Fall of Giants(6)

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英['breɪznlɪ] 美['breɪznlɪ] adv.厚颜无耻地;厚脸皮地; 1. They brazenly tore up the contract, so we want to claim losses. 对方公然撕毁合同, 我们要索赔损失. 2. '' I don't know, '' he answered, looking her brazenly over. " 我也不知道, '' 他厚颜无耻地打量着她. 3. Brazenly you have disregarded powers beyond your understanding. 你竟然无耻的漠视你面前的力量. 4. The factory director brazenly harbors evildoers. This has evoked the strong indignation of the workers. 厂长明目张胆地包庇坏人, 这激起了工人们的强烈义愤. 5. A thief brazenly stealing a pistol at an Elvis exhibit at Presley's Graceland estate. 一名小偷"光明正大"地在猫王埃尔维斯?普雷斯利博物馆的展柜中窃取了一把手枪.


英['dʒɔ:ntili] adv.心满意足地;洋洋得意地;高兴地;活泼地; 1. Wife takes out roast duck in freezer, say jauntily: Big old 2! 老婆在冰箱取出烤鸭, 洋洋自得说: 大老2! 2. It jauntily above oneself, just take the advantage of temporarily downwind stopped. 它洋洋得意,自高自大, 只不过趁一时顺风罢了. 3. And, if that sounded grim, Greene responded almost jauntily. No, not grim, but realistic. 如果那听起来太冷酷,那么, 格林几乎是得意地回答道: "不, 不是冷酷的, 而是现实的. " 4. His breeches , his white rubber shoes and his jauntily slung waterproof expressed youth. 他的马裤, 那双雪白橡胶鞋,以及洒脱地甩在肩上的雨衣,都焕发着青春. 5. His straw hat stuck jauntily on the side of his head. 他那顶草帽时髦地斜扣在头上.


英['kri:mˌweə] 美['krɪmˌwer] n.奶油色陶器;


英['pʌfɪnəs] 美['pʌfɪnəs] n.膨胀,肿胀;虚胖;虚肿; 1. Weight loss, making her look gaunt and stringy, alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight. 体重降低, 使她面容憔悴,形同麻杆,间或也夹杂着阵阵虚胖和超重. 2. The silky - smooth formula helps counteract eye area bags and puffiness, smoothes wrinkles, and neutralizes dark discolorations. 这款凝露配方柔滑滋润,减轻下垂及眼袋, 抚平眼周皱纹, 调和暗淡肤色,减少黑色素及黑眼圈. 3. Fu Yan with cucumber slices, to tighten blood vessels and lymph, reduce eye puffiness. 用黄瓜片敷眼, 能收紧血管和淋巴, 减轻眼部浮肿. 4. Usually, the initial symptoms are puffiness of the face or grossly urine or headache and vomiting. 最初的症状通常为面部浮肿、肉眼血尿或头痛和呕吐. 5. Does my body have bit of puffiness not merely with second liver disappear noisy? 我的身体有点虚胖不只和乙肝有没影响?


英[bleə(r)] 美[bler] vi.发出响而刺耳的声音; vt.嘟嘟地发出;高声发出;高声宣布; n.嘟嘟声,巨响;(颜色等的)光泽; 1. Every time Susan opens her mouth, It'sounds like the blare of an ambulance siren. 苏珊每次开口说话, 就像救护车的鸣笛一样,会发出刺耳的声音. 2. Phut , blare, car head caves instantly, the machine is built before by lift heavily. 砰,一声巨响, 车头刹那间凹陷, 前机器盖被重重的掀起. 3. A blare of sunlight flooded the room as he opened the shutters. 他打开百叶窗,满房间泻进耀眼的阳光. 4. Ask your friend to blow his trumpet. Can you hear the blare of the trumpet? 请你的朋友吹小号, 你能听到小号的嘟嘟声 吗 ? 5. Then, with a blare of trumpets and a banging of drums the show began. 接着, 随着刺耳的喇叭声和鼓的重击声,演出开始了.


英[blɒˈkeɪd] 美[blɑˈkeɪd] n.封锁;封锁部队;障碍物,阻碍物; vt.实行封锁;阻塞,挡住; 1. Israel Attacks Beirut Airport and Sets Up Naval Blockade. 以色列袭击贝鲁特机场并实施海上封锁. 2. The key tasks for 2001 also called for breaching regional blockade and departmental and trade monopoly. 2001年的整顿和规范市场经济秩序的重点任务中,还有打破地区封锁和部门、行业垄断尚未部署,将在适当时间安排. 3. In August 1938 after Germany annexed Austria, the Federal Council ordered a blockade of the border. 1938年8月德国吞并奥地利后, 联邦理事会下令封锁边境. 4. The blockade of Gaza is cruel and has failed. 对加沙的封锁是残忍的,然而也是失败的. 5. If blockade did not work, the Americans retained the option of millitary action. 如果封锁不发生作用, 美国人保有选择军事行动的自由.


英[frɒk] 美[frɑk] n.女装,连衣裙;僧袍,教士服,长工作服; vt.使穿长工作服(礼服,长衣服〕;授与...圣职; 1. Why have you that silk frock on? 你为什么要穿那件绸衣服? 2. That frock shows your petticoat. 那件上衣太短,让你的衬裙露出来了. 3. The frock is slightly different but her glasses and hat are just the same. 今年的装扮有点不一样.不过眼镜和帽子还是原来的. 4. Not that it isn't a very sweet frock, darling, but -- well, it does look a bit worn. 并不是说这一件不好看, 亲爱的, 可是 ---- 嗯, 它显得有点旧了. 5. Lucy arranged her bower and put on her best white frock. 露西整理好闺房,然后穿上她最好的白色连衣裙.


英[gli:n] 美[ɡlin] vi.捡拾落穗; vt.收集;拾落穗; 1. NIV They gather fodder in the fields and glean in the vineyards of the wicked. 6[和合]收割别人田间的禾稼;摘取恶人余剩的葡萄. 2. From what I was able to glean, it appears they don't intend to take any action yet. 根据我所收集到的资料分析, 他们看来还不打算采取任何行动. 3. So she went out and began to glean in the fields behind the harvesters. 3路得就去了,来到田间,在收割的人身后拾取麦穗. 4. From these I glean an approach: I admit we harvested the beavers. 我从这些案例中摸索出了一个办法: 先承认我们是在清理海狸. 5. Teri's suspicion passes quickly as she tries to glean information about Jack and Kimberly wellbeing. 泰瑞的疑心很快就过去了,她试图探明是否杰克和金伯利是真的安然无恙.


英[glɪnt] 美[ɡlɪnt] vt.& vi.闪烁,闪光;窥视;(箭一样)飞出;使发光,使闪光; n.闪光,闪耀;短暂微弱的显露;(雷达的)回波起伏; vi.闪烁;(光线)反射;闪闪发光; 1. There was an ugly glint in Detective Sun's eyes. 孙侦探的眼神非常的难看了. 2. Suddenly my eyes caught the glint of a light. 我忽然看见隐约地闪现着的亮光. 3. In the very front, Kurt spied a glint of gold armor, their leader - staring back at him. 在正前方, 库尔特看到一个闪烁的金色盔甲, 它们的首领 —— 凝视着他. 4. There was a glint of humor in his eyes. 他的眼里闪出幽默的神情. 5. He caught a glint in the shaving mirror. 他看到了剃须镜里边闪出的一片光.


英[hem] 美[hɛm] n.(布等的)褶边;用以引起注意的哼声; vt.缝...的褶边;包围; 1. In this paper , the working mechanisms and features of HEM were summarized. 对高能磨(HEM)的工作原理和特点进行了总结. 2. HEM is built up with projects history data by statistic regression analysis and the least squares. 用统计回归分析、最小二乘法拟合,建立了HEM数学模型. 3. Objective To explore the use and advantages of the Hem - o - lok ligating clip in laparoscopic cholecystectomy ( LC ). 目的探讨使用 Hem -o-Lok结扎 夹行腹腔镜胆囊切除术 ( laparoscopiccholecystectomy,LC ) 的方法及优势. 4. In OP 16, she says, '' Hem, hem '' in imitation of Umbridge ( sense of humor, good mimic ). 第16章, 她模仿乌姆里奇说 " 咳, 咳 " ( 幽默, 善于模仿 ). 5. Use a hem gauge or small ruler to measure and pin the lining hem up 1 '' . '' 使用一个英雄表或小派来测量和 销钉 衬折起来.


