Film lecture exam 1 (essays 1-4)

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What is the content of "Empire" by Andy Warhol?

"Empire" records the Empire State Building shot from a single stationary perspective, during an 8 hour period

One of Man Ray's most famous ready mades was a 1921 piece he called...


Man Ray's most notable contribution to dada, perhaps, was the development of...


what is the content of "Sleep" by Andy Warhol?

"Sleep" is an 8 hour movie of a person sleeping shot from one camera position

Expressionism as a stylistic movement was greatly inspired by an 1893 painting entitled.... by....

"The Scream", Norwegian Artist Edvard Munch

what one liner did Gene Roddenberry use in the 1960s to describe Star Trek to potential backers?

"Wagon Train to the stars"

what was one of Duchamp's most famous ready mades?

"fountain" a urinal that duchamp submitted as a sculpture during a 1917 exhibition organized by the New York Society of Independent Artists

pop art

"popular" works whose worth is determined solely by what is commercially successful.

list the four basic questions for assessing moving images

1. what is the film about and what kind of experience does it produce? 2. why was this film made? 3. how is the medium being used to convey information and cinematic effects 4. what effect has the film had on the audience?

name 4 reasons to study film study enables audiences to develop a greater appreciation of the viewing experience. 2. film study enables viewers to better understand information that moving images convey. 3. film study can make viewers more aware of how moving images are used to disseminate propaganda. 4. Film study allows us to become better film consumers

it was found that at least ___ frames per second (fps) were needed if the illusion of motion was to be accomplished


shooting at less than ____ fps will result in the viewer perceiving a flicker



1820s popular toy. 2-sided card with different images on each side that appeared to combine the images when twirled

the daguerreotype was an especially sharp and detailed one of a kind photograph printed on metal that was popular until the_____


a trip to the moon was made in...


Ben Hur was made in ....


duchamp left the cubist movement in...


Dada began as an art movement in ____ when disillusioned artists in ___ and____ questioned both the meaning of art and the attitudes that led supposedly rational people into WWI

1916, New York City, Zurich

In ______ Edison severed his involvement with motion pictures altogether


The international commercial success and critical acclaim of The Cabinet of Dr Caligari fostered a German expressionist film movement that lasted until...


"talkies" would not become commercially viable until ________


Experimental filmmaking reached a temporary hiatus in ____.


German expressionism ceased to exist as a formalist movement by the ....


Experimental filmmaking would reemerge in the ____ and would continue from that time forward


surrealism ended as an actual art movement in the ____


Meshes of the Afternoon

1943 a short experimental film directed by wife-and-husband team, Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid. The film's narrative is circular and repeats several motifs, including a flower on a long driveway, a key falling, a door unlocked, a knife in a loaf of bread, a mysterious Grim Reaper-like cloaked figure with a mirror for a face, a phone off the hook and an ocean. Through creative editing, distinct camera angles, and slow motion, the surrealist film depicts a world in which it is more and more difficult to catch reality.

photochemical processes for making photographs were established by the early_____century


with the coming of the talkies in 1926-1927, a fixed standard of ___ frames per second was established


___, ___, and ___ fps would have been the norm employed for television and digital camera

30, 25, 24


A 19th-century optical toy consisting of a cylinder with a series of pictures on the inner surface that, when viewed through slits with the cylinder rotating, gives an impression of continuous motion;

The work of Anglo-American director ..... was particularly influenced by german expressionism

Alfred Hitchcock

W.K.L. Dickson left Edison in 1895 to form his own company.....

American Mutoscope and Biograph

who marketed and mass produced celluloid film? when?

American businessman George Eastman in 1889

In 1926 Man Ray assisted Marcel Duchamp in making his experimental film....

Anaemic Cinema (Anemic ciniema)

when and where did the first Kinetoscope parlor open?

April 14, 1894 in New York City

George Melies began exhibiting his own movies in his theater by.....

April of 1896

as early as the 4th century BCE, _____ observed images of a partial solar eclipse projected by light passing through small openings in a sieve and the leaves of trees


The oldest known theory of aesthetics that continues to influence the philosophy of western art is.......which was written in about....

