Final Exam DE US History Ch. 1-15

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Rufus King

Claimed congress had the authority to set laws governing slavery

Who referred to the civil war as a "war for the freedom of blacks and the enslavement of whites"?

Clement Vallandigham

Colonial critics objected to revenues from the Townshend Duties being used to support colonial government because

Colonial assembles would lose the power of the purse

After the revolution, Americans emphasized their separation from Britain by referring to their land as


The first American ship to circumvent the globe was the


In the battle over Reconstruction, to secure power over the president, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act and the

Command of the Army Act

The escalation of indian wars and violence on the frontier can be attributed to

Competition for land by both Indian and white settlers

According to the text, during its brief life, the Freedmen's Bureau

Compiled a mixed record

The Crittenden Compromise and other efforts to head off a conflict were killed by


Maryland delayed ratification of the Articles of Confederation until

Congress devised a plan to control the western plan

Which of the following was NOT one of the few tribes friendly to the Americans and hostile to the British?


The first state to approve the new Constitution was


In the Congressional elections of 1862,

Democrats picked up strength in several Midwestern states and carried Illinois.

Which of the following was NOT a motivation for Scottish emigration as noted in the text?


The winner of the 1800 presidential election was the first to be

Determined by congress


Developed a writing system for the cherokee language

Catherine Beecher implored women to

Devote themselves to school teaching

The first person to sail around the Cape of Good Hope was


The only domesticated animal processed by Archaic Indians in North America was the


The United States Sanitary Commission appointed ______ as the superintendent of nurses

Dorothea Dix

In comparison to England, the demographic growth of the colonies was

Dramatically larger

Friedrich von Steuben

Drilled soldiers and produced a drill manual which instilled discipline in the soldiers

England's primary commercial rival and target of the Navigation Act was the


Spanish colonization efforts in the Philippines were challenged by the


The text asserts that the real beneficiaries of the Northwest Ordinance were?

Eastern land speculators

The heavy-handed governor of the Dominion of New England who was overthrown around the time of the Glorious Revolution was

Edmund Andros.

The disastrous campaign Fort Duquesne was led by

Edward Braddock

The cotton gin was developed by

Eli Whitney

The victory at Horseshoe bend

Eliminated indian resistance in alabama

The first European outpost on the sub- Saharan African coast was


Which of the following was part of the "redemption" contract variant of indentured servitude?

Emigrants were loaned money for provisions and passage to America

The land act of 1820

Encouraged western settlement with cheap land

The Convention of 1880

Ended the "Quasi War" between America and France

A second round of conflict between France and England began when

England and France supported opposing candidates in the crisis of Spanish Succession.

In the 1600s, New Netherlands was captured by the


In postwar America, in an effort to build a national culture and shared identity, all of the following were sources for renaming places EXCEPT

English aristocratic names

King William's War was triggered by

English-supplied Iroquois raids near Montreal.

The "headright" system included all of the following EXCEPT

Enough seed to plant a first crop of tobacco or indentured servitude for up to seven years.

As a result of his impeachment and trial in the Senate, President Johnson

Essentially withdrew from policy making.

Joseph Smith

Established the Mormon Church

After the arrival of the U.S. Army in Savannah, Georgia, one of the first actions taken by the emancipated slaves was

Establishing a school and hiring teachers

The trustees of Georgia foresaw three purposes for the colony including all of the follow EXCEPT

Establishing a truly democratic and representative government

Which of the following was NOT part of Hamilton's financial plan?

Establishing free trade between the United States and Great Britain

Folsom, New Mexico, is important because

Evidence of human activity dating from the ice age was found there

The Connecticut WIts

Experimented with a new natural style of writing and painting

James Cook

Explored the Hawaiian Islands

During the War 1812, the firmest advocates of states rights were


The Spanish realization that the Gulf of Mexico did not provide a passage through the Americas helped spark

Ferdinand Magellan's explorations

The first French settlers to exploit the resources of North America were


Antagonism between France and Spain in Europe spilled over into the Americas in a struggle to control


After the capture of New Orleans by the U.S. Army in 1862, General Nathaniel Banks dealt with the slave population by

Forcing blacks to return to plantations and remain there

The Reconstruction Act of 1867 did all of the following EXCEPT

Formally dismissed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton

During King George's War, soldiers from Massachusetts captured

Fort Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island

Runaway slaves attempted to reach the black militia company at

Fort Mose.

In all, Columbus claimed made _______ voyages in search of China.


The XYZ affair was indicative of the troubled relations with


Washington issued the neutrality proclamation to avoid being drawn into the war between


As a result of King William's war,

France revived their "southern strategy" of colonizing the Gulf Coast.

Prominent New Yorkers John Jay and Alexander Hamilton joined a changed society dedicated to

Freeing Slaves

The Huron were supported by the


By questioning Ptolemy's incorrect estimate that each degree of longitude measures 50 nautical miles at the equator, Columbus

Further underestimated the size of the earth

The chain of presidios and missions between the San Diego and San Francisco was established by

Gaspar de Portola

Which one of the following was part of the British plans for the Saratoga campaign?

General Burgoyne would strike south from Canada into the Hudson Valley.

Burgoyne's invasion turned into a disaster when

General Howe attacked and captured Philadelphia instead of linking with Burgoyne

The father of "popular sovereignty" was

General Lewis Cass

Identify the individual who oversaw the forced migration of the Cherokee

General Winfield Scott

The American Cincinnatus refers to

George Washington

The Hessians were

German mercenary troops recruited by the British

Failed Revolution in _____ drove immigrant numbers upward


The form of slave resistance that remained foremost in the minds of slave owners was

An organized slave rebellion

The election of 1828 featured a grudge match between John Quincy Adams and

Andrew Jackson

Who won the Battle of New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

Who most symbolized the new style of politics and democracy?

Andrew Jackson.

Lincoln's running mate in 1864 was the Democrat

Andrew Johnson

Which of the following was the founder of the Antinomian Sect.?

Anne Hutchinson

Who was a founder of the Antinomian Sect?

