Exam H, Unit Exam

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E2, Match each Nordic policy with how it works to create a thriving, high productivity economy:

Centralized Bargaining: rewards high-productivity Active labor market policy: ensures low unemployment Low interest rates: facilitates business investment

E2, Which of the following help explain how the Nordics have managed to maintain an expansive welfare state and the high taxes to pay for it, along with robust economics and strong job growth?

Centralized bargaining

G2, Which of the following are components of the Fair Representation Act as it has been introduced to Congress? Mark all the apply

Districts elect three to give members of the house voters get only one vote voters rank their choices

G1, Which one of the following statements is true?

Half of the U.S population has always gotten only about a fifth of the Senate

E1, Which of the Nordics had a (fairly disastrous) experiment with deregulating its financial sector to the late 1990s and early 2000s


If the Fair Representation Act is enacted, elections to the U.S House of Representatives will most closely resemble elections to the legislature of which one of the following countries?


F2, Which of the states has the highest union coverage?

New York

E4, One "easy" way to make public pensions less costly is to raise the retirement age. Why don't all countries simply raise their retirement ages dramatically to reduce the cost of their pension programs? (Check all the apply)

Raising the retirement age is very unpopular unless people are convinced they are going to live longer lives Raising the retirement age means fewer available jobs for younger workers

E4, Which of the following statements about Social Security is true?

Social Security simply pays beneficiaries back the money they paid in during their working years

G2, What is proportional representation (PR)

The share of seats won by each party is equal to the share of votes received

E1, Which terms best describe the Nordic welfare state?

Universalistic and Comprehensive

E4, Pay-as-you-go pensions systems, when adopted, were justified over individual retirement accounts on the grounds that:

a large number of workers per beneficiary means that the financial burden in smaller

G2, Which one of the following statements about the U.S House of Representatives is true?

all house districts are drawn within the borders of a state

F1, Florida recently enacted a minimum wage hike. Why does it support the arguments made by the work discussed in lecture?

because Florida allows ballot initiatives and it had been eleven years since the last federal minus wage

E6, Why might the Alaska Permanent Fund's dividend payout not be considered a true UBI?

because it isn't large enough to be considered to provide a basic income

F1, Why do fewer people get paid the federal minim wage when its inflation adjusted value is lower? Mark all the apply

because the state minimum wages are more likely to be higher than the federal minimum wage because employers need to pay more than the minimum to attract workers, that is, the minimum isn't regulating that market at all

E5, What are the conditions that make Brazil's Bolsa Familia program a Conditional Cash Transfer program? Mark all the apply

children must be vaccinated family incomes must be very low children must attend school

E5, Which of the following have been among the effects of the Bolsa Familia program? Make all the apply

domestic violence is down children are working less

E6, Which of the following were observed in the study of children's mental health that help explain the changes observed in the EBCI children after the EBCI UBI began? Mark all that apply

drinking declined amount EBCI parents EBCI parent-child relationships improved

E5, Despite their successes in countries like Brazil and Mexico over the past two decades, Conditional Cash Transfers have not been adopted by many other countries


E2, Which of the following is NOT part of an active labor market policy?

free college tuition and stipends for students

E1, How do the Nordics finance their welfare states?

high taxes

G2, According to Iversen and Soskice, were are left parties stronger?

inc countries that hold elections with proportional representation

F3, By the turn of the twenty-first century, how big was the average advantage in reading test scores of children from families in the 90th income percentile over children from families in the 10th income percentile

it was similar to the average advantage of 8th graders over 4th graders

G1, Which of the following would be the best way to reform the Senate, according to Professor Solt?

kill it with fire, er, that is, just abolish it entirely

E2, Which of the following statements about interest rates is true?

low interest rates tend to lead currency devaluation, in turn making imports higher to buy and exports easier to sell

F3, In states like Florida, Alabama, and Iowa, the main issue with eduction funding is that:

nearly all districts are funded below the national average

F2, Please match the following

nonrival: when something can be nonexcludeable: when people cannot be kept collective action problem: when something would benefit free riding: when people enjoy the benefit

E3, What appears to be the principal means by which those in the top 1% evade taxes, both in the Nordics and in the United States

offshore accounts

E3, A tax for which the rate, as a percentage of an individual's income, increases as their income decreases is called a:

progressive tax

E5, Which of the following constitutes vote buying as the term is understood by political scientists? (mark all the apply)

promising a voter that you will provide them with some seed for net year's crop if and only if they vote for you

F1, According the evidence provided by the work discussed in lecture, which of the following has biggest effect on minimum wage hikes?

public awareness of inequality

E3, A. tax for which the rate as a percentage of an individual's income, increases as their income decreases is called a:

regressive tax

E1, Which of the following terms describers the proportion of ordinary earnings that one receives if one is unable to work?

replacement rate

F3, Which of the following are true? Mark all that apply

richer students scored higher on average than poorer students during the entire second half of the twentieth century the average advantages of richer students over poorer students in test scores expanded over the second half of the twentieth century

E1, Which of the following is NOT a free or affordable public service provided by the state in the Nordics?

sick pay, unemployment pay, and retirement

F1, In contrast 2020 dollars to take into account inflation, when did the federal minimum wage reach its highest point?

sometime during the 1960s

E2, The following is what type of unemployment? When location or skills of unemployed workers do not much available jobs


E4, Which of the following is not necessarily among the complications of moving from a PAYGO public pension such as Social Security to a system of individual retirement accounts?

switching means putting participants retirement savings in the stock market, which had collapsed twice in the last 15 years leaving retirees with other (without additional programs and funding streams)

E6, Which of the following is among the arguments against adopting UBI? Mark all the apply

that a UBI big enough to matter will likely require cuts to other better targeted programs and so leave the neediest worse off either a UBI is not enough money to matter or too expensive to afford

E6, Which of the following were observed in the study of children's mental health that included Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians children after the EBCI began? Mark all that apply

the EBCI children's crime rates declined the EBCI children's graduation rates increases the EBCI children's emotional disorder declined the EBCI children's behavioral problems declined

F2, How do the Nordics maintain high union coverage?

the Ghent system

F3, In states where the courts or legislatures ordered sharp increases in funding for their poor districts

the advantage of their rich districts over their poor districts shrank

F3, What allows the dramatic differences in funding per student across school district found in the United States?

the fact that school districts get much of their money comes from local property taxes

G1, Which of the following are "veto points" in the U.S political system that wealthy opponents of redistributive policies may take advantage of to block their adoption and implementation? Mark all the apply

the house of representatives the states the presidency the senate the judiciary

E6, Which one of the following was among the findings of the pilot study of UBI done in Panthadodiya, India?

the new business starts doubled in the villages with UBI compared to the control villages

F1, According to the hypothesis proposed in the work discussed in lecture, what should be expected to explain state minimum wage hikes? Mark all the apply

the number of years since the last federal minimum wage hike the availability of ballot initiatives public awareness of inequality

G1, Granting statehood to DC will help address which if the following problems with the Senate? Mark all that apply

the senates bias against Black Americans the senates bias toward rural states

G1, Why did Republicans pass the 2017 tax cuts?

their wealthy donors instead on it

F2, Which of the following statements about "right to work" laws are true? Mark all that apply

they prohibit contracts that prohibit free riding they make it harder for unions to attract members and stay in existence than "closed shops"

E3, The Republican tax cuts of 2018 primarily benefitted people in which income group

those with incomes over $1 million per year

E5, Which of the following are among the goals of conditional cash transfer programs like Bolsa Familia? Mark all that apply

to break cycles of vote-buying and government corruption to mitigate poverty quickly by putting more money in the hands of the poor to improve the prospects of poor children to make more money than their parents

E4, Historically, the elderly were among the most impoverished groups in many societies


F2, What does the "Ghet system" refer to?

unions being in charge of administering unemployment benefits

E3, An example of a tax for which the rate, as a percentage of an individual income, increases, as their income decreases is a:

value added tax

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