federal government mind tap wrap it up unit 1

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At the time of the Constitutional Convention, the Constitution gave Congress the authority to veto state laws.

False At the time of the Constitutional Convention, Congress was granted a list of powers it could employ: the authority to tax to provide for the general welfare; to regulate commerce among the states and with foreign nations; to borrow money; to declare war, raise armies, and maintain a navy. But Congress did not receive the authority to veto state laws.

As of 2018, a number of states have legalized marijuana for medicinal or recreational use. Which system allows for this variation?


The Constitution divides power horizontally between the national government and the state governments. What is this arrangement called?


In the 1967 case Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court declared that under the Constitution "the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual, and cannot be infringed by the State." Which amendment is violated when a state like Virginia denies people the freedom to marry on the basis of racial classifications?


Whose New Deal and Great Society programs expanded federal authority?

Franklin Roosevelt's; Lyndon Johnson's

The fact that a same-sex marriage performed in Massachusetts is valid in any other state is based on what constitutional clause?

Full faith and credit clause

What plan favored by President Richard Nixon gave the states the greatest amount of leeway in spending money from the national government?

General revenue-sharing

Prisoners of war must be protected and treated in accordance with which international treaty?

Geneva Conventions

Which Supreme Court case established a right to privacy?

Griswold v. Connecticut

From roughly 2008 to 2018, a Connecticut court was overwhelmed with more than 7,000 petitions from prisoners who wanted to be brought before a judge to determine if their imprisonment was lawful. What are these petitions called?

Habeas corpus The Constitution limits the authority of Congress. Like the states, Congress cannot suspend the writ of habeas corpus—a guarantee that incarcerated people can go before a judge to have the legality of their confinement determined—except in cases of invasion or rebellion.

How did Alexander Hamilton's and Thomas Jefferson's preferred governments differ?

Hamilton favored nation-centered government, and Jefferson favored state-centered

Born and raised in Alaska and still a proud resident of the state, Lenore cannot wait until her 25th birthday so she can run for a two-year term in Congress. Which chamber of Congress does Lenore want to join?

House of Representatives

What is the first stage in the public policy process?

Identify the problem

What was the purpose of Thomas Paine's Common Sense, the most widely distributed pamphlet of its time?

It called for independence from Britain

Which statement accurately reflects the cost of a four-year public college since the 1980s?

It has increased over this time.

Which best describes the Supreme Court's 2008 majority opinion on whether the District of Columbia could restrict private possession of firearms?

It reaffirmed an individual's right to keep and bear arms, indicating that the right could be regulated but not denied.

Why was direct democracy not used in Colonial America?

It was impractical in a large country.

Which U.S. president acted as a defense lawyer for British soldiers charged with murder before the Revolution?

John Adams

In Korematsu v. United States (1944), the Supreme Court upheld the government's decision to place Japanese Americans, no matter their citizenship, into internment camps. Which branch of government was interpreting the law?


Which terrorist group was formed in 1866 to restore white supremacy in the U.S.?

Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

Which Supreme Court case protected consensual homosexual relationships?

Lawrence v. Texas

Which branch of government is charged with making laws?


The Supreme Court test for determining whether laws violate the establishment clause is known as the

Lemon test Under this test, a challenged law must be shown to have a secular (nonreligious) legislative purpose and a primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits religion.

Most governors have the power to veto certain parts of a bill. What is this called?

Line-item veto

Which Supreme Court case struck down a law prohibiting miscegenation, or interracial marriage?

Loving v. Virginia

Which landmark Supreme Court case gave rise to judicial review, which is the authority of the Court to strike down any law passed by Congress when the Court believes the law violates the Constitution?

Marbury v. Madison

Which Supreme Court case resolved the debate over the national authority to establish a bank?

McCulloch v. Maryland

Born in 1980, Rafael volunteers at his local YMCA, never attends church, and doesn't identify with either major political party in the United States. Of which generation is Rafael most likely affiliated?