Anne Hutchinson

The major issue of the election of 1844 was

Annexation of Texas and western expansion

The Democratic-Republicans were the political heirs of the


The British southern strategy

Anticipated stronger Loyalist support in the southern colonies

The bloodiest single day of the war occurred at


Father Santa Ana worked to establish peaceful relations with the ___ from his missions at San Antonio


Lee surrendered at

Appomattox Courthouse

The war chief and leader of the Chiricahua tribe of western Apache in the southwest was


The bloodiest battle of the war


John Wilkes Booth

Assassinated Abraham Lincoln

As its core, the Declaration of Independence

Assumed government was based on social contract

When General Howe withdrew British forces from Boston, he planned to

Attack New York where Loyalists support was stronger

The Alabama

Attacked Union ships and protected Confederate blockade running ships.

Cortes conquered the

Aztec of Mexico

The Ladies Magazine

Glorified the middle-class family with a pious wife and mother

According to the text, slaves in the North were emancipated

Gradually but racism continued in this region

Maryland's Act concerning religion

Granted freedom of worship to all Christians

The Know-Nothings reflected the growing frustration felt by many Americans over the

Growing political influences of immigrants, especially Irish Catholics.

The treaties of Fort Laramie (1851) and Fort Atkinson (1853)

Guaranteed safe passage of whites through Indian lands

Prince Henry's sparking of a revolution in communication and trade

Had its roots in a campaign against Islam

The Land Columbus claimed for Spain as Hispaniola contains the modern country of


In the mid-eighteenth century, more than ___ of the population was under the age of 20 years old


Who was the author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Who was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Which of the following is NOT true of Roger Williams?

He believed civil authorities should judge cases instead of religious authorities.

Which of the following is NOT true of Peter Stuyvesant?

He complained about New Amsterdam's ethnic diversity.

Which of the following was NOT true of Vitus Bering?

He drove English out of their base at Anchorage, Alaska

Which of the following was not an exploit of Sir Francis Drake?

He established England's first colony

Which of the following is NOT true of James Cook's expeditions?

He established an English settlement on Kamchatka peninsula

The Whigs chose William Henry Harrison to run for president in 1840 because

He had a national reputation as a war hero

Which of the following describes the historical significance of Sir Francis Drake?

He led numerous expeditions which weakened Spanish power

Which of the following was NOT an action taken by George Washington regarding his slaves?

He provided each slave with a small plot of land

The event which did the most to push Virginia planters toward race slavery was

Bacon's rebellion

Which of the following was the first to encounter the Pacific Ocean?


The Wilmot Proviso sought to

Ban slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico.

English involvement in the slave trade was stimulated by the development of plantations in


Slavery in south Carolina was closely patterned after slavery in

Barbados and the Caribbean

Which of the following was a victory for the Americans in the War of 1812?

Battle of Lake Erie

Thomas Bray

Believed it would be better to Christianize and educate slaves than to set them free

Congress sent ___ to secure aid from France

Benjamin Franklin

Who of the following did NOT serve in the Washington administration?

Benjamin Franklin

Which of the following is NOT true of Andrew Jackson

He staunchly defended state rights

. Which of the following was NOT a motivation for General Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania?

He thought a victory would lead the slaves states of Maryland and Delaware to join the Confederacy

Native Americans first thought of horses as

Big dogs

War Hawks wanted to invade Canada in order to

Block the flow of arms and supplies to Indians

War hawks wanted to invade Canada in order to

Block the flow of arms and supplies to Indians

Although the Townshend Duties were repeated, British troops fired on demonstrators in


The citizenry of ____, to protest the Stamp Act, took matters into their own hands through demonstrations, rioting, and destroying the home of lieutenant governor.


The first Puritan settlement was


"On that night the foundation of American independence was laid", were John Adam's referring to the

Boston Massacre

The most effective form of protest used by the colonists was

Boycotts of british goods

____ received more African slaves than any other location


Mormons were led to Utah by?

Brigham Young

By the 1730s ___ ships controlled the largest share of African slave trade


Pontiac's uprising, consisting of 18 Indian nations, proved closely for the


Before any compromise could be reached between congress and the parliament, a military course of action was taken when

British General Gage ordered troops to round up rebels at Concord

The most humiliating episode of the war came with the

British destroyed the White house and the Capitol.

The embargo act of 1807 was passed in retaliation for the

British vessel's attack on the U.S.S Chesapeake

The Embargo Act of 1807 was passed in retaliation for the

British vessel's attack on the U.S.S. Chesapeake.

With Democrats reduced to a minority, Republicans were able to pass long-desired legislation, including all of the following EXCEPT:

Civil Rights legislation.

German immigrants were most likely to settle

On the frontier fringe and establish new farms.

Marcus and Narcissa Whitman are associated with an early settlement in


To improve the moral climate of Georgia, the trustees

Outlawed the sale and consumption of alcohol

The American Colonization Society

Paid for a small number of free blacks to settle in Monrovia, Liberia

Which of the following was NOT true of Edmund Genet?

He was captured by the French and executed as an enemy of the Revolution.

According to _____, poor European immigrants flourished and were revitalized by "a new mode of living, a new social system" in America.

Hector St. John de Crevecoeur

Nancy Ward

Held a prominent social and political position among the Cherokee

The election of 1844 pitted

Henry Clay against James K. Polk

The House of Representatives chose John Quincy Adams as the winner of the 1824 election when

Henry Clay gave him his support

The architect of the Missouri Compromise was

Henry Clay.

In in the 1850s., ____ was known for environmentally sensitive views and emphasis on individualism.

Henry David Thoreau

The leading Transcendentalists were Ralph Waldo Emerson and

Henry David Thoreau

Dutch East India Company hired _____________ to find a northern passage to china?

Henry Hudson

On January 24, 1848, gold was discovered near Sutter's Mill by

Henry William Bigler.

Which of the following Jacksonian era writers was NOT known for their attention to regional identity?

Herman Melville

Colonial demographics were noted for all of the following except

High divorce rates

At the middle of the nineteenth century, Southern plantations and the slave system were sustained by

High prices for cotton on the world market

In 1837 ____ became secretary of the first state board of education

Horace Mann

Introduction of ___ revolutionized the living patterns of the Cheyenne, Shoshone and Comanche


Competition for land by both Indian and white settlers

Ideas about slavery and race

Virginia's Negro Act of 1705 included all of the following EXCEPT

If a slave owner beat a slave to death, he would be charged with a felony

The first attacks on the stamp act, or the "Virginia Resolves" were made by

Patrick Henry

A very anti British interpretation of the Boston Massacre was produced & described by

Paul Revere

The astounding American victory at Saratoga

Paved the way for alliances with France

The "Declaration of Sentiments" expressed women's right to all of the following EXCEPT to

Pay to equal men.

