Fall 2022 Market Research Final

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If researcher wish to compare six brands of HDTVs on the basis of quality, how many paired comparisons will be necessary?


interval scale

A scale that arranges objects so they are equally distant from each other


All of the following are errors associated with direct observation EXCEPT _____.

When a researcher uses students to participate in a study because he has easy access to them, what type of sampling procedure does this represent?

Convenience Sample

involves the basic cross-tabulation within various subgroups of the sample

Elaboration Analysis

Demand characteristic

Experimental design element or procedure that unintentionally provides subjects with hints about the research hypothesis.


Experimental research attempts to find causal relationships among variables.

Spatial Relations and locations

Observing traffic patterns at a busy intersection with cameras is an example of what type of observation?

In which type of sampling is a subsample drawn using simple random sampling within each stratum of the population?

Stratified sampling

Money provides a ratio scale



a continuous variable expected to show a statistical relationship with a dependent variable

The transformation of raw data into a form that makes the data easier to understand and to interpret is called _____.

descriptive analysis

The Fahrenheit temperature scale is an example of a ratio scale.


timing questions record the amount of time respondents took

for the amount of time reading the question

As sample size ___, random sampling error

increases, decreases

all of the following are disadvantages of open-ended response questions EXCEPT


judgement sampling is a type of __ sampling


Arranging data into a table is called _____.


A measuring instrument is valid when results can be repeated at subsequent measurements of the concept


Concept testing is form of pricing research


Hidden, unobtrusive observation maximizes respondent error


What is a ket question in understanding how a firm provides value to its customers?

How does our brand touch our customers?

"should dillard's keep its excellent department store credit card program? yes no ? Is an example of

Making as assumption

Constancy of conditions

Means that subjects in all experimental groups are exposed to identical conditions except for the differing experimental treatments.

Cost Per click, Click Through Rates, Positive Mentions

Online Advertising Metrics

Which type of sampling error is primarily due to the nature of a study's design and the correctness of execution?

Systematic Sampling Error

Response latency

The it takes to make a choice between the appeal of two advertisements

Personal Space

The physical distance between individuals is called

Whether to use a single item or a measure made up of responses from several characteristics depends on all of the following phenomenons except for

The use of phenomenon in marketing

Which type of error occurs when the researcher concludes a relationship exists when in fact one does not exist?

Type I

The researcher examining descriptive statistics for any particular variable is using which type of statistics?



When a competitor introduces a 15 percent price cut in order to blunt the effect of a test marketing study, a ____ effect has occurred

Sampling frame

Working population

Constant sum

a measure of attitudes in which respondents are asked to divide a constant sum to indicate the relative importance of attribute, new car

semantic differential

a measure of attitudes that consist of a series of seven-point rating scales that use bipolar adjectives to anchor the beginning and end of each scale

experimenter bias

a phenomenon that occurs when a researcher's expectations or preferences about the outcome of a study influence the results obtained, subjects give answers they think the experimenter wants to hear rather than what they truly think/feel.

a questionnaire that collects information that is valid is said to be



administering the same scale of measure to the same respondents at two separate points in time to test for stability


an indicator of a measure's internal consistency

three guidelines below help prevent the most common mistakes in designing questions. Which one is typically NOT used for this purpose?

avoid personal questions

In which type of scale is a neutral point, or point of indifference, at the center of the scale?


The two types of market research based on the specificity of purpose are

basic and applied

test marketing

can be used to determine the impact of different promotional approaches on sales and brand image

An economically efficient sampling technique in which the primary sampling unit is not the individual element in the population but a large cluster of elements; clusters are selected randomly.

cluster sampling

A researcher interested in a data matrix that displays the frequency of some combination of possible responses to multiple variables should construct a _____.

contingency table

An analysis of the basic cross-tabulation for each level of a variable not previously considered, such as subgroups of the sample, is referred to as _____.

cross tabulation

"in light of the current economic crisis, do you agree or disagree that the POTUS is doing a good job of managing the economy?" is an example of what type of question.


