Fidelity Interview Questions

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What do you know about Series 7?

-A general securities registered representative license administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority -entitles the holder to sell all types of securities products with the exception of commodities and futures. -Successfully completing the Series 7 exam is a prerequisite for most of the FINRA principal examinations. -The bulk of the Series 7 exam focuses on investment risk, taxation, equity and debt instruments, packaged securities, options, retirement plans, and interactions with clients such as account management. -In order to take the Series 7 exam, a candidate must be sponsored by financial company that is a member of FINRA or a self-regulatory organization (SRO). -250 Questions, 6 hour time limit, need at least a 70% to pass

What is the series 63?

-A securities license entitling the holder to solicit orders for any type of security in a particular state. -determine an applicant's knowledge and understanding of state law and regulations. -60 Questions, need a 72% to pass

What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?

-I believe my biggest strength is how much I value customer service. I think if you don't treat the customers the right way they will eventually stop doing business with you. I always try to be polite when dealing with customers and will go above and beyond to serve the customer. I am also a very hard worker and am very punctual and professional. I was the student in middle school and high school who would get awards for perfect attendance. -I used to like to work on one project to it completion before starting on another, but I've learned to work on many projects at the same time, and I think it allows me to be more creative and effective in each one. -During my first management job a I was too lenient with the employees working under me, sometimes letting them get away with taking a longer break or being a few minutes late. I realize this may have been due to inexperience as a manager, and I make sure now to be more professional and strict with the rules.

What separates you from others interviewing today?

-I believe that I am more prepared than others interviewing today. This job is my number one choice and I really wish to start a long career here at Fidelity. I am incredibly motivated, and am very excited at the prospect of getting this job. I really wish to work for this company. -I feel another thing that separates me is how much I stress customer service. I feel by far the most important part of this job is that the customer is satisfied and I am able to solve the problem they are calling about. -I know that one of the core values of Fidelity is customer service, and that is something I strongly agree with. I feel this job aligns with my values better than just about anyone. It really is a perfect fit.

About Fidelity

-One of the Largest Mutual Fund and Financial Service Companies in the World. -Founded by Ned Johnson II in 1946 and based out of Boston -There are similar service sites like the one in Jacksonville in cities such as Cincinnati, Dallas, and Salt Lake City

What was your hardest class and how did you persevere through it?

-One of the final classes I took was commercial bank management. My teacher was a former executive at Suntrust, and he expected a lot out of his students. I understood the material, but there was alot of information to cover. The Final exam was 24 chapters of content. -I had read reviews about the class before i took it. My teacher was said to be tough but fair. I was able to get through the class by keeping up with it. If i fell behind it would be very hard to catchup. I had to make sure to read the chapters when assigned and do all the practice problems. Overall i was able to finish with a good grade because I didn't let the workload overwhelm me too much and I planned ahead.

How did you prepare for this interview?

-The first thing I did was go to and browse the website to get a better feel for the company. I was able to read about the different service Fidelity provides for its customers and I was able to find more information on the core Values of Fidelity. -I also spent time reviewing behavior based questions and thought about examples from my previous experiences that would help answer potential questions an interviewer would ask me. -Finally i had some family and friends run through a mock interview with me. I was critiqued from them on my answers, my demeanor and things like body language and getting comfortable in an interview setting.

Why Fidelity?

-one of the largest mutual fund and financial services groups in the world, with over $1 trillion dollars in assets under management. -I am passionate about customer service, and fidelity has been a leader in serving customers in the financial sector for over 60 years. -Fidelity is also know for their top notch training. They invest a lot of money and time into their employees. Fidelity also expects the most from their employees. -Fidelity also allows me to receive a competitive salary to go with excellent benefits. - I really like the core values of Fidelity, especially the fact that the customer is always first. Customer service is something i always stress no matter where I work. -Finally Fidelity gives me a chance to grow as a person and provides me with an opportunity at not just accepting a job, but a career at a top notch Company.

Why do you want to be a financial representative?

-the position of financial representative allows me to highlight my previous skills in customer service while giving me the opportunity to grow into a successful and hopefully long career at Fidelity. I enjoy talking and interacting with customers, and helping them in any way possible. I also am proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel, and enjoy working in a professional, structured environment. To me, it seems like a natural fit.