Which of the following was called "the best poor man's country"?


Mestizo refers to a

Person of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry

During the crisis over pay, Washington___

Persuaded his office to work with congress and secured a reasonably settlement

" The Circular Letter"

Petitioned the king to check the unconstitutional acts of parliament.

" The Circular Letter" Petitioned the king to check the unconstitutional acts of parliament.

Petitioned the king to check the unconstitutional acts of parliament.

The president of the first continental congress was

Peyton Randoph

The first Continental congress met at


The largest city in the colonies was


Spain added the overseas empire of Portugal to its own during the reign of

Philip II.

Robert Fulton

Pioneered steam navigation on American rivers


Plotted a slave rebellion in Virginia

Local battles over debt, currency, and credit issues hit which area the hardest?

Port cities such as New York and Philadelphia

The dramatic rise in the number of slaves can be attributed to

Increased demand for cotton and available western lands

Common Sense advocated

Independence and a republican form of government

Which of the following were bitterly antagonistic to the French?


What policy did the Japanese adopt toward Westerners?


Which of the following is NOT true of the Non-Intercourse Act?

It did not have the support of the Democratic-Republicans

The fall of Fort Ticonderoga was important because

It secured the Hudson Valley against a British attack from the North

Which of the following Europeans did NOT engage extensively in the African slave trade?


_____________ is believed to be the first Englishman to cultivate Orinoco tobacco in Virginia

John Rolfe

The Cherokee anti-Treaty Party was lead by

John Ross

Barbed attacks on the british governor's financial policies were led by

John Wilkes

The Massachusetts Bay Colony was led by

John Winthrop.

The dramatic religious revival in Northampton, Massachusetts, was led by

Jonathan Edwards

Efforts to establish an overload supply route from Arizona to California were led by

Juan Bautista de Anza

"You have been robbed of your property, incarcerated, chased, murdered, and hunted like wild me is entrusted the work of breaking the chains of your slavery," were the words of

Juan Cortina justifying his leadership of Tejano resistance and retaliation against whites in Rio Grande Valley

Coronado's expedition was followed by the expedition of

Juan de Oñate

All of the following were important Kansas cities with rail connections used by cattlemen EXCEPT


The case of Marbury vs. Madison established

Judicial Review

The first western state to abolish property qualifications for voting was


Which of the following was NOT a disastrous engagement for the Continental Army in the South?

King's Mountain

Which city was severely affected by both a great plague and a great fire in the mid-1660s


The conditions slaves on the frontier found especially intolerable was the

Loneliness and isolation from the African-American community

The most objectionable part of Sugar Act to most Americans was the

Loss of the right to a trial by jury

What single European monarch dominated European affairs for decades in the late 1660s?

Louis XIV

As a result of the Missouri Compromise, __________ entered the union as a free state.


Through the Messapians, ___________ became the basis of the agricultural revolution in the eastern woodlands.


The evils of racial and gender prejudice were denounced in the sermons of the charismatic preacher.

Maria Stewart

The black hawk war

Marked the end of armed indian resistance north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi

The convention of Seneca Falls

Marked the first time that American women had come together to argue for their own rights

Whig candidates for president in 1836 included all of the following EXCEPT

Martini Van Buren

Which of the following was NOT a term of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

Martinique and Guadalupe were retained by Great Britain

The Vindication of Rights of Women was written by

Mary Wollstonecraft

Which of the following was NOT considered a middle colony?


The Great smallpox epidemic which swept across North America in the 1770s had its first outbreak at


Squanto was instrumental in securing the help from the village controlled by


For the Sioux, the most highly prized trade items were


The fledging colonial whaling industry was centered on/in

Nantucket island

The __________ joined forces with the Wampanoag during Metacom's War.


Which of the following was NOT a center of American settlement in the Old Southwest immediately after the Revolutionary War?


The text argues that the War of 1812 was fought for

National Expansion

The first national worker's organization was the

National Trades Union.

Which of the following was NOT a factor in the natural increase in a colonial population?

Near complete absence of epidemic disease

The first Jewish people to settle in Mainland North America settled in

New Amsterdan

Which of the following was the most ethnically diverse colony?

New Amsterdan

Considering the large influx of non-English immigrants, ___ remained the most homogeneous

New England

The mechanized textile industry was concentrated in

New England

General John Sullivan crushed an uprising in

New Hampshire.

Slavery survived until 1846 in the northern state of

New Jersey

The first northern state to revoke the voting rights of free blacks was

New Jersey

Juan de Onate was instrumental in developing the Spanish province of

New Mexico

During the course of war with France and Spain which of the following was NOT captured by the British?

New Orleans and Louisiana

French Huguenots settled in the largest numbers in

New York

Gradual emancipation of slaves was used in New Jersey and

New York

"Republican Mother" referred to the

New role played by elite women in society and politics

"Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania" raised the issue of

No taxation without representation

_____ attempted to create a standard American English with his American Spelling Book

Noah Webster

The smallest concentration of slaves was found in

North America colonies

James Madison commented that the greatest division in the United States was between

North and South

Which of the following is true of Battle of Bull Run in 1861?

Northerners came to realize that suppression of the rebellion would not be easy.

Which of the following was NOT a food crop domesticated and cultivated by Archaic Indians?


The first college to accept men and women, black and white, was


The first powerful Mesoamerican culture was the


The United States government encouraged settlement in Oregon by

Surveying and mapping Oregon trail

The Confederacy planned to be victorious by

Surviving the Union's military assault

Which women's suffrage leaders was arrested for attempting to vote in the 1872 Presidential election?

Susan B. Anthony

To stifle opposition to the war, Abraham Lincoln

Suspended the writ of habeas corpus

The English established Jamestown on land controlled by the Indian chief


The British government established the Proclamation Line of 1763 to

Prevent another costly war that settlement could provoke

The architect and sponsor of Portugal's overseas expansion was

Prince Henry

The Confederacy financed its war effort with all of the following means EXCEPT

Printing vast quantities of largely worthless money

How were the temples of the Aztecs most important to them in their expansion?

