Final Forensics fr

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Nawrocki and Colleagues 3 Phases of Fluvial Transport of a Body

1. Body moved from initial point of insertion by current 2. Body bloats and rises to surface (usually torso more so than long bones) 3. Movement of individual bones

Healing Fracture

1. Body tries to close wound and primary callus forms to prevent infection 2. Body attempts to stabilize bone with collagen matrix 3. Bone attempts to remodel

3 Interpretations of Injury

1. Defence 2. Proactive 3. Self-inflicted

3 Periods of Forensic Anthropology

1. Formative 2. Consolidation 3. Modern

Carnivores can produce 3 types of secondary injury

1. Fracture lines 2. Splintering 3. Depressed fractures

Problems with cranial suture method (2)

1. Genetic variation 2. Must have entire skull to analyze

Scientific measurements and potential types of errors involved

1. Gross Errors- Caused by less than careful attention to task at hand 2. Systemic Errors- Repeated with use of a particular instrument 3. Random Error- No pattern, no consistency

What are the four elements that must be present to have a fire?

1. Heat/energy source 2. Oxygen source 3. Fuel 4. Chain reaction

Confirmation Test

A single test that specifically identifies a substance

Crystalline Solid

A solid in which the constituent atoms have a regular arrangement.

People with type A blood have _____ antigen and the ___ antibody

A, B

who can AB+ give blood to?


Who can receive type A+ blood?

AB+, A+

Who can type B- give blood to?

AB+, AB-, B-, B+

A person showed clotting in the A and B column but not the Rh. What is their blood type?


Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion (The stages in which a drug moves through the body)

ADME stands for

1959 - 1st case of _____ recorded in the Congo



Acronym for gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry


Acronym of Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry

Problems with the OJ Simpson case

Alleging contamination Mislabeled packaging DNA left in a trunk of a vehicle Accusations of planted evidence (Furman)


Alternate forms of a gene


An incendiary fire lit with the into to illegally destroy a structure or evidence that may lay with it, or to cover up another crime.


An oxidized form of hemoglobin.


Analysis, comparison, evaluation, & verification. Used when comparing prints/looking for match.


Cannabinoids are classified as..


Cocaine is classified as...

Stimulants, examples

Cocaine, crack, methamphetamines

What does DNA stand for?

Deoxyribonucleic acid


Depressant - accompanied by sexual assault - drug is odorless and colorless Effects - dizzy, unconcious, nausea, no memory


Describes materials that do not mix. "When shaken, two in miscible liquids will separate to their original volumes. "

Comminuted Fracture

Does not fuse properly

What is the goal of generating forensic evidence from the gathered information?

Establishing material facts before or at trial i. That is the forensic part of forensic evidence. The intent is to get to the evidence part. All of this carefully gathered information is generated to meet the goal of establishing material facts at or before trial, not to demonstrate the latest technological advances or most recent methodologies.

principle of handwriting analysis

Every persons handwriting is unique, much like fingerprints

What is considered court approved information that is used to determine a defendant's guilt or innocence?


All combustion reactions are (exothermic or endothermic?)


3 types of Post-Mortem Examination

External, Internal, toxicology

Dry Extraction

Extraction uses a solvent to dissolve and remove the compound of interest

True or false: Deuterium has the greatest number of protons of all the isotopes of hydrogen.

False (# of protons are the in isotopes)

True or False: Facial reconstruction is the first step in identifying an individual based on their skull.

False; it is one of the last resorts

1937 - Dr. B ______ established the first blood bank


Bloat Stage

Front of the body swells, tongue may protrude, fluid comes out and there is a terrible smell


Fuels that are easily vapourised, support combustion and are highly exothermic. They burn easily and the heat they give off vapourises the solid material in the room causing them to become involved in the fire. Often leave residues behind even if burned.


Fused ribs

Bipartite Patella

Fusion because patella started in 2 pieces

Confirmation Tests

GC and MS Infrared Spectrophotometry

1984 - Robert _____ identified the virus causing AIDS, which was ___

Gallo, HIV

Gas Chromatography

Gas flowing through a coated tube separates compounds by their size, weight and chemical reactivity with the coating of the tube or column

Gas chromatography

Gas flowing through a coated tube separates compounds by their size, weight, and chemical reactivity with the coating of the cube or column

Preferred analysis methods for explosive residue

HPLC TLC Mass Spec IR GC not used as the need to heat the explosives may cause problems.


Hair core that is not present

To pursue the forensic sciences, one should:

Have a solid foundation in math and science.


High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Schedule 2 Drugs

High potential for abuse, accepted medical use with restrictions, psychological and physical dependence (EX: opium, cocaine) penalties 0-20yrs/ $1 million


How drugs and poisons move through the body


-Elected -No medical knowledge/training necessary -Can hold "Coroner Inquest" and take sworn testimony

Crime Scene Survey

-Prepare an initial reconstruction -Note any temporary evidence -Note entry/exits that require attention -Access scene for personnel, precautions, and equipment needed.


-Pressing a finger against discolored skin turns it white, then color returns -Color will not return after 4-5 hours after livor mortis due to clotting.


-Yellow/beige waxy appearance -Hydrogenation of body fats into fatty acids -Occurs when a body has been in a wet/moist environment

Gunshot residue

-collection kit -use of tape to dab skin/clothes for particles -high-tech microscope to analyze components of the particles

types of medulla

-continuous -intermittent -fragmented -absent

advantages of hair toxicology

-easy to collect and store -is externally available -drug history -must be taken from different locations on body


-ridge lines that enter from one side of the pattern and curve around to exit from the same side of the pattern. Radial loop-opens towards the thumb Ulnar Loop-opens towards the pinky


-ridge lines that enter the print from one side and flow out the other side


-ridge patterns that are generally rounded or circular and have two deltas.

3 Race Model

1. African 2. Asian 3. Caucasian

RH negative

If u don't have the antigen there will be no clumping

Clandestine Drug Laboratoreis

Illicit location that manufactures controlled substances

Woven bone

Immature, healing, pathological

Primary perimeter

Immediate grave area

Latent prints

Impressions left by friction ridge skin on a surface such as glass, door, requires enhancement

Proactive Injury

Injuries that are sustained by actively being the aggressor

Self-Inflicted Injury

Injuries that occur within a victim's reach (usually less painful areas)


Is chemically derived from ergot alkaloids found in a fungus that grows on grain.

Analysis of fire residues

Isolate accelerant either through extraction or direct capture. Determine the nature of the residue usually through GCMS (FTIR can also be used)


Lethal dose that will kill half of a population

Carnivores: Furrows

Like scoring but much deeper scratches

What are mechanical fires?

Many types of machines can overheat either through misuse or incorrect placement.

Bite Mark

Mark made by teeth either alone or in combination with other mouthparts


Mature osteoblasts

Hair & Fiber Evidence

May be transferred from a suspect to a victim and vice versa. Can be examined to identify their origin, such as human or animal. Can also be tested for DNA if roots in tact.


Message Digest 5 most common algorithm widely used in email messages common in DF

Types of fires

Natural Accidental Deliberate (incendiary fire)

What are the 3 possible types of fires?

Natural, accidental, deliberate/incendiary


Negroid hair- kinky w/dense pigments; Caucasian hair- generally straight/wavy w/fine pigments; Kids hair- finer than adults, can't est gender

______ kill and digest bacteria


Biological functions of a skeleton

Nutrition, development, and bone growth

A person showed clotting in the Rh column but not the A or B. What is their blood type?



Occurs when body is suspended by neck using flexible cordage


One of the class of bitter tasting, basic organic compounds with nitrogen containing rings, which are normally obtained from plants. They often have powerful affects on living things. Example: Morphine and cocaine

The testimony of a forensic scientist is considered what type of evidence?


Fracture Complications: Infection

Osteomyelitis: blood starts to het infected and transfers to the bone; cloca forms and puss comes out of bone

Alternate light source, laser/luminescent nanoparticles

Other methods of print development?

Compact bone

Outside of long bones etc - hard outer layer


Oxidized form of hemoglobin. The antidote to cyanide poisoning.


Paint data query holds all colors from car manufacturers

Linear Fracture

Parellel to long-axis of bone


Part of hair that sticks out

The process by which forensic science methods and data are evaluated is called:

Peer review.

What is the difference between peri and post mortem trauma?

Peri-mortem trauma is still dealing with wet bone while post is dealing with dry bone

Purpose of documentation

Permanently record condition of the crime scene and it's physical evidence. *most time-consuming activity at the scene*

What is crucial to forensic evidence?

Physical Evidence

Paint Evidence

Physical and chemical analysis of paint can indicate it's class or what type of paint it is.

Trace Evidence

Physical evidence that is found at a crime scene in small but measurable amounts

Powder dusting, Magnetic brush, Small Particle Reagent (SPR), and Mikrosil

Physical methods of print development?

What are at least two examples of what can determine a fire as arson?

Presence of an accelerant, elimination of natural or accidental causes of a fire, fire trails, multiple points of origin

Firearm Injury: Perforating

Presence of both entrance and exit wounds


Provides a permanent visual record of the scene Records the original scene and all areas related to it Records how is originally appeared Used in court



Depression fractures are likely to produce _______________ fractures


Which bone rolls over which? Ulna or radius

Radius rolls - ulna is the place holder and ndoesnt attach to the thumb


Segment of DNA that contains information to produce a protein

head hair

Shows little diameter variation

Direct evidence of trauma

Skeletal alterations

The __________ produces the greatest number of traits when assessing ancestry.



Soft tissue rapidly disappears; corpse wax is formed and body begins to collapse


Step one of DNA Fingerprinting - take DNA out of cells


Step two of DNA Fingerprinting - Make copies of DNA

hair shape-round

Straight: Asian, white

Excavating mass graves uses the _____________ method



Study of fingerprint identification.

Botanical examinations

Study of various plant structure, such as roots, stems, branches, leaves, fruits, or flower, that may be used to determine time and season of death as well as possible prior location of remains

Mechanical functions of a skeleton

Support, protection, and body movement

Club Drugs

Synthetic drugs that are often used at nightclubs, bars, and raves. (EX: ecstasy)

Mass Spectrometry

Technique based on the detection of vaporized molecules and their ionized fragments. The detection and display of the spectra are based on the mass-to-charge ratios of the ions.

Tetrahydricannabinol (THC)

The active ingredient in Marijuana

Forensic Evidence

The application of "science to criminal and civil laws" that are enforced by police agencies in a Criminal Justice system.

Physical Property

The behavior of a substance without alteration of the substance's composition through a chemical reaction.


The bending of light wave as it passes from one medium to another.

What is the origin of an explosion called?

The bomb seat (point of origin)

Firearms: Caliber

The diameter of a bullet and/or barrel of a handgun or rifle


The distance between crests of adjacent waves.


The flat plate where the slides are placed for observation

Drug Dependence

Two types: physical and psychological

Elimination of alcohol or toxins

Two ways: oxidation and excretion


Type B


Type O

Facial Reconstruction: Geraimov (1927)

Used the anatomical method or manual reconstruction to sculpt muscles, glands and cartilage

Fine Focus

Used to fine tune or focus on the specimen.


Vapour trace analyser A specialised GC optimised for explosives. Uses headspace analysis, where explosive residue vapours are intoduced into a collector and the polar residues are isolated and chromatographed.

Who was the first scientist to research and analyze blood spatter patterns?

Victor Balthazard

How is an expert's qualification to testify established?

Voir Dire i. "Voir Dire is the process by which attorneys select, or perhaps more appropriately reject, certain jurors to hear a case." − It also refers to the process by which expert witnesses are questioned about their backgrounds and qualifications before being allowed to present their opinion testimony in court.

Who discovered the structure of DNA?

Watson & Crick

1910, Chicago

When was the first US crime solved with fingerprints?

1892, Argentina

When was the first crime solved with fingerprints?

_____ bone marrow is found more in adults and _______ bone marrow is found more in children

Yellow; red

The Microscope

a universal symbol of science, represents the ability to explore the world below the limits of our perception,

What are Y-shaped proteins secreted by WBCs that attach to antigens and destroy them?


toxicological samples

blood, stomach contents, bile, brain matter, liver, vitreous humor

2500 BC - Egyptians used __________ to try and cure diseases


Where is blood made?

bone marrow


breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen

types of ways to cut barrel

broaching, swaging, hammer forging, and electro-chemical etching

test; evidence; shape; density

by comparing the ______ and _________ patterns, the examiner may find enough similarity in _______ and __________ upon which to base an opinion as to the distance from which the shot was fired

What are the tarsals?

calcaneous, talus, navicular, cuboid, lateral cuneform, intermediate cuneform, medial cuneform

hair shape

can be straight (round), curly (oval), or kinky (crescent moon) it depends on the cross-section

fiber evidence

can be used to connect the suspect to victim or scene (class evidence)

environmental factors

can destroy DNA evidence

Gastrointestinal Contents

can determine location of deceased during last meal, can determine what final meal was, can uncover partially digested/dissolved pills

Internet service providers

can investigate their employees for abuse but not their customers except for emergency situations

ameboid movement

can move

Cast off pattern

caused by a repeated beating or stabbing - will find blood everywhere

During a cast-off pattern, where do we normally find round blood spatter droplets?

ceiling (then drip to the floor)

Pyrolysis gas chromatography is used for

characterizing paint binders

Rayon fibers

chemically altered cellulose; soft, lustrous, versatile

Under a microscope, how can you tell if fresh blood is from a mammal?

circular, unnucleated

Blood typing is considered what type of evidence?


