final exam, review for midterm

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Which eating disorder may cause the person to be overweight?

C. Binge-eating disorder

Kayaking in a heavily polluted river and getting an infection is which type of hazard?

C. Biological

Which is NOT a sign or symptom of bulimia nervosa?

C. Blue fingertips due to poor circulation

The way you feel about your body is called:

C. Body image

What is a unit of energy found in food called?

C. Calorie

Which statement is FALSE concerning a dislocation?

C. Carefully try to move the bone ends back into place.

Irritating cleaning products used on a sailing ship is which type of hazard?

C. Chemical

Which of the following two are considered private sector?

C. Commercial outdoor center and Activity holiday company

This type of synovial joint is found in the hands at the metacarpals and phalanges is called:

C. Condyloid joint

The body type that has the characteristics of very little muscle and body fat, narrow hips, and thin legs and arms is known as:

C. Ectomorph

All of the following are long-term effects of exercise on the muscles EXCEPT:

C. Energy demands increase


C. Es ist vierzehn Uhr.


C. Es ist zwei Uhr.

The amount of force that muscles can exert in one fast movement is known as:

C. Explosive strength

The muscle fiber type that is pale pink, contracts quickly and powerfully, but fatigues quickly

C. Fast twitch fibers

Someone you share a mutual affection with is known as:

C. Friend

The term overfat means:

C. Having more than 19% body fat for men and 25% for women.

Something that could cause harm is called a:

C. Hazard

This type of joint is located in the knee:

C. Hinge

Which of the following is an example of explosive strength:

C. Hitting a punching bag

All of the following are bones at the knee joint EXCEPT:

C. Humerus

Ich bekomme gute Noten.

C. I receive good grades.

How would you state that you find German wonderful?

C. Ich finde Deutsch wunderbar.

Hast du ein Haustier?

C. Ich habe einen Hund.

Wie heißt du? Max Johann

C. Ich heiße...

Hast du Mathe gern? (give a positive response)

C. Ja, ich habe Mathe gern.

How would you ask other people their opinions using the verb "mag"

C. Magst du...?

Algebra, Geometrie, und Calculus sind...

C. Mathe

Which of the following often provide many opportunities for people to participate in outdoor and adventure activities?

C. National Parks

Insufficient training on correct skiing technique being offered is which type of hazard?

C. Organizational

These class of banned substances occur naturally in the body but when administered externally they mimic the effects of anabolic steroids.

C. Peptide hormones

Which sector would a freelance instructor belong?

C. Private

Which sport has had many scandals of EPO usage?

C. Professional cycling in the Tour de France

Which of the following is NOT a role of a National Governing Body?

C. Provided all necessary equipment

21. The 3rd step in a risk assessment is known as:

C. Record current methods of risk reduction

All of the following are effects of undereating EXCEPT:

C. Reduced flexibility

All of the following are qualities of a good friend EXCEPT:

C. Sometimes unkind

High blood pressure, insomnia, and irregular pulse are all side effects of which type of drug?

C. Stimulant

Saying things to someone which are intended to anger or provoke a negative behavior is:

C. Taunting

To express intimidation or harm to someone is known as

C. Threatening

All of the following are signs of binge-eating disorder EXCEPT:

C. Tired all the time

quarter past=..

C. Viertel nach

When are proteins used to generate energy?

C. When the body has exhausted its stores of carbohydrates and fats

When a grain contains the bran, germ, and endosperm, it is considered a:

C. Whole grain

What time is it?

C. Wie spät ist es?

blue eyes=

C. blaue Augen

A type of connective tissue that is found at the ends of bones to protect them and allow for smooth movement is known as:

C. cartilage


C. das

When you want to use your for neuter objects in German, you use...

C. dein


C. der

Ich brauche...Pferd.

C. ein

green eyes=

C. grüne Augen

du ______(haben)

C. hast

Wie ______ du?

C. heißt

Heute ist Dienstag. Morgen ______ Mittwoch. A. war

C. ist

Ich habe ....Fisch.

C. keinen


C. mein

Which relationship is being described? Die Mutter von meiner Mutter

C. meine Oma

Welche Farbe ist ein Schwein?

C. rosa

There are _____words for a/an in German when using the accusative case.

C. three

vier + sechs =

C. zehn

How many calories are in a serving of steak?

D. 125

Es ist Mittag.

D. 12:00pm

Who requires the most calories?

D. 16 year old male athlete

What percent of males are concerned with their weight and physique?

D. 18%

How many people go to the emergency room because of injury-related accidents every year?

