Final Exam Study Guide for SOC 100

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TRUE or FALSE: According to research on the strength of weak ties, relatively weak ties are never valuable because they do not yield new information.


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading "Dropping the Disorder in PTSD," PTSD has existed since the 1950s and is narrowly defined to only include war combat as trauma.


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading "Hookups, Sex, and Relationships at College," the vast majority (over 90%) of all hookups involved sexual intercourse.


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading "Sense and Nonsense about Surveys," the size of a sample will depend on the population size, so you need a much larger sample when studying the population of the U.S. compared to studying the population of CSU.


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading "What's So Cultural about Hookup Culture?" the vast majority of college students enthusiastically embrace casual sex and there are no mixed feelings about hookup culture.


TRUE or FALSE: Based on the reading "Measuring Social Capital and Building Community in the Ozarks," Greene County residents reported weak bonding social capital and weak bridging social capital.


TRUE or FALSE: Hegemony and domination refer to the same concept.


TRUE or FALSE: In comparison to many other industrialized countries, Americans work fewer hours and have more vacation benefits and better family leave policies.


TRUE or FALSE: Income inequality has been increasing but wealth inequality has been decreasing.


TRUE or FALSE: Married people, especially married men, tend to live shorter than unmarried people.


TRUE or FALSE: Race is NOT a social construction because it is natural or biological.


TRUE or FALSE: Since the 1950s, unionization in the U.S. has been increasing.


TRUE or FALSE: Socialization only occurs in childhood, meaning that adult socialization does not exist.


TRUE or FALSE: The U.S. has lower poverty rates compared to other developed nations.


TRUE or FALSE: The goal of scholarship on whiteness is to support white supremacist groups.


Which of the following was NOT presented as a characteristic of bureaucracies. A. Generalization B. Efficient C. Impersonality D. Structured Hierarchically E. All of the above were presented


According to Robert Merton's strain theory, which type of person accepts the cultural goals of society but rejects the conventional means (for example a drug dealer)? A. Innovator B. Ritualist C. Conformist D. Retreatist


From the video shown in class, which of the following is the best definition of what Jackson Katz means by the concept "tough guise"? A. Metaphor for masculinity as a mask or performance that includes violence B. Metaphor for frontstage behavior regarding class location C. Metaphor for homosexuality as a performance D. Metaphor for femininity as a mask or performance that includes violence


In the reading "Normal Unpredictability and the Chaos in Our Lives," ___ refers to the way in which one unpredictable event cascades and creates another, so that unpredictability often expands to more people. A. Web of Time B. Capitalism C. Alienation D. New Normal


What location was featured in the reading "Amidst Garbage and Poison: An Essay on Polluted Peoples and Places"? A. Flammable shantytown, Argentina B. Baghdad, Iraq C. Albuquerque, New Mexico D. Denver, Colorado


Which classical sociological theorist discussed relations to the means of production, viewed class as relational, and focused on the exploitation of the working class by the capitalist class? A. Karl Marx B. Emile Durkheim C. Max Weber D. C. Wright Mills


Which classical theorist argued that capitalism created alienation and predicted that capitalism would destroy itself as workers would rise against the capitalists? A. Karl Marx B. Adam Smith C. Max Weber D. Georg Simmel


Which classical theorist focused on the evolution of monetary payment, particularly examining the shift from piecework payment to wage labor addressing depersonalized exchange and workers having more freedom to enjoy the private sphere? A. Georg Simmel B. Max Weber C. Karl Marx D. Adam Smith


Which equality ideology claims that everyone should have an equal starting point, with an example being affirmative action policies? A. Equality of Condition B. Equality of Outcome C. Ontological Equality D. Equality of Opportunity


Which of the following best describes a key point presented in the video Race: The Power of an Illusion, Episode 3-The House We Live In? A. Due to various historical and current practices and policies, whites on average have more wealth than blacks. B. In the early 20th century, Japanese immigrants were able to become citizens since they were classified as white. C. Residential segregation and racial inequality are practically nonexistent because people no longer "see" color. D. Post World War II, real estate and housing policies allowed all racial groups to buy affordable homes in the suburbs.


