Final Exam

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Monozygotic twins share ______ of their genes

100 percent

Paul is a 55-year-old man who has been having some difficulty recalling important details. On visiting a doctor, he was told that he was in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. The deficiency of _______ is most likely to be linked to Paul's condition.


Ludwig, a cellist, is memorizing a musical composition just by listening to it without referring to the sheet music. He most likely is using a(n) _____

Acoustic code

Every time in neuron fires, it transmit an impulse of the same strength. This occurrence is known as the ________

All-or-none principle

You have always wanted to know how your friend perform so well on her college exams. To find out how she studies you decide to study with her for your next exam. This approach is most similar to:

Case studies

The oval window transmit vibrations into the inner ear, the bony tube called the _______


The color is across from one another on the color wheel are labeled _____

Complementary colors

A ________ takes several x-rays to reveal deformities in shape and structure that are connected with blood clots, tumors, and other health problems.

Computerized axial tomography scan

_______ takes the form of a double helix and contains the genetic code of an organism.

Deoxyribonucle acid

In every experiment, the _____ is what the researcher is trying to determine has changed or not

Dependent variable

In memory theory the term _____ Means to cause information to be lost from short-term memory by adding new information


The _______ is the body system of ductless glands that secrete hormones and release them directly into the bloodstream

Endocrine system

While Ebony was playing a video game and trying to keep our character a life she started to become anxious causing her pulse increase. Which hormone was responsible for this reaction?


Which of the following is one of the features of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that interests Psychologist?

GABA is an inhibitory nerotransmitter that may help calm anxiety reactions

A(n) ______ is a mental representation of a visual stimulus that is held briefly in sensory memory


____ is the founder of Behaviorism

John B. Watson

The enhanced efficiency is a synapse after Breith rapid stimulation is called _____

Long-term potentiation

Which of the following completed all of the academic requirements for a PhD at Harvard but was never in worded it?

Mary Whiton Calkins

Which of the following plays a significant role in sleeping, sneezing, and coughing?


_______ is the best defined as a sudden variation in in an inheritable characteristic, as distinguished from a variation that results from generations of gradual


As Stephen was filling out a credit card application he couldn't remember his previous address even though he had live there for 10 years. Steffens memory of his current address was interfering with his memory of his old address, which is an example of _____

Retroactive interference

People with ______ Stop breathing periodically come up to several hundred times per night.

Sleep apnea

_______ Reverse of the tendency to perceive a broken figure as being complete or whole

The principle of closure

Although Crystal had practice her presentation several times for class she struggled in the middle part of the speech when she gave in in class. This pattern of forgetting illustrates ______

The serial-position effect

Which of the following is one of the most common concerns about the Cannon-Bard theory?

The theory says that emotions occur independently from the environment

In the context of the drive-reduction theory, which of the following is true of acquired drives?

They are developed through experience

Which of the following is true of feature detectors?

They refer to neurons that fire in response to Specific features of sensory stimuli

When people are not aware of the cues that signal day or night,

They roughly have a 25-hour day

And psychodynamic theory, the term ______ Is descriptive of ideas and feelings that are not available to awareness


_______ Is the swelling of the general tissue with blood, causing direction of the penis and swelling of the area surrounding the vaginal opening


Which of the following neurotransmitters is involved in emotional arousal and sleep?


Why we go clubbing and drink alcohol can best be explained by _____

stimulus motives

The _____ is the feeling that information is stored in memory although it cannot be readily retrieved

tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

Which of the following is a new basic taste that was recently added to the primary taste qualities?


What is the purpose of a split-brain operation?

To confine epileptic seizures to one hemisphere of the cerebral cortex

Which of the following is a goal of psychology?

To explain behavior and mental processes

A person with normal color vision is labeled a __________


An error in research reflecting the prospect that people who offered to participate in research studies differ systematically from people who do not is known as ______

Volunteer bias

______ Is the fraction of the intensity by which a source of physical energy must be increased or decreased so that a difference in intensity will be perceived

Weber's constant

In which of the following conditions do receptors for warmth fire?

When skin temperature increases

In 2017, the National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine stating that the use of marijuana benefited all of the following EXCEPT

treatment of stress

Lisa is a fabric specialist. Recently, she was invited to an exhibition of Persian skills. Being an expert on fabrics, Lisa continuously moved her hand along the surfaces of different pieces of fabric to get the feel of them. This action is referred to as _______

Active touching

Which of the following is a likely consequence of low thyroxin secretion in adults?

