Experiencing the Lifespan Ch. 6

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Five-year-old Matthew kicked Jason when Jason threatened to take Matthew's snack. Matthew is showing ______ aggression.

Tara = empathy; Tonia = sympathy

Tara feels incredibly frightened when she sees a highway crash. Tonia feels terrible for the people who were hurt, and rushes to help. Pick the label for each girl's response.

emotion regulation

The capacity to manage our feelings so that they don't get in the way of a productive life is called:

encourage accurate self-perceptions, that is, realistic ideas about one's abilities and talents.

To promote realistic self-esteem we need to enhance children's self-efficacy and:

in preschool, but really gets going in elementary school.

Gender segregated play begins:

older children; internal

When asked to explain why Josie is her best friend, Samantha answers, "Because she makes me laugh and is nice to me." These girls are most likely ______, and she describes their friendships in terms of ______ qualities.

In non-Western cultures, specific kinds of prosocial behaviors such as sacrificing for one's parents are more of a norm.

Which of the following statements best applies to the influence of culture on prosocial behavior?

socially anxious, relatively unpopular children, who don't fight back

Who tends to get bullied most often?

We have reached concrete operations and can realistically compare our abilities to our peers.

Why does self-esteem tend to decline during elementary school?


Children who act on impulse and act aggressively have ______ tendencies.

externalizing tendencies

Children who act on their immediate emotions and behave aggressively have:

have internalizing tendencies

Children who are incredibly anxious, timid, and frightened:

cooperating and collaborating in small groups.

During childhood girls' play is defined or characterized by:

learned helplessness. low self-efficacy. internalizing issues.

Jason believes he is a failure at everything he does. He is timid, anxious, and has given up trying, even when he could succeed. Jason is suffering from:

2 and a half.

Peter is at the life peak age for physical aggression. Peter is most likely around:

"Think of how terrible that child feels being teased."

Sally is using induction in disciplining her child. After witnessing her daughter teasing a playmate, she will say:

self-awareness, concrete operation stage.

Samantha can observe her own actions and abilities from an outside frame of reference, while being able to reflect on her own inner feelings. Samantha is showing ______ and is probably in ______.

more modest, or less likely to take credit for prosocial acts than U.S. children.

Japanese children may be:

Josh = initiative; Jason = industry

Jason, a three-year-old, is continually testing his abilities in the wider world. Josh, a second grader, is learning he has to work for what he wants. Pick the Eriksonian psychosocial stages that fit each boy.

helping children cope with stress. allowing children to practice adult roles. *helping children learn to be creative.* helping children learn to get along with each other.

All are important purposes of play EXCEPT:


Although Tim just turned 6-years old, he tends to hide behind his mother's legs every time he is in a social situation. His intense anxiety is sparked whenever others are around. Tim suffers from ______ tendencies.

without getting an external reward.

Altruism refers to the desire to do good or act prosocially:

learned helplessness

Children who believe they are powerless to affect their fate, and so give up, feeling that they should not try to succeed, have developed:

two children fantasizing together; age 4

Collaborative pretend play, involves ______, and develops around ______.


Eleven-year-old Sarah loves to tattle on her older sister. Last week, Sarah told her sister's boyfriend that her sister had kissed another boy. Sara is showing ______ aggression.

boys and girls can play together sometimes, but they typically stick to their own gender for best friends.

Sarah, a new third grade teacher, wants her male and female students to play together and have best friends of the opposite sex. Sarah needs to be told that:

withdraw from others (and behave more aggressively).

Shame, or the feeling of being personally humiliated, causes us to want to:

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