Field Service Management Fundamentals

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How to setup domain separation for FMS?

'Contact servicenow'

What state is a WO Task set to if it was never assigned to an agent?

'Not assigned'

How to require agents to specify parts when creating a task:

'Part requirements are needed by agent' in the config

What state is a WO Task set to if it was unassigned to make way for a new task and then reassigned?


What assignment method should be used when an approval is required for work orders?

'Using a workflow' method from the config.

When 'auto selection of agent for tasks' requires them to have 'some' skills, what is the minimum amount of skills the agent must have to be auto assigned?

1, if agents have no skills auto assignment cannot occur.

Why use Mobile Application?

1. Allows field agents to manage tasks, track travel and work time, and check schedules.2. Report work details with questionnaires and enable customer acknowledgement of completed work with signature pad on mobile devices.

Automatic dynamic scheduling can happen in two way:

1. At regular intervals 2. When a filter condition is met

Steps to create a maintenance plan:

1. Create maintenance plan A. specify asset records using filter conditions 2. Configure a maintenance schedule a. Specify duration triggers b. associate schedule with filtered asset records c. Select work order template

Dynamic Scheduling Configuration

1. Create task filters to identify specific lists of tasks 2. Create task ordering rules 3. Define any task unassignment constraints 4. Validate configuration

Why use FSM over ITSM?

1. Designed for work done offsite 2. Coordinate many field agents, in many locations 3. Parts requirements 4. Auto-scheduled maintenance/Dynamic Scheduling 5. Mobile geolocation task management and reporting

Work Order lifecycle states. 1. When Qualification is required 2. When qualification is not required.

1. Draft, Awaiting Qual, Qualified, Assigned, WiP, Complete 2. Draft, Ready for Dispatch, Assigned, WiP, Complete

What does the Field Server Manager Do (5)

1. Manages a team of field agents. 2. Has wm_manager role 3. Can see the agents available in their assignment group 4. View calendars of team members to check their availability, 5. View the skill distribution and edit the skills of team members.

What are the Field Service Models?

1. Reactive - break-fix 2. Planned - one-time or at regular intervals 3. Projects - installations and reconfigurations 4. Predictive - Monitor assets and proactively initiate maintenance

What does the Dispatcher do? (6)

1. Schedules appointments 2. Assigns work tasks to agents. 3. Can break down work into more tasks. 4. Has 'wm_dispatcher' role 5. Can schedule and dispatch tasks. 6. inherits inventory control role

Required Implementation resources:

A Field Server Manager A field service dispatcher Agent Qualifier ServiceNow admin People to answer questions regarding the provided data

What are Customer Assets?

A company providing deployment services, or after sales services to its customers. Ex: Equipment manufactures, maintenance service providers

What are Company Assets?

A company with multiple campuses/office locations maintaining its own assets Ex: Bank ATMs, Retail Chain Stores

What does a service/support agent do?

A customer service agent or Tier X Support Agent requests work to be performed and has no direct involvement in FSM process. Not specifically knowledgeable about the work to be done. Users with the 'wm_initiator' or 'wm_initiator_qualifier' role can create work orders.

What do you need to create before creating a new dashboard?

A dashboard group

What does a customer get after using the signature pad.

A pdf containing: Completes Tasks Parts Used Parts Returned Incidental Expenses Total Time of Work

What happens if a field agent does not have a stockroom when they accept a job with a parts requirement?

A personal stockroom is created for them.

What is a work order?

A record that contains details about the work requested. It tracks field service activity through it's full lifecycle. Can be submitted through an incident, case, or other channel. Contains tasks

What is a work order task?

A record that contains details about the work task. Tracks the lifecycle of a task needed to fulfill a work order. Dispatched to a field agent to complete.

What happens if all tasks cannot be routed to satisfy time contraints?

A smaller subset of tasks are routed and the unrouted tasks are reset to pending dispatch.

CSM Integration:

Ability to create a work order request from a CSM Case.

Execute tasks sub process

Accept or reject task, pick up assets, perform task, create additional tasks (optional), close task.

How to enable time recording?

Activate com.snc.wm_time_recording plguin

How to use field normalization rules?

Activate the plugin. Consider using the guided setup module within the Field Norm. app to get started.

How to enable WO questionnaires:

Activate the questionnaire plugin.

Managed documents config option

Adds a related list to managed documents

How to make applets available offline?

Admin can check a box within each applet

How do you enable mobile access to FSM?

Admins can activate the field service management mobile plugin.

When is time and effort for a work order calculated?

After the work order is closed.

What does servicenow use to calculate agent availability to be applied to central dispatch and dynamic scheduling?

