Ferdinand Magellan

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Straight of Magellan

Armada was given a mission; look for a passage through America 2 pacific ocean It was shipwrecked, Magellan sent the Santiago for a rescue mission, it was also destroyed It was eventually found, but Magellan has only 3 ships left. As the San Antonio, the largest ship sail back to Spain w/ most of the supplies (food & water) This took 38 days to find the passage known as the straight of Magellan He got to the Pacific Ocean, but had no idea of how big it was He believed it would take not long to pass through the body of water. It took 98 days (nearly 3 months) Many died of disease and starvation, w/ no food on the boat, atrocious hygiene and contaminated water, except for Magellan has he kept most of the good stuff for himself Beginning discovery of scurvy


Ferdinand Magellan, greatest explorers Discovered a passage through S. America to get to the Spice Islands 1st circumnavigate across the globe

Early Life

Magellan born in Portugal 1480, court page whilst sailing with the port. navy he learn about navigation, wanted to sail around the world, but was taken off board as he was accused of stealing tried to get money from port. king, king refused thrice, as he was know for his bad rep. (stealing & theft) went their rivals the spanish and got the money crew and ships but he was not like as he was a Portuguese captain with a Spanish crew


Magellan was self-centered and ignorant to others Even though, successful and discovered many new things, backstabbed native country and helped spanish which were at that time fierce rivalsMagellan helped to further European colonialism, which has had vast consequences (both good and ill) that reverberate throughout history


Magellan went to convert all of Filipinos to Christian (Catholicism) by lying saying he was there just to trade There was a split, Cebuan king converted, Mactan didn't War had begun Only sent 60 men against thousand as he thought they were superior Magellan was no match Rest of crew did not want to help as they were so upset the journey Magellan took them on

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