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Formulas begin with


To average


To display a function as text


To add


The File button takes us to

A backstage view

What is a pivot table's purpose?

A fast, powerful way to create summary totals

What is a workbook?

A file in excel

What is a pivot table?

A tool that excel creates automatically to summarize data!!!!

Keystroke for autosum

Alt + =

To create a chart

Alt F1

To select visible cells only (you've hidden cells and don't want to copy them)


A quick way to create a chart on the same page


To create a chart on current page


To close excel


Zoom in


Zoom out


To create a new text line within a cell! (Create the text spacing you want!!!)


N function

Among other things, this adds documentation so that you can explain a function you've just written =whatever function +N("a bonus based on a 5 star rating")

Line charts show...

Changes across time

To shift the ways data is displayed on the axes...

Click "switch row/column

To add fast

Click Autosum on homepage ribbon right or formulas ribbon left

To freeze multiple squares...

Click in one cell, then view > freeze panes> freeze panes This will freeze all cells above and to the left of active cell.

To ungroup sheets

Click on any sheet tab

Instead of typing =sum(...

Click on cell where you want sum to appear, then type Alt+= and then add cells to be summed

To create a chart with recommendations from excel, highlight square in data, then...

Click on insert > recommended charts. Then look at options

How to select just a couple of sheets?

Click on one sheet, then hold down ctrl and click on any other sheet tabs you'd like to select

Options to manipulate your content to print...

Click on the dialog box launcher under page setup

How do you select multiple sheets?

Click on the first sheet tab, then press and hold shift, then click on last sheet tab, they'll all be selected. He word "group" appears in green ribbon at top of screen

How do you share a file?

Click on the right most arrow box in the top green ribbon (customize quick access tool bar)>

Smith way to access page setup commands...

Click print, then page setup is available at bottom of left menu

To select entire worksheet?

Click the diagonal button in upper left corner

To unhide all hidden columns/rows at once?

Click the upper right hand corner, then right click anywhere in column/row numbers/letters and click unhide

If you delete a sheet and are in panic mode, do you have an option?

Close the excel file without saving and open it up again. If you haven't taken other steps, it should still be there.

What is the default chart type in excel?

Clustered column

What are the big four charts?

Column, line, bar, pie

To open up decimal places in a cell...

Ctrl + 1

To keep the active cell in place

Ctrl + Enter

How to get to the bottom of rows?

Ctrl + down arrow key

How to get to upper left corner?

Ctrl + home key

How to get to the last column?

Ctrl + right arrow

What is the redo command?

Ctrl + y

What is there undo command?

Ctrl + z

How do you see the perimeter of your active cells?

Ctrl and .

How do you see the full zone of active cells (highlight them in gray)?

Ctrl and A

How do you move quickly between open excel workbooks?

Ctrl tab

To select all cells


To copy all data


To display a function instead of the resulting value


How to show the actual categories chosen ina pivot table instead of "row labels" and "column labels"?

Design > Report Layout > show in outline/tabular form

What are the buttons in the lower right corner of command boxes in the ribbon called?

Dialogue box launchers

How do you create a best fit column size?

Double click boundary

How to actually display the formula in the adjoining cell?

Double click on cell; highlight all content; ctrl+C; esc; click on adjoining cell; double click to display space bar; ctrl+v (each of these steps is mandatory!!!)

To eliminate split screen...

Double click on split line OR click on split icon under view

How to edit text in a cell?

Double click where you want to edit and your cursor will appear

If you highlight and copy the data on a filtered sheet...

Excel only copies the visible data!

How to access the help menu?

F1 key

To create a chart on a different page


How do you hide the ribbon if you're presenting data?

Far right of quick access tool bar has a filew/arrow icon that includes those choices

Where is the auto fill function?

Fill handle in lower right hand corner of cell

What is filtering?

Filtering puts the drop down arrow in the column header and lets you look at only cells that you define by pressing filter and selecting your criteria!

How do you protect data in excel?

Highlight a column, right click, choose format cells, click on protection, choose locked or hidden; THEN go to review tab>protect sheet; you'll be asked to create a password.

To make several columns a best fit?

Highlight all total columns, then double click on one column boundary

To split the screen,

Highlight cell, click View> split screen> split

To total two directions at once

Highlight cells with empty cells in two directions, then Alt+=

To insert a row without disrupting data to the side?

Highlight cells you want to move down, right click within highlighted cells, click on shift cells...

To create chart with only some of the data...

Highlight cells, press ctrl and highlight additional cells, then Alt F1 or insert...