Prisoners were sacrificed at the temples to placate the gods

The Emancipation Proclamation

Proclaimed all freedom of all slaves in the Confederate territory

Temperance reformers supported

Prohibition of alcohol

Chaco Cayon flourished as the center of Anasazi culture until

Prolonged drought forced them to move

Sylvester Graham

Promoted a diet of wheat, flour, and fruit

An unexpected result of the Embargo act was the

Promotion of industrialization at home

The Albany Congress

Proposed a colonial confederation to oversee matters of common interest

William Lloyd Garrison

Published the antislavery newspaper The Liberator

The primary Native-American group in New Mexico was the


The largest and most successful struggle for liberation took place along the upper Rio Grande among the


Peter Minuit

Purchased Manhattan Island and established New Amsterdam

Henry Clay's "American System" included all of the following EXCEPT

Quota restrictions on immigration

Which of the following was NOT a postwar economic problem?

Rapidly rising prices for goods and services

The enlightenment encouraged

Religious tolerance

Benito Juarez, President of Mexico,

Remained an ally of the United States

The effects of "old world" diseases in the Americas helped prompt Europeans to?

Replace native West Indians working on plantations with African slaves

With the passage of the Tea Act of 1773, Parliament intended to

Rescue the financially struggling East India Company.

The Northwest Ordinance did which of the following?

Reserve land for indian tribes

During the 1850's, Tejanos.

Retained cultural influence throughout Texas

During the 1850s, Tejanos

Retained cultural influence throughout Texas

After stinging defeats at congress and Guilford Courthouse, Cornwallis

Retreated to Yorktown to be resupplied by the Royal Navy

The restoration refers to

Return to power of Stuart monarchy under Charles II

In Alton, Illinois, the outspoken abolitionist __________ was murdered by a mob.

Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy

The Louisiana Purchase

Reversed the roles of Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

Jackson's Spoils System

Rewarded his supporters with prominent jobs

All the states were represented at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia EXCEPT

Rhode Island

The principal cash crop of South Carolina was


The Grand Banks were

Rich fishing grounds off New Foundland

Much of the territorial dispute between Spain and the United States centered on

Right of access and navigation on the Mississippi

The utopian community of the New Harmony

Robert Owen

Which of the following left a family heritage of slave ownership to become an antislavery advocate?

Sarah Grimke

President Johnson forced a showdown with Congress when he deliberately violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing

Secretary of War Edwin Stanton

Moses Austin

Secured permission from Spain to settle 300 families in Texas.

For Washington's soldiers, a major concern as the war wound down was down was-

Securing the back pay and benefits promised them by congress.

In planning to deal with the defeated rebel states, President Andrew Johnson wanted to

See members of the planter elite humiliated

Runaway slaves often found refugees in Florida among the


Osceola led violent resistance to removal among the


The first conference devoted to the status of women was held in 1848 at

Seneca Falls, New York

Fort Mandan

Served as winter quarters for the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Deborah Sampson

Served in the enlisted ranks disguised as a man

The Rush-Bagot Agreement and the pending Convention of 1818

Set the U.S.-Canadian border

The new religious sect,____ forbade intercourse and substituted the church for the family


The Trent affair

Shattered the fragile relations between Great Britain and the Confederacy

Of all the items brought to New Mexico by the Spanish, _________ has the most immediate impact on the society and economy.


Slavery in the Chesapeake region

Shifted to skilled labor and craft trades

By the mid-eighteenth century, the most prosperous segment of the New England colony was


Many New Englanders, finding it hard to make a traditional living on farms,increasingly looked for jobs in

Shoe factories and textile mills

Many New Englanders, finding it hard to make a traditional living on farms, increasingly looked for work in

Shoe factories and textile mills.

Sacagawea was


The route between Western civilization and china was known as the

Silk road

The rural southern white population remained ethnically homogenous because

Slave labor discouraged settlement by new immigrants from Europe

The supreme court in the Dred Scott decision in effect ruled

Slavery was a nationwide institution and could only be prohibited by the states.

Which of the following was NOT part of the Compromise of 1850?

Slavery was banned in Washington D.C.

Why did the Europeans find non-overland routes to Asia?

Societies in the Middle East cut off the silk Road

According to the text, western land settlement

Solidified ideas about the white supremacy

The British northern strategy

Sought to split New England from the rest of the colonies

"The Ellis Island of black America" was in

South Carolina

Although blacks did not gain control of any state governments, they did possess a majority in the legislative lower house of

South Carolina

The highest proportion of enslaved workers occurred in

South Carolina

The high tariff of 1828 was dubbed by the "Tariff of Abominations by

Southern Cotton Planters

Democratice Republicans believed Jay's treaty would harm

Southern Planters

George Washington's strongest asset in taking command of the continental army was his

Southern roots which would help ensure southern support

Which of the following was NOT a motivation for England's entry into America in the late 1500s?

Spain recruited England as an ally in their conflicts with France.

In 1783, Britain surrendered east and west Florida to


George Whitefield

Sparked a widespread religious revival in the American colonies

The most troubling element of the Columbian exchange for Florida's Indians was the

Spread of livestock farming

Grenville shifted from Indirect taxation to direct taxation with the

Stamp Act

Grenville's most important reform was the

Stamp Act

How were electors to the electoral college to be chosen according to the Constitution?

State Legislators chose them

As New England grew and prospered, women

Steadily lost economic and legal ground in relation to men

According to the text, the steady growth of the slave population

Stemmed from the strength of the slave family

The largest slave uprising in colonial North America occurred at

Stono, South Carolina

The major trade items of Georgia and South Carolina included all the following EXCEPT


In addition to the Marquis de Lafayette, Washington was ably served by other foreign offers including all of the following EXCEPT

Thomas Conway

In the 1880 election, _____ was characterized as a godless supporter of the French Revolution.

Thomas Jefferson

Which of the following is credited with actually writing the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington's secretary of state was

Thomas Jefferson.

The author of the influential pamphlet COMMON SENSE was

Thomas Paine

The great pit dug at the San Antonio plaza was used

To bury items of war as a gesture of peace and New Friendship

Congress initially created the navy

To capture British supply ships

Why did Spanish and Portuguese Christians unite in the 1400s?