Agent calendar

Who can create part requirements?

Agents, qualifiers and dispatchers, including users with combo roles.

What is the Field Service Map ui page?

An advanced map page for field service which belongs to it's own scope and cannot be modified, if you did it would replace the 'My Dispatch Map'

Approve or reject a work order

An approver can approve, reject, cancel or request more info for a work order.

What is a Maintenance Plan Record

An individual instance of the maintenance plan, specifying a specific location or asset and specific date for the work. (Maintenance plan is general, every x days to y assets)

What is Field Service?

Any work requiring an agent to fulfill a request on location Planning and delivery of services by a provider on location Installation, repair, or regular maintenance of equipment and other assets

Where do configs for appointment booking need to be made?

Application and service levels

In central dispatch SLAs are displayed how?

As green bars below the task

How is info displayed on the db

As widgets

What does territory management allow fsm admins to do?

Assign locations to an individual or group

Create work order sub-process

Associate assets, assign template, approve

Dynamic scheduling of WO Tasks:

Auto assign tasks as they are created and potentially un-assign existing tasks for higher priority tasks. Dispatchers can select multiple work order tasks and have dynamic scheduling optimize the assignment of that group

Why use Central Dispatch?

Automate dispatch of tasks based on proximity, availability, and skill-set

What is a data collection job?

Automates the population of KPI scores.

Data gathering: Asset

Be sure class is set Location of stockroom

Why create FSM flows in the Field Service Spoke?

Best practice is to always put flows within a scoped app. Categorizes content and makes content easier to maintain and release.

Work Schedules and Events:

Calendar admins can create one or more schedule configuration for each calendar user Create a work schedule to assign to a field agent Create an event configuration for each type of task to display on the calendar

What makes the Servicenow FSM so effortless? (Biased much Servicenow?)

Can be used from Desktop or mobile (dumb question, but it's on p 43 of CIS)

Team calendar for agents

Can create events for themselves directly from the team calendar. Group members can see other group members, and other groups.

Team Calendar for Managers:

Can filter for their teams calendars and public calendars Can specify a default group for the calendar to open to. Can see agent profile pop up Can create events for their team members

What to do if nothing is displayed on the field agent map:

Check for the record in the mobile devices (sys_mobile_devices) table, which has the recent lat/long data.

Data import best practice?

Clean up data going in rather than cleaning up bad data later.

What does a field agent need to do once he/she accepts a work order?

Click start work

In which states can a customer sign a work order?

Closed complete/incomplete

When can a customer get a PDF order summary?

Closed complete/incomplete

If all work order tasks are closed but one is 'closed incomplete' what will the related work order state be?

Closed incomplete

Field service management uses the ...

Common service management process (I know this one is vague)

Is FSM, which data point can drive domain separation?


What info can a work order contain?

Company. Customer name and address, location where work is to be performed, associated CIs, info about the issue which triggers parts management, personnel dispatch and a series of tasks.

How to enable PDF order summary?

Config option

How to enable Signature capture

Config option

How to enable maps:

Config option

How to enable priority assignments when auto-assigning agents:

Config property

Best practice around non-manned locations?

Consider flagging them so they can be easily filtered out on certain forms.

Before modifying a TOL, what should you do?

Consider other SN Apps which may use these same tasks.

To configure contextual knowledge

Contextual search > Table configuration, configure desired table Add 'Contextual search results' to the form view on the table

In flow designer, what does the trigger do?

Controls with a work order is created, updated, deleted or scheduled.

FSM Baseline State Flow for Work Orders

Create Work Order, Draft, Awaiting Qualification, Qualified, Assigned, Work In Progress, Complete, Closed Complete

Steps to create of a maintenance plan (according to the lab)

Create Work order template Publish the template to the field service catalog Create a maintenance plan Create a maintenance schedule via the 'maintenance schedules' related list, click "associate schedule with filtered records" From the maintenance schedule, add the template created in step one to the 'schedule templates' related list

Steps to configure appointment booking:

Create a WO template for the task to be scheduled Configure record producer, add it to appropriate catalog Add variables for contact, company, location etc. Add the appointment booking variable set to the record producer Configure the apt booking app (appointment booking > appointment booking configuration) Within the FS Config record add a new "Appointment Booking Service Configuration" to the related list. Within the FS Config record in the 'Catalog information' tab associate the created record producer to the appt booking config.

