FELE Seminar Notes

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Question: Muslim family contacts school for GED training- is this allowed?

allowed as long as everyone is included. Not allowed if only for Muslims.

What is the benefit of a walkthrough?

allows us to have ongoing dialogue with teachers to see that we're making progress towards vision of the school

A teacher observation is what 6 data terms

authentic, summative, formal (rubric), criterion, validity, reliable

Question: School on busy highway, parents dropping students off across the street instead of dropping off where supposed to a) Send message to parents b) News- content c) FRO officer over to instruct

c) FRO officer over to instruct

Soft money

can't count on year after year- spend this $ first

How do you collaborate with families and the community?

1) Access and utilizes resources to remove barriers to learning 2) Integrates programs to fully engage school and community 3) Involves families in decision making 4) Uses public information strategies to communicate 5) Develops positive and local community partnerships 6) Cultural sensitivity to the area 7) Open access to groups

Fiscal and human resources- how does a principal balance needs?

1) Allocate funds based on student needs 2) Implement strategies to recruit and retain qualified personnel 3) Seeks additional recources to accomplish vision

Professional Culture: Collaboration- What are the steps?

1) Clarifying- Identify the problem as seen by the teacher, allow teacher to talk first to clarify 2) Listening: Principal pays careful attention to understand the teacher's perception 3) Reflecting: Verify the teacher's perception 4) Presenting: Provide the supervisor's point of view 5) Clarifying- Seek the teacher's understanding of the principal's perception of the problem 6) Problem solving- Exchange suggestions of options for solving the problem 7) Encouraging- Accept conflict and reassure the teacher that disagreement is acceptable 8) Negotiate/Compromise- find an acceptable solution 9) Standardizing- Agree on details of the plan (written or not) 10) Reflecting: Summarize a final plan 11) Progress monitoring

How do you maintain rigorous curriculum and instruction?

1) Create a school wide standards based practice 2) Review and monitor progress 3) Provide clear guidance 4) Make sure aligned to standards 5) Ensure diverse student needs are met 6) Frequently visit classrooms 7) 2 way communication

How does a principal maintain a global professional influence?

1) Facilitates constructive discussions with school community about local, state, federal requirements 2) Explains policies and regulations to school community 3) Listens to questions and problems that impact local school community 4) Advocates for equity and adequacy in providing for students and families needs 5) Engages in appropriate lobby and political activities to communicate data about educational performance in order to inform decision-making and improve policy. 6) Advocates for excellence and equity in education.

How do you maintain ethical and legal behavior?

1) Model professional ethics, integrity, justice, and fairness 2) Expect the same of others 3) Ensure confidentiality and use appropriate systems 4) Ensure social justice- equal distribution of privileges 5) make data and rationale based decisions explicit 6) demonstrate high values and beliefs 7) High standards for all

What are the key factors to successful professional development?

1) PD is job embedded (directly related to job/responsibilities) 2) PD is research based 3) PD has teacher involvement- modeled by key people who use plain language 4) Must be planned, delivered, and assessed 5) Take home messages of PD must be embedded into classrooms 6) Must be ongoing and allow for follow up for adapting to new learning- data driven

What are effective (ongoing) communication leadership strategies?

1) Paraphrasing back what was said 2) Perception checking- reflect back an emotion 3) Ask clarifying questions 4) Request clarification 5) Summarize conversation 6) Ask relevant questions 7) Active/Attentive listening nonverbal cues

Safety- How do you ensure safety?

1) Prevention- have key emergency personnel inside and outside school 2) Education- have a plan, know the plan, practice the plan, and make sure everyone is aware 3) Monitor for any changes

Teaching and Learning, Professional Culture: How do we maintain high standards and close achievement gaps?

1) Review curriculum: -Form a committee -Review data -Research similar programs/strategies -Ask teachers for additional materials/resources 2) Group development 3) Professional development 4) Curriculum development 5) Direct assistance

Why is it important to have effective communication?

1) encourages a wide range and diversity of viewpoints 2) fosters a useful shared vision for the school

What is the order of state funding?

1) state, 2) county, 3) city, 4) federal government

How much funding comes from state? How much comes from federal?

80% state 20% federal

Ms. Babineaux noted that a student did not receive his accommodations listed on the IEP. Which of the following actions should be the principal's first step in helping this teacher understand the importance of IEP implementation? a) Speak with the teacher to discuss the concerns raised from the observation and to offer resources for support. b) Provide a copy of the federal law detailing the teacher's responsibility for providing an inclusive education. c) Meet with the teacher and the IEP team to review the student's IEP again. d) Consult with the IEP team to determine a new placement for the student.