Appendicular Skeleton

clavicle, scapula, arms, hands, os coxa, legs, feet

Stage Clips

clips on the stage used to hold the slide in place

why is it difficult to individualize a fiber to a single source?

clothes are mass produced

Bloodstain patterns can help to evaluate the _____ of statements provided by the witness, victim, or a suspect.



dragging bloody hair across floor

Random Access memory (RAM)

dynamic or temporary computer storage; RAM is volatile and data is normally lost when power is Off


elected, has no medical training, can be a pathologists but doesn't have to be, can take sworn testimony

Electrons are found in

electron orbitals


electronic database of DNA profiles that can identify suspects. DNA profiles from individuals convicted of certain crimes

Beta particles are identical to ______.


Hard Disk Drive

is the primary storage device of a computer used for storing digital information (data)

The most important physical property of paint in a forensic comparison is ______.

layer structure

Ocular Lens

lens that you look through at the top of the microscope

verbal reports

less structured attorneys cannot be forced to release verbal reports addresses the areas of the investigation yet to be completed

Before packaging blood stained material, what does a forensic scientist need to do?

let air dry them refrigerate/freeze and wrap or roll in paper for transport

good sources of handwriting exemplars

letters diaries greeting cards personal notes

A(n) _______ spectrum shows distinct frequencies or wavelengths of light.


What are lines drawn to determine where the source of blood is?

lines of convergence

Single evidence from

list each piece on separate page good for transferring individual item

Multi evidence form

lists multiple items of evidence associated with a case

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

lists your professional experience

Objective Lenses

magnifying lenses that typically range from 4x to 100x on a compound microscope

two classes of fibers determined by forensic scientists

natural and manufactured

range of fire estimation

need range and direction of fire

distant gunshots

no detectable residue reaches victim circular or elliptical defect wound had marginal abrasion or contusion ring and maybe a gray ring from combustion products, oils and such


no rational classification can be determined; physical exam finds no mechanism of death, absence of meaningful findings in toxicological exam

class characteristics

number of lands and grooves, Land Impression Width and Groove Impression Width, caliber, direction of twist

Scientific working group on digital evidence

offers guidelines and best practices for examining evidence in the field and laboratory

slightly-rounded tip

old cut

class; consistent; lands; grooves; twist

once a manufacturer chooses a rifling process, the ______ characteristics of the weapon's barrel will remain ________; each will have the same number of ______ and _______, with the same approximate width and direction of ______

who is Frank Abagnale, Jr.?

one of the most famous forgers and famous con artist

who is Frank W. Abagnale JR.

one of the worlds most respected authorities on forgery, embezzlement and secure document. successfully posed as an airline pilot, an attorny, a college professor, and a pediatrician. movie catch me if you can


organ from which hair grows (DNA)

Gunshot Wound

originates from a projectile fired from a firearm; creates stippling and a stellate pattern


osteoclast precursors


osteoclasts mature

steps to visualize scales

paint clear nail polish on slide, when almost dry pull off & observe imprints made

What is the liquid portion of blood?


proportions of components of blood

plasma red blood cells platelets white blood cells

Blood typing identifies the ______ or ______ of particular proteins in a cell

presence, absence

DNA from hair

root has nuclear DNA- if forcibly removed folicular tissue w/DNA & attached skin; hair shaft- maternal (mito.) DNA

distribution; distance

the _____________ of gunpowder particles and other discharge residues around a bullet hole permits an assessment of the __________ from which a handgun or rifle was fired

trajectory is figured using

the height of the shooter and the distance of the shooter and the angle (Pythagorean Theorem)

bigger the drop

the higher the blood fell from the ...

comparison microscope

the single most important tool to a firearms examiner


the surfaces of the original bore remaining between the grooves


the use or application of scientific knowledge to a point of law , especially as it applies to the investigation of crime

evidence tape

to seal all computer ports or openings and evidence bags , includes cables

transverse plane?

top/bottom (inferior and superior)

passive drops

trail of circular drops

1795 - First blood ______ peformed


counterfeit detector

used by law enforcement agencies, banks, casinos, and some retail stores verifies the density, size, infrared marks, ink and magnetic features.

Henry system

used over 100 years and assigns 20-character stirng of letter and number to a persons fingerprints

comparison microscope

used to compare crime-scene tool marks with test impressions made with the suspect tool


used to separate dyes for comparative analysis

PCR technique

used with small amounts of DNA and need copies for testing... DNA is heated and cooled iwth enzymes to make copies of desired fragment by RFLP testing can e performed

essential that forensics examiners use procedures, methods ,

utilities that prevent data alteration when possible

Classification of natural fibers

vegetable or cellulose animal or protien mineral

Do veins or arteries have valves?


What type of blood vessel carries blood towards the heart?


computer may be part of an incident or crime such as

was the victim or target used to commit a crime fruit of a crime (copyright) repository of info( stored)

they have no nucleus

why cant red blood cells be used for DNA testing?

it is a universal donor

why is type O blood always low in blood banks?

What needs to be measured to approximate a point of origin?

width, length

What pattern: object moving through blood that has not completely dried and moves, removes, or alters it?


sheep fiber


internal examination

y-shaped incision, removal and weight of organs, cranium examination, lungs, heart malformations/trauma, stomach contents.


yellow/beige waxy appearance that occurs when a body has been in a wet/moist environment. skin separation occurs in 5-6 (body), 8-10 (hands), floating occurs in 8-10 for warm water, 2-3 weeks for cold

3 rules for obtaining forensics hash

you can't predict the value no two has values can be the same if the file changes the values change

Skeletally, TB affects...

The lower vertebrae, top of femur and knees

What makes up the sternum?

The manubirum, sternal body, and xiphoid process

Wound Bevelling: Inward

The outer hole of bone's surface is smaller than the inner hole

Know and understand Locard's Principle

The perpetrator of a crime will bring something into the crime scene and leave with something from it, and that both can be used as forensic evidence

Refractive index

The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in a given medium.

Refractive Index

The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in a given space.


The resin from marijuana that has been isolated from the plant material


The separation of light into its component wavelengths.

Firearms: Jacket

The thin medal coating of the bullet which reduces the deformation and fragmentation of the projectile during passage through the body

Why is the presence of trace elements useful?

They provide "invisible" markers that may establish source of material or additional points for comparison

4. How do fire extinguishers work in general?

They work by eliminating elements of a fire.

What is blast pressure?

This pressure compresses the gases and the surrounding air. Will shatter anything that gets in its way. The damage decreases with distance as the wave loses power.

"Father of forensic anthropology"

Thomas Dwight

Typical Forensic Questioned Documents

Threatening notes, ransom notes, suicide notes, and altered checks

Impression Evidence

Three forms of this evidence are shoeprints & tire tracks, bite marks, and tool marks.

Fingerprint Evidence

Three types of patterns: arches, loops, and whorls. Unique ridge characteristics in these are used to identify a suspect or victim.


Throat is squeezed by human hands

True or False: You are unlikely to get TB if you have leprosy


Double Helix

Two coiled DNA strands

Forensic Drug Analysis

Two parts: screening and confirmation

Laminated Glass

Two sheets of ordinary glass bonded together with a layer of plastic.

Laminated glass

Two sheets of ordinary glass bonded together with a plastic film.

The Automated Fingerprint Identification System

- a computer system for storing and retrieving fingerprints (began early 1970's)

Hallucinogens def

- affect perception, thinking, self awareness, and emotions - flashbacks may occur long after the drugs wear off

types of fiber

---natural -animal -plants -excrement -mineral ---Man made -regenerated -synthetic

Medical Examiner

-Required to be an M.D. -Specialization in pathology -Usually board-certified -Will make determinations using all available information

Rigor Mortis

-Stiffening or contraction of muscle mass. -Estimation of TOD is not always used and highly debated.

Dr. Henry Faulds

-published letter in 1880 in Nature

1000 years ago to China

How far back do fingerprints date back to?

Mycobacterium TB

Human to human

Which bone does not articulate with the rest of the skeleton?



If u have the antibody for RH u don't have the

clandestine drug laboratories

Illicit location that manufactures controlled substances


Immovable joints held together by ligaments


Opiates are classified as...

Palms of hands, soles of feet, bite marks, lip prints, retina patterns, biometrics (details), toes

Other patterns on the body that can be used for personal identification?

Rough Sketches

Initial sketch conducted at scene: - shows items of physical evidence - objects are located by distance measurements from 2 FIXED POINTS - proportions and measurements should be ACCURATE - Sketch shows a compass heading designating north

Types of high explosives

Initiating high explosives Non-initiating high explosives

Blunt Force Trauma

Injuries caused by non-sharpened object

Defence Injury

Injuries that occur while trying to ward off assailant


Injury caused to living tissue by an outside force

Chemical Method

Involves analyzing the chemical makeup of certain structures of the skeleton

Fracture edges of peri-mortem fractures are ____________ with splintering


What composes the os coxa?

Ischium, Iilium, pubis fused together

Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from.. ?

Just the mother

VanUrk Color Test

LSD (blue-purple)

The chain-of-custody form includes ALL EXCEPT:

Lab results


Lamina does not fuse

1901 - K. _______ discovered A, B, O blood groups


Legal Standard

Laws and regulations a social member of society must abide by

Schedule 5 Drugs

Low abuse potential, medical use in US, lowest potential for dependence (EX: certain opiate drug mixtures that contain nonnarcotic medicinal ingredients) penalties 0-1yr/ $100,000

Pubic symphysis method

Male/female comparison pictures

Tooth Mark

Mark left by tooth

Controlled Drugs

Material whose possession is controlled by law.

Lamellar Bone

Mature, remodelled woven bone


May or may not occur Provides a clear look at the crime scene Puts everything in context Should NOT be: narrated, show personnel, or show equipment.


Measurements of the absorption of electromagnetic radiation of a substance at different wavelengths of the spectrum.

BFT: Bone Bruise

Micro fractures only seen in radiographs or MRI's

What is the most important tool for locating and comparing paint specimens


Saggital plane bisects what?

Midline (divides left and right)

mtDna stands for

Mitochondrial DNA

Microcrystalline test

More specific than color but not definitive Chemical reagent is added creates a crystalline percipitate - size and shape are unique to each drug Quick

Camel hair

Most common hair used in brushes


Most important factor to developing a print?

What are the important things about a point of origin?

Most likely place to discover physical evidence, accelerant, devices such as timers, trace evidence


Must be no intent to cause harm or death through gross negligence

Admissibility of photography in court

Must be relevant Must not appeal to emotions Must be clear and representative of the scene

Soil found on suspect must

NOT be removed


Narcotics are classified as part of which group of drugs?

Spina Bifida

Neural arches at the back of sacrum do not fuse together

3 Effects of Bullets on Bone

1. A wound is formed through the bone 2. Fracture lines radiate out from point of impact 3. Bone is fractured so bad it explodes

Bone remodelling process (4 steps)

1. Activation 2. Resorption 3. Reversal 4. Formation

Fractures to the face occur in which 3 areas?

1. Alveolar ridge 2. Malar eminences 3. Nasofrontal processes

What two things are bone joints classified by?

1. Amount of movement 2. Type of tissue connecting them

Manner of Death

1. Homicide 2. Suicide 3. Accidental 4. Natural 5. Undetermined

4 different manners of death

1. Homicide 2. Suicide 3. Accidental 4. Natural

Problems with surface of ilium method (1)

1. Inter-intra observer error

3 Types of Populations

1. Local (immediate area of cemetery) 2. Contributing (individuals who ended up in cemetery) 3. Analyzed (subset of contributing population)

Limitations to Reconstruction (3)

1. Not completely accurate 2. Too much artistic influence can change result 3. Mixed individuals means an inability to apply the tissue depth method

Factors that affect cycle of bone growth (3)

1. Physical activity level 2. Genetics 3. Response to loading from gains in body weight

4 Comparative Identification Conclusions

1. Positive ID 2. Possible ID 3. Insufficient Evidence 4. Exclusion

3 Wound Shapes

1. Round/oval 2. Keyhole 3. Irregular

Bullet profiles (3)

1. Sharp 2. Blunt 3. Hollow-point

2 ideal locations for determining sex

1. Skull 2. Pelvis

How many lumbar vertebrae are there?



A complex of cyanide and methemoglobin; used to treat cyanide posioning

Colorimetric testing

A device used to characterize color using a spectrometer. Used to test for the presence of metals.


A difference in the two indices of refraction exhibited by most crystalline materials.


A measure of how much a given substance will dissolve in a liquid.

What can accidental fires arise from?

A number of different sources, such as a simple malfunction, and they may sometimes be difficult to distinguish from deliberate fires.

Microcrystalline tests

A reaction between the compound of interest and chemical reagent that results in the formation of uniform crystals that can be observed with the microscope

What is an endothermic reaction?

A reaction that requires the input of energy for the reaction to take place ex: melting ice


A synthetic compound used widely as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.


A term for the class of narcotic drugs derived from the opium plant, including morphine and codeine. heroin is produced from morphine


A uniform body of matter; different phases are separated by definite visible boundaries.


A uniform substance separated from other substances by definite visible boundaries.

Visible Bands of DNA form?

A unique pattern

The fuel must be a what before it will burn?

A vapor

A person showed clotting in the A and Rh column but not the B. What is their blood type?



An electrical current moves through a substance causing molecules to sort by size.

Low order explosions

An explosion that occurs at less than optimum efficiency.

High order explosions

An explosion that occurs at or near its maxium theoretical detonation velocity.

______ are cell-surface proteins, like nametags


Physical Evidence

Any material items that are preset at the crime scene or on the victims.


Any substance taken in sufficient quantity to cause adverse reaction or death


Assimilation of the atlas by the occipital

Fragmentation effects

Bomb casing shatters and pieces propelles away from bomb seat with great force. Bomb maker can intentionally include shrapnell such as nails or other pieces of metal that will cause fragmentation damage. The blast wave may fragment objects and propel them.

The point of origin is also known as what?