Aristotle's "Poetics", 330 B.C

The Kinetographic camera was so heavy and ungainly that it was operated in a purposely constructed movie studio called the _____ ______

Black Maria

in 1490, da vinci provided detailed descriptions of the _______ _______ or _____ _____, a device that enabled artists to take advantage of the phenomenon that aristotle had observed

Camera obscura, pinhole camera

Cops 1922

Cops is a 1922 comedy short silent film about a young man (Buster Keaton) who accidentally gets on the bad side of the entire Los Angeles Police Department during a parade, and is chased all over town. It was written and directed by Edward F. Cline and Keaton.

Duchamp started out as a...

Cubist painter

Who developed celluloid roll film and where and when?

Developed in 1887 in Newark, New Jersey by a minister named Hannibal Goodwin

German expressionists who came to Hollywood

Director Fritz Lang, cameraman Karl Freund

Dickson persuaded technicians at the newly formed _____ _____ _____ __ ____ _______ to experiment with developing motion picture stock of celluloid at the same time he was working on the technology that would make images "move"

Eastman Kodak Company of Rochester, New York

Man Ray helped make Anemic Cinema in 1926 and produced..., ..., and.... as surrealist films as well.

Emak Bakia (1926), L'Etoile de Mer (1928), Les Mysteres du Chateau de de (1929)

The French filmmaker Rene' Clair made a surrealist film 1924 which was shown during an absurdist ballet called....

Entr'acte (Interlude, interval), Rel'ache (Cancelled, no performance)

one french cubist who did not feel the need to divorce his art from literal associations was...

Fernand Leger

The script for Entr'acte was written by the dadaist ....and was accompanied by a score produced by the notable modern composer...and feautered notable avant-garde artists like .... and.... as performers

Frances Picabia, Erik Satie, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp

Louis and Auguste Lumiere

French brothers, sons of a manufacturer of photographic plates in Lyons.

The novel Ben Hur was written by .... in ...

General Lew Wallace 1889

A number of inventors experimented with developing celluloid film in the 1880s, but it was _______ ________'s version that became commercially successful after being incorporated with his 1888 invention of a still camera designed for home use.

George Eastman

One of the founders of cubism

Georges Braque

One of the first pioneer directors to effectively explore the potential for telling a story using the motion picture was the French magician turned fantasy filmmaker_____

Georges Melies

what movie was one of the first successful screen narratives?

Georges Melies's "A trip to the moon"

It should be pointed out that the "modern art movies" of the 1920s were not necessarily the very first experimental films ever made. one might consider the fantasy pictures of _____ and the animated cartoons of fellow frenchman ____as also being pioneer works in this category

Georges Melies, Emile Cohl

By the beginning of the 20th century a variation of Munch's style, now called expressionism had reached ______ where it became strongly associated with that country's culture


the chariot race in Ben Hur is between which 2 people?

Judah Ben Hur, Messala

In 1893 Thomas Edison patented a working _______ or ______ ______ and a peepshow device, the ________ for viewing his movies

Kinetograph, Kinetographic Camera, Kinetoscope

Bunuel and Dali's second film collaboration

L'Age D'Or (The age of gold) (1930)

Leger's 1924 film which is considered one of the major experimental films of the period

Le Ballet Mecanique (Mechanical Ballet)

Melies's most famous picture

Le Voyage dans las lune (a trip to the moon)

Amplification problems prevented early talkies from being projected in an auditorium. These were not resolved until....

Lee De Forest invented the Audion tube in 1906

by the 15th century, ________ was dissecting human eyes to develop a better understanding of optics

Leonardo da vinci

The Hoser Hosed

Lumiere film showing dramatization of a practical joke involving a gardener getting squirted with a hose

Other experimental films focus on abstract images or "special effects" that can be created using the motion picture medium. what might be considered as examples of experimental films of this type?