How to config targeted comms:

Create a recipients list. Targeted Communications > Recipients Lists Create a publication from the publications related list

Additional FSM Configurations - Catalog and Request Creation:

Create or update requests by inbound email. Allows requests to be marked as spam Create requests using catalog and form or form only. When using cat and form a catalog is enabled and auto publishing of requests templates to the catalog is enabled. Templates create a dedicated catalog item - allows to turn this option on and off

Manage work order tasks sub-process

Create tasks, define dependencies, qualifiy

Work Order Baseline State Flow (p10 cis)

Create work order , associate assets, draft state, approve, awaiting qualification state, create tasks, qualified state, dispatcher assigns, assigned state, field agent accepts, work in progress state, field agent performs work, complete state, customer signs off solution, closed complete, survey sent

Field Service Baseline Process

Create work order, manage work order tasks, parts reqs, dispatch work tasks, execute tasks, close work order.

PPM Integration:

Create work orders directly from project tasks Synchs planned and actual dates and the states between project tasks and work order. Better manage in-field projects.

What role is assigned when a new contact is created in the portal?


What moves a WO from complete to closed complete?

Customer signs off on solution

Signature pad:

Customers can sign and confirm works order are closed with closed complete or closed incomplete state.

Who most commonly creates work orders?

Customers, or support agents

Two predfined data collection jobs

Daily and Historic

Data Gathering: Groups

Default types Locations covered uses hierarchy Assignment groups covered

Field Service Parts Sourcing and Transfer Process:

Dispatcher: Create/Confirm parts requirements for task, assign task, source part Warehouse mgr: Set transfer order ready for fullfilment, prep and ship part. Field agent: accept wo task, receive part ...

Why is it beneficial to view stockrooms in relation to agents in the field in a single map view?

Dispatchers can coordinate agents to pick up or drop off parts while traveling to and from customer sites.

Geolocation on mobile:

Dispatchers can see where field agents are at all times Location is given by mobile device sharing can be enabled or disabled

PA Scorecard list and view

Displays all viewable indicator scorecards

Manager Map:

Displays location of techs belonging to the managers team and nearby tasks. Map legend available in mobile app. Route optimization.

How do agents use the mobile app?

Down from apple or android store, login with instance url, name, and pw.

To run a maintenance schedule on demand, what does the trigger need to be set to on the maintenance schedule record?


Recommended Assignment Methods (2)

Dynamic Scheduling Manual Assignment

Dynamic scheduling vs auto-assignment

Dynamic scheduling has more functionality.

What are the benefits of using Dynamic Scheduling?

Dynamic scheduling tasks can be ordered, unassigned and re-assigned based on pre-defined configs.

What typically plays the role of Single Source Of Truth in an org?

ERP software.

How does Manual Qualification work?

Each work order task must be qualified before the work order can move from 'awaiting qualification' to 'qualified'. Qualifiers must select a dispatch group, and wo tasks, and set part requirements before qualifying.

Benefits of visual dispatch:

Easily resolve scheduling conflicts or dispatch of related tasks using a timeline view.

Benefits of scheduling:

Easily resolve scheduling conflicts. Use dynamic scheduling to define priority and reassignment rules to optimize assignments.

Name two types of publications the can be created

Email and portal

FSM Configurations - Assignment: Use Dispatch Queue

Enable Dispatch Queue to use the dispatch group for manual assignment. Must have state flow turned on and a task-driven process lifecycle.

Dependency for task driven lifecycle, approval, and qualification?

Enable state flows

How can you automate route optimization every day?

Enable the 'Optimize Task Routing' scheduled job

Agent must accept/ reject the assigned task is __ by default.



End users can define skills on a work order as mandatory or standard.

Manager Modules:

Enhanced management capabilities for FS managers. Know assignment group members, assigned tasks, events, and locations. Manage team skills and field agent time sheets

What is an Internal Field Service?

Equipment or asset owned or operated by the organization providing the service.

FSM Process OBjectives

Establish and maintain a standard method for efficient response to field services call. Deliver on contract obligation and improve parts mgmt. Enhance service and customer satisfaction through quick response, dispatch and resolution of field service work. Improve proactive maintenance of assets to reduce costs. Align FSM activities with those of the business. Improve FSM KPIs

Module used to review time cards?

Expense lines IF they have financial management

T/F Central dispatch and Dynamic scheduling can look at other calendars.


Once you configure appointment booking for one service you don't need to configure any others. T/F

F - each service must have it's own configuration (one application config, multiple service configs)

T/F Central Dispatch can account for an agents schedule changing (sickness, jury duty, etc)

F, currently it cannot.

T/F, planned maintenance is a service management application

F, it works with Service mgmt by creating work orders based on triggers.

offline mode:

FS Agents can download data and document work without a connection Offline timestamps record for SLA purposes. Some applets become inactive Agents can dl data at the start of the day and synchronize at the end of each day.

