Exam 6 - Practice Questions

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A nurse is preparing to insert an NG tube for a client who requires gastric decompression. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform before the procedure?

-Review a signal the client can use if feeling any distress -lay a towel across the clients chest

Fat soluble vitamins

A, D, E, K

water soluble vitamins

B vitamins and vitamin C

Most accurate method of verifying tube placement


Which are the common gastro symptoms suggestive of food allergy?

rash around the anus excessive gas intestinal bleeding

A client is suspected of having a fat soluble vitamin deficiency. To assist the client with this deficiency, the nurse informs the client that:

"More exposure to sunlight and drinking milk could solve your nutritional problem" vitamin d can come from sunlight

A nurse is in a senior center is counseling a group of older adults about their nutritional needs and considerations. Which of the following information should the nurse include?

- older adults are more prone to dehydration than younger adults are -older adults need the same amount of most vitamins and minerals as younger adults do -many older men and women need calcium supplementation

Which are ways the nurse can promote regular bowel movements?

-Provide privacy -take a matter of fact straight forward approach -control odors to prevent embarrassment

A nurse is caring for a client in a long term care facility who is receiving enteral feeding via an NG tube. Which of the following actions should the nurse complete prior to administering the tube feeding?

-auscultate bowel sounds -assist the client to an upright position -test the pH of the gastric aspirate

Which are included as part of the US Department of Agriculture dietary guidelines?

-food safety -adequate exercise -choosing a nutritious diet

A nurse is preparing to administer a cleaning enema to an adult client in prep for a diagnostic procedure. Which of the following steps should the nurse take?

-warm the enema solution prior to instillation -position the client to the left side with the right leg flexed forward -lubricate the rectal tube or nozzle

Which of the following should the nurse do first when introducing a feeding to a client with an indwelling gavage tube?

Check to see that the tube is properly placed. check X-ray

A nurse is auscultating bowel sounds on a client who has had recent abd surgery. The sounds are approx 1 to 2 per minute in each quadrant. Which condition would the nurse suspect?


Which is the result of the passage of stool through the colon being slowed?


A client is given the instructions to avoid eating before bed, keep the head elevated, avoid fatty foods, chocolate, and smoking. Which digestive function is most likely for this client

GERD or gastro reflux

what is the effect of phyiscal activity on normal elimination of bowels?

Increased physical activity promotes normal defecation patterns

A nurse is caring for a client who is at high risk for aspiration. Which of the following actions should the nurse take>

Instruct the client to tuck their chin while swallowing.

Which are the functions of water in the body?

Solvent Lubricant carries oxygen Body structure and form

A nurse is caring for a client who requires a low-residue diet. The nurse should expect to see which of the following foods on the client's meal tray?

Vanilla custard

in which ways can surgery or procedures contribute to slowing bowel elimination?

anesthesia stress decreased mobility manipulation of the bowel

The client expresses a desire to lose weight. An increase in which of these will best achieve that?

basal metabolic rate

Which nutrient provides the body the most energy?


Which metabolic process breaks larger particles into smaller ones and releases energy?


Undigested food first enters the large intestine through


while a nurse is administering a cleansing enema, the client reports abdominal cramping. Which of the follwoing actions should the nurse take?

clamp the enema tubing

Which of the following would the nurse expect to see offered on a full liquid diet?

custard - falls in full liquid diet

During an enteral tube feeding, the client complains of abdominal cramping and nausea. The nurse should:

decrease the administration rate

The nurse is perfroming the digital removal of stool. Which complication should the nurse monitor for?

decreased heart rate

A client is seen in the outpatient clinic for follow-up of a nutritional deficiency. In planning for the client's dietary intake, the nurse includes a complete protein such as:


fruits and vegetable are high in


During an abdominal assessment, a nurse in a providers office determines that a client has abd distenstion. The protrusion is at midline, the skin over the area is taut and the nurse notes no involvement of the flanks. Which of the following possible causes of distention should the nurse suspect?


