Fighting the Persian Wars

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When Darius sent cavalry across the sea, what was in these boats?

Bows and arrows.

Why was the Battle of Plataea important?

It ended the Persian Wars.

To defeat the Persians at Marathon, the Greeks made use of..?

very good fighting equipment and battle strategy.

Who were the Persian Kings?

Darius and Xerxes.

What was an important result of the Persian Wars?

Greece was able to defend their land.

Why did Xerxes cross the Hellespont?

In order to land 180,000 soldiers and attack the Greeks.

Why did the Greeks care about what happened to Ionia?

Ionia had been a Greek City-State, but the Persians took them over.

The Persian Empire began in Present-Day?


Why did King Darius ask for Presents of Earth and Water?

King Darius asked for Earth and Water because he wanted the other City-State to gift it to them, which would mean the Persians owned their land.

Who were the Greek Kings?

Leonidas and Themistocles.

What was one reason Persia attacked Greece?

Persia attacked Greece because they wanted to punish the Ionians for rebelling.

What were some advantages the Greeks had over the Persians?

The Greeks had better Military Strategy and better weapons.

What was the outcome of Ionian Revolt?

The Ionian Revolt ended with the start of the Persian Wars.

How did the Persians expand their territory?

The Persians conquered neighboring communities and took them over after they won the war.

After the Persians burned Athens to the ground, how did the Athenians continue to fight?

They fought until every weapon was broken and with their bare hands.

What happened at the Battle of Thermopylae?

Xerxes wanted to attack Greece so he crossed the hellespont and and walked across the man-made bridge in order to attack.

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