英[ki:] 美[ki] n.码头,埠头; 1. The ship berth alongside the quay or come alongside the quay. 轮船横靠码头停泊. 2. He frequently painted labourers and barges along the quay of the Seine. 他经常画工和驳船码头一带的塞纳河. 3. There are all kinds of ships in a quay. 码头停泊各式各样的船. 4. Such fluctuation complicates and delay loading and discharging and increases the cost of the quay construction. 水位的变化加大了装卸的难度,降低了装卸的速度,增加了建港的成本. 5. Australia's most recognizable icon is dramatically situated on the eastern headland of Circular Quay. 澳大利亚最容易识别的图标是显着位于东部岬角的环形码头.


英[ku:] 美[ku] n.机敏的策略;政变;棒击; 1. Coup de Grace: Coup de grace weapons are exceptionally dangerous. 夺命: 夺命武器异常危险. 2. In this case case a coup isn't only a military coup , '' he said. '' 这里的情况不仅仅是军事 政变 . 3. The monarch was ousted by a military coup. 那君主被军事政变者废黜了. 4. The military coup brought dire consequences in its train , ie as a result of it. 这次军事政变后患无穷. 5. He made a great coup. 他大为成功.


英[kənˈdəʊləns] 美[kənˈdoʊləns] n.同情,吊唁;哀悼;慰问; 1. Letters and telegrams of condolence streamed in from heads of state, housewives, politicians, millionaires, secretaries. 国家元首 、 政治家 、 百万富翁 、 家庭主妇以及部长 、 大臣的唁电唁函涨潮般涌来. 2. I felt that no words of condolence availed, and I let him lie there quietly. 我觉得无论说什么安慰的话也无济于事,便索性让他一声不响地躺在那里. 3. Please accept my heartfelt condolence. 请接受我诚挚的慰问. 4. The performers in the condolence show are either young singers or middle - aged singers. 参加本次慰问演出的都是中青年歌唱家. 5. Tomorrow many Canadians will line up at Chinese and consulates to sign the book of condolence. 明天很多加拿大人会在中国使领馆前排队,在吊唁簿上签字.


英[kənˈfekʃn] 美[kənˈfɛkʃən] n.甜食,糕点; 1. Besides music, Viennese coffee and confection are as famous as Parisian's. 除了音乐, 维也纳的咖啡甜点和巴黎的可谓是不分上下. 2. A confection that consists of a piece of fruit , a seed , a nut coated with sugar. 像海绵的糖果,由凝胶 、 糖和玉米糖浆制成, 然后撒上糖粉. 3. The process is: material, preprocess , extraction, alcohol sediment, watering, cool storing , confection, filter, pouring package, packaging. 工艺流程: 原料 → 预处理 → 提取 → 醇沉→加水→冷藏→配制→过滤 → 灌装 → 包装. 4. Candy: Sweet sugar - or chocolate - based confection. 糖果: 糖果是糖或可可做成的糖基产品. 5. And, curled about the brim of this confection was the perkiest of green ostrich plumes. 而且, 这件绝妙精制品的帽檐周围还装饰着洋洋得意似的驼鸟毛呢.


英[ləˈpel] 美[ləˈpɛl] n.(西服上衣或夹克的)翻领; 1. Pad stitch the lapel, and tape the lapel roll line. 纳驳头 、 缝驳口线. 2. Bloat is sitting on the floor , working the banana peel into pajama lapel for a boutonni è re. 布娄特就地坐着, 把香蕉皮捣弄成一朵花,别到翻领一侧的纽扣眼里. 3. Multi - purpose ruler. Used for lapel , elbow, skirt, slack , trouser, or anywhere a special contour is needed. 透明材质 多功能 万用尺,集合多种功能,如袖围 、 扣眼 、 领线 、 口袋等. 内置刻线经久耐用. 4. She reached out and plucked a thread from the lapel of his coat. 她伸出手去拉扯她大衣翻领上的一根线. 5. She glanced briefly at his lapel badge. 她扫了一眼他翻领上的徽章.


英[lɪlt] 美[lɪlt] v.唱轻快的调子,轻快地动; n.轻快活泼的调子,轻快的动作; 1. She has a lilt to her voice. 她说话的声调抑扬顿挫. 2. He speaks English with a strong Chinese accent and speaks Chinese with a lilt. 他说英国话带者浓重的中国口音,而说中国话又带几分洋腔调. 3. Mr Goodnight's voice has returned to its more usual, gentle Southern lilt. 古德奈特恢复了南方人常见的温和轻快的语调. 4. Sastri's speech was cultured and precise, with a Pakistan lilt. 萨斯特利 的话很有教养,相当准确, 略带巴基斯坦腔调. 5. And the music of the fluttering birds had an eerie lilt to it. 飞鸟的歌声听着也有点瘆人.


英[mɑ:st] 美[mæst] n.桅杆;栓柱;橡树果实; vt.在...上装桅杆; 1. You did not get ark, get a mast a mast however! 你没有得到方舟, 却得到一根桅杆! 2. Two trees grow where the gallows stood, one a palm as tall ship's mast. 有两棵树,就长在当年绞架竖立的地方, 其中一棵棕榈树长得跟旗杆差不多高. 3. He had sailed before the mast for nearly 30 years before he became a captain. 他当了将近30年的水手后才被提拔为船长. 4. We discernde the figure of a man cling to the mast of the wrecked ship. 我们看见一人紧抱着破船的桅杆. 5. He picked the mast up and put it on his shoulder and started up the road. 他举起桅杆,扛在肩上,顺着大路走去.


英[pi:k] 美[pik] v.使愤恨;使恼怒; n.怨恨;愤恨;恼怒;凸纹坚挺布料; 1. The ever - affable Mr Zuma will no doubt manage to brush off any lasting diplomatic pique. 无疑,素来和蔼可亲的祖马会设法抹去任何外交上的长时间不满. 2. When he realize nobody listening to him, he leave the room in a fit of pique. 他发觉谁也没听他讲话, 一气之下就走了. 3. Not at all, sir. Perhaps one of these Items will pique your Interest Instead. 不全是, 长官. 也许这些物品会引起你的兴趣. 4. But while daily operations in Iraq may not pique the attention of Americans, the costs do. 但是当在伊拉克的日常事务可能不引起美国人的好奇心的时候, 费用做. 5. Ashamed of his momentary pique , Laurie squeezed the kind little hand. 劳丽握住那只善意的小手,对于自己心血来潮的牢骚感到很羞愧.


英[pɔ:ˈtend] 美[pɔrˈtend] vt.预示;预兆;给...以警告;预告; 1. They may or may not portend a collapse of civilization. 它们或许预示着文明的崩溃. 2. Less emphasis on mortgage payments portend higher delinquency rates and perhaps even more foreclosures. 人们逐渐减少抵押付款预示着较高的税款拖欠率,或许甚至会造成丧失更多的抵押品赎回权. 3. Not, perhaps, a great portend for a new generation of robots. 但是在现实中, 这可能预示着下一代的新机器人. 4. Overcast skies portend a rough day for boats on Iceland's Lake Myvatn. 阴云密布的天空为冰岛米湖上的船只预示了狂风暴雨的一天. 5. Black clouds portend a storm. 乌云为暴风雨的前兆.


英[ru:st] 美[rust] n.栖木,鸡棚;(鸟类)栖息处;歇息处; vi.栖息;过去事情的恶果显现出来;自食恶果;得到报应; 1. Tommy is very bossy; he always wants to rule the roost. 汤米很专横, 他总是想一切由他支配. 2. Like benevolence and righteousness, they are roost on the way of practice. 它们就像仁义一样,是修行人在修行路上的休息站. 3. His unkindness to his daughter came home to roost. 他对女儿的刻薄得到了恶报. 4. Cures, like chickens , come home to roost. 诅咒人者反咒自. 5. Curse, like chicken, comes home to roost. 诅咒像鸡雏, 必回栖息木.


英[rɪ'mɔ:sləslɪ] 美[rɪ'mɔsləslɪ] adv.冷酷地,无悔意地; 1. These models remorselessly comb the markets for arbitrage opportunities. 这些模型无情地扫荡市场的套利机会. 2. The police pursued the criminal remorselessly. 警方追捕那罪犯毫不松劲. 3. It will lecture on disinterested purity while its neck is being remorselessly twisted toward a skirt. 在训诫无私的纯真的时候它的脖子却为了短裙而执意扭曲. 4. In this state, the voice of the preacher thundered remorselessly, but unavailingly, upon her ears. 因此, 那位布道者的声音虽在她耳畔残酷无情地响如雷鸣, 但却无济于事. 5. Drugs drove him remorselessly to an early death. 毒品毫不留情,过早地夺去了他的生命.


