Final Exam Study Set

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Chapter 10 - Which of the following terms refers to educating, instructing, and training subordinates, usually related to daily tasks? A) mentoring B) coaching C) appraising D) grading


Chapter 11 - Which of the following terms refers to a systematic comparison done in order to determine the worth of one job relative to another? A) job analysis B) job evaluation C) job description D) job classification


Chapter 11 - Which of the following terms refers to the requirement to pay men and women equal wages for jobs of roughly equivalent value to the employer? A) strategic compensation B) comparable worth C) broadbanding D) job grading


Chapter 12 - Studies suggest that ESOPs probably do lead to increases in employee: A) performance B) sense of ownership C) motivation D) helping behaviors


Chapter 12 - Which of the following terms refers to an incentive plan that ties a group's pay to the firm's profitability? A) piecework B) variable pay C) pay-for-performance D) merit pay


Chapter 15 - Which of the following guaranteed each employee the right to bargain collectively without interference, restraint, or coercion? A) National Labor Relations Act B) Norris-LaGuardia Act C) Davis-Bacon Act D) Taft-Hartley Act


Chapter 15 - Which of the following is a characteristic of good faith bargaining? A) overlooking bargaining items B) making counterproposals C) bypassing the union representative D) imposing unreasonable conditions


Chapter 15 - Which of the following is an illegal bargaining item? A) membership of bargaining team B) discriminatory treatment C) continuance of past contract D) employment of strikebreaker


Chapter 15 - Which of the following terms refers to items in collective bargaining over which bargaining is neither illegal nor mandatory? A) group bargaining items B) permissible bargaining items C) conditional bargaining items D) benefits-related bargaining items


Chapter 15 - Which of the following was established by the Wagner Act? A) Labor Management Relations Board B) National Labor Relations Board C) Knights of Labor D) AFL-CIO


Chapter 15 - Which third-party intervention uses a neutral third party to assist the principals in reaching agreement? A) fact finding B) mediation C) binding arbitration D) non-binding arbitration


Chapter 15 - Which type of union security was outlawed by Congress? A) agency shop B) closed shop C) union shop D) maintenance of membership


Chapter 15 - You are a manager at a manufacturing facility, and you tell your subordinates that unions are dangerous to the economy. Which law protects your right to express these views? A) Wagner Act B) Taft-Hartley Act C) Norris-LaGuardia Act D) Landrum-Griffin Act


Chapter 16 - A safety program that identifies employee conduct that contributes to accidents and then trains workers to avoid such conduct is known as a(n) ________ program. A) strategic safety B) behavior-based safety C) positive reinforcement safety D) employee participation-based safety


Chapter 17 - ________ are formal, employee-elected groups of worker representatives that meet monthly with managers to discuss topics affecting the employees. A) Bargaining units B) Work councils C) Mediation groups D) Employee boards


Chapter 17 - ________ refers to bringing a manager back home after a foreign assignment has been completed. A) Expatriation B) Repatriation C) Mediation D) Job rotation


Chapter 17 - A formal repatriation program should do all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) assist employees with relocation logistics B) seek compensation and benefits on behalf of employees C) help employees update their resumes and make career plans D) reassure employees of the company's concern for their welfare


Chapter 17 - Call centers that service customers for firms like software and computer hardware companies are increasingly using employees in India to staff the telephones. This is an example of ________. A) outsourcing B) offshoring C) downsizing D) international staffing


Chapter 17 - Most North American companies use the ________ approach to formulating expatriate pay. A) equitable wage rate B) balance sheet C) performance D) total package


Chapter 10 - All of the following methods are used by firms to recruit and retain retirement-age workers EXCEPT ________. A) implementing phased retirement programs B) offering them flexible work arrangements C) using psychometric selection tests D) offering them part-time positions


Chapter 10 - A(n) ________ describes the criteria by which the firm awards promotions. A) job posting policy B) employee qualification databank C) formal promotion policy D) 9-box plot


Chapter 10 - According to the court system, promotions based on subjective assessments ________. A) support employers in adverse impact claims B) violate the Americans with Disabilities Act C) must be supported by objective evidence D) are valid under the Civil Rights Act of 1991


Chapter 10 - All of the following are characteristics of effective mentors EXCEPT ________. A) developing a trustworthy relationship B) guiding protégés into important projects C) focusing on the protégé's daily tasks D) setting high standards for protégés


Chapter 13 - About how many million people work part-time in the United States? A) 1 B) 5 C) 11 D) 19


Chapter 11 - Which form of equity refers to how a job's pay rate in one company compares to the job's pay rate in other companies? A) distributive B) internal C) external D) procedural


Chapter 12 - Elaine, the HR manager at Western Enterprises, will get stock distributed to her from a trust when she retires. This is known as a(n): A) profit-sharing plan B) earnings-at-risk plan C) Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) D) gainsharing plan


Chapter 12 - Enterprise incentive management systems enable firms to ________. A) compare corporate incentive programs B) accurately calculate sales commissions C) efficiently administer employee incentive programs D) create a matrix of merit awards and incentive options


Chapter 12 - In Vroom's theory of motivation, motivation is equal to E * I * V, where I represents ________. A) intrinsic needs B) internalization C) instrumentality D) incentives


Chapter 12 - In which of the following do workers receive a basic hourly rate plus a premium equal to the percent by which their performance exceeds the standard? A) variable pay B) straight piecework C) standard hour plan D) standard piecework


Chapter 12 - The Scanlon plan is an early version of a ________ plan, an incentive plan that engages employees in a common effort to achieve productivity objectives. A) performance achievement B) golden parachute C) gainsharing D) variable pay


Chapter 15 - All of the following are examples of mandatory bargaining items EXCEPT ________. A) employee security B) profit-sharing plans C) indemnity bonds D) employee drug testing


Chapter 13 - Which of the following benefits is NOT classified as a type of family-friendly benefit? A) sick leave B) subsidized child care C) on-site fitness facilities D) elder care


Chapter 13 - Which of the following occupations is commonly subjected to compressed workweeks? A) engineer B) attorney C) teacher D) pilot


Chapter 10 - ________ is a process for enabling employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests and to use these skills and interests most effectively within the company and afterwards. A) Career management B) Career development C) Career planning D) Performance management


Chapter 10 - Why are an increasing number of firms focusing on retirement planning? A) concerns about future labor shortages B) surveys of current employee attitudes C) modifications to the promotion process D) increases in health insurance premiums


Chapter 10 - ________ focuses on helping an employee make long-term career plans, while ________ addresses an employee's short-term job skills. A) Mentoring; coaching B) Coaching; mentoring C) Recruiting; coaching D) Appraising; training


Chapter 10 - ABC Consulting has a formal mentoring program in which senior-level managers are paired with less-experienced employees. Which of the following employees most likely needs a mentor? A) Raj, who is uncertain how to navigate office politics B) Jason, who does not perform tasks as quickly as required C) Michele, who is experiencing personal problems at home D) Haley, who is working and attending graduate school simultaneously


Chapter 10 - All of the following are true statements about retirement EXCEPT ________. A) most employees who plan to work after 65 must do so for financial reasons B) most employees expect to continue working after normal retirement age C) most employees who plan to work after 65 want a part-time position D) many retirement age workers want to stay active through working


Chapter 10 - All of the following are types of career development initiatives implemented by employers EXCEPT ________. A) 401(k) plans B) career coaches C) appraisal committees D) mentoring


Chapter 10 - Apex Carpet has a very high voluntary turnover rate, which executives at the firm want reduced. Which of the following should Apex most likely do first in its attempt to retain topperforming employees? A) administer attitude surveys to all employees B) provide an across-the-board wage increase C) evaluate the firm's promotion methods D) develop online training courses


Chapter 10 - Based on research studies, which of the following is most likely a true statement about mentoring programs? A) Traditional mentoring programs are more effective for male than for female employees. B) When the mentor and protégé work in different departments, mentoring is more effective. C) Protégés have more respect for mentors who work two levels above their own rank in a firm. D) Required mentoring relationships are more effective than informal mentoring relationships.


Chapter 10 - Chelsea Bank employs a diverse group of employees, and the firm wants all of its workers to have equal career advancement opportunities. Which of the following most likely undermines Chelsea Bank's attempt to meet the career development needs of its diverse workforce? A) scheduling meetings in the early morning or late evening B) offering career advancement seminars for women and minorities C) identifying mentors for women and minorities D) adopting flexible year-round work schedules


Chapter 10 - Competence rather than seniority is most likely the basis for promotion when ________. A) corporate competitiveness is necessary B) union agreements are involved C) civil service regulations apply D) compensation packages are limited


Chapter 10 - Retaining employees is a ________ issue and the best retention strategies are therefore multifunctional. A) talent management B) career management C) strategic management D) human resources management


Chapter 10 - Robin, the HR manager at Rightway Enterprises, believes that job withdrawal has become a significant problem at the firm. Robin most likely came to this conclusion after observing all of the following employee behaviors EXCEPT ________. A) frequent vacation time requests B) idle employee conversations C) undeserved work breaks D) excessive absences


Chapter 10 - When an employer arranges for an outside firm to provide terminated employees with career planning and job search skills it is called: A) outplacement counseling B) a layoff C) a transfer D) career management


Chapter 10 - Which of the following best describes career planning? A) a deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests, knowledge, and motivations and establishes action plans to attain specific career goals B) the lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment C) a process of helping employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests and to use these skills and interests most effectively D) the process of educating, instructing, and training subordinates as they develop their career interests and job skills


Chapter 10 - Which of the following industries has one of the highest turnover rates, at around 100% per year? A) food services B) financial services C) healthcare services D) educational services


Chapter 10 - Which of the following is the organization's role in an employee's career development? A) providing mentoring opportunities to support growth B) participating in career development discussions C) providing timely performance feedback D) establishing goals and career plans


Chapter 10 - Which of the following is the simplest and most often used method for predicting the future performance of a candidate for promotion? A) prior performance B) aptitude tests C) assessment centers D) psychological exams


Chapter 10 - Which of the following statements most likely suggests that an employee is engaged? A) "I work with intensity." B) "I take frequent breaks." C) "I daydream at my desk." D) "I enjoy talking to co-workers."


Chapter 10 - Which of the following terms refers to reassignments to similar positions in other parts of a firm? A) transfers B) layoffs C) dismissals D) promotions


Chapter 10 - While women constitute more than 40% of the workforce, they hold only about ________ of top management positions. A) 2% B) 13% C) 25% D) 30%


Chapter 10 - Why are an increasing number of firms focusing on retirement planning? A) concerns about future labor shortages B) surveys of current employee attitudes C) modifications to the promotion process D) increases in health insurance premiums


Chapter 10 - With a(n) ________, a supervisor and employee jointly merge the employee's past performance, career preferences, and developmental needs into a formal career plan. A) career-oriented appraisal B) exit interview C) promotion D) employee qualification databank


Chapter 11 - According to many experts, which of the following would most likely reduce the wage gap between men and women? A) education B) union intervention C) federal legislation D) competency-based pay


Chapter 11 - Central basic factors that establish how several jobs compare to one another and that determine the pay for each job are called ________. A) compensable factors B) job evaluation factors C) ranking factors D) analysis factors


Chapter 11 - External equity refers to ________. A) how a job's pay rate in one company compares to the job's pay rate in other companies B) the fairness of an individual's pay as compared to a co-worker's pay for the same job C) the perceived fairness of the processes and procedures used to make decisions about compensation D) the use of salary surveys and job evaluation comparisons to monitor pay levels within an industry


Chapter 11 - John is a sales representative in a jewelry store. He typically works 40 hours per week and his pay is completely based on his sales. He earns a 5% commission for every sale he makes. Which of the following terms best describes John's situation? A) pay for performance B) indirect financial compensation C) time-based compensation D) piecework pay


Chapter 11 - The purpose of the wage curve is to ________. A) show the relationship between the value of the job and the current average pay rates B) equate jobs of similar difficulty or importance as established by job evaluation C) choose benchmark jobs within each pay grade D) cluster jobs into logical groupings


Chapter 11 - What has historically been the key issue in collective bargaining? A) wage rates B) income security C) health care benefits D) cost-of-living adjustments


Chapter 11 - When using the job evaluation method of job classification, raters categorize jobs into groups of similar jobs called ________. A) classes B) sections C) grades D) cohorts


Chapter 11 - Which of the following is NOT one of the forms of equity related to compensation issues? A) group B) external C) individual D) procedural


Chapter 11 - Which of the following is true for employers who use independent contractors? A) Fair Labor Standards Act overtime requirements do not apply. B) Social Security taxes are higher than for regular employees. C) Federal income taxes are charged at a reduced rate. D) Payroll taxes are paid by the employer.


Chapter 11 - Which of the following is used to maintain internal equity? A) job analysis comparisons B) organizational charts C) incentive pay D) salary surveys


Chapter 12 - Tanner's employer puts a predetermined portion of profits into a trust account for Tanner's retirement. Which of the following is most likely the type of profit-sharing plan used by Tanner's employer? A) deferred profit-sharing plan B) Lincoln incentive system C) Jefferson incentive system D) gainsharing plan


Chapter 12 - A straight salary is most appropriate when a salesperson's primary duties involve ________. A) finding new clients B) meeting sales quotas C) pushing hard-to-sell items D) fostering relationships with customers


Chapter 12 - According to Victor Vroom, expectancy could also be referred to as the ________. A) probability that effort will lead to success B) relationship between performance and reward C) perceived value a person attaches to a reward D) employer's strategy for motivating employees


Chapter 12 - According to Vroom's theory, when managers design incentive plans they should do all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) focus on behavior modification methods B) make incentive plans easy to understand C) provide training and support to employees D) boost the confidence level of employees


Chapter 12 - How does merit pay differ from a bonus? A) Merit pay becomes part of an employee's base pay, but a bonus does not. B) A bonus becomes part of an employee's base pay, but merit pay does not. C) Merit pay is linked to individual performance, while a bonus is linked to profits. D) A bonus is linked to individual performance, while merit pay is linked to profits.