Adults who secrete two little thyroxine may feel tired and sluggish and may put on weight

Bobby was standing in line to purchase a movie ticket. All of a sudden, the man in front of him took a few steps back and stepped on Bobby's foot. Bobby immediately felt pain in his foot. This incision was transmitted to the spinal cord and the brain through _______

Afferent neurons

According to the psychoanalytic approach, a good majority of what influence our behavior is:

An emphasis on unconscious ideas and impulses that originate in childhood conflicts

Dr. Mickie Studies the perception of sensory stimuli by utilizing signal detection theory, this theory involves the interaction of physical, ______ and _______ factos

Biological; psychological

What similarity did Wilhelm Wundt share with Aristotle?

Both saw the mind as a natural event that could be study scientifically, like light and heat

Which of the following diseases stems from food poisoning and prevents the release of acetylcholine?


____ is the loss of memory of personal information that is thought to stem from psychological conflict or trauma

Dissociative amnesia

Which of the following is true of the resolution phase of the sexual response cycle?

During this phase, men into a refractory period

____ is The maintenance of detailed visual memories over several minutes

Eidetic imagery

______ are Memories of events that happen to a person or that take place in a persons presence

Episodic memories

Derek is working on a thesis on the changes in social behavior in the context of finding partners. An important part of a study concerns the various practices followed by males and females over the course of generations and how they have gradually transformed into our current social norms. Derek can be called a(n) ______ psychologist


The perception of objects or events through means other than the recognize sensory organs is termed ______

Extrasensory perception

Which of the following is an important factor emphasized by the sociocultural perspective and understanding behavior And mental processes?


_______ form a fatty substance called myelin

Glial cells

Which of the following is true of B. F Skinners contribution to behaviorism

He Believe that organisms learn to behave in certain ways because they have been reinforced for doing so

My contacts of behavioral genetics, identify the correct statement.

Hereditary is apparently involved in psychological disorders ranging from anxiety and depression to personality disorderes

Alicia was recently in a car accident. Since then, she cannot retain memories of events that occurred after the accident. However she can recall events that took place before the accident. She recognizes her family and friends and important dates, such as her birthday in her marriage anniversary, but has to be constantly re-introduced to the new people in her life. Alicia has most likely substain damage to her _______


In order to form new memories you must have a fully functioning _____


______ psychologists are particularly concerned with issues related to the design of self-driving vehicles

Human factors

Erik works as a counselor. He strongly believes in an individuals capacity for self-fulfillment, self-awareness, and decision making. He follows the principle that people are responsible for choosing their conduct. Eriks believes best exemplify the ______ perspective.


Stewart is a chain smoker and a nicotine attic. Due to excessive cigarette smoking, he has developed lung cancer. In this scenario, which of the following chemical compounds is likely to have caused lung cancer?


A(n) ______ rat is characterized by excessive eating


Among lower animals, stimulation of various areas of the _______ can trigger instinctual Behavior such as fighting, mating, or nest building.


The flow of visual information seems smooth and continuous because of _______ memory, which can hold visual stimuli for up to a second


Knowing how to play a piano without much conscious effort illustrates _____ memory

Implicit memory

Memory that is suggested but not plainly expressed as illustrated in the things that people do but do not state clearly is known as ______

Implicit memory

_____ is the inability to recall events that occur prior to the age of three or so

Infantile amnesia

In the context of memory and forgetting one of the cognitive explanations for infantile amnesia states that:

Infants do not make reliable use of language to symbolize or classify events

Which of the following is a drawback of case studies?

Interviewers may influence participants to give responses that suit their expectations

As you walk into a brightly lit room, the black structure in the center of your eye seems to shrink to a tiny black dot. This response is called by the action of the eye structure called the:


Which of the following is true about maintenance rehearsal

It involves mentally repeating a list or saying the information to oneself.

Which of the following statements is true of applied research

It is designed to find solutions to specific personal or social problems

Which of the following statements is true of the absolute threshold?

It is determined by exposing individuals to progressively stronger stimuli until the minimum stimuli the person can detect is found.

Which of the following statements is true of hue?

It is determined by the wavelength of visible light

Which of the following statements best define meditation?

It refers to various ways of focusing one's consciousness to alter one's relationship to the world

Which of the following statements is true of nicotine?

It stimulates the release of neurotransmitters

The ________ minimize leakage of the electrical current being carried along excellent, thereby allowing messages to be conducted more efficiently.

Myelin sheath

On his first day as a school psychologist Daniel took a trip to the school ground and quietly sat in the corner watching the children play. He noticed several patterns in the way children behaved with each other especially when they were playing games. Daniel is most likely using the method of ______

Naturalistic observation

_____ allows psychologist and other scientist to observe behavior where it happens, or "in the field"

Naturalistic observation

_______ Is the agent that creates psychological dependence on Tobacco products


Same results when neurons called ________ in the skin are Stimulated.


_______ is produced largely by neurons in the brain stem and ask both as a Nero transmitter and as a hormone.


Which of the following statements is true of proactive interference?