英[rɪˈzɔ:t] 美[rɪˈzɔrt] vi.求助于或诉诸某事物,采取某手段或方法应急或作为对策; n.求助,凭借,诉诸;热闹场所,娱乐场,度假胜地;采用的办法;常去,人多,人群; n.常去;求助[凭借]的对象;度假胜地; 1. Is it a summer resort winter resort or health resort? 它是一个夏季的度假胜地、冬季度假胜地还是休闲健身的地方? 2. Huangshan pleasant climate, is advantageous summer resort, is a state - level scenic spot and summer resort. 黄山气候宜人, 是得天独厚的避暑胜地, 是国家级风景名胜区和疗养避暑胜地. 3. Yunshan resort cool the summer resort Enpa bring up the rear. 云山胜地在避暑山庄烟波致爽殿后. 4. The landscape covers about 4800 acres is divided into the resort area and leisure resort. 整个景区占地面积约4800亩,分为风景游览区和休闲度假区. 5. Stay at First Class Resort Hotels. 起初呆在班胜地宾馆.


英[saɪt] 美[saɪt] n.视力;看见;视野;景象; vt.看见,发现;瞄准;观察;调准瞄准器; vi.(用仪器)瞄准;观察; 1. It was love at first sight at last sight at ever and ever sight. 初见是爱,再见是爱,只要相见永远是爱. 2. I give sight to the blind, mind sight through the mind. 我让盲人重见光明, 得到来自精神的观点. 3. We'll agree to change the terms of payment from L at sight at sight. 我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单. 4. Please change the terms of payment at sight at sight. 请将即期信用证付款改为即期付款交单方式. 5. Is the credit at sight or after sight? 信用证是即期的还是远期的?


英[skwɒt] 美[skwɑt] vi.蹲,蹲伏;擅自占用土地;依法在政府公地上定居;〈口〉坐; vt.使蹲坐;使蹲下;擅自占用; n.蹲坐,蹲姿;擅自占用的土地;[体]蹲举式举重;动物的窝; adj.矮胖的;蹲着的; 1. At the time he was homeless, moving from squat to squat through condemned streets in Blackburn. 那时他无家可归, 只好碾转于布莱克本犯罪街区的空房里. 2. He is a squat man. 他是一个矮胖的男人. 3. Squat Hops greatly helps to improve cardiovascular endurance, short distance running speed and lateral quickness. 蹲着的单脚跳非常帮助改良心脏血管的忍耐, 短距离流动的速度和侧面的急速. 4. Mother squat body, I remove eye tears, give me the atmosphere, with flattery. 妈妈蹲下身, 拭去我眼角的泪珠, 给我大气, 带高帽子. 5. To pick up a heavy item, squat down beside it. 在搬重的东西时, 先在物品的旁边蹲下.


英[skʌlk] 美[skʌlk] vi.<贬>潜伏,偷偷摸摸地走动,鬼鬼祟祟地活动; 1. This spell is used frequently as people skulk about the castle or the Forbidden Forest. 这道魔咒经常被用于帮助那些在城堡或禁林中偷偷游逛的家伙. 2. It's a hard thing to skulk and starve in the heather. 躲在树林里的挨饿不是一件好受的事.


英[stɔ:kt] 美[stɔkt] 1. Panic stalked the streets. 恐慌笼罩着街道. 2. A car in front of me stalked and I missed the green. 前面有辆车发动不了,使我错过了绿灯. 3. Famine stalked through the country. 那个国家饥荒蔓延. 4. Air raid wardens in tin hats self - importantly stalked the streets. 空袭民防队员戴着钢盔神气活现地走在街上昂首阔步. 5. He placed his pack on the ground and stalked them as a cat stalks a sparrow. 他把包袱放在地上,像猫捉麻雀一样地偷偷走过去.


英[stɪnt] 美[stɪnt] n.定额,定量;限额,限量;节约;[鸟]滨鹬; v.限制,节省;吝惜;<古>停止; 1. Don't stint yourself; take all you want. 不要限制自己, 想要多少拿多少. 2. Why stint myself now? 现在何必亏待自己 呢 ? 3. I have to stint myself of food. 我得限制自己的食量. 4. I'd stint myself to keep you both in a genteel and seemly style. 我会节衣缩食来让你们俩过一种上流社会的体面生活. 5. Then I had a stint as security officer in Hong Kong. 我那时在香港做过一阵护卫员.


英[trɒmˈbəʊn] 美[trɑmˈboʊn] n.长号,伸缩喇叭; 1. The trombone is an essential musical instrument for a symphony orchestra. 拉管是交响乐队不可缺少的乐器之一. 2. Up in the stands , off by himself , he was playing the trombone - playing his head off. 他独自一人在台上,卖力地演奏长号. 3. My friend Greta plays the trombone in the school band. 我的朋友Greta在乐队在吹长号. 4. There are some wonderful trumpet and trombone solos in the piece. 这支乐曲中有一些美妙的小号和长号的独奏. 5. Not bad considering what I did to that poor trombone! 看来那次把伸缩喇叭砸坏也不是什么坏事.


英[twɪn] 美[twɪn] n.孪生儿之一,双胞胎之一;两个相像的人或物之一;孪晶;双人床; vt.尤用于英国)使结成姊妹城市;使(两人或两事物)紧密结合;使偶合;使相连; adj.成对的;成双的;双重的;双联的; 1. With Twin, they can now also use a full environment with multiple windows and applications. 经由Twin〔的使用〕, 他们现在也可以使用具有多窗格以及应用的完整环境. 2. A twin can be referred to a Gemini. "Twin"也就是"Gemini" (双子座). 3. The underdeveloped twin may have to be surgically separated to save the larger twin. 为了救活正常的那个,常会施行手术把他们分开. 4. Twin Room: The University will assign roommates of same sex to a room with twin beds. 双人房: 校方会将两位同性别之暑期学生分配在设有两张单人床位之双人房内. 5. Maybe the twin brothers are boating twin brothers may be boating now. 现在那对双胞胎兄弟可能在划船.


英[tæg] 美[tæɡ] vt.加标签于;附加;起诉;紧跟; vi.跟在...后面;随从; n.标签;附属物;口头禅;称呼; 1. TAG Electronic Management System 2000 integrated engine and chassis control and data acquisition system. 集成了引擎和底盘控制和数据采集系统的TAG电子管理系统2000. 2. This screen confirms that data has been successfully read from the TAG. 硅胶印花皮带将确认数据已经成功地从TAG上读取. 3. Link the TAP - tag fragment vector pTRE 2 hyg, and then get the recombinant vectors into competence cells. 将TAP -tag 片段连接到真核表达载体pTRÉhyg上, 并转化感受态细胞. 4. The current Tag : splitPhrase method doesn't translate this string properly. 当前Tag:splitPhrase函数没有恰当得翻译字符串. 5. The first test case that we will implement concerns the Tag : normalize method. 第一个测试用例我们执行Tag:normalize函数.


英[weəz] 美[werz] n.货物,商品;商品( ware的名词复数 );制品;作...用的器皿;...室的物品; 1. Tea wares mainly consist of ovens, tea wares, cups, tea bowls and trays and so on. 茶具主要包括微波炉, 茶具, 茶杯, 碗茶和托盘等. 2. I heard you are colecting share wares and free wares. (我听说你正在收集共享软件和免费软件. ) 3. It placards all its wares before us and urges covetousness for those things. 商品张贴在我们面前,促使我们追求拥有. 4. Tubal and Meshech traded with you; they exchanged slaves and articles of bronze for your wares. 雅完人,土巴人,米设人都与你交易. 他们用人口和铜器兑换你的货物. 5. An artist displays his wares along the banks of the Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia. 艺术家展示他的产品在银行的涅瓦河畔在俄罗斯圣彼得堡.


英[æmˈbɪvələnt] 美[æmˈbɪvələnt] adj.对某物、某人或某境况具有矛盾情感的;矛盾的; n.两性人; 1. The Welsh princes had always enjoyed a somewhat ambivalent relationship with their technical Norman overlords. 威尔士诸亲王对他们的诺曼主子总有一种暧昧的关系. 2. What worries me is that he's so placid and, almost , ambivalent while he's doing it. 我所担心的是,他太平静了, 并且当他在选择自己干的时候, 他可能会犹豫. 3. Many Japanese managers are ambivalent about such matters too, and they about having to do it. 许多日本经理对这样的事情也是有分歧意见的, 他们抱怨不得不这样做. 4. Britons ambivalent about Charles remarrying. 查尔斯王子再婚,英国人意见两极. 5. A deconstructive reading of the story , indicates the author's ambivalent attitude towards this binary opposition. 该作品对理性与非理性这对二元对立所包含的循规蹈矩和我行我素的对立的理解是自相矛盾的.


