Final - Bio

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Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder. If a normal man marries a woman who is a carrier, what fraction of their daughters will have hemophilia?


How many sex chromosomes does the normal human male inherit from his father?




G1 phase


The number of flower parts in monocots are in multiples of ______.




In aerobic cellular respiration, the actual ATP yield from a molecule of glucose is ________ ATP molecules.


G2 phase


What would be the first codon translated in the mRNA sequence 5'-GGAAUGAAACAGGAACCC-3'?


What energy carrying molecule is produced when the reaction is moving right to left?



Cell membranes are mostly composed of what type of macromolecule?

Which statement does not represent a way in which meiosis and mitosis differ?

Chromosome replication occurs before mitotic division but not before meiotic division.

Of the comparisons listed below, which is not true in distinguishing DNA from RNA?

DNA is a molecule that stores and regulates our genetics, while RNA is used for cellular energy storage and release for biological functions.

The enzyme that adds nucleotides to the 3' end of a growing DNA strand is called

DNA polymerase

moves electrons from NADH to FADH to oxygen in order to produce large amounts of ATP

Electron Transport Chain


Eukaryotic multicellular organisms without cell walls


Eukaryotic, multicellular organism with cell walls containing cellulose

Water molecules exhibit cohesive and adhesive properties. What is the chemical bond characteristic that contributes to these and other numerous important properties of water molecules?

Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules, not requiring gain, loss, or sharing of electrons.

What form of energy is utilized when the reaction is moving left to right?


Why is trisomy 21 seen so often, but other trisomies (such as trisomy 1) are relatively rare?

Other trisomies are most often lethal; the fetuses are spontaneously aborted.

What happens during nondisjunction?

Pairs of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis.

Which of the following uses a special form of DNA polymerase to rapidly increase the number of copies of specific regions of DNA for special analysis?

Polymerase chain reaction


Prokaryotic with peptidoglycan cell wall


Solute concentrations are higher inside the cell. There is movement of water into the cell.


Solute concentrations are higher outside the cell. There is movement of water out of the cell.


Solute concentrations inside and outside the cell are the same. There is no net movement in or out of the cell.

How does DNA fit inside the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell?

The DNA is wrapped around histones to form nucleosomes.

How do scientists use a phylogenetic tree?

To show evolutionary pathways and relationships between organisms

transfers electrons from pyruvic acid to NAD and FAD

Tricarboxylic Acid Cylce

Regenerates starting components of metabolic pathway while processing pyruvic acid

Tricarboxylic acid cycle

glucose is broken down into atp to create energy

What is the relationship between glucose and ATP in the process of aerobic cellular respiration.

covalent bond

What kind of chemical bond is defined as the sharing of electron pairs between atoms?

ionic bonds

What kind of chemical bond is defined by the complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms?

Hermaphrodites are individuals with functioning male and female reproductive organs who are capable of producing both male and female gametes. Which statement about hermaphrodites is false?

a XXY human is a hermaphrodite

Starchy foods in our diets, such as rice and potatoes, consist of many glucose molecules covalently bonded together to form

a complex carbohydrate

According to the Endangered Species Act, what is required when a species is identified as at-risk?

a management plan to product the species must be created

In asexual reproduction, daughter cells inherit their DNA from:

a single parent

After observing variability among plant and animal species in various locations, Charles Darwin proposed an explanation for what he saw. The broad proposal included reasons that species could be modified through genetic variation, leading to measurable similarity and difference.Evidence for the proposal came from biological, geographic, and geological observations. His proposal allowed for the prediction of new species that might be found in new settings, based on environmental conditions. Darwin's proposal is an example of

a theory

no body cavity


The subfamily of pseudoxyrhophiine snakes in Madagascar have evolved into separate species that have specially adapted to live in trees, on the ground, in water, and in burrows through the process of ________.

adaptive radiation

Which nucleotide replaces thymine in a nontemplate strand of mRNA?


The "twisted ladder" shape of a DNA molecule results from

adenine pairing with thymine

The four nitrogen bases that are found in the different nucleotides of DNA are

adenine thymine cytosine guanine

What process is occurring if the reaction goes from right to left?

aerobic respiration

Which of the following are found in freshwater ecosystems?


Molecular systematics compares _________ to infer relationships between different species or groups of organisms


The two categories of stem cells in the human body are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Therefore, stem cells can be found in


What evolutionary challenges did plants face and have to adapt to when they colonized land?