To drive Muslims out of the Iberian Peninsula

After 1710, the Chesapeake area's most important crop was


Which of the following was NOT part of the royal African company's triangle trade?

Tobacco and rice from North America to Africa

What was the name of the Japanese ruling family encountered by Europeans?


After the humiliating retreat from New York, Washington restored morale to his army with victories at Princeton and


Spain was a Catholic country.


Which of the following is true of disturbances in Hudson Valley

They quickly expanded to include grievances over land rights and political reform

Which of the following was NOT one of the core values of early American Victorianism?

They scorned the exclusive pursuit of profits.

Why were the Viking settlers unable to stay in North America?

They were not welcomed by the native people

Slavery was abolished by the

Thirteenth Amendment

The Panic of 1837 was caused by all of the following EXCEPT

The collapse of the Bank of the United States

The "Trail of Tears" referred to

The forced movement of the Cherokee and other Indian tribes to Indian Territory

Statehood for Missouri was delayed by debate over

The future of slavery in the state.

Slaves in the Stono Rebellion had been encouraged to revolt by

The governor of Spanish Florida

The culture, society, and commerce of Pennsylvania were largely influenced by

The growing influx of Germans

By the mid-eighteenth century, Britain's mainland colonies represented

The largest concentration of humans that had ever occupied a single portion of the continent

Which area has the most diverse economy?

The middle colonies

Which of the following was NOT a common thread in the varied state constitutions during the revolution?

They eliminated property qualifications for voting and holding office

Pennsylvania's progressive Frame of Government allowed for all the following EXCEPT

a strong legislative assembly.

The New Jersey Plan called for a

Unicameral legislature with states represented equally

The National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry was organized primarily to help farmers

Unite to challenge discriminatory railroad rates

In the case of McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court

Upheld federal power over state power

The Whigs drew their greatest support from... EXCEPT

Urban Workers

The former Philadelphia tailor who led the Knights of Labor and defined labor organizing the late 1800s was

Uriah Stevens

The first state admitted after the original 13 was


Among state governments, the first revolutionary state constitution was adopted by


Slave households in _____ were especially hard hit by forced separations


The first slaves in England's North American colonies were in


____ lifted the ban on manunmission


Vasco da Gama

Voyaged all the way to India and brought back a cargo of spices

In 1864, congress put forward its own plan for Reconstruction in the

Wade-Davis Bill

Who was the author of Leaves of Grass?

Walt Whitman

England's first American colony at Roanoke was established by

Walter Raleigh

Christian Priber

Wanted to establish a multiracial "paradise" in southern Appalachia for Indians, Africans, and Europeans

The Aztec were known as ____________ people


Denmark Vesey

Was accused of plotting a slave revolt in charleston.

Biddy Mason is a remarkable person in California's history because she

Was an enslaved women who successfully sued for her freedom, etc.

General George McClellan

Was dismissed by Lincoln for incompetence

"The Burned-Over District" referred to

Western New York which had been swept up by the numerous religious revival moments

The Spanish began colonizing Texas primarily

as a buffer zone against French expansion from Louisiana.

Richard Hakluyt is best known

as a promoter and publicist for English overseas expansion.

Sebastian Vizcaino

attempted to establish connections and trade between Spain and Japan

In the early 1700s, England and France competed to break Spain's control over the

lower Mississippi River area.

In North Carolina the most important export was

lumber and naval stores

The Declaratory Act

made it clear that the basic issues of colonial taxation had not been resolved

William Tecumseh Sherman

marched through Georgia and burned Atlanta

The "Paxton Boys"

massacred peaceful Conestoga Indians near Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Of the various stages from freedom in Africa to slavery in the America, the highest mortality rate came during the

middle passage of crossing the Atlantic.

As drafted , the Constitution would go into effect when?

nine states gave their approval.

As drafted, the Constitution would go into affect when

nine states gave their approval.

It is estimated that during much of the war, as many as _____ of Confederate soldiers were absent without leave.


In the North, the Emancipation Proclamation

opened the way for the recruitment of black men into the U.S. Army.

The Annapolis Convention

paved the way for calling a national convention to reform the government.

Joseph Plumb Martin's complaints centered upon the issue of

payment for military service

Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the "Star Spangled Banner" by the

battle for Baltimore

Grenville decided to keep a large Garrison in the American colonies

because it would keep young men employed overseas rather than jobless at home

Joseph Brant

believed that alcohol was destroying the Native-American culture.

Andrew Jackson vetoed the charter of the Bank of the United States because he

blamed it for causing the Panic of 1819.

The confederacy financed its war effort with all the following means EXCEPT:

borrowing heavily from Great Britain and France

Instrumental to the survival of New Mexico in the 1600s was the

persistence of Franciscan missionaries who pressured the government not to abandon the territory.

The underlying cause of Bacon's Rebellion was the

planter class's exclusive hold on political and economic power

The Oneida Community

practiced communal sex unions and "complex marriages."

The highly priced luxury goods of the Asians were most important for European expansion because they

provided a motivation to take to the seas

The second Confiscation Act

provided that slaves of rebel masters shall be forever free

Hernando de Soto

ravaged the northern Gulf coast and the southeastern woodlands in a quest for treasure.

The major issue between presidential candidates in the election of 1832 was

rechartering the Bank of the United States

Grenville hoped the Sugar Act would

reduce smuggling and increase revenue

George Calvert established Maryland as a colony in America

refuge for English Catholics.

During the reigns of James I and Charles I,

religious and economic forces prompted many English to migrate overseas.

The glorious revolution had its origins

religious intolerance and fears of rule by a Catholic King

French overseas expansion had been delayed for some years because of

religious upheaval at home

The division of the world laid out in the Treaty of Tordesillas

represented the church's views on the global place pf religion

In the early 1800's in lowcountry (coastal) region of South Carolina _______ became the chief cash crop produced by slave labor.


Southern whites who cooperated with northern Republicans were labeled


Columbus mistakenly thought the world was

smaller than it actually is.

After the Indian defeat in Metacom's War, many of the surviving Indians were confined to enclaves or

sold as slaves in the West Indies.

Jefferson argued that only

states could create and charter financial institutions

Social, economic, and geographic divisions among the colonies were

steadily overcome by the perception of a government conspiracy to deprive the colonists of their liberties

The case of Elizabeth Key best demonstrates the

steady movement toward lifetime servitude

The use of African slaves as agricultural laborers was tied to the development of European __________ production.