英[ɑ:ft] 美[æft] adv.在船尾;近船尾; adj.在船尾的;近船尾的; 1. Element check is a key part in the implementation of AFT. 在AFT方法实现中,对新生成单元的检查是关键过程. 2. At the end, an adaptive mesh generation scheme is proposed by combining AFT and Background method. 最后, 将改进AFT方法和背景网格法相结合,提出了可应用于二维平面和三维实体自适应有限元网格生成的方法. 3. In chapter 3, the advancing - by - layer method and the backward principle are proposed to improve and control AFT. 第3章提出按层推进方法和背后原理对AFT方法进行改进和控制. 4. H _ 2 crystals contents and AFt crystal size decrease as the distance from limestone surface increases. H_2晶体发生富集,且AFt晶体尺寸较粗大. 5. AFT B 1 was still existence but AFT G 1 was disappeared. 在储藏四周后,黄曲霉毒素B_1仍然存在.


英[ɒnˈsɒmbl] 美[ɑnˈsɑmbl] n.全体;<音>合奏;全套服装;总效果; 1. Les chinois et les nations Yue , ils travaillaient ensemble , ils vivaient ensemble , ils m ê me se mariaient. 在运河开凿以后, 越族很快被征服. 2. Ensemble of complete random trees, i . e . decision trees without any splIt'selection, has high performance. 以完全随机树(不包含属性选择过程的决策树)作为基学习器的集成, 具有很好的性能. 3. Standard on Protective Ensemble for USAR Operations. USAR操作现场防护服标准. 4. Folk Music Ensemble '' Arirang '' '' Blooming Flowers And Full Moon '' 民乐合奏《阿里郎》朝鲜族乐曲《花好月圆 》. 5. Intrusion detection method based on ensemble learning is studied by using multiple classifiers. 利用多分类器技术,研究了基于集成学习的入侵检测方法.


英[əˈfi:ld] 美[əˈfild] adv.在战场上;在野外;远离着; 1. Its result contains teaching reform that prospers afield and accelerates the development of community healing career. 结果:专业教学改革盘活了一个专业、带动了一片事业、促进了行业和区域康复事业的发展. 2. Farther afield , Chinacame close last year to driving a wedge between America and the European Union. 远在(欧洲), 去年,美欧关系险遭中国破坏. 3. Don't go too far afield or you'll get lost. 别走得太远,要不然你会迷路的. 4. An aircraft - carrier would enable China to project power much further afield. 拥有一艘航空母舰后,中国将有能力对极远的地区投放军力. 5. A bicycle, or public transport, was usually adequate to take them farther afield. 自行车或公共交通工具就基本满足了他们远行的需要.


英[əˈtætʃ] 美[əˈtætʃ] vt.& vi.贴上,系;附上; vt.(有时不受欢迎或未受邀请而)参加;把...固定;把...归因于;(使)与...有联系; vi.从属;附着;伴随而来;联在一起(to, upon); 1. DLL _ THREAD _ ATTACH The DLL receives this value when the process creates a new thread. DLL_THEAD_ ATTACH当进程创建一个新线程时,dll接收到这个值. 2. In the Attach to Process dialog box, click Attach. 在"附加到进程"对话框中, 单击"附加". 3. On the hinge - not difficult of each page to attach a deviation value experience. 对折页不紧的情况可在每页上附加一个经验值来进行纠偏. 4. Regarded as an important ruling instrument the feudal rulers attach great importance to the criminal law. 法律,尤其是刑法,作为统治阶级维护其统治秩序的重要工具,为历代封建王朝的统治者所重视. 5. Please attach your up - to - date job description. How well did you achieve last year's goals? 附上对现任工作岗位的描述: 对于去年制定的目标,你实现了 多少 ?


英[ɪn'sɜ:klmənt] 美[ɪn'sɜklmənt] n.环绕; 1. This is the second form of our encirclement of the enemy. 这是我对于敌的第二种包围. 2. Snake people unscrupulous informants to the king, and will be designed to introduce Jiu Selu encirclement. 弄蛇人见利忘义,向国王告密, 并设计将九色鹿引入包围圈. 3. Residual smile. Clearly Encirclement cigarette flavor. Ice - cold finger. 残留的微笑. 清晰地余绕的香烟味道. 冰冷的手指. 4. With the wind after the Yellow Emperor invented the tight encirclement cart before death. 黄帝借助风后发明的指南车才拼死突出重围. 5. They forced an encirclement around the city. 他们形成了一个对城市的包围圈.


英[ɪnˈkɑ:səreɪt] 美[ɪnˈkɑrsəreɪt] vt.监禁,禁闭;关进监狱;[医]钳闭; 1. Why do you incarcerate yourself in the room every afternoon? 你为何每天下午将自己关在房间里? 2. It can cost $40,000 to $50,000 to incarcerate a prisoner for a year. 监禁一名囚犯一年要花费4万到5万美元。


英[ɪnˈskru:təbl] 美[ɪnˈskrutəbəl] adj.不可理解的,谜一样的;神妙莫测; 1. The sea as an inscrutable force behind life reflects his fatalistic and depressing life attitude. 海象征生活背后的那种不可思议的力量,则反映了作者带有宿命论色彩的人生观. 2. Inscrutable are the ways of Heaven. 天道难知. 3. To make things worse , an inscrutable Tu Chu - chai held their fates in the balance! 而且举足轻重的杜竹斋态度莫测! 4. The Chinese are extremely subtle, which is one reason Westerners sometimes find them inscrutable. 中国人极为微妙莫测, 这就是西方人有时认为他们"不可思议"的原因之一. 5. Even so, the motive may prove inscrutable. 即便如此, 其动机可能还是令人费解.


英[ɪnˈsu:siəns] 美[ɪnˈsusiəns, ˌæŋsuˈsjɑŋs] n.不注意;不在乎; 1. What explains this apparent insouciance? It'seems that investors reckon they cannot lose. 用什么能够解释这种听而不闻,视而不见 呢 ?看起来投资人认为他们不会输钱. 2. He replied with characteristic insouciance: 'So what?' 他以一贯的漫不经心回答道:"那又怎样?" 3. She hid her worries behind an air of insouciance. 她掩饰着自己的烦恼,表现得无忧无虑。 4. He replied with characteristic insouciance: ''So what?'' 他以一贯的漫不经心回答道:"那又怎样?"


英[ɪˈspaʊz] 美[ɪˈspaʊz] vt.拥护;赞助;嫁娶; 1. People shelve the out - of - fashion moral icon and espouse the philosophy of egoism. 搁置了人民的时尚图标和拥护道德哲学的利己主义. 2. The army accuses the former separatists'party , Partai Aceh, of continuing to espouse independence. 军队指控原分离主义政党,亚齐党, 继续支持亚齐独立. 3. But they, too, have been disrupted, and moderates are turning on those who espouse violence. 但他们, 同样, 被打乱了, 和减轻转动在那些拥护暴力. 4. Some teachers enthusiastically espouse the benefits to be gained from educational software. 有些教师热烈赞同可以从教学软件中得到好处的观点. 5. Meanwhile, managers from the 11 South Korean companies operating there espouse the advantages of the zone. 与此同时, 在此运营的11家韩国公司的经理们对这里的优势赞不绝口.


英[ˈderɪk] 美[ˈdɛrɪk] n.起重机;(油井的)井架; 1. To raise or lower ( the boom of a crane or derrick ). 起重机臂转了过来. 2. Have you fixed the derrick substructure in position? 井架底座固定好没有? 3. Purpose: Cement - coated wire wound resistor is used in transducer trig, elevator, derrick as load resistor widely. 用途: 涂料绕线电阻广泛用于变频器制动, 电梯, 起重机械以及负载电阻之用. 4. Putting him on the current Bulls with my buddy Derrick Rose? 把与我的好友德里克罗斯目前公牛队 呢 ? 5. Magnus Derrick had formally and definitely refused his adherence to the scheme. 曼克奈斯·台力克正式干脆表示,不愿跟这活动有什么关系.