Population genetics is the study of:

all the alleles in a given population of organisms.

A population of insects diverging into two species after it is split by a river changing course.

allopatric speciation

Physical barriers prevent gene flow between two populations.

allopatric specitation

Which of the following converts nitrogenous waste from living animals or from the remains of dead animals into NH4+ by certain bacteria and fungi?





anaphase 1


anaphase 2

Sister chromatids are separated from each other during _______.

anaphase 2

flowering seed plants


A three-base sequence, found on the bottom loop of tRNA, that is complementary to a sequence of three bases in mRNA is a(n)


Where is gene expression mostly regulated in prokaryotes?

at the transcriptional level

Which of the following does a cell require to transport substances against an electrochemical gradient?


The human chromosomes that do not determine whether an individual is male or female are


Normal/expected rate of extinction due to changes in local conditions.

background extinction

On which class of extinction does mankind have the largest impact.

background extinction

pattern of courtship are altered to extent that individuals diverent population do not accept each other as mates

behavioral isolation

Mutation results in a new trait that increases the chance of survival for the organism.

beneficial mutation

The process that replicates the DNA, and then divides a prokaryotic cell into two daughter cells is

binary fission

Population size increases when

birth exceeds death

Which aquatic biome often has reduced nitrogen levels, and therefore more carnivorous plants?


Which statement about carbohydrates is true?

carbohydrate provide structural support to organisms

Which of the following allows cells to recognize each other?


The 5' and 3' designations used in reference to DNA and RNA sequences are assigned to the

carbon atoms of deoxyribose and ribose

The commercial livestock industry has significantly increased _______ levels in the atmosphere because of animal respiration.

carbon dioxide

only eats animals


You are in biology lab examining plant root cells. You can still see chromosome strands, as they are in compact bundles. You conclude the cells are undergoing cytokinesis because you also observe the formation of the

cell plate

Which of the following is the fundamental organizational unit of structure and function in living things?


Which of the following does a plant cell have that an animal cell does not?

central vacuole

The major characteristics that uniquely identify each chromosome in a karyotype are the

centromere position, banding pattern and size

evergreen shrubs


A discrete continuous molecule of DNA, wrapped with its associated proteins, defines the term


Human blood groups "A, B, AB, and O" exhibit which kind of inheritance pattern?


body cavity is lined with specialized tissue called the peritoneum


Which two properties of water enable water to flow up from roots to feed plants?

cohesion and adhesion

Angela believes her house is too cold in the winter and thinks it is because her furnace is not working properly. Which of the following has Angela done?

create a hypothesis

Which of the following may occur in meiosis but not in mitosis?

crossing over

Most members of the subphylum ______ are found in marine systems and have an open circulatory system in which blood is pumped into the hemocoel by a dorsal heart.


______ are often mistaken for palm trees because of their leaf shape but bear large cones and are under threat of extinction.


While in the biology lab, you observe, in both plant and animal cells, that some single cells are splitting into two daughter cells. You also observe that the splitting cells are still connected by a contractile ring and the cytoplasm has started to divide. You conclude these cells are undergoing



cytoplasmic division

Which of the following is a key concern related to exponential population growth?

degradation of natural environment

wildly scattered shrubs


The variation seen among individuals when each individual shows one of two "or very few" easily distinguishable traits is known as _____ variation.


How does a species benefit from engaging in mimicry?

discouraging predators



Within interphase, which stage is defined by the active replication of the cell's genetic material?

dna synthesis

A major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that although prokaryotes

do not have nucleus, eukaryotes have a nucleus in their cells

The taxonomic classification order, from least specific to most specific is:

domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.



The phyla comprising the Radiata include

echinodermata and molluska

diverent population are in the same geographical region but not the same habitat

ecological isolation

_______ diversity is lost when crops, pastures, and suburban sprawl encroach on natural habitats such as prairies and tropical rainforests.


Membrane bound proteins convert electrical energy of hydrogen atoms to chemical energy stored in ATP

electron transport chain

Which statement about electrons is true?

electrons reside outside of the nucleus and have a charge of -1

Which of the following did plants develop to deter predation by herbivores on land?

emergence of thorns spines and toxic chemicals

Which of the following serves as a food reserve for an angiosperm embryo?


Which of the following involves one gene suppressing the expression of another gene?


