Final 3
Which of the following behaviors demonstrates the empowering function of an external leader
delegating authority
which of the following behaviors demonstrates the empowering function of an external leader?
delegating authority
As Carl is majoring in accounting, he decides to meet his mothers friend who works for a prestigious accounting firm to take her advice on careers in the accounting field. Carl is learning through
information interview
Identify a true statement about empowerment
it enhances employee reaction time and encourages decision making
Which of the following is a characteristic of referent power
it involves building relationships with others through effective communication and use of interpersonal skills
in the context of strategic actions for politiking, which of the following statements is true of bridging?
it refers to gaining support by listening and by building relationships
The managers at Perfect give autonomy to their subordinates to design furniture. The employees can decide on the type and design of furniture based on the sales report from showrooms. They are provided training for other associated activities such as the operation of rigging hardware and cranes. Which of the following types of empowerment is most likely exemplified in this scenario?
job involvement
Identify one of the key things to do after a networking meeting
jotting down a few notes on the back of the concerned persons business card
Which of the following is true of leaders?
leaders move beyond the basic tasks of the day by creating a vision
Which of the following statements is true of leaders?
leaders move beyond the basic tasks of the day by creating a vision
Rick joined a university as a new faculty member, Karen a tenured faculty member at the same university , recognized Rick's potential and started to help and guide him. Karen is most likely exhibiting the role of an
informal mentor
Which tips will help reduce unfair politiking within organizations
reduce task ambiguity
Identify the social structural characteristic that helps in creating an empowering environment through decentralization to allow for greater contribution to overall operation to avoid micromanagement.
a wide span of control
Diane and Benjamin work at the US office of their company. Through their special mentoring relationship, Diane, a senior member of the organization, has greatly improved her technical skills, while Benjamin, the new member of the organization, has learned how to streamline his work habits to accomplish reports quicker. Their relationship best exemplifies a
co-mentoring relationship
Who among the following are leaders who focus their energy on helping others improve their performances and achieve goals?
Which of the following is true of delegation?
communication and delegation are closely associated
An effective feedback is one which is
Many organizations have _________ to assist with personal and health problems ranging from mental illness, substance abuse, day care, and family issues to physical health issues and financial planning
employee assistance and wellness programs
Candace has realized that for her department to be effective, she needs to giver her team members more power. She involves them in crucial decision making and in controlling certain aspects of their tasks, Candace is using the process known as
Jonna is a sales manager in Stalwart Industries. Her team is showing poor performance consistently. Which methods should Jonna follow to be an effective team leader and to improve the performance of her team?
enabling others to act
Modifying Maslow's theory, Clayton Alderfer tried to simplify the needs into three categories namely
existence, relatedness, and growth
Capitalizing any training opportunity provided in your organization and volunteering for challenging projects that will allow you to showcase your skills and competencies will essentially add to your
expert power
Jacob is not a team leader or a manager. Yet, his coworkers comply with his suggestion because they respect and trust the knowledge and skills he has acquired through experience. This best illustrates
expert power base
Which of the following trends has led to an increased need for mentoring
firms considering their employees as the chief source of sustainable and competitive advantage
Which of the trends has led to an increased need for mentoring?
firms considering their employees as the chief source of sustainable competitive advantage
An effective mentor
has the ability to give honest and detailed constructive feedback
Employees in a high involvement organization typically
have much greater voice and discretion over their work environment
Which of the following can adversely affect a person's ability to network?
having difficulty in asking others for help
As a new college graduate, Peter needs to develop contacts to ensure that his goal of having his own consulting company becomes a reality in the future. Which actions should Peter take to develop and maintain his network?
he must nurture relationships with individuals present around him
A Theory X manager
holds the belief that subordinates shirk responsibility.
In the context of developing an appropriate mindset for networking, which of the following questions is most likely to be asked by other oriented networkers when they approach a room full of people
how can I help you?
In the context of kinds of networkers, identify a question that self oriented networkers will most probably ask when they approach a group of people.
how do I convince them they need me or what I offer?
Requesting feedback too frequently
implies the lack of confidence in your abilities
Which of the following is a characteristic of expert power
it involves developing and expressing solid logical arguments to demonstrate ability and knowledge
In the context of the changing nature of mentoring which is true of peer mentoring?
it is a relationship between members of a group who are at equal levels
Jack is a supervisor in the manufacturing department of a textile company. His subordinates comply with his orders solely because of his position and established authority in the organization. He can influence his team members to do only the bare minimum when it comes to meeting deadlines and maintaining their work quality and productivity. Which power bases does this best illustrate?
legitimate power
Which of the following power bases primarily comes from a persons position or managerial level in an organization?
legitimate power
Which of the following is an example of a nondirective approach to facilitate the counseling process?
listening an supporting
One of Kim's employees is having some personal problems. Kim believes that nondirective counseling would be the best tactic at this point.. Kim can provide nondirective counseling by
listening patiently
Which of the following is related to a person's belief regarding how much control he or she has over external events or the external environment?
locus of control
In order to create an empowering environment the HR dept at SIMCO has clearly communicated and developed as set of responsibilities and duties for each position along with guidelines and standards for accountability. Identify the social structural characteristic that has been developed by SIMCO.
low role ambiguity
Individuals who High Machiavellian personalities are likely to______
manipulate encounters in order to gain advantage in work situations
Which of the following strategic actions for politiking involves compromising or making concessions?
