Exodus Exam

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This covenant includes laws and obligations known as the ________________ ___________________________.

Ten Commandments

Pharaoh refused to release the Israelites, so God unleashed the _______ ______________ on Pharaoh and Egypt.

Ten plagues

In the Sinai Covenant, God told the Israelites that he would be their God. In return, they must be a ___________ people who live according to his Law.


The Israelites were forced to serve by making __________________ and _____________.

mortar, brick

The Egyptians set over the children of Israel ______________________.


Moses and his brother ___________________ confronted Pharaoh and worked wonders to show the power God.


Within the framework of the Sinai Covenant, God declares himself to be their God, a God of _________________, _______________, and __________________.

Fidelity, love, justice

The midwives did not do as Pharaoh commanded for they feared _____________.


The Old Law given to Moses was a preparation for the Gospel, the ___________ ___________ revealed through Jesus Christ.

New Law

To this day, the ___________ is one of Judaism's most important religious festivals. It celebrates the deliverance of the Chosen People from bondage in Egypt and the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land.


__________________ ___________________ felt threatened by the many isrealites, so he enslaved them.

Pharaoh Ramses

God sends Moses to demand Pharaoh to free the Israelites. His (Moses's) hesitancy leads some scholars to believe that Moses might have had a _____________ _________________.

Speech Impediment

The history books of the Old Testament (Joshua Esther) detail how Isreal _______________, or ___________, at obeying the Law.

Succeeded, failed

Part of the Covenant was the _____________________________, but there was also the rest of the Law, which contained more than six hundred commands-- roughly three hundred positive and three hundred negative.

Ten Commandments

Contained within this Covenant are the laws and obligations known as the _________ ______________________________.

Ten commandments

True or False: The Mosaic Covenant was a conditional covenant.


Jesus ___________________ the Old Law received by Moses and brought it to ___________________.

affirmed, perfection

Pharaoh commanded Hebrew midwives to kill Hebrew ____________ ____________.

baby boys

They summarize the Law of God in the entire Torah, the ____________ _____ _________.

books of law

Moses experiences God through a _______________ _____________.

burning bush

Then, he changed his mind and sent ________________ in pursuit.


The new king feared that the children of Israel would join with Egypt's ________________.


The Lord then struck down every ______________________ _______________ ___________ ______________.

firstborn human and beast

The children of Israel were ____________ and __________________.

fruitful, multiplied

Moses is gone on the mountain for a long time, and the Israelites begin worrying that God has abandoned them. So they take matters into their own hands and build a ___________ __________ to worship.

golden calf

The Egyptians made the lives of the children of Israel bitter with ______________ _________________.

hard bondage

God directed the Isrealites to _______________ and _______________ a ______________ and put some of its ___________ on their ___________________.

kill and eat a lamb and put some of its blood on their doorposts

Grief-stricken, Pharaoh begged Moses and his people to ____________ Egypt.


The midwives told Pharaoh the Hebrew women gave birth without their help because they were ________________.


God unleashed ___________________ on Egypt, each time demanding release of the Israelites.


To convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, God brings a series of _________ on the Egyptians.


The Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with _____________.


Pharaoh then commanded all his people to cast Hebrew newborn sons into the ______________.


When Moses looked this way and that way and saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the _______________.


When he went out the second day, two Hebrew men were fighting. Moses asked the one who did the wrong, why he was ___________________ his fellow companion.


After the ______ plague the pharaoh let the Israelites go.


God spared the Israelites from the tenth plague by passing over the marked houses with _________ ____________ _____ ______ ____________________ ________.

the blood of the sacrificial lamb

The Ark was the symbol of God's saving presence among the Israelites. In the rear of the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant was kept in an area called the __________ ______ ______________.

Holy of Holies

Exodus begins by listing __________________'s descendants and those of his brothers, who came to Egypt to live with him. Together they were the ________ _____ _________________.

Joseph, sons of Isreal

On Mount Sinai, God gives Moses a list of laws, including the Ten Commandments. In total, God gives Moses _____ laws to guide the Israelites in all aspects of their lives. The __________ ______________________ are at the heart of this Law.

613, Ten Commandments

The __________ ________ _________ _________________ was the sacred chest in which the tablets containing the Ten Commandments.

Ark of the Covenant

The Ten Commandments are also known as the ____________________________.


He saw an __________________ beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren.


Moses was brought up as ____________________ ________________.

Egyptian Royalty

God identifies himself as "_____ __________ ___________ ________" and calls Moses to be his voice of truth and arm of justice.

I am who am

Later and most important, God reveals his name to Moses: Yahweh, which means something like _____________________

I am who am

After Moses reached adulthood, he sees an Egyptian striking an _______________ _____________. In defense of the slave, Moses kills the Egyptian and hides the body in the sand.

Israelite Slave

There arose a new king over Egypt who knew not of _______________.


When Moses was grown, he went out unto his _______________________ and looked on their burdens.


But God rained down __________________ for them to eat and drew water from _____________.

Manna, rock

When it becomes known what Moses has done, he fears for his life and flees to the land of ______________.


_______________ provided her mother the opportunity to remain in Moses's life by suggesting her to Pharaoh's daughter as a nurse for the infant Moses.


The Ten Commandments are a summation of the _____________ __________

Mosaic Law

Through a series of fortunate circumstances, _____ has escaped this fate and has been raised as an Egyptian in the house of the Pharaoh.


_______________ is placed in a basket in on the river bank.


_____ encounters God in a most unusual form- a ______ that is on fire but "not being consumed"

Moses, bush

On _____________ ______________, God formed a covenant with his chosen people.

Mount Sinai

___________ ______________ is the sacred ground where God forms a Covenant with his Chosen people.

Mount Sinai

The children of Israel built for Pharaohs ________________ and _________________ treasure cities.

Pithom, Ramses

God promised that they would dwell in the ______________________ ____________.

Promised Land

The Israelites crossed a desert to get to the ________________ ___________.

Promised Land

God allowed the Israelites to pass through the ___________ __________, but the Egyptians were drowned.

Red Sea

They teach us how to live in ______________ _________________________ with God and others.

Right Relationship

________ _________________________ ________________ discovered the basket and adopted Moses.

The Pharaoh's daughter

This kind of appearance is called a ____, God's manifestation of himself in a visible form to enrich human understanding of him.


True or False: It brought either God's direct blessing (if they followed his Laws) or God's direct cursing (for disobedience).


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