英[ˈdæpə(r)] 美['dæpər] adj.(尤指男子)整洁漂亮的,动作敏捷的; 1. He was a dapper little Irishman, very vain, homely as a monkey. 他是个短小精干的爱尔兰人, 非常自负, 丑得象只猴子. 2. His dapper self - confidence seemed impenetrable to such hints. 这类的暗示似乎动摇不了他坚定的 自信. 3. By week's end Dave came by looking dapper in a dark suit. 到了周末时,戴夫来看望我. 4. His manner was aristocratic , his movements dapper and suave. 他气宇轩昂, 温文尔雅,举止潇洒. 5. Vifian's father, a dapper 86 - year - old, is still very much in evidence every night. 费福昂的父亲, 一位86 岁,衣冠楚楚的老人, 每晚仍会出现在餐厅最显眼的地方.


英[ˈdɔ:mæt] 美[ˈdɔrmæt] n.门前地垫; 1. He rubbed the mud off his shoe onto the doormat. 他在门垫上把鞋底的泥蹭掉了. 2. Step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat. 如果你走出去,可能会滑倒在门垫上,摔伤一条腿. 3. They heard the click of the mail slot and flop of letters on the doormat. 他们听到邮箱喀嗒一声响,接着就是信件落到门垫子上的声音. 4. Stand up for yourself a bit don't be such a doormat! 长点骨气吧--别老这么忍着任人践踏! 5. He concealed his key under the doormat. 他将钥匙藏在门前擦鞋垫下.


英[ˈdɪðə(r)] 美[ˈdɪðɚ] vi.犹豫不决;发抖,颤抖; n.发抖,颤抖;慌乱;高频振脉动; 1. The paper presents the dither feedback which exploits magnetoelectric dither pick - up ( MEDP ) technology in ring laser gyroscope. 经分析 指出,磁电拾振技术应用在机抖激光陀螺抖动反馈方案中,其工作原理属于速度型传感器,直接反映抖动偏频量. 2. There are valve dither and valve set point circuit to improve the performance of the system. 为改善伺服阀的特性,在系统各通道的伺服输出电路中增加了可程控的阀偏置和阀颤振电路. 3. The sight of the policeman made the murderer all of a dither. 一见到警察,那个谋杀者吓得浑身发抖. 4. The RLG's precision can be improved by dither frequency compensation instead of temperature compensation. 同时用抖动频率对陀螺的零偏进行补偿,提高了陀螺的精度. 5. Both the dither and the special purposepalette can not solve this problem well. 传统的抖动法和设置专用调色板的方法都不能较好地解决这一问题.


英[ˈfaɪsti] 美[ˈfaɪsti] adj.活跃的;好争吵的;精力充沛的;烦躁不安的; 1. From the start, he'd liked her long , thick hair, feisty sense of humor and fearlessness. 从一开始, 他就被她那浓密的秀发, 泼辣 、 幽默、无所畏惧的性情所打动. 2. Ms Madlala - Routledge was certainly feisty. 马德拉?若勒基的确精力充沛. 3. A feisty girl always wins arguments. 一个好拚斗的女孩子时常赢争吵. 4. And he gave Rama Yade, a feisty 31 - year - old Senegalese , a human - rights post in the foreign ministry. 此外,他还让脾气暴躁的31岁 塞内加尔人 拉玛?亚德(RamaYade)在外交部掌管人权事务. 5. He was a strong and a feisty old man. 他是个很坚强的倔老头.


英[ˈfɔ:kɔ:t] 美[ˈfɔrkɔrt] n.前院,<美>(篮球)前(场)球; 1. The St. Charles Hotel had a forecourt which normally accommodated hotel traffic. 圣·查理斯饭店有一个前院通常用来容纳来饭店的车辆. 2. In another hospital, I found a gaggle of rural patients crouching on the forecourt. 在另一家医院, 我一群吵闹的农村病人蹲在医院的大厅. 3. It is on the left out of the station forecourt. 走出车站前广场就在左手边. 4. The forecourt was crawling with security men. 前院布满了保安人员. 5. Now let's enter the forecourt through the front gate. 我们从前门进前院吧.


英[ˈfɜ:tɪv] 美[ˈfɜrtɪv] adj.鬼鬼祟祟的;诡诈的;贼头贼脑; 1. The man's furtive manner gave rise to the suspicion of the theft among the policemen. 那个男人鬼鬼祟祟的样子,引起警察怀疑盗窃案是他作的案. 2. The man's furtive manner made the policeman follow him. 这人鬼鬼祟祟的举止引得警察跟踪了他. 3. He took a furtive glance at the clock. 他偷偷地瞧了一眼钟. 4. Furtive hole in the wall appears to be temporary - inflicted. 偷拍孔似乎是在墙上临时弄成的. 5. During the time left to us, our glances were furtive, oblique. 分手前, 我们都不敢正眼看对方.


英[ˈfʌnl] 美[ˈfʌnəl] n.漏斗;(轮船,火车等的)烟囱;漏斗状物;[矿]通风井; vt.& vi.把...灌进漏斗;使成漏斗状;成漏斗形;使汇集; 1. Your marketing funnel operates just like a conventional funnel you use in you kitchen or garage. 你就像传统营销漏斗运转在你的厨房用漏斗或车库. 2. Black plastic coffee funnel and separate tea funnel included. 具黑色咖啡漏斗和茶两种独立漏斗. 3. The funnel shaped catchment afforestation is a new forestry technique in semiarid loess hilly area. 漏斗式集流造林技术是黄土丘陵半干旱区旱作林业的一个创新. 4. Health Funnel: This spell will now work correctly on low - level enslaved demons. 生命通道: 这个法术将在 低等级 的被奴役的恶魔身上正确的作用. 5. Learn how to work up your reaction using a separatory funnel to perform a liquid - liquid extraction. 藉由分液漏斗示范液相 - 液相萃取并学习如何用"反应检查步骤"检查你的反应.


英[ˈhedlənd] 美[ˈhɛdlənd, -ˌlænd] n.向水中突出的陆地,畦头未耕的一条地,岬; 1. A steeply projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff or headland. 危崖一组构成部分多岩峭壁或岬的陡峭突兀的石块群. 2. A coastline of 472 kilometers, multi headland and harbor. 海岸线长472公里, 多岬角和港湾. 3. Sohar passed the headland at Muscat to a chant. 在歌声中,"苏哈尔"号越过马斯喀特的陆岬. 4. Australia's most recognizable icon is dramatically situated on the eastern headland of Circular Quay. 澳大利亚最容易识别的图标是显着位于东部岬角的环形码头. 5. Our road lay by the shore beneath the cliffs, then round the headland which they formed. 我们行经断岩下沙岸边的路, 再转绕过山岩形成的山头.


英[ˈheɪzl] 美[ˈhezəl] n.[植]榛;榛树;榛木;淡褐色; adj.淡褐色的,黄褐色的;榛树的,榛木制的; 1. Ingredients: Witch hazel extract, Vitamin B 6, EGF and tea tree essential oil etc. 成份: 金缕梅精华, 维生素B6, EGF,茶树精油等. 2. The Country Mouse was sitting under a hazel thicket plucking nuts. 乡鼠正坐在榛树丛下摘硬果. 3. The true hazel eye - and so brilliant! 真正淡褐色的眼睛,而且总是那么熠熠放光! 4. Very intense aroma with notes of dried fruit , hazel nuts, honey, caramel and candied fruit. 水果干 、 榛果 、 蜂蜜 、 焦糖及水果糖的香气交织融合,颇为浓郁. 5. It's not fair Hazel always takes Edward's part whether he's right or wrong. 黑兹尔不管爱德华是否正确总是站在他一边,这不公正.


英[ˈkæpstən] 美[ˈkæpstən, -ˌstæn] n.绞盘,起锚机; 1. Imagesetter fanwei capstan and two drum - type, with the precision of a capstan imagesetter is relatively low. 照排机主要有绞盘式和滚筒式两种, 其中绞盘式照排机的精度比较低. 2. Capstan: The camera is focused on the capstan. You can see the individual deck planks. 绞盘: 相机聚焦在绞盘上. 可以看到个别的甲板木条. 3. Capstan imagesetter of laser sources stay, the exposure light deflection rotation by galvanometric or Prism � � s. 绞盘式照排机的激平平源变不静不不静, 曝平平线的偏不停靠振镜或棱镜不静弹来达成. 4. Sailors hove up the cable with windlass or capstan. 水手们用绞盘或起锚机把缆绳拉起来. 5. Capstan imagesetter of laser sources stay, the exposure light rotation by galvanometric or Prism � � s. 绞盘式照排机的激光光源变不静不不静, 曝光光芒的偏转靠振镜或棱镜转不静来达成.