Halophytic plants have adapted to the constantly changing salinity in _______ by developing filters in their roots that remove salts.



eukaryotic and mostly single celled with some multicellular


eukaryotic, mostly multi-cellular, some single-cell organisms with cell walls containing chitin

An individual that has the appropriate number of chromosomes for their species is known as _______.


In a process called ________, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilize algae in the water, resulting in algal blooms.


Which of the following is considered the opposite of endocytosis?


Select whether the statement is true or false.Both eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells have a nuclear membrane.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Cohesion is the quality of water that causes it to crawl up a straw or allow it to flow up through a plant's body.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Darwin's theory of evolution was heavily influenced by the genetic studies by Mendel, which had been published right before Darwin set sail for the Galapagos on the HMS Beagle.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Gel electrophoresis allows biologists to study the exact base pair sequence of a genetic fragment.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Gene therapy in humans is a common procedure to treat and prevent genetic diseases.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Monotremes are classified as reptiles because they lay leathery eggs.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Mutations, mistakes made during the replication of a cell's genetic material, are always caught by checkpoints in the cell cycle, killing the abnormal cell.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Political and economic pressures typically make habitat preserves larger, making it easier to set aside areas large enough to maintain biodiversity.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Telomeres grow in length with each round of DNA replication.


Select whether the statement is true or false.The abyssal zone has the highest productivity and biodiversity in the ocean, partially because it is well-oxygenated and stable in temperature.


Select whether the statement is true or false.The fact that mitochondria cannot live outside of the cell suggests that ancestral cells engulfed and kept alive free-living prokaryotic aerobes.


Select whether the statement is true or false.The subclass Hirudinoidea, which includes leeches, have chaetae that allow them to attach to a host vertebrate for feeding.


Crossing-over is more likely to separate genes on a chromatid if they are

far apart

In many species of birds, males are XX and females are XZ. In cases like this, which sex is most likely to display a sex-linked recessive trait?


vascular seedless plant


What is a characteristic of savannas?

frequent fires

A germline mutation occurs in cells that give rise to


incompatibilities between egg and sperm prevent fertilization

gametic isolation

A specific region of DNA that contains the information to produce a complete protein is called a:


In medicine, agriculture, and conservation applications of biotechnology, the common genetic unit used is the


Which of the following treatments uses viruses to deliver non-mutated genes into an organism to potentially cure genetic diseases?

gene therapy

A benefit of _____ diversity is a species' future potential for adaptation.


Which of the following is a true statement about glycogen?

glycogen is made and stored in the liver and muscle

Expends 2 ATP molecules to get glucose into the cell and split in two


A _______ food web has photosynthetic organisms at its base, while a _______ food web has organisms that feed on decaying matter at its base.


A seedling plant has a section of the stem tip that contains large numbers of cells undergoing mitosis for the purpose of

growth in height of the plant

vascular nonflowering plant


The primary cause of biodiversity loss is

habitatv destructions

Mutation decreases the chances of survival for the organism.

harmful mutation

During DNA replication, the enzyme that unwinds and separates the DNA double-helical molecule is


Which of the following describes the sex-linked trait of white eye color in male fruit flies?


only eats plants


A large tree falls over in an old-growth forest, allowing light to reach a formally shaded area. A few weeks later, what type of rooted plants will dominate the open patch?

herbs and weeds

Which age structure is common in developed countries with zero population growth?

high percent midde aged and older

Which environmental stress did early prokaryotes, such as extremophiles, have to be adapted to survive?

high temp

The law of independent assortment is supported by the events that happen in meiosis I because:

homologous pairs of chromosomes line up randomly, allowing for a gamete to have any combination of paternal and maternal characteristics.

If the two alleles for a particular gene are identical the gene pair is


In living cells, a process by which cells break polymers down into monomers with the addition of water is


Which of the following is a possible social consequence of long-term exponential growth in the human population?

increased crime

Which is the physical basis for creating genetic variation in offspring as a result of meiosis?

independent assortment



Which type of chemical bond is responsible for stabilizing salt (NaCl)?

ionic bond

What is the term for when the fluid inside and outside of a cell has the same osmolarity?