Dichotomous and multiple-choice alternatives in fixed-alternative questions should not have overlap among categories. That is, the categories should be ____.

mutually exclusive

A nonprobability sampling procedure that ensures that various subgroups of a population will be represented on pertinent characteristics to the exact extent that the investigator desires.

quota sampling

All of the following advantages of quota sampling EXCEPT for

quota sampling generally provides a more random sample than probability sampling

ratio scales

represent the highest form of measurement in that they have all the properties of interval scales with the additional attribute of representing absolute quantities; characterized by a meaningful absolute zero

A sampling procedure that assures each element in the population of an equal chance of being included in the sample is called _____.

simple random sampling

The number of respondents or observations (in a row or column) used as a basis for computing percentages in a contingency table is referred to as a(n) _____.

statistical base

When a research study has been poorly designed, it is likely to be affected by ______ error


Criterion validity

the ability of a measure to correlate with other standard measures of similar constructs or established criteria,

graphic scale

the happy sad face technique often used with children


the process of describing some property of a phenomenon of interest, usually by assigning numbers in a reliable and valid way

The idea that continuous improvement of the organization's services is the job to everyone who works in the organization is called

total quality management

Asking respondents to remember something without providing any clue is called _____.

unaided recall

Which type of statistical analysis test hypotheses involves only one variable?

univariate statistical analysis

A respondent is asked: "How often, on the average, do you go out to a movie?" and is asked to indicate her answer by circling one of the following: never, rarely, sometimes, often, or very often. This is best described as a(n) ____ scale.



Clara is a market researcher who records shoppers' movement through a grocery store. What method of research is Clara using?

An ordinal scale is the simplest type of measurement scale.


It is typical in observation studies for the observer to ask questions of the person being observed


Market research plays a more prominent role in product-oriented companies than in customer-oriented companies.


Marketing metrics involve qualitative ways of monitoring and measuring marketing performance


The cost of administering open-ended questions is much lower than that of administering fixed-alternative questions


When ideas can be stated in researchable terms, we have reached the analysis stage of the scientific method


Physical objects

Having observers record the brand names of items found in a kitchen pantry of a consumer panel is an example of what type of observation?

Camera surveillance

Observations from smartphones may reveal all of the following except

expressive behavior

Observing the facial expression made by travelers waiting in a check-in line at the American Airlines ticket counter in Chicago is an example of what type of observation?

Nonsampling or systematic error

Occurs if the sampling units in an experimental cell are somehow different than the units in another cell, and this difference affects the dependent variable. For example, if one subject was administered the treatment in the afternoon, while the other was administered it in the morning.

Lists of respondents who have agreed to participate in marketing research along with the e-mail contact information for these individuals are called _____.

Online panels

Using data indicating the total positive or negative mentions of a brand on the internet to assess the strength of a brand is called

Online sentiment analysis

A respondent in a personal interview is asked questions about shopping at a specific department store in the shopping mall, and then is asked general questions about shopping at that mall. What type of mistake in design has been made?

Order bias

in political elections involving candidates who are not well-known by many voters, the candidate who is listed first on the ballot often receives the most votes. This is an example of a(n) _____

Order bias

In which type of sampling does every element in the population have a known, nonzero probability of selection?

Probability sampling

The difference between the sample result and the result of an accurate census is called _____.

Random sampling error

A single element or group of elements that is eligible for selection via the sampling process is called a

Sampling unit

when a data set is unimodal, a median split of the data is inappropriate


Mechanical observation

When Walgreen's uses cables across the road as "traffic counters" to determine the density of traffic near a possible retail store location, this is an example of what type of observation?

content analysis

When a researcher counts the percentage of African Americans who have appeared on the cover of Newsweek during the past decade, this is an example of what type of observation?


When a researcher creates an artificial situation in order to observe the reaction, that type of situation that the researcher is engaging in is a _____ situation


When the presence of the observer is known to the subject, the observation is said to be

ClickThrough Rate (CTR)

Which of the following represents the percentage of people who are exposed to an Internet advertisement who actually click on the corresponding hyperlink which takes them to a company's website?


_____ are things that people made and consumed within a culture that signal something meaningful about the behavior taking place at the time of consumption.


_____ subjects about the true purpose of a lab experiment following its conclusion is important for the ethical treatment of the subjects.


a term used to refer to concepts measured with multiple variables

what is another term for a fixed-alternative question?



All of the following are directly observable phenomena EXCEPT ____.

Real world setting

All of the following are disadvantages of test marketing except

Telescoping and squishing can occur when respondents forget the exact details of their behavior


The type of measurement scale used in the research study determines the possible statistical tests that can be used appropriately with the resulting data.


When nonprobability sampling is used, there are no appropriate statistical techniques for measurement of random sampling error


Main effect

A difference in means between the different levels of any single experimental variable is referred to as a`

Testing effects

A nuisance effect occurring when the initial measurement or test alerts or primes subjects in a way that affects their response to the experimental treatments.

Testing effect

A set of high school students who take the ACT in their junior year perform better on that exam during their senior year because they know better how to take the exam due to what they experienced on the first exam. This is an example of a(n)

Sampling involves using a small number of people in the target market to make conclusions about the entire target market population.


For a questionnaire to fulfill a researcher's purposes, the questions must meet the basic criteria of relevancy and accuracy.


Marketing researchers generally assume that the semantic differential provides interval data


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