Review of Upcoming Tasks:

FS Agents can review a list of their upcoming tasks in the FS module on the mobile app.

What needs to be activated to be able to see pre configured applets for field service mobile agent?

FS Mobile plugin

A ___ can assign or remove a skill to multiple agents at once

FS manager (wm_manager)

The time recording feature provides which rate types?

FSM Billable Overtime FSM Billable Standard

The time recording feature provides the following labor rate cards: (3)

FSM Rate Card Task Work (Billable) FSM Rate Card Task Work OT (Billable) FSM Rate Card (Default)

Prereq to creating work orders from project tasks?

FSM integration with PPM

T/F Technicians must go through the sourcing process before using any part


T/F techs must return to a stock room to return defective parts


Agent map: The My Map module in FS provides

Field Agents location Tasks assigned to the field agent for the current day accepted tasks tasks pending assignment

Options for data cleanup:

Field Normalization rules, no code. Data import or data source transform, low code. Fix scripts, code.

Where to see default field service reports?

Field Service > Overview

How do you enable central dispatch integration with dynamic scheduling?

Field Service Configuration

Plugin requires to synch FSM and PPM:

Field Service with Project Management, which requires FSM and Project Portfolio with Financials plugins to be active.

Time sheet portal:

Field agents can use the time sheet portal using the /tcp suffix

How to add knowledge to a work order template

Field service > Catalog & Knowledge > Work order templates Add article via Model knowledge related list in any of the templates found in step one

What are skills?

Field service skills of an agent, used to dispatch tasks to the right field agents.

To define a contextual search:

First define a search context to set parameters, then define where the contextual search results appear

What are the FSM KPIs?

First time fix rate, minimizing truck rolls, field agent utilization, asset uptime

What tool is recommended to create FSM business process automations?

Flow designer

What would you use to automate TOL task assignment?

Flow designer

Why use Reporting and Performance Analytics?

Gain real time understanding of metrics (mean-time between failure, mean-time to repair) and optimize Field Service KPIs.

What needs to be activated to track agent location more accurately through mobile devices?


FSM Configurations, Dynamic Scheduling criteria

Geolocation, skills, availability, task windows, task dependencies

Dynamic scheduling uses the following criteria (7)

Geolocation, skills, availability, task windows, task dependencies. Can also be configured with respect to time zone and priority

Criteria used when auto-assigning tasks.

Geolocation, skills, task windows, task dependencies, availability

Route optimization routes tasks using one of two methods.

Geolocation, straight line estimation

To use geolocation which license do you need?

Google Maps API for Business.

What does geolocation use to track field agents?

Google maps

What does the Qualifier do? (6)

Has the 'wm_qualifier' role. 2. Reviews and refines work to be done 3. Lists the part requirements for the tasks. 4. Breaks out work into tasks based on skill set required, location, order of precedence etc. 5. Can qualify work orders and tasks. 6. Inherits the inventory control role

What does the FSM application admin do?

Has the wm_admin role. 2. Responsible for designing and configuring FSM applications and FSM processes.

Elements of mobile interface

Header, UI Sections, Quick Actions, Navigation Bar, Footer, Swipe Functions (182 CIS Book)

Contextual search:

Helps field agent by providing relevant knowledge for task at hand Display search results on forms when users enter text in field Attach knowledge articles to work orders to aid field agents.

Data Gathering: Customers

Important to set location Customer True or False

Data Gathering: Stockrooms

Important to set location Personal stockrooms are created automatically when assigned a task

Data Gathering: Customer Contacts

Important to set location Set in Customer account table

What are some ways to dynamically schedule tasks?

In central dis. select an unassigned task and click auto assign. In central dis. drag an unassigned task on top of an assigned or accepted task In a work order list, select teh desired tasks in pending dispatch sgtate and click the auto assign action.

Dispatch tasks:

Increase resource utilization and productivity. Assign WO Tasks to the best tech automatically or manually Use skills location and availability to determine right agent for task Use geolocation and map view for efficient dispatching

ServiceNow FSM Process Lifecycle

Initiation, Qualificiation, Scheduling and Dispatch, Delivery and Confirmation, Analyze and Improve (this is servicenow specific and comes from Performance Analytics)

Where to find the five Transfer Order Line template tasks.

Inventory > Transfer Order Lines > Template Tasks

What is one of the most critical good practices for adoption of the FSM solution?

Involving the field in decisions and the implementation

What happens if gelocation is disabled in regards to the starting location of an agent

It assumed the fields agent is at their home office

What is field_service.spoke?