Which is an advantage of binary fission over eukaryotic cell division?

it is less complicated and faster

What is the role of the large ribosomal subunits?

joining together amino acids to form a polypeptide chain

A population of rabbits increases exponentially until their environment has reached its carrying capacity. Which of the following best describes the cause?

keep all rabbits alive

The banded tetra, a kind of fish found in tropical streams, is a(n) _______ species because it provides nearly all the necessary phosphorus to the other species in its community, and its disappearance from the community would have detrimental effects on the other species that live there.


water is split

light dependent reaction

atp is produced

light dependent reactions

carbon fixation occurs

light independent reaction

glucose is produced

light independent reaction

NADH is produced

light-dependent reaction

Water is produced

light-independent reaction

What shape do strands of DNA take in a eukaryotic cell before they are packed?


Which of the following is typical of developed countries such as the United States?

low birth rates

What is a characteristic of the majority of prokaryotic genomes?

many dumb bell shaped chromosomes

Extinctions associated with large catastrophic events.  Large numbers of animals die and many species disappear.

mass extinction

differences in reproductive organs prevent successful interbreeding

mechanical isolation

Which of the following provides the basis for Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment?

meiosis 1



The chemotherapy drug taxol inhibits the breakdown of microtubules. A cell treated with taxol would become stuck right after which phase?



metaphase 1


metaphase 2

Which statement best explains why persistent, fat-soluble chemicals such as methylmercury accumulate in the highest trophic levels?

methylmercury does not leave an animals body

nonvascular seedless plant


The blastopore develops into the ________ in protostomes and the _______ in deuterostomes.


In the plasma membrane, what is the function of integral proteins?

moving materials into or out of the cell

Which of the following can happen if permanent mistakes are made during DNA replication?


_______ is a change in DNA that can be beneficial, detrimental, or have no effect on a given population.


are fungi that have a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with plant roots


________ are organelles in the cells concentrated around the mouth and tentacles of cnidarians and contain toxins to penetrate and stun prey.


After a photosynthetic organism uses energy for its own basic functions, such as growth and reproduction, _________ is the energy that remains for the next trophic level.

net primary productivity

Mutation does not alter the chances of survival of the organism.

neutral mutation

Where in a prokaryotic cell is the genetic material found?


The building blocks of nucleic acids are


Which of the following is not a common cause of mutation?


Which of the following correctly ranks Earth's water sources from largest to smallest?

ocean - ice - ground - surface

Which of the following is an example of bioremediation?

oil spill

Which of the following are liquid at room temperature?


eats plants and animals


Which of the following must be present for something to be considered living?

one or more cells

Which of the following are products of photosynthesis?

oxygen and glucose

If your UV detector showed higher levels of UV radiation than normal, you might suspect changes in what layer of the atmosphere

ozone layer

Neighboring populations become distinct populations while maintaining contact along a common border.

parapatric speciation

Which strategy would be most likely to restore overexploited ocean species with the least potential for harm to the ecosystem?

passing regulation that limit harvest

Which protist structure serves as a flexible coat of armor?


_______ evaluates the effectiveness and safety of drugs based on information from an individual's genomic sequence


Many commercial fertilizers contain high amounts of ________ compounds, which are highly available to bacteria in crop soils, but responsible for the creation of dead zones, such as those along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

phosphorus and nitrogen

What process is occurring if the reaction goes from left to right?


Which of the following illustrates evolutionary relationships among organisms?

phylogenetic tree

You are working on a forensics team and collect some cells from a crime scene. The cells are angular, rigid, and have a cell wall made up of cellulose. This sample most likely came from a(n)


due to interactions between differing genes the hybrid embryo usually becomes weak and dies

postzygotic isolation

Which of the following distinguishes terrestrial biomes from one another?


eats producers

primary consumer


produces pyruvic acid from glucose

Meiosis is a process used for

production of gametes


prokaryotic without peptidoglycan cell wall

The phase of mitosis in which the nuclear envelope breaks into small pieces is


The starting point of a gene on the DNA where the RNA polymerase binds is called the





prophase 1

8. Blank Verse

prophase 2



Proteomics tests for ______, which can help with the early detection of cancer.

proteins signatures

Eukaryotic, primarily unicellular-many multicellular, metabolically diverse, structurally complex, asexual reproduction usual; sexual reproduction diverse


body cavity that is not lined with peritoneum


At chemical equilibrium

reaction rates are in balance

When two homologous chromosomes align and exchange a segment of their genetic material, which can make linked traits seem independent of one another, this process is called _________.