D. 40 million

What percent of women possess the body type portrayed by the American media?

D. 5%

What percent of women reported being raped before the age of 25?

D. 79%

What percent of 10 year old girls are afraid of being fat?

D. 80%

How many calories comes from 1 gram of fat?

D. 9

What type of factors affect an individual's energy needs?

D. All apply

When a friend does not include another friend in an activity that person may feel:

D. All apply

Which athletes would have a higher amount of body fat to give them an advantage?

D. All apply

Which athletes would have a higher amount of body fat to give them an advantage?Who requires the most calories?

D. All apply

Why are certain drugs banned in sport?

D. All apply

This performance enhancing drug helps build new muscle and repair damaged muscle.

D. Anabolic steroids

A severe allergic reaction can be life threatening because the person may experience:

D. Anaphylactic shock

When a muscle decreases in size due to injury, it is known as:

D. Atrophy

How can someone find their total energy needs for the day?

D. BMR + Working energy

Which is NOT a sign or symptom of anorexia nervosa?

D. Bad breath and tooth decay

What foods from the protein food group can a vegetarian get their protein from?

D. Beans and peas

Which type of drug used by athletes' decreases adrenaline to slow down the feelings of anxiety and nervous tension?

D. Beta blockers

The term which mean to indulge on food in excess is called:

D. Bingeing

All of the following are open injuries EXCEPT:

D. Blister

BMI stands for:

D. Body Mass Index

Ich habe zwei ______.

D. Brüder

An example of a legal stimulant that is not banned is:

D. Caffeine

The 3 C's of an emergency situation are:

D. Check, Call and Care

All of the following are TRUE about child abuse EXCEPT:

D. Children who are abused often show no signs or symptoms.

Which of the following should you NEVER do while rock climbing?

D. Climb alone

All of the following are true about cyberbullying EXCEPT:

D. Cyberbullying is easy to track.

A type of abuse which happens with current or past romantic relationships and marriages is:

D. Domestic violence

The amount of force that muscles can apply to move a heavy object is known as:

D. Dynamic strength

The three main somatotypes are

D. Endomorph, Ectomorph and Mesomorph


D. Es ist Viertel nach zwei.

What movement occurs when the tricep is stimulated and pulls on the tendon at the elbowjoint?

D. Extension

In order to lower one's risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, they should eat fruits and vegetables high in:

D. Fiber

Using the picture below, look at number 5. This group of muscles is important for sports like cycling and can be strengthened with the leg curl exercise.

D. Hamstrings

Do you prefer computers to art class?

D. Hast du Informatik lieber als Kunst?

This is an example of static strength:

D. Holding a weight above your head for 30 seconds

Which two athletes would use a diuretic to keep weight down or to help lose weight before a competition to help better their chances of winning?

D. Horse jockey and wrestler

When a muscle increases in size because of training, it is known as:

D. Hypertrophy

The German word for Computer class is...

D. Informatik

Which of the following is NOT a side effect of anabolic steroids?

D. Insomnia

All of the following are language barriers to effective communication EXCEPT:

D. Listening skills

What is the somatotype makeup for an individual with the score of 1,1,7?

D. Low endomorph, low mesomorph, high ectomorph

What is the risk level for a beginner scuba diving club member if there was a bite from undersea wildlife?

D. Medium

Which group of people require the most amount of food per day?

D. Men ages 19-30

All of the following are considered food groups according to MyPlate EXCEPT for which of the following:

D. Oils/Fats

Slipping on an icy patch while mountaineering is which type of hazard?

D. Physical

The four main types of child abuse include:

D. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect

In order to lower blood pressure and one's risk of kidney stones and bone loss, they should eat fruits and vegetables high in:

D. Potassium

What is carbohydrate loading?

D. Process designed to tricking the body into storing extra glycogen.

What type of word replaces a noun in a sentence and describes who is doing the action?

D. Pronoun

Stopping movement to the injured area so healing can take place is which part of the acronym RICE?

D. Rest

This type of synovial joint allows movement forward, backwards and left to right, and it is only located in the thumb. The joint is known as:

D. Saddle joint

To feel confident in yourself and your abilities is known as:

D. Self-esteem

All of the following are ways to encourage communication for those with difficulties EXCEPT:

D. Sending them away to someone else who may understand what they are trying to communicate.

Muscular endurance is important in all of the following activities EXCEPT:

D. Shot put

The tool used to calculate a person's body fat by measuring the thickness of the skin and outer layer of fat is called a:

D. Skin-fold caliper

This language barrier is where informal words and expressions are used in communication:

D. Slang

A person's body shape or physique is known as:

D. Somatotype

What is the function of the synovial fluid in a freely movable joint?