It is a scoped application, auto activated when you activate FSM, it provides actions for flow designer specifically for FSM.

Data Gathering: Locations

Key to a majority of FSM functions. Ex. Work location, agent office, warehouses Parent location and hierarchy (?) Important to set parent levels Covered by dispatch and assignment groups

As it pertains to the 3 levels of SN Maturity, in which level would you consider configuring IoT automation of work orders based on monitoring?

Level 3, innovate.

When creating applets one of 7 templates will be selected based on the needs of the applets:

List Form Map Calendar Group List Employee Directory URL

Data Gathering: Users

Location as default location when signing in For offline mode, when users are downloading daily work

In flow designer, what are actions?

Logic, ability to create, get, and update work orders and WO Tasks and add work notes.

Task Activities config option.

Logs task interactions and comms.

What can a WO Template include?

Maintenance procedures, installation guides and checklists, wo tasks, default values such as parts and skills

Why use Geolocation?

Manage field agents and work based on location

Why use Scheduled Maintenance?

Manage preventive maintenance of customer assets. Automate creation of work orders based on triggers to eliminate/reduce asset downtime

Dynamic scheduling can be triggered __ or __

Manually or automatically

Two modes that dynamic scheduling can be run with:

Manually: Dispatcher manually selects tasks on the UI and runs 'Auto Assign' on them Automatically with either Immediate run: Run whenever a task changes such that it matches the filter criteria. Interval: Run at defined interval

Servicenow maturity levels(3)

Modernize: Simplify work order mgmt to improve csat. Reduce labor costs, keep track of parts and reduce expenses. Transform: Improve field agent work task mgmt. Track agents locations and capture data in the field. Automate and speed up scheduling of work order tasks. Innovate: Trend analysis, PA. IoT automation of work orders based on monitoring.

How to create a time worked record?

My Time Worked module, must associate to a task

How to fix SLAs if they expire while agent is offline. Role needed to do so?

Navigate to SLAs updated offline to review and select slas to repair using timestamps from the mobile app. Must have sla_admin or admin role.

Two ways to personalize central dispatch

Navigate to central dispatch, open menu on the left, select advanced configuration Navigate to Field Service > Administration > Central Dispatch Configuration

How to set approvals to be required:

Navigate to the configuration page and enable required approvals.

Data Gathering: Product Model Category

Needs to be defined correctly Ties asset class and CI class Can track configuration of equipment

Can the script associated with task routing be customized?


Does FSM support domain specific configuration? (EX. Can you use different dynamic scheduling rules from one domain to the next?)


Is contextual search available on mobile?


When can WO Tasks be dispatched?

Once a dispatch group is assigned.

When can you source a part required for a task?

Once the Work Order state changes to qualified.

Master data integrations requires...

Ongoing integration to synch accoutns, contacts, locations, etc with the ERP/CRM system. Usually uses ETL (extract, transfer, load) tools.

What will prevent a work order from closing?

Open WO Tasks

Manual wo task assignment process

Open WO task, select an assignment group, or select 'auto-dispatch'. Select an individual tech (not required if you used auto-dispatch)

What will prevent a work order from closing?

Open work order tasks

Why use Work Orders and Work Order Templates?

Organize work into tasks and simplify parts planning

What does the Process owner do?

Own and maintain the process. Typically a Senior Manager

Why use Inventory Management?

Parts requirements and sourcing in a single repository for assets in stock and inventory control

What step must be taken before you can create part requirements and source parts?

Parts requirements configuration option must be enabled in the FS configuration.

Data import good practices:

Perform data cleanup before importing the data into ServiceNow There may be more data cleanup during the transform process Use coalesce fields in your transform maps for importing data later on

What does the Field Agent do? (4)

Performs work onsite and reports status 2. Has wm_agent role. 3. Can move task through it's execution phase 4. Inherits inventory control role.

What are stockrooms?

Places to which parts or assets are assigned. They can be a pickup or drop-off location, warehouse, or service vehicle. They are separate and standalone entities in the asset mgmt application.

What is used to define the applet screen layout?

Pre-defined list and record patterns are provided in Studio. You can't make or customize patterns.

Where are workflow states displayed?

Process flow formatter and in the state field.

Central Dispatch:

Provides a visual view of tasks and planned times Recommends agents for the tasks Dynamic Scheduling integration Alerts when no agent is available

Key Elements of Mobile

Purpose Built for specific personas Mobile first Fully native iOS/android experience Codeless app dev Offline read/write Global search Push notifications

Field service mobile features

Push notifications Agent calendar/schedule My task map optimize todays route parts sourcing asset lookup inventory questionnaires knowledge

What are the groups available in the group management module?