Chapter 12 - In Vroom's theory of motivation, which of the following terms refers to the perceived value a person attaches to a reward? A) valence B) instrumentality C) expectancy D) variable pay


Chapter 12 - In ________, employees agree to put some portion of their normal pay at risk if they don't meet their goals, in return for a much larger bonus if they exceed their goals. A) earnings-at-risk pay plans B) gainsharing C) the Scanlon plan D) team incentive plans


Chapter 12 - The employees at DataMax participate in a profit-sharing plan. DataMax distributes 15% of its profits as profit shares to employees at regular intervals. Which of the following is most likely used at DataMax? A) current profit-sharing B) Lincoln incentive system C) deferred profit-sharing plan D) employee stock ownership plan


Chapter 12 - The most common eligibility determinant for bonuses is: A) salary grade B) job title C) officer status D) base salary


Chapter 12 - The perceived relationship between successful performance and obtaining the reward is referred to by Vroom as ________. A) instrumentality B) valence C) expectancy D) optimism


Chapter 12 - When hired by Delmar Designs, Shane agreed to forego 6% of his normal pay if he didn't meet his goals in return for a 12% bonus if he exceeded his goals. In which type of plan does Shane most likely participate? A) earnings-at-risk pay plan B) variable risk sharing plan C) at-risk gainsharing plan D) employee at-risk plan


Chapter 12 - Which of the following is the primary advantage of piecework plans? A) powerful incentive to workers B) workers earn efficiency bonuses C) firms save on overtime wages D) entices independent contractors


Chapter 12 - Which of the following is the primary advantage of using a combination of salary and commission as compensation for salespeople? A) provides a guaranteed minimum salary B) allows freedom to choose own work activities C) completely links to performance D) offers simple administration


Chapter 12 - Which of the following terms refers to changing behavior through rewards or punishments that are contingent on performance? A) behavior modification B) personal development C) instrumentality D) internal motivation


Chapter 13 - All of the following characterize cash balance plans EXCEPT ________. A) lacks portability B) offers predictable benefits C) considered hybrid pension plans D) employees earn interest on contributed amounts


Chapter 13 - All of the following are true statements regarding the application of the Family and Medical Leave Act EXCEPT ________. A) employers must receive advance notice and medical certification from the employee B) eligible employees must have worked for the employer for at least one year C) employees must be employed at job sites with at least 50 employees D) up to 12 weeks must be granted in a 12-month period


Chapter 13 - ________ are groups of health care providers that contract with employers, insurance companies, or third-party payers to provide medical care services at a reduced fee. A) PPOs B) HMOs C) DMOs D) ADDs


Chapter 13 - Elizabeth works at an auto manufacturing firm that recently shut down for five weeks to change machinery. However, during the shutdown, Elizabeth was able to maintain her standard of living because of the firm's ________. A) supplemental unemployment benefits B) workers' compensation insurance C) disability insurance D) severance pay


Chapter 13 - Which of the following benefits is required by federal or state law? A) unemployment insurance B) disability insurance C) health insurance D) pensions


Chapter 13 - Which of the following conditions must be met for an injured employee to earn workers' compensation from the employer? A) The employee was injured while on the job. B) The employee suffered the injury through no fault of his or her own. C) The employee worked full-time for the employer for a minimum of 12 months. D) The employee received adequate job training to understand the position's requirements.


Chapter 13 - Which of the following provides pay to an employee when he or she is temporarily out of work because of illness? A) sick leave B) severance pay C) supplemental pay D) workers' compensation


Chapter 13 - Which of the following terms refers to benefits for time not worked, such as unemployment insurance, vacation and holiday pay, and sick pay? A) supplemental pay benefits B) employee assistance C) financial incentives D) premium benefits


Chapter 14 - In which organizational document are an organization's rules and regulations usually stated? A) employee handbook B) federal code of ethics C) mission and vision statement D) human resource policy manual


Chapter 14 - Which of the following is NOT an effect of an abusive supervisor? A) more likely to stay with the company B) higher stress C) low job satisfaction D) more likely to quit


Chapter 14 - Which of the following is NOT an element of bullying? A) submission B) repetition C) intent to harm D) imbalance of power


Chapter 14 - Joel is a manager who is doing an activity that involves establishing and maintaining the positive employee-employer relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity and a cohesive work environment. This is defined as: A) employee relations B) organizational justice C) public policy D) ethics


Chapter 14 - What is the main purpose of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)? A) help restrict interception and monitoring of oral and wire communications B) allow organization to monitor employees with no restrictions C) support ethical worker actions in organizations D) offer protection for whistleblowers


Chapter 14 - What kind of company cultures tend to lead to more unethical choices? A) "everyone for him- or herself" culture B) manufacturing cultures C) ethical cultures D) well-being focused cultures


Chapter 14 - When a company rewards employees who behave ethically using the firm's incentive plan and appraisal system, they are ________ to encourage ethical behavior. A) providing physical support B) organizing ceremonies C) clarifying expectations D) using symbols


Chapter 14 - Which component of organizational justice refers to the fairness and justice of a decision's result? A) distributive justice B) procedural justice C) normative justice D) interpersonal justice


Chapter 14 - Which of the following terms refers to the characteristic values, traditions, and behaviors a company's employees share? A) organizational culture B) organizational ethics C) corporate climate D) corporate mission


Chapter 14 - Which type of bullying involves name-calling and teasing? A) verbal B) social C) cyber bullying D) physical


Chapter 15 - Union tactics designed to impede or disrupt production by encouraging employees to slow the pace of work, refuse to work overtime, and participate in sick-outs are called ________. A) inside games B) lockouts C) injunctions D) strikes


Chapter 15 - All of the following most likely explain the decline in union membership EXCEPT ________. A) improved wages and benefits B) increased global competition C) technological improvements D) just-in-time production systems


Chapter 15 - Costco is primarily known as "the anti-Walmart" because the firm ________. A) negotiates contracts with unions B) pays above the minimum wage C) offers employees health benefits D) refuses to accept union contracts


Chapter 15 - Right to work laws inhibit union formation by ________. A) banning any form of union security B) making union membership a requirement C) leaving the question of union affiliation up to each company D) leaving the question of union security up to each company


Chapter 15 - Smithson management has refused to provide union workers with work shifts as a result of reaching an impasse during collective bargaining. Which of the following best describes Smithson's actions? A) lockout B) inside games C) illegal negotiation D) corporate campaign


Chapter 15 - The National Air Traffic Controllers Association and the Federal Aviation Administration have reached an impasse during collective bargaining. Which of the following will most likely be used to reach a settlement? A) fact finding B) mediation C) binding arbitration D) non-binding arbitration


Chapter 15 - The ________ form of union security means that the company can hire only union members. A) closed shop B) union shop C) agency shop D) preferential shop


Chapter 15 - What is the primary purpose of picketing? A) informing the public about a labor dispute B) increasing the likelihood of a lockout C) gathering sympathy from employers D) encouraging union certification


Chapter 15 - Which of the following best describes the AFL-CIO? A) voluntary federation of national and international labor unions B) local union for automobile workers in Detroit, Michigan C) federation of firms that fight unionization in their plants D) regional branch of the National Labor Relations Board


Chapter 15 - Which of the following best explains a major reason why union membership in the United States has fallen in the last 50 years? A) Legislation provides workers with protections that were once exclusive to unions. B) Union members earn less on average compared to non-union members. C) Union membership is too expensive for most blue-collar workers. D) Foreign-owned manufacturers will not hire union members.


Chapter 15 - Which of the following terms refers to a collective bargaining situation that occurs when the parties are not able to move further toward settlement? A) impasse B) picketing C) arbitration D) wildcat strike


Chapter 15 - Which of the following terms refers to the group of employees the union will be authorized to represent? A) bargaining unit B) mediating group C) negotiating team D) grievance committee


Chapter 16 - Which of the following is the supervisor's primary role in safety? A) conducting daily safety inspections of the workplace B) helping workers file claims for job-related injuries C) alerting top management to OSHA inspections D) setting health and safety standards for the firm


Chapter 16 - Which of the following would be considered OSHA's lowest priority for inspection? A) conducting a follow-up inspection B) investigating an employee complaint C) investigating the occurrence of a fatality D) performing a high-hazard industry inspection


Chapter 16 - According to OSHA, employers must report occupational injuries that result in any of the following EXCEPT ________. A) first aid treatment B) loss of consciousness C) restriction of motion D) transfer to another job


Chapter 16 - Data entry specialists and assembly line workers are most susceptible to ________. A) repetitive motion disorders B) workplace violence C) job stress D) burnout


Chapter 16 - How do managers reduce unsafe acts through selection? A) identify traits linked to job accidents and screen candidates for such traits B) train employees on the safe and proper use of equipment and tools C) rotate employees through different positions within the company D) offer monetary incentives to employee teams with low accident rates


Chapter 16 - In most large facilities, who is responsible for reducing unsafe working conditions and reducing unsafe acts by employees? A) chief safety officer B) OSHA representative C) HR supervisor D) line manager


Chapter 16 - The HR manager at Thompson Industries has been given the task of reducing the number of unsafe acts and creating a supportive environment. Which of the following would be LEAST effective? A) conducting an organizational safety review B) providing leadership training to managers C) stressing the importance of teamwork D) promoting the value of safety


Chapter 16 - The mail room at Citibank uses special scanners to check the safety of incoming mail. This is most likely an example of ________. A) mechanical security B) organizational security C) natural security D) architectural security


Chapter 16 - Which of the following accounts for one-third of all industrial accidents? A) forklifts and wheelbarrows B) woodworking machines C) pulleys and flywheels D) ladders and scaffolds


Chapter 16 - Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration? A) set and enforce the safety and health standards for almost all workers in the U.S. B) ensure that employees of state agencies have safe and healthy working conditions C) provide safe and healthy working conditions to all self-employed persons D) ensure that family farms provide healthy and safe working environments


Chapter 16 - Which of the following is NOT one of the primary methods of dealing with a current employee who tests positive for illegal drugs? A) arrest B) discipline C) in-house counseling D) referral to outside counseling


Chapter 16 - Workplace security plans should address all the following EXCEPT ________. A) making security functions more informal B) protecting intellectual property C) installing facility security systems D) developing crisis management plans


Chapter 17 - In Germany, employees have the legal right to a voice in setting company policies. This is called ________. A) codetermination B) employment at will C) internal coordination D) gainsharing


Chapter 17 - Which of the following is a true statement regarding the European Union? A) EU employers must provide employees with written terms of their employment. B) EU employers must provide two weeks' notice when dismissing employees. C) Each EU country pays workers the same minimum hourly wage. D) Workers in the EU must live and work in their home country.


Chapter 17 - Which of the following terms refers to citizens of a country other than the parent or the host country? A) third-country national B) home-country national C) multi-national D) local


Chapter 17 - ________ are financial payments over and above regular base pay. A) Foreign service premiums B) Hardship allowances C) Balance sheet payments D) Mobility premiums


Chapter 17 - A corporation that believes that only host country managers can ever really understand the culture and behavior of the host country market would be referred to as ________. A) polycentric B) ethnocentric C) geocentric D) monocentric


Chapter 17 - All of the following characterize European labor relations EXCEPT ________. A) limited number of bargaining units B) informal recognition of labor unions C) bargaining through employer associations D) industry-wide collective bargaining


Chapter 17 - In which country do individuals have a high acceptance of unequal power distribution between managers and subordinates? A) Mexico B) Hong Kong C) Sweden D) United States


Chapter 17 - Marie is an Italian executive working in a manufacturing plant in Siena, Italy that is owned by a parent company based in Singapore. Marie is a(n) ________. A) local B) expatriate C) third-country national D) home-country national


Chapter 17 - Of the types of international workers that multinational companies can employ, locals are best described as ________. A) citizens of the countries where they are working B) noncitizens of the countries in which they are working C) citizens of the country in which the multinational company has its headquarters D) noncitizens of the country in which the multinational company has its headquarters


Chapter 17 - Samsung tends to follow an ethnocentric staffing model. From which group will it most likely hire for upper-level management positions at its Texas facility? A) home-country nationals B) host-country nationals C) third-country nationals D) local citizens


Chapter 17 - What are the top drivers of employee engagement around the globe? A) career opportunities B) recognition C) company reputation D) setting goals


Chapter 17 - Which approach to formulating expatriate pay involves estimating the employee's expenses in the home country and the host country? A) balance sheet B) mobility allowance C) performance pay D) hardship method


Chapter 17 - Which of the following is the primary disadvantage of using expatriates to fill foreign subsidiary management positions? A) high costs associated with relocation B) time and effort required for training C) inability to create short-term results D) security concerns


Chapter 17 - Which term refers to a group of geographically dispersed co-workers that uses a desktop videoconferencing system to communicate and accomplish tasks for the firm? A) virtual team B) telecommuter group C) permanent transferee D) short-term international team


Chapter 18 - Training programs at most small firms tend to focus on ________. A) specific competencies needed at the firm B) long-term management skills C) strategy needs at the firm D) marketing and finance


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is NOT an informal training method suggested for small businesses? A) internal sales seminars B) offer to cover the tuition for special classes C) provide a library of tapes and DVDs for systematic, disciplined learning during commute times D) encourage the sharing of best practices among associates


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is a true statement regarding HR management at small businesses? A) Owners of firms with less than 100 employees usually handle HR tasks. B) Firms with less than ten employees do not have any human resources tasks. C) In most cases, firms with at least 30 employees can afford an HR specialist. D) Human resources activities in small firms tend to be extremely formal.


Chapter 18 - A ________ can help a small business eliminate extensive HR-related paperwork, stay in compliance with Title VII, OSHA, and pension plan rules, and attain low-cost insurance. A) professional employer organization B) human resource information system C) management information system D) transaction-processing system


Chapter 18 - A(n) ________ system provides a firm's managers and accountants with detailed information about short-term, daily activities, like accounts payables and order status. A) transaction-processing B) executive support C) management information D) employee assistance


Chapter 18 - According to research, a small business owner's familiarity with employees leads to greater ________. A) flexibility with HR policies B) financial profits and rewards C) clarification of expectations D) creativity in recruiting practices


Chapter 18 - All of the following are reasons that firms install human resource information systems EXCEPT ________. A) worker performance monitoring B) online self-processing C) transaction processing D) system integration


Chapter 18 - Beth recently opened an embroidery business and has four employees who work full-time for her. Which of the following will Beth most likely use to manage her company's human resources tasks? A) manual HR system B) automated HR system C) HR outsourcer system D) HR scorecard system


Chapter 18 - Charles Brown owns a small business with 60 employees. Currently his business does not have a retirement plan. He wants an easy method of offering retirement benefits to his employees. Which of the following would most likely be Charles' best option? A) SIMPLE IRA plan B) Roth IRA plan C) stock options D) 401(k) plan


Chapter 18 - David owns a small architecture firm with 75 employees. He wants to use a PEO to handle his firm's HR activities. David is in the process of investigating Assure Group, a PEO. Which of the following undermines the argument that David should use Assure Group? A) Assure lacks a clear credit history due to a recent corporate name change. B) Assure's Web site indicates that customers experience only modest savings. C) Assure requires business owners to complete questionnaires about workplace safety. D) Assure provides payroll, recruiting, and screening services to customers.


Chapter 18 - Mark owns a small business that provides engineering consulting services. Mark is new to business ownership, and he has a list of questions he would like answered. Mark has logged on to the EEOC Web site to search for answers. Which of Mark's questions is LEAST likely to be addressed on this Web site? A) What employees are exempt from overtime pay? B) How do I know if EEOC laws apply to my business? C) What should I do if someone files a charge against my firm? D) What constitutes unfair treatment in the workplace? E) How would I resolve a discrimination charge without facing a lawsuit?


Chapter 18 - Small business owners can use O*NET when they need help with ________. A) writing job descriptions B) filing accident reports C) testing job applicants D) filing business taxes


Chapter 18 - What is the primary reason that small firms use the Internet for employee training programs? A) relatively low costs B) OSHA guidelines C) SBA requirements D) guaranteed results


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is a characteristic of a PEO? A) PEOs become co-employers of record for the firm's employees. B) PEOs usually work for firms with at least 100 employees. C) Most PEOs charge 8% to 10% of a firm's total payroll. D) PEOs are legally limited to payroll tasks.