Bomb seat

Wound Evidence

Can often be matched to weapons or tool marks on the weapon. Investigators may also be able to determine the weapon's size, shape, and length.

_____ supply cells with nutrients


Frayed root


What are weather-related fires?

Caused by weather conditions such as lightning or forest fires.

Interracial line up

Chance of picking right suspect goes down


Chips of bone

What is the tail bone called?


Clyde Collins Snow

Codified 10 protocol for gathering information about decomposed bodies/skeletons

How is DNA used as evidence?

Collected from a crime scene can either link a suspect to the evidence or eliminate a suspect, similar to the use of fingerprints.

Emmission spectroscopy

Collects and measures various light energies given off by atom

Photographic Superimposition

Comparison of live photo to skeletal remains found by examining the teeth and skull

Electrocoat primer

Corrosion resistance (black- gray)

Ways to detect counterfeit currency

Counterfeit detection pen, counterfeit detector

Mycobacterium Bovis

Cow to human

Evidence Triangle

Crime scene, Suspect, and Victim *there have been over 350 "no body" murder trials in the U.S.*

State Labs

DPS has 13 across Texas Headquarters in Austin Provide support for smaller labs

Quality of impressions

Depends on the object making the impression and the surface conditions.

Duties of the First Responder consist of which of the following?

Detain any witnesses, protect the crime scene, and document any changes or alterations to the crime scene.

BFT: Vertical Fracture

Due to compressive forces which split the bone along its long axis

Electrical fires

Electrical appliances, wires, components and connections give of sparks or overheat causing a fire.


Examination of a body post-mortem

Explosive Evidence

Examination of these can determine the chemical composition to identify the type used and its origin.

DNA profiling

Examine an individual's DNA sequence to develop a DNA fingerprint


Extra finger located next to fifth finger


False documents or items copied for the purpose of deception

Who is usually first at a crime scene?

First responders - usually police officers

Facial Reconstruction: Kollman and Buchly (1899)

First scientific reconstruction of the face of a Palaeolithic women in France

Compression Fracture

Force acted directly upon the bone from a falling object

G to C

Guanine to Cytosine

What are some examples of trace evidence, and where can they be found?

Hair and fibers, fingerprints and shoe prints, soils, blood, documents, etc. can be found anywhere at a fire scene.

Ecstasy, def

Hallucinogen - Club Drub-mind-altering and creates euphoria and happiness and relaxation

What are the metacarpals

Hand bones - 1 to 5, starting below the thumb

What is in the middle of an osteon

Haversian canal

What is a high-order explosion?

Occurs at or near its maximum theoretical detonation velocity

Secondary perimeter

Where any associated evidence is located

Sir William Herschel

Who was the first European to use fingerprints as an identification method?


Whorl %

TWGDAM (The Working Group for DNA Analytical Methods)

Wrote the standards for DNA analysis that are part of a national crime laboratory accreditation program

Age categories for Adults

Young adult: 18-29 Middle adult: 30-45 Older adult: 45+


a continuous strand of fibers or filaments either twisted or not

digital hash

a unique vale (digital fingerprint) that is created by a mathematical formula that translates the data in a file into a unique hexadecimal code used to determine if whether data in the file had changed, modified or tampered with




Premature closure of the sutures only from one side


The destruction of a surface (such as concrete or plaster) due to heat.


The force with which gravity attracts a body.

postmortem redistribution

The redistribution of drugs in the body that occurs after death

Forensic Entomology

The study of insects and their relation to a criminal investigation.

Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC)

The use of a solvent that travels through a porous medium to separate compounds based on their chemical affinity with the solvent and the medium


The visual inspection of the human body for the purpose of identifying qualitative traits (i.e., x-ray)

Carbon Monoxide

Toxic gas that is formed in combustion. This gas binds to hemoglobin more tightly than blood and prevents the blood from carrying oxygen. Levels above 60% in the blood are fatal.

True or False: Ancestry is not suited for sub-adults


role of computer forensics professional is to

gather evidence to prove that suspect committed a crime or violated a company policy

paper comparisons

general appearance weight color water marks fiber identification additives, fillers, and pigments such as optical brightness, clay, CaCo3, blue and violet dyes

external examination

general condition of body; sex, weight, tattoos, teeth, age, any abnormalities or deformities; condition of clothing, classification of injuries, trace evidence collection(bags on hands)

DNA contains...

genetic info

Thermal decomposition

gently heating to break down the fiber to the basic monomers

marrow cavity

hollow portion of bone



the root

human root looks different based on if forcibly removed or telgon & fallen out

Kastle-Meyer presumptive test for blood

hydrogen peroxide + oxidized phenolphthalein + reduced iron + reaction turns pink - reaction stays colorless reduced means gains electrons oxidized means loses electrons

y shaped

antibodies have a _____________ structure

tool; marked surface

any contact between the _____ and the _________ _______ may alter the mark or otherwise compromise the evidence

What is it called when an artery is damaged and the blood spurts or gushes from the wound in large volume pulses?

arterial gush

What type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart?


blackened/frayed tip



characteristics of ridge patterns.

evidence collected during an autopsy

clothing, sexual assault kit, swabs of DNA/saliva, blood, projectiles, hair, fingernail scrapings

Two characteristics to study soil

color and texture

Computer generated records are

considered authentic if the program that created the output is functioning correctly


considered class evidence; have probative value; common trace evidence at CS; chara based on physical/chemical properties


device connected to computer to expand its capabilities and output


different forms of genes


disease causing agents (foreign substances)


disease, chronic drug/alcohol abuse, longtime exposure to toxins

Chain of Custody standards

document each route item takes from the time you find it until the case is closed or to court ensure integrity , authenticity , and admissibility

preserve evidence and document it

documentation may include written , electronic , photographic , video and audio records



DNA is _______________ stranded.


hammer-forged barrel

drilling to larger diameter and is slipped onto the desired (already grooved) piece. it is then hammer together


employee work areas employee residences


even though they have the y shape in common, each _________________ is specific to an antigen you need a match for both - each _______________ is specific, the active site or binding site at the tips of the y have a specific shape that will fit the specific antigen

Reflected (vertical) illumination

from above, specimen is opaque

Transmitted illumination

from below, specimen is transparent


the diameter is drilled out to smaller diameter then is a riffling button is inserted and carves the desired grooves and cold-working (hardening materials) allows for cheaper materials

term gauge

the diameter of the shotgun barrel is expressed by the _______ _______

shotguns; test firing

the firing distances involving _________ must again be related to _____ _________

documenting evidence function

identifies the evidence who handles the evidence lists the dates and times


improves gloss, durability, and appearance

DNA profiling from WBCs is what type of evidence?


1987 - scientist began developing blood screening test for ________ _______

infectious diseases


inside layer running down center of cortex (lead)


insider (core) layer of hair, goes down the center of the cortex; types: intermittent, fragmented, continuous, stacked, & absent

Role of compter forensic specialist

instruct the interviewer what type of questions to ask AND what the answers should be


interference with the intake of oxygen; petechiae


involves the identification , preserve , examination of electronic digital evidence pursuant to civil proceedings

A line spectrum of an element (is, is not) characteristic of the element.


The number of protons (is, is not) always equal to the number of electrons in orbit around the nucleus of an atom.

is not

Hallucinogens, examples

marijuana, PCP, LSD

Where are antigens found?

membrane (of RBCs)

MAC times

metadata that specifies dates and times that a file was created , modified and accessed: created Modified Accessed

What can be identified through neuron activation

metals, drugs, paint, soil, gunpowder residue, and hair


must be no intent to cause harm or death through gross negligence. overdose, unintentional lethal combination of drugs

Computer investigations must:

must comply with laws/regulations agencies policies/ company Maintain Chain of Custody Standards


must have delta and ridges that enter leave on same side 60% of peopel have loops


people (internal vs. external)

Document Examiner

performs scientific analyses of handwriting and other features of questioned documents, qualified as a form of expert testimony by the U.S. Court of Appeals in 1999




pieces of genetic material

The 2 most important components of dried paint from the criminalist POV are the _______ and the _______.

pigments, binder

Investigation report

prepared by the person conducting the crime scene

technical or scientific witness

provided facts found in investigation does not offer conclusions prepares testimony

Punishment for counterfeiting

punishable with up to 15 years in prison, counterfeit U.S. currency is investigated by the U.S. Secret Service

what to look for when looking at letter form

shape, curves, angle/ slant, proportional size, use and appearances of connecting line, and correctness

tented arch

similar to plain arch but has spike in center


small hemorrhaging caused by blood escaping burst capillaries and settling in the tissue

polyester, arcylic, nylon

smell- burning plastic/acid, ignites- catches fire fast & put itself out, bubbles/sizzles/melts, residue- ash is hard

what to look for when looking at line form

smoothness, darkness of the lines going upwards or downwards

1935 - Mayo clinic developed a method to _____ _____ for transfusions

store blood


studies the personality of the writer eased on handwriting samples. not accepted as science in courts


technical review that makes the evidence visible and suitable for analysis

higher; smaller

the ________ the gauge number, the ________ the barrel's diameter

___________ is ideal for collecting a body with soft tissue still attached.

A body bag

How is blood from a cut vein different from a cut artery?

A vein will flow slower with darker blood whereas an artery is a faster gush of brighter blood

Compound Microscope

A compound microscope uses two lenses to magnify smaller particles such as insect larvae found on a decomposing body or tree

Physical State

A condition or stage in the form of matter; a solid, liquid, or gas.


A discrete particle of electromagnetic radiation.


A state of matter in which molecules are held closely together by strong attractive forces.


A state of matter in which the attractive forces are strong enough to allow molecules to be in contact with one another but too weak to hold them rigidly in place.

Gas (Vapor)

A state of matter in which the attractive forces between molecules are small enough to permit them to move with complete freedom.

Gas (vapor)

A state of matter in which the attractive forces between molecules are weak enough to permit them to move with complete freedom.


A state of matter in which the molecules are held closely together in a rigid state.


A stimulant that comes from the leaf of the coca plant, grown almost exclusively on the Amazon slopes of the Andes.

cutting agents

A substance added to an illicit drug to reduce the concentration


A substance being analyzed.


A substance that breaks at elevated temperatures


A substance that slows down, or depresses, the functions of the central nervous system (EX: Alcohol)


A substance that speeds up, or stimulates, the central nervous system. (EX: Amphetamines)

Anabolic Steroids

A synthetic steroid hormone that resembles the testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle. Such hormones are used medicinally to treat some forms of weight loss and by some athletes and others to enhance physical performance.

unburned; burned; grains

the presence of scattered specks of __________ and partially _________ powder ______ without any accompanying soot is often observed at distances up to 25 inches (and occasionally as far as 36 inches)

biggest challenge in handwriting analysis

the quality of the exemplar obtained for comparison

Coarse Focus

the rough focus knob on the microscope which is used to move the objective lenses toward or away from the specimen

Computer (digital) forensics process

the scientific identification , preservation , examination , analysis and presentation of digital evidence in legal matters

ammunition components

unfired cartridges, fired cartridge cases and shotgun shells, fired projectiles

proportional size

upper and lower case letter sizes, overall letter size

blood typing

using the antigens on your red blood cells to find blood type (antigen is protein on red blood cells)

satin weave

weaves that creates long floats; satin is an example

lay witness

what he or she knows or observed only

Cause of Death

what is the action that initiates the serious of events ending in death, may include contributing factors if death is prolonged. usually the medical reason someone dies

They have a nucleus

why are white blood cells used for DNA testing?


wound deeper than it is long


A term applied to marijuana and parts of the plant Cannabis sativa in which tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the active

Post-Mortem Examination

-Determination of Cause of Death done by performing an autopsy. -Information gathered in the autopsy will also be used to determine the Manner of Death -Records and photographs from post-mortem exam will be used during court proceedings. -Careful examination of body, wounds, patterns, toxicology.


-Disease -Chronic drug/alcohol abuse -Longtime exposure to toxins

Layers of skin

-Epidermis(top layer of skin) -Dermis (lower layer)


A large class of drugs that creates an excitatory condition, wakefulness and euphoria. Includes: methamphetamines,

True Poison

A poison that requires a very small amount to produce adverse effects or death

Forensic Pathology

-Examination of a body -Cause and Manner of Death


A mixture of drugs


A persons genetic factors that effect the efficacy of a drug or poison in their system


A physical change from the solid state directly into the gaseous state.


A property of matter that depends on both the mass of a substance and the effects of gravity on that mass.

Chemical property

A property that describes the behavior of a substance when it combined with another substance.

Physical property

A property that describes the behavior of a substance without reference to any other substance.

Intensive property

A property that is not dependent on size of an object.


A protein produced by a body's immune system that tags a molecule in order to destroy it.


A protein that acts as a catalyst in a living organism.

Hall's 4 Uses of Plants

1. Can be used to determine factors surrounding death 2. Can determine whether body has been moved 3. The amount of time since death 4. The time of year death occurred

Identification process for loose teeth (3)

1. Class 2. Side 3. Location in mouth

Methodologies for adult age estimation (5)

1. Cranial suture closure 2. Pubic symphysis 3. Sternal rib end 4. Auricular surface of ilium 5. Dentition

4 mass grave elements

1. Criminal intent 2. Bodies in haphazard formation 3. 2 or more individuals 4. Not due to natural disaster

2 Categories of Saws

1. Crosscut 2. Rip

2 indicators of fluvial movement

1. Damage 2. Modifications

Problems with dental method (2)

1. Depends on diet and environment 2. Cannot be used as comparison between populations

Purposes of DNA profiling:

1. Determine Identity (match tissue samples) 2. Establish Paternity

2 methods for sub-adult age estimation

1. Epiphyseal fusion (none, non-union, partial union, or complete union) 2. Dental development

4 phases of testimony for a forensic anthropologist

1. Establishing qualifications 2. Direct examination 3. Cross-examination 4. Possible re-direct examination

4 Types of Bone Changes

1. Formation 2. Destruction 3. Both formation and destruction 4. Active/healed lesions

Scientific Method and what does it involve (steps)

1. Formulate a question worthy of investigation 2. Form hypothesis 3. Analyze the evidence 4. Results 5. Know guilty person, arrest suspect

4 Stages the body goes through during normal decomposition

1. Fresh 2. Bloat 3. Putrefaction 4. Putrid dry remains

3 Tests to Determine Admissibility

1. Frye Test (1923) 2. Federal Rules of Evidence 702 3. Daubert Criteria

2 Sub-Categories of Probable ID

1. General tendency 2. Certainty

What are the four nitrogen bases?