Which of the following explains the function of ATP synthase?

regenerating ATP from ADP



Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria that live in water. Two species, isolated from the same habitat, use different wavelengths of light to photosynthesize. This is an example of

resource factoring

In examining water samples preserved in glass jars over the last century, you notice a steadily declining pH. What is the most likely general explanation?

rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from gradual acidifaction



The Ascomycota are also known as

sac fungi

feeds on dead organic material


tropical grasses


eats primary consumers

secondary consumer

DNA replication is

semi conservative

Which of the following describes the gel electrophoresis technique?

separating molecules based on their size and charge

In humans, the sex of a child is determined by the

sex chromosomes in a sperm

Which of the following describes a monophyletic group?

single ancestor

What has been the result of the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which banned the use of CFCs

slowing helping restore ozone layer

Telomerase is found in all of the following except

somatic cells

The method used to produce the cloned sheep, Dolly, was

somatic nuclear transfer


squid and clams

Species form within the home range of an existing species without the presence of a physical barrier.

sympatric speciation

A population of fish diverging into two species in a crater lake.

sympatric specitation

Polyploid offspring of diploid plants.

sympatric specitiation

A biome with high average temperature and low to moderate annual rainfall is a


swampy coniferous






The phase of mitosis in which the nuclear envelope re-forms is



telophase 1


telophase 2

Broad-Leaved Deciduous Forest

temperate forest


temperate grasslands

The freshwater trout is an important predator in which biome?

temperate rivers and streams

divergent populations do not mature reproductively at the same time

temporal isolation

Which of the following organisms is most likely to have a uniform population distribution?

territorial penguins

Animal breeders use a _______ to determine whether an organism is heterozygous or homozygous for a particular trait.

test cross

What is the first step of DNA replication?

the dna helix unwinds

The central dogma refers to

the flow of genetic information in cells, from DNA genes to specific proteins.

In humans, alleles for each gene are inherited from

the mother and the father

Which of the following purchases land and preserves it for ecosystems?

the nature conservancy

An age structure for a rat population reveals an equal number of young and adults. How will the population size likely change over time?

the population size with remain the same

How many mRNA nucleotides code for one amino acid?


The nucleotides called pyrimidines include

thymine and cytosine

Transgenic crop plants are primarily developed for which of the following reasons?

to improve disease resistance

What is the function of the codon AUG?

to initiate translation

Mendel's experiments led to which of the following findings?

traits are inherited as independent events



at which level is gene expression primarily regulated in prokaryotic organisms

transcriptional level



Which of the following is a characteristic of most eudicots?

trisulcate pollen

In which terrestrial biome is biodiversity the greatest?

tropical rainforest

The _______ biome is found along the Equator and has the most biodiversity.

tropical rainforest

lush growth

tropical rainforest

Select whether the statement is true or false.An advantage of asexual reproduction is that it takes less time and energy than sexual reproduction.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Animals such as mice and fruit flies have enough similarities to humans to be used as model organisms, leading to key life-saving medical discoveries.


Select whether the statement is true or false.As plants evolved to grow taller, their stems had to become more rigid


Select whether the statement is true or false.If a specimen is properly prepared, sliced and stained, a compound light microscope allows biologists to see a cell's distinct internal structures.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Sand dollars, a kind of marine echinoderm, release their gametes into the surrounding water to be fertilized through spawning, producing large numbers of offspring. They do not care for their young, many of which are eaten by predators. Therefore, this organism exhibits a type III survivorship curve.


Select whether the statement is true or false.Scientists have already observed significant range shifts as a result of climate change.


Select whether the statement is true or false.The chance of survival of an individual sparrow during an unusually hot summer is independent of that species' population density.


Select whether the statement is true or false.The theory of evolution can accurately explain the origin of life on Earth.


t or f Human hunting of woolly mammoths 20,000 years ago played a role in their ultimate extinction


low shrubby vegatation


Diploid ( 2n) means having

two complete sets of homologous chromosomes

A niche is the unique set of resources used by a species, which includes its interactions with other species. The competitive exclusion principle states that

two species cannot occupy the same niche in a habitat

Flatworms have _______ nerve cords that run the length of their bodies, while nemotodes have _____.


Leaves on a cactus and wings on flightless birds are examples of which of the following?

vestigial structures

Osmosis is the diffusion of which of the following across a membrane?


Which abiotic factor affects the growth rate of aquatic species?

water temp

A country with zero population growth is likely to be which of the following?

western europe

Which of the following are often involved in captive breeding programs and education?


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