Fathers of physics and equations

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Blaise pascal

A very influential French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher who contributed to many areas of mathematics & physics.


Acc = Change in velocity / Time


Ancient Greek mathematician who stated that buoyant forces on an object is the equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.


Italian astronomer and mathematician who came up with the idea of friction

Mechanical advantage

MA = F out/F in

Unit force

Meters per second M/S

James Watt

Nineteenth century British scientist who invented a practical version of the steam engine

Average speed

Speed = DIstance/ Time

Daniel Bernoulli

Swiss mathematician and physicist and was one of the many prominent mathematicians in the Bernoulli family from Basel.

Work equation

W = FxD

Calculating pressure

pressure = force/area


D = mass/volume


Eff = wo /wi x 100

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