Chapter 18 - Which of the following risks commonly associated with small businesses can most likely be minimized by an HR information system? A) data entry errors B) personality testing C) college recruiting D) discrimination lawsuits


Chapter 16 - All of the following are considered vulnerable workers EXCEPT ________. A) young workers B) male workers C) immigrant workers D) aging workers


Chapter 10 - Which of the following refers to an organized learning event in which participants conduct self-assessments, set goals, and develop action plans? A) competency-based job analysis B) career planning workshop C) job instruction training D) management retreat


Chapter 10 - All of the following are the role of the employer in an employee's career development EXCEPT ________. A) communicating policies and procedures B) analyzing interests, values, and skills C) providing performance feedback D) offering a variety of career paths


Chapter 10 - An employer may transfer an employee for all these reasons EXCEPT ________. A) to vacate a position that is no longer needed B) personal enrichment C) to find a better fit position for the employee D) to give a displaced employee a chance for another assignment


Chapter 10 - As an employer, what is the primary benefit of cutting a high turnover rate? A) selling stock B) saving money C) attracting applicants D) meeting legal obligations


Chapter 10 - Dwight has just been in an interview in which he was informed of the fact that he had been dismissed. This is called a(n): A) exit interview B) termination interview C) outplacement interview D) reality shock interview


Chapter 10 - Tanya accused a male superior of sexual harassment. Later, Tanya was turned down for a promotion because the accused superior persuaded Tanya's current supervisor not to promote Tanya. This is most likely an example of ________. A) demotion B) retaliation C) dissonance D) defensive behavior


Chapter 10 - The tool managers use to meet employees' career development where the manager and employee jointly merge the latter's past performance, career preferences, and developmental needs into a formal career plan is called: A) orientation sessions B) career-oriented appraisals C) interest inventories D) graphic-rating scales


Chapter 10 - Which of the following is a specific example of a career development activity? A) job evaluation B) training workshop C) college recruitment D) performance appraisal


Chapter 10 - Which of the following is most likely to occur when a new employee's high expectations and enthusiasm confront the reality of a boring job? A) halo effect B) reality shock C) disparate rejection D) cognitive dissonance


Chapter 10 - Which of the following terms refers to the lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person's career exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment? A) performance management B) career development C) career management D) career planning


Chapter 10 - Which of the following would most likely reduce voluntary turnover? A) performance appraisal systems B) high unemployment rates C) numerous job opportunities D) downsizing requirements


Chapter 11 - Jill works as a cashier at a grocery store. She earns $10 an hour (or $400 for a 40-hour week). Last week, she worked 46 hours. What is the minimum amount that Jill earned last week? A) $460 B) $490 C) $520 D) $550


Chapter 11 - A company using competency-based pay compensates employees for all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) behaviors B) job title C) knowledge D) skills


Chapter 11 - In most cases, the majority of the members on a job evaluation committee are ________. A) managers B) employees C) HR specialists D) union representatives


Chapter 11 - Trevor, a sales manager at IBM, recently learned that an IBM human resources manager with comparable responsibilities and spans of control earns a higher salary than Trevor. Which form of equity is of most concern to Trevor? A) external B) internal C) distributive D) individual


Chapter 11 - What is the primary purpose of offering an executive stock options in a compensation package? A) providing the executive with guaranteed bonuses B) encouraging the executive to increase the firm's value C) enabling the firm to decrease the executive's base pay D) offering the executive long-term retirement security


Chapter 11 - What theory of motivation states that people are strongly motivated to maintain a balance between what they perceive as their contributions and their rewards? A) Two-factor theory B) Equity theory C) Learned needs theory D) Expectancy theory


Chapter 11 - Which form of equity refers to the fairness of a job's pay rate in comparison to other jobs within the same company? A) external B) internal C) distributive D) individual


Chapter 11 - Which job evaluation method is a quantitative technique involving the identification of several compensable factors and the degree to which each of these factors is present in the job? A) ranking method B) point method C) job grading method D) job classification method


Chapter 11 - Which law makes it illegal to discriminate against any individual with respect to compensation because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? A) Fair Labor Standards Act B) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act C) Equal Pay Act D) Taft-Hartley Act


Chapter 11 - Which of the following best defines internal equity? A) how a job's pay rate in one company compares to the job's pay rate in other companies B) how fair the job's pay rate is, when compared to other jobs within the same company C) the fairness of an individual's pay as compared to a co-worker's pay for the same job D) the perceived fairness of the processes and procedures used to make compensation decisions


Chapter 11 - Which of the following is LEAST likely a benefit of using competency based pay? A) supporting a firm's talent management process B) developing an efficient and legally defensible wage curve C) aiding in the implementation of a high-performance work system D) encouraging the development of skills needed for a firm's strategic goals


Chapter 11 - Which of the following is NOT a type of direct financial payment? A) wages B) insurance C) incentives D) commissions


Chapter 11 - Which of the following is NOT one of the compensable factors emphasized in the Equal Pay Act? A) skills B) accountability C) responsibility D) working conditions


Chapter 11 - Which of the following laws has the LEAST amount of influence on compensation decisions? A) Americans with Disabilities Act B) Labor Management Relations Act C) Family and Medical Leave Act D) Age Discrimination in Employment Act


Chapter 11 - Which of the following questions is most relevant to developing a market-competitive pay system? A) What is the ranking of each job? B) What is the relevant labor market? C) What percentage of workers are contingent? D) What are the local and federal pay regulations?


Chapter 11 - Which of the following sets basic labor standards for employees working on any government contract that amounts to more than $10,000? A) Davis-Bacon Act B) Walsh-Healey Public Contract C) Fair Wages Act D) Fair Labor Standards Act


Chapter 11 - Which of the following terms refers to a series of steps or levels within a pay grade? A) pay metric B) pay range C) wage class D) wage curve


Chapter 12 - Which of the following terms refers to an incentive plan in which a person is paid a sum for each item he or she makes or sells, with a strict proportionality between results and rewards? A) variable pay B) straight piecework C) straight hourly pay D) standard hour plan


Chapter 12 - Which of the following was shown by the Harvard Business School to have the greatest impact on employee engagement? A) feedback B) job design C) responsibility D) challenging work


Chapter 12 - ________ is a program where informal manager-employee exchanges such as praise, approval, or expressions of appreciation are given for a job well done. A) Merit pay B) A social recognition program C) Performance feedback D) Variable pay


Chapter 12 - A management approach based on improving work methods through observation and analysis is known as ________. A) strategic management B) scientific management C) management by objectives D) performance management


Chapter 12 - According to Herzberg's Hygiene-Motivator theory, which of the following factors will most likely satisfy employees' higher-level needs? A) base salary B) achievement C) incentive pay D) co-worker relationships


Chapter 12 - All of the following are advantages of team incentive plans EXCEPT that ________. A) jealousy is reduced B) wage equity is guaranteed C) team planning is reinforced D) problem solving is encouraged


Chapter 12 - Craig is a line manager at a paper supply company. All of the following are methods that Craig should most likely implement to motivate his subordinates EXCEPT ________. A) recognizing an employee's contribution B) encouraging workers to earn overtime pay C) gaining agreement on goals with employees D) using positive reinforcement on a daily basis


Chapter 12 - Frederick Taylor referred to the tendency of employees to work at the slowest pace possible and to produce at the minimum acceptable level as ________. A) social loafing B) systematic soldiering C) work shifting D) group logrolling


Chapter 12 - Gainsharing is an incentive plan that ________. A) uses a trust to hold stock in individual employee accounts and distributes it to employees upon retirement B) engages employees in a common effort to achieve a company's productivity objectives with any resulting cost-savings gains shared among employees and the company C) contributes company shares of its own stock or cash to be used to purchase company stock to a trust established to purchase shares of the firm's stock for employees D) provides tax advantages for employees by deferring income taxes, often until the employee retires


Chapter 12 - In Vroom's theory of motivation, motivation is equal to E * I * V, where E represents ________. A) existence B) expectancy C) esteem D) energy


Chapter 13 - Keith works as a construction foreman, and he is viewed as a reliable, competent employee. Keith was recently injured in a car accident while on vacation, and his injuries are so severe that he will not be able to return to work. Which of the following would most likely provide Keith with benefits? A) group life insurance B) unemployment insurance C) workers' compensation insurance D) supplemental unemployment benefits


Chapter 12 - Rebecca's manager wants to acknowledge her outstanding service record for the past quarter. The manager decides to give Rebecca a bonus of $1000 as a reward. According to Edward Deci, which of the following will most likely occur as a result? A) The bonus will encourage Rebecca to work harder than before. B) The bonus will detract from Rebecca's inner desire to work hard. C) Rebecca's bonus will satisfy her higher-level needs and increase her motivation. D) Rebecca will feel inadequate because the bonus fails to address hygiene factors


Chapter 12 - Tyler Oil offers a profit-sharing plan to its employees. Each year, Tyler Oil distributes total annual profits less taxes among employees based on employee merit ratings. Which of the following is most likely used by Tyler Oil? A) cash plan B) Lincoln incentive system C) deferred profit-sharing plan D) employee stock ownership plan


Chapter 12 - Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, which of the following would NOT be included in overtime pay computations? A) bonus for new hires B) Christmas bonus C) efficiency bonus D) union contract bonus


Chapter 12 - Using a straight salary to compensate salespeople is most likely ineffective because it ________. A) discourages sales flexibility B) lacks connection to performance C) makes it hard to switch territories D) depends on annual corporate profits


Chapter 12 - Which incentive plan is based on a philosophy that managers and employees must cooperate together? A) cash plan B) Scanlon plan C) deferred profit-sharing plan D) employee stock ownership plan


Chapter 12 - Which of the following best explains identity in regards to the Scanlon plan? A) philosophy of cooperation among employees B) clear articulation of the company mission C) high level of competency from all employees D) corporate-wide benefits and savings


Chapter 12 - Which term refers to payments companies make in connection with a change in ownership or control of a company? A) pension B) golden parachute C) retirement bonus D) stock option


Chapter 13 - Which of the following provides guidelines regarding what rates of return employers should use in computing their pension plan values? A) Employee Retirement Income Security Act B) Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act C) Social Security Act D) Equal Pay Act


Chapter 13 - ________ provide services like financial counseling, child care referrals, elder care referrals, adoption assistance, mental health counseling, and life event planning. A) Pension plans B) Employee assistance programs C) Family-friendly benefits D) Benefit management systems


Chapter 13 - A plan that contains a formula for determining retirement benefits is known as a ________. A) defined contribution pension plan B) defined benefit pension plan C) cash balance plan D) 401(k) plan


Chapter 13 - All of the following are characteristic of 401(k) plans EXCEPT ________. A) categorized as a defined contribution plan B) deduction replaces Social Security tax C) pretax salary deductions invested D) considered a savings and thrift plan


Chapter 13 - Anne and Martha are both accountant supervisors at a large marketing firm. Anne works from 7:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. each day. Martha takes over the same position at 12:00 p.m. and works until 5:00 p.m. each day. Which of the following most likely describes this type of work arrangement? A) flextime B) job sharing C) work sharing D) compressed workweek


Chapter 13 - How is the Social Security program funded? A) sale of government bonds B) tax on employee wages C) tax on homeowners D) tax on luxury goods


Chapter 13 - Stephanie has opted to work from 7 am to 3 pm so that she can be home when her son finishes school in the afternoons. Her company must offer ________ for Stephanie to have this option. A) shift work B) flextime C) telecommuting D) compressed workweeks


Chapter 13 - Which of the following is an example of a compressed workweek? A) Maxwell works from 7 am to 3 pm Monday-Friday. B) Shannon works from 7 am to 5 pm Monday-Thursday. C) Tom works from 11 am to 7 pm five days per week. D) Bob works from 12 pm to 6 pm Monday-Sunday.


Chapter 13 - Which of the following refers to a plan in which employees contribute a portion of their earnings to a fund and the employer typically matches the contribution in whole or part? A) group investment plan B) 401(k) plan C) deferred profit-sharing plan D) employee stock ownership plan


Chapter 13 - Which of the following requires that pension rights be vested and protected by the Pension Benefits Guarantee Corporation? A) Economic Growth and Tax Relief Conciliation Act B) Employee Retirement Income Security Act C) Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act D) Social Security Act


Chapter 13 - Which term refers to individualized plans allowed by employers to accommodate employee preferences for benefits? A) variable pay plan B) cafeteria benefits plan C) matching plan D) executive perquisite plan


Chapter 13 - Eric has worked full-time for a large manufacturing company for over three years. Eric and his wife have recently adopted a baby, and Eric wants to take time off from work to care for the child. Which of the following laws most likely applies to Eric's situation? A) Pregnancy Discrimination Act B) Family and Medical Leave Act C) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act D) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Chapter 13 - Which of the following provides lower rates for the employer or employee and includes all employees regardless of health or physical condition? A) workers' compensation insurance B) group life insurance C) disability insurance D) pension plans


Chapter 13 - All of the following are the most likely reasons that mental health costs are rising EXCEPT ________. A) widespread drug and alcohol problems B) more mental health referrals by specialists C) mental health claims triggering health care claims D) laws requiring employers to offer mental health benefits


Chapter 16 - According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers are responsible for ________. A) transferring workers who are cited for OSHA violations B) examining workplace conditions for OSHA compliance C) scheduling annual consultations with OSHA representatives D) replacing old equipment on an annual basis to comply with OSHA


Chapter 13 - The Family and Medical Leave Act ________. A) provides guidelines regarding what rates of return employers should use in computing their pension plan values B) ensures that an employer must grant an employee up to 12 weeks of leave in a 12-month period for the birth or care of a newborn child, placement of a child for adoption, to care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition, or to care for the employee's own serious health condition C) prohibits an employer's health plan from using incentives to encourage employees to leave the hospital after childbirth after less than the legislatively-determined minimum stay D) sets minimum requirements for protecting individuals' health-care data accessibility and confidentiality


Chapter 13 - Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Newborn Mother's Protection Act? A) guarantee pension plans and health insurance coverage for female employees who have recently given birth B) prohibit employer health plans from using incentives to encourage employees to leave the hospital after childbirth sooner than legally required C) prevent employers from discriminating against women affected by pregnancy or childbirth in respect to benefits coverage D) set minimum requirements for accessing the health records of female employees


Chapter 13 - Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010? A) Employers must offer health insurance coverage to employees who work at least 30 hours per week. B) Employers will be required to pay a 20% excise tax on high-cost health insurance plans. C) Contributions to health care flexible spending accounts have been capped at $2,500. D) Health plans with dependent coverage must expand eligibility up to age 26.


