Experiment 10 - Aldehydes and Ketone
Secondary alcohol are oxidized to?
Tollens' reagent
Silver nitrate with sodium hudroxide and excess ammonium hydroxide to render colorless
Presence of acetone in urine
Sodium Nitroprusside is used in clinical test to detect?
Schiff's Reagent
Sodium bisulfite with organic dye pararosaniline hydrochloride
Bial's test
Specific test for pentoses (carbon with five carbon chain)
Molisch Test
General test for saccharides
Fehling's test
Gives positive result to aliphatic aldehyds but not with aromatic aldehyds and ketone
Sodium Nitroprusside Test
Identify the presence of an acetyl group
Fehling's B
Mixing NaOH with Potassium Tartrae
Fehlings' A
Mixing concentrated H2SO4 with aqueous solution of copper sulfate pentahydrate
Bial's reagent
Orcinol, hydrochloric acid and ferric chloride
Yellow to orange precipitate (aldehydes) Red to orange precipitate (ketones)
Positive result of 2,4-DNPH
Brick red precipitate
Positive result of Fehling's test
Canary Yellow Precipitate
Positive result of Iodoform test
Wine red solution
Positive result of SNT
White precipitate
Positive result of Sodium Bisulfite Test
Silver mirror precipitate
Positive result of Tollens test
Blue solution
Positive result of bial's test
Purple ring at junction of two layers
Positive result of molisch test
Magenta red solution
Positive result of schiffs test
Primary alcohols are oxidized to?
Molisch reagent
10% alpha naphthol in 95% ethanol
Tollens test
Can detect both aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes
Brady's Reagent
Composed of 2,4-diniteophenylhydrazone in methanol
Detects the presence of carbonyl group
Wagner's reagent in NaOH
Iodine in potassium is?
Sodium Bisulfite Test
Used to determine if a compound is an aldehyde or aliphatic methyl ketone
Schiff's test, Tollens test, Fehlings test
Used to differentiate aldehydes with ketone
Iodoform Test
Used to identify methyl ketones or secondary alcohols adjacent to a methyl group and does not work with all ketones