英[ˈkɔkəˈhu:p] 美[ˌkɑkəˈhup, -ˈhʊp] adj.& adv.得意洋洋的[地];意气扬扬; 1. Close test cock No.4. Disconnect bypass hose ( yellow ) at test cock No.4. Close vent needle valve. 关闭测试旋塞4号. 断开测试旋塞4号上的旁路软管 ( 黄 ). 关闭排气针形阀. 2. As the old cock crow, the young cock learns. 老公鸡鸣叫, 小鸡就跟着去学. 3. Close test cock No.4. Disconnect bypass hose ( yellow ) at test cock No.4. 关闭测试旋塞4号. 断开测试旋塞4号上的旁路软管 ( 黄 ). 4. Tighten vent hose at test cock # 1, open test cock # 1. 紧固测试旋 塞 1号上的排气软管, 开启测试旋 塞 1号. 5. Connect the high side hose to test cock No.1, low side hose to test cock No.4. 将高端软管连接到测试旋塞1号上, 将低端软管连接到测试旋塞4号上.


英[ˈlændfɔ:l] 美[ˈlændˌfɔl] n.着陆; 1. Our next landfall should be Jamaica. 我们下一靠岸处应是牙买加. 2. Felix is on track to make a direct landfall on Belize by Wednesday. 按其路线看,费力克斯将与周三在伯利兹直接登陆. 3. It made landfall at Plover Cove reservoir at 3 pm. (?风)于下午三时在船湾淡水湖登陆. 4. Other discoveries suggest that others first made landfall in California and San Jacinto, Colombia. 其他发现表明,他们最初是在哥伦比亚的圣哈辛托登陆的. 5. It is expected WNW movement will continue before landfall in central Vietnam. 预料米克拉将继续向西北偏西移动直至登陆越南中部.


英[ˈmævərɪk] 美[ˈmævərɪk, ˈmævrɪk] n.未烙印的小动物;标新立异的人,持不同意见的人; v.迷路,迷失;用不正当手段获取; adj.标新立异的; 1. But there are many people struggling with life, not to change maverick mettle and frankness. 但也有不少人一生挣扎, 仍不改特立独行的秉性与率真. 2. There's been no spark . No maverick choices . Lennon and Downing are both inspired picks. 他从没有标新立异的决定,但现在伦农和唐宁都是充满创意的选择. 3. The change of heart is quintessential Buffett - rational, decisive, maverick and blazing a path all his own. 改变主意是巴菲特的精髓 ---- 理性 、 果断、与众不同 、 独辟蹊径. 4. MaVerick DBMS an open source Multi - Value DBMS. 这是个 开源 数据库管理系统. 5. In 1975 Tommy was adapted as a film, directed by maverick British auteur Ken Russell. 1975年,《汤米》被改编成电影, 由特立独行的英国电影导演肯·拉塞尔执导.


英[ˈmɔ:rɪŋ] 美[ˈmʊrɪŋ] n.停泊处;系泊用具,系船具;下锚; v.停泊,系泊(船只)(moor的现在分词); 1. The standard of allowable mooring force for ocean ship lock is also discussed. 并针对海船闸的船舶允许系缆力标准进行了探讨. 2. Steel liners shall be provided under the foundation of the windlass and mooring winch. 锚机和系泊绞车底座下应该设有钢垫. 3. As shown, the valve seals completely around the 3 - inch mooring cable. 正如所示, 阀门环绕3英寸的锚缆索并实现完全的密封. 4. The sinker form also influences the mooring line force. 配重形式对锚绳力的大小亦产生一定的影响. 5. Trelleborg has been at the forefront of fendering , berthing and mooring technology for over thirty years. 特瑞堡在三十多年来一直是港口和船舶护舷、靠泊、系泊技术的市场领导者.


英[ˈneɪzl] 美[ˈnezəl] adj.鼻的;鼻音的; n.鼻音字母,鼻音;鼻骨; 1. Indications : Nasal obstruction , nosebleed epistaxis, nasal sinusitis, nasal polyp and deviated mouth. 鼻塞,鼻衄, 鼻渊, 鼻息肉,口喎. 2. Objective To identify nasal polyp susceptibility gene locus by genome - widp scan for familial nasal polyps. 目的对鼻息肉家系进行全基因组扫描,从而找出鼻息肉易感基因的位点. 3. Chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps are both chronic nasal mucosa inflammation. 慢性鼻窦炎和鼻息肉是鼻粘膜的慢性炎症性病变. 4. Method 21 patients with nasal vestibular cyst were subjected to marsupialization by nasal endospic. 方法使用鼻内窥镜对21例鼻前庭囊肿病例行揭盖法鼻前庭囊肿造袋术. 5. Objective: To study the feasibility of pigs nasal mucosa as nasal mucosa model of experiment. 目的: 以水蛭素为模型药物,考察猪鼻黏膜作为鼻腔给药离体实验用黏膜的可行性.


英[ˈpetɪkəʊt] 美[ˈpetɪkoʊt] n.衬裙; 1. The child begged for her petticoat , too, and she gave it to her. 这小孩又向她要衬裙, 她也给了她. 2. She gnawed furiously, tore with both hands and the petticoat lay in strips in her hands. 她一次又一次使劲咬呀, 双手撕扯呀,结果衬裙变成了一堆布条摆在眼前. 3. She purchased a knitted petticoat and sent it to the Thenardiers. 她买一条绒线编织的裙,寄给了德纳第. 4. That frock shows your petticoat. 那件上衣太短,让你的衬裙露出来了. 5. Then I'll take her a petticoat. 我要给她带一件裙子.


英[ˈplezntri] 美[ˈplɛzəntri] n.<正>客气话,客套,礼仪; 1. Nonplussed for a moment, Pug realized that the heavy pleasantry was intended as a kindness. 帕格一时不知所措, 而后意识到这种叫人吃不消的取笑是存心表示亲热. 2. But he regretted the pleasantry; it was too near a satire. 后来一想, 这句笑话太象当面挖苦了,他又后悔起来. 3. After an exchange of pleasantry, the leader start their negotiation. 领导人互相寒暄一番, 然后开始谈判.


英[ˈpætʃi] 美[ˈpætʃi] adj.不调和的;拼凑成的;有补丁的;脾气别扭的; 1. Patchy cytokeratin 7 cytokeratin 19 hepatocyte paraffin 1 MUC 2 and CDX 2 immunopositivities were observed. 通过免疫组化的方法对片状蛋白7,细胞角蛋白19,肝石蜡1,muc2,并cdx2进行了观察. 2. My knowledge of German is patchy , ie not complete. 我对德语一知半解. 3. X - ray chest film or CT showed multi - node and patchy consolidation. 线胸片或ct显示双肺多发结节影和斑片状浸润影. 4. The evidence for a widespread RNA - based regulatory system is strong , albeIt'still patchy. 以RNA为基础的调节系统广泛存在的证据虽然不完备,但却相当有力. 5. The nodules are scattered and patchy in distribution. 结节散在并成斑片状分布.


英[ˈpɒtʃɒt] 美[ˈpɑtʃɑt] n.胡乱射击;(对某事物的)随便一试; v.肆意抨击;射击(potshoot的过去分词); 1. Two influential economists take a potshot at financial policymakers. Why don't their criticisms add up? 两位有名经济学家狠恶报复金融政策拟定者. 而他们的批驳为何不恻隐理? 2. I took a potshot at the rabbit, but missed. 我向兔子胡乱打了一枪, 但是没有射中. 3. Somebody took a potshot at him as he drove past. 他开车通过的时候,有人向他乱开了一枪。


英[ˈpɪtns] 美[ˈpɪtns] n.少量;少许;微薄的工资;少量的收入; 1. NIV You sold your people for a pittance, gaining nothing from their sale. 12[和合]你17卖了你的子民, 也不赚利;所得的价值,并不加添你的资财. 2. They work all day for a mere pittance. 他们为了一点微薄的收入而整日工作. 3. The peasant laboured for a mere pittance. 农民仅仅是为了微不足道的收入而辛苦地劳作. 4. The widow must live on her slender pittance. 那寡妇只能靠自己微薄的收入过活. 5. Neither set of lenders was paid more than a pittance. 所有的债权人谁都不比谁多得到一个子儿.