Qualification Groups, Dispatch Groups, Work Groups

What other field is required to complete a time worked sunmission?

Rate type

What is used to categorize different types of work for time reporting?

Rate types

The 5 TOL Template tasks

Ready for Fulfillment Prepare for shipment ship receive deliver

Appointment Booking:

Reduces dispatcher burn Customers can book an appointment Customers can see techs' schedules and book for themselves.

What is planned maintenance?

Regular scheduled actions required to maintain assets at service levels.

When creating a new customer contact you need to...

Remove the snc_internal role, which will have been automatically added, and assign a customer contact or customer admin role.

If using mandatory skills and dynamic scheduling at the same time, what do you need to change for dynamic scheduling config?

Replace Matching Skills for Dynamic Scheduling match criteria with Matching Mandatory Skills for Dynamic Scheduling

Parts req sub-process

Request additional info, define parts requirements, source parts, transfer orders, transfer parts

Dispatch work order tasks sub-process

Request additional info, dispatch tasks

What is Qualification?

Review of tasks to ensure they contain proper information for the work to be done. Requires wm_qualifier role. Auto qualification can be configured.

What does the manager do?

Reviews reports, metrics, and team performance

What is dispatch?

SEnding work order tasks to a field agent for on location resolution. Auto dispatch can be configured.

Mobile onboarding:

SN Mobile App: Guides new hires through the onboarding process.

What is used to create advanced scheduling in appointment booking

Schedule Entries

Dispatch Map allows:

Schedule and assign work order tasks. View agents and their tasks for a selected route Filter tasks by state and agents by assignment group View real time location of agents Update a task assign a task view agents tasks in order of scheduled start time including travel from previous task view agents route for a selected date on map optimize agents route for a selected date

Why use Appointment Booking?

Self-Service appointments for customers

Additional FSM Configurations - Notification:

Send a notification when a field changes for a task or requests, can configure specific users to get notified when selected fields in requests or tasks change.

Targeted communications:

Send a publication notice in email and notification in portal Recipient list file import (xlsx only) Dynamic recipient list Email recipients email address in BCC

Activating Field Service Management plug also activates: (nine)

Service Management core, agent schedule, appointment booking, central dispatch, dynamic scheduling, special handling notes, questionnaire, signature pad, mobile

What is an External Field Service?

Service provided for a customer, possibly for an equipment or asset owned by the customer.

Now Mobile:

Servicenow Mobile app: Increase productivity for the employee. Employees or Requestors work with requests, find info or people and utilize Virtual Agent

Mobile agent:

Servicenow mobile app: Helps the agent or fulfiller work more efficiently, get notifications and complete work tasks away from a computer.

How to make sure one task is completed before another:

Set a dependency between the tasks.

How to set max number of tasks that can be dynamically scheduled manually

Set sys property com.snc.dynamic.scheduling.maxtasks (recommended you use no more than 50 at a time)

When creating a time sheet policy, how do you allow for more than 40 hours per week?

Set the max hours per week to blank.

FSM Configuration Steps

Setup Business Process Approval Accept or Reject Task Qualification Notification Setup Assignment Assignment methods Dispatch Queue Scheduling Setup Add-ons Parts requirements Maps Signature Capture

FSM Application Setup Overview

Setup Security (users/groups/roles) Config FSM properties Define Work Order templates Config Work Order SLAs Setup Work Order questionnaires Config Central Dispatch Config Stockrooms Set-up Notifications Set-up Email Templates Turn on additional Plugins Config Forms and Workflows Config VTB Setup PA Reporting/Dashboards/Homepages

Team calendar:

Shows a list of members and their current assignments.

What should you consider when exposing a map page on mobile devices?

Size of icons and map zoom.

When using mandatory skills, WO and WO tasks should use either the ___ or the __ to indicate the mandatory skills needed.

Skills field, or the task skills table

Servicenow FSM is a viable solution for anything that uses (4 things)

Skills, locations, time or schedules

Why enable data collection jobs?

So historic data can be processed and displayed in a widget

What view is used when a dispatcher clicks on a task in central dispatch to view all details?

Source View

Benefits of questionnaires:

Stadardize data capture, quality control, meet safety standards, increase worker safety with pre task checklists.

Work order templates best practice

Start simple Don't add all tasks Add to groups or individuals

Allows auto-selection of agents must have what enabled?

State flow

In central dispatch, with info is available in the task tooltip? (6)

State, Priority, Expected Start, Est. Travel duration, Est. work duration, location

Using no-code or low-code development, basic applets, actions, and functions are configured where?