Which are common disorders that impact bowel function?

food alergies diverticulosis food intolerance

The nurse should offer a client who has had throat surgery which of the following? 1. Chicken noodle soup 2. Ginger ale 3. Oatmeal 4. Hot tea with lemon

ginger ale - we want them on a clear liquid diet

A client is diagnosed with peptic ulcer and has come for a follow up visit. The client asks what foods are safe to add to his diet. The nurse says:

green vegetables

For the client who is receiving parenteral nutrition via a central venous catheter, the nurse recognizes the priority that a patient is to:

have radiographic confirmation of the placement of the catheter

A nurse is assessing a client who has had diarrhea for 4 day. Which of the follwoing findings should the nurse expect?

hypotension elevated temp poor skin turgor

Which procedure produces a surgical opening in the abdomen and bypasses the large intestine entirely?


Which should be included in client teaching to support normal bowel elmination?

increase fiber increase physical activigty do not ignore the urge to defecate

A client has a tendency to develop frequent constipation. Which dietary consideration should the nurse recommend?

increase fiber intake

A client is pregnant for the third time. In regard to her nutritional status, she should:

increase her intake of folic acid

A nasogastric tube is inserted in ordered for the cliet to receive intermittent tube feedings. An intitial chest Xray is done to confirm placement. After the xray the most reliable method of checking for tube pacement is

measure the pH of the secretions aspirated

Which describes the body breaking down nutrients into chemical energy and then into usable energy?


which nutrients are inorganic elements found in nature?


A nurse is providing dietary teaching for a client who reports constipation. Which of the following foods should the nurse recommend?

one medium apple with skin

While doing a nutritional assessment of a low income family, the community health determines the family's diet is inadequate in protein content. What food could increase protein content with little increase in budget?

peas, beans, eggs

When assisting the client who practices Islam or Judaism with meal planning, the nurse knows that both religions share an avoidance of:

pork products

a client says to the nurse, "I hate fat. I wonder why the body has it." which is the best explination of the function of body fat?

protection of vital organs essential to cell metabolism enables nerve-impluse transmission

the nurse is caring for a client with a large leg wound.An increase in which nutrients are most important to repair and maintain the cells?


A nurse is teaching a client about balanced nutrition. Which reference should the nruse provide for the need for vitamins, minerals, proteins, calories?

recommended daily allowance

A patient is suspected of having anorexia nervosa. This eating disorder is characterized by:

self-imposed starvation

Which type of bowel diversion allows for control over bowel elimination without the need to wear an appliance?

sigmoid colostomy

Which info would best determing body fat content?

skin fold measurement

A client with heart disease and hypertension should limit which mineral?


A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving continous enteral feedings. which of the following nursing interventions is the highest priority when the nurse suspects aspiration of the feeding

stop the feeding

A nurse is caring for a client who will perfom fecal occult blood testing at home. Which of the following info should be included when explaining the procedure to the client?

the specimen can not be contaminated with urine

which chronic conditions impact a client's nutritional needs?

traumatic injury alcoholism bowel inflammation cognitive function

A nurse is preparing to auscultate and percuss a clients abdomen as part of a comprehensive physical exam. Which of the following findings should the nuse expect?

tympany high-pitched clicks

Which are the interventions used to manage and minimize the symptoms of dry mouth?

use hard candy or hum take frequent sips of water use lip moisturizer

A nurse is preparing to instill an enteral feeding for a client who has an NG tube in place. Which of the following actions is the nurse's high assessment priority before performing this procedure?

verify the placement of the ng TUBE

A nurse is delivering an enteral feeding to a client who has an NG tube in place for intermittent feedings. When the nurse pour water into the syringe after the formula drains from the syringe, the client asks why the water was necessary. What should the nurse respond?

water helps clear the tube so it doesn't get clogged

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