A - Adenine G - Guanine C - Cytosine T- Thymine


American Society for Testing and Materials


Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil Low explosive


Amphetamines are classified as...


An acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; light that has all its waves pulsating in unison.


An agent that can cause birth defects in the embryo or fetus. Examples: Alcohol and Thalidomide.


An analgesic drug used to treat headaches, arthritis, etc. and often reduce fever , often as an alternative to aspirin. Proprietary names include Tylenol.

Mass Spectrometry

An analytical chemistry technique that can identify the amount and type of chemicals present by measuring mass-to-charge ratio and abundance of gas-phase ions

liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)

An analytical instrument that combines a liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometer as the detect; analogous to GC-MS

type of evidence


Match Terminology

DNA bands match and suspect is still suspect but if bands don´t match suspect is eliminated

12. How is a detonation defined? Why do some explosives detonate, whereas others do nto?

Detonation - An instantaneous combustion. Some explosions combust much slower than one that detonates.

Classes of Drugs

Narcotics, Hallucinogens, Depressants, Stimulants, Anabolic Steroids,

Mass Fatality Incidents may be caused by...

Natural hazards, human-related hazards and pro-active hazards

BFT: Toddlers Fracture

Oblique/spiral fracture where ends do not separate

When forensic data follows the scientific method, it should be:

Obtainable by anyone, able to be reproduced to compare results, and falsifiable.

Vitreous Humor

Ocular fluid that is used as a sample for postmortem toxicology testing.

1922 - P. ______ established the first blood donor service


Liver Mortis

Discolouration of the body after death due to gravitational settling of blood

2-D Impressions

Documented using photography. Can also be dusted with fingerprint powder to be photographed or lifted with tape.

True or False: There are several osteological indicators for ears and therefore they are included accurately in a facial reconstruction.


True or False: When fired, bullets spin along the axis perpendicular to the ground, toward the target

False; they spin along the long-axis

What jurisdiction do the FRE apply to?


Public Crime Labs

Federal State Local

point of origin

Finding area of convergence to give angle of impact to give point of origin

1. What is the fire tetrahedron? How is it important in explaining the elements necessary to have a fire?

Fire tetrahedron - depicts the 4 elements that must be present to have a fire: a source of heat energy, a fuel, a source of oxygen, and a chain reaction between the fuel and oxygen. It is important because it describes all necessary things for a fire.

6. What is a flash point?

Flash point - Lowest temperature that will allow a liquid to produce a flammable vapor

Investigation of fire scenes

Focus on point of origin and points of entry and exit as these are the points an arsonist has most likely been and therefore will most likely hold trace evidence. Fabrics (carpets, curtains etc.) that may have accelerant on them should be collected. Any sample should be collected in an airtight container to avoid evapouration of volatile substances.

Fracture Complications: Limb shortening

Fracture did not set properly

Fracture Complications: Pseudoarthosis

Fracture pieces do not unify and body decides to create new joint instead

What causes the difference between a fuel burning or exploding?

The nature of the fuel and how close the oxygen and fuel are to each other during the reaction.

Compound Fracture

Open fracture where skin is open can lead to infection


Points where the ridge structure changes, small characteristics/details, friction ridges

Algor Mortis

Process in which a body continually adjusts to equalize with the environmental temperature.

1. First officer on the scene 2. Secure the crime scene 3. Crime scene survey 4. Crime scene documentation 5. Searching the crime scene 6 Collection of physical evidence

Processing the crime scene (6 steps)

Synthetic fibers

Rayon, Nylon, Acetate, Acrylic, Spandex, Polyester


Removal of dirt within or immediately around the burial pit

RFLP method

Restriction fragment length polymorphism. DNA is cut into pieces, enzymes cut specific DNA sequences, DNA ends up as diff. length pieces which can separate with gel and each persons pattern of fragments is different


Result of an individual taking his/her own life with lethal intention. Must be able to show that act was done alone and without outside help. Must be intentional.


Reward the central reward circuit and causes a release of dopamine

Arch Fingerprints

Ridges enter on one side and exit on the other side. Two different groups: Plain Tented


Separating and identifying different components of a mixture as the basis for a test


Separation of a compound of interest from the rest of the solution.

extractions/ liquid extraction

Separation of the compound of interest from the rest of the samples

Primer surfacer

Smooth and hide seams or imperfections

Interbellum consolidation

Standardization results in more reliable sources

What is direct evidence?

Statements of an eye witness in court

What is a low-order explosion?

Takes place at less than optimal efficiency (may happen due to being old, out-of-date or improperly used)


The collective term for a family of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures. It involves passing a mixture which contains the analyte through a stationary phase, which separates it from other molecules in the mixture and allows it to be isolated.

carrier gas

The mobile phase in gas chromatography (GC)


Unit containing a sugar molecule (deoxyribose), phosphate group and a nitrogen-containing base

what federal agency is in charge of investigating counterfeit US currency

US secret service

What are introns?

Uncoded DNA > 98.5 %

infrared spectroscopy

Use of the absorption of infrared radiation to produce a chemical fingerprint of a substances; also referred to as IR spectroscopy

Who bears the burden of proof in a criminal proceeding?

The prosecutor

New paleopathology

The study of complete populations versus case studies

Toxicokinetics/ pharmacokinetics

The study of how genetic factors influence toxicology and drug effectiveness


The study of people in a general concept versus one individual


The study of the accumulation and modification of osteological assemblages from a site formation perspective

toxicogenetics/ pharmacogenetics

The study of the genetic influences on the responses of organisms to toxins.


The study of the microstructure of bones and teeth


The study of the uniqueness of friction ridge structures and their use for personal identification


The sum of all chemical processes occurring in an organism. Metabolites are organic molecules involved in the process of metabolism; they can form more complex molecules, or they may result from the degradation of compounds.

Flash point

The temperature required to convert sufficient amounts of fuel, to support combustion, to the vapour state. The lowest temperature that will allow a liquid to produce a flammable vapour. Even if a fuel reached its flash point an ignition source is still needed. The flash point will allow for combustion but not sustain it.

Celsius scale

The temperature scale that defines the melting point of ice at 0 degrees and the boiling point of water as 100 degrees, with 100 equal divisions or degrees between.

Fahrenheit scale

The temperature scale that defines the melting point of ice at 32 degrees and the boiling point of water as 212 degrees, 180 equal divisions or degrees between.

Celsius Scale

The temperature scale using the melting point of ice as 0 degrees and the boiling point of water as 100 degrees, with 100 equal divisions or degrees between.

Fahrenheit Scale

The temperature scale using the melting point of ice as 32 degrees and the boiling point of water as 212 degrees, with 180 equal divisions or degrees between.


The texts tallied freebase version of crack. Regular use can cause anxiety, insomnia, weight loss, paranoia, and mental deterioration.

Explain individual evidence.

Things that can be traced back to an individual person such as a finger print, blood samples, DNA.

Explain class evidence.

Things that can be traced back to many people such as a tire tread or foot print.


a substituted tryptamine alkaloid and a serotonergic psychedelic substance

"Defense wounds"

-Forearms -Fingers -Palms -Back of hands -Lower extremities -Lack of defense wounds is also important

Collection of DNA

- avoid contamination - preserve carefully

Stimulants def

- stimulate central nervous system - increase energy and alertness while decreasing appetite

Basic DNA Facts:

- stores genetic information - tightly coiled to form chromosomes - 4 nitrogen bases

diamond petal

dog (coarse hair)

DNA stands for

deoxyribonucleic acid

RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism)

-Isolation- fragments are cut from the sequence of bases by a restriction enzyme -Cutting- The enzyme find its combination, bonds at the end and dissolve through the DNA at tge other -Sorting- fragments are load into a gel and run - Analyzing-

3 Types of Prints

-Latent- invisible to the eye -Visible -easily seen by unaided eye -Plastic- molded print

Classification of the Crime Scene

-Location -Size of Area -Type of Crime -Physical Location


-No rational classification can be determined. -Physical exam finds no mechanism of death, absence of meaningful findings in toxicological exam

Nehemial Grew

first documented person to describe ridge patterns on hands and feet- published detailed drawings of finger and palm patterns

two major characteristics of the cortex

-melanin: pigment granules that give hair it's color -cortical fusi: air spaces, usually found near the root but may be found throughout the hair shaft

Digital & Multimedia Evidence Forensic Science discipline comprised of the following:

image analysis video analysis audio analysis Computer Forensics

Real image

image seen with naked eye

star-shaped tear

in cases where the weapon is held in contact with or less than one inch from the target, a ____________ _____ (stellate) pattern around the bullet hole entrance, surrounded by a rim of a smokeless deposit of vaporous lead is usually present

3 Goals of Taphonomy

1. Determine which factors cause the destruction 2. Understand selective transport of remains 3. Discriminate human from non-human modification


long chains of repeating chemical units; made of monomers joined together & have diff properties- can be distinguished from one another

Two types of osseous tissue

1. Woven 2. Lamellar

kary mullis

1985 developed PCR procedure

double loop whorls

2 loops combined into one

workplace drug testing

A branch of toxicology focused on analysis of employee samples

Periodic table

A chart of all the known elements arranged in a systematic fashion.

Cadaveric Spasm

-Stiffening of hands/arms immediately -Not the same as rigor mortis -May find weapon clutched in hand of deceased.

Geologists will compare the _____ of soil

mineral content

Naturally occurring crystals commonly founding found in soils are ______.


fur fibers

mink, rabbit, beaver, and muskrat

three; bullet wipe

more than _____ feet will usually not deposit any powder residues, and the only visual indication is a dark ring around the hole, known as a ________ _____


most durable man-made fibers; extremely lightweight


most durable of man-made fibers; extremely lightweight

Polyester fibers

most widely used man-made fiber


most widely used man-made fiber

collecting evidence in Private sector

much easier vs. criminal environment often workplace legal constrains

class evidence

narrows down to a group of people, not a single individual (RED BLOOD CELLS - NO NUCLEUS)

data base for linking firearms crimes in different jurisdictions

national integrated ballistic information network (NIBIN)

Types of fibers and fabrics

natural - animal, vegetable, or inorganic artificial - synthesized or created from altered natural sources


normally colorless, pink if positive in testing for hemoglobin in blood

determination of range of fire from gunshot residue pattern requires

original powder pattern firearm used to fire pattern ammunition from same lot and weather conditions

individual characteristics

random, accidental characteristics imparted to a surface during manufacturing and as a result of use and abuse; they form a reproducible pattern that is unique to that surface


single strand of nucleic acid that has been made so sequence lines up with certain DNA sequence: can be labeled with radioactive meterial

Impact wounds with high speed and velocity will typically have what size of blood spatter?


Define trace evidence.

small but measurable amounts of physical or biological material found at a crime scene


smell- burning leaves, ignites- burns readily w/flickering flame, not easily extinguished, residue- powdery ash


smell- burning leaves, ignites- steady flame, extinguished by blowing, residue- powdery ash

Chemical tests

solubility and decomposition

counterfeit detection pen

special pen containing iodine to turn fake bills a blue-black color caused by a chemical reaction with starch in wood- pulp based paper real currency is fiber-based


sudden infant death syndrome; anyone under the age of 18

What pattern: transfer of blood onto a surface not already contaminated with blood?


gases; barrel; cartridge case; breech face

the expanding _______ generated by the burning gunpowder propel the bullet forward through the _______, simultaneously pushing the spent _________ _____ back against the _______ _____

terminal velocity

the greatest velocity a falling object reaches


the mechanism in a semi-automatic firearm that holds the unfired cartridges

damage; wear

the shape and pattern of such imperfections are further modified by _________ and _____ during the life of the tool

cartridge case comparison

the shape of the firing pin will be impressed into the relatively soft metal of the primer on the cartridge case


the shortest distance between two separate points in a microscope's field of view that can still be distinguished as distinct entities.

hair analysis

two matching hair are ID w/comparison microscope; most common analyzed- head & pubic


A hallucinogen found in cactus buttons

Amorphous Solid

A solid in which the constituent atoms or molecules are arranged in random or disordered positions; there is no regular order in amorphous solids.

volume of distribution

An equation that relates dose of a drug to blood concentration

Duquenois-Levine Test

An established screening test for the presence of marijuana.

individual characteristics

microscopic imperfections in the form of nicks, burs, and cuts are randomly placed in the bore of the firearm during the various manufacturing process

What is the first cervial vertebrae called?

Atlas - identified by transverse foramen


Before death

Direct ignition

Direct application of a spark or flame source to the fuel.

What is DMORT and what do they do?

Disaster Mortuary Operational Response team - assists in the analysis of mass disasters

Pathology =



Done on an irregular surface

Trepanning Theories: Douglas Guthrie

Done to let out evil spirits


Dose of poison that kill 50% of the population

Designer Drug

Drug synthesized with particular pharmaceutical characteristics, designed for abuse and evasion of drug laws


Electrostatic Detection Apparatus, used to visualize indented writing

Elimination samples are taken to:

Eliminate individuals who have entered the scene as first responders.