D. To lubricate the joint

All the following are signs of dehydrated EXCEPT:

D. Watering eyes

The precaution that can be taken to prevent a head injury during kayaking would be to:

D. Wear protective equipment

Translate: Which subject do you enjoy learning?

D. Welche Schulfächer lernst du gern...?

______ heißt du mit Nachname?

D. Wie

All German nouns are....

D. capitalized


D. der

Ich habe ______ Mutter.

D. eine

Ich habe ____Bruder.

D. einen

Ich habe ____Hamster.

D. einen

Ich habe _____Vater.

D. einen

The two main muscle fiber types are called:

D. fast twitch and slow twitch

Find the verb in the sentence. Am Montag habe ich um acht Uhr Englisch.

D. habe

wir ______(haben)

D. haben

If you want to talk about your pet you need to say _________depending on whether the noun is masculine, feminine or neuter.

D. he,she,it

Ich habe ....Fisch.

D. keinen

What does not belong? rot, grün, blau, lang

D. lang

The ________________ of fibers that contract in a muscle and the _________________ of the fiber will determine the amount of force that is applied.

D. number, thickness

When someone is doing something with it or to it within a sentence, the word that is being (done to) is the _____in the sentence.

D. object

Meine Cousine heißt Anna. ____ist dreizehn Jahre alt.

D. sie

The verb haben=

D. to have

__________, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag


Mittwoch,_________, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag


________ is the word for you, when talking to a friend, a child or in an informal situation.


Guten Tag, wie geht's?

Es geht mir gut. Und dir?

Januar______März, April


How would you say good night?

Gute Nacht

How would you greet someone good evening?

Guten Abend

How would you greet someone good day?

Guten Tag

How would you tell a group of people to listen?

Hört zu!

Ich bin neun______alt.


If you were telling one person to open their books.

Mach die Bücher auf!

How would you informally tell someone to sit down?

Setz dich!

Wie heißen_____?


________ is for formal situations, such as when you are talking to a teacher or an older person (all adults that aren't friends or family).


The German word for history is...

The German word for history is...

How would you say a farewell to a friend (informal) in German.


Name one way to say good-bye in German


Which of the following does our body obtain energy?

Which of the following does our body obtain energy?

Ich bin acht Jahre____


Montag ist _____achten November


Wie alt______ du?






Heute haben wir_____achten Oktober.










The German definite articles are... (the definite article in English is 'the')

der, das, die



Es geht mir gut. Und ________, Frau Schmidt?




In the imperative, you use ____ pronoun when speaking with one person.


you (informal singular)=




sieben- zwei= (watch out - subtract !)




vierzehn, ______, sechzehn, siebzehn


Ich _______ Freddie.


In the imperative, you use ____ pronoun when speaking with more than one person.



ist dein

Which form of ein/eine?_____Federtasche






acht, neun,_______, elf




eins, ____drei, vie


neun+ drei=


zehn + zwei =


Numbers up to 19 add...


Numbers above 20 add...

A. -sten

In order to be considered dehydrated, how much water must your body lose?

A. 1%

Es ist Viertel vor eins.

A. 12:45pm

On average, how many calories should a moderately active young girl consumer per day?

A. 2,000

What percent of students in 2012-2013 say they have been bullied at school?

A. 22%

What percent of males in the US are affected by anorexia nervosa?

A. 3%

How many people in the US are known to suffer from an eating disorder?

A. 30 million

Es ist Viertel vor acht Uhr.

A. 7:45am

What percent of women surveyed are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting?

A. 91%

The term overweight means:

A. A person is significantly heavier than their optimum weight.

A guideline is known as:

A. A rule that provides guidance on appropriate behavior.

Severe skin damage due to exposure to extreme heat where the first 2 layers of skin are affected is called:

A. A second degree burn

An injury to the fibrous bans that connect bone to bone is known as:

A. A sprain

A type of conflict resolution that looks like a resolution but there is still conflict because one party remains in conflict due to giving in to the situation is known as:

A. Accommodation

Angry language that is used to accuse someone of doing something wrong is known as:

A. Accusatory language

A technique used to enhance a photo to make a person look more attractive is called:

A. Airbrushing

Being overfat and obese increases your risk of:

A. All apply

Depression, guilt, anger and feeling numb are behaviors that are seen in individuals who:

A. All apply

A type of joint found in the skull where the bones are fused together by tough fibers is known as:

A. An immovable joint

All of the following are closed injuries EXCEPT: having an obsession to lose weight by refusing to eat is called:hich part of the acronym RICE?