MTV music videos


Made without the use of a camera or a negative, a rayograph was created by putting objects on photosensitive paper and exposing it to light. the shapes and shadows resulting from this process created one of a kind photographs of abstract images and effects

Another important dada artist was an american painter and photographer who called himself....

Man Ray

The artist ____ is considered particularly important as a dada artist

Marcel Duchamp

One of the most famous cubist paintings to attempt the depiction of multiple simultaneity in space and time was...

Marcel Duchamp's 1912 "Nu Descendant un Escalier" (nude descending a staircase)

what was one thing that complicated the invention of a workable motion picture camera?

Muybridge and Marey's images were shot on rigid glass plates

why did experimental filmmaking reach a hiatus in 1930?

One major factor was money. the films discussed in this essay were shown to a limited audience and not really intended for commercial release. with the advent of a worldwide economic depression fewer artists felt inclined to experiment with an expensive medium like film

Which artist anticipated the cubist movement with his 1907 painting "les demoiselles d'Avignon" (the young ladies of avignon)

Pablo Picasso

Artists in ____, ____, and ____ also became dadaists before the movement ended around ____

Paris, Berlin, Cologne, 1924

Man Ray was originally from _____ but spent much of his life in ____ where he emigrated in 1921

Philadelphia, Paris

which classical renaissance painting is noted for the way it uses linear perspective to pull a viewer's attention, probably subconsciously, towards the center of the painting

Raphael's "School of Athens" (1509-1512)

Retour a'la Raison incorporated the _____ technique


When used for describing motion pictures, _________ relates to the fidelity with which a film reflects the "real" world


Man Ray's 1923 movie was called...

Retour a'la Raison (Return to Reason)

Ben Hur was directed by....

Sidney Olcott

name 2 experimental films made by Andy Warhol and tell when they were made

Sleep (1963), Empire (1964)

The first major expressionist picture, and one of the first experimental films influenced by a modern art movement was....

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919)

Tony Conrad's 1965 experimental film ____ _______ is an intriguing example where a filmmaker explored how we physiologically process sequential images.

The Flicker

what and when did the Lumiere brothers develop?

The cinematograph in 1895

How does "Cops" end?

The film ends with the title "The End" written on a tombstone with Keaton's pork pie hat propped on it

analytical cubism

The first phase of Cubism, developed jointly by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, in which the artists analyzed form from every possible vantage point to combine the various views into one pictorial whole.

who patented the daguerreotype, and when?

The french physicist Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre in 1839

who first used the word surrealism?

The influential modern art critic Guillaume Apollinaire

who is often cited as the man who invented the motion picture?

Thomas Alva Edison

who came up with a way to circumvent the problem of shooting on rigid glass plates?

Thomas Edison's assistant, William Kennedy Laurie Dickson

Probably the most famous surrealist motion picture of the period was....

Un Chien Andalou (The Andalusian Dog) direvted by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali in 1929

By printing his images on glass discs instead of paper in 1879, Muybridge transformed the phenakistoscope into a magic lantern device he called a ______ that projected moving pictures of his galloping horse on a large screen


What are some theories as to how the Dada movement was named?

a French German dictionary was opened at random and this word was a reference for a rocking horse, it can be interpreted as meaning "hobby", "event", or "obsession" in french, it is romanian for "yes, yes", it has been attributed to being of African or Italian origin, and a baby's verbal attempt at identifying its father

most film narratives can generally be identified in terms of at least three basic segments. name them

a beginning, middle and end

describe the camera obscura

a box with a dark interior that has a hole , or "aperture) in one of its walls. light enters the aperture and projects an image on the target area opposite this hole

what does the phi phenomenon refer to?

a characteristic of our brains to make patterns from information received, interpret what is significant from a given pattern, and discard that which appears unimportant

match on action

a continuity technique where the action in one shot is continued in the next one. also called a matched cut

A trip to the moon was adapted from...

a famous jules verne novel

classic film

a film that is so powerful and articulate in the quality of its expression that it is capable of providing the observer with a unique viewing experience. a classic film has the power to move a viewer in a way that does not diminish with time or repeated screenings.

describe the early photochemical process for making photographs

a metal surface coated with light sensitive silver halide particles was placed in the target area of a camera which captured an image. the image was made permanent through the use of special chemicals known as fixer during the development process.