For published material to be considered obscene, it must pass which test?

Miller Test

Which 1966 Supreme Court decision protected the rights of individuals in custody and mandated that police inform them of their rights?

Miranda v. Arizona

In which plan for selecting state judges does a board of experts recommend candidates to the governor, who then selects judges from the list?

Missouri Plan

Most Americans do not see themselves as either conservative or liberal, but somewhere in the middle of the ideological scale. What label best describes these people?


Which level of government has the most power in a unitary system?


According to British political philosopher John Locke, life, liberty, and property are what kind of rights?

Natural (rights)

Countering the Virginia Plan, which proposal for new government strengthened the Articles by providing Congress with the authority to regulate commerce and to directly tax imports and paper items?

New Jersey Plan

In the 1870s, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony founded the National Woman Suffrage Association and created and produced a weekly publication called The Revolution that centered on women's rights. In 1872, Anthony voted illegally in the presidential election. For which amendment did Stanton and Anthony help pave the way?


Which case established the separate-but-equal doctrine?

Plessy v. Ferguson

Clean air and water, lighthouses, and highway systems are examples of what type of goods?


Laws that regulate the American economy, social issues, and political participation are all examples of what governmental action?

Public Policy

While waiting for the commuter train, a woman with a clipboard and pen approaches you. She asks you to sign a petition that would potentially remove a candidate from office before his term expires. You listen to her argument and then sign the list. In what procedure are you participating?


Immediately after the Civil War, freed slaves struggled to blend into society. This era was known as


By what other name did the Framers call a representative democracy?


In every chapter of this textbook, the authors ask this question: does American democracy work? To help answer this question, the authors focus on which two basic themes?

Responsiveness and equality

Which Supreme Court case established a national right to abortion?

Roe v. Wade

Who refused to give up his or her seat to a white person on an Alabama bus and was subsequently arrested, leading to a Supreme Court decision that Montgomery's segregated bus system was unconstitutional?

Rosa Parks

As a student, you might take political action in favor of government-backed, student financial aid. On what would your political involvement likely be based?


The Tea Party Movement and the Black Lives Matter Movement have which issue in common?

Self-interest opportunity

Which amendment granted the American people the right to elect senators directly?

Seventeenth (17th)

Which level of government has the most power in a confederation?


Which of the following is accurate regarding use of the death penalty as punishment?

States may impose the death penalty if they provide specific guidelines to jurors to consider.

Which clause makes the Constitution more powerful than state law?

Supremacy clause

In 1960, four African American college students in Greensboro, North Carolina, approached a whites-only lunch counter to order coffee. Despite being denied service and encountering threats from those around them, the students sat quietly, waited to be served, and stayed until the store closed. Now known as a sit-in, this scenario exemplifies what type of speech?


Which amendment declares "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"?

Tenth (10th)

"The United States in Congress assembled shall also have the sole and exclusive right and power of regulating the alloy and value of coin struck by their own authority [...and] regulating the trade and managing all affairs with the Indians." Which document, unanimously adopted by the Continental Congress in 1781, is quoted here?

The Articles of Confederation

Prior to the American Revolution, how were British views on political participation and representation different from those of the American colonists?

The British had a more limited view of participation and representation.

Which of the following powers is granted to governors in all fifty states?

The authority to veto laws subject to override by the state legislatures

Which provision, specifying Congress' taxation powers, particularly alarmed Antifederalists?

The general welfare clause

What best describes the Electoral College in the United States?

The president is elected by electors, selected by each state, representing the votes of their state.

Which statement is true of voting rights in 1787?

The states differed as to whether women and free blacks could vote

Which Amendment ended slavery in the United States?


Which amendment prohibited slavery throughout the nation?


Known as the Civil War Amendments, which three amendments addressed issues related to former slaves, due process rights, and voting rights?

Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth

Why did Benjamin Franklin assemble the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1774?