While the fate of the "Lost Colony" on Roanoke remains a mystery, evidence suggests the

survivors had joined the nearby Croatan Indians

In disputes over land titles held by Californios and Tejanos, United States courts

tended to disregard the validity of the titles

Joseph Brant believed

that alcohol was destroying the native-american culture

As a parting shot at the former colonies, the British government restricted trade with America and

the British West Indies.

At Sand Creek,

the Colorado Militia massacred Cheyenne Indians.

The lower Midwest retained strong cultural ties to

the South.

The text asserts that the Confederation government was transformed into a sovereign ruling body by

the acquisition of lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.

The panic of 1819 was tied to

the collapse of the Bank of the United States.

Within the Confederacy, strong pro-Union sympathies could be found among all of the following groups or areas EXCEPT:

the commercial class of St. Louis, Missouri

Walt Whitman's writings celebrated

the courageous instinct that moved brave people west.

After years of marginal survival, Jamestown prospered with

the introduction of the profitable crop tobacco.

Under Jefferson's presidency

the power of the federal government was expanded.

Ordinary Southerners resented conscription because

the wealthy could pay for a substitute or were exempted from service

A persistent problem for frontier farmers was

debts that made them vulnerable to economic depressions.

After King William's War, the Iroqouis

decided to remain neutral.

The Navigation Acts

defined the economic relationship of the colonies and mother country

The largest forced movement in human history was the

deportation of Africans to the Americas

After the Whig triumph in 1840, William Henry Harrison

died one month after taking office.

A very anti-british interpretation of the Boston Massacre was produced and

distributed by Paul Revere

The treaty of Tordesillas

divided the world between Spain and Portugal

What did Spanish and Portuguese Christians unite to do in the 1400s?

drive Muslims out of the Iberian Peninsula

In 1835, one out of every ____ Texans was a native of Mexico


Jean-Baptiste Colbert

encouraged French exploration of North America on an unprecedented scale.

The Compromise of 1877 which secured the election of Rutherford B. Hayes to the presidency

ended Reconstruction with the withdrawal of all remaining federal troops.

Antietam. Perryville, and the Emancipation Proclamation

ended any hope of diplomatic recognition for the Confederacy

Although the Pueblo Revolt was ultimately crushed, it succeeded in

ending the system of forced labor and tribute.

The Northwest Ordinance did which of the following?

establish the process by which a territory would become a state

Another Italian, John Cabot

established England's claim to North America

By the mid-nineteenth century, the Midwest family farm had become dependent on

expensive machinery

The most intense opposition to the 1807 embargo came from

federalist -dominated New England

In the 1840s, it is estimated that one family in _______ moved every year.


One of the earliest slave uprisings occurred

in New York City

Christopher Columbus

tried to reach Asia by sailing West from Europe

A plan of government drafted by the Carolina proprietors

tried to recreate the feudal hierarchy of medieval times.

One of Columbus's major miscalculations was his

underestimation of the size of the earth.

An impressive feature of the Hopewell culture was its

vast trading network.

By 1700, race slavery was

was accepted throughout the mainland colonies

Children fathered by a freeman and born to a slave woman

inherited the mother's slave status after laws had been changed

Many Americans believed the debt, credit, and currency problems could be solved by

issuing a generous supply of paper money.

Why was manioc an important crop domesticated and cultivated by Archaic Indians?

it yields a nutritious starch

Belle Boyd

kept track of U.S troop movements and spied for the Confederacy

Ferdinand Magellan

led an expedition which circumnavigated the globe

Daniel Shay

led indebted Massachusetts farmers to shut down courts by armed force.

Many in New England believed the violence and upheaval of the late 1600s

was evidence of God's disfavor and divine judgment.

The house of Burgesses

was the earliest representative legislature in North America

Sarah Hale

was the first woman to edit an American periodical.


were sympathetic to the confederacy

That large burial mounds built by pre-Columbian Native-American civilizations suggests above all that they

were too complex and powerful societies

Most of the upper South joined the Confederacy

when Lincoln called up troops to quell the civil uprising.

The Second Part system featured intense political competition between Democrats and


The Fourteenth Amendment did all of the following EXCEPT

abolish slavery

In the election, the Whig party began to unreval after the issue of___ became important.


Planters gained a further from the slave system when

A new law decreed that any investor buying slaves was entitled to a headright of land for each slave

Montezuma initially suspected the Herman Cortez was

A returning God

Which of the following was NOT an ingredient for the American Revolution?

A robust agricultural economy

Define the term travois

A sled pulled by horses.

By 1870, Chinese laborers represented __________ of the work force in California.

25 percent

When Louis XIV died in 1715, the colonial population of Louisiana stood at


Out of the population of several million, about___________slaves tried to escape each year.


As many as ____ of Californian Chinese women were forced into prostitution

60 percent

At the arrival of Columbus, North America was inhabited by about _______ people.

7 million

Who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton

Aaron Burr

According to the text, the genius of the Republican party resided in it's

Ability to create and maintain an alliance among disparate ideological and social groups.

Initially a slave would be freed if they

Accepted Christianity


Accused immigrants of stealing jobs by working for low wages and corrupting American values

Which voyage occurred first?

Admiral Zheng He's explorations

Which of the following replaced the native West Indians who worked Spanish plantations when they died off?

African Slaves.

Europeans obtained most african slaves through

African merchants along the coast

Inaugurating a new era of expansionism in 1867, Secretary of State William Seward purchased


George Washington's secretary of treasury was

Alexander Hamilton

The Federalists were seriously crippled by the untimely death of

Alexander Hamilton

The author of Democracy in America was

Alexis de Tocqueville.

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions opposed the

Alien and Sedition act

The Alien and Sedition Acts

All of the above

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of (1854) wreaked havoc on the Plains Indians by

All of the above

The National Women's Suffrage Association focused their efforts on

All of the above

The New York City riot was caused by

All of the above

The "hard war" policy developed in 1864 by the United States included

All of the above.

The slaves' Congo Square music gave rise to which American musical styles?

All of the above.

Which of the following is true of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

All of these options are true

In 1750 , over Oglethorpe's objections, the trustees of Georgia

Allowed the importation and exploitation of slaves

Which political party ran former President Millard Fillmore as its nominee in the 1856 election?