Describe The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

a movie told from the perspective of a mad man. It features a murdering sleepwalker an insane psychiatrist, a protagonist who tries to convince everyone that he is not the one who is crazy, and an unsettling set design of twisted shapes devoid of spatial normality

according to Aristotle, art is a reflection of...

a person's innate need to mimic, or replicate that which one sees in one's world


a reference to how accurately the original message of the transmitter is reproduced at the time it is perceived by the receiver


a revolving disk with a sequence of images.


a rough outline of a film seldom longer than a few pages or even paragraphs. the treatment is more developed than a one liner and precedes the script

one liner

a single phrase or sentence in which the essence of an entire movie is summarized. the one liner is used to communicate what a proposed movie is about to potential backers


a strip of transparent acetate with individual still images printed upon it called "frames"


a term coined in 1926 by the social scientist John Grierson to describe Robert Flaherty's film "Moana" the word is now used to define "non fiction" film

Auter criticism

a type of criticism which considers the director as the author of the film. developed in france following WWII, the auteur critics claimed that a handful of hollywood directors, which included John Ford and Alfred Hitchcock, produced films with such distinctive film styles that their entire body of work was deemed significant for study.

phonograph parlors

a type of penny arcade of the early 1890s where patrons listened to music at a time prior to the production of the phonograph for a home market

what follow up questions are useful when answering the 4th question "what effect has the film had on the audience?"

a. did you enjoy or appreciate the film? why or why not? b. what were the films goals and did it address them? c. how well did the film work for you and others?

what follow up questions are useful for answering the first question "what is the film about and what kind of experience does it produce?"

a. what is the significance of the title b. what is the significance of the first and last shot? c. what conflict or conflicts are established in the film and how, if at all, are the resolved at the end?


act of imitation

experiencing pleasure during the viewing of a film pertains to the _______ of cinema as an art form.


In 1888 Muybridge and Marey's experiments inspired _______ to do experiments of his own

american inventor thomas alva edison

It is Northrop Frye's belief that without the critic's sense of cultural direction one has ......

art for art's sake or pop art

how was the term cubism said to be coined?

as a result of a statement alleged to have been made by the artist Henri Matisse "Toujours les cubes!" (always the cubes!" when serving as a judge of a 1908 art competition. Matisse supposedly made these comments when rejecting a series of paintings submitted by the artist Georges Braque, one of the founders of cubism

what did melies do after the lumiere's screening?

asked to purchase one of their cameral

what event changed Melies's life?

attending the lumiere's film premier on December 28, 1895

Why was there criticism of the 2012 Peter Jackson film "The Hobbit: an unexpected journey"?

because of how it looks because it was shot in HFR (higher frame rate) at 48 fps. some critics felt that this film does not work as well as it could visually because the greater number of frames captured more detail than usual and the increased realism is a distraction; makes it more difficult for our minds to process the encoded visual information in these many frames; and creates a visual effect that looks more like television than traditional film.

why is the term "non fiction" a misnomer when applied to documentary films?

because of the implication that something which is not fictional is true. the motion picture can both document and alter its subject matter, so what looks to be realistic and accurate can actually be a distortion or misrepresentation.

why was the Black Maria given its name?

because the tar paper shack resembled a similarly named police wagon used to transport prisoners


branch of physics that studies the behavior and properties of light

how did Eadweard muybridge capture the images that would prove Leland Stanford correct?

by setting up a row of still cameras at a Sacramento racetrack in 1878. The shutter of each camera was attached to a string that the horse tripped while running past.

why didn't edison file for international patents for his kinetoscope and related inventions?

cash flow issues in 1893

_______ the shutter prevents the film from being incorrectly exposed by unwanted light



concerned with the temporal rhythms in a film

what are the 2 basic types of editing?