To send a list of grievances to King George III

After travelling to the United States to investigate the American experiment in the nineteenth century, who wrote the book Democracy in America, which observes American politics and praises the extent to which individual Americans participate in political life?


The reason delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention moved to a federalist system is they recognized the system of government established by the Articles of Confederation was failing


The system of separation of powers divides power within the federal government among the three branches of government.

True Federalism splits power between nation and state, separation of powers divides the powers that remained with the national government among the three branches of government, and checks and balances give each branch some authority over the powers of the other branches.

The Second Amendment declares, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The key phrase in this amendment that opponents of gun rights cite to support their argument is "well regulated militia."

True Supporters of gun rights view the Second Amendment as providing an individual right to keep and bear arms, while opponents view the "well regulated Militia" clause as limiting this right to those in organized militias.

Today, political participation is much more widespread than in 1787.

True Today, participation is much more widespread than in 1787. Although the Electoral College continues to play its role every four years, each state allows the people to choose their electors. In addition, amendments to the Constitution have widened the gateways to democracy.

Referendum and initiative are forms of direct democracy used by the states

True allowed in most western states as a means of enacting laws by popular election, referendum and initiative are forms of direct democracy

On June 11, 1963, Governor George Wallace, a big supporter of segregation, physically blocked two black undergraduate students from registering for classes. The governor finally acquiesced when President Kennedy deployed the National Guard to enforce the integration of

University of Alabama.

Which plan for new government proposed a strong central government with a national executive and a national judiciary, both chosen by the legislature?

Virginia Plan

Which piece of legislation first limited, then was later amended to ban literacy tests for voting?

Voting Rights Act

Speaking to the U.S. Senate in 1850, Daniel Webster proclaims, "Peaceable secession! Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle. There can be no such thing as a peaceable secession. Peaceable secession is an utter impossibility." Which political action is Webster opposing here?

Wanting to withdraw from a nation-state

Which states took the lead in granting women the right to vote prior to the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

Western states

In January of 2016, 34-year-old Brian Russell, a self-employed investment banker from Florida, decided to run for president of the United States. Is Russell old enough to take office as president?

Yes, if Russell turns age 35 before January 2017.

Marc lives in a country where there is little control over the behavior of its citizens. There is often chaos and a complete irreverence for authority and convention. This country, in which people have too much freedom and do as they please without regard to others, represents


What privileges are centered around the concept of equal treatment that government is obliged to protect based on the expectation of equality under the law, the most important of which is the right to vote?

civil rights

When the majority in Congress is from a different party than the president, there is a(n)

divided government.

In the United States, educational opportunity is linked to

economic opportunity

If an elite law school like Tulane University graduates relatively few Latinos in comparison to its white students, there is likely a problem of

equality of outcome

T/F If the police conduct a search that is later found to be in violation of the Fourth Amendment, the expectation of privacy test holds that the evidence cannot be used in trial.

false If the police conduct a search that is later found to be in violation of the Fourth Amendment, the exclusionary rule holds that the evidence cannot be used in trial. The expectation of privacy test is a Supreme Court test for whether Fourth Amendment protections apply.

T/F The Stonewall riots are an event associated with the Women's Rights movement.

false The Stonewall riots became the signature event of a growing gay rights movement.

Which of these early amendments to the Constitution guarantees the government will provide just compensation for private property that it takes?


A word or phrase, such as a racial epithet, that attacks an individual as opposed to a group of people, is called

fighting words

When she was born, a female baby was covered by her father's identity. When she married, she was covered by her husband's, rendering her person legally nonexistent. She could not make contracts, work in public life, or own anything. Although coverture laws like these are hundreds of years old, as late as 1972, eleven U.S. states continued to enforce them. Today, coverture laws are considered

gender discrimination

States are generally free to pass laws that restrict religious practices if such laws

have a valid secular purpose

The Antifederalists who opposed the Constitution were perhaps most concerned that the document

lacked a bill of rights

The publishing of false and damaging statements about a person is referred to as


When the government treats people equally but permits individuals or businesses to discriminate, it is allowing

private discrimination

Generally, warrants that allow searches and seizures must be backed by

probable cause

When police use race as a factor to determine who to investigate for a particular crime, it is called


The Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that

same-sex marriage bans violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

In 1948, the Supreme Court ruled that private discrimination can be prohibited if it involves significant

state action

Which standard of review does the Supreme Court use for discrimination cases based on race or ethnicity?

strict scrutiny

What test does the Supreme Court commonly use to determine whether a particular limitation of a constitutional right is acceptable?

the compelling interest test

In Barron v. Baltimore, the Supreme Court decided the Bill of Rights applied to

the national government only

Which clause requires that states treat people from other states equally to their own residents

the privileges and immunities clause

The three biggest blocks to equality for African Americans post-World War II was state-sponsored segregation of public facilities, prohibitions on the right to vote, and

the right of private businesses to not serve people based on race.

The rule of law principle holds that all people are equal before the law

true An ancient British legal principle, the rule of law holds that all people are equal before the law, all are subject to the law, and no one is above it.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the Supreme Court actively applied the equal protection clause in order to fight public discrimination.

true In the 1950s and 1960s, the Supreme Court actively applied the equal protection clause in order to fight public discrimination.

One very important check the president has on the authority of the legislature is the


What is required for Congress to override the president's veto?

A two-thirds majority in each chamber

A McDonald's in Chicago is closing to the public for a week because its owner is adding wheelchair ramps to each of its three entrances. Which law is this business following?

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Individuals who opposed the ratification of the proposed Constitution became known as


Which U.S. president signed the "don't ask, don't tell" legislation?

Bill Clinton

Which plan did President Reagan favor for giving money to the states?

Block grants

Which Supreme Court case led to the end of the separate-but-equal doctrine?

Brown v. Board of Education

In which economic system are business enterprises and key industries privately owned?


Each branch has some power over the other two branches. What is this system called?

Checks and balances

In 1947, several big-name Hollywood stars, screenwriters, and directors flew to Washington D.C. to protest the actions of Joseph McCarthy, a U.S. Senator who was accusing American citizens, many from the film industry, of being "card-carrying"


What powers belong to both the federal and state governments?


In which system of government does ultimate authority rest with regional governments (e.g., state governments) and hardly any power is granted to the national government?


What did the Supreme Court decide in the Civil Rights Cases (1883)?

Congress did not have the authority to ban private discrimination.

What did Congress do in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary murders in Newtown, CT?

Congress has been inactive in restricting access to guns, but the states have varied in restricting and expanding gun rights.

Lakshmi's in-laws oppose abortion, disagree with same-sex marriage, and fear that too much government will suppress their individual freedoms. Which end of the political ideology scale do Lakshmi's in-laws likely fall?


In a modern democracy, which document sets forth basic rules and procedures for how the people of a country shall be governed?


Which Supreme Court case held that African Americans could not sue in federal court because they were not American citizens?

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Which Supreme Court case ruled that the federal government had no authority to regulate slavery in the territories?

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Which scenario most likely represents a gateway to democracy?

Efforts to increase turnout in elections

During World War I, which law did Congress pass to make it a crime to obstruct military recruiting?

Espionage Act

Which constitutional clause prevents Congress from recognizing one church as the nation's official church?

Establishment clause

What law makes an act illegal after the fact?

Ex post facto

According to which regulation, illegally seized evidence may NOT be used in trial?

Exclusionary rule

Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only American president to serve more than two terms in office (he was elected four times). From 1933 until 1945, Roosevelt served as the head of which branch of the federal government?


When citizens get involved in the political process by joining volunteer organizations, they are engaging in a social contract.

False When citizens get involved in the political process because they want to be part of the volunteer organizations that make up a civil society that enables communities to flourish, they are engaging in civic interest.

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