英[ˈrɪgɪŋ] 美[ˈrɪɡɪŋ] n.索具,绳索;装备;传动装置; v.装配;给(船、桅杆)装配帆及索具(rig的现在分词); 1. The party in power must stop rigging the elections. 执政党必须停止操纵大选. 2. Where are the auto - rigging tools? 自动的骨架系统又在哪里? 3. Herdsmen are rigging up a Mongolian yurt as a new domicile. 牧民们正在新的居住地搭建蒙古包. 4. The associated rigging was in disarray, although most of it appeared to be present and unbroken. 相关的操纵是混乱, 但大部分似乎是当前和完整. 5. RIGGING, An adjustment of airplane controls and doors for proper operation. 校装, 使飞机操纵系统和舱门能正常工作而做的装配调整.


英[ˈsentri] 美[ˈsɛntri] n.哨兵;警卫; 1. Excellent for dealing with a sentry if carried instantly to its full conclusion. 如果立即将招数用实的话,是对付哨兵的极好方法. 2. Our scouts quietly disposed of the enemy sentry. 我们的侦察兵一声不响地干掉了敌人的哨兵. 3. The sentry made straight for him a drawn sword. 哨兵拔剑向他直扑过去. 4. The Field Mouse immediately enlisted as a militiaman and stood sentry duty outside the dirt walls. 地老鼠马上参加了民兵,在土墙外边站岗放哨. 5. The sentry is on guard. 那哨兵在担任警戒.


英[ˈserid] 美[ˈsɛrid] adj.(指士兵的行列等)密集的,靠紧的; 1. As the closely serried leaves bent , a tide of opaque emerald could be glimpsed. 这时候叶子与花也有一丝的颤动,像闪电般,霎时传过荷塘的那边去了. 2. The fields were mostly patches laid on the serried landscape, between crevices and small streams. 农田大部分是地缝和小溪之间的条状小块. 3. He could not as yet with the magnates the East the serried Sequoias of Wall Street. 他还不能够同东部大王们——华尔街林立的参天红杉——并列. 4. Above the bush the trees stood in serried ranks. 荆棘之上耸立着密密麻麻的大树. 5. serried ranks of soldiers 密集排列的士兵


英[ˈskwɒbl] 美[ˈskwɑbl] vi.(为小事而)争论,吵嘴;搅乱(排好的铅字); n.争吵,口角; 1. To engage in a petty, bad - tempered quarrel; squabble. 因坏脾气引起的小的争吵; 为琐事争吵. 2. Tom keep squabble with his sister about who is going to use the bicycle. 汤姆跟妹妹都争著要骑那辆自行车. 3. I hate to squabble with my wife about money. 我厌恶为钱的事兴太太争吵. 4. Just a squabble every and then when someone was off. 当有人离开时总会有一些口角发生. 5. Babbitt did not often squabble with his employees. 巴比特不常和雇员争吵.


英[ˈsmætərɪŋ] 美[ˈsmætərɪŋ] n.略懂,浅知; v.充内行( smatter的现在分词 ); 1. Investors appeared to take heart from a smattering of news from banks and the government. 投资者似乎从来自政府和银行的只言片语中获取了信心. 2. But all who read, and most do read, endeavor to obtain smattering in that science. 所有读法律的人, 其中大多数也确实读了点书, 但他们所努力获得的只是对这门科学的一知半解. 3. David has only a smattering of astronomy. 大卫对天文学只是一知半解. 4. He has a smattering of French. 他的法文是半瓶醋. 5. Sunset beach: Megan rests her head on Brian's shoulder a smattering of gardenias providing decoration. 日落海滩: 梅根将她的头轻轻靠在老公肩膀上,无比幸福.


英[ˈstɪərɪdʒ] 美[ˈstɪrɪdʒ] n.驾驶,操舵;舵效;统舱; 1. He was re - elected for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster. 他奇迹般地引导该国渡过了一场经济灾难,因此再度当选. 2. He is re - elected for his miraculous steerage of the country through an economic disaster. 他奇迹般地引导该国度过了一场经济灾难,因此再度当选. 3. They go steerage on the ship, but it was only three days after all. 他们在船上不得不住统舱,好在旅途只需三天. 4. The ship went with easy steerage. 这条船容易操舵. 5. I discharged one night cue to just buy the ticket of a piece of steerage. 我排了一夜长队才买到一张统舱的票.


英[ˈsætɪn] 美[ˈsætn] n.缎,缎子;缎子衣服;[纺]缎纹;<俚>杜松子酒; adj.绸缎做的;光滑的;似缎的; v.对(纸等)作加光处理; 1. Examples of satin weave fabrics include antique satin, slipper satin, crepe - back satin, bridal satin and moleskin. 缎纹织物包括:仿古缎 、 鞋面花缎 、 绉缎 、 婚服缎、充鼹鼠皮等. 2. SATIN STITCH COMPENSATION satin stitch length can be enlarged or shortened. 平包针补偿可根据需要,对平包针的针迹长度进行增加或减少. 3. Satin weaves are characterized by long floats on the face of the fabric. 缎纹组织的特点是在织物的表面具有较长的浮长线. 4. The color finish -- of semi - glass or satin appearance -- is said to be permanent. 这种彩色抛光剂 - -外表为半光泽或缎状 - - 据说是很耐久的. 5. Up for purchase, Maybelline dream mousse blush - peach satin, # 20 Air - whipped formula adds natural - looking color to cheeks. 为购买, 美宝莲慕思腮红梦桃缎子, # 20Air,掀起公式增加了自然的色彩脸颊.


英[ˈsɪmpə(r)] 美[ˈsɪmpɚ] vi.傻笑,假笑; vt.傻[假]笑着说出; 1. He had small, watery eyes, a pointed nose, and wore an unpleasant simper. 他长了一双水汪汪的小眼睛, 一个尖头鼻子, 脸上挂着令人讨厌的假笑. 2. I'll tell you, Scarlett O'Hara, if you'll take that Southern belle simper off your face. 我会告诉你, 斯佳丽.奥哈拉, 如果你把你那南部美人的假笑从你的脸上拿掉的话. 3. They leer, they simper at her shame: Gay. 他们斜视着这个乞丐; 他在别人的斜视中抬起了头. 4. When I told him the news, he simply simper. 当我告诉他那个消息时, 他只假笑了一下. 5. R: I'll tell you, Scarlett O'Hara, if you'll take that Southern belle simper off your face. 瑞: 我会告诉你的, 斯佳丽·奥哈拉, 只要你脸上别带着那种南方美人儿的傻笑.


英[ˈsɪnəgɒg] 美[ˈsɪnəgɑg] n.犹太教堂;犹太人集会; 1. Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks. 4每逢安息日、保罗在会堂里辩论 、 劝化犹太人和希利尼人. 2. All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. 28会堂里的人听见这话,都怒气满胸. 3. For he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a synagogue. 因为他爱我们的百姓 、 给我们建造会堂. 4. These things He said in the synagogue as He taught in Capernaum. 约6:59这些话是耶稣在迦百农会堂里教训人说的. 5. A place of worship, eg a church, mosque or synagogue. 拜神的地方(如教堂 、 清真寺或犹太会堂).


英[ˈsʌbtəfju:dʒ] 美[ˈsʌbtərfjudʒ] n.(用说谎或欺骗以逃脱责备、困难等的)花招,遁词; 1. The Lurker focuses on spies, cloaks and subterfuge to devastate opponents. 潜行者专注于使用间谍, 掩饰,和诡计去摧毁敌人. 2. Avoid any temptation to employ secrecy or subterfuge in your actions. 得避免任何行动中运用诡计的行为,或是对你的行动过度保密. 3. No subterfuge, no camouflage, no alibis. 没有借口, 没有伪装, 没有任何借口. 4. Since that is impossible , there isn't even any subterfuge involved. 但是受宠若惊, 我实在想不出我何德何能. 5. Her claim to is a journalist is simply subterfuge to get into the theatre without pay. 她自称是记者,这只是个看戏不买票的花招而已.


英[ˈtræmpl] 美[ˈtræmpəl] vt.践踏;蹂躏;无视,蔑视;侵犯,伤害; vi.践踏,重重地踩;脚步沉重地走; n.践踏;践踏声; 1. Trample ( Ex ): Reflex DC 37 half. 碾压Trample ( Ex ): 反射DC37伤害减半. 2. Trample ( Ex ): Reflex DC 37 half. The save DC is Strength - based. 碾压Trample ( Ex ): 反射DC37伤害减半. 豁免 DC 基于力量. 3. Trample with your feet, and trample it in! 用脚踩, 把它踩入地里. 4. A ture great man will neither trample on a worm, nor sneak to an emperor. 真正的伟人既不会践踏小人, 也不会在皇帝面前卑躬屈膝. 5. A true great man will neither trample on a worm, nor sneak to an emperor. 真正的伟人既不大肆践踏小人物, 也不会在皇帝面前奴?卑膝.