What is used to customize mobile applets?


What do you create questionnaires with?

Survey Designer

Where to find the Central Dispatch Agent Map, the WO Agent Map, and the Field Service Dispatch Map

System Map Page > Map Pages (the book says System UI > Map Pages, but that's not what I see in my Orlando instance)

Where to find the Field Service Map

System UI > UI Pages

If you are viewing a work order tasks activity stream on mobile, how do you return to the homepage?

Tap the my work icons in the navigation bar

The work order task assignments done using auto-assignment, dynamic scheduling, and central dispatch use the ___ to assign agents for task assignments

Task Skills [task_m2m_skill] table.

What are the three components of dynamic scheduling

Task filtering, task ordering rules, and un-assignment contraints

In terms of scheduling, what is this an example of? Vip Customers are higher rank and non-VIP customers are lower

Task ordering rule

What does a maintenance plan use to create work order requests?


How to install a knowledge base for FSM?

The 'Enable a dedicated knowledge base' config option

What might cause the process flow formatter to be removed from Work Order forms?

The 'state flows are enabled' option is set to false.

How does auto qualification work?

The WO is automatically qualified and moved to the next state that has been configured in FSM (OOB 'Ready for Dispatch'). A task is automatically created for each qualified work order. Qualifier must still manually assign a dispatch queue.

What happens if there are errors during offline/online synchronization?

The agent is notified via a message and can address the errors manually.

Which of the 3 servicenow mobile apps is designed for FSM?

The mobile agent app

Where can you script to add custom map characteristics such as marker appearance, display info and other things?

The script field on the map page form (... > map pages)

What happens when you create a follow on task?

The work order task is cloned into a follow on task

CSM Integration: Known limitations

There is no synch between the WO and the associated case form, if information changes on the case form it is not updated on the WO form.

A customer, internal or external, can submit a service request through which channels?

Through a case, the FS Catalog, via an incident, change request, phone, or chat.

What metrics does planned maintenance use auto schedule work orders?

Time intervals (months since last maintenance) Metrics or usage (pages printed, miles driven)

What can field agents use to review and submit time sheets?

Time sheet portal

How to create new rate type?

Time sheets > Admin > Rate Types

Active rate types can be selected in the 'rate type' field on

Time worked record, time cards, labor rate cards, the time sheet portal

How do skills help with assignment?

Tools used to match agents to work orders and WO tasks will only show agents with the needed skills. Skills can be marked as mandatory.

Additional FSM Configurations - Lifecyle:

Track agent travel time - enable to use time cards for agent travel for a task. Can make Work notes required to close or cancel a request or task. Can copy tasks work notes to request (enable state work flows needs to be on to do this.

The parts sourcing process uses which type of records?

Transfer Order Line Tasks, associated to a Transfer Order Line record.

In Central Dispatch, what type of durations does the task graphic show?

Travel duration and work duration (both estimated)

Mobile Applications created in pre NY release are NOT configurable in studio by default. T/F?


T/F Customers can define different cost rates for different types of activities


T/F Team calendar is visible to internal and external groups


T/F you can create knowledge from a work order task


T/F, dynamic scheduling is the default assignment method


T/F, personal stockrooms are created when assigned a task,


Data Gathering: User Groups

Typical groups fields and user fields

What state is a WO Task set to if it was unassigned to make way for a new task?


When using auto assignment of tasks how do you make the system compare the agents calendar to the task schedule?

Us the 'auto-selection of agents will consider agent or task schedules' property to true.

How to move skills from the old skills field to the new Task Skills table

Use the 'Migrate Skills to Task Skill M2M' script. You can add task tables to the 'skills_management.migration' property to include them in the script. Create sys property for a table in the FSM application with the name 'com.snc.skills_management.<table_name>_migrate_skills

What to do if the auto assign button is missing from a WOT.

Use the 'Validate Config' button in the dynamic scheduling configuration to confirm the config is correct.

If multiple dispatch groups cover a specified location how do you resolve this?

Use the lookup list to select a group

How to control member visibility within groups in the team calendar:

Use the system properties, 'schedule_visible_internally' and 'schedule_visible_externally'

What are Work Order Templates?

Used to define value to be auto filled into a work order. Auto creates tasks. Templates can be added to the service catalog.

What are parts?

Used to track where parts are and who has them. Parts are an asset, described in part requirement record (related list on WOT record.)

What breakdowns are available in the time sheet portal?

User entered hours for various activites like work, training, meetings, etc.

Who can create and manage skills?

