Exam Semest 1 U.S. History

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Which of the following statements best describes the role of African-Americans during the Civil War?

The Emancipation Proclamation increased African-American enlistments in the North.

Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus for all people living between Washington and Philadelphia provides evidence of which of the following

presidential power increased during the Civil War.

The new Republican party

quickly won voter support in the South in the elections of 1854 and 1855

The Gettysburg Address most notably

reaffirmed the notions of freedom and equality.

Which early advantage of the Confederacy ultimately became one of the Union's strong points?

skilled and experienced military leadership

The 1860 presidential election made it clear that

the American political system was sharply divided along sectional lines.

The main idea of President Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" was that

the Civil War was being fought to preserve the nation.

What was the final major legislative effort to prevent the Civil War?

the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Which of the following best reflects Lincoln's attitude in this speech?

He is hopeful that the end of the Civil War is near.

Which of the following statements about the election of 1864 is TRUE?

Lincoln barely won and did not get much support from the soldiers serving in the field

General McClellan was ultimately removed from his command by President Lincoln because

Lincoln believed McClellan was overly cautious and too slow to engage

Why were people fleeing slavery in the United States to become residents there?

Although free African Americans could live in the northern United States, they preferred to live in a country where no slavery was allowed.

Which of these was a provision of the Compromise of 1850?

California entered the Union as a slave state.

Which of the following provisions was NOT considered part of personal liberty laws during the mid-19th century?

Citing the state's right of nullification

In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court ruled that

Dred Scott could not legally sue in a federal court.

How did President Lincoln respond to the Confederacy's attack on Fort Sumter?

He declared the Confederacy's actions to be an insurrection and asked for volunteers to fight.

How did General Lee attempt to raise international support for the Confederacy?

He invaded the North, hoping a victory on Union soil would encourage support from abroad.

What was Abraham Lincoln's stance on slavery in 1860?

He petitioned Congress for the emancipation of only Southern slaves.

How did President Lincoln keep the border states loyal to the Union?

He relaxed certain restrictions regarding the purchase and sale of slaves.

In the presidential election of 1860 I. the Democratic party factionalized and nominated two candidates II. the election evolved into a contest between Lincoln and Douglas in the North and Breckinridge and Bell in the South III. Lincoln received a majority of the popular vote IV. Lincoln won a majority of the electoral vote

I, III, and IV only

What was Jefferson Davis' central problem?

In a society that prized states' rights, Davis had to centralize authority.

Which statement best explains the reasoning behind the decision of some northern states to pass "personal liberty laws"?

Individual states should decide for themselves whether or not to support slavery.

What was the result of the protective tariff passed in 1862?

Industrial development in the North surged because the tariff made imported goods more expensive.

How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect the North's attitude toward the war?

It extinguished the desire to reach a unified agreement.

How might the Crittenden Compromise have eased tensions between the North and South?

It would have been a constitutional amendment that would allow slavery south of the Missouri Compromise line in all territories.

By opening territory north of 36º 30' to slavery, the Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the

Missouri Compromise of 1820.

All of the following were major themes in southern ideology before the Civil War EXCEPT

Northern capitalists mercilessly exploited their workers

Why did the Kansas-Nebraska Act end in bloodshed?

Pro- and antislavery forces each sent settlers to compete for control.

Which of the following best describes the goal of John Brown's raid of Harpers Ferry?

Raiding the military arsenal to supply later slave uprisings.

What was the outcome of the Peninsular Campaign and the Second Battle of Bull Run?

The Confederacy drove back Union forces.

how did the Land Grant College Act affect education in the United States?

The country's educational system became more focused on agriculture.

What was one challenge faced by the Confederacy?

The decentralized government and strong sense of states' rights was a challenge to Jefferson Davis's ability to conduct the war.

What does Lincoln mean, when he says, "a house divided against itself cannot stand."

The divisions brought about by the issue of slavery may result in the dissolution of the United States as a nation.

How did the Union raise money to fight the war?

The government levied an income tax and an export tax.

Which of the following was NOT a theme found in Uncle Tom's Cabin?

The role of the North and South working together to end slavery

Which of the following conditions enabled the federal government to implement the Homestead Act with little controversy?

The secession of southern states removed the divisive issues of slavery in the territories and the route of a railroad to California.