The current system of placement into English language classes at Havre de Grace High School is a norm-referenced test, but advancement to the next level of instruction is based on criterion-based tests. The High School's choice of criterion-referenced test is appropriate for advancement within its English-language program because a criterion- referenced test can a. Determine if students have attained a desired level of skills and abilities. b. Be administered to a large group at one time. c. Determine which students are performing better than their peers. d. Identify a normal distribution of test scores.


What is a technology plan?

A plan on the appropriate use of educational technology

Question: go into classroom of 1st year teacher, not a good teacher, look at lesson plan and it's not detailed enough, what should be first step?

Classroom management

Safety- watch out

Common sense answers may not be correct

Order of priority for answers on test: 3rd step

Compare to similar schools, Similar schools that face similar challenges, what's effective for them

Data Term: Normative

Compared to others, has a bell curve, nationwide, can't really study for it

When do you intervene when conflicts arise?

When getting off topc

What is the benefit of a shared vision?

When teachers see a connection between their goals and the task at hand they are more likely to respond to change

Data Term: Formal

Written, teacher made, rubric, unit test

Question- mold found on the wall by a person who seems a little crazy. What do you do?

ALWAYS take the highest level of concern- systemic, rules are rules for welfare, don't take any chaces - Answer immediately remove students from area, contact safety department, have area tested

Question (scenario): Teachers come to you complaining about a teacher who doesn't turn in data on time, and it's calculated wrong, so why it's late and wrong to administrator; the parent has the same complaint about the same teacher. What should be your first action step?

ALWAYS talk to the teacher first using diaglogue

Order of priority for answers on test: 4th step

Additional input taken: talk to the teachers

Families and communities: what must events at school be?

All inclusive

Who are stakeholders?

Anyone who's job is to see success of students both in and outside of school (Parents, District, University, Community, Students)

Can someone give a gift to a school?

As long as there's an educational benefit

Ms. Babineaux explains to the staff that they can expect frequent informal assessments, mostly in the form of walk- throughs. Which of the following is the primary benefit of using walk-throughs as informal assessments? a) They improve rapport between the school administration and students, resulting in fewer discipline problems. b) They provide information for professional dialogues between the principal and teachers focused on improving instruction. c)They allow the principal to observe lighting, space, and maintenance issues, as well as the condition of textbooks and other learning materials. d) They reinforce that the principal has a vested interest in the daily operation of the school.


A student with a disability breaks the code of conduct, what must happen before an expulson?

Before an expulsion can be initiated within a school system for a student with a disability, the IEP team must conduct a "manifest determination." In this meeting they must determine whether the behavior exhibited by the student that resulted in expulsion was a result of the disability. 3 questions must be asked 1) What did the student do? 2) What is the student's disability? 3) Did the disability cause the offense? 4) Must write a behavior intervention plan 0 tolerance does not apply to a student with a disability

Black band example of freedom of speech

Black bands on sleeves with arm bands, suspended, court says kids weren't disrupting environment so it's okay


Brings change but it's uncomfortable

A principal has been appointed to a middle school in which the scores on state tests have been decreasing the past three years. The superintendent is concerned the school will not make AYP. Which of the following actions by the principal is most likely to be effective in addressing this issue? a) Following the improvement plan of a school with similar demographics. b) Hiring an outside consulting firm that has expertise in the area of school improvement. c) Forming a committee composed of teachers, students, parents, and community members to develop a plan of action. d) Working with the superintendent and other district administrators to develop a plan of action.


Question- which of the following would be an example of an appropriate goal for a school- A) good citizenship B) Good behavior C) Reducing dropout rate

C) Reducing dropout rate

What is the best approach to do a formative assessment? A) Parent survey B) Rubric C) Walkthrough

C) Walkthrough

3 negative teachers are pulling down morale of school, and always shoot down new ideas from principal A) talk to faculty B) talk to 3 together C) talk to each teacher individually

C) talk to each teacher individually

Question (scenario): parent is upset, concerned that social studies is too liberal and wants it to be changed, another type of question is she's concerned it's too literal A) agree and make changes B) mandated so no changes C) talk to stakeholders first to see if it can be changed

C) talk to stakeholders first to see if it can be changed

Data Term: Criterion

Content related, not compared to others, can study for it

Is freedom of speech okay in an educational environment?

Courts have said that you have freedom of speech if it's not disruptive to educational environment

Question- day to highlight LGBT "day of silence, day of alliance"- a t-shirt said be happy not gay- school made her erase gay, she went to court, court sided with her- why?