Chapter 13 - Which of the following is a popular workers' compensation cost-control measure that involves coordinating the medical care and health insurance coverage for each injured employee? A) nurse management B) case management C) health maintenance D) medical rehabilitation


Chapter 13 - Which of the following is a prepaid health care system that provides medical services for employees who pay a nominal fee? A) PPO B) HMO C) DMO D) ESOP


Chapter 13 - Which of the following requires employers to treat women affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions the same as any employee not able to work, with respect to all benefits? A) Family and Medical Leave Act B) Pregnancy Discrimination Act C) Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act D) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Chapter 13 - Which of the following requires that most private employers continue to make health benefits available to terminated or retired employees and their families for a period of time? A) FMLA B) COBRA C) OSHA D) ADA


Chapter 14 - According to surveys, at work, fair treatment reflects concrete actions such as, "Employees are treated with respect and ________." A) properly served B) treated fairly C) terminated D) not abused


Chapter 14 - The applicant screening process would most likely be considered unfair if an HR manager ________. A) encouraged two-way communication B) focused mostly on personality issues C) included an appeals process D) provided useful feedback


Chapter 14 - The business purpose exception to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act permits ________. A) employees to access private employer documents if they have reason to suspect unethical behavior by company agents B) employers to monitor communications if they can show a legitimate business reason for doing so C) employers to listen to personal employee phone calls if the calls are made on employer time D) employees to conduct personal business during work hours if they can show it is necessary


Chapter 14 - The distributive justice component of organizational justice is best defined as the ________. A) fairness of the decision process B) fairness of the decision's outcomes C) degree to which the decision is moral D) extent to which the decision is good or bad


Chapter 14 - Which element of bullying involves the use of power to control or harm and the people being bullied may have a hard time defending themselves? A) repetition B) imbalance of power C) name-calling D) intent to cause harm


Chapter 14 - ________ is the activity that involves establishing and maintaining the positive employee-employer relationship. A) Quality circles B) Employee relations C) Suggestion teams D) Focus groups


Chapter 14 - According to surveys, which of the following is the primary cause of ethical compromises in the workplace? A) feeling peer pressure B) meeting schedule pressures C) advancing a boss' career interests D) advancing personal career interests


Chapter 14 - Carlos, a marketing manager at Devon Consulting, is attending an ethics training program at his workplace. During the training, Carlos is LEAST likely to learn how to ________. A) identify ethical dilemmas B) role play employee dismissals C) use disciplinary practices ethically D) use codes of conduct to resolve problems


Chapter 14 - Ethics refers to the ________. A) basic beliefs about what is right or wrong B) principles of conduct governing an individual or group C) standards used by the organization to decide upon proper conduct D) standards of behavior accepted by society


Chapter 14 - In major league baseball the first time a player tests positive for steroids they receive an 80-game ban. The 2nd time they test positive for steroids they get a 162-game ban. A 3rd positive test leads to a lifetime ban from major league baseball. This increasing punishment is an example of which element of discipline? A) clear rules B) progressive discipline C) an appeals process D) consistent harsh punishment


Chapter 14 - Julio is part of a team of 8 at work which runs itself with little supervision to accomplish a specific task. This is an example of what type of team? A) sales team B) self-managing work team C) suggestion team D) problem-solving team


Chapter 14 - Researchers surveyed CEOs to study the CEOs' intentions to engage in two questionable practices: soliciting a competitor's technological secrets, and making illegal payments to foreign officials. What did they find most strongly affected such decisions? A) outside pressures B) personal predispositions C) firms' characteristics D) number of subordinates


Chapter 14 - The consent exception to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act permits ________. A) employees to access private employer documents if they have reason to suspect unethical behavior by company agents B) employers to monitor employee communications if the employees have given informed consent C) employers to monitor communications if they can show a legitimate business reason for doing so D) employers to listen to personal employee phone calls if the calls are made on employer time


Chapter 14 - The definition of a ________ is a temporary team whose members work on specific analytical assignments, such as how to cut costs or raise productivity. A) quality circle B) suggestion team C) self-managed team D) work team


Chapter 14 - The main purpose of discipline in organizations is to: A) uphold legal obligations B) encourage employees to behave sensibly at work C) increase employee engagement D) punish wrong-doers


Chapter 14 - The principles of conduct governing an individual or a group are referred to as ________. A) judgments B) ethics C) laws D) virtues


Chapter 14 - What are the two main components of organizational justice? A) distributive justice and normative judgments B) procedural justice and distributive justice C) normative justice and ethical treatment D) interactional justice and ethical justice


Chapter 14 - When examining ethical situations, what kind of ethical dilemmas prompt more bad choices? A) large dilemmas B) small dilemmas C) personal life dilemmas D) group-related dilemmas


Chapter 14 - Which component of organizational justice refers to the fairness of a process? A) distributive justice B) procedural justice C) interactional justice D) normative justice


Chapter 14 - Which of the following best defines organizational culture? A) basic beliefs about what is right or wrong within a business or corporation B) characteristic values, traditions, and behaviors a firm's employees share C) principles of conduct governing an individual, group, or company D) standards used by an organization to determine proper conduct


Chapter 14 - Which of the following is NOT one of the four types of privacy violations upheld by courts? A) intrusion B) drug testing C) disclosure of medical records D) publication of private matters


Chapter 14 - Which of the following is the first step in FedEx's guaranteed fair treatment program? A) officer complaint B) management review C) executive appeals review D) EEO laws


Chapter 14 - Which of the following is the primary element of properly developed disciplinary procedures? A) electronic employee monitoring B) clearly established rules C) legal representation D) severe penalties


Chapter 14 - Which of the following terms refers to discipline without punishment? A) democratic punishment B) nonpunitive discipline C) corporal punishment D) positive discipline


Chapter 14 - From the perspective of discipline, employees behaving "sensibly" means what? A) being engaged at work B) adhering to rules and regulations C) working extra hard D) reporting on rule breakers


Chapter 15 - About ________% of people working in the United States belong to unions. A) 5 B) 11 C) 20 D) 34


Chapter 15 - Which of the following is a union organizing tactic by which union members are placed on nonunion job sites? A) featherbedding B) union salting C) logrolling D) picketing


Chapter 15 - A strike that results from a failure to agree on the terms of a contract, such as wages and benefits, is known as a(n) ________ strike. A) wildcat B) economic C) sympathy D) unfair labor practices


Chapter 15 - All of the following are examples of permissible bargaining items EXCEPT ________. A) cafeteria prices B) severance pay C) scope of bargaining unit D) pension benefits for retired employees


Chapter 15 - Fact finding seeks to end an impasse by ________. A) assisting the principals in reaching an agreement B) studying the issues and making a public recommendation C) interpreting and analyzing existing contract terms D) communicating assessments of the likelihood of a strike


Chapter 15 - The ________ form of union security means that the company can hire nonunion people, but those people must join the union within a prescribed period of time and pay dues. A) closed shop B) union shop C) agency shop D) open shop


Chapter 15 - The term ________ describes statutory or constitutional provisions banning the requirement of union membership as a condition of employment. A) termination at will B) right to work C) open shop D) free labor


Chapter 15 - What is the first step in the union drive process? A) obtaining authorization cards from employees B) making initial contact with employees C) holding an initial organization hearing D) campaigning for employee votes


Chapter 15 - What percentage of eligible employees in a bargaining unit must sign authorization cards in order for the union to petition the NLRB for an election? A) 20 B) 30 C) 40 D) 50


Chapter 15 - Which form of union security requires employees who do not belong to the union to pay union dues on the assumption that the union's efforts benefit all workers? A) union shop B) agency shop C) open shop D) maintenance of agreement


Chapter 16 - What percent of the US workforce has been impaired on the job (due to alcohol or illegal drugs) at least once during the previous year? A) Eight B) Fifteen C) Twenty-seven D) Forty-three


Chapter 16 - According to OSHA, which of the following would most likely be considered the highest priority? A) investigating the occurrence of a fatality B) inspecting a site where there may be imminent danger C) conducting random inspections and follow-up inspections D) conducting a special-emphasis inspection aimed at a high-hazard industry


Chapter 16 - According to SHRM survey, ________ percent of responding organizations now have some type of formal disaster plan. A) 20 B) 85 C) 47 D) 93


Chapter 16 - All of the following are most likely signs of employee depression EXCEPT ________. A) lack of sleep B) burnout C) poor concentration D) reduced appetite


Chapter 16 - All of the following recommendations are suggested for companies seeking to minimize the entry or spread of infectious diseases EXCEPT ________. A) staggering lunch breaks B) administering drug tests frequently C) making hand sanitizers easily available D) cleaning work areas regularly and often


Chapter 16 - As an HR manager, you need to be aware of the symptoms of burnout among employees. Which of the following is most likely NOT a sign of employee burnout? A) irritability B) absenteeism C) entrapment D) resentment


Chapter 16 - David is experiencing significant levels of job stress in his position as vice president of marketing. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a consequence of David's stress? A) headaches B) cancer C) depression D) heart disease


Chapter 16 - Employees who wish to lower their job stress will most likely benefit from doing all of the following activities EXCEPT ________. A) making a list of problems and possible solutions B) putting off dealing with distasteful problems C) requesting realistic project deadlines D) limiting interruptions


Chapter 16 - If your employees are traveling to and from international destinations, which of the following is the most appropriate option for preventing the entry or spread of an infectious disease? A) dismissing the workers from their positions B) denying workers facility access for ten days C) sending workers to a nearby hospital D) offering workers a light-work option


Chapter 16 - Improperly guarded equipment, defective equipment, hazardous procedures, and improper ventilation are all examples of ________. A) chance occurrences B) unsafe conditions C) unsafe employee behavior D) normal occupational hazards


Chapter 16 - In some cases, employees accused of alcoholism or drug abuse have retaliated by suing the employer for all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) wrongful discharge B) OSHA violations C) illegal search D) defamation


Chapter 16 - Supervisors can reduce unsafe acts in all of the following ways EXCEPT by ________. A) listening to employee suggestions B) identifying employee interests and preferences C) involving workers in planning safety programs D) providing workers with comfortable protective equipment


Chapter 16 - The Occupational Safety and Health Act was intended to ________. A) set national, state, and local safety and health standards B) assure every person safe and healthful working conditions C) provide safe and healthful working conditions to self-employed persons D) prevent the occurrence of occupational illnesses among public employees


Chapter 16 - Under OSHA, employers with ________ or more employees must maintain records of and report occupational injuries and occupational illnesses. A) 6 B) 11 C) 35 D) 50


Chapter 16 - What is the primary cause of workplace accidents? A) chance occurrences B) unsafe conditions C) unsafe employee behavior D) insufficient safety training


Chapter 16 - When a complaint indicates the possibility of imminent danger, OSHA conducts an inspection within ________. A) 12 hours B) 24 hours C) 3 days D) 20 days


Chapter 16 - Which of the following would most likely NOT be considered a reportable injury according to OSHA? A) Mike breaks his arm while playing in a softball game during a mandatory company picnic. B) John sprains his ankle after becoming tangled in his car's seat belt in the company parking lot. C) Leah breaks her wrist after slipping in a puddle on a stairwell inside the company building. D) Tom injures his back during a traffic accident as he delivers lumber in a company truck.


Chapter 16 - Which term refers to systematically identifying and eliminating workplace dangers by focusing on the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools, and the work environment? A) occupational safety program B) job hazard analysis C) operational safety review D) risk management


Chapter 16 - While accident rates are falling, in one recent year ________ U.S. workers died in workplace incidents. A) 2369 B) 4405 C) 6278 D) 8100


Chapter 16 - ________ relates to protecting employees from internal and external security risks. A) Risk management B) Security C) Crisis D) Safety


Chapter 17 - Jason is a British freelance journalist working in Paris, so he is most likely classified as a(n) ________. A) local B) expatriate C) third-country national D) home-country national


Chapter 17 - Which of the following terms refers to paying a portion of an expatriate's salary in homecountry currency and a portion in local currency? A) balance sheet approach B) split pay approach C) hardship premium D) foreign-service premium


Chapter 17 - Which of the following terms refers to the process of assessing an employee's probable success in handling a foreign transfer? A) skills placement testing B) adaptability screening C) management assessment D) performance appraisal


Chapter 17 - Frank Williams is being sent to Saudi Arabia for two years to work for his company's Saudi affiliate. Which of the following suggestions should Frank follow to minimize his chances of being the victim of a kidnapping? A) Take the same route to and from work. B) Arrive at the airport close to departure time. C) Wait at the airport in a main traffic area. D) Leave work at the same time each day.


Chapter 17 - Of the countries listed below, in which one do production workers receive the lowest hourly wage? A) United States B) Philippines C) Germany D) Taiwan


Chapter 17 - Roberta is an Italian citizen who spent a great deal of time during her childhood in England. She now works in Brazil as an HR manager for a British company. Roberta is best described as a(n) ________. A) expatriate B) third-country national C) home-country national D) host-country national


Chapter 17 - Before departing for an overseas assignment, an employee would most likely benefit from ________ training. A) technical B) interpersonal C) cross-cultural D) career development


Chapter 17 - The European Union is best described as a ________. A) system of global standards, policies, and legislation B) common market for goods, services, capital, and labor C) political agreement that standardizes human resource laws D) political system for equalizing wages, benefits, and taxation


Chapter 17 - U.S. employers have most likely experienced an increase in successful expatriate assignments in the last two decades because they have ________. A) focused on job performance as the main selection criteria B) increased the number of selection criteria for global assignees C) provided global assignees with local managers to serve as mentors D) allowed HR managers to have more control of the global hiring process


Chapter 17 - What is the first step in developing a more effective global HR system? A) adapting pay policies B) forming global HR networks C) identifying crucial executive behaviors D) remembering that truly global organizations find it easier to install global systems


Chapter 17 - Which of the following is the LEAST likely reason that a firm would choose an ethnocentric staffing policy? A) lack of qualified host-country upper-management candidates B) goal of reducing misunderstandings with locals C) need to transfer core competencies effectively D) desire to maintain a unified corporate culture


Chapter 17 - Which of the following terms refers to having local employees abroad do jobs that the firm's domestic employees previously did in-house? A) adapting B) offshoring C) enlarging D) diversifying


Chapter 17 - Which of the following terms refers to the belief that home country attitudes, management style, knowledge, evaluation criteria, and managers are superior to anything the host country has to offer? A) polycentric B) ethnocentric C) geocentric D) monocentric


Chapter 17 - Which of the following terms refers to the human resource management concepts and techniques employers use to manage the challenges of their international operations? A) work councils B) international human resource management C) power distance D) codetermination


Chapter 17 - Which of the following was determined by a study of six international firms that have successfully established global HR systems? A) Firms should focus on expatriation and repatriation programs to ease the transition period for employees working abroad. B) Firms should develop HR systems that are universally acceptable and that can be effectively implemented in any location. C) Firms rely more heavily on expatriates than locals in foreign subsidiaries, so it is unnecessary to make changes to existing HR policies. D) Firms with foreign subsidiaries should adhere to local customs regarding screening, hiring, and training applicants


Chapter 18 - An HRIS increases the reporting capabilities of managers because an HRIS ________. A) allows a firm to plan its HR activities B) integrates separate HR tasks C) processes a firm's payroll D) works on a firm's intranet


Chapter 18 - Approximately what percentage of small firms offer retirement benefits to employees? A) 15% B) 35% C) 50% D) 75%


Chapter 18 - Elliot owns a catering business and employs 30 people. Elliot is uncertain about when to pay overtime and how to calculate overtime wages. The Web site of which of the following would be the most useful to Elliot? A) Office of Personnel Management B) Department of Labor C) Department of Commerce D) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Chapter 18 - According to the text, what are the three tools that small businesses can use to improve their HR management practices? A) informality, adaptability, and reliability B) flexibility, familiarity, and informality C) creativity, flexibility, and adaptability D) familiarity, formality, and flexibility


Chapter 18 - All of the following are informal training methods recommended to small businesses EXCEPT ________. A) paying tuition for specialized courses B) arranging weekly classes led by paid experts C) providing a library of learning-based DVDs D) sending employees to association meetings


Chapter 18 - All of the following are recommended activities for small business managers who are in the process of selecting a professional employer organization EXCEPT ________. A) analyzing how the employee benefits are funded B) checking the professional rating assigned to the PEO C) assessing the PEO's staff for experience and depth D) asking how the PEO will provide its services


Chapter 18 - Approximately what percentage of small businesses have career development programs? A) 12% B) 50% C) 72% D) 90%


Chapter 18 - At most small businesses, human resource management activities can best be described as ________. A) formal and standardized B) informal and flexible C) competitive and brief D) nonexistent


Chapter 18 - Human resource management in small firms is unlike HR management in large firms for all of the following reasons EXCEPT ________. A) size B) industry C) priorities D) informality


Chapter 18 - John owns a family business and wants to avoid any appearance that family members are benefiting unfairly from the sacrifice of others workers. This represents the fairness step of: A) confront family issues B) treat people fairly C) set the ground rules D) family first


Chapter 18 - Julie has a small accounting firm with only six employees, so she handles HR tasks manually. Julie recently hired a new employee. Which of the following forms will Julie most likely need on the worker's first day of employment? A) reference check form B) employment agreement form C) vacation request form D) absence report form


Chapter 18 - Managers who prepare for an interview using the streamlined interview process should focus on all of the following factors about a candidate EXCEPT ________. A) personality B) age and skills C) work motivation D) knowledge and experience


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cloud-based human resource management systems? A) Employees can easily access the information from wherever they are. B) Company information is kept internally. C) The owner can easily access the information from wherever they are. D) Vendors can more easily update them with the latest features.