Dred Scott sued for his freedom, arguing that

he had been a resident of a state where slavery was illegal

Abraham Lincoln opposed the Crittenden Compromise because

he opposed the expansion of slavery in the territories.

The attack of Senator Charles Sumner by Representative Preston Brooks demonstrates which of the following?

how the issue of slavery intensified the passions of those on both sides

The Civil War further advanced which of these processes that was already taking place when the war began?

industrialization of the economy

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was unpopular in northern states because

it could increase the number of slave states.

In issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, one of Lincoln's goals was to

keep Britain and France from intervening on the side of the Confederacy.

Stephen Douglas' advocacy of popular sovereignty in the Kansas-Nebraska Act ignited rather than dispelled the flames of sectionalism. Popular sovereignty sought to

let the residents of Kansas-Nebraska areas determine their own laws on slavery through elections

John Brown's raid on the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry and his subsequent trial and execution had the effect of

making a martyr of John Brown and convincing many Southerners that secession from the Union was the only way they could prevent the increasingly abolitionist North from interfering with slavery in the South

Passage of the Fugitive Slave Act had the most direct consequences for which of these groups?

people involved with the Underground Railroad

The United States Congress during the Civil War

played a major role in choosing and firing generals to lead the Union forces.

Which of the following was a nullification of the Missouri Compromise?

popular sovereignty in Nebraska

States that sold public lands granted to them under the Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 were required to use the income to

promote public education in agriculture.

Many Southerners supported the Compromise of 1850 because it

provided that cotton be substituted for currency as a medium of exchange.

Many northerners objected to the Fugitive Slave Act because it

required citizens to help capture runaway slaves.

In foreign affairs, President Lincoln's most significant achievement was his success in

restraining foreign powers from recognizing the Confederacy.

In the Dred Scott case, the U.S. Supreme Court

stated that Congress could not ban slavery in territories

During the presidential election of 1848, Whig and Democratic candidates

supported abolition efforts throughout the country.

During the Civil War, most of the Five Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory of present-day Oklahoma

supported the Union.

Lincoln's primary objective for suspending the writ of habeas corpus was to

suppress Southern sympathizers in border states.

Which of the following statements about Uncle Tom's Cabin is the most accurate?

t was ill received in both the North and South.

Alexander Stephens' discussion with President Lincoln about a feasible end to the war yielded no results mainly because

the Confederates would not accept a future without slavery.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed slavery to spread to areas that had been free for over 30 years, which effectively nullified

the Missouri Compromise.

It can be inferred from this graphic that the events of the 1850s resulted in

the decline of the Whig Party.

The New York City riots were primarily a protest against

the draft

The key event that guaranteed Lincoln's re-election in 1864 was

the fall of Atlanta to General Sherman.

The content of the Constitution of the Confederate States of America indicated that a major difference between the South and the North concerned the understanding of

the federal relationship of the states and the national government.

The principle of popular sovereignty is best demonstrated in

the proposal that the Nebraska Territory would decide for itself whether to allow slavery.

Which feature of the Dred Scott ruling does Lincoln object to in this speech?

the ruling that congress could not ban slavery in the territories

This cartoon, which features Democratic candidate George McClellan in the center, suggests that in the 1864 election the Democratic Party

was torn between the aims of winning the war and making peace.

The "Christiana Riot" was one of many events to reflect what point of view?

white northerners' refusal to obey the new Fugitive Slave Act

Which of the following was not true of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Which of the following statements was probably made by a southerner?

"No state can lawfully leave the Union."

Based on this quotation from the Free-Soil Party's 1848 platform, what did the leaders of that party have in common with most southern leaders at that time?

A. They both believed that slavery was a states' rights issue.

Which of the following was an effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?

African American soldiers joined the Union Army.

What did the creation of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment demonstrate?

African Americans were eager to join the Union Army, and northern abolitionists supported them.

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 declared that enslaved African Americans who escaped to the North had to be returned to their masters. What evidence in the passage indicates that Lincoln will not prevent this law from being enforced?

All members of Congress swear their support to the whole Constitution—to this provision as much as to any other."

Of the following battles, which two might be considered a major turning point in the Civil War?

Battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg

The Dred Scott case had all of the following implications EXCEPT

Blacks were excluded from federal citizenship rights

What did the Dred Scott ruling have in common with the Fugitive Slave Act?

Both extended the rights of slave owners into non-slave states.