A. Avulsion

Which National Governing Body is responsible for kayaking and canoeing?


This type of synovial joint allows for movement in all directions and is found in the hip and shoulder. Which of the following best describes this joint?

A. Ball and socket joint

In a school or social setting, this is a person who intentionally harms, hurts or threatens someone:

A. Bully

A part of the organizational structure of outdoor and adventurous activities that offers people the opportunity to participate, usually at a local level.

A. Club

This is a traumatic brain injury that results from a direct blow to the head.

A. Concussion

Using the picture below, look at number 1. This muscle surrounds the shoulder joint and can be strengthened with the lateral shoulder fly exercise.

A. Deltoid

This language barrier is a regional speech pattern used by different cultures or social groups:

A. Dialect

These banned substances are used to increase the rate of urination to flush other substances or help with weight loss.

A. Diuretics

Blood clots, stroke and heart disease are side effects of which performance enhancing drug?


The body type that has the characteristics of a lot of body fat, wide hips, and narrow shoulders is known as:

A. Endomorph


A. Es ist Mitternacht.

The movement that causes straightening at a joint is called:

A. Extension

The movement that causes bending at a joint is known as:

A. Flexion

This language barrier often uses an interpreter or translator to help with communication:

A. Foreign language

What is stored in the liver and muscles?

A. Glycogen

How would you greet someone good morning?

A. Guten Morgen

What two bones make up the hinge joint at the elbow?

A. Humerus and ulna

Find the object. Er hat einen Hund.

A. Hund

A weather related emergency condition where the body temperature is abnormally low is known as:

A. Hypothermia

I prefer math to English

A. Ich habe Mathe lieber als Englisch.

I hate Biology class.

A. Ich hasse Biologie.

in der vierten Stunde / Mathe / haben / ich

A. In der vierten Stunde habe ich Mathe.

All of the following are side effects of diuretic use EXCEPT:

A. Increased heart rate

When movement is NOT created, but the muscle contracts without shortening or lengtheningis known as:

A. Isometric contraction

What drug do individuals suffering from bulimia nervosa use to rid the body of food and waste?

A. Laxatives

Generally, who requires more energy?

A. Males

Which is NOT an environmental consideration to increase effective communication?

A. Meeting time is convenient for all parties involved.

The body type that has the characteristics of low body fat, muscular body, and broad shoulders is known as:

A. Mesomorph

Which of the following is NOT a type of physical abuse?

A. Neglecting someone

Which is NOT a factor which affects communication?

A. Not agreeing with the message

When are fats used for energy?

A. Only when stores of carbohydrates run low.

All of the following are biological factors in the cause of anorexia nervosa EXCEPT:

A. Peer pressure

All of the following statements are TRUE about bulimia nervosa EXCEPT:

A. People who suffer from bulimia nervosa are thin a gauntly, like an anorexic person.

An example of a dynamic strength is

A. Performing 10 bench presses

The maximum force that muscles can exert when they contract is known as:

A. Pivot joint

All of the following are first aid procedures for frost bite EXCEPT:

A. Place affected area in hot water.

Which statement about calories from food is correct?

A. Protein has twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates.

A certificate or achievement awarded on the completion of a course or after passing the exam is known as:

A. Qualification

What two bones create a pivot joint at the elbow?

A. Radius and ulna

A parent or guardian taking care of a child by providing food, shelter and clothing is showingwhich of the following?

A. Responsibility

Find the object. Sie hat eine Schlange.

A. Schlange

An emergency situation where a person has lost muscle control, and is having rapid, jerky movements is known as a:

A. Seizure

A risk rating that has the severity of potential injury listed as a 3 means that:

A. Serious injury or fatality can occur

If you were telling one person to sit down.

A. Setz dich!

The muscle fiber type that is deep red, contracts slowly and can work for long periods of timeare known as:

A. Slow twitch fibers

The amount of force that muscles can apply to a stationary object is known as:

A. Static strength

These banned substances make the athlete sharper and more alert.

A. Stimulant

The shoulder joint is an example of which functional class of joints?

A. Synovial joint

Which of the following is NOT affected by the geographical location of centers?

A. The sector it belongs to

Der Lehrer ist sehr nett.