英[ˈtrɪŋkɪt] 美[ˈtrɪŋkɪt] n.小装饰品; 小件饰物;无价值的琐细杂物;小玩意儿; 1. He bought her some trinket. 他给她买了些不值钱的珠宝. 2. Of the four eunuchs waiting outside the door, Trinket was unable to recognize a single one. 韦小宝走出大门, 见门外站着四名太监,却都不是熟人. 3. We have a trinket, as does every other class. 是的,我们有徽章, 可是我靠其他职业一样都有. 4. And how does a maid come to own a trinket such as that? 一个女佣怎么会有这样的饰品 呢 ? 5. If he already blew his PVP trinket and your have a full energy stunlock ready. 如果他已经用过了PVP饰品,而且你有着准备好的满能量连续技.


英[ˈtəʊdi] 美[ˈtoʊdi] n.谄媚者,马屁精; vt.& vi.拍马,谄媚; 1. We went out again to buy materials toady. 为找齐材料,我们今天再次出发. 2. This is several weeks old and therefore the price is not in line with toady's market. 既然此表已过时数周,其价格亦可能不适于当今市场. 3. We knocked off work a little earlier toady because of the bad weather. 由于天气不好,今天我们早一点停止了工作. 4. He knows how to toady to his boss. 他知道如何逢(烽)迎老板. 5. Toady, the Indian and Chinese have their big communities there. 时至今日, 这里的印度人和华人已拥有较大的社群.


英[ˈtʌmbldaʊn] 美[ˈtʌmbəlˌdaʊn] adj.(房屋)破败不堪的,摇摇欲坠的; 1. Can she move from managing a tumbledown shop to operating a major aquatic attraction? 但是她能把一家快倒闭的店,经营成水族馆 吗 ? 2. A dead tree stands to the right of a tumbledown brownstone house. 在一座破败的褐砂石房子的右侧,矗立着一棵枯树. 3. He lived in a small, tumbledown hut. 他住在一个狭小破败的棚屋里. 4. First - class hotel'was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in. 把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作` 一流 旅馆 ',纯粹是乱用词语.


英[ˈɒstrɪtʃ] 美[ˈɑstrɪtʃ] n.鸵鸟;逃避现实的人; 1. An ostrich stands behind a fence at an ostrich farm near Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. 吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克一家鸵鸟养殖场里,一只鸵鸟站在栅栏后张望. 2. However, setting up an ostrich farm isn't something to embark on lightly. 然而建立鸵鸟农场不容易着手. 3. Among them with African ostrich bodily form the biggest, produce an egg most. 其中以非洲驼鸟体型最大 、 产蛋最多. 4. Therefore , many European countries feel the EU should not adopt an ostrich policy toward China. 许多欧洲国家认为不应该对中国采取视而不见的鸵鸟政策. 5. The ostrich indeed inhabits continents. 鸵鸟确实是生活在大陆上的.


英[ˈɪmpɪʃ] 美[ˈɪmpɪʃ] adj.顽童似的,似顽童的,顽皮的; 1. Impish and given to easy chuckling, Dan feels most at home when teaching his students one - on - one . 但昭义有点顽皮而且习惯轻声发笑, 在 一对一 教导学生时感到最自在不拘. 2. Impish eyes peered from the doorway. 门口有双顽皮的眼睛在朝里张望. 3. This ironical sequence of things angered him like an impish trick from a fellow - creature. 事情演变成这样一个讥笑的结果,就像真有一个家伙对他耍了一套鬼把戏,使他愤怒. 4. His inquisitive and often impish brown eyes mirrored an understanding of everything verbal. 他那双褐色得眼睛,好奇又顽皮,透出他对所有言语的理解. 5. Gillespie is well known for his impish sense of humour. 吉莱斯皮以他精灵搞怪的幽默感而广为人知。


英[ˌdʒeriˈætrɪk] 美[ˌdʒɛriˈætrɪk] adj.老年医学的,老年病学的;老人的,老年的; n.衰老老人,老年人;老年病人; 1. Objective Osteoporosis and tumble are the most common risky factor for geriatric fracture and distal radius. 老年性骨折最主要的危险因素是骨质疏松和跌倒. 2. Geriatric depression has a high incidence and its own specificity and social factors and clinical feature. 老年抑郁发病率高,病因、临床表现、预后有其特殊性. 3. Somehow the geriatric Voyager 2, arthritic and partially deaf, managed to reach Neptune. 得了关节炎而且局部变聋 、 衰老的"旅行者2号"最后总算抵达海王星. 4. Objective To investigate the distribution and risk factor of infectious pathogen in geriatric and normal wards. 目的在于探讨老年病房与普通病房病原菌分布情况及其危险因素. 5. He gains rich achievements in the studying fields of adult intellectual development and geriatric psychology. 他在成人认知发展和老年心理学领域取得了大量的研究成果.

carte blanche

英[ˌkɑ:t ˈblɑ:nʃ] 美[ˌkɑrt ˈblɑnʃ] n.全权委托,署名空白纸(任人填写条件等); 1. The president gave his minister carte blanche in foreign affairs. 总统把处理外交事务的全权授予他的公使. 2. I have given carte blanche to the editor - in - chief in revising my articles. 我给主编全权修改我的拙文. 3. The architect has been carte blanche in de - signing this new building. 建筑师有自由设计这栋新楼房的权力. 4. A leader carte blanche may not be good for the country. 有全权自由处理国事的领袖,未必是好. 5. They gave him carte blanche to publish his proposals. 他们许可他发表他的建议.


英[ˌtrepɪˈdeɪʃn] 美[ˌtrɛpɪˈdeʃən] n.害怕;不安;震颤;颤抖; 1. Dragonflies look enough like wasps or stinging flies to instill trepidation among humans. 这种蜻蜓像极了黄蜂,或是带着刺的飞到人群中让人害怕的家伙. 2. I wondered what he meant, for when I ski it is always with trepidation. 我弄不懂他的意思, 因为我滑雪时,总是胆战心惊的. 3. Beijing might be watching the spread of buying with trepidation. 例句北京可能正在战战兢兢的注视着团购的蔓延. 4. The next morning he entered his office in trepidation andto see what would happen, nothing happened. 第二天早晨,他提心吊胆地走进办公室,不知道会有什么大祸临头, 结果什么事也没有. 5. This is also a time of trepidation. 这一天同时又是令人惶恐不安的日子.


英[ˌɔ:lˈbi:ɪt] 美[ɔlˈbiɪt, æl-] conj.虽然;即使; 1. It continues to edge up , albeit a slowing pace. 尽管增速缓慢,该指数继续微升. 2. Fiscal borrowing replaced private borrowing as the counterpart of large, albeIt'shrinking, external deficits. 财政借款取代私营部门借款,成为庞大对外赤字的来源 —— 尽管赤字规模正在缩小. 3. Still, even a nonpsionic being can feel the pain of a psionic attack mode albeit blunted. 然而, 即便非灵能生物也会迟钝地感受到心灵攻击模式造成的痛苦. 4. It continues to edge up , albeit at a slowing pace. 尽管增速缓慢,但它一直在向那边靠拢. 5. Big Western companies have also started to reach out to Muslim consumers, albeIt'slowly. 西方的大公司却也开始开发穆斯林市场, 尽管进度缓慢.


英[ˌʌndəˈsteɪtɪd] 美[ˌʌndərˈsteɪtɪd] adj.朴素的,简朴的;轻描淡写的;有节制的;低调的; vt.没有充分地陈述实情(understate的过去式和过去分词);少说,少报(某数目等);轻描淡写地陈述; vi.轻描淡写的陈述,不完全的陈述; 1. From the grand entrance stairway to the rooftop reflecting pool, every detail is understated yet unforgettable. 从大门口楼梯到天台反映池, 每一个细节被低估但令人难忘. 2. For a more understated look , try a shimmery tank under a cropped jacket a la Rihanna. 或者稍微低调些,像蕾哈娜一样在七分外套下穿件发亮的小背心. 3. My boyfriend looks pretty ordinary, but he's intelligent in an understated way. 我的男朋友长相平平, 但很内秀. 4. But Mr Lafley's understated style masks a keen strategic mind and ambition. 不过,雷富礼先生的低调风格掩藏着敏锐的战略头脑和雄心壮志. 5. The melody, pure and understated , unfolds softly and pleasingly. 作品的旋律舒展柔美,委婉质朴.

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