Which social theorist addressed the importance of ideas, culture, and religion and wrote a famous study titled The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism? A. Max Weber B. Karl Marx C. Auguste Comte D. Emile Durkheim E. Georg Simmel


Which social theorist was a pioneering black sociologist who developed the concept of double-consciousness to refer to how African Americans move through the world? A. W.E.B. DuBois B. Jane Addams C. Patricia Hill Collins D. Harriet Martineau


Which sociological theory examines conflict between competing interests as the basic animating force of social change and emphasizes competition not consensus? A. Conflict Theory B. Functionalism C. Symbolic Interactionism D. Feminist Theory


Which theory of deviance explains how social context and social cues of disorder impact whether individuals act deviantly and examines whether local, informal social norms allow such acts. A. Broken Windows Theory B. Labeling Theory C. Strain Theory D. Differential Opportunity Theory


Which theory of gender inequality assumes gender differences exist to fulfill necessary functions in society, with an example being Talcott Parson's sex role theory? A. Structural Functionalism B. Psychoanalytic Theories C. Symbolic Interactionism D. Conflict Theory


__ refers to a philosophy of criminal justice arising from the notion that crime results from a rational calculation of its costs and benefits. A. Deterrence Theory B. Strain Theory C. Crime Rate D. Labeling Theory


___ is an economic system in which most or all the needs of the population are provided through nonmarket methods of distribution. A. Socialism B. Capitalism C. Communism D. Feudalism


___ refers to how sociologists research the effects of the social world and the natural world on each other. A. Sociology of the Environment B. Research Methods C. Sociology of Science D. Normative Science


___ refers to money received by a person for work or from returns on investments; whereas ___ refers to a family's or individual's net worth (total assets minus total debts). A. Income; Wealth B. Income; Salary C. Wealth; Income D. Status: Wealth


___ refers to the act of turning the media against itself. A. Cultural Jamming B. Hegemony C. Consumerism D. Ethnocentrism


___ refers to the belief that one's own culture or group is superior to others and the tendency to view all other cultures from the perspective of one's own. A. Ethnocentrism B. Culture C. Cultural Relativism D. Ideology


___ refers to those mechanisms that create normative compliance in individuals. A. Social Control B. Restitutive Sanction C. Social Deviance D. Rehabilitative Sanction


___ refers to work done on the border between legitimate and nonlegitimate science within a specific scientific discipline or between different scientific disciplines. A. Boundary Work B. Matthew Effect C. Normal Science D. Normative Science


____ refers to an economically based system of stratification characterized by relative categorization and somewhat loose social mobility. A. Class System B. Status Hierarchy System C. Caste System D. Estate System


____ refers to mobility that is inevitable from changes in the economy. A. Structural Mobility B. Horizontal Mobility C. Intergenerational Mobility D. Vertical Mobility


According to labeling theory, ____ deviance refers to the first act of rule-breaking that may incur a label of "deviant" and thus influence how people think about and act toward you. A. Tertiary Deviance B. Primary Deviance C. Secondary Deviance D. Strain Deviance


According to the reading, "Measuring Social Capital and Building Community in the Ozarks," ___ refers to high levels of in-group trust and more intense, or strong, social ties that connect people who are similar. A. Reference Groups B. Bonding Social Capital C. Secondary Groups D. Bridging Social Capital


As described in the reading "The Compassion Gap in American Poverty Policy," which of the following is NOT included as a component of the "dream line," an estimate of costs for a family of four to enjoy a basic version of the American Dream? A. Health insurance B. Automobile C. Housing D. High quality child care E. All of the above are included


In terms of Durkheim's study on Suicide, ___ refers to how well you are integrated into your social group or community; whereas ___ refers to the number of rules guiding your daily life and what you can expect from the world on a day-to-day basis. A. Egoistic Suicide; Altruistic Suicide B. Social Integration; Social Regulation C. Social Regulation; Social Integration D. Fatalistic Suicide; Egoistic Suicide


What are the 3 factors needed to establish causation? A. Correlation; Operationalization; Validity B. Correlation; Time order; Rule out alternative explanations C. Reliability; Validity; Correlation D. Time order; Reliability; Hypothesis


Which classical theorist linked capitalism to ideas, wrote a famous study titled The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, and had a negative view of capitalism? A. Georg Simmel B. Max Weber C. Karl Marx D. Adam Smith


Which social theorist discussed formal sociology, or the sociology of pure numbers, and claimed that the number of people in a group helps determine the form of social relations? A. Karl Marx B. Georg Simmel C. Max Weber D. Auguste Comte E. Emile Durkheim