Courts have said that you have freedom of speech if it's not disruptive to educational environment

A new principal at a suburban high school with a zero- tolerance policy has initiated a program to enhance school safety by encouraging students to report potential threats to school security. The principal quickly investigates the issue and discovers that the gun is a fancy cigarette lighter. Which of the following should be the principal's next step? a) Direct school security to further investigate the incident b)Publicly recognize the student for reporting the incident c) Distribute a copy of the zero-tolerance policy again to all students d) Discipline the student who brought the cigarette lighter to school in accordance with the zero-tolerance policy.


Why is it important to have a school leadership team?

Due to no child left behind act, we have to continuously close the achievement gap between low and high achieving students A school leadership team will structure and lead plans that will transform teaching and learning quickly and help sustain that change Distributive model

Data Term: Summative

Ending test

Why is it important to have ongoing progress monitoring?

Ensures that progress is being made towards the shared vision of the school

What is the first ethical and legal behavior with allegations against a teacher?

First action step is to always let teacher know what allegations have been made against them= Due process

What type of assessment is a portfolio?


Question- need to do an update on computers, don't want to lose instruction time, update happens on Saturday- where does overtime custodial pay come from?

Funding comes from technology funds

Question (scenario): A school district is considering getting rid of grades, go to rubric. Go to school board, showed data against it but still voted to switch. How do you present this to staff in fall?

Get behind the plan, show support even if you're against it

Data Term: Reliability

Graded the same way for everyone, graded according to specific standards

What is attrition? What is it caused by?

Gradually reducing the effectiveness of a teacher through sustained pressure; often caused by lack of administrative support

Safety- What do you do if the library is closed due to construction?

Have alternative place for students to go

Safety: 3rd step?

Identified key individuals (emergency personnel)

Question: first year teacher having discipline issues, trying everything suggested by mentor, what next step?

Involve Administration

Data Term: Validity

Is the test valid? does i measure what it intends to measure, do you understand the basic core principals of leadership

Question: Why is it important to update the school's webpage?

It's a way of showing a commitment to lifelong learning and shows teachers embrace technology

Question: Administrator tries to figure out why new teachers leave, why?

Lack of administrator support

Order of priority for answers on test: 6th test


Safety: 2nd step?

Multiple plans

Characteristics of a vision

Must be: specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, time bound (rapid success, short term goals that expand to long term)

If a gift is given to a school, does have to be divided up to the school with the most need? Does the school need to donate to other schools?


Human resources- why do we lose teachers in 1st 3 years?

No support, put them in worst jobs with nothing to go on

Data Term: Informal

Not written, observation, questions and answers

Who is an external stakeholder

Outside that has an interest in student's success

Order of priority for answers on test: 5th step


Safety: 4th step?

Practice the plan

Safety: 5th step?

Progress monitoring for effectiveness

Question: students are cutting across construction area to get to class a) Make an announcement not to do that b) Update website c) Put up physical barrier to prevent access

Put up physical barrier to prevent access

What are restrictive funds?

Restricted to a specific area (ex- science)

Constructed Response Mary is a fourth grader with a specific learning disability in reading who has tested at a second-grade level in reading comprehension. Mary receives group instruction in the resource room with four other students. One of her IEP goals indicates that Mary will improve her reading comprehension skills and test at the third-grade level by the end of the school year. TASK: Describe three strategies the special education teacher could use to help Mary develop her reading comprehension skills and explain how each strategy might help Mary accomplish her IEP goal.

Score 4- The strategies a special education teacher could use to help Mary improve reading comprehension skills are- 1) Take an interest inventory and provide books at Mary's reading level to help her stay motivated in the reading class 2) Provide predicting questions that will improve her critical thinking and comprehension skills 3) Use informal assessment tools such as data collection, observation, and running records to monitor Mary's progress

Safety- A fire destroys the 9th grade wing, what do you do?

Share space until repairs are complete

Safety- what is the always the first thing you do

Solve the problem first, don't just tell people not to do it

Who is an internal stakeholder?

Someone who is paid from the district (i.e. counselor)

Safety: 1st step?

Stakeholder input

Question: school given a grant for computers, want to keep new computer lab as long as possible- principal makes it only accessible to the upper grade levels, lots of parent complaint. What do you do?

Stay flexible, practice the ability to change your mind

What is ALWAYS the first action step?

Talk to the stakeholders first

Where are the majority of the k-12 revenue through?

The state, 73% of state revenue goes to education, some comes from federal but biggest source is from state

Why is it important for school leaders to engage in personal learning opportunities?

