File Permissions

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The octal value for the chmod command to give read, write, execute permission to the file owner, but no permission for the group or others


The octal value for the chmod command to set a file so that it can be read and written to by the owner, and read by the group and all other users


The octal value for the chmod command to set a file so the file owner has read and write access, but no permission for the group or other users

chmod g-w filename

Removes the permission of the file's group

numeric equivalent of -rw-r--r-- (default permission for a file)


numeric equivalent of drwxr-x-r-x (default permissions for a directory)


chmod a+x filename

Gives all users (owner, group, and others) the permission to execute the file

octal 0

No permissions

chmod octal file

change the permissions of file to that specified by the octal triple (ex: chmod 777 myFile)

ls -l

lists all contents in long format


octal 0 (no permissions)


octal 1 (execute only)


octal 2 (write only / rare!)


octal 3 (write and execute / rare!)


octal 4 (read only)


octal 5 (read and execute)


octal 6 (read and write)


octal 7 (read, write, execute)

octal 1

only permission to execute

octal 4

only permission to read

octal 2

only permission to write

octal 5

permission to read (4) and execute (1)

octal 6

permission to read (4) and write (2)

octal 7

permission to read (4), write (2) and execute (1)

octal 3

permission to write (2) and execute (1)

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