyramid power. Generally considered extrasensory, in that energy or information is transferred between individuals or between an individual and the environment without the use of the five sense. Psychics are people who claim to have such powers.

Medical Pseudoscience

includes pseudoscientific medical procedures that are useless or harmful, and many fad diets are nutritionally unsound. Homeopathy, which is based on the premise that if a substance causes a disease, then extremely small doses of that substance can cure the disease. Includes chiropractic and acupuncture

Creation Science

involves the belief that the Old Testament book of Genesis provides an accurate description of Earth history, including plant, animal and human history. Genesis is interpreted as proof that Earth is six to ten thousand years old, that fossils are remenenants of the Great Flood which occurred during Noah's time, and that they theory of evolution is wrong because all plant and animal species were created in their present forms. Associated with fundamentalist Christian groups


is the practice of finding underground water with the use of a tool, often a forked stick, though sometimes a bent wire or pendulum is used

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