continuity and montage

which art movements produced experimental films in the 1920s that are useful to the critic and film historian because they provide us with some solid examples of that constitutes an "experimental film"?

cubist, dadaist, surrealist, expressionist

the objective film critic is a ____ _____ who encourages filmmakers to use film wel, reminds us of what the medium is capable of expressing when motion pictures are not performing to full potential, and delineates an artistic standard for the future.

cultural barometer

For Frye, criticism is necessary for formulating "_______ _____" through the establishment of criteria and standards that gauge an evolving art

cultural direction

The philosophical challenges of____ enable us to gain some perspective as to why all modern art wished to challenge the pre-existing tenets of western art based on mimesis and verisimilitude.


The majority of motion pictures made prior to 1908 were _____


According to the great film director and theorist Sergei Eisenstein, we experience "_____" when particularly touched or moved by a cinematic encounter


_______ refers to the film component by which the various shots or parts of a motion picture, have been put together to give that movie its overall form or struscture



electrician on the set who is also concerned with the lighting

in the instance of film, the transmitter is the ______, the recipients are the _____

filmmaker, viewers

kineograph was patented in 1868. paper toy. also known as....


relative to film,________is more concerned with the _____ or cinematic techniques used in presenting visual effects and how they are being expressed, than it is with using film to mirror reality

formalism, form

When a filmmaker emphasizes the style or form of a film over that of realistic content, they are identified as a _______ rather than a _______

formalist, realist

the basic unit of the moving images, whether captured through filming or electronic rendering, is called a ____


what are the parts or units that make up a film?

frames, shots, scenes, sequences

Muybridge's method inspired_______ to adapt a rifle to produce sequential images in 1882

french physiologist Etienne Jules Marey

The principle concern of the dadaists was to...

get people to think and to challenge

printing a photograph on _____ rather than metal proved more versatile because this photographic image could be developed as a negative for producing multiple pictures, or projected by a magic lantern.


What did William Kennedy Laurie Dickson do to solve the problem of shooting on glass plates?

he circumvented the problem by shooting sequential images on flexible celluloid film stock

Muybridge had projected his sequential pictures as early as 1879. why didn't Edison project his films?

he is said to have refused to project film because he was afraid some viewers might get to see his movies for free

What did Melies do when the lumiere's rejected his request?

he purchased an english movie projector and converted it into a camera.

What might a viewer consider during a screening of "Sleep" or "Empire"?

his or her relationship to the subject, one's expectations when watching a film, what constitutes a valid viewing experience, and why anyone would spend 8 hours watching a film like this

to be a good film critic, a person must have knowledge of the _____ of the motion picture, be able to assess _____ _____ in cinematic expression, and determine where the latest works ___ ___ the "cultural direction" that film as an art is moving.

history, recent trends, fit in

Based on the philosophy of the Rennaisance, the quality of a work of art was judged upon....

how much it looked like the subject it represented

What did Francis Picabia's "portrait of Cezanne" question?

how the price of a work could define a painting's value, why is a painting considered to be art by many people when it has a famous name like cezanne, rembrandt or renoir on it? How can it be claimed that any one work by any of these three artists is considered to be great while a painting with someone else's name may be dismissed?

What happened in Japan on December 16, 1997?

hundreds of children, not all of whom were prone to photosensitive epilepsy were hospitalized as a result of watching the special effects from a segment of a pokemon episode during a televised broadcast.

while film technology was being developed, inventors around the world were investigating another approach to sequential imaging which led to the invention of television. describe what they were investigating

instead of capturing images using a photochemical process, these scientists established methods for translating light rays into electronic signals.