Sally is working to build her personal and professional relationships so that she can have a better chain of information and contacts to help support her new accounting practice. Which interpersonal skills is Sally using?
Which of the following statements is true of networking?
networking helps to increase effectiveness when researching a new concept, starting a new project, or developing a new product idea
Reengineering has led to the need for senior employees to provided new team members with feedback. This situation reinforces the need for effective feedback as a result of the organizational requirement of
new jobs and roles
Which of the following is considered the most basic lower level need in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory
Unlike Theory X managers, Theory Y managers
prefer high levels of involvement from employees.
In the context of mentoring ___________ are a pair of close, collegial friends who are committed to facilitating each others development and who take turns mentoring each other at particular stages of the careers/lives.
reciprocal mentors
Which of the following tips will help reduce unfair politiking within organizations?
reduce task ambiguity
For which of the following power bases do employees primarily comply because they like, believe in, or want to emulate the person in power and what he or she represents?
referent power
Better Tech is attempting to hir some of the best IT specialists by asking its current employees to encourage their acquaintances to join the company. This process is known as
reverse networking
Nancy tells her team members that they can leave early for Christmas if they meet the sales target. In doing so, Nancy is primarily relying on ____power base to motivate her team members.
Steve has been given the charge of managing unskilled labor in the production units of his company. These workers are primarily motivated by financial incentives and other perks such as discount coupons and free movie or lunch days. Which of the following power bases should Steve primarily use to influence the workers to improve their productivity?
reward power
Simon has realized that he should take the first step and act on his own to ensure that the organizations goals are met. Simon is practicing
Jeff needs to coach his subordinate Derin, Jeff has conducted a situational analysis and has identified the strengths and weaknesses of Derin. He has also communicated these to Derin. According to the coaching process, that is the next step that Derin should take?
she should determine which action plan to use
Harper is a trainer at an IT firm. Besides training and coaching, she also conducts regular counseling and one on one sessions for existing employees because she is concerned about their well being. Identify a supportive behavior that should be used by Harper to demonstrate her acceptance of the employees.
she should empathize with the employees and pay attention to their problems
Which of the following exemplifies supporting behavior as opposed to initiating behavior
showing concern over an employees needs and objectives
Which of the following social structural characteristic helps to create an empowering environment?
sociopolitical support
In ____________involvement, an organization makes a small shift from the production line or control model, and employees are encouraged to contribute ideas.
When coaching an employee on career advancement, Pam made statements that offered help, resources, and links to other people and information. Which behavior did Pam exhibit?
The two methods that primarily facilitate the counseling process are the severity of the problem being addressed in a session and
the manager's comfort and ability with counseling
At orbit tours the customer service team evaluates its progress by tracking the ratings given by customers in surveys. The source of such feedback is said to be
the task itself
When looking at the quality analysis report, Calving sees that the product defect rate is 25 % higher than acceptable standards. From which of the following sources did Calvin receive this feedback?
the task itself
Which of the following is true of a knowledge worker?
they are employees who need and use information to perform their work
Which statements is true of a knowledge worker
they are employees who need and use information to perform their work
Liam is meeting a business client for the first time. He wants to create a positive impression of himself on the client. Which of the following will be an effective practice in managing the clients impression of Liam?
Liam should use humor as a lead-in to substance
People with strong internal locus of control will
believe that their efforts will have direct impact on external matters
Which of the following power bases primarily comes from a person's position or managerial level in an organization?
legitimate power
The notion that most of us can find a connection to anyone else in the world through six levels of contacts is referred to as the
secondary network
Which exemplifies supportive behavior as opposed to initiating behavior?
showing concern over an employee's needs and objectives
Terry was very surprised when Pat came to him and stated that there was a problem with the current week's productivity level. He was surprised because his productive levels had been the same for the past five months. The problem with Pat's feedback is that it was not
Which of the following is an objective of counseling
to obtain a willingness to change
While delegating tasks, Steve, a marketing manager, provided his employees with the enforceable means to obtain necessary resources to complete tasks by
transferring authority
Which of the following best describes constructive feedback
truthful, fair, and not given as a personal attack
In effective teams, it is ideal for the team leader to
watch for nonverbal cues and changes in the groups dynamics
The production line approach works in environments where
workers are routinely able to execute many of the most important tasks using technology