A. The teacher is very nice. B. The teacher is not nice.

What is the purpose of MyPlate?

A. To remind people to eat a variety of foods with good nutritional value.

Fats mainly found in fish oils, cooking oils, and sunflower seed oil are:

A. Unsaturated Fats

Find the object. Ich habe einen Vogel.

A. Vogel

______ siehst du aus?

A. Wie

Ich ______ groß.

A. bin

When you want to use your for neuter objects in German, you use...

A. dein

When you want to use your for feminine objects in German, you use...

A. deine


A. der

____ Katze

A. die


A. die

What is the plural form of "der Hund"?

A. die Hunde

What is the plural form of "die Katze"?

A. die Katzen

Ich möchte...Lineal

A. ein

Ich habe_____Katze.

A. eine

Ich habe zwei Schwestern und ______Bruder.

A. einen

ich ______(haben)

A. habe

half to...

A. halb

Ich habe ______ Geschwister. Ich bin ein Einzelkind.

A. keine

Short hair=

A. kurze Haare

Find the verb in the sentence. Ich lerne gern Deutsch.

A. lerne

ihr _____(lernen)

A. lernt

When you want to use "my" for masculine objects in German, you use...

A. mein

When you want to use my for neuter objects in German, you use...

A. mein

Which relationship is being described? Der Bruder von meinem Vater

A. mein Onkel


A. meine

Which relationship is being described? Die Tochter von meiner Oma

A. meine Tante und meine Mutter

Meine Mutter heißt Angelika._____ist vierzig Jahre alt.

A. sie

Meine Schwester heißt Lisa. _____ist zehn Jahre alt.

A. sie

Heute ist Dienstag. Gestern ______ Montag.

A. war

Name one way to wish someone a happy birthday.

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

How would you say goodbye to an adult that is not a family member or a friend in German?

Auf Wiedersehen

Es ist halb eins.

B. 12:30

What percent of children experience some form of sexual abuse before the age of 16?

B. 16%

A healthy BMI falls between

B. 19 and 25

On average, how many calories should a teenage boy (ages 15-18) consumer per day?

B. 2,800

Women are considered overfat if their body fat percent is over:

B. 25%

How many calories comes from 1 gram of protein?

B. 4

Which of the following causes Intense pain at the injury site, swelling, bruising and possible protruding bone?

B. A fracture

A place where two or more bones meet is called:

B. A joint

The new food label will:

B. All apply

What is protein broken down into in the body?

B. Amino Acids

These banned substances reduce pain and are taken by athletes as a pain barrier for injuries.

B. Analgesics

Which type of drug used by athletes' decreases adrenaline to slow down the feelings of anxiety and nervous tension?

B. Beta blockers

Which of the following is the function of a ligament?

B. Binds bone to bone

The function of a tendon is:

B. Binds muscle to bone

The eating disorder where the person suffers from a cycle of bingeing and purging is called:

B. Bulimia nervosa

Another name for a slightly movable joints is called:

B. Cartilaginous joint

A type of conflict resolution that is a win/lose situation where strength and power of one party wins the conflict is known as:

B. Competition

An agreement that is halfway between two opposing points of view is known as:

B. Compromise

What type of bullying uses electronic technology, social media or websites to taunt, embarrass or intimidate a person?

B. Cyberbullying

The term obese means:

B. Dangerously overweight with more that 25% of body fat for men and 30% for women.

Heute ist Montag. Morgen ist ______.

B. Dienstag

Montag,_______, Mittwoch, Donnerstag

B. Dienstag

Which drug used by athletes stimulates the body to produce extra red blood cells so that they carry more oxygen around the body to improve cardiovascular endurance?


An athlete that does shotput is more likely to have which somatotype?

B. Endomorph

When one clears branches from a mountain biking trail they are minimizing risk in which area?

B. Environment

Ich habe ein Meerschwein. _____ist klein.

B. Es

Answer: Wie geht's?

B. Es geht mir gut.

There is too much homework.

B. Es gibt zu viel Hausaufgaben.

The ankle joint can hinge by bending down and up, it can also slide OUT. This movement is known as:

B. Eversion

What movement occurs when the tricep is stimulated and pulls on the tendon at the elbow

B. Extension

What two bones of the knee make up the hinge joint?

B. Femur and tibia

Care given to someone who becomes ill suddenly or has an accident is called:

B. First aid

Ich habe am achten April....

B. Geburtstag

In order to get energy out of carbohydrates, the body converts them into a substance called:

B. Glycogen

Wie alt bist du?