A key element to dada philosophy was its focus on the ___ and ___

irrational, inane

art for art's sake

isolated works with no apparent cultural context

According to the literary theorist Northrop Frye in his book "Anatomy of criticism", thoughtful assessment should be concerned with more than....

just identifying what we like or dislike since anyine can form an opinion

camera operator

key person on the camera crew who assists the cinematographer in making sure that the camera is in focus, moving correctly, and properly getting the shot during the course of shooting

Edison was interested in developing talking pictures that could be both seen and heard using a specially modified kinetoscope called a _______


capturing frames at a _____ ratio can enable a filmmaker to obtain more visual information than at the standard rates of speed


17th century device that projected images from glass slides illuminated by an oil lamp or candle

magic lantern

the ________ is concerned with the way the setting, lighting, costumes, props, and behavior of the actors affect the composition that we see on stage and screen


the four principal components or formal properties of film

mise-en-scene, camera work, editing, sound

Differences between formalism and realism in film were greatly influenced by debates relating to the outgrowth of _______ in the 19th and 20th centuries

modern art

how was the cinematograph different from previous motion picture technology?

more compact, portable-enabled filmmakers to take the camera into the field, could function as a projector, image quality was sharp and did not have the flicker associated with earlier sequential imaging toys

name the 3 general categories of film

narrative, documentary, experimental

The majority of motion pictures made after 1908 tended to be _____


By 1910, the lumiere form of nonfiction actuality had evolved into a format known as the....


between 1895 and 1901, the lumiere brothers were pioneers in making what kind of motion pictures?

non-fiction films from a distant land

define experimental film

one of the 3 principal categories by which moving pictures can be identified. the terms "abstract" and "avant garde" are also used to describe this category of film. these motion pictures experiment with the unique cinematic effects the medium can produce and tend to be non narrative. animated films are sometimes placed in this category, particularly if they are going for a particular visual effect rather than focusing upon a story.

________ the shutter allows light, reflected off whatever is in front of the camera, to come through both the lens and the aperture to imprint an image of that subject on the film


in 18th century france, a special type of theater was invented to exploit the magic lantern's ability to create ghostlike effects. name it.


Some theorists have hypothesized that our interpretation of these images as being in motion is a reflection of the "____-______"


Edison was interested in developing motion picture technology that could be synchronized with his ________ which he invented in 1877


Edison intended for his motion pictures to be shown in ________ ________

phonograph parlors

Marey's "_______ _______" allowed him to take 12 pictures a second on revolving glass plates of a bird in flight using a single technological device.

photographic gun

the invention of ____ around 1839 is credited with helping artists to free themselves from realistic painting


Conrad found that one out of every 15,000 viewers may have a seizure while seeing his film "The Flicker" if they have a condition known as _____ _______

photosensitive epilepsy

name the 3 ways we respond to moving pictures

physiologically, intellectually, emotionally

The form of a film narrative is often determined by the structure of its ____


five phases of production

pre-production, production, post-production, distribution, exhibition

Describe Francis Picabia's "Portrait of Cezanne"

produced in 1920, collage consisted of a stuffed toy monkey attached to a board that had the words "portrait of cezanne" "portrait of rembrandt" "portrait of renoir" and "natures Mortes" scrawled upon it

One of Duchamp's many contributions to dada at this time was his interest in producing what he called "--------"

ready mades

film form

relates to the overall appearance, content and structure of a given film


relatively short documentary segments relating to a newsworthy event or human-interest story

On December 28, 1895, the Lumiere brothers gained international recognition when they....

rented a basement in Paris and projected several of their films on a screen to a paying audience

What inspired Pablo Picasso to conclude that art need not be subordinate to renaissance rules

seeing an exhibit of african and iberian masks and sculpture

movies are "___" by transporting unexposed celluloid film through a camera "______" which is located between the film and the lens

shot, gate

the amount of light coming through a camera's aperture is controlled by a ______


why was the black maria mounted on circular railroad tracks?

so the filmmakers could turn the building so that its open hinged roof could always expose film to the sun

Tonight Tonight

song by The Smashing Pumpkins released in 1996. part of their album "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" Music video inspired by the Georges Melies film "A trip to the moon" it is still considered one of the greatest music videos of all time

in 1608 the ___ and ____ were invented in the netherlands

spyglass, telescope

The ___ of a movie is concerned with the picture's appearance. it is concerned with, but not limited to such concerns as the composition, color, and texture of the images.