9. To determine that a fire is arson, what must a fire scene investigator be able to do?

Eliminate that it was not a natural or accidental fire

What are exons?

Encoded DNA < 1.5%

Oblique, displaced Fracture

Ends of fracture are not united on a diagonal

What factors affect DNA evidence?

Environmental (heat, sunlight, moisture, bacteria, and mold) Not all DNA evidence is usable.

Testimonial Evidence

Eyewitness accounts of a crime

Arriving at the scene

FIRST thing you do: Observe

What are the most familiar combustion reactions?

Fires and explosions

Primary TB

First time having it


Freely moveable

Bomb seat

Origin of explosion

Steroids (?)

Original treatment for hypogonadism?

Mechanism of Death

Physiological change or variation in body's inner working that causes cessation of life

This principle is associated with processing crime scenes and is often summarized as "every contact leaves a trace?"

Locard's Exchange Principle

Sharp Force Trauma

Production of cuts or impact scars

Post-Primary TB


What must admissible evidence be?

Reliable and Relevant i. Admissible evidence must be reliable and relevant to the case at hand, and for scientific analysis, the court must be assured that the methods used are scientifically acceptable and reliable

Stratigraphic Method

Remains are recovered in reverse order of deposition

Spiral Fracture

Result of a twisting force

1940 - Landsteiner discovered the _____ protein


Three types of evidence

Testimonial Physical Trace

Heroin def

Most common opiate - created by reacting morphine with acetyl chloride - analgelsic

Avulsion Fracture

Muscles attach and not able to be maintained so bone will rip off from rest of bone

In order to obtain dental records for identification purposes, you must already have the victim's _________.



Lies below the epidermis

What is headspace?

Vapor above the matrix

Cyanoacrylate (super glue)

Vaporizes with fumes on a nonporous, solid surface


What poison is tasteless odorless and lethal in small doses?

Lochard's Exchange Principle

When 2 objects come into contact with each other, a cross transfer of materials occurs. Greater the contact (violence), the greater transfer of material

Wolff's Law

Under normal conditions, a healthy person's bone adapts to the loads placed upon it

Infrared Spectrophotometry ( IR Spectroscopy)

Using the absorption of infrared radiation to produce a chemical fingerprint of a substance.

What is the clumping of RBCs?



are letters printed, cursive or both? are there any fancy curves?


are letters slanted to the left, right, or variable?

If a tool is being examined, the tool must be



consistency of height and width ratio, any missing parts?


continuous strand of fibers and filaments that may be twisted together

button rifling

creates smoother rifling grooves

Typical Counterfeit Items

currency, bonds, coins, postage stamps

DNA stands for...

deocyribonuscleic acid

Veins carry ______ blood



detecting and isolating drugs or poisons to determine their effect on people Mainly deal with alcohol because that is the most widely consumed drug in the western world

Post-Mortem Examination

determination of cause of death done by performing an autopsy

medullary index

determined by measuring the diameter of the medulla & dividing it in diameter of hair

class characteristics

determined in the design phase prior to the manufacture; they are intentional and in the control of man

professional conduct

determines your credibility

juan vucetich

developed method for classifying fingerprints

sir edward henry

developed new classification system

how do you find the caliber?

diameter of the bullet

Malthus Orfila

Wrote famous book on Drugs and Poisons "Father of Toxicology"

What is paint composed of

a binder, pigments, and other additives


a fabric made of two or more different types of fiber


a tiny cup-shaped pit buried deep in the fat of the scalp


acts as enzyme called peroxidase

The ______ layer provides corrosion resistant for the automobile.


what is ESDA? what does it do?

electrostatic detection apparatus used to visualize intended writing

employers are interested in

enforcing the company policy , not seeking out and prosecuting employee therefore interested in protecting their assets

hair evidence is useful in

est scope of the CS; placing perpetrator at the scene; connecting suspect w/weapon; support witness statements; connect CS areas

American society of crime laboratory directors (ASCLD)

establishes accreditation standards for crime laboratories

locus (plural loci)

exact location on DNA molecule of gene or area of interest

barium; antimony

examiners measure the amount of _______ and _________ on the relevant portion of the suspect's hands, such as the thumb web, the back of the hand, and the palm

spines on blood droplet

extensions (connected to main drop) when blood hits an uneven porous surface


false documents or items copied for the purpose of deception. federal felony punishable for up to 15 years in prison

dark colored nonporous surface

fluorescent powder

coronal plane

front and back (posterior/inferior)

Why does blood maintain its round shape?

gravity, cohesion

what is rifling?

grooves inside the barrel to stabilize the shot and make the bullet go straight


hair from a rabbit

cystolithic (bear-claw shaped) hairs

hairs on the surface of a leaf/ finer clothing

typically found encountered in forensic QD analysis

handwriting typewriting/typescripts commercial printing paper ink

Expert Witness

has opinions based on observations or documents


inner layer (wood)


is made up of spindle-shaped cortical cell that are aligned parallel to the length of the hair, giving the hair it's shape

alec jeffreys

isolated DNA markers and called ¨DNA fingerprints¨

bullets may be

lead, lead alloy, semi-jacketed, full metal jacketed,

radial loop

loop opens to left or radius bone

goat fiber

mohair and cashmere


networl of trails off the osteocytes


object moves through blood

Burning identification

observation of how a fiber burns, the odor, color of flame, color of smoke, and the appearance of the residue


outside covering of hair; made form overlapping scales that point towards the tip (differ btw animals & named for appearance): coronal, spinous, & imbricate , thin colorless & protects cortex

Arteries carry ______ blood



particles of gunpowder burned into skin

A proton imparts the nucleus of an atom with a _____ charge.



proteins that attach to and destroy antigens

Each atom of the same element always has the same number of _____ in its nucleus.


first manufactured fiber


linear/straight tip

recently cut, blunt/scissor cut


repeating molecular units of polymers

buildup of carbon dioxide

results in kidney failure and death

Small secondary droplets around the main drop of blood are called what?


genetic code

sequence letters on DNA strand

The study of blood applied to crime is referred to as what?


Plain weave

simplest and most common weave pattern warp and weft yarns pass under each other alternately design resembles a checkboard

examples of questioned documents

threatening notes, ransom notes, suicide notes, altered checks.

What is another name for platelets?


what types of things are in propellants

stabilizers, flash suppressants, deterrents and opacifiers

glass, light metals

standard powder brush

treated wood

standard powder brush

codes of professional conduct or responsibility

standards that you are compelled to adhere


tests for human blood


the diameter of the gun barrel

True or False: A continuous spectrum consists of a blending of colors._______


morphology; fired; handled; near

they may also characterize the ______________ of particles containing these elements to determine whether or not a person has ________, __________ a weapon, or was _____ a discharged firearm

Comparison Microscope

two compound microscopes combined into one unit, consists of two independent objective lenses joined together by an optical bridge to a common eyepiece lens, the objects under investigation are observed side-by-side that is equally divided in both parts


unit of heredity


unlike rifled firearms, a shotgun has a _______ barrel

What is plasma made of?

water, waste, nutrients, protein

examination plan

what to expect when testisfying guide you in ur testimony

smooth edges

when a droplet hits glass it has

Digital Forensics Lab

where u conduct ur forensic examination store and process evidence store forensic lab equipment, hardware and software

Crime Scene Reconstruction

-Initial leads to the formation of Hypotheses -Hypotheses are tested by additional analyses -Disproved hypotheses are thrown out, leaving a reconstruction theory

Sharp Force Trauma

-Occur with weapons that have sharpened edges -Tissue is sliced, not torn or crushed -Generally bloody scenes -Location of wounds are important -"Defense wounds"


-Once decomposition occurs, all preceding methods of TOD estimation can no longer be used. -Two main functions of decomposition 1. Autolysis 2. Putrefaction

medulla index for animals is usually greater than


medulla index for human hair is generally less than



A drug that lowers neurotransmission levels which is to depress or reduce arousal or stimulant in various areas of the brain.

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)

A form of mass spectrometry used to detect inorganic materials and metals

inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

A form of mass spectrometry used to detect inorganic materials and metals


A fundamental particle of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.


A fundamental particle of matter; an element cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

A group of that establishes national and international standard practices fr procedures and analyses

What is a high explosion?

A high explosive has a detonation rate above 3,280 fps. ex: detonator cap, dynamite


A tall annual hemp plant native to Central Asia from which marijuana is harvested; also refers to the harvested product.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)

A technique for making many copies of a defined segment of a DNA molecule.

The corpse wax is also referred to as...


3D image, wide field of view (low mag.), large working distance (distance between specimen and objective lens), offers both vertical and transmitted illumination

Advantages of Stereoscopic Microscope


After death

Preliminary Scene Examination

Aids investigator Establish the perpetrator's entrance and exit Determine if its a primary or secondary crime scene. Identify evidence that can be damaged Initial walk through

Depressants, examples

Alcohol, Barbiturates, Anti-psychotics, Anti-anxiety,

How many base pairs are there?

Approximately 3 billion


Arch %


Are Analgesics; substances affecting the central nervous system to relieve pain.

Carnivores: Punctures

Area of bone that has collapsed under the force of carnivore teeth

Screening area

Area to assess for small, tiny pieces of evidence

Postmortem Redistribution

Concentration changes in a drug that occur after death as the drug is redistributed throughout the body.

Tool Mark Features to Analyze

Dimensions of the impression Ridges or striation patterns Defects, such as nicks and chips Paint chips or metal shards left on a tool

Fire causes

Direct ignition Electrical fires Weather-related fires Mechanical fires

Cause of Death

Disease or injury that initiates events

Carnivores: Pits

Do not penetrate through cortical surface of bone

What not to do at a crime scene

Don't touch evidence because it ALTERS IT FOREVER.

How do you handle a grease fire?

Don't use water, smother the fire with something, usually a lid or a larger pan.

Radiography and microscope analysis to determine the difference and limit wrong conclusions was developed by who?

Donald Ortner

Magnetic brush

Done on a smooth, nonporous surface

Designer Drug

Drugs that synthesized with particular pharmacological characteristics, designed for abuse and evasion of specific drug laws.

Non-destructive methods used in QD ink Analysis

ESDA, Microspectrophotometer, Magnifying glass, cameras, cameras, microscope, alternate lightsource, digital image enhancement software


Earlier ossification of the sagittal suture

All of the following matches of court decisions and their criteria are correct EXCEPT:

Kumho Tire v. Carmichael - types of evidence

Why estimate age?

Looking for a specific person, trauma, life expectancy, or cultural information

What type of fingerprint is the most common?



Mixtures in which one substance is dissolved in another.

One pair is from ___, one pair is from ___

Mom & Dad


Moment of death

Antecedent Period

More animal remain analysis with isolated fragments

Stages of Trauma: Ante-Mortem

Shows signs of healing


The study of poisons

regenerated fiber

fibers manufactured from natural raw materials and commonly include rayon, acetate, and triacetate

biggest challenge in handwriting analysis

finding a high quality sample of the exemplar obtained for comparison

composition of fingerprints

fingerprints are oil, sweat and other residue left behind

marsh test

first and most famous color-based test for arsenic

digital evidence

information stores or transmitted in binary form that may be relied in court

Hemoglobin is an ____ containing protein


Paint can be individualized to a single source only when they can have a sufficiently detailed _____.

layer structure

2nd priority at the scene of a crime

- Preservation of the crime scene Taping off a perimeter

DNA Profiling

- To ID potential suspect - To match organ donors - To ID crime and causality victims - To exonerate individuals

Livor Mortis

-Pooling and settling of blood within the blood vessels

A to T

Adenine to Thymine


Alcohol produces____________ as it is metabolized in the liver

____________ statistics can help calculate probabilities in identification


Auricular surface of ilium method

Comparison of auricular surface (well-preserved) using specific age ranges


Barbiturates (violet-blue)

Dillie-Koppianyi Color Test

Barbiturates (violet-blue)

What type of joint is the glenohumeral joint?

Ball in socket - connects scapula with humeris

Crosscut Saws

Designed to cut across the grain of material being worked

Marijuana def

Canabis Sative plant - contains the chemical THC which produces effects - highest concentration of it is found in the hashish which is a resin on the plant

3-D Impressions

Can be documented using photography as well as by casting, which involves using dental stone or similar substances to preserve the dimensional characteristics of the print.

Beard hair

Coarse and have blunt tips

Scott Color Test

Cocaine (blue, clear pink (w/ HCl)

Effects of LSD

Creates mood change, unexpected laughing or crying, hallucinations, visual/auditory disruption

3 areas of crime scene investigations

Crime scene Investigation Criminal Investigation Forensic Science

Rip Saws

Designed to cut along the grain of material being worked

Improper procedure at the crime scene can easily...


1985 - Development of ______ test to screen for diseases such as HIV


Effects of Crack

Euphoria but fades quickly, after 15 seconds therefore creates extreme addiction - hard to overcome

External Examination

General condition of body

Moral Standard

Generally accepted customs of conduct in a given society


In most cases must be a vapour to combust. Energy may be needed to change the fuel into the vapour state.

BFT: Bow Fracture

Infraction caused by compression along long axis of bone

Crime Scene Management

Initial response Documentation Processing Recording Equipment

Mechanical fires

Machines overheat either through misuse or incorrect placement causing a fire.

Where is DNA found?



Only in males

Transverse Fracture

Perpendicular to long-axis of bone

What is used to make copies of DNA?

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

What are the objectives of crime scene investigation?

Recognize, preserve, and collect

Chemical Property

The behavior of a substance when it reacts or combines with another substance.


The bending of a light wave caused by a change in its velocity.

Forensic Botony

The discipline concerned with the medicolegal value of plants found in association with human remains


The genotype comparison shows profile differences that can only be explained by the two samples originating from different sources.