How would You define world class customer service?

I believe exceptional customer service is when the worker takes ownership of the situation, applies the principles and values of their company, and follows up on their service.

How will you adapt to a scheduled environment?

I do not have any problems with a very scheduled environment. I believe when a company is as big as Fidelity, it's extremely important to have everything detailed out to keep it fine tuned and keep the company as efficiently running as possible

How can you be successful in passing the series 7 exam?

I graduated college in August, so I will look at the series 7 like a final exam. I know that it will take considerable amount of studying outside of work in order to do well. I am ready to make that commitment.

Tell us about your resume

I think first and foremost I would like to highlight my degree in Finance from the University of Central Florida. I think my most important work related portion of my resume would be my job as Assistant Manager of Collegiate Village Inn. This job was the one where I had the most responsibility and where I had people who directly reported to me. I was also in charge of answering the tough questions from residents that my workers did not know the answer to. At this job I learned how important strong customer service is, it can be the difference between a 12 month contract, and nothing at all. Finally, I would want to point out my work for the cystic fibrosis foundation. This portion allows me to highlight my ability to work in a team to accomplish a goal.

Can you give an example of when you received world class customer service?

I went to apply for credit card a few weeks ago. The women who helped me out walked me through the process and explained the different types of rewards I could get depending on which card I chose. She was very friendly and was very thorough with her explanations, and I felt that she genuinely cared about helping me make the right decision. Finally, she gave me her card and told me if I had any questions or concerns to call her. I was glad that she was already offering to follow up before I had even received the card.

Tell me about a time you accomplished something in a group

Last Fall I worked with a group of 5 other volunteers for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Our Goal was to raise over $1500 for the foundation. We were able to exceed the goal by raising donations through an email and a group website, hosting a charity car wash, and participating in the Climb for Life Charity event, where we climbed over 20 flights of stairs at the Marriott in Orlando to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Tell me about yourself

My name is Gregory DiVico. I graduated from the University of Central Florida in August with a Bachelor's degree in Finance. While in College I worked at the Collegiate Village Inn, a student housing complex across the street from my university. I started out as a Resident Assistant before eventually working my way up to an Assistant Resident Manager. After graduating college, I have been working part time at Belk while searching for a full time job in the financial sector. I am very interested in the stock market and hope to work job's related to the market for much of my career. I am a very loyal person and am looking for a company that won't just give me a job but a career.

2. Tell us about a supervisor in the past you had. What did they need to provide you in order for the both of you and your then company to succeed?

When i started working at the Collegiate Village Inn as a Resident Assistant my supervisor Carter Johnson was very helpful. Carter allowed me to take on more responsibilities as I gained more experience. He allowed me to give tours of the complex and he taught me how to write up housing contracts. He also gave me tips on how to deal with different types of customers on the phone. I owe alot of my growth in customer service to Carter. Carter helped groom me to take a management position, and when his supervisor left, both Carter and I were promoted. We continued to work well together, and he continued to teach me new things such as helping a customer with an online rent payment and scheduling the RA's.

How did you in the past overcome an obstacle and what were the results?

When i was working as an Assistant Resident Manager at CVI i had a customer come in complaining of a leak. It was on sunday and the maintenance man wasn't in until monday so i had to figure it out myself. I went to investigate and couldn't find anything in the persons room. I knew that sometimes the leak trickles down from the upstairs, so i went and asked the resident in the room above her if i could look around to see if there was a leak. There was a small hole in a crease near a persons shower. I went back to the office and was able to find some caulk i could use to patch up the hole. I caulked the hole as a small fix, and wrote up a request for the maintenance man on monday to double check the leak. I followed up with a call in monday afternoon. The resident told me the maintenance man had been through the room and it wasn't leaking. I also called the person who lived above the leak to make sure the maintenance man had checked to make sure the caulk was holding.

Tell me about a time that you managed multiple priorities

While I attended College I also worked as a manager at the Collegiate Village Inn. I would take a full course load while at the same time working over 30 hours a week. I knew that in order to be successful I would have to budget my time efficiently. I also knew that I would not be able to fall behind in my school work, because if I did it would be very difficult to catch up.

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