American (know- nothings)

The term "manifest destiny" was associated with

American efforts to conquer the continent.

The Ethiopian Regiment was made up of

American slaves who volunteered to fight for the British in exchange for freedom

Which of the following is NOT part of the Transcontinental Treaty of 1819?

Americans were permitted to settle in Texas and Mexico

Who of the following was the first to realize Columbus had discovered a "New World"?

Amerigo Vespucci

The British Ordinance was defined as

A cache of weapons and supplies

In the years, immediately following the Civil War, the leading naturalist and conservative was?

John Muir

The Primary source of labor for building the Central Pacific Railroad was

Chinese workers imported from Guangdong Province

The distinguished American naval hero of the war was

John Paul Jones

The architect of the Monroe Doctrine was

John Quincy Adams

With the archaeological finds at Clovis, New Mexico, scientists have evidence of human habitation as far back as ______ years ago.


Which of the following argued the Amistad case?

John Quincy Adams

Robert Morris experimented with opening new trade relations with


The Burlingame Treaty was with


Figures are not certain, but it is estimated that ______ million Africans were brought to the Americas as slaves.

10 million

Abraham Lincoln's plan would allow former rebel states to form new governments when

10 percent of the voting population of 1860 pledged allegiance to the United States and renounced slavery.

What best describes the survival rate in Jamestown in the first decade of settlement?


To reward veterans of the War of 1812, congress granted

160 acres of land in the western territories

The largest ancient earthwork in North America is found at


Under terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico ceded the province of New Mexico which includes land in all the present states EXCEPT


The Resumption Act of 1875

Called for the government to continue to withdraw paper greenbacks.

The text notes that hardships and unsettled existence of laborers was typified by

Canal Workers

David Farragut

Captured Mobile, Alabama

The highly priced luxury goods of the medieval Europeans came from the distant country called


All of the following were founders of the Equal Rights Association EXCEPT

Catherine Beecher

___articulated a vision of womanhood based on self-sacrifice and family obligations.

Catherine Beecher

The British commander of the final stages of the southern campaign was

Charles Cornwallis

The coalition of Radical Republicans was led by

Charles Summer and Thaddeaus Stevens

The opening shots of the Civil War were at

Charleston, South Carolina

As a result of service during the war of 1812 the ___ earned the respect of many Americans


Why were bottomlands important for the rise of the Messapians?

Corn grew well in the bottomland soil.

Expansion of slavery westward was fueled by ___ production.


The king of the staple crops became


According to the text, the symbol of the emerging American economy should be

Cotton boll

For the revolution to be a success, Americans not only had to achieve a military victory, they also had to

Create a viable plan for self-government

John Eliot

Created an Indian bible

It is generally believed that the earliest inhabitants of North America.

Crossed the Bering land bridge into America from Asia.

One of the most promising new fields for understanding ancient humans is

DNA research

Which of the following was instrumental in leading settlers through the Cumberland Gap?

Daniel Boone

Which of the following tried to amend bills appropriating money to fund the Mexican War to state that "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist" in areas obtained from Mexico?

David Wilmot

General Horatio Gates

Defeated Burgoyne at Saratoga and captured his entire army

William Henry Harrison

Defeated Tecumseh ad Tenskwatawa at Tippecanoe

In response to the supreme court's rulings in the Cherokee cases, Andrew Jackson

Defied the court and sent troops to enforce the removal of the Cherokee

The system of sharecropping which emerged after the Civil War

Defined Southern cotton production well into the twentieth century

The St. Lawrence River region was explored by

Jacques Cartier

According to the text, which of the following did NOT reveal the deepening national political crisis in the election of 1856?

James Buchanan was elected to the presidency

The person who negotiated the purchase of the area south of Gila River was

James Gadsden

The Bill of Rights was drafted by

James Madison

The president most associated with the Era of Good Feelings is

James Monroe

The first permanent English settlement in North America was


Which of the following is credited with being the chief architect of French mercantilism?

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

The "Father of American Geography" was

Jedidah Morse

Delegates at the Montgomery convention elected ____ as president of the Confederacy.

Jefferson Davis

In 1853, secretary of war ______, oversaw the purchase of additional land from Mexico.

Jefferson Davis

The British commander who despised indians and intended to alter relations in the North American interior to reflect Britain's triumph was

Jeffrey Amherst

most active religious order in New France was the


In the constitutional convention, a leading proponent of a system of checks and balances was

John Adams

The architect of the more conservative constitution was

John Adams

In retaliation for a pro slavery raid on the Free-Soiler's town of Lawrence, Kansas, ______ led a murderous raid on the proslavery settlement on Pottowatamie Creek.

John Brown

"I... am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land: will never be purged away: But with Blood" was said by

John Brown just before his execution for the attack he led on Harper's Ferry

The invasion from Canada was led by

John Burgoyne

Which of the following was NOT a presidential candidate in the 1824 election?

John C. Calhoun

_________ advocated that states could reject federal laws through nullification.

John C. Calhoun

English Puritans followed the teachings and doctrines of

John Calvin

_________ profited from oil refining during the war.

John D. Rockerfellar

In protest to the Revenue Act of 1766 ___ authored the "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania"

John Dickinson

The president of the Second Continental Congress was

John Hancock

Which of the following was NOT a member of the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence?

John Hancock

The role of the Supreme Court and the extent of federal power were defined by the chief justice

John Marshall.

Who was the emperor when Marco Polo arrived in China?

Kublai Khan

The best evidence of cultural diversity among Archaic Indians is


Dragging Canoe

Led a renegade band of Cherokee in attacks on American settlers.

Charles Deslondes

Led a slave revolt in 1811 that attempted to capture New Orleans

George Rogers Clark

Led a successful campaign against the British and Indian allies which culminated in the capture of Fort Vincennes.

New light

Led revival movements and inspired a new religious devotion in the colonies

Ethan Allen

Led the Green Mountain Boys and captured Fort Ticonderoga

James Wolfe

Led the successful campaign to capture Quebec

Around the year 1,000, a Viking colonial expedition, to North America was led by

Leif Erikson

The Glorious Revolution had

Limited the monarch's power and strengthened Parliament

Identify the Miami chief who conquered two American Generals before defeated at the battle of Fallen Timbers

Little Turtle

Among all the weaknesses of the continental army at winter quarters in Morristown, New Jersey, the most serious was

Little immunity to smallpox

The most advanced pre-Columbian Native-American civilizations were in

Meso- America

Which of the following countries was the Monroe Doctrine NOT specifically created as defense against?