The high energy, short wavelength form of electromagnetic radiation.


The study of bones

Data(Diaster ) Recovery

Traditional methods to recover data that was deleted by mistake , power surge or crash


a light source mounted under the stage

What makes up DNA

sugar (deoxyribose) phosphate molecules rungs that form the middle of the molecule are made up of nucleotides or nitrogen bases (Adenine - Thymine ; Guanine - Cytosine)


the area of the firearm that holds the cartridge during the firing process


what synthetic fibers are made of long chains of repeating chemical units

broken tip

fragmented ends

Sketching; Triangulation; Baseline; Polar Coordinates

(Crime Scene Documentation) -Goal is to record exact position of all evidence to aid in reconstruction -Rough sketches can be refined into final sketches -3 techniques of measurement are used: _____, _____, _____.


(Crime Scene Documentation) -Introduce with case #, date, location -Begin with surroundings (include entrance/exits) Tape evidence (wide angle, close up_ *Do not narrate the video or discuss contents *Do not edit original video

Narcotics def

- addictive, sleep inducing drugs that act as central nervous system depressants and suppress pain - highly addictive

Depressants def

- depress the CNS - relieve anxiety and produce sleep

angle of impact

- how blood droplet hits the ground - As the angle gets smaller and smaller the droplet gets more elongated

DNA as Individual Evidence

- identify a single person - trace evidence

Toxicological Samples

-Blood -Stomach contents -Bile -Brain matter -Liver -Vitreous humor

When is rigor mortis complete?

8-12 hours after death


A change of state from a solid directly into a gas.


A drug that induces sleep and depresses vital body functions such as blood pressure, pulse rate, and breathing rate (EX: heroin)


A physical property of matter that is equivalent to the mass per unit volume of a substance.

The Microspectrophotometer

"marriage" of a compound light microscope and spectrophotometer, examine specimen under relatively high magnification and plot an absorption spectrum for it


(Automated Fingerprint Identification System) countrywide, scan and search fingerprints, maintained by FBI (IAFIS)

cartridge case

(determining type weapon) type of firing pin, location of firing pin, type of breech face marks, extractor and ejector mark placement


(dotted i and crossed t) are I's dotted to the left, right, or centered? are the dots on the I's circles? are T's crossed in the top, middle or bottom? is there a loop on the T stem?

Kastle meyers

- Tested for blood - tested for hem in hemoglobin in red blood cells - Get a pink color when blood had hemoglobin - Doesn't tell u if its human blood or not - PINK MEANS POSITIVE - FOR HEMOGLOBIN - NO PINK MEANS NEGATIVE - FOR HEMOGLOBIN

white blood cells and immunity

- WBCs fight antigens - when an antigen enters the body, WBCs recognize it, collect in the infected area, and engulf and destroy it - some WBCs are phagocytic = able to engulf antigens - some WBCs produce antibodies

immune response

- When a substance is recognized as "foreign", the immune system responds by producing antibodies (proteins) that bind to the foreign substance (antigen) and inactivate it - EX: getting the wrong blood type - antigen antibody reaction

Ways to Preserve DNA carefully

- air dry samples - if wet, store in freezer


- anything that enters your body that your body recognizes as a foreign substance (antigens could be pathogens = disease causing agents) - determines a persons blood type EXAMPLES - wrong blood type - organ transplant - allergy

Effects of Ecstasy

- creates sense of empathy and insightfulness Increases body temperature, nausea and anxiety Often leads to seizures, muscle breakdown, kidney and liver failure, serious damage to your brain that controls memory

red blood cells

- disk shaped - NO NUCLEUS (cant be used in DNA profiling) - no DNA - made in bone marrow - contain hemoglobin to carry oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from cells

white blood cells

- larger than red blood cells - HAVE A NUCLEUS (can be used in DNA profiling) - can move (ameboid movement) - made in bone marrow - WE HAVE THE LEAST AMOUNT OF WBCs - 5 different kinds of white blood cells >>>>neutrophils >>>>monocytes >>>>lymphocytes >>>>eosinophils >>>>basophils

receiving blood

- look at antibodies a person has antigen a= u have antibodies against b - u don't want b or ab antigen b= u have antibodies against a - u don't want a or ab antigen ab= u have no antibodies - can get anyone's blood - universal recipient no antigens= antibodies against a and b - only want o - universal donor

read the blood test

- look for agglutination to tell blood-type - ANTIGEN ON RED BLOOD CELLS DETERMINE BLOOD TYPE


- mostly water and proteins - liquid - antibodies are found here - MAKES UP MOST OF THE BLOOD


- protein - contains iron (HEM portion - gives blood type) - has pigment (gives RBCs their red color) - carries oxygen

collecting blood

- separate blood samples - blood must be thoroughly dry - keep sample out of sunlight - refrigerate or freeze if lab wont test for a while - if blood is already dry it is scrapped up and sent for testing

Ways to avoid contamination of DNA

- wear gloves, avoid sneezing or coughing Don't leave your DNA behind

Searching the Crime Scene

-After scene documentation, a more thorough search of the scene is completed -Systematic search ensures no piece of physical evidence is missed

Securing the Crime Scene

-Anyone entering the crime scene will deposit and remove evidence -Secure the scene with physical barriers -One officer assigned to prevent entrance of unwanted personnel -Log kept of disturbances to scene

Forensic Science

-Application of science to criminal matters -Science applied to the law

Livor Mortis (Lividity)

-Begins about 30 minutes after death -Blood- no longer circulating-changes from bright red to purple due to loss of oxygen -Parts of the body remaining in contact with objects will remain white. -"Blanching"

Different types of Cause of Death

-Blunt Force Trauma -Sharp Force Trauma -Asphyxiation -Gunshot Wound to Head -Heroin Toxicity -Undetermined -Atherosclerosis

Gastrointestinal Contents

-Can determine location of deceased during last meal -Can determine what the final meal was

Evidence collected during autopsy

-Clothing -Sexual Assault Kit -Fingernail scrapings/cuttings -GSR swabs -Swabs -Blood -Vitreal fluid -Head/Pubic hair combings -Projectiles

Time of Death

-Estimation/Approximation -Never exact -Based on the interpretation of various post-mortem features and characteristics due to physical and chemical changes -Environmental considerations -Insect and animal activity -Gives investigators a general idea of how long the deceased has been dead. -gives investigators an idea if the deceased was moved after death.

3 Basic steps of Post-Mortem Examination

-External Examination -Internal Examination -Toxicology

Fingerprint Principles

-Fingerprints are immutable-do not change over time. -Fingerprints are unique-ridge characteristics are unique-even in twins -Fingerprints have general characteristic ridge patterns that permit them to be systematically classified.

Collection of Physical Evidence

-Liquid or volatile evidence placed in airtight containers -Biological evidence placed in non-airtight container and allowed to dry -Each item packaged serparately

Collection of Physical Evidence

-One individual designated as evidence collector -Temporary, fragile, or easily lost evidence should be collected first -Evidence placed i nprimary and secondary containers -Liquid or volatile evidence placed in airtight containers -Biological evidence placed in non-airtight container and allowed to dry -Each item packaged serparately


-Sudden Infant Death Syndrome -Anyone under the age of 18

Bodies in Water

-Swelling in hands- 3-4- -Skin separation- 5-6 days (body), 8-10 days (hands, fingernails) -Floating- 8-10 days warm water 2-3 weeks cold water.

Internal Examination

-Y -shaped incision -Removal and weighing of internal organs -Cranium examination More on pg. 27

hair as evidence

-abundant (very common) -time will not change it -easily lost -mostly class evidence -used most often for sexual assault and violent assault


-created by Alphonse Bertillon (1879) -Based on 243 measurements -Accurate but cumbersome -Replaced by fingerprinting

Sir Edward Henry

-developed classification system (each finger is awarded points for a whorl)

Sir Francis Galton

-first serious study of fingerprints 1892 -wrote first book about it

Fingerprint formation

-formed by fourth month of pregnancy -found on hairless parts of body -Sweat gland secrete sweat (water and oil)

Sir William Herschel

-identified prisoner using fingerprints

from hair, one can determine

-if human or animal -race (sometimes) -origin of the location on body -if forcibly removed -treated with chemicals -drugs have been ingested

What can markings come from or depend on for the casing and bullet?

-lands and grooves -diameter -alterations to the weapon -material used -machine/hand rifled -amount of use for a weapon(alters individualization) -firing pin -ejector marks -marks from clip -manufacturing marks -fingerprints

Types of Minutiae

-ridge ending -island/short ridge -bridge -eye/enclosure/lake -delta -bifurcation/fork -dot -spur -double bifurcation -trifurcation

3 ways to collect trace evidence

-visual inspection -tape lift -vacuuming

What can ballistics tell us?

-whos gun -distance from the shooter -if someone fired a gun recently or was near a weapon -caliber -if a weapon has been used in multiple crimes -type of bullet(hollow point, regular) -where the shot came from

What are the steps to determine a deliberate fire?

1. All possible natural and accidental causes of the fire must be eliminated 2. Determine whether the fire is arson (A fire can be set deliberately but without malicious intent)

Types of Sharp Force Trauma (4)

1. Angled penetration 2. Penetration parellel to grain 3. Intercostal penetration 4. Penetration perpendicular to grain

History of Paleopathology - 4 Periods

1. Antecedent 2. Genesis 3. Interbellum consolidation 4. New paleopathology

Fire Damage to Bone: Steps (Heat Added)

1. Bone starts as a yellow-brown colour 2. Darker yellow 3. Dark grey 4. White (calcium salts) and light weight 5. Cracking/warping/distortion/shrinkage

2 Aspects of shotgun wounds

1. Direction of fire 2. Range of fire

If radiographs are available, which 4 features are used to obtain identification?

1. Ethmoid 2. Maxillae 3. Sphenoid 4. Mastoid process

3 types of bone joints

1. Fibrous 2. Cartilaginous 3. Synovial

4 Factors that a dental exam includes

1. Gathering information on at least 5 characteristics of teeth 2. Assessing for fillings, dentures, crowns, etc. 3. Any pathological conditions like caries 4. Malocclusions, spacing, type of bite noted

3 Forms of Strangulation

1. Hanging 2. Ligature 3. Manual

Two types of techniques forensic botanists use for PMI

1. Individual 2. Comparative

Order of Decomposition

1. Intestines, stomach, digestive organs, heart, blood, circulatory 2. Air passages and lungs 3. Kidneys and bladder 4. Brain and nervous 5. Skeletal muscles 6. Connective tissue

3 Categories of Wound Bevelling

1. Inward 2. Outward 3. Reverse

What are the two major steps of analyzing a fire scene residue?

1. Isolate the accelerant from the matrix of charred or unburned material 2. Determine the nature of the accelerant residue

Types of Bullet Composition (2)

1. Lead/steel 2. Those designed to explode pellets

Haskel et al's 3 Factors Assessed with Insects

1. Life stages can be used for PMI 2. Geographic location of death can be assessed 3. Personal habits can be determinable

3 Reasons why mapping remains is essential

1. Scattered bones may indicate carnivore activity 2. Establishes a relationship between body elements and physical items 3. Establishes the credibility of the forensic worker

3 Types of LeFort Fractures

1. Separation of alveolar from rest of face 2. Separation of mid face from rest of cranium 3. Entire face separated from brain case

3 Factors to Determine Ancestry through Teeth

1. Shovel-shaped incisors 2. Cusp 7 3. Bushman canine

4 Limitations of Photographic Superimposition

1. Skull or X-ray of skull must be available 2. Photographic plane must be the same 3. Sizes of images must be equal 4. Must both be of good quality

3 Levels of Certainty

1. Speculation 2. Possible 3. Probable

Estimating Adult Age with Teeth (4)

1. Staining 2. Plaque 3. Openings at tip of roots 4. Pulp stones

3 Types of Marks that Saws Leave on Bone

1. Superficial false start scratches 2. False start kerfs 3. Sectioned bone cuts

3 kinds of fibrous joints

1. Syndemosis 2. Sutural 3. Gomphosis

5 Daubert Criteria

1. Whether theory can be tested 2. Whether science has been offered for peer review 3. Whether error rate is acceptable 4. Whether method is widely accepted 5. Whether opinion is relevant to issue

immune response steps

1. recognize antigen 2. produce antibodies to deactivate antigen 3. produce memory cells so you don't get the same disease twice

To develop an idea of the soil variation within the crime scene area standard/reference soil should be collected at various intervals within a(n) ______ foot radius of the crime scene.


How far should one go to collect soil samples

100-yard radius

How many thoracic vertebrae are there?


How many bones are in the human body?


How many chromosomes does each person have?

46 chromosomes

How many cervical vertebrae are there?



7,000 formulations; chromatogrpahy is used to separate dyes for comparative analysis; fabric accepts dye is used to ID & compare samples

People with type AB blood have what antigen(s)?

A and B


A constant property of matter that reflects the amount of material present.


A constant property that refers to the amount of matter an object contains.

Concentric Fracture

A crack in a glass that forms a rough circle around the point of impact.

Concentric fracture

A crack in a glass that forms a rough circle around the point of impact.


A crystalline compound that is found especially in tea and coffee plants and is a stimulant of the central nervous system

CODIS (Combined DNA Information System)

A data base of DNA profiles of individuals convicted of sex crimes and other violent crime

Tandem Mass Spectrometers (LC-MS^n)

A detection system with more than one mass spectrometer in a series. (n refers to the number of MS units)

tandem mass spectrometery

A detection system with more than one mass spectrometer in series


A high-energy, short-wavelength form of electromagnetic radiation.


A highly addictive analgesic drug derived from morphine, often used illicitly as a narcotic producing euphoria.