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is NOT an employee benefit that fits better with small businesses? A) make them feel like owners B) consistent schedules C) make sure they have what they need to do their jobs D) constantly recognize a job well done


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is the primary benefit for a small firm that uses the online services provided by testing vendors such as Wonderlic? A) reduced testing fees B) increased pool of applicants C) highly accurate job specifications D) more applicant background checks


Chapter 18 - Which of the following terms refers to the interrelated people, data, technology, and organizational procedures a firm uses to collect, process, store, and disseminate information? A) talent management system B) human resources information system C) competency model D) strategy map


Chapter 11 - Which form of equity refers to the fairness of an individual's pay as compared with what his or her co-workers are earning for the same or very similar jobs within the company, based on each individual's performance? A) internal B) distributive C) individual D) procedural


Chapter 11 - Which of the following factors has the LEAST effect on the design of an organization's pay plan? A) legal B) union C) company vision D) company policy


Chapter 11 - Which of the following is used to anchor the employer's pay scale? A) grades B) job metric C) benchmark job D) human resource metric


Chapter 10 - Apex Carpet has a very high voluntary turnover rate, which executives at the firm want reduced. What is the most effective way to retain top-performing employees at Apex? A) conducting more performance reviews B) developing new recruitment strategies C) establishing a talent management program D) revising the organization's mission statement


Chapter 11 - Which of the following jobs is most likely categorized as nonexempt from the overtime pay provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act? A) taxicab driver B) personnel director C) newspaper writer D) computer systems analyst


Chapter 10 - Jackie is working with a coach to identify her personal skills and interests. Afterwards, she will investigate opportunities that fit her skills and interests and set specific career goals. In which of the following activities is Jackie most likely participating? A) career management B) career development C) career planning D) job training


Chapter 10 - John feels that he owes his organization hard work and loyalty while the company owes him fair treatment and satisfactory work conditions. This is an example of: A) career planning B) exit interview C) psychological contract D) transfer


Chapter 11 - Which of the following terms refers to a compensation plan that advances a firm's strategic goals? A) strategic management B) performance pay plan C) aligned reward strategy D) workers' compensation package


Chapter 10 - Miranda wants to make partner at her law firm. However, she is worried because 70-hour work weeks are the norm for someone striving to make partner. Miranda wants to be fair to her family as well as excel at work. The best way for the law firm to address this problem is by ________. A) providing Miranda with a female career coach B) persuading Miranda to temporarily work in a less competitive law firm C) offering a flexible career track that allows Miranda to periodically reduce her work load D) providing a career planning workshop to help Miranda determine a more appropriate occupation


Chapter 10 - Roberto is leaving Smith Industries and before he actually leaves the company wants to do a meeting where they elicit information aimed at giving the employer insights into the company. This is known as a(n): A) layoff B) transfer C) exit interview D) termination interview


Chapter 10 - The rate at which employees leave a firm is best known as ________. A) downsizing B) retirement C) turnover D) retention


Chapter 10 - What can diminish positive feelings toward the promotion process? A) rewards B) responsibilities C) secrecy D) job descriptions


Chapter 10 - What is a crucial first step in retaining employees over time? A) providing employees with proper training B) discussing career plans with workers C) selecting the right workers D) identifying worker goals


Chapter 10 - Which of the following best explains the meaning of the term "glass ceiling"? A) formal corporate policies that prevent women from receiving the training needed to advance their careers B) spoken opinions by corporate leaders that women lack the knowledge and skills required for career advancement C) structural yet subtle barriers in corporate environments that inhibit the rise of talented women to leadership positions D) inadequate educational opportunities which ultimately limit the network opportunities available to women in the workforce


Chapter 10 - Which of the following is the main difference between coaching and mentoring? A) Coaching focuses on work-related behaviors. B) Mentoring focuses on teamwork related skills. C) Coaching focuses on teaching daily tasks. D) Mentoring is more effective for women.


Chapter 10 - Which of the following terms refers to advancements to positions of increased responsibility? A) transfers B) appraisals C) promotions D) recruitments


Chapter 10 - Which of the following would most likely increase employee commitment? A) document the psychological contract B) create Web-based efficiency programs C) establish a career development program D) promise lifetime employment to managers


Chapter 10 - Which term refers to actions intended to place physical or psychological distance between employees and their work environments? A) employee disengagement B) workplace separation C) job withdrawal D) attrition


Chapter 11 - Bonnie, a data analyst, needs to take time off from work to care for her elderly mother. According to the Family and Medical Leave Act, what is the maximum number of weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave that Bonnie may take? A) 4 B) 6 C) 12 D) 16


Chapter 11 - In most cases, which of the following occupations is NOT exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act? A) physicians B) engineers C) paralegals D) teachers


Chapter 11 - ________ means collapsing salary grades and ranges into just a few wide levels, each of which contains a relatively wide range of jobs and salary levels. A) Comparable worth B) Job evaluation C) Broadbanding D) Job grading


Chapter 11 - A ________ is comprised of jobs of approximately equal difficulty or importance as established by job evaluation. A) wage curve B) benchmark C) pay grade D) class


Chapter 11 - According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, what rate of normal pay would a covered employee receive for working more than 40 hours in a workweek? A) 50% B) 100% C) 150% D) 200%


Chapter 11 - Audrey is a lawyer in a mid-size firm in Chicago. She recently learned that another lawyer who joined the firm at the same time earns a lower salary than she does. Which form of equity is most relevant to Audrey's situation? A) internal B) distributive C) individual D) procedural


Chapter 11 - Beth, a small business owner, wants to ensure external equity when establishing pay rates. Beth should most likely ________. A) use wage curves to price each pay grade B) compare performance appraisals C) conduct a salary survey D) check online pay sites


Chapter 11 - Joseph worked 6 hours of overtime this week but has decided to take time off instead of overtime pay. How many hours will Joseph receive in time off from work? A) 3 hours B) 6 hours C) 9 hours D) 18 hours


Chapter 11 - Richard was recently offered a position as vice president of marketing at a national retail chain. As a top executive at the firm, Richard will most likely be compensated with all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) stock options B) pension plans C) sales commissions D) supplemental life insurance


Chapter 11 - What are the two primary components of computerized job evaluations? A) compensable factors and benchmark jobs B) grade definitions and factor comparisons C) structured questionnaires and statistical models D) structured questionnaires and grade definitions


Chapter 11 - What type of equity is a manager most likely trying to maintain through the use of performance appraisals and incentive pay? A) internal B) external C) individual D) procedural


Chapter 11 - Which act regulates vesting rights and portability rights? A) Fair Labor Standards Act B) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act C) Employer Retirement Income Security Act D) Equal Pay Act of 1963


Chapter 11 - Which compensation-related law contains provisions for minimum wage, maximum hours, overtime pay, equal pay, record-keeping, and child labor? A) Davis-Bacon Act B) Fair Wages Act C) Fair Labor Standards Act D) Walsh-Healey Public Contract


Chapter 11 - Which of the following terms refers to pay in the form of financial benefits, such as insurance? A) direct financial payments B) out-of-pocket expenses C) indirect financial payments D) sales commissions


Chapter 11 - Which of the following terms refers to the ownership employees build up in their pension plans should their employment with a firm end prior to retirement? A) portability B) equity C) vesting D) shares


Chapter 12 - Which profit-sharing plan provides tax advantages for employees by postponing income taxes, often until the employee retires? A) cash plan B) Lincoln incentive system C) deferred profit-sharing plan D) employee stock ownership plan


Chapter 12 - All of the following are disadvantages associated with piecework plans EXCEPT that workers ________. A) resist attempts to modify production standards B) focus on production quantity instead of quality C) view the plans as unfair and complicated D) dislike new technology or processes


Chapter 12 - All of the following are disadvantages of straight commission plans EXCEPT ________. A) salespeople avoid pushing hard-to-sell items B) salespeople fail to service small accounts C) payments are complicated to calculate D) significant variations in pay exist


Chapter 12 - Behavior modification is based upon the principles of rewards and punishments advanced by ________. A) Frederick Taylor B) Frederick Herzberg C) B.F. Skinner D) Edward Deci


Chapter 12 - Competence in the Scanlon plan refers to a focus on ________. A) cooperation B) corporate vision C) employee abilities D) significant improvements


Chapter 12 - Research indicates that employee stock ownership plans most likely ________. A) encourage employees to retire too early B) place firms at greater risk for employee lawsuits C) increase employee commitment D) encourage transparency within global organizations


Chapter 12 - Top executives at DYS Enterprises are considering the idea of implementing an employee incentive plan. Which of the following suggests that an incentive plan would NOT be appropriate at DYS Enterprises? A) Delays rarely occur. B) The job is standardized. C) Employees are unskilled but motivated. D) A link exists between employee effort and output


Chapter 12 - What percentage of employers track sales performance using spreadsheets? A) 15% B) 35% C) 60% D) 85%


Chapter 12 - What type of pay plan is being used when workers are paid a sum for each unit they produce? A) competency-based pay B) job-based pay C) piecework D) bonus


Chapter 12 - Which of the following is the primary benefit of employee stock ownership plans? A) Firms are able to implement the plans with minimal costs and complications. B) Firms pay distribution taxes for employees prior to retirement. C) Firms may borrow against employee stock held in trust. D) Employees are able to diversify their investments.


Chapter 12 - Which of the following terms refers to any salary increase the firm awards to an individual employee based on his or her individual performance? A) competency-based pay B) variable pay C) merit pay D) base pay


Chapter 12 - Which of the following terms refers to the right to purchase a stated number of shares of a company stock at today's price at some time in the future? A) at-risk variable plan B) multiplier method C) stock option D) gainsharing plan


Chapter 12 - Who proposed a two-factor theory that explains how motivator factors relate to satisfaction and hygiene factors relate to dissatisfaction? A) Frederick Taylor B) Abraham Maslow C) Frederick Herzberg D) David McClelland


Chapter 12 - With a ________, an executive receives units instead of shares of company stock. In the future, the executive receives cash equal to the appreciation of the units owned. A) nonqualified stock option B) premium priced option C) phantom stock plan D) restricted stock plan


Chapter 13 - Medicare provides a wide range of health services to people ________ or over. A) 55 B) 60 C) 65 D) 70


Chapter 13 - ________ seek(s) to enable employees to balance their job and family responsibilities. A) Sick leave B) Pension plans C) Work-life benefits D) Benefit management systems


Chapter 13 - Curt works at a computer firm that is experiencing financial difficulties. In an attempt to save money and prevent layoffs, the firm is enforcing a temporary reduction in work hours for Curt's division. Curt now works 35 hours a week instead of 40. Which of the following most likely describes this situation? A) flextime B) job sharing C) work sharing D) compressed workweek


Chapter 13 - For individuals born in 1960 or later, the full retirement age for non-discounted Social Security benefits is ________. A) 62 B) 65 C) 67 D) 70


Chapter 13 - Social Security offers all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) survivor's benefits for those insured under the Social Security Act B) disability payments to employees who become totally disabled C) tax refunds for retirees who are 55 and older D) Medicare program administration


Chapter 13 - Taxes on employee wages to fund Social Security apply to all earnings up to ________. A) $46,500 B) $63,700 C) $117,000 D) $124,300


Chapter 13 - Which of the following best explains why many businesses use employee leasing firms? A) Firms save money by hiring part-time or temporary workers. B) Investment opportunities are more plentiful and reliable. C) Small companies are able to get better insurance rates. D) Franchise owners can offer more flexible schedules.


Chapter 13 - Which of the following provides a fixed sum when employees reach a predetermined retirement age or can no longer work due to disability? A) workers' compensation B) Social Security C) pension plan D) group life insurance


Chapter 13 - All of the following are health care cost-control methods used by employers EXCEPT ________. A) requiring employees to pay high premiums B) benefits purchasing alliances C) requiring disability insurance D) encouraging medical tourism


Chapter 13 - All of the following are preventive services offered by employers as part of their wellness programs EXCEPT ________. A) anti-smoking incentives B) low-cost immunizations C) case management services D) stress management


Chapter 13 - All of the following benefits are required by federal or state law EXCEPT ________. A) workers' compensation B) unemployment insurance C) disability insurance D) maternity leave


Chapter 13 - COBRA requires most private employers to continue to make health benefits available to terminated or retired employees and their families for a period of time, generally ________ months. A) 6 B) 12 C) 18 D) 24


Chapter 13 - In which of the following can employers and employees deposit pretax wages to pay for noncatastrophic medical expenses? A) health maintenance organizations B) health benefits funds C) health savings accounts D) deferred savings plans


Chapter 13 - Nonfinancial payments like health and life insurance, pensions, time off with pay, and child care facilities are examples of ________. A) competency-based incentives B) variable pay C) benefits D) bonuses


Chapter 13 - Rita was terminated from her position as an accounts manager with Carson Financial, Inc. On her last day at work, Rita received a check for $3,500. Which of the following did Rita most likely receive from Carson Financial? A) merit pay B) annual bonus C) severance pay D) performance pay


Chapter 13 - The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act ________. A) prohibits an employer's health plan from using incentives to encourage employees to leave the hospital after childbirth after less than the legislatively-determined minimum stay B) limits the ability of health plans to set annual or lifetime maximums on mental and nervous disorder benefits C) requires that most private employers continue to make health benefits available to terminated or retired employees and their families for a period of time D) sets minimum requirements for protecting individuals' health-care data accessibility and confidentiality


Chapter 13 - The indirect financial and nonfinancial payments employees receive for continuing their employment with a company are called ________. A) compensation B) salary C) benefits D) remuneration


Chapter 13 - To be eligible for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act, an employee must have worked ________ hours during the past twelve consecutive months. A) 850 B) 1000 C) 1250 D) 1600


Chapter 13 - What is the maximum number of weeks of unpaid leave that an employee may take under the Family and Medical Leave Act? A) six B) ten C) twelve D) sixteen