Which of the following was NOT one of the Five Civilized tribes of the southeast?


Which of the following was NOT one of the five civilized tribes of the southeast


Farms in which region of the country produced the food that fed the growing urban populations on the Atlantic coast?


Although intended to win national support for Douglas's vision of a transcontinental railroad, the Kansas-Nebraska Act sacrificed the antislavery provisions of the

Missouri Compromise of 1850

In 1821, _______ began strictly enforcing their claims to Alaska.


Which of the following non-Dutch groups was NOT represented in the cosmopolitan culture of New Netherland?


The winner of the bruising and disputed election of 1876 was

Rutherford B. Hayes

The first president of the Republic of Texas was

Sam Houston

The radical leader of agitation in Boston was

Samuel Adams

Prominent among Nativists was

Samuel F. B. Morse

The author of the antislavery tract The Selling of Joseph was

Samuel Sewell

The first factory machinery in America was developed by

Samuel Slater

After weeks without a glimpse of land, Columbus's crew named the first land they spotted

San Salvador, after their Christian savior

In response to economic pressures, Parliament repealed all the Townshend Duties EXCEPT a tax on


All of the following were Border States which did not secede EXCEPT


The failed mountain state of Franklin became


The great metropolis and capital of the Aztec empire was


The Prophet was the Shawnee leader


Through warfare, raids, and conquest, the Comanche established firm control over most of modern


By the 1830s, two-thirds of the nation's cotton was produced in all of the following states EXCEPT


Cato's Letters warned

That public corruptions and abuses were undermining the fragile balance achieved by the Glorious Revolution.

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Glorious Revolution in Massachusetts?

The Anglican Church was disestablished.

Which of the following is true of Battle of Bunker Hill?

The British sustained the highest casualty percentage of any battle during the war

Admiral Zheng He's ships were a sign that

The Chinese had been players in overseas expansion

At Chancellorsville,

The Confederacy lost Stonewall Jackson

Forty percent of african slaves crossing the Atlantic came from

The Congo- Angola hinterland

Forty percent of African slaves crossing the Atlantic came from

The Congo-Angola hinterland

The Spanish were challenged in California by all of the following EXCEPT:

The Netherlands

At the Hartford convention

The New England states threatened secession if the war did not end

As a result of growing trade with China, Americans established a claim to?

The Pacific Northwest

The Great Wagon Road led settlers and commerce from Pennsylvania to

The Piedmont of central Carolina

Which of the following was NOT part of the "Coercive Acts" designed to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party?

The Quebec Act, which made the Ohio valley part of Canada

The Spanish made little headway in assimilating the native population of The Texas Gulf Coast

The Texas Gulf Coast

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the peace treaty with Great Britain in 1783?

The United States must formally abandon its alliance with France

"War hawks" had the greatest support in

The West.

Farmers refusing to pay the federal taxes were known as

The Whiskey Rebellion

The term "Victorian" is associated with

The affluent and self-conscious middle class

Which of the following was a victory for the Americans in the war of 1812?

The battle of Lake Erie

A significant technological contribution of the Messapians was the use of

The bow and arrow

President Johnson implemented a plan for Reconstruction in 1865 that included all of the following EXCEPT:

The organizational activities of the Democratic Party were outlawed.

After France lost its possessions in North America, it looked for french prospects in

The pacific

North Carolina, simmering rural discontent exploded when

The planter-dominated assembly voted to spend public money on building the governer a new mansion.

The "devastation of the Indies" had the following consequences EXCEPT:

The region was opened to exploitation by Spain's European rivals.

The Yankee Strip refers to

The regions of the Midwest settled by migrants from New England.

By the mid-eighteenth century, the greatest concentration of colonial wealth was found in

The south

Rice plantations operated in

The task system

The industrial revolution was spearheaded by

The textile industry

John Jay was sent to negotiate a resolution to all of the following problems EXCEPT

The unresolved northern boundary of Louisiana

Washington's victory at Yorktown practically guaranteed

The victory of the French fleet over the British fleet at Chesapeake Bay

According to the terms of the Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812,

The war was a draw and neither side conceded anything

A remarkable feature of the election of 1796 was

The winners of the presidency and vice presidency were from different parties

The confederacy's plan to win the war included all of the following EXCEPT:

Their many cotton mills would be employed to create uniforms and other essentials the military needed.

The British were finally forced out of Boston

When Washington acquired the artillery from Fort Ticonderoga

A new government led by Lord Rockingham repealed the Stamp Act

When british merchants, feeling the pinch of the colonial boycott, pressured Parliament to act

By 1834, the political opponents of Jackson had coalesced into the ___ party


John and Sarah Hughson were

Whites accused of inciting slave and working class unrest in New York

The long-time governor of the Plymouth colony was

William Bradford

The nemesis of Puritans in England was

William Laud, Bishop of London.

The leader of Tammany Hall in New York City and the symbol of the corrupt intertwining of government power and private economic interests was

William Tweed

Mexico fell under to the United States forces under the command of

Winfield Scott

The most influential and new quasi-political organization of the late eighteenth century were

Workingmen's associations

An alliance of lawyers, businessmen, and politicians known as the Santa Fe Ring

Wrested about 80 percent of the original Spanish grants from Hispanic land holders in New Mexico

In the 1850s about half the total Southern white population consisted of

Yeoman farmers

Which of the following is not correctly matched with name change after the Anglo-Dutch War?

Yonkers to Queens.

Amerigo's Vespucci description of the Americas as the "New World"

contradicted Columbus's views

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

crossed the Great Plains in search of Cibola, the city of gold

Which class was over-represented compared to their proportion of the English population in the first waves of settlers in Jamestown?


The astounding result of the Congressional elections in 1866 shaped the future of Reconstruction by

giving Republicans a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress.

Which of the following was NOT an office held by David Crockett?


Despite Southern dominance in all three branches of the federal government, slave owners feared they would lose political control because of the

growing number of free states

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