To total

Highlight cells, then Alt+=

To copy data...

Highlight cells, then, with cursor on any edge and with control key pushed,drag to new location. Release mouse first.

To create a pick list in excel...

Highlight column>data>data validation>allow>list, then with blinking cursor in box, highlight cells containing list options, and enter

To insert multiple columns?

Highlight multiple columns, right click insert, multiple columns appear to the left

To insert multiple rows?

Highlight multiple rows, right click, click insert and new rows appear above

To print only the data you want...

Highlight selection, then under page layout, select print area, click on set print area

How to access shortcut menu?

Highlight space to manipulate, then right click and you may see the command you need...

How to autosum horizontally and vertically at once?

Highlight square with one row and column extension, then Alt + =

How do you make columns the exact width?

Highlight the relevant columns, then drag one on the boundary

to insert rows or columns

Highlight, then Ctrl Shft +

To move data...

Highlight, then, with cursor on any edge, drag to new location

How do you keep the active cell in place?

Hit ctrl+enter instead of enter (useful when you're going to extend a formula down a column!)

To zoom in excel...

Hold down ctrl and roll the mouse wheel

Where is strikethrough?

In the dialogue launch button of the font command box in the ribbon

How to create your own?

Insert > pivot table, then check for your row labels and drag your column labels into the column box and your values labels into the values box!!!

How to have excel create one?

Insert > recommended pivot table

Can autosum do more than sum?

It can average

What happens if you auto fill with a "Q" in the text of a cell?

It will auto fill 4 cells for "quarter"

How do you preserve integrity of headers when sorting?

Make sure when you click on sort that the box "My data has headers" is checked

How do you pivot a pivot table?

Move the labels into different boxes (columns, rows, values,etc.)

If cells for a chart are surrounded by empty cells...

No need to highlight the whole block, just click on a cell in the group

What are the three buttons in the right lower white band?

Normal, Page Layout, Page Break Preview

Where do you find the pivot table feature?

On the insert tab...like with charts...

Middle square button in lower right white line

Page layout

To add a sheet

Plus the + in lower ribbon or Shift F11

To copy a sheet

Press and drag while holding the ctrl button

What is the small green line command set at the top of the screen?

Quick access tool bar

When creating a chart...

Remember that the upper left corner square is perceived as empty. Labels to top and left of data leave that square unoccupied

How to customize the quick access tool bar?

Right Click on any tab not on your home screen and choose "add to quick access tool bar" option. Remove by right clicking on added icons and selecting remove

Insert a new column

Right Click on column letter, click on insert, new column appears to the left

In excel numbers are automatically...

Right aligned

Where is the "mini tool bar"

Right click on particular cells

To insert new row?

Right click on the row number, click insert, row appears above

How do you change a bunch of cells at once?

Select a bunch of cells, change one, then hit Ctrl and Enter

To align chart edges with cell boundaries

Select chart, hold down Alt key, then release mouse first

To activate the shortcut menu...


How do you add a header in page layout form?

Slide mouse above columns to expose header boxes; fill under "Design" in ribbon

To complete a function from the drop down list

Start typing, when you see the option, then double click, highlight cells with your mouse, and press return

What does a right click do?

Take you to short cuts

How do you cancel filter with one stroke?

The clear button to the right of filter in the top ribbon

What is the thick white command set below the quick access tool bar?

The ribbon

To get rows to print at the top of each page...

Under page layout, click print titles, then under rows to repeat at top, highlight row with cursor and click on "okay"

How to keep rows or columns in view as you scroll...

Under view, click freeze panes, and follow directions

IF function

Used when you want to assign a value to a cell based on a logical test (If A2>5,2000,0). Meaning if cell A2 says you get a 5 star rating, then we'll give you a 2,000 bonus but if not, then no bonus

To freeze first column

View > freeze panes > freeze first column

To unfreeze top row...

View > freeze panes > unfreeze top row

To freeze top row...

View> freeze panes > freeze top row

How to change chart type?

When chart is selected, click on "change chart type"

Any change made to one sheet when a group of sheets is selected...

Will be made to all sheets

Do roe sizings work the same way column sizing works?


If you format the whole column instead of just the data, then when you highlight it...

You see really useful info (average, count, sum,etc) down in the bottom ribbon!

To move data into cells with existing data that will get pushed down,

highlight, then drag on an edge while holding shift key. This is a shift drag.

To make a piece of a formula absolute (so that every cell refers to the value in cell D5 no matter what column it's in...

you push F4 (you'll know it worked because $ will appear in front of the cell letter and number in the formula)

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