Chapter 13 - Which health benefit is offered by almost all employers? A) vision insurance B) chiropractic insurance C) prescription drug coverage D) health maintenance organization


Chapter 13 - Which of the following is NOT an employer cost associated with granting leave to employees under the Family and Medical Leave Act? A) paying temporary workers B) recruiting replacement workers C) paying employee for time not worked D) compensating for lower productivity of new workers


Chapter 13 - Which of the following provides income and medical benefits to employment-related accident victims or their dependents? A) severance pay B) family and medical leave C) workers' compensation D) health insurance benefits


Chapter 13 - Which of the following represents the largest proportion of all reported disabilities? A) respiratory diseases B) cardiovascular diseases C) mental illness D) cancer


Chapter 14 - Johnson & Johnson has a corporate ethics code that states "We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses and patients, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services." What is the most likely purpose of Johnson & Johnson's ethics code? A) establishing disciplinary procedures B) providing incentives for employees C) clarifying expectations for employees D) marketing to potential new customers


Chapter 14 - Self-managed teams typically have how many members? A) 1-2 B) 4-6 C) 8-10 D) 15-20


Chapter 14 - Which of the following best defines values as they relate to organizational culture? A) shortcuts to get work done B) principles of conduct governing an individual or group C) basic beliefs about what is right or wrong D) standards of behavior accepted by society


Chapter 14 - ________ is/are actions not done by accident but with a goal to cause harm. A) Repetition B) Imbalance of power C) Intent to cause harm D) Merit


Chapter 14 - ________ means society's accepted standards of behavior and always involves basic questions of right and wrong. A) Society assessment B) Non-normative statement C) Morality D) Distributive assessment


Chapter 14 - ________ refer to people who are inclined to make unethical choices. A) Bad bosses B) Bad cases C) Bad apples D) Bad barrels


Chapter 14 - A recent survey found approximately what percentage of organizations use social media tools to communicate with employees and to help develop a sense of community? A) 15% B) 25% C) 50% D) 80%


Chapter 14 - According to one study, what percentage of HR professionals have observed misconduct at work? A) 15% B) 33% C) 54% D) 74%


Chapter 14 - All of the following are common elements of bullying EXCEPT ________. A) power imbalance B) harmful intentions C) verbal name-calling D) repetitive incidents


Chapter 14 - All of the following would most likely be addressed in an ethics audit EXCEPT ________. A) employee discrimination B) conflicts of interest C) intranet usage D) gift giving


Chapter 14 - Based on research into ethical behavior in the workplace, which of the following is a true statement? A) Offering rewards for ethical behavior supports the intrinsic nature of personal ethics. B) Punishing unethical behavior fails to alter the behavior of others in the workplace. C) Managers significantly influence the ethical behavior of their subordinates. D) Employees feel uncomfortable discussing ethics, so it should be avoided.


Chapter 14 - In the model of 3 factors that combine to determine ethical choices, which factor involves company environments that foster unethical choices? A) Bad Apples B) Bad Results C) Bad Barrels D) Bad Cases


Chapter 14 - Semi-permanent teams that identify and research work processes and develop solutions to work-related problems are called: A) suggestion teams B) orientation teams C) problem-solving teams D) self-managed teams


Chapter 14 - Several researchers have found evidence for what they call the "Evil Woman Thesis," which is: A) women in leadership positions tend to see ethics in more concrete black and white terms B) men who do not advance in an organizational hierarchy are likely to blame female managers they have had C) when a woman doesn't act the way other men and women expect she should act, people tend to treat her more harshly than they might if a man acted unexpectedly D) when a team is created, women are more likely to be the scapegoat in the case of failure


Chapter 14 - Unfair treatment of employees in the workplace causes all the following EXCEPT ________. A) demoralization B) negative performance C) reduced stress D) reduced morale


Chapter 14 - Which of the following best defines procedural justice? A) fairness of a decision's result B) manner in which firms conduct business C) fairness of the process used to make a decision D) manner in which managers treat subordinates


Chapter 14 - Which of the following is NOT a major way HR managers can create more ethical organizational environments? A) enforce the rules B) increase organizational support C) punish whistleblowers D) institute ethics policies


Chapter 14 - Which type of bullying involves using the Internet, mobile phones, or other digital technologies to harm others? A) verbal B) social C) cyber bullying D) physical


Chapter 14 - Tracy is frequently absent from work and almost always late, so her manager has decided to fire her. Which of the following grounds for dismissal will her manager most likely use? A) misconduct B) insubordination C) unsatisfactory performance D) lack of qualifications for the job


Chapter 15 - Jeff is a manager at a paper mill. He has received a grievance from a group of employees who are union members. The grievance claims that a plant rule barring employees from eating during unscheduled breaks is arbitrary and unfair. What should Jeff most likely do? A) Discuss the case privately with the union steward. B) Agree to make informal changes to the rules. C) Examine the grievants' personnel records. D) Make special arrangements with grievants.


Chapter 15 - Union authorization cards serve all of the following functions EXCEPT ________. A) subjecting the employee to union rules B) stating that the employee has applied for membership C) enabling employers to modify employment conditions D) designating the union as a bargaining representative


Chapter 15 - All of the following increase the likelihood that an employer will lose an NLRB election EXCEPT ________. A) focusing primarily on wage and benefits issues B) appointing a committee to manage the campaign C) distributing employee need and attitude surveys D) delegating personnel relations issues to plant managers


Chapter 15 - Manning Enterprises is experiencing an impasse between management and labor. As a result, the union has made an organized effort to pressure Manning by picketing the homes of corporate directors and boycotting the firm's bank. Which of the following terms best describes the actions of Manning's union members? A) wildcat strike B) inside games C) corporate campaign D) employee lockout


Chapter 15 - The National Labor Relations Board was primarily established for the purpose of ________. A) establishing branches in right-to-work states B) negotiating contracts on behalf of local unions C) investigating unfair labor practice charges D) overseeing the establishment of local unions


Chapter 15 - The Taft-Hartley Act amended the Wagner Act in all of the following ways EXCEPT by ________. A) prohibiting unfair labor practices B) enumerating the rights of employers C) limiting the power of the National Labor Review Board D) allowing the U.S. President to bar national emergency strikes


Chapter 15 - Which intervention method listed below is the most definitive of all third-party interventions? A) fact finding B) mediation C) binding arbitration D) picketing


Chapter 15 - Which of the following best describes a "yellow dog" contract? A) As a condition of employment, an employee agrees not to picket. B) Employers agree to give union members preference in hiring. C) As a condition of employment, an employee agrees to not join a union. D) Employers agree to abide by the guidelines of the local labor unions


Chapter 15 - Which of the following best describes a main purpose of the Wagner Act? A) guaranteeing each employee the right to bargain collectively free from interference and coercion B) banning unions from preventing employees from exercising their guaranteed bargaining rights C) allowing secret-ballot elections for determining whether a firm's employees would unionize D) making it illegal for a union to refuse to bargain in good faith with the employer


Chapter 15 - Which of the following terms refers to the formal process for addressing any factor involving wages, hours, or conditions of employment that is used as a complaint against the employer? A) collective bargaining B) court injunction C) grievance procedure D) arbitration method


Chapter 15 - Which of the following was NOT designated an unfair labor practice by the Wagner Act? A) bribing employees B) using company spy systems C) requiring yellow dog contracts D) moving businesses to avoid unionization


Chapter 15 - Which of the following was passed in 1935 to amend the Norris -LaGuardia Act? A) Taft-Hartley Act B) New Deal Act C) Wagner Act D) Landrum-Griffin Act


Chapter 15 - Which type of union security accounts for almost three-fourths of union contracts? A) maintenance of membership B) closed shop C) union shop D) agency shop


Chapter 17 - Which of the following terms refers to citizens of the country in which the multinational company has its headquarters? A) expatriates B) third-country nationals C) home-country nationals D) locals


Chapter 15 - With the maintenance of membership arrangement of union security, how long must union members employed by a firm maintain union membership? A) until the union disbands B) until negotiations are over C) for the contract period D) for at least one year


Chapter 15 - ________ is the process of legally terminating a union's right to represent employees. A) Union salting B) Featherbedding C) Decertification D) Collective bargaining


Chapter 16 - According to research, which of the following is an increasing cause of motor vehicle crashes that contribute to 24% of motor vehicle crashes per year? A) alcohol abuse B) hazardous roads C) cell phone usage D) improper driver training


Chapter 16 - All of the following are effective ways that employers reduce workers' compensation costs EXCEPT ________. A) enforcing safety policies B) communicating safety policies C) providing classroom training D) using appropriate safety equipment


Chapter 16 - All of the following are symptoms of employees in advanced stages of alcoholism EXCEPT ________. A) drinking on the job B) walking with an unsteady gait C) delegating job responsibilities D) showing incompetent job performance


Chapter 16 - All of the following personality traits are associated with people who file vehicular insurance claims EXCEPT ________. A) impatience B) entitlement C) clumsiness D) aggressiveness


Chapter 16 - Lisa, a supervisor at a manufacturing facility, suspects that one of her subordinates may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Which of the following actions should Lisa take? A) Lisa should contact the worker's spouse for advice. B) Lisa should contact the police and a security guard. C) Lisa should observe the worker for signs of impairment. D) Lisa should ignore the matter because it is a personal issue.


Chapter 16 - OSHA standards list exposure limits for about how many chemicals? A) 50 B) 200 C) 600 D) 1200


Chapter 16 - OSHA standards on respiratory protection require that employees ________. A) recognize and repair faulty respiratory equipment B) receive eight hours of training in respiratory safety standards C) demonstrate how to inspect, put on, and remove respirator seals D) pass a written exam on safety inspections of respiratory equipment


Chapter 16 - Research estimates that health care costs are ________ higher for highly stressed workers than for workers who experience low amounts of stress. A) 10% B) 25% C) 46% D) 75%


Chapter 16 - The security guards and tellers at National Bank receive extensive training on how to handle medical emergencies, angry customers, and suspicious packages. Which of the following security programs is most likely being used at National Bank? A) mechanical security B) group security C) organizational security D) natural security


Chapter 16 - Toyota uses cadmium pigments in the paint for its cars. At the Toyota plant, air samples are frequently taken as a precautionary measure to ensure that employees are not exposed to levels outside the OSHA safety standards. Which of the following best describes this situation? A) job simulation tests B) unsafe conditions C) industrial hygiene D) screening


Chapter 16 - What term is used to describe any abnormal condition or disorder caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment? A) on-the-job accident B) chronic condition C) occupational illness D) work-related disease


Chapter 16 - When an agency checks to see if units under their jurisdiction are following safety laws and rules, that is known as a(n): A) job hazard analysis B) citation C) operational safety review D) safety awareness program


Chapter 16 - Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to contribute to accidents at work? A) unsafe conditions B) nature of the work C) day of the week D) time of day


Chapter 16 - Which of the following is a personal factor that can lead to stress? A) poor supervision B) pace of work C) divorce D) job security


Chapter 16 - Which of the following is a true statement regarding workplace smoking? A) Workplace smoking rules are determined by local unions and federal laws. B) OSHA requires employers to establish designated smoking areas. C) Employers may dismiss workers because they smoke at home. D) The ADA protects the rights of workers to smoke at work.


Chapter 16 - Which of the following is one of the earliest indicators of an employee's possible alcoholism? A) mood swings B) forgetfulness C) missed deadlines D) personal neglect


Chapter 16 - Which of the following should be the first method used to reduce workplace accidents? A) enforcing job rotation B) screening job applicants C) removing physical hazards D) requiring employees to use PPE


Chapter 16 - Which of the following terms refers to taking advantage of a facility's architectural features in order to minimize security problems? A) mechanical security B) organizational security C) natural security D) risk management


Chapter 16 - Which of the following will most likely increase as a result of employees experiencing significant job stress? A) retirements B) punctuality C) health care costs D) work quality


Chapter 17 - According to research, all of the following will most likely help spouses of expatriates adjust to living in foreign countries EXCEPT ________. A) close family relationships B) pre-school age children C) scheduled vacations D) language training


Chapter 17 - In China, qualified job candidates are most likely to be interested in a firm that offers ________. A) signing bonuses B) performance-based pay C) job expansion opportunities D) training and development programs


Chapter 17 - JJP Enterprises seeks to entice one of its star managers to move to Iraq to oversee a construction project. The firm will most likely offer a ________ because of the difficult living and working conditions in Iraq. A) cost-of-living allowance B) performance bonus C) hardship allowance D) mobility premium


Chapter 17 - Daniel is a manager for Siemens China, and it is time to conduct performance appraisals. During the appraisals, it would be most effective for Daniel to ________. A) link performance with employee bonuses B) make personal comments to the employee C) focus on quantifiable, objective results D) post appraisal results for each team


Chapter 17 - Geert Hofstede called the extent to which less powerful members of institutions accept and expect an unequal power distribution ________. A) masculinity B) individualism C) power distance D) tolerance for ambiguity


Chapter 17 - In many European countries, ________ replace the union-based worker-management mediations typical in the U.S. A) HR managers B) corporate attorneys C) work councils D) bargaining units


Chapter 17 - International human resource management (IHRM) focuses on three main topics. Which of the following is NOT one of them? A) comparing human resource management practices B) managing human resources in global companies C) domestic company partnerships D) managing expatriate employees


Chapter 17 - Mercedes sent a team of executives from Germany to oversee the start-up of its U.S. operations. Which of the following terms best describes the values of Mercedes' top executives? A) polycentric B) monocentric C) ethnocentric D) geocentric


Chapter 17 - Peter is a German citizen working as a manager for Siemens in Freiberg, Germany. Siemens has facilities all over the world but its headquarters is in Germany. Peter is best categorized as a(n) ________. A) expatriate B) third-country national C) home-country national D) host-country national


Chapter 17 - The current global average of employee engagement is: A) 23% B) 44% C) 61% D) 83%


Chapter 17 - The most common reason that an expatriate fails at an international assignment is ________. A) incompetence B) technical demands C) inability of spouse to adjust D) language difficulties


Chapter 17 - What value classification refers to a belief that the best manager for a specific position could be in any of the countries in which the firm operates? A) polycentric B) ethnocentric C) geocentric D) monocentric


Chapter 17 - Which of the following is NOT one of the primary expense groups used in the balance sheet approach to formulating expatriate pay? A) taxes B) housing C) disposable income D) discretionary expenses


Chapter 17 - Which of the following is a best practice in ensuring success in actually implementing globally consistent human resource policies and practices? A) "Keep it consistent." B) "Provide instruction from above." C) "You can't communicate enough." D) "Form global HR networks."


Chapter 17 - Why is recruiting, hiring, and retaining good employees difficult in China? A) economic difficulties B) unmotivated workers C) government restrictions D) training requirements


Chapter 17 - With a geocentric staffing policy, a firm is most likely able to ________. A) provide effective training B) recruit recent college graduates C) use its human resources efficiently D) strengthen its image within a local community


Chapter 17 - ________ are noncitizens of the countries in which they are working. A) Home-country nationals B) Third-country nationals C) Expatriates D) Locals


Chapter 18 - A small business owner would most likely use a professional employer organization in order to ________. A) network with industry professionals B) automate succession planning C) handle HR activities like payroll D) conduct organized labor activities


Chapter 18 - Kate is applying for a job at Logan Electronics, a small firm. Kate has been asked to take the Wonderlic Personnel Test. What is Logan Electronics most likely trying to measure? A) honesty and ethics B) psychological status C) general mental ability D) personality traits


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is a work-life benefit offered almost exclusively by small businesses? A) professional development seminars B) disability and life insurance benefits C) compressed workweeks during the summer D) job rotation and job enrichment opportunities


Chapter 18 - Which of the following terms refers to interrelated components working together to collect, process, store, and disseminate information to support a firm's human resource management activities? A) transaction-processing system B) high-performance work system C) human resource information system D) electronic performance support system


Chapter 18 - A human resources information system helps managers make effective decisions by ________. A) providing detailed information about tax liabilities B) automatically updating employee records and data C) regularly generating standardized, summarized reports D) providing data about a firm's customer orders and returns


Chapter 18 - According to research, which of the following characteristics is most associated with entrepreneurs? A) creative B) indifferent C) controlling D) personable


Chapter 18 - All of the following HR activities are associated with successful high-growth SMEs EXCEPT ________. A) emphasizing training and development B) conducting regular performance appraisals C) providing job sharing options for employees D) offering competitive recruitment packages


Chapter 18 - All of the following tasks can be managed with most HR software programs EXCEPT ________. A) payroll B) attendance C) outplacement D) benefits management


Chapter 18 - Approximately what percentage of people working in the U.S. are employed by small businesses? A) 10% B) 25% C) 50% D) 75%


Chapter 18 - Fred Landon owns a lawn care business and employs 35 people. Fred is unsure whether federal rules regarding employee discrimination apply to his small business. The Web site of which of the following agencies would be the most useful to Fred? A) Small Business Administration B) Employee Benefits Security Administration C) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission D) Occupational Safety and Health Administration


Chapter 18 - Roberto makes sure that all non-family member hires at his organization know what their responsibilities are and their potential ability to be promoted. Roberto is engaging in the small business fairness step of: A) quick, scheduled meetings B) confront family issues C) set the ground rules D) erase privilege


Chapter 18 - The Pension Protection Act of 2006 is available to employers with no more than ________ employees. A) 100 B) 250 C) 500 D) 750


Chapter 18 - The Pension Protection Act of 2006 primarily benefits small business employers by ________. A) allowing them to defer tax payments B) eliminating fees linked to retirement plans C) exempting employers from complex pension rules D) making contributions for employers and employees into IRA plans


Chapter 18 - The owner of A-1 Construction paid more in workers' compensation costs than salaries last year. Which of the following would most likely help the owner of A-1 Construction? A) taking online courses through the SBA B) screening employees with the Predictive Index C) requesting a consultation with an OSHA safety expert D) referring to the "FirstStep Employment Law Advisor" for assistance


Chapter 18 - The purpose of the Web site of "FirstStep Employment Law Advisor" is to help small employers to ________. A) determine which state regulations are relevant to their business B) file their tax forms and pay their federal and state taxes C) realize which federal laws apply to their business D) receive legal advice for specific HR problems


Chapter 18 - When Hank applied for a job with Morton Consulting, he was given the Predictive Index. What was Morton Consulting least likely attempting to measure with the Predictive Index? A) dominance B) extroversion C) reading level D) blame avoidance


Chapter 18 - Which of the following agencies offers small businesses the use of "FirstStep Employment Law Advisor"? A) Department of Commerce B) Department of Justice C) Department of Labor D) Department of the Treasury


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is NOT one of the primary reasons that small businesses use PEOs? A) managing overwhelming personnel-related paperwork B) fulfilling personnel-related legal responsibilities C) supporting the HR department temporarily D) acquiring affordable insurance and benefits


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is a recommended method for establishing fairness at a family business? A) requiring family members to telecommute B) avoiding the hiring of family members C) eliminating privileges for family members D) promoting only non-family members


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is an aspect of the OSHA Sharp program? A) free tools for attracting more job applicants B) legal advice for all business aspects C) certification process that employers have commendable levels of safety awareness D) Employers receive visits from inspectors after every workers' compensation claim is filed.


Chapter 18 - Which of the following terms refers to people who create businesses under risky conditions? A) investors B) developers C) entrepreneurs D) visionaries


Chapter 18 - With the Streamlined Interviewing Process, which of the following is NOT one of the 4 basic required factors? A) motivation B) personality C) teamwork skill D) intellectual capacity


Chapter 18 - Which of the following makes it possible for employees to self-enroll in a firm's benefits program through a secure Internet site? A) executive support system B) management information system C) human resources information system D) electronic performance support system


Chapter 10 - ________ is reducing, usually dramatically, the number of people employed by a firm. A) Career development B) Coaching C) Transfer D) Downsizing


Chapter 10 - According to research cited in the text, what is the primary reason that top-performing/high commitment employees gave for voluntarily leaving an organization? A) career development B) work-life balance C) promotions D) salary


Chapter 10 - All of the following are characteristic of a formal promotion process EXCEPT ________. A) open positions are posted B) promotion criteria are made available C) job postings are circulated to all employees D) promotions are based on unpublished requirements


Chapter 10 - All of the following are typical activities of career coaches EXCEPT helping employees to ________. A) make 1-5 year career plans B) identify development needs C) obtain networking opportunities D) negotiate with firms for higher salaries


Chapter 10 - Employers benefit from offering career development programs to employees in all of the following ways EXCEPT ________. A) supporting recruitment efforts B) boosting employee commitment C) enhancing employee strengths D) facilitating performance analysis


Chapter 10 - Michele's firm does not have a formal mentoring program. However, entry-level employees, such as Michele, are encouraged to form relationships with experienced workers. Michele wants to make sure that she has an effective mentor relationship. Which of the following mentor relationship guidelines would NOT be recommended to Michele? A) Build trust. B) Share control between mentor and mentee. C) Clarify what you expect in terms of advice. D) Bring personal problems to mentor.


Chapter 10 - Pablo Industries needs to send home a number of workers due to lack of work, although it expects they will return at a future time. This is an example of a: A) transfer B) downsizing C) promotion D) layoff


Chapter 10 - Reality shock can most likely be prevented by providing new employees with ________. A) flexible schedules B) performance appraisals C) reassignments D) accurate job previews


Chapter 10 - Smith Industries has established a career development program for its employees that offers career coaching and workshops. However, a recent employee survey indicates that many women still feel dissatisfied about their career opportunities at the firm. Which of the following would most likely improve the attitudes of female employees at Smith Industries? A) Smith installs an electronic performance support system for telecommuters. B) Smith provides hardship allowances to all minority employees. C) Smith increases the number of performance appraisals. D) Smith implements a flexible career track system.


Chapter 10 - The process of advising, counseling, and guiding employees is known as ________. A) coaching B) appraising C) assessing D) mentoring


Chapter 10 - What do firms use to coordinate career planning efforts, succession plans, and employees' career interests? A) outplacement counseling B) coaching C) reality shock D) integrated talent management software


Chapter 10 - What is defined as the occupational positions a person holds over the years? A) a psychological contract B) a promotion C) reality shock D) a career


Chapter 10 - Which of the following is NOT supported by research as to what supervisors can do to be better mentors? A) set high standards B) invest the time and effort the mentoring relationship requires C) steer protégés into important projects D) focus on controlling the mentor


Chapter 10 - Which of the following is primarily the role of the manager in an employee's career development? A) providing career information B) seeking development opportunities C) providing academic assistance programs D) providing accurate performance feedback


Chapter 10 - Willful disregard or disobedience of the boss's authority or legitimate orders is known as ________. A) dismissal B) terminate at will C) reality shock D) insubordination


Chapter 11 - Anita, a manager at a department store, needs to determine whether one of her employees is exempt or nonexempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Which of the following would be the best resource for Anita? A) organizational chart B) performance appraisal C) business plan D) job description


Chapter 11 - Jason is an information systems technician in a town in North Carolina with a population of 100,000. He receives an annual salary of $35,000. He recently found out that a nearby town with a similar population pays people in the same position $40,000 annually. With which form of equity is Jason most concerned? A) distributive B) procedural C) internal D) external


Chapter 11 - Phil, the owner of Eastline Electronics, recently learned that the current rate being paid for the position of engineering assistant at his firm falls significantly below the wage line. Which of the following steps should Phil most likely take to correct this problem? A) enact a pay freeze for that job B) assess a decrease in wages C) pay a one-time bonus D) provide a pay raise


Chapter 11 - Which form of equity refers to the perceived fairness of the processes used to make decisions regarding the allocation of pay? A) internal B) distributive C) individual D) procedural


Chapter 11 - Which job evaluation method is used by most modern employers? A) job classification method B) job grading method C) ranking method D) point method


Chapter 11 - Which of the following best describes the point method of job evaluation? A) ranking each job relative to all other jobs based on pay grade B) categorizing jobs into grades and classes based on specific rules C) deciding which jobs have a higher number of compensable factors D) identifying and quantifying the compensable factors present in a job


Chapter 11 - Which of the following gives employees the right to organize, bargain collectively, and engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining? A) Equal Pay Act B) Civil Rights Act C) Fair Labor Standards Act D) National Labor Relations Act


Chapter 11 - Which of the following is NOT one of the typical methods used by job evaluation committees to determine the worth of a job? A) ranking B) point method C) job classification D) paired comparison


Chapter 11 - Which of the following is the LEAST likely way that an employer would address a cost-ofliving differential? A) paying a nonrecurring amount spread over one to three years B) paying a nonrecurring, lump sum amount C) raising an employee's base salary D) raising commission percentages


Chapter 11 - Which of the following issues is NOT addressed by the Fair Labor Standards Act? A) record-keeping B) overtime pay C) child labor D) termination


Chapter 11 - Which of the following issues would LEAST likely be negotiated by unions? A) income security B) time off with pay C) health care benefits D) unpaid medical leave


Chapter 11 - Which of the following job evaluation methods is associated with almost every comparable worth lawsuit? A) job classification method B) job grading method C) ranking method D) point method


Chapter 11 - Which of the following shows the relationship between the value of the job and the average pay for this job? A) benchmark B) pay grade C) scatter plot D) wage curve


Chapter 11 - Which of the following states that employees of one sex may not be paid wages at a rate lower than that paid to employees of the opposite sex for doing roughly equivalent work? A) Americans with Disabilities Act B) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act C) Social Security Act D) Equal Pay Act


Chapter 11 - Which of the following terms refers to all forms of pay or rewards going to employees and arising from their employment? A) salary B) employee benefits C) wage reimbursement D) employee compensation


Chapter 11 - Which of the following was enacted in 1931 for the purpose of setting wage rates for laborers and mechanics employed by contractors working for the federal government? A) Walsh-Healey Public Contract B) Fair Labor Standards Act C) Civil Rights Act D) Davis-Bacon Act


Chapter 12 - The main feature of broad-based stock option plans is: A) monthly stock options B) option to buy as many shares as desired C) restricted to closely held organizations D) all or most employees can participate


Chapter 12 - What percentage of large employers use some type of group- or team-based incentives? A) 15% B) 40% C) 60% D) 85%


Chapter 12 - Which of the following is a true statement about Herzberg's Hygiene-Motivator theory? A) Highly motivated workers rely equally on lower-level and higher-level needs. B) Assigning workers to teams can eliminate job-associated stress and frustration. C) Providing employees with feedback and challenge satisfies their lower-level needs. D) Managers can create a self-motivated workforce by providing feedback and recognition


Chapter 12 - Employees at GameTime Software participate in a gainsharing plan. Employee bonuses are calculated by dividing payroll expenses by total sales. GameTime Software most likely uses which of the following plans? A) Lincoln B) Rucker C) Improshare D) Scanlon


Chapter 12 - McDonald Manufacturing contributes cash to a trust established to purchase shares of McDonald stock for employees. Which of the following is most likely offered by McDonald Manufacturing? A) cash plans B) Lincoln incentive systems C) deferred profit-sharing plans D) employee stock ownership plans


Chapter 12 - Studies indicate that in order for merit pay to be most effective, it should be linked to ________. A) company profits B) annual base salary C) employee overtime D) employee performance


Chapter 12 - The Lincoln incentive system is an incentive plan that ________. A) uses a trust to hold stock in individual employee accounts and distributes it to employees upon retirement B) engages many or all employees in a common effort to achieve a company's productivity objectives with any resulting cost-savings gains shared among employees and the company C) contributes company shares of its own stock or cash to be used to purchase company stock to a trust established to purchase shares of the firm's stock for employees D) involves the firm distributing total annual profits each year among employees based on their merit rating


Chapter 12 - The Scanlon plan includes all of the following features EXCEPT ________. A) identity B) competency C) a philosophy of cooperation D) a focus on individual achievement


Chapter 12 - Which of the following found that extrinsic rewards could detract from an employee's intrinsic motivation? A) Frederick Taylor B) Frederick Herzberg C) David McClelland D) Edward Deci


Chapter 12 - Which of the following is NOT a basic tenet of behavior modification? A) Behavior that leads to rewards tends to be repeated. B) Properly scheduled rewards can be used to encourage some behaviors. C) Properly scheduled punishments can be used to minimize some behaviors. D) Employees must understand the link between rewards, punishments, and behavior.


Chapter 12 - Which of the following is NOT a type of gainsharing plan? A) Improshare B) Lincoln C) Rucker D) Roth


Chapter 12 - Which of the following terms refers to financial rewards paid to workers whose production exceeds some predetermined standard? A) indirect financial payments B) merit payments C) hardship allowances D) financial incentives


Chapter 12 - With which of the following can an executive NOT profit until the stock makes significant gains? A) indexed options B) phantom stock C) restricted stock D) premium priced options


Chapter 13 - A plan in which the employer's contribution to employees' retirement savings funds is specified is known as a ________. A) portable plan B) default investment plan C) defined benefit pension plan D) defined contribution pension plan


Chapter 13 - When an employer makes all of the contributions to the pension plan, the pension plan is classified as ________. A) qualified B) non-qualified C) defined contribution D) non-contributory


Chapter 13 - All of the following are typical reasons that employers provide severance pay when downsizing EXCEPT ________. A) reducing litigation chances B) ensuring good public relations C) reassuring remaining employees D) adhering to government requirements


Chapter 13 - Employers must provide employees who have work-related injuries with all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) cash benefits B) medical services C) hospital services D) time off with full pay


Chapter 13 - The primary difference between health maintenance organizations and preferred provider organizations is that ________. A) PPOs are less costly than HMOs B) HMOs are more flexible than PPOs C) HMOs offer mental health services while PPOs do not D) PPOs allow patients to choose from a list of doctors without referrals


Chapter 13 - Which of the following sets minimum mental health care benefits? A) Civil Rights Act B) Employee Mental Health Act C) Americans with Disabilities Act D) Mental Health Parity Act


Chapter 13 - Who contributes funds for workers' compensation benefits? A) state governments B) federal government C) insurance providers D) employers


Chapter 14 - The company Wilson works for believes it should (and it does) channel resources toward improving one or more segments of society other than the firm's owners or stockholders. This is known as: A) ethics B) quality circles C) procedural justice D) corporate social responsibility


Chapter 14 - Which of the following involves using fingerprints or iris scans to identify employees? A) electronic performance monitoring system B) location monitoring system C) digital dashboard D) biometrics


Chapter 14 - A review of 30 years of ethics research concluded that there are three major factors that combine to determine the ethical choices we make. Which of the following is NOT one of them? A) Bad Barrels B) Bad Cases C) Bad Apples D) Bad Behaviors


Chapter 14 - A(n) ________ is a type of formal problem-solving team, usually composed of 6 to 12 specially trained employees who meet weekly to solve problems affecting their work area. A) action team B) organizational culture C) suggestion team D) quality circle


Chapter 14 - As a manager, all of the following would most likely encourage ethical behavior among subordinates EXCEPT ________. A) clarifying expectations B) serving as a role model C) rewarding honest work D) taking credit for others' work


Chapter 14 - Employees at R&R Carpet and Tile are allowed to take one-hour lunch breaks. Todd's assistant, Suzanne, took a two-hour lunch break today without prior approval. Suzanne has never broken any other rules since being employed by the company. R&R has a nonpunitive discipline policy. Which of the following will most likely be Todd's response to Suzanne's violation? A) issuing a formal written reminder to Suzanne B) giving Suzanne a one-day leave with pay C) telling Suzanne that she is dismissed D) issuing an oral reminder to Suzanne


Chapter 14 - What is defined as the perceptions a company's employees share about the firm's psychological environment? A) bullying B) ethics C) social responsibility D) organizational climate


Chapter 14 - What is the most likely reason for more firms providing ethics training to employees? A) Employees seeking professional certification are tested on ethics. B) State laws require businesses to have written codes of conduct. C) Businesses fear being sued by customers for ethical misconduct. D) Federal laws encourage firms to comply with ethics training guidelines


Chapter 14 - Which of the following guides the most serious societal behaviors such as murder, stealing, and slander? A) normative judgments B) distributive justice C) human rights D) moral standards


Chapter 14 - Which type of bullying involves hitting, punching, and shoving? A) verbal B) social C) cyber bullying D) physical


Chapter 14 - Which type of bullying involves spreading rumors and purposely breaking up friendships in the workplace? A) physical bullying B) cyber bullying C) verbal bullying D) social bullying


Chapter 15 - If passed, the Employee Free Choice Act would ________. A) ban union membership for federal employees B) allow mass union e-mails at the workplace C) allow the formation of global unions D) institute a card check system


Chapter 15 - In which human resource activity does a typical labor agreement NOT give the union a role? A) recruitment B) selection C) dismissal D) appraisals


Chapter 15 - According to the Landrum-Griffin Act, national and international unions must elect officers at least once every ________ years. A) two B) three C) four D) five


Chapter 15 - Employers dealing with an unfair labor practice strike can use all of the following responses EXCEPT ________. A) shutting down the affected area until the strike ends B) continuing operations with supervisors filling in C) hiring temporary replacement workers D) hiring permanent replacement workers


Chapter 15 - Managers from Ford and representatives from United Auto Workers are in the first stage of collective bargaining over benefits and wages. Which of the following is most likely occurring? A) Subcommittees are forming to create alternatives. B) Each side is trading some of its demands. C) Each side is checking terms with superiors. D) Each side is presenting its demands.


Chapter 15 - Negotiators use all of the following types of third-party interventions to overcome an impasse EXCEPT ________. A) binding arbitration B) mediation C) fact finding D) picketing


Chapter 15 - Prior to 1930, employers attempted to limit the influence of unions using all of the following methods EXCEPT ________. A) spying on workers B) firing union agitators C) requiring yellow dog contracts D) engaging in collective bargaining


Chapter 15 - The Taft-Hartley Act prohibits all of the following union labor practices EXCEPT ________. A) forcing an employer to fire a worker for failing to attend union meetings B) refusing to bargain in good faith with an employer about wages and hours C) restraining or coercing employees from exercising their guaranteed bargaining rights D) demanding an employer fire a worker who fails to pay union dues in a closed shop


Chapter 15 - The union becomes the employees' representative if it receives ________. A) a majority of the votes cast by the bargaining unit B) signed authorization cards from 30% of employees C) written approval from the employer D) a majority of the votes cast


Chapter 15 - Vaughn Manufacturing develops and manufactures microphone components. Over the last few years, the firm has made numerous HR changes with the goal of becoming a high performance work system. Vaughn employees work in self-directed teams, participate in regular training programs, and receive frequent performance appraisals. Vaughn executives want to make sure that the firm's new methods are not perceived as sham unions. Which of the following would most likely help Vaughn accomplish this goal? A) allowing employee teams to bargain over wages B) increasing committee supervision by managers C) electing employee representatives to committees D) involving employees in program formation


Chapter 15 - When representatives of Ford's management and the autoworkers' union meet to negotiate a labor agreement, which of the following is most likely occurring? A) certification B) union salting C) featherbedding D) collective bargaining


Chapter 15 - Which law sought to protect union members from possible wrongdoing on the part of their unions? A) Norris-LaGuardia Act B) Taft-Hartley Act C) Wagner Act D) Landrum-Griffin Act


Chapter 15 - Which of the following bans five unfair labor practices and provides for majority rule and secret ballot elections? A) Landrum-Griffin Act B) Norris-LaGuardia Act C) Taft-Hartley Act D) Wagner Act


Chapter 15 - Which of the following best defines the preferential shop form of union security? A) A company can hire nonunion people, but they must then join the union. B) Union members must maintain membership for the contract period. C) Employees who do not belong to the union must still pay dues. D) A company gives hiring advantages to union members.


Chapter 15 - Which of the following best describes the closed shop form of union security? A) A company can hire nonunion people if they agree to join the union. B) Union members receive higher wages than nonunion employees. C) Union members receive preferential treatment in hiring. D) A company can hire only union members.


Chapter 15 - Which of the following is most likely a false statement about union membership? A) Union members work in both blue-collar and white-collar industries. B) Insurance plan benefits are better for union workers than for nonunion workers. C) Union workers receive more holidays and unpaid leave than nonunion workers do. D) Employers prefer nonunion workers, so they pay them higher wages than union members.


Chapter 15 - Which of the following is the most likely reason for the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act? A) high unemployment rates B) significant economic boom C) major shifts in the workforce D) numerous union strikes


Chapter 15 - Which of the following situations would most likely improve a union's chances of winning a certification election at Apex Enterprises? A) geographic area with low percentage of union workers B) high unemployment in the geographic area C) a large portion of workers voting D) small bargaining units


Chapter 15 - Which of the following terms refers to a strike that takes place when one union strikes in support of another union? A) wildcat strike B) economic strike C) bargaining strike D) sympathy strike


Chapter 15 - Which of the following terms refers to an unfair labor practice in which a union requires an employer to pay an employee for services not performed? A) coercing B) padding C) ballooning D) featherbedding


Chapter 16 - Experts suggest that burnout can most effectively be reduced by ________. A) telecommuting B) taking long vacations C) changing careers D) reassessing goals


Chapter 16 - ________ is "the process of assessing exposures to loss within an operation and determining how best to eliminate, manage or otherwise reduce the risk of an adverse event from having a negative impact on the business." A) Workplace safety B) Security C) Crisis management D) Risk management


Chapter 16 - ________ is defined as the total depletion of physical and mental resources caused by excessive striving to reach an unrealistic work-related goal. A) Depression B) Job stress C) Anxiety D) Burnout


Chapter 16 - All of the following are covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act EXCEPT ________. A) federal agents B) hospital nurses C) crane operators D) self-employed persons


Chapter 16 - All of the following are effective methods of improving workplace safety EXCEPT ________. A) analyzing accident rates B) publicizing an organization's safety policy C) showing an organizational commitment to safety D) setting unreasonable but challenging safety goals


Chapter 16 - Centerline Communications wants to reduce the number of workplace accidents associated with employee substance abuse. Which of the following would be the most effective method to accomplish this goal? A) preemployment drug testing B) preemployment psychological screening C) a combination of random ongoing drug testing with psychological evaluations D) a combination of preemployment drug testing and random ongoing drug testing


Chapter 16 - Employee depression results in as many as ________ total lost workdays in the United States each year. A) 5 million B) 16 million C) 43 million D) 68 million


Chapter 16 - Which government agency enforces the standards set out in the Occupational Safety and Health Act? A) Department of Health and Human Services B) Department of Agriculture C) Department of Commerce D) Department of Labor


Chapter 16 - Which of the following is LEAST likely to be considered when OSHA calculates a penalty? A) business size B) compliance history C) gravity of violation D) legal representation


Chapter 16 - Which of the following is NOT a method of minimizing workplace accidents? A) reducing unsafe conditions B) reducing unsafe acts C) screening employees D) paying better wages


Chapter 16 - Which of the following is a major source of occupational respiratory disease? A) dust B) mold C) fertilizer D) asbestos


Chapter 16 - Which of the following is conducted by an agency to determine if a work site is in compliance with safety laws and regulations? A) security plan B) workplace review C) job hazard analysis D) operational safety review


Chapter 17 - According to research, which of the following is a greater concern to Chinese managers than United States managers? A) getting tasks accomplished efficiently B) keeping a distance from subordinates C) enforcing a firm's policies and regulations D) maintaining a harmonious work environment


Chapter 17 - Sara, who is originally from India, works in Texas for Dell as an IT manager. Dell, which has a localization policy, recently announced that management positions are available in its Bangalore, India facility. If Sara, who wants to return to India, is offered the Bangalore position, she would most likely be categorized as a(n) ________. A) commuter employee B) independent contractor C) third-country national D) permanent transferee


Chapter 17 - Which of the following corporate divisions plays the greatest role in offshoring? A) marketing B) accounting C) manufacturing D) human resources


Chapter 17 - ________ are citizens of the countries where they are working. A) Home-country nationals B) Multi-nationals C) Expatriates D) Locals


Chapter 17 - All of the following are reasons that firms rely heavily on locals to fill foreign subsidiary management positions EXCEPT ________. A) pressure from local government B) lower costs than using expatriates C) improved public relations in community D) high level of skills and technical qualifications


Chapter 17 - All of the following are the primary benefits of providing ongoing training to employees on overseas assignments EXCEPT ________. A) offering educational opportunities B) developing relationships with co-workers C) cultivating corporate values and standards D) providing spousal networking opportunities


Chapter 17 - Jim Simmons, an American, has worked for a U.S. firm's Italian operations for two years with great success. Now, the company wants Jim to relocate to France to establish a new division. The company will most likely offer Jim a ________ to reward him for moving from one assignment to another. A) hardship allowance B) foreign service premium C) cost-of-living increase D) mobility premium


Chapter 17 - What is the primary problem associated with virtual teams at international firms? A) scheduling meetings B) agreeing on important issues C) facilitating group communication D) building trust among team members


Chapter 17 - Which of the follow is a step in "Making the Global HR System More Acceptable?" A) Identify crucial executive behaviors. B) Remember that it's more important to standardize ends and competencies than specific methods. C) Dedicate adequate resources. D) Try to work within the context of a strong corporate culture.


Chapter 17 - Which of the following is a true statement regarding expatriates? A) Most expatriates require at least one year of psychological help after returning home. B) Most expatriates avoid traveling abroad after returning to their home country. C) Most expatriates and their families prefer open-ended work assignments. D) Most expatriates quit within three years of returning home.


Chapter 17 - Which of the following is most likely NOT covered by kidnapping and ransom insurance policies? A) abductions B) ransoms C) crisis teams D) weapons


Chapter 17 - Which of the following qualities is most closely linked to an employee's success on an international work assignment? A) technical skills B) responsibility C) intelligence D) flexibility


Chapter 17 - Which of the following terms refers to a lump-sum payment given to employees as a reward for moving from one assignment to another? A) hardship allowance B) foreign service premium C) cost-of-living allowance D) mobility premium


Chapter 18 - Jana owns a dry cleaning business and employs 25 people. She needs a safety and accident checklist that is specific to the dry cleaning industry. Jana would most likely find the information she needs on the ________ Web site. A) SBA B) O*NET C) EEOC D) OSHA


Chapter 18 - Jill Roberts owns a flower shop and employs 20 people. Jill lacks the time and knowledge to efficiently handle HR tasks like payroll and benefits management. Which of the following would be most appropriate for Jill in this situation? A) filing with COBRA B) finding an HMO C) creating a PAQ D) hiring a PEO


Chapter 18 - Which of the following terms refers to an outside vendor that manages HR functions for small businesses? A) professional employer organization B) human resource outsourcer C) employee leasing firm D) all of the above


Chapter 18 - ________ processing allows for employees to self-enroll in all their desired benefits program over the Internet at a secured site. A) Improved-Transaction B) Improved Reporting C) HR system integration D) Self


Chapter 18 - All of the following are employee recruitment tools used by most small firms EXCEPT ________. A) professional association Web sites B) local newspaper ads C) Internet job boards D) assessment centers


Chapter 18 - All of the following are options for small businesses looking for online training programs to improve their employees' skills EXCEPT ________. A) National Association of Manufacturers B) Small Business Administration C) American Management Association D) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Chapter 18 - At a small business, what is the most likely benefit of a flexible, informal, and familiar work environment? A) gaining market share quickly B) offering extensive benefits packages C) providing regular, online training courses D) knowing employees' strengths and needs


Chapter 18 - Charles Brown owns a small business with 60 employees. Currently his business does not have a retirement plan. He wants an easy method of offering retirement benefits to his employees. Which of the following would most likely be Charles' best option? A) SIMPLE IRA plan B) Roth IRA plan C) stock options D) 401(k) plan


Chapter 18 - David owns a small architecture firm with 75 employees. He wants to use a PEO to handle his firm's HR activities. David is in the process of investigating Assure Group, a PEO. Which of the following best supports the argument that David should use Assure Group? A) The Assure representative explains that the PEO has been in business for one year. B) The Assure representative does not ask David about his company's current HR policies. C) The Assure representative promises David that his company will see substantial savings. D) The Assure representative asks David many questions about his company's safety policies.


Chapter 18 - David owns a small architecture firm with 75 employees. He wants to use a PEO to handle his firm's HR activities. David is in the process of investigating Assure Group, a PEO. Which of the following questions is LEAST relevant to David's decision regarding whether or not to hire Assure? A) Will employee benefits be fully insured or partially self-funded by Assure? B) What HR and legal expertise is available from the Assure staff? C) What is the process that Assure uses to handle HR-related legal issues? D) How does Assure effectively communicate HR needs with its employees?


Chapter 18 - In most small businesses, which of the following is the lowest priority for managers? A) sales B) finance C) production D) HR management


Chapter 18 - Rob, the owner of A-Tech, a small software firm, plans to use the streamlined interview process to interview candidates for a programming position at the company. Rob should first ________. A) ask questions about significant areas in a candidate's life B) probe specific factors during the interview C) devise a plan for the interview D) prepare for the interview


Chapter 18 - The Wonderlic Personnel Test is especially appropriate for small businesses because it is ________. A) useful for training new hires B) equivalent to the GRE test C) developed by the EEOC D) easy to administer


Chapter 18 - Training programs at most small firms can best be described as ________. A) systematic B) nonexistent C) expensive D) informal


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is a common characteristic of HR at most small businesses? A) dedicated HR manager responsible for recruiting B) strict oversight of compensation regulations C) intranet-based employee benefits enrollment D) duplication of employee data in paperwork


Chapter 18 - Which of the following is the most likely result of treating family and non-family employees at a small business differently? A) communication difficulties B) benefits discrepancies C) union involvement D) poor morale


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