Older learning interferes with new learning only if the new material share similarity with the old material

Sarah is a pregnant Woman who is well past her due date, which was three weeks ago. The doctors decided that they must induce labor in Sarah and inject her with ______


In the context of the brains language functions, identify the correct statement

People with Wernickes aphasia usually speak freely and with prosper syntax

The audience was very impressed by the singers ability to hit the high and low notes. This most closely refers to_______


A ______ is a complete group of interest to researchers from which a sample is drawn for an experiment


Some researchers consider the _______ to be the "executive center" Of the brain come we're decisions are made to keep information and working memory and to solve problems

Prefrontal cortex

Once we have learned that multiplication tables the recall of six times six is relatively automatic due to ______


London learn how to play racquetball prior to learning how to play tennis. Because of this her tennis game has never been that good. The difficulty stems from _______

Proactive interference

Implicit memories involve methods and skills, cognitive and physical, and are also referred to as _____

Procedural memories

Brad was surprised to learn that Ameer did not belong to the national honor Society because he always seem to hang out with the other members of that organization. This is best explained by the principle of the law of _______


On a bright, sunny day, Manny leaves a dimly Dash lit movie theater and goes out into the street. The _______ in his eyes adjust of the sudden increase in light.


Sophia does not like eating vegetables. To ensure that she eats vegetables her mother offers her an extra helping of dessert every time Sophia finishes her vegetables. In the context of behaviorism this is known as ______


After telling the police officer everything she could recall about when she went into the bank Lucas got to the point that he no longer good recall any more information. At that point Lucas was most likely experiencing _____

Retrieval cue failure

If a student study is the course material twice a week the difference between the amount of time originally required to learn the information in the amount of time required to re-learn the material after a certain amount of time has elapsed is known as ______


Carol walked into a Moroccan restaurant that was surprised that she did not see any utensils. Her surprise stems from the fact that she has never eaten without utensils before. This is an example of a(n) _____


Jenny is preparing for an English test, and her brother is playing music loudly in the next room. She focuses on reading her English textbooks and ignores the music. In this scenario Jenny is using ________

Selective attention

A persons ability to recall a historic event like the Civil War of 1861 to 65 would be an example of _____

Semantic memory

General knowledge is referred to as ______

Semantic memory

At the start of the exam Bobbi did not notice Any distracting sounds. As time passed she became more and more aware of a ticking clock on the wall. What is this an example of?

Sensory adaptation

The series of eye fixations that we perceive as visuals sensations seem continuous or stream like because of ______

Sensory memory

When we look at visual stimulus are impressions of it may seem fluid enough. This is because:

Sensory memory briefly holds perceptions, making them seem connected

The ______ is the tendency to recall more accurate see the first and last items in a series

Serial-position effect

______ is best described as the direction of one's romantic interest and erotic attractions—— toward members of one's own anatomic sex, The other anatomic sex, or both

Sexual orientation

Shannon is observing a painting. She perceives one object in the painting as a 2 Dimensional Circle and another object as a three-dimensional sphere. Which of the following monocular cues can account for this effect?


Ray often wakes up at night talking loudly and incoherently. During this time, his heart rate increases, and he recalls vague images of someone pressing on his chest. However, he is never fully awake and returns to sleep. In the context of sleep disorders, Ray is exhibiting symptoms of _______

Sleep terrors

In the context of long-term memory which of the following statements is true of flashbulb memory?

Stimuli that stand out are preserved in detail in a persons long-term memory

Visual stimuli can be flashed to briefly, below are absolute threshold for conscious perception, to enable us to process them. This is an example of __________

Subliminal stimulation

Darren is on the way to his university to take an exam. He is disturbed by thoughts of failing because he is not prepared for the exam. However, he pushes away thoughts of failing and focuses on studying. In this scenario, Darren is using ______


One of the advantages of __________ Is that by distributing questionnaires and analyzing answers with a computer psychologist can study many thousands of people at a time


Well returning from the grocery store, Bob was held at gunpoint by two men who wanted to rob him of his belongings. Bob had never been in a fight before, yet he could feel his heart be rapidly rise, along with a sudden urge to fight the two men. This involuntary increase involves heartbeat and his immediate urge to fight the men are controlled by the _____

Sympathetic nervous system

If the _____ Is damaged a person conform visual memories but not verbal memories


The pain message is relayed from the spinal cord to the ______ and then projected to the cerebral cortex, making us aware of the location and intensity of the damage.


In the context of auditory perception, Which of the following statements is true?

The frequency theory appears to account only for pitch perception between 20 and a few hundred cycles per second

Which of the following statements is true of the signal-detection theory?

The intensity of a Signal is one factor that determines whether people were perceive sensory stimuli or a different between signals

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