A highly toxic chemical, especially in the form of gas (hydorgen cyanide)


A large class of drugs distinguished by their ability to caused euphoria and relieve pain. Includes: Oxycodone, Fentanyl, morphine, heroin

Screening Test

A preliminary test used to reduce the number of possible identities of an unknown substance

Intensive Property

A property that is not dependent on the size of an object

Typically the first thing the CSI will do is:

A scene survey or walk-thru

Amorphous solid

A solid in which the constituent atoms or molecules are arranged in random or disorder positions.


A state of matter in which the attractive forces between molecules are in contact with one another but are not rigidly held in place.


A substance that induces changes in normal thought processes, perceptions, and moods (EX: marijuana)

Who is the universal recipient?



Absence of the vault of the skull

Ways to find remains

Accidentally, erosion, personal digging, dogs, field walking, or ground penetrating radar


Act on the nervous system to make the user feel better and increase their energy alertness while suppressing appetite and fatigue.

_________ is easier on a younger person while ____________ is easier on an older person

Aging; sexing


All things of substance; matter is composed of atoms or molecules.


An enzyme immunoassay test to detect particular types of metabolites in the body fluids, commonly used for screening drug use.

Low explosive

An explosive that produces a pressure wave with velocities less than 3280 ft/sec Oxygen physically mixed with fuel so goes at slower rate. Pushes rather than shatters. Can be easily set off with a flame, spark or chemical (ie. acid)

High explosive

An explosive that produces a pressure wave with velocities more than 3280 ft/sec. Designed to shatter and destroy. Require severe shock to detonate - blasting cap or primary/initiating explosive. Initial explosive creates a strong shock wave that shatters the chemical bonds that hold molecules of fuel and oxygen together, after detonation this shock travels from molecule to molecule picking up velocity along the way and resulting in an almost instantaneous detonation.

What is arson and an arsonist?

Arson - A deliberately set fire Arsonist - a person who deliberately sets a fire

Min. 12

Australia standard of points of identification

What is the second cervical vertebrae called?

Axis/dems - allows rotation of the head

People with type B blood have the __ antigen and the __ antibody

B, A

A person showed clotting in the B column but nothing else. What is their blood type?


Why did assessing ancestry work much better in the past?

Because there was little migration and clear separation of race

why do we have red blood cells?

Because they have hemoglobin that carries oxygen to cells and carried carbon dioxide away from the cells

When must documentation on found items be done?

Before it is collected i. Documentation of the found items must be done before any evidence can be moved or collected; this marks the birth of the item as evidence and the beginning of chain-of-custody procedures.

Greenstick Fracture

Bending of bone instead of full breakage

Spiral Search

Best for small areas 1-2 people Problems: - difficult to move in this pattern - Physical barriers may pose problem - May destroy evidence on the way into spiral position

Wound Bevelling: Reverse

Bevelling is in the opposite direction of entrance

Inductively coupled plasma

Binders absorb infrared radiation to yield a spectrum that is characteristic to that spectrum

How do you determine the minimum number of individuals?

By separating all elements and looking at whatever is in abundance

Difference between CSIors and forensic scientists

CSI- police officers assigned to a crime scene unit Maintain chain of custody evidence Forensic Scientists- Have science training and education Furnish training to CSIors Analyze evidence in labs and testify in court their findings

Paper Chromatography

Can be used to separate the components of inks, dyes, plant compounds, make-up, and many other substances.

Dust & Dirt Evidence

Can reveal where a person has traveled and may be picked up at a crime scene or left behind. Investigators examine the samples for chemical composition, pollen, plants, and other organic matter to link to the crime scene.

Process of videotaping at a scene

Case intro: case number, date/time/location, videographer Video surroundings: outside of the scene (roads/entrance) Orientation of scene: 360 view without jumping form evidence to evidence Victims viewpoint

forensic pathology

Cause and manner of death; examination of a body, additional medical history info, psychological history, drug use, witness statements


Caused by groundwater leaching through skeletal elements and depositing various salts into the bone matrix

The purpose of proficiency testing through forensic science organizations is to provide _____ for forensic scientists.


How can you tell a vertebrae is cervical, thoracic, or lumbar?

Cervial - transverse foramen; Thoracic: holes for rib articulation;lumbar - larger as they get more caudal and no rib articulation

Ballistics Evidence

Characteristics of ammunition, firearms, and residue are examined to find matches between suspects and evidence found at a crime scene.

Adsorption methods

Charcoal or other synthetic materials are used to adsorb high levels of hydrocarbons onto their surface either passively (substance placed in container with accelerant and allowed to adsorb over time) or actively through adsorption-elution. Once adsorbed the accelerant is eluted off using a suitable solvent.

Examples of Questioned Documents

Checks, Certificates, Wills, Passports, Licenses, Diploma, Money, Letters, Contracts, Suicide Notes, Receipts, Lottery Tickets, Historical Documents, and Arts


Chemical color test used to confirm the presence of cannabinoids in plant material

Iodine fuming, Ninhydrin, Cyanoacrylate (super glue)

Chemical methods of print development?

What kind of evidence is forensic evidence considered?

Circumstantial i. Increasingly, circumstantial proof presented in criminal trials comes in the form of forensic evidence.

Give two examples of indirect evidence.

Circumstantial evidence that implies something such as fingerprints, blood, hair


Class evidence, probativ value, common trace evidence

Blunt force applied to long bones results in __________,_________ fractures without fracture lines.

Complete, simple

Six Microscopes Useful for Forensic Analysis

Compound light, Comparison, Stereoscopic, Polarizing, Microspectrophotometer, Scanning Electron

AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System)

Computerized system capable of reading, classifying, matching, and storing fingerprints for criminal justice.

Interview vs. Interrogation

Conducted to obtain info from individual related to crime scene trying to get someone to confess

Whorl Fingerprints

Consists of circles, more than one loop, or a mixture of pattern types. Four different groups: Plain Double Loop Central Pocket Accidental


Contains genetic information found on the chromosomes located in the nucleus of our cells.

Familiar Poisons

Cyanide, strychnine, heavy metals (arsenic, lead)

Development of Latent Prints: Cyanoacrylate

Cyanoacrylate-super glue fumes react with water-form a hard white print


Cyclic redundancy check commonly used for transferring data to media not considered a forensic hashing algorithm


DNA pieces separated within an agarose gel or capillary tube

LeFort Fractures

Damage to the face; how much the maxilla is no longer attached to rest of face

individual evidence

Dan analysis to narrow down to one individual (WHITE BLOOD CELLS - NUCLEUS)

What are the five stages of crime scene reconstruction?

Data collection, conjecture, hypothesis formulation, testing, theory formulation a. Crime scene reconstruction is a systematic fact-gathering process (Figure 3.8) based on the scientific method. It involves a set of actions or stages: b. Data collection—All of the information and documentation obtained at the crime scene, from the victim or witnesses, is necessary for crime scene reconstruction. Data including the condition of the physical evidence, patterns and impressions, condition of the victim, etc., are reviewed, organized, and studied. • c. Conjecture—Before any detailed analysis of the evidence is accomplished, a possible explanation of what happened at the crime scene may be developed. It is not fixed or the only possible explanation at this point, as there may be several other possible explanations. • d. Hypothesis formulation—Additional accumulation of data is based on examination of the physical evidence and the continuing investigation. Scene examination and inspection of the physical evidence must be carried out. Interpretation of bloodstain and impression patterns, gunshot residue patterns, and fingerprint evidence, as well as analysis of trace evidence, will lead to formulation of a reconstruction hypothesis. e. Testing—Once a hypothesis has been developed, then additional testing or experimentation must be done to confirm or disprove the overall interpretation or specific aspects of the hypothesis. This stage includes comparison of samples collected at the scene with known standards, as well as chemical, microscopic, and other analyses and testing. Controlled testing or experimentation with regard to possible scenarios of physical activities must be done to corroborate the hypothesis. • f. Theory formulation—Additional information may be acquired during the investigation about the condition of the victim or suspect, the activities of the individuals involved, the accuracy of witness accounts, and other information about circumstances surrounding the event. When the hypothesis has been thoroughly tested and verified by analysis, the reconstruction theory can be formulated.


Death is in the same place the body is found


Death through reckless, intentional, or grossly negligent actions of another

1902 - A. ________ discovered AB blood type



Decay in dry conditions, both warm and cold, with strong air current leading to increased water loss


Decomposition carried out by bacteria

The three types of reasoning used when interpreting a collection of evidence are:

Deductive, inductive, and deductive

SFT: Incisions

Defects that are longer than they are wide and result from forces applied across the surface of bone with an implement having a long, sharp edge

Problems with aging adult skeletons...

Degenerative rates are not constant across everyone and the term "adult" varies from culture to culture

PCR Step

Denaturation- separting the primers Annealing- attaching the primer Extention-adding the dNTP to the copy pair DNA


Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule that carries most of the genetic instructions used in the development, functioning and reproduction that is in a double helix structure.

Dental method

Deterioration of teeth - molars best used

Manner of Death

Determined exclusively by the coroner

Probable Identification

Determining the identity of the remains by using a point-by-point comparison of multiple sources of ante and postmortem data

What is a critical step in determining the cause of a fire?

Determining the point of origin (where the fire starts)

What are the two major goals in a fire scene investigation?

Determining the type of fire (accidental, natural, incendiary) and if the fire was deliberately started, who did it

Why is chain of custody important?

Documentation of who controls the evidence from when an item becomes evidence. Helps to show that the evidence being offered has not been tampered with and is authentic.

Powder dusting

Done on a smooth, nonporous surface (plastic/metal)

Finished Sketches

Drawn to scale: everything reduced proportionately Distances marked must be accurate Must contain info from rough sketch May be prepared by hand or with templates

Schedule IV drugs

Drugs with a fairly low risk for abuse and addiction with many accepted medical uses. ( Valium)

Schedule II Drugs

Drugs with a high potential for abuse and addiction but some accepted medical uses. ( Morphine, cocaine methamphetamine)

Schedule III Drugs

Drugs with a lower potential for abuse and addiction and accepted medical use. ( anabolic steroids, codeine and barbiturates)

Schedule V Drugs

Drugs with almost no risk for abuse/ addiction and many medical uses. ( Codeine cough medicines)

The skeletal system consists of...

Dynamic living tissues which continually re-build and re-model itself and interact with all other organ systems

Intraracial line up

Easier to pick right suspect

What is the most common disadvantage of digital photography in terms of admissibility in court?

Easy image manipulation using Photoshop

Linkage of persons, scenes or objects is based on what?

Edmond Locards exchange principle

Effects of Amphetamines

Euphoria or well-being, no sense of appetite and no fatigue - used for weight loss and ADD medication

What does it mean for the evidence to be internally consistent?

Every finding must support the story for it to be valid.

Blast pressure

Explosion effect. Escaping gases from the blast exert hundreds of tonnes per square inch of pressure compressing the surrounding air and creating a wave that shatters anything in its path. The damage decreases as the wave loses power with distance from the bomb seat. This is known as the possitive phase. The wave creates a partial vacuum as it moves away from the bomb seat as the air has been displaced and when the blast wave dissapates the compressed air and gases rush back towards the bomb seat doing additional serious damage. This is known as the negative phase.

National Institute of High Standards and Technology (NIST)

Federal agency responsible fro setting, approving, and maintaining measurements and materials standards in the United States (formerly National Bureau of Standards)

Safety; Victim; Witnesses; crime scene; changes

First Officer on the Scene -_____ is the primary concern. -Assist the ____ -Search for and arrest ____ -Detain and separate ____ -Protect the ______ -Note any ____ made to the scene


Form bone

Mitochondrial DNA

Found in the mitochondrion and is inherited only from other. it can be found in skeletal remains

What are fragmentation effects?

Fragmentation effects from a bomb can occur in several ways. First, the bomb casing can shatter and the pieces may be propelled. Second, the bomber may wrap nails or other metals around the bomb that will cause fragmentation damage. Finally, the blast may break up objects in its way that may also fragment and be propelled.

Tarsal Coalition

Fused tarsals in places it should not be

What does GC stand for, and what is it used for?

Gas chromatography is almost universally employed in crime labs for the analysis of fire scene accelerant residues

Cleft/Notch results from

Hacking actions in which vertical dynamic force is applied


Highly addictive withdrawal is difficult and dangerous. Most are prescribed to reduce anxiety and help the user sleep; poses no problems in small amounts.

A facial reconstruction method that uses sets of statistical tissue depths with 21 landmarks.

His' 1895 Tissue Depth Method

Paint identification is used mostly in what type of crime?


Latent Prints

Impressions left by friction ridge skin on a surface, such as a tool handle, glass, door, etc.

James Watson and Francis Crick

In 1953 discovered the configuration of the DNA molecule. What is interesting about this fact is that Rosalind Franklin had as much to do with the discovery as the other three gentlemen with her work with X-ray crystallography.

Ray White

In 1980 describes first polymorphic RFLP marker

The advantages of digital imaging include which of the following?

Instant access i. Instant access , Integration, No film Processing


Instantaneous combustion


Interference with the intake of Oxygen

Positive Identification

Involves the use of antemortem information that is so unique that when an exact match is made with postmortem data, the remains are determined to be associated with one person


Is commercially prepared from morphine and is often found in Otc drugs in Canada

Forensic Anthropology

Is primarily concerned with the recovery, examination, and identification of human skeletal remains.

Atoms differing only in the number of neutrons present in their nuclei are called _____.


10. Why is finding the point of origin of a fire so important in determining the cause of the fire?

It can determine if the fire was natural, accidental, or deliberate/incendiary.

Why is blood typing used at crime scenes?

It can narrow down a list of suspects and eliminate suspects and is cheap.