Which social theorist looked at how society holds together, discussed anomie, and wrote a famous study titled Suicide? A. Max Weber B. Emile Durkheim C. Georg Simmel D. Auguste Comte E. Karl Marx


Which sociological theory is a micro-level theory that examines how shared meanings, orientations, and assumptions form the basic motivation behind people's actions? A. Feminist Theory B. Symbolic Interactionism C. Conflict Theory D. Functionalism


Which theory, developed by Erving Goffman, views social life as a theatrical performance consisting of props, scripts, performances and focuses on impression management. A. Shakespearian Theory B. Dramaturgical Theory C. Ethnomethodology D. Postmodernism


___ culture is everything that is part of our constructed environment, including technology; whereas ___ culture consists of values, beliefs, behaviors, and social norms. A. Subculture; Material Culture B. Material Culture; Nonmaterial Culture C. Counterculture; Subculture D. Nonmaterial Culture; Material Culture


___ is interested in the ways scientific communities study the objects of their research, the ways science changes how we live and interact with each other, and the unexpected consequences of scientific discoveries. A. Research Methods B. Sociology of Science C. Normative Science D. Sociology of the Environment


___ psychiatry focuses on identifying the internal conflicts that produced mental illness; whereas ___ psychiatry seeks to identify symptoms of specific underlying disease. A. Diagnostic Psychiatry; Dynamic Psychiatry B. Dynamic Psychiatry; Diagnostic Psychiatry C. Shock Therapy Psychiatry; Cognitive Psychiatry D. Cognitive Psychiatry; Dynamic Psychiatry


___ refers to a form of discrimination that is illegal and involves everything from inappropriate jokes on the job to outright sexual assault to sexual "barter." A. Patriarchy B. Sexual Harassment C. Sexism D. Wage Gap


___ refers to a negative social label that not only changes your behavior toward a person, but also alters that person's own self-concept and social identity. A. Social Deviance B. Stigma C. Social Control D. Formal Sanction


___ refers to an individual's position in a stratified order and can be measured using indicators such as occupation, income, wealth, or education. A. Race B. Socioeconomic Status (SES) C. Gender D. Poverty


___ refers to negative thoughts and feelings about an ethnic or racial group; whereas ____ refers to harmful or negative acts against people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial category without regard to their individual merit. A. Discrimination; Racism B. Prejudice; Discrimination C. Racism; Prejudice D. Discrimination; Prejudice


___ refers to taking into account the differences across cultures without passing judgment or assigning value. A. Ethnocentrism B. Cultural Relativism C. Ideology D. Culture


___ refers to the justifiable right to exercise power. A. Coercion B. Authority C. Deviance D. Crime


___ refers to the steady acquisition of material possessions, often with the belief that happiness and fulfillment can thus be achieved. A. Lowbrow Culture B. Consumerism C. Hegemony D. Media


___ seeks to understand local interactional contexts; whereas ___ is generally concerned with social dynamics across a breadth of society. A. Macrosociology; Microsociology B. Microsociology; Macrosociology C. Midrange theory; Microsociology D. Macrosociology; Midrange theory


____ are methods that attempt to collect information about the social world that cannot be readily converted to numeric form. A. Quantitative Methods B. Qualitative Methods C. Research Methods D. Feminist Methods


____ crime is committed in public and often associated with violence, gangs, and poverty; whereas ____ crime is committed by a professional agent against a corporation, agency, or other business. A. Corporate Crime; White Collar Crime B. Street Crime; White-Collar Crime C. Corporate Crime; Street Crime D. White-Collar Crime; Street Crime


According to your textbook and lecture, what is the leading killer worldwide? A. Heart Disease B. Cancer C. Waterborne Illnesses D. Starvation


In the reading "Amidst Garbage and Poison: An Essay on Polluted Peoples and Places," how did the researchers gather information on what children liked and did not like about their community? A. Asking the children to keep journals B. Asking parents to complete a survey about their children C. Having the children take pictures of their community D. Having the children answer survey questions


In the reading "Friends with Academic Benefits" which type of network consisted of densely woven friendship groups where nearly all of an individual's friends are friends with each other? A. Samplers B. Facebook networks C. Tight Knitters D. Compartmentalizers