what did cubism question?

surface appearance as represented in art

Most of Dada's artists, including Man ray, shifted their allegiance to the emerging art form of______


Between 1926 and 1932, hollywood made its transition to...

talking pictures

what is one of the ironies of linear perspective?

that it is using tricks to make things appear real when the effect is actually an illusion

vanishing point

the appearance of a point on the horizon at which parallel lines converge


the appearance of being true or real


the branch of philosophy relating to the study of art, beauty and taste.

what is a scientific schema concerned with?

the collection, organization and analysis of data relating to the subject in question

what was the first commercially successful quality photograph?

the daguerreotype

what type of film grew out of the medium's ability to "record"?

the documentary, or nonfiction motion picture

What developed as a result of the concern for verisimilitude in neo-classical art?

the emergence of "forced" or "linear perspective" in western painting

As a magician, melies knew what his audiences wanted in their stage entertainment. He used this knowledge to transform theatrical magic to create special effects for the screen. in the process many believe he became......

the father of trick photography

How does Un Chien Andalou begin?

the film literally begins as a visual assault when a man, played by Luis Bunuel, slashes a woman's eyeball (a dead pig was used as a stand in)

Most directors tend to be concerned with getting us to interact with a story or receive information that will assist us in learning more about the subject matter. What do films like "The Flicker", "Sleep", and "Empire" get us to think about?

the film viewing process

what was one special event captured by a lumiere camera?

the inauguration parade of American president william McKinley in 1897

pre production

the initial planning phase of making a motion picture prior to the actual shooting. this phase of the filmmaking process is concerned with the development of the idea for the film, the writing of the script, logistical planning for the shooting, hiring of the personnel, and the preparation of the budget.

The photographic process is comparable to the way ....

the lens in one's eye enables us to see

One of the major events in the early history of the motion picture occurred on March 22, 1895 in Paris. what was it?

the lumiere brothers projected a film that they had produced to a private audience


the person in charge of camera work. the cinematographer collaborates with the director in determining the types of images desires during shooting


the person responsible for calling the shots and determining how the completed film will look. the director makes the artistic decisions regarding how the film is to be shot, and often is responsible for determining who will be working on the film.


the person who adds sound effects to a film during post production. the term was created to acknowledge sound effects pioneer Jack Foley

Assistant director

the person who assists the director during shooting. the A.D serves as liaison among director, cast and crew in seeing that the director's wishes are carried out


the person who guides the production of a film from initial idea to completed picture


the person who moves the film equipment and properties on the set. the "key grip" os the "foreman" in charge of seeing that the grips have arranged everything the way the director wants

The modern art movements of the 1920s explored 3 important considerations:

the relationship of external appearance to outward "surface reality", the reality of the inner world of emotions and the psyche, and the nature of a philosophy of art itself

At the end of the 19th century, Georges melies owned a theater in Paris the ....., where he put on magic shows for the audience

theatre Robert-Houdin

what does questioning the verisimilitude of any film allow a film critic to do?

think about just how realistic that motion picture actually is, how truthful any movie can be, and what constitutes "truth" and "reality"

what is a film critic's first priority?

to be sensitive to what each film says and honestly interpret the validity and articulation of its message

what are other ways of categorizing films?

to recognize their country of origin, by genre,

what is the goal of mass communication?

to use one or more mass media to communicate with a mass audience

when dealing with any aspect of the communication process, one must consider the role of the ____, the _____, and the _____ ___ ______ that are employed

transmitter, receiver, medium of communication

a film critique begins by.....

trusting one's reactions to moving images

Leland Stanford

wealthy businessman and former governor of California hired eadweard muybridge in 1872 to settle a bet to confirm his belief that all four of a horse's hooves are off the ground at some point while galloping.

film study provides strategies that prompt viewers to think about.... (3 things)

what is being conveyed, how this subject matter is being presented, and why.

how does a trip to the moon begin?

with an astronomical meeting. a member of this society describes, on a blackboard, his theory for taking a rocket to the moon.

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