To be an effective leader it is important to have ongoing growth and knowledge in both leadership and teaching to ensure your teachers are effective

Unrestrictive funds

Use for any purpose

Question: a principal asks a teacher who is not paying attention for input, why did they single her out?

Want to build team work and community

Leadership style: Transformative Drawback? Benefit?

change the lives of everyone around them, movies are made about these people, inspirational - Benefit- exceptionally high levels of personal success from everyone they touch - Drawback- what happens after they leave, it will fall apart, there's no foundation

Question: o Go into 5th grade class, a student is struggling in reading, post observation dialogue with teacher what do you recommend- A) special ed testing B) put directly in special ed C) contact intervention specialist at school to develop plan with data collection to meet needs of student

contact intervention specialist at school to develop plan with data collection to meet needs of student

what are correct answers terms of vision and goal?

correct answers are always the ones that refer to numbers for goals, when objectives are tied to numbers

Order of priority for answers on test: 2nd step

data (follow trends)- sometimes this is first as an answer but only if stakeholder input is not an answer choice

Leadership style: Distributive Drawback? Benefit?

key responsibilities for administrative team. Principal responsible for everything, but they take specific roles and break them up throughout administration -Benefit- allows to get to vision of school by splitting up responsibilities can now focus on total vision of school - Drawback- administrators must be competent in their assigned roles, must also be allowed to lead

Leadership style: Situational Drawback? Benefit?

leadership style is determined by the issues at the time, will shift between all styles as you go through different scenarios, - Benefit- flexibility of leadership styles - Drawback- if you use the wrong style at the wrong time it will cause more problems

Leadership style: Authoritarian Effectiveness? Drawback? Benefit?

least affective way, not flexible, - drawback- lack of commitment from staff, they only do what they have to, no buy in - benefit- get things done, accomplish a lot in little time, disseminate a lot of info quickly

What do you do if there's conflict?

let it happen, it's important because it brings about change, allow it to happen but intervene when necessary

Question (upset staff): How do you decide who teaches what? E

match the skill of the teacher to the task at hand (the best teacher might be brand new and that's okay - not based on year of experience

Professional development needs to be:

modeled embedded research based have progress monitoring

Hard money

money you can count on year after year, 10 year bond

AP kids take a normative assessment, and score badly on it, how do you fix it?

no one is in trouble, work with teacher to match instruction on class to match the standards on the test

Leadership style: Democratic Effectiveness? Drawback? Benefit?

opposite of authoritarian, most effective way, treat as equal, bring together to make decisions as a group - benefit- high level of commitment, majority rules - drawback- hard to get to vision of the school

Data Term: authentic

performance based assessment, not a paper test

Do we work with reasonable suspicion or probable cause?

reasonable suspician

Leadership style: Systemic Drawback? Benefit?

rules are rules period, everyone follows the same rules - Benefit- removes bias - Drawback- removes bias, Common sense does not apply in this situation, there's no gray area

Question- "Bong hits 4 jesus"- Olympic torch run past school, had students go out and watch run, sign showed up on news. He sued, I live in America, freedom of speech, I can say what I want to say- courts sided against-why?

school event, school property must follow school rules

Order of priority for answers on test: 1st step

stakeholder input- if topic is based on emotional needs this will be first step

Over the last 3 days while doing a walkthrough in math class you notice the teacher is playing a television show. What is your first action step?

start a dialogue with the teacher in post observation dialogue- how does this tv show align with goals

What is mentor selection based on?

supposed to be a good fit, not based on same grade level, someone who works well and shows empathy with new teacher

Safety- students are dropped off early and picked up late, what do yo do?

talk to superintendent to allocate funds for teacher to stay early/leave late to help monitor

Question- business owner in town, on local tv, offers million to high school to re-turf football field- how do you answer?

thank you for your offer, let me check with superintendent and see what they say

Question (scenario)- an elementary principal, decides late in the year (april)- departmentalize upper grades next year. Teachers don't want to, so he changes his mind back to normal traditional setting. Goes back to departmentalized model over the summer, chaos happens. What is this an example of?

this person does not have a clear vision for the school

Data Term: Formative- what is the purpose?

to see that we're making progress towards the vision of our school, checking for growth towards the vision of the school

Question: AP kids take a normative assessment, and score badly on it, what happened?

what they learned in class was not aligned to the standards on the test- Teacher didn't teach to the test

What is the best professional development strategy?

when school has a small group of teachers trained on a strategy to help with training

Is it okay to search a student if there's reasonable suspicion?


Question- student newspaper staff, conducted a survey of 3 worst teachers in school, want to publish this in newspaper- can you control this?

yes you have power to stop this as administrator

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