The ___ variable (also known as the cause) is a measured fact that the researcher believes has a causal impact on the ___ variable, or the outcome that the researcher is trying to explain (also known as the effect). A. Mediating Variable; Independent Variable B. Dependent Variable; Independent Variable C. Independent Variable; Dependent Variable D. Independent Variable; Mediating Variable


The sociological approach to the social construction of _____ examines variation in what is considered "normal" sexual behavior and different patterns throughout history and across cultures. A. Sex B. Gender C. Sexuality D. Patriarchy


Which classical sociological theorist discussed the elite-mass dichotomy system claiming that there were 3 major institutional forces--economic, political, military? A. Max Weber B. Karl Marx C. C. Wright Mills D. Emile Durkheim


Which costs are used to calculate the official poverty line in the United States? A. Housing Costs B. Transportation Costs C. Food Costs D. Childcare Costs E. All of the above


Which equality ideology claims that everyone must end up with the same amount regardless of the fairness of the "game" with a focus on the distribution of resources? A. Equality of Condition B. Equality of Opportunity C. Equality of Outcome D. Ontological Equality


Which of the following best describes trends about work and the economy in the United States? A. There has been no changes to the economic structure over the past 40 years. B. There has been a shift away from a service economy and toward manufacturing C. There has been a shift away from manufacturing and to a service economy D. There has been an increase in unions and a decrease in trade and economic exchange with other countries.


Which of the following best represents a main point from the video Unnatural Causes. A. Violence and health are not related. B. Basic necessities (i.e. housing, groceries) cost more in affluent neighborhoods, which is referred to as the affluence tax. C. Patterns of health can be traced in terms of community and neighborhood conditions. D. The neighborhood of High Point in Seattle is currently one of the worst neighborhoods in the U.S. in terms of health outcomes.


Which of the following statements best describes the video Generation Like? A. The video examined sexual scripts related to "liking" someone romantically. B. The video examined how millennials like The Vampire Diaries. C. The video examined the prevalence of social media in kids' lives. D. The video critiqued The Hunger Games and Harry Potter books.


Which of the following was NOT presented as a characteristic of small groups? A. Face-to-face interaction B. Equality C. Multifocal (more than one center of attention at any given time) D. Lack of formal arrangements or roles E. All of the above were presented


Which of the following was NOT presented as a theory about how poverty negatively affects children? A. Bad parenting practices due to stress B. Material deprivation C. Poverty has many positive effects on children D. Differences between poor parents and higher income parents E. All of the above were presented


Which social theorist translated Auguste Comte's work into English, authored the first sociology book on methods, and is considered an example of the earliest feminist social scientist? A. Jane Addams B. W.E.B. DuBois C. Harriet Martineau D. Patricia Hill Collins


Which sociological theory examines how various social institutions and processes in society exist to serve some important function to keep society running? A. Feminist Theory B. Conflict Theory C. Functionalism D. Symbolic Interactionism


Which theory of gender inequality examines how gender is a process in which people participate with every social interaction they have, focusing on how in "doing gender" people contribute to, reaffirm, and reproduce gender inequality? A. Conflict Theory B. Psychoanalytic Theories C. Symbolic Interactionism D. Structural Functionalism


___ are methods that seek to obtain information about the social world that is already in, or can be converted to, numeric form. A. Feminist Methods B. Qualitative Methods C. Quantitative Methods D. Research Methods


___ is a term coined by C.Wright Mills and refers to the ability to connect the most basic, intimate aspects of an individual's life to seemingly impersonal and remote historical forces. A. Social Institution B. Social Identity C. Sociological Imagination D. Sociology


___ refers to a consciousness-raising movement based on the idea that women and men should be accorded equal opportunities and a chief goal of getting people to understand that gender is an organizing principle of life. A. Essentialism B. Gender Roles C. Feminism D. Biological Determinism


___ refers to a group united by sets of concepts, values, symbols, and shared meaning specific to members of that group distinctive enough to distinguish it from others within the same culture or society. A. Ideology B. Cultural Relativism C. Subculture D. Material Culture


___ refers to a set of relationships held together by ties between individuals. A. Social Capital B. Economic Capital C. Networks D. Narratives


___ refers to an invisible lid on women's climb up the employment ladder; whereas ___ refers to the promotional ride men take to the top of a work organization, especially in feminized jobs. A. Glass Escalator; Glass Ceiling B. Glass Bottle; Wine Glass C. Glass Ceiling; Glass Escalator D. Glass Window; Glass Ceiling


___ refers to the formation of a new racial identity, in which new ideological boundaries of difference are drawn around a formerly unnoticed group of people. A. Segregation B. Racism C. Racialization D. Ethnocentrism


___ refers to the point at which a household's income falls below the necessary level to purchase food to physically sustain its members; whereas ____ is a measurement of poverty based on a percentage of the median income in a given location. A. Structural Poverty; Individual Poverty B. Individual Poverty; Structural Poverty C. Absolute Poverty; Relative Poverty D. Relative Poverty; Absolute Poverty


___ refers to the ways in which power and authority are distributed within an organization; whereas ___ refers to the shared beliefs and behaviors within a social group. A. Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure B. Institutional Isomorphism; Organizational Structure C. Organizational Structure; Organizational Culture D. Organizational Culture; Institutional Isomorphism


____ authority that rests in the personal appeal of an individual leader. A. Legal-Rational Authority B. Traditional Authority C. Charismatic Authority D. Dominant Authority


____ denotes a social position, the set of social arrangements that are built around ____, the natural or biological differences that distinguish males from females. A. Sex; Sexuality B. Sex; Gender C. Gender; Sex D. Gender; Sexuality


____ is externally imposed, involuntary, usually based on physical differences, hierarchical, exclusive, and unequal; whereas ____ is voluntary, self-defined, nonhierarchical, fluid and multiple, cultural, and planar. A. Ethnicity; Race B. Race; Gender C. Race; Ethnicity D. Nationality; Race


____ refers to a politically based system of stratification characterized by limited social mobility. A. Class System B. Status Hierarchy System C. Estate System D. Caste System


____ refers to arguments explaining social phenomena in terms of natural, biological, or evolutionary inevitabilities. A. Social Constructionism B. Feminism C. Essentialism D. Sociology


____ refers to the process by which individuals internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of a given society and learn to function as a member of that society. A. Ethnomethodology B. Formal Sociology C. Socialization D. Culture


According to George Herbert Mead, which of the following is NOT one of the stages of socialization? A. Play Stage B. Imitation Stage C. Game Stage D. Conventional Stage E. All of the above are stages according to Mead


According to Thomas Kuhn, ___ occurs when enough anomalies accrue to challenge the existing paradigm, showing that it is incomplete or inadequate to explain all observed phenomena. A. Normal Science B. Paradigm Stability C. Normative Science D. Paradigm Shift


According to the concept of the sick role, what are the rights of a sick individual? A. Right to not perform normal social roles B. Right to not be held accountable for condition C. Right to try to get well D. Both A and B E. Both B and C


According to the reading "The BP Disaster as an Exxon Valdez Rerun," ___ refers to post-disaster social environments in which social relationships are altered, social support breaks down, and civil order is disrupted and more typically follow human-caused disasters. A. Money Spill B. BP Deepwater Horizon C. Renewable Resource Community D. Corrosive Community


Based on the reading "Rethinking American Poverty," which of the following was NOT proposed as a change needed to reframe poverty? A. Recognizing that poverty affects everyone. B. Recognizing that poverty is a moral problem. C. Recognizing that poverty is the result of economic and political failings. D. Recognizing poverty as only the result of the failure of individuals who do not work hard enough.


Sally is a college student and employee at Starbucks. The night before an exam, Sally's boss asks her to work late. Sally is likely to experience ____ due to contradictions of her different roles associated with being a student and an employee. A. Impression Management B. Role Strain C. Master Status D. Role Conflict


The ____ approach starts with empirical observations and then works to form a theory. A. Deductive Approach B. Positivist Approach C. Material Approach D. Inductive Approach


Which classical sociological theorist viewed class as a group that has common life chances or opportunities available within the marketplace and claimed class is gradated? A. C. Wright Mills B. Emile Durkheim C. Karl Marx D. Max Weber


Which social theorist developed the concept of the looking glass self? A. Karl Marx B. George Herbert Mead C. Georg Simmel D. Charles Horton Cooley


Which social theorist focused on historical materialism and discussed capitalism as a conflict between capitalists and workers? A. Emile Durkheim B. Auguste Comte C. Georg Simmel D. Karl Marx E. Max Weber


Which theory of gender inequality claims the root of all social relations, including relations of production, stem from unequal gender relations, usually examining how capitalism and patriarchy are tied together? A. Structural Functionalism B. Symbolic Interactionism C. Psychoanalytic Theories D. Conflict Theory


___ addresses how it is critical to understand the interplay between social identities such as race, class, gender, ability status, and sexual orientation. A. Glass Ceiling B. Essentialism C. Feminism D. Intersectionality


___ groups are characterized as impersonal, instrumental (means to an end), contingent affiliation, and roles are more important than individuals who fill them. A. Primary Groups B. Parties C. Small Groups D. Secondary Groups


___ is an institution in which one is totally immersed and that controls all the basics of day-to-day life, an example might be a prison. A. Rational Institution B. Symbolic Institution C. Adult Institution D. Total Institution


___ refers to the duties and behaviors expected of someone who holds a particular status. A. Impression Management B. Status Set C. Master Status D. Role


___ refers to the incompatibility among roles corresponding to a single status; whereas ___ refers to the tension caused by competing demands between two or more roles pertaining to different statuses. A. Master Status; Role Strain B. Role Conflict; Ascribed Status C. Role Conflict; Role Strain D. Role Strain; Role Conflict


___ refers to the likelihood of obtaining consistent results using the same measure. A. Correlation B. Validity C. Causality D. Reliability


___ refers to the process by which problems or issues not traditionally seen as medical come to be framed as such. A. Sick Role B. Mental Health C. Socialization D. Medicalization


____ is an economic system in which property and goods are owned privately; investments are determined by private decisions; and prices, production, and distribution of goods are primarily determined by competition in a free market. A. Communism B. Socialism C. Feudalism D. Capitalism


____ solidarity has social cohesion based on sameness; whereas ____ solidarity has social cohesion based on difference and interdependent parts. A. Formal Solidarity; Informal Solidarity B. Organic Solidarity; Mechanical Solidarity C. Mechanical Solidarity; Automotive Solidarity D. Mechanical Solidarity; Organic Solidarity


Which of following was NOT presented as a broad form of minority-majority group relations? A. Assimilation B. Conflict C. Segregation D. Pluralism E. All of the above were presented


Which of the following was NOT presented a type of data collection? A. Surveys B. Participant Observation C. Content Analysis D. Comparative Research E. All of the above were presented


Which of the following was NOT presented as a critique of how the official U.S. poverty line is calculated? A. Range of necessities has expanded B. Focus is on income instead of wealth C. Housing costs are not used for calculation D. Regional variation in living costs E. All of the above were presented


Which of the following was NOT presented as a group response to oppression? A. Passing B. Acceptance C. Resistance D. Withdrawal E. All of the above were presented


Which of the following was NOT presented as an agent of socialization? A. Family B. Media C. School D. Peers E. All of the above were presented


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading "Black Lives and Police Tactics Matter," the research results found notable inequalities in police violence and that the majority of stops where police used force against Black individuals did not lead to arrest.


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading "In Their Own Words," qualitative interviews usually produce a lot of data and data analysis involves steps of sorting and integrating.


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading "In Their Own Words," researchers who gather data using qualitative interviews tend to have smaller samples than researchers who gather data using surveys.


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading "Rethinking Crime and Immigration," immigration is a protective factor against violence and 1st generation immigrants are less likely to commit violence than 3rd generation immigrants.


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading "The Compassion Gap in American Poverty Policy," poverty policies often disregard structural problems underlying poverty and instead assume people can avoid or overcome poverty through hard work alone.


TRUE or FALSE: According to the reading, "Revisiting the Rationing of Medical Degrees in the United States," there are more residency programs than U.S. medical school graduates (USMDs) to fill them.


TRUE or FALSE: In a dyad members are mutually dependent, meaning that if one member leaves, the group no longer exists.


TRUE or FALSE: In the U.S. criminal justice system, there has been a shift toward an emphasis on punishment leading to a contemporary era of mass incarceration.


TRUE or FALSE: Large families and having children born close together are linked to higher child mortality rates.


TRUE or FALSE: One critique of HMOs or fee-per-per person companies is that doctors have an incentive to undertreat patients.


TRUE or FALSE: What counts as social deviance varies across contexts.


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