Extension Review

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Empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.

4-H Mission

A world in which youth and adults can learn, grow and work together as catalysts for positive change.

4-H Vision

Which of the following is NOT one of the five characteristics of an innovation?

All are characteristics

As one of the country's biggest proponents of agriculture demonstrations, Seaman Knapp, was called to Terrell, Texas to provide recommendations for eradicating ______(what pest)_____ in ______(what crop)_____?

Boll weevils; cotton

Jason Morrill was the representative who introduced the land-grant bill of 1862 to Congress.


Where farmers have the leadership of their own processes and institutions.

Farmer Led

Assumes that relevant technology for small-scale farmers needs to be produced locally, in collaboration with the farmers.

Farming system

The "cooperative" in Cooperative Extension Service refers to what three distinct, but related and coordinated partners?

Federal (USDA-NIFA), state (land-grant universities), and county administrative units

When is the BEST time for recognition?

Immediately following completion of the task/activity

When classified by nature of contact, this method involves a one-to-one ratio of agent to client in which the contact and interaction provide personal consultation of a specific nature.


Who is credited with establishing the foundation for the Morrill Act or the "Plan for a State University for the Industrial Classes?"

Jonathan Baldwin Turner

Name Oklahoma's 1890 land-grant institution.

Langston University

The first Extension Master Volunteer program was:

Master Gardener

Who is credited with the idea of the three-leaf clover as the 4-H club emblem (Head, heart, and hand)?

O.H. Benson

The Morrill Act of 1890 did all of the following EXCEPT:

Offered college preparatory classes specifically for Native Americans

Name Oklahoma's 1862 land-grant institution.

Oklahoma State University

Based on the assumptions that rapid agricultural and rural development are needed and that ministry-based extension systems are not likely to achieve these impacts in the short term.

Project Model

Which is NOT one of the four programmatic areas of Extension?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Who is considered the father of the Cooperative Extension Service? (Be sure to spell the full name correctly and capitalize the first letter of the first and last name)

Seaman Knapp

Cooperative Extension was established by the _____________________ Act in ______________.

Smith-Lever Act of 1914

Having measurable objectives provides direction for a program. When writing SMART objectives, what does each initial stand for?

Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time

What was NOT a purpose of farmer's institutes and moveable schools?

To make money for the land-grant universities

TRUE or FALSE: Effective program management involves maximizing volunteers' knowledge, skills, and attitudes to contribute to the success and growth of the organization.


TRUE or FALSE: If a dollar value were placed on volunteer time, it would be five times more than the entire Extension budget.


TRUE or FALSE: Regardless of the motivation, the primary reason people follow through with volunteering is simply because they are asked.


The mission of Extension is to enable people to improve their lives and communities through learning partnerships that put knowledge to work.


The primary goal of the community development programmatic area is to improve the social, economic, and environmental well-being of a community.


True or False: The choice of methods used in the instructional process has a direct bearing on the success of the entire educational process.


Aims to develop a lucid overall vision of the organization, with a strong emphasis on human development to reach a holistic transformation among participants.

Values Based

A _____________________ is formed to complete a particular task or responsibility and are generally short-term in duration.

ad hoc committee

Which of the following is NOT a program area for family and consumer services?

adoption and fostering services

CES is an educational institution with a mission that differs greatly from the common mission of an educational institution. Which of the following is NOT true of Extension?

all are true

Evaluation is essential to successful programming in several ways. Which of the following statements is NOT true of evaluation?

all are true

Which of the following principles are NOT true of Extension's philosophy?

all are true

Who is the primary audience for family and consumer services?

all families and consumers

What were some of the challenges and criticism associated with the early years of the land-grant educational system?

all of the options listed

Home demonstration agents offered education in what areas?

all options listed

Which of the following is a major reason to involve people in program development?

all options listed

Focuses on generating revenue and meeting market demands for a particular product

commodity specialized

Which of the following is NOT a step in Roger's diffusion of innovations adoption process?


Which of the following is NOT one of the three major competency areas emphasized in the community development programmatic area?

focusing on rural communities more than urban communities

This type of education is characterized by a defined curriculum, is teacher-centered, and uses evaluation strategies in the form of tests and written assignments.

formal education

When classified by nature of contact, this method is characterized by teaching a number of people assembled in a group or number of groups.


This type of education is characterized as learning that occurs naturally and is generally unplanned, experience-based, and incidental.

informal education

The local-level agricultural educator is the link between the land-grant research and the _________________; a person who knows where to get the answers and how to develop programs to meet local needs.

local people

A __________________ is a graphic representation of the program theory or action. It links outcomes with program activities and processes.

logic model

When classified by nature of contact, this method is used to disseminate information and influence large numbers of people.


A ______________________ is the systematic process of analyzing gaps between what learners know and what they should know and can do.

needs assessment

This type of education is characterized as learning that occurs outside the traditional classroom, exhibits a lower level of structure, and is classified as a learner-centered approach.

non-formal education

In the name Cooperative Extension System, extension refers to "an extension of the USDA and an outreach partner of the land-grant institutions in each state with a role of reaching people and extending knowledge and other resources to those _________________.

not on campus

The basic program developmental model outlined in the text is comprised of what three components?

planning, design, implementation and evaluation

Who is the primary audience for agriculture and natural resources?

producers, both large and small

The major goal of the agriculture and natural resources programmatic area is to help ______________ earn a fair fair return on their efforts in an environmentally andsocially responsible manner. Achieving this goal not only benefits _________________, but________________ as a whole, as it promotes a stable and affordable supply of food and fiber.

producers; producers; society

________________ is a process designed to bring about effective programming. Frequently used interchangeably with program development.

program planning

Which of the following is NOT one of the seven emphasis areas identified within the agriculture and natural resources programmatic area?

small and domestic animals

________________ are the people who have a vested interest in the program.


A _____________________ handles ongoing responsibilities in program planning.

standing committee

This type of evaluation is used for the purpose of accountability.

summative evaluation

What act provided 160 acres of public land to anyone who was head of a family or over 21 years of age?

the homestead act of 1862

What was the reasoning for agricultural societies offering prizes and premiums at fairs?

to promote better crops and animals

Which two words have characterized educational work in Extension?

useful and practical

The major goal of the family and consumer sciences programmatic area is to provide practical, research-based education to strengthen the _________________ of individuals and families in a community context.


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