Users with wm_manager role can create and manage field agent skills

How to limit the selection of groups from the dispatch group and assignment group to only groups that cover the location of the task?

Using the config "Assign req or tasks based on assignment group coverage' property

How to enable agent auto-assignment and agent auto-selection

Using the config 'Agent or task scheduling' option

manage skills:

View skill count of all agents Filter by skill Skill level types Assign/remove skils to multiple agents at once

Example of when having the ability for Field agents to reject tasks might be a good idea:

When using 3rd party field agents.

The FSM processes include: (seven)

Work order and task creation, parts requirements, work assignment, scheduling, dispatch, completion, and reporting of tasks

Maintenance plans use __ to create works orders and WO Tasks

Work order templates

How is available of an agent determiend?

Work schedule, work parameters, time off and tasks assigned

Common Integration Scenarios (p 39, CIS)

Workforce Mgmt Integration - for resources (field agents) and skills and schedules Parts and inventory integration - integrate with ERP or inventory mgmt system to keep inventory info in sync. Work order creation from an external system - Planned maintenance or break-fix request managed in an external system, with the execution done in SN. Quoting integration - Create a quote for billable work Cost and invoicing integration - Servicenow sends time and cost info to an ERP system so that cost analysis and invoicing can be done.

Does Performance Analytics require additional licensing?


Agent calendar:

You can add different tasks to the calendar such as WO Tasks, problems, and incidents. Mobile native Themes can differentiate tasks System calculates agents availability to be applied for central dispatch and dynamic scheduling.

What happens if you can't complete a task and must set it to closed incomplete?

You can create a follow-on task.

How to configure geolocation:

You can define your work locations and then create qualification, dispatch, and assignment groups based on those locations.

How do you make pre NY mobile applications editable in Studio?

You have to run a migration script. When you log into studio after upgrading you get the option to run the migration script if it notices you have apps that need migrating. Migration runs at the scope level, so you might need to do this multiple times.

What is required to set a task to closed incomplete?

You must provide a reason why.

What determines access to the various modules within FSM?

Your assigned roles

To use geolocation you must provide

a google key and client ID

Role required for survey designer:

admin or survey_admin

Role to use survey designer:

admin or survey_admin

What role is needed to configure WO Tasks to appear on the agent calendar


The mobile homepage is also called the

applet launcher

Appointment booking requires configuration at both the ___ level and the __ level

application and service, both of these configs need to be active to book appointments

Dispatch groups map to an __

assignment group

Which WO state is skipped when auto qualification is enabled?

awaiting qual

WO Tasks are dispatched using ___

central dispatch

Which plugin enables FS Mobile?

com.sn_fsm_mobile, activated automatically when you enable FSM

Appointment booking plugin

com.snc.appointment_booking, should be auto installed with FSM.

What plugin is needed to create maintenance plans?


Plugin to get a list of pre defined KPIs

com.snc.work_management_pa (not free)

How to create labor rate cards?

cost > costs > labor rate cards

Dispatchers can only assign wo tasks to their __

covered locations

The route optimization feature is accessible from which maps?

dispatch, agent and manager maps.

Dependencies can be set for work orders tasks in what state?


T/F: Best practice to let agents reject tasks?


What role is required to use Flow designer?


In order to use dynamic scheduling you must __

install the plugin (should be automatic)

Dispatch groups are filtered based on ___

location coverage

Which module can be used to add/remove skills for multiple agents at once?

manage skills

Tasks can be assigned __ or __

manually or dynamically

Role needed to create PA Dashboards, indicators and view job logs


Role need to ad PA Widgets to dashboards as well as CRUD indicators and breakdowns, widgets, etc


Role to view analyics hub CRUD thresholds and targets for indicators, and view text widgets on dashboards


What role is needed to create a maintenance plan?


Role need to manage, share, publish, and schedule reports?


Role needed to create reports and view reports that have been shared with them?


What feature reorders agent tasks for the day as efficiently as possible?

route optimization

What is the default value for the rate type field?


Maintenance plans use __ to auto generate work orders


Role required to create knowledge article for WO template?

wm_admin or model_manager

Role required to create work order and WO Task templates

wm_admin or model_manager

Role for Field Agent?


Role required to approve work orders.

wm_approver_user or admin.

Role for Dispatcher?


Which rules can dispatch work order tasks? (3)

wm_dispatcher, wm_initiator_qualifier_dispatcher, wm_admin

Who can dispatch WO Tasks

wm_dispatcher, wm_initiator_qualifier_dispatcher, wm_admin

Role for Manager?


Role for Qualifier?


work order request state transitions are controlled by __

work order tasks

Property used for mandatory skills:

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