B. Ich bin dreizehn Jahre alt.

Chemie- 10:30

B. Ich habe um halb elf Chemie.

Which is NOT a warning sign a person is possibly being bullied?

B. Increased concerns with popularity

All of the following are healthy behaviors in a romantic relationship EXCEPT:

B. Independence

When movement is created by the muscle shortening and pulling on the bone is known as:

B. Isotonic contraction

Which of the following is NOT correct for treating a major open wound?

B. Keep replacing bandages by removing blood soaked bandages to get bleeding to stop.

On average, how big should a pre-event meal be?

B. Less than 1,000 calories and mostly from carbohydrates.

Substances that mimic the action of other illegal drugs are known as:

B. Mimetics

The condition that males often develop because they obsess about being inadequately muscular is known as which of the following:

B. Muscle dysmorphia

All of the following are measurement sites for a skin-fold test EXCEPT:

B. Outer thigh

Cough medicine is considered an:

B. Over-the-counter drug

This type of synovial joint has a ring of bone that fits over a bone protrusion around which it can rotate. This joint is called:

B. Pivot joint

It is considered bullying when there is an imbalance of:

B. Power

Which of the following refers to the likelihood of something bad happening?

B. Risk

Heute ist Freitag. Morgen ist ______.

B. Samstag

To think well of oneself, to feel proud and confident about who one is and what he or she can accomplish is called:

B. Self-esteem

What type of bullying involves trying to ruin a person's reputation?

B. Social

This first aid procedure is used to close a deep wound to help speed the healing process and prevent infection.

B. Stitches

Which of the following statements is NOT true about stitches?

B. Stitches can be placed up to a week after the injury has occurred.

All of the following are types of connective tissue EXCEPT:

B. Synovial fluid

The position used in first aid to ensure the victim's airway stays open while waiting for medical attention is known as:

B. The recovery position

All of the following are true about sugary drinks EXCEPT:

B. They are good for your teeth

All of the following are important needs of a child EXCEPT:

B. Toys and rewards

C. Threatening

B. Unexplained injuries

______ alt bist du?

B. Wie

How do you find music?

B. Wie findest du Musik?

Part of the grieving process where the individual wants to spend large amounts of time alone is:

B. Withdrawal from socializing

When there is a direct object in a sentence we use the____case.

B. accusative

ich ______(sein)

B. bin

When you want to use your for masculine objects in German, you use...

B. dein

____ Vogel

B. der


B. der


B. die

Sie ist klein und weiß und hat vier Beine.

B. die Maus

One can alter their somatotype to become more endomorphic by:

B. eating more and exercising less

neunzehn+ zwei=

B. einundzwanzig

Mein Bruder heißt Tom. _____ist elf Jahre alt.

B. er

Welche Farbe ist ein Elefant?

B. grau

grey eyes=

B. graue Augen

Sie (formal) ______(haben)

B. haben

Er ______ klein.

B. ist

Er.... Tom.

B. ist

Only the_____ article changes to 'einen' when using the accusative case.

B. masculine

Which form of mein/meine?____Buch

B. mein


B. mein

Which relationship is being described? Der Vater von meinem Vater

B. mein Opa

C. Magst du...?

B. sind

du ______(spielen)

B. spielst

How many calories equals a pound of body fat?

C. 3,500

Es ist halb vier.

C. 3:30

Es ist Viertel nach fünf.

C. 5:15

How many divorces occur in the United States each year?

C. 800,000

Es ist zwanzig Uhr.

C. 8:00pm

What is a banned substance?

C. A drug that is taken to enhance the performance of an athlete.

The definition for Erythroprotein or EPO is:

C. A performance enhancing drug which stimulates the body to produce extra blood cells.

An injury to a muscle or a tendon that are overstretched or torn are known as:

C. A strain

A freely movable joint is also known as:

C. A synovial joint

The ankle joint can hinge by bending down and up and it can also slide IN. This movement is known as:

C. Adduction

What are starches?

C. All apply

What function does protein have in the body?

C. All applyC. All apply

am Donnerstag/ ich / haben/ Deutsch

C. Am Donnerstag habe ich Deutsch.

What drug do males often use due to a muscle dysmorphia or a distorted body image?

C. Anabolic steroids

Morphine, heroin and oxycodone are all examples of which type of drug?

C. Analgesics

The eating disorder that often starts with dieting but leads to the person having an obsession to lose weight by refusing to eat is called:

C. Anorexia nervosa

What does BMR stand for?

C. Basal Metabolic Rate

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