EXCEL-Chapter 2: Formulas, Functions, and Formatting

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A _____ is a prewritten formula that is built into excel.


A _____ is made up of two values and a relational operator.


A blank cell in Excel has a numerical value of _____ .

Range Finder

An easy way to verify that a formula references the cells that you want it to reference is to use excel's _____ .

conditional formatting

Formatting that appears only when the value in a cell meets specific conditions is called _____ .


The Percent style button is used to display a value determined by multiplying the cell by _____, rounding the result to the nearest percent, and adding a percent sign.


Use the _____ function to determine the lowest number in a range.


Use the _____ function to display the highest value in a range.


Values used with a function are called _____ .

floating dollar sign

appears immediately to the left of the first digit with no spaces


are those portions of a printed page outside the main body of the printed document and always are blank when printed

fixed dollar sign

far left in the cell

Comma style format

inserts a comma every three positions to the left of the decimal point and causes numbers to be displayed to the nearest hundreths


is a dot on the screen that contains a color


is a predefined set of colors,chart styles, cell styles, and fill effects that can be applied to an entire workbook

hiding cells

is a technique you can use to hide data that might not be relevant to a particular report or sensitive data that you do not want others to see

Ctrl+Accent Mark

To display your worksheet in formula view, press _____ .

four-digit years

To ensure that Excel interprets year values the way you intend, use _____ .


Every time you enter a value into a cell in the worksheet, Excel _____ all formulas.


Excel displays which of the following for an invalid reference?


To override the order of operations, use _____ .


To select a range using the keyboard, press the _____ key and then use the arrow keys.

Range Finder

To verify that a formula contains the intended cell references, use Excel's _____ .


the blank areas around the sides of a page

normal view

the default view in a presentation, which contains the slide pane, the outline pane, the task pane, and the notes pane

Normal view

the default view that you have worked in up until this point in the book

spell checker

the process of checking the spelling of words in a document against a dictionary of known words and offering advice on how to make corrections

conna style format

to range of cells by clicking the conna style button

fixed dollar sign

to the far left in the cell, often with spaces between it and the first digit

Point mode

_____ allows you to select cells for use in a formula by using the mouse.


_____ cells is a technique you can use to hide data that might be sensitive or not relevant to a report.

Best fit

_____ means that the width of a column will be increased or decreased so the widest entry will fit in the column.


a collection of design elements, graphics, and colors that help items such as documents, presentations, and web pages maintain a consistent image

Accounting Number Format

a dollar sign to the left of the number

circular reference

a formula in a cell that contains a reference back to itself

circular reference

a formula in a cxell that contains a reference back to itself

order of operations

a set of rules for evaluating an expression involving more than one operation

hiding cells

a technique you can use to hide data that might not be relevant to a particular report or sensitive data that you do not want to see otherwise

blank cell

has a numerical value of zero

blank cell

in excel has a numerical value of zero which would have resulted in an error message in cell

page layout view

Allows you to create or modify a worksheet while viewing how it will look in printed format

equal sign

An _____ alerts excel that you are entering a formula or function and not text.


(computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot)


In the formula: =A4/B4+C5-D5*E6 the _____ operation is performed first.


The _____ Style format inserts a comma every three positions to the left of the decimal point and causes numbers to be displayed to the nearest hundredths.

Adjust to

The _____ box allows you to specify the percentage of reduction or enlargement in the printout of a worksheet.

Auto Fill Options

The _____ button gives options for how to fill cells following a fill operation.

Trace Error

The _____ button lists error-checking options following the assignment of an invalid formula to a cell.


The _____ dollar sign displays to the far left in a cell.


The _____ function sums the numbers in the specified range and then divides the sum by the number cells with numeric values in the range.


The _____ version of a worksheet show the actual formulas.


The arithmetic operator for multiplication is _____ .


The formula _____ multiples the contents of cell B4 by 18.5.

order of operations.

The order in which calculations are performed in a formula is called the _____ .


The process of finding and correcting errors in a worksheet is called _____ .


When you decrease a column width to _____ , the column is hidden.

Greater than

Which of the following is a valid conditional formatting operator found in the New Formatting Rule dialog box?

Page Layout view

allows you to modify a worksheet while viewing how it will look in printed format

relative cell references

column portion of cell references


following d4 is the arithemetic operator that directs excel to perform the multiplication operation

order of operations

is as follows: first negation (-), then all percentages (%), then all exponentiations (^), then all multiplications (*) and divisions (?), and finally, all additions (+) and subtractions (-)


is common content that prints on every page of a worksheet

relative cell references

is copied and pasted to other cells, the cell references in the formula or function change to reflect the function's new location.


is the process of finding and correcting errors in worksheet

formulas version

shows the actual formulas you have entered, rather than the resulting values

values version

shows the results of the formulas you have entered

values version

shows the results of the formulas you have entered, rather than the actual formulas

formulas version

which shows the actual formulas you have entered

accounting number format

with a dollar sign to the left of the number inserts a conna every three positions to the left of the decimal pont and display numvers to the nearest cent

spell checker

you can use to check a worksheet for spelling errors

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