Human Genome

It contains 23 pairs of chromosomes

Nuclear DNA

It is found in the constitutes 23 pair of chromosomes inherited from both parents and each cell contains only one nuclei

Neuron activation is useful because

It provides a highly sensitive and nondestructive analysis

Who is considered the trier-of-fact?

Judge and jury i. a person, or group of persons, who determines facts in a legal proceeding, usually a trial.

Who discovered 3/4 blood types and the Rh protein?

Karl Landsteiner

What chemical test is used to determine if stains are in fact blood?

Kastle Meyer

The phrase, "every contact leaves a trace," is the concept behind:

Locard's exchange principle


Loop %

Flame point

Lowest temperature at which a liquid produces enough vapor to sustain a continuous fire

________ fight foreign substances from germs


Trepanning Theories: Dr. Pruniers

Made for drinking cups

Duquenois-Levine Color Test

Marijuana (purple)


Most widely used drug in the western world Travels to the brain and supresses control of thoughts and muscles

General procedure of photographing

Multiple angles: photograph rooms from each corner, bodies from all angles 2 sets of pictures: before/after evidence is marked Start from outside in beginning with an exterior view and work towards entrance

What is the volmer

Nasal septum


National Institute of Drug Abuse

What is the universal donor?


Radiating Fracture Lines

Originate from site of impact and move outward in any direction

Gunshot Wound

Originates from a projectile fired from a firearm


Outside covering (paint)

3-4 types of photographs

Overall: 360 view Up close: Focus is on specific objects of interest in RELATION to scene (ex: gun in a victims hand) Evidence view: detailed view of evidence; more detailed Mid Range: object of interest in relation to the rest of the scene

Glass Evidence

Particles found at various crime scenes will be analyzed to determine its properties, such as color, tint, thickness, density, chemical composition, and refractive index.

Private Crime Labs

Performs "niche" forensics Provide independent analysis for investigations (for defendants) Provide back ups for public labs Provide drug/paternity tests

Points of similarity/identification

Points where minutiae on two different prints match

Who responds to a crime scene?

Police, crime scene investigators, medical examiners, detectives, specialists, possibly district attorney

Read-Only Memory (ROM)

Pre-programmed computer storage and commands; ROM is normally nonvolatile , usually associated with computer circuitry , media , peripherals and mobile devices

Indications of arson

Presence of an accelerant Elimination or accidental or natural causes Fire trails - pouring of accelerant causes uneven intense burn along trail. Multiple points of origin.

Firearm injury: Penetrating

Presence of an entrance wound but no exit wound

1st priority at the scene of a crime

Preservation of life of the officer and others. -security of officer safety and to secure offender Preservation of the victim

The classification of the crime scene labels the site of the original or first criminal activity as what?

Primary crime scene i. This classification of the crime scene labels the site of the original or first criminal activity as the primary crime scene and any subsequent crime scenes as secondary crime scenes.

wet chemical procedures

Procedure that involve solvents, extractions, etc.; not instruments

Wet Chemical Procedures

Procedures that involve solvents, extractions, ect. not instrumental

Note Taking

Provides a written record of all of the crime scene activities Includes: -notification info -arrival info -scene description -victim description -crime scene team *most necessary*

Physical Dependence

Psychological need for a drug brought about by its regular use and characterized by withdrawal sickness when administration of the drug abruptly stops

Bloody fingerprints

Put a time on the crime, enhanced with peroxidase which doesn't interfere with blood type/etc

Mummification is an alternate of _________________.


Spade shaped root


A good example of a fixed point for sketching a crime scene would be?

Recorded utility poles i. This fixed nature is used for subsequent reconstruction. Good fixed points can be building corners, in-ground survey markers, large trees, or recorded utility poles ii. All three techniques identify two starting, fixed points, and all subsequent measurements of the crime scene are in relation to those points. The locations of these fixed points are known or can be precisely determined

Effects of Narcotics

Relieve pain, produces sleep, euphoria feeling, sedative and depresses vital body function

Fingerprint pattern

Remains unchanged for the life of an individual; however the print itself may change due to permanent scars and disease.

BFT: Torus Fracture

Result of compressive force that causes outward buckling of the cortex around the circumference of the bone

Underfunding in Crime Labs

Result: Labs can't analyze all material Equipment isn't cutting edge which increases error Over 80% of the labs are understaffed leading to burnout and sloppy work

Core, ending/starting ridges, forks, deltas, dots/islands, enclosures, bridges, crossovers, hook, eye

Ridge characteristics (examples)

Loop Fingerprints

Ridges enter on one side and exit on the same side. Four different groups: L - Radial R - Ulnar L - Ulnar R - Radial

Federal rules of evidence (FRE)

Rules created by the US supreme Court that govern how evidence can be used in both civil and criminal cases

STR (Short Tandem Repeats)

STR's are locations (loci) on the chromosome that contain short sequences of 3 to 7 bases that repeat themselves with the DNA molecule. This method's advantages include a higher discrimination than RFLP, less time, smaller sample size, and less susceptible to degradation.

List the carpals

Scaphoid, lunate, triqutrea, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

Carnivores: Scoring

Scratches along the cortical surface of bone


Secure Hash Algorithm version 1 a new hashing algorithm common in DF


Self-digestion by body cells enzymes

Physical Extraction

Separating a compound by physical size

What is one way that bias can be limited?

Sequential masking

Sternal rib end method

Shape and depth of auricular surface

Solvent extraction

Simple, sensitive, can be used with a wide range of accellerants. Small quantity of solvent added to sample, poured off, filtered and evapourated to a small volume leaving behind the accelerant residue which can then be analysed with GC.

The axial skeleton consists of...

Skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, and rib cage


Slightly moveable joints held together by cartilage

Effects of Depressants

Slows the central nervous system

Trace Evidence

Small amount left at crime scene Found in saliva, blood, semen, skin, hair, roots, urine (nuclear DNA)

PCP (Phencyclidine)

Sold as an intravenous anesthetic, but dropped because of side effects including sensitivity to pain etc.

Mechanism of an explosion

Solid and/or liquid fuels combine with oxygen to form gaseous products as well as other products which at converted to gases from the heat of combustion. These very hot gases expand rapidly away from the bomb seat causing blast pressure, fragmentation and/or thermal/heat effects.

Firearms: Pellets

Solid balls made of lead and sometimes steel

Crack, def

Solid form of cocaine - created by mixing it with baking soda and water Smoke crack - gets to brain the fastest

Disadvantages of solvent extraction

Solvent will also dissolve unwanted pyrolisis products, matrix materials and other substances which may interfer with the analysis. Some of the volatile components of the accelerant residues may be evapourated off with the solvent.

Steam distillation

Some of the accelleration residue is put in distillation aparatus with water which is then boiled and distilled. Residues that are immiscible with water form a layer on top of the distilled water. This method is not very sensitive, is the most complicated method and large quantities of matrix are needed. It can also be problematic if the accelerant contains water-soluable residues.

Cutting Agents

Something added to a illicit drug to reduce its concetration

What is evidence?

Something that tends to establish or disprove a fact. Includes documents, testimony and other objects.

File Slack

Space between the logical end of the file and the end of the last allocation unit for that file

What is spalling?

Spalling is the destruction of a surface due to heat or other factors.

Bloody fingerprints

Special situation development methods?

Pyrolysis gas chromatography

Specimens are heated to high temps so they can decompose into gaseous products. Then put through a chromatograph

Crime scene search patterns

Spiral Strip or Lane Grid search Zone Point to point


Substance formed by in the plant tissues and in the bodies of animals. Morphine and codeine are alkaloids of opium


Substance that depress the central nervous system and cause symptoms such as slowed heart rate and breathing


Substance that does the dissolving


Substance that is dissolved


Substances that can be converted into an abused substances

Stress Fracture

Substancial motion over repeated time

Cranial suture method

Sutures fuse at predicted rates which help estimate age

Anabolic Steroids

Synthetic compounds, chemically related to the male sex hormone testosterone, that are used to promote muscle growth (EX: Synthetic testosterone)

Acetylsalicylic Acid

Systematic chemical name for aspirin ( synthetic compound used medicinally to relieve mild or chronic pain and to reduce fever and inflammation.

Marquis Color Test

Tests for heroin, morphine, opium derivatives (purple) amphetamines (Orange-brown)

Confirmatory Tests

Tests that specifically identified one substance.


Tests using antibodies that react with a drug or substance that recognizes the antibody


The DNA profile appears the same. Lab will determine the frequency.

Psychological Dependence

The conditioned use of a drug cause by underlying emotional needs

What is CODIS?

The electronic database of DNA profiles

Electromagnetic Spectrum

The entire range of radiation energy from the most energetic cosmic rays to the least energetic radio waves.

Wound Bevelling: Outward

The inner hole of bone's surface is smaller than the outer hole

16. What characteristics of fuel and oxygen give rise to a high explosion?

The more oxygen and fuel, the greater the high explosion.

What is direct ignition?

The most basic of all the causes of fire. It involves direct application of a spark or flame source to the fuel.


The number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.


The number of waves that pass a given point per unit of time.

Physical state

The physical form taken by matter: solid, liquid, or gas.


The result of incomplete combustion. A combination of carbon particles (soot), unburned and partially burned gases.


The rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class, group, culture, or human action

Putrid Dry Remains

The skin is no longer present; bones start to decay


The study and application of methods and techniques for investigating diseases and related conditions from skeletal and soft tissue remains

Ignition temperature

The temperature necessary to excite fuel and oxygen molecules to chemical reaction. Varies with the type of fuel. Once this temperature is reached a fire can continue on a self-sustaining basis until one of the four elements is eliminated.

thin layer chromatography (TLC)

The use of a solvent that travels through a porous medium to separate compounds based on their chemical affinity with the solvent and the medium

18. How are explosive residues collected? Where is the most important place to look?

They are collected with a vapor trace analyzer (VTA) or similar detector. They are isolated from the matrix in which they are found. The most important place to look is the point of origin.


Thin Layer Chromatography

One of the biggest challenges for the crime scene investigator is:

To determine what evidence is pertinent and what evidence is extraneous.

Why is Scientific Method important?

To provide a safety net to ensure that outcome of an investigation is not tainted by human emotions, biases.

Shoe Print Features to Analyze

Tread patterns, size, and depth Wear patterns caused by the way a person walks Material defects or damage Other trace materials, such as soil, tar, rocks, and paint

What are the three techniques for obtaining measurements for the crime scene sketch?

Triangulation, base line, and polar coordinates

True or False: Assessing how far the nose projects in a facial reconstruction is difficult.


True or False: Fracturing of the hyoid bone is the main osteological consequence of death by strangulation


True or False: In fluvial transport, the cranium is more likely to move a longer distance then the flatter bones


True or False: The upper broader cells in frontal sinuses which are called scalloping are unique to one individual person


True or False: You must sex a skeleton before you age it



Two alleles are different


Two alleles are the same


Two or more elements that are chemically combined.


Two or more substances that are mixed together, but not chemically combined.


Two tubes of charcoal or other synthetic material are inserted partway into the airtight sample container through holes in the top. Air is pumped through one of the tubes into the container which flows out of the other tube sweeping the vapour with it. This process upsets the liquid-vapour equilibrium and as such more substance vapourises. This continues until there is no more accelerant in the container, it is all trapped in the outlet tube.


Type A


Type AB

Bite Mark Features to Analyze

Type of bite mark (human or animal) Characteristics of the teeth (position, evidence of dental work, wear patterns, etc.) Color of area to estimate how long ago the bite occurred (old or recent bite) Swab for body fluids for DNA tests

Plain arch, tented arch

Types of arches:

Radial loop, ulnar loop, double loop, accidental loop

Types of loops:

Plain whorl, central pocket whorl

Types of whorles:

Zone/Sector Search

Used for large areas (football field), areas with a lot of evidence (shuttle crash), areas where evidence is at different levels (blood spatter). Format: divide area into zones or sectors and assign each person a sector. Horizontal and Vertical levels


Used legitimately as an animal tranquilizer, is a powerful hallucinogen. Sometimes called the club drug.

Gas Chromatography

Used to determine the chemical composition of unknown substances.

Thin-Layer Chromatography

Uses thin plastic or glass trays to identify the composition of pigments, chemicals, and other unknown substances.

Liquid/Liquid Extraction

Using a liquid to dissolve another liquid substance and remove it from a mixture

Locating the point of origin

V-pattern - If point of origin is near a wall or corner smoke damage will be V shaped. Soot and smoke staining - Soot first then burning Material distortion, wood charring and spalling - Indicate high intensity, high heat. Low burning - Arson fires started in low place to allow for safe point of exit.

Headspace methods

Vapour above sample matrix. Equilibrium level of vapour depends on pressure and temperature. Sampled with gas-tight syringe and injected into GC.

Solid-phase micro extraction

Variation of adsorption method. Fused silica fibre coated with adsorbent is inserted into heated sample container. After adsorption is complete fibre is inserted directly into the inlet of the GC where the high heat of the injector zone rapidly elutes the acellerant into the mobile phase. This method is extrememly sensitive and removes the need for the separation step.

The ____________ of a projectile has the greatest effect on its wounding power



Vertebrae fused together

Initiating high explosives

Very powerful and very sensitive. The slightest shock or spark can cause detonation. Eg. Pure nitroglycerine and mercury fulminate


What heavy metal causes a blue line along the gums?

What is an explosive train and what are the types?

When one explosion is used to set off another. Low explosive trains and high explosive trains. Low - Usually two-step, example: pipe bomb wherein a fuse made of black powder is used to detonate smokeless powder inside the pipe. High - The final explosive is usually a secondary explosive, there may be more than just two explosives, exaple: detonator may be a blasting cap

When are the facts of the case determined?

When the forensic lab processes all collected evidence.

Human Chimera

When two separate embryos merge into one.

Europe 17th-18th centuries

Where did America get fingerