EXIT EXAM Study Guide

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C is correct because a CEO that encourages employees to buy company stock while at the same time intending to sell his or hers because of an upcoming change the employees may not know about is exhibiting unethical behavior.

A CEO urges employees to buy stock in the company and then sells his/her personal stock because of a coming change that will likely decrease the stock prices. The actions of the CEO showed A. a keen business acuity B. loyalty to the company C. unethical behavior D. honesty and integrity

A is correct because the country would have a trade deficit of $2,775,760. To calculate, subtract the imported amount from the exported amount. In this case we receive a negative figure (-$2,755,760), making it a trade deficit.

A country exported $689,269 worth of goods and imported $3,465,029 worth of goods. What is the trade surplus or deficit? A. -$2,775,760 B. -$986,637 C. $2,775,760 D. $4,154,298

D is correct because a fire may be controlled without upsetting the thermal layer by using a straight stream at the base of the fire. This is called direct attack.

A fire may be controlled without upsetting the thermal layer by A. directing a straight stream to the middle of the fire B. aiming the stream at the ceiling and allowing the water to rain down on the fire C. rolling the stream around the perimeter of the room D. using a straight stream at the base of the fire

D is correct because participating in available or ongoing educational classes is a good way to develop business-related career skills.

A good way to develop additional business-related career skills is to A. work extra hard at your current job B. develop a close relationship with the supervisors C. network to create contacts D. participate in available education classes

C is correct because the communication of the purpose and goal is generally the reason for an organization's mission statement.

A mission statement describes an organization's A. absentee policy B. building plans C. purpose or goal D. job postings

B is correct because according to the law of supply and demand, since the coffee will now be in short supply, it will sell at a higher price.

According to the law of supply and demand, when high winds in Hawaii damage the coffee plants, coffee will be A. low in price because people will switch to tea to avoid price increases B. in short supply, and therefore higher in price C. unaffected in price or supply D. in short supply with an unchanged price

B is correct because active listening is a method of listening that focuses entirely on what is being said and confirms an understanding of both the content and the message. Paraphrasing what the speaker has said involves actively processing the message and rephrasing it in your own words.

An example of active listening skills is A. planning what to say next B. paraphrasing what has been said C. taking notes after the conversation D. nodding during the conversation

B is correct because nodding is a form of nonverbal communication.

An example of nonverbal communication is A. speaking B. nodding C. writing D. emailing

D is correct because a database can electronically keep track of the client names and the dates needed to send the anniversary card.

Company ABC sends an ''anniversary'' card to each client on the date they started working with the company. To maintain an electronic record, they should use a A. calendar B. planner C. card file D. database

B is correct because a SWOT analysis is a planning tool used to determine or evaluate an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as related to a project or decision. An opportunity refers to an external condition or possibility that may benefit a company if it pursues the action or decision. A potential for increased profits is an example of an opportunity.

If a business conducts SWOT analysis to decide whether or not to expand, which of the following would be categorized as an ''O''? A. money is available for the expansion B. there is the potential for increased profits C. new competition could enter the market D. company expenses have increased

B is correct because $9.35 is withheld. To calculate, multiply the percent being withheld (0.0125) by the gross pay ($750.00).

If a worker's gross pay is $750.00 and 1.25 percent of the workers' earnings are withheld for Medicare tax, what dollar amount of Medicare tax is being withheld? A. $7.35 B. $9.38 C. $93.75 D. $125.5

B is correct because the business venture was a good investment with a profit of over $137,000. To calculate, multiply the number of hours (3,496) by the amount per hour ($45) to arrive at how much the firm cost. Then subject that figure ($157,320) from that company's revenues ($295,300).

In order to increase sales, a company hired a telemarketing firm. Telemarketers logged 3,496 hours, making 46,397 presentations and 6,350 sales, and increasing the company's revenues by $295,300. The telemarketing firm charged $45 per hour for their services. How successful was the business venture? A. wildly successful, netting over $200,000 B. a good investment with a profit of over $137,000 C. a good start, doing slightly better than $6,000 D. a bad venture with a negative return of -$245,000

A is correct because mail-merge is a function that allows a word processing document to contain fields that are then populated from a data source, such as a list of client names and addresses. This is an efficient method of providing a level of personalization while using one basic document.

James wants to send a personalized letter to each of his sales clients. To do this, James should use A. mail-merge B. auto-formatting C. design templates D. auto-addressing

C is correct because motivational praise from an employer should be specific and work related.

Motivational praise from an employer should be specific and A. personal B. financially rewarding C. work related D. include increased benefits

B is correct because strategic planning tends to be longer term and more broadly defined.

One difference between strategic and tactical planning is that strategic planning tends to be A. shorter term and more narrowly defined B. longer term and more broadly defined C. targeted towards middle management D. targeted towards new employees

D is correct because informing Robert about the established "ground rules" and what the group has done in recent meetings is the best way for other team members to help Robert successfully participate in the team discussions.

Robert is a new employee and has joined a work team for the company. What is the best way the other team members can help Robert to participate meaningfully in the team discussions? A. Instruct Robert not to talk very much during the first meeting he attends, so he can learn as much as possible. B. Assign Robert to watch the group during the first few meetings. C. Let Robert fend for himself. D. Tell Robert about the ''ground rules'' the team has created to guide the meetings and explain what the group has done in recent meetings.

A is correct because the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) created a freetrade area for Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) created a free-trade area for A. Mexico, the U.S., and Canada B. Mexico and Canada C. Mexico and Panama D. Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize

A is correct because providing positive feedback to reinforce what workers do correctly is most likely to motivate workers to work the best they can and to improve their performance.

The best way to motivate workers to do a good job is A. providing positive feedback to reinforce what they do correctly B. providing negative feedback to discourage them from what they do incorrectly C. making them compete against each other to encourage a spirit of achievement D. acknowledging only group achievements rather than individual ones to reinforce the team attitude

C is correct because the main purpose of an effective performance evaluation is to help workers develop their strengths and work on their weaknesses.

The main purpose of an effective performance evaluation is to A. help companies determine who to fire when times get hard B. help workers to determine when they should ask for a salary increase C. help workers develop their strengths and work on their weaknesses D. help companies to determine what other jobs workers might be good at

B is correct because marketing involves the planning, pricing, promoting, and distribution of goods and services.

The planning, pricing, promoting, and distribution of goods and services is known as A. advertising B. marketing C. logistics D. forecasting

A is correct because the proper method for lifting is to keep the back straight, spread the feet comfortably, and lift with leg muscles to prevent injury to the back.

The proper method for lifting is to keep the back straight, spread the feet comfortably, and lift with _____ muscles. A. leg B. back C. arm D. abdominal

B is correct because market analysis is the process of determining factors, conditions, and characteristics of a market. Product managers should conduct a market analysis before launching a new product.

The term for research to determine factors, conditions, and characteristics of a market is A. brainstorming B. market analysis C. goal setting D. prototyping

B is correct because an important part of being a team leader is recognizing the strengths of other team members and helping to direct those strengths toward the accomplishment of the team goals.

To be a good team leader, it is important to A. be a technical expert in the field B. recognize the strengths of others C. be autocratic and make all decisions alone D. socialize with team members and be well liked

A is correct because to gain employee acceptance of new changes within an organization is to provide adequate training and to provide advance notice of the new changes.

To gain employee acceptance of new changes in an organization, the owner should provide adequate training and A. provide advance notice of the new changes B. make changes effective immediately C. reprimand employees who do not implement the change immediately D. explain changes in detail to the management staff only

C is correct because the two types of business partnerships are general and limited. A general partnership is a business that is made up of two or more individuals where each partner contributes money, property, labor, or special skills and each partner shares in the business's profits or losses. A limited partnership resembles a general partnership but the limited partner is not liable for the partnership's debts other than the funds that were contributed to the partnership. The limited partner will not normally participate in the activities of the partnership.

Two types of business partnerships are general and A. contractual B. fiduciary C. limited D. cooperative

B is correct because taking the information with you shows interest in the position. Take along information about the company so it can be available during the interview, as well as a completed application if it was sent beforehand.

When a company sends a packet of information and forms prior to the interview, be sure to A. leave it at home since it is not needed at the interview B. take the entire packet with you to the interview C. bring information about competitors to the interview D. bring your salary and benefit requirements to the interview

A is correct because brainstorming is the process used to stimulate creative thinking. One of the first steps for brainstorming is gathering a group together and recording all comments and suggestions. It is a good idea to have all members participate and have the ideas build on one another.

When a group is _____ possible solutions for a problem, they should record all comments and suggestions. A. brainstorming B. researching C. thinking D. working out

C is correct because a presenter should speak clearly and confidently when giving an oral presentation. Speaking confidently will show the audience the presenter is knowledgeable and competent in the subject.

When an employee is giving an oral presentation he or she should speak clearly and A. in a low voice B. quickly C. confidently D. in a monotone voice

A is correct because the act that regulates the federal minimum wage for interstate commerce is the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Which of the following acts regulates the federal minimum wage for interstate commerce? A. Fair Labor Standards Act B. National Labor Relations Act C. Revenue Act D. Equal Pay Act

B is correct because a fishbone diagram is a tool that is used to help determine possible root causes of problems.

Which of the following charts or diagrams is best used to help determine possible root causes of problems? A. Pareto B. fishbone C. Gantt D. pie

A is correct because determining what was happening when the failure occurred will provide clues to determine the cause.

Which of the following questions are most likely to get to a specific definition of a problem? A. What was happening when the failure occurred? B. Has this problem happened before? C. What other problems have you had with this machine? D. How often has this problem happened before?

D is correct because this sentence uses the correct form of the verb "lying." Lying is a form of the verb "lie," which means reclining. The commonly used "laying" should be used when referring to placing something, such as chickens laying eggs.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? A. The injured accident victim was laying on the road until the ambulance arrived. B. We arrived their at 3 PM to begin the meeting. C. The manager busted into the wrong office by mistake. D. Ann missed the meeting because she was lying in bed with the flu.

C is correct because taking a day of sick leave to play golf is an example of unethical behavior. The employee should have taken a vacation day, sick days are meant for illness.

Which of the following situations is an example of an employee exhibiting unethical behavior? A. clocking out at the end of the day B. scheduling a two-week vacation C. taking a day of sick leave to play golf D. working four ten-hour days to shorten the week

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