How did John Calhoun's response to the Clay Compromise differ from Daniel Webster's?

Calhoun believed that the South should secede if the two sides could not agree.

Which of the following was not an innovation used during the Civil War?

Canned food

How did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford?

Enslaved people could not sue in court because they were not recognized as citizens.

Which of the following arguments were used by southerners to defend slavery? I. the racial superiority of whites II the teachings of the Bible III. the economic necessity of the system IV. the benevolence of the system

I, II, III, IV, and V only

How is the 13th Amendment different from the Emancipation Proclamation?

It made slavery illegal everywhere in the United States.

Based on this selection from the text of the Fugitive Slave Act, which of the following best explained why it angered many people in the North?

It required people who may be opposed to slavery to assist in capturing and returning runaway slaves.

Which of the following statements about Uncle Tom's Cabin" is NOT true?

It was based on a true story

Which of the following statements was NOT true of the Confederacy during the Civil War?

It was plagued by large slave uprisings.

_Why was the 54th Massachusetts Regiment significant?

It was the first federally sanctioned regiment comprised of all African American soldiers.

Which statement is the best characterization of Lincoln's overall point of view based on his remark, "I do not expect the house to fall; but I do expect it will cease to be divided."

Lincoln remains cautiously optimistic that the United States will survive the crisis.

Which statement best explains how posters like this one helped contribute to secession?

Posters opposed to the Fugitive Slave Act caused southerners to believe northerners would never accept slavery in the South.

This excerpt from the Emancipation Proclamation indicates that

President Lincoln hoped that freed African Americans would join the Union Army.

Why did the North need to maintain control of the border states during the Civil War?

President Lincoln needed the region's political support to maintain the presidency.

What did Richard Current mean when he described the Civil War after the summer of 1863 as a "war of attrition"?

Southern generals remained able to engage Union forces without additional troops or supplies.

Which of the following actions was not considered part of the Compromise of 1850?

Texas's borders were extended to Santa Fe.

Which factor contributed most to the failure of McClellan's Peninsular Campaign?

The Union Army was led by a cautious commander who believed that he had insufficient forces to guarantee an overwhelming victory.

Which option below explains why the Dred Scott Decision was a setback for the abolitionist movement?

The decision asserted that owners of slaves did not have to free them regardless of where they lived.

Which of the following did NOT aid the economy of the North during the

The issuing of greenbacks

Why were southern leaders agitated by California's request to join the Union?

They believed the legislative balance would be tipped in favor of free states.

Some soldiers from the Border States experienced the war differently from other soldiers in which of the following ways?

They were more likely to be forced to fight against family members.

Which of the following is true of the Civil War draft in the North?

Under the draft law, free black men could be forced to serve in the Union army.

What was the primary strategy of the Confederacy during the early part of

Waging a war of attrition against the Union

The principle of popular sovereignty was

a central feature of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

In 1865, Congress proposed the Thirteenth Amendment, which would

abolish slavery in the United States.

According to the cartoon, who is primarily to blame for the Freesoilers' situation?

abolitionists using violence

Stephen A. Douglas argued in his Freeport Doctrine during the Lincoln-Douglas debates that

action by territorial legislatures could keep slavery out of the territories.

What position did Abraham Lincoln take on slavery and popular sovereignty?

against slavery and popular sovereignty

According to the Emancipation Proclamation who was to be freed?

all enslaved people in states and territory at war with the Union

The Wilmot Proviso sought to

ban the slave trade.

Restraining foreign powers from recognizing the Confederacy.

black participation in the army would be a step toward black citizenship.

The North's strategy for the Civil War was to do all the following EXCEPT

blockade the Southern coast

In George McClellan's race for the presidency, he stated he would

call for negotiations ending the war.

The information on this map shows that

control over the Mississippi River was important to both sides.

Congress passed the Militia Act in order to

draw military aid from overseas nations.

This excerpt indicates that President Lincoln is using the Gettysburg Address as an occasion to

encourage northerners to remain committed to preserving the Union.

Dorothea Dix is remembered most in the Civil War for

her contributions as a nurse.

The 1860 Republican Party platform favored all of the following EXCEPT

the abolition of slavery.

John Brown believed that the slavery crisis in the United States could only be resolved

through the use of physical force.

Abraham Lincoln differed from Jefferson Davis in that Davis

was unable to work with government and the public

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