Exercise 12

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For that axiolateral oblique modified law projection of the TMJ's, how much is the central ray angled and in which direction?

15° Caudad

Which of the following facial bones are paired? 1) Vomer 2) maxilla 3) zygoma

2 and 3 only

Where should the central ray enter for a cross table horizontal beam lateral, trauma skull projection?

2" superior to the EAM

For an axial lateral modified Schuller projection of the TMJ's how is the central ray angled?

25 degrees caudad

For an axial lateral oblique projection of the mandible, if the patient is lateral, how much is the tube angled?

25° Cephalad

If the orbitoeatal line is perpendicular to the image receptor for an AP axial towne projection, how much caudad angle is required

30 degrees

How many salivary glands are there?

6 three pairs

For positioning purposes, the difference between the 0ML and the IOML in an adult skull is approximately?

7 degrees

The bregna in an adult would be referred to as what in an infant?

Anterior Fontanel

Where is the exact location of the optic foramen?

Apex of the orbit; The orbit is "cone" shaped. The base of the orbit makes up the bony rim around the eye and the apex of the orbit is where the optic foramen is located.

What structure should be projected within the shadow of the foreman magnum on a well positioned AP axial towne projection radiograph of the skull?

Dorsum sellae

For a submentovertex (full basal) projection, what line is parallel to the plane of the image receptor? A. Glabellomeatal line B. Orbitomeatal line C. Infraorbitomeatal line D. Acanthiomeatal line


What is the line called between the inferior orbital margarine and the EAM called?


A line drawn between the two pupils of the eye to find which of the positioning lines?

Interpupillary line

Which of the following bones forms then major part of the hard palate?


What a true lateral position of the skull, the mid sagittal plane must the be in which of these positions?

Parallel to the image receptor

Which of the following projections would demonstrate the facial bones and the zygomatic arches?

Parietoacanthial (Waters) projection

Which of the following projections is used to demonstrate that optic foramen?

Parietoacanthial-orbital oblique (Rhese) projection

What is the name of the part of the temporal bone that houses the organs of hearing and equilibrium?

Petrous portion; The middle ear houses the organs of hearing and equilibrium, it is located in the petrous portion of the temporal bones.

What type of fracture to the floor of the orbit will result from a direct blow to the eye?

blow out fracture

Which of the following terms describes the horizontal portion of the mandible?


Which of the following conditions usually results in a loss of consciousness?


Which of the following is an injury to the brain caused by a severe impact?


Which of the following describes involuntary contractions of voluntary muscles?


Which of the following is the part of the skull that surrounds and protects the brain?


Which of the following is a very serious inflammation of the brain?


Which of the following is a disease of abnormal electrical discharges in the brain?


In order to demonstrate fluid in the sinuses, the patient must be radiographed in which position!?


What is the name of the canal that connects the nasal pharynx with the middle ear?

eustachian tube

What is the opening of the external ear canal called?

external auditory meatus

What is the name of the large opening in the base of the cranium through which the spinal cord passes?

foramen magnum

What is the area between the eyebrows and above the bridge of the nose called?


Which line should be perpendicular to the plane of the image receptor for a true lateral Skull position?

interpupillary line

Which radiographic projections will show all of the paranasal sinuses?


A stroke victim may be alert but suffering from aphasia. Which of the following describes this condition

loss of speech

Which of the following is not one of the auditory ossicles?


An inflammation of the covering of the brain and or spinal cord is called what?


Which of the following bones does not help form the base of the orbit?


A patient with cataracts has which of the following conditions?

opacity of the eye lens

Which of the following areas would have to be radiographed in order to demonstrate the sphenoid strut?


A line drawn between the lateral margin of the orbit and the EAM is called what?

orbitomeatal line

Which of the following glands will be demonstrated if contrast media is injected into stensens duct


Which of the following is considered the master gland


What suture separates the two parietal bones?


An elderly patient who has a loss of mental, physical and emotional control Is said to be what?


What is the flat, major part of the parietal bone called?

squamous portion

What is the name of the bony ridge that lies beneath the eyebrows?

supercilliary ridge

Which of the following topographical landmarks corresponds to the floor of the cranium?

supraorbital groove

Which of the following articulates with the zygomatic bones?


Which of the following is not one of the bones that composes the calvarium?


What is the superior most aspect of the skull called?


The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone articulates with which of the following facial bones?


Which of the following anatomical structures would not be found in the petrous portion of the temporal bone?


For a Parietoacanthial (Waters) projection, the patient is instructed to rest his/her head on which of the following? a. Nose b. Cheek c. Chin d. Forehead


Which of the following is a reliable way to check for rotation on a lateral skull radiograph?

Mandibular rami superimposed

The Orbital mental line is perpendicular to the image receptor in the CR is angled 15° cephalic. What projection is this?

AP Axial Caldwell

Which position/projection would be used to best demonstrate the occipital bone?

AP axial (Towne) projection

A line between the acanthion and the external auditory meatus is known as what?

Acanthiomeatal line

The point where the nose in the upper lip join together is called what?


Where does the central ray exit for the parieotoacanthial waters projection of the facial bones?


Which of the following will best be demonstrated with a submentoverex full basal projection of the skull?

Base of the cranium

What is the correct anatomical term describing the skullcap?


What is the posterior portion of the sella turcica called?

Dorsum Sellae; The sella turcica is a "saddle-shaped" structure that houses the pituitary gland. The dorsum sellae is the posterior portion of the "saddle".

The cribriform plate as part of which of these bones?


Which of the following is not a facial bone? A) Maxella B) mandible C) Lacrimal D) ethmoid


What two parts to the patient's anatomy will be touching the table during a PA axial Caldwell projection?

Forehead and nose

For a trauma, AP 0 degree projection, where will the central ray enter?

Glabella; The patient would be in a cervical collar for this projection.

What is another name for the posterior angle of the mandible?


What is it called when a patient's ventricles are filled with a large amount of cerebral spinal fluid?


Where will the petrous pyramids be projected in a properly position PA axial (Caldwell) projection radiograph?

In the lower 1/3 of the orbits

If the foreman magnum is not well visualized on an AP axial towne projection radiograph of the skull, what must be done to correct it?

Increase CR angle caudally

The tear ducks are associated with which bones?


What is the name of the point where the two parietals articulate with that occipital bone ?


What position is obtain if the head is in a lateral position in the central ray enters the zygoma?

Lateral facial bones

What position is obtain if the head is in a lateral position in the central ray enters the lateral margin of the orbit?

Lateral paranasal sinuses

What structure must be entirely in front of (anterior to) both Petrous pyramids on a submentovertx (full basal) radiograph of the skull?


Which of the following positions/projections would best demonstrate a blowout fracture of the orbit?

Modified waters projection

What is the name of a bony plan that divides the nasal cavity?

Nasal septum

The point where the two nasal bones in the frontal bone join together is called what


An AP projection of the skull with a 30° caudad angle will best demonstrate which cranial bone?


Which is the following is not one of the structures of the cranium?


Which of the following projections are taking to demonstrate the temporomandibulat joints?

Open and close mouth axiolateral oblique modified law projections?

Which position/projection would be used to best demonstrate the frontal bone?

PA (Caldwell) projection

Which of the following would be an alternate projection for a patient who cannot flex is it her neck sufficiently for an AP axial towns projection?

PA axial (HAAS) projection

What are the names of the L-shaped bones that are located posterior to the nasal cavity?

Palantine; The right and left palatine bones are "L" shaped. The vertical portion extends upward between the maxilla and the sphenoid bones. The horizontal portion makes up the posterior portion of the hard palate.

What is the name of the small gland that lies in the midline of the brain and is often calcified in the adult?

Pineal; The pineal gland is attached to the roof of the third ventricle. It secretes a variety of hormones, eg., melatonin (aids in sleeping). When the gland calcifies, older adults have difficulty sleeping.

What is the name of the structure that houses the pituitary gland?

Sella Turcica; The sella turcica protects the pituitary gland, known as the master gland of the body.

If the CR enters at a point 3/4 of an inch anterior and 3/4 of an inch superior to the EAM what structures would be visualized?

Sella turcica

Open mouth parietoacanthial waters, horizontal beam projection is used to demonstrate which of the following paranasal sinuses?


Which of the following bones help form the basis of the cranium?


To best demonstrate the floor of the cranium, which position/projection would be used?

Submentovertical (full basal) projection

Which of the following projections will demonstrate both zygomatic arches?

Submentovertical (full basal) projection

What makes an acceptable waters projection radiograph

The petrous Ridges are projected directly below the maxillary sinuses

What is the name of the membrane that separates that external auditory meatus from the middle ear?

Tympanic membrane

A radiographic examination of the nasal bones would consist of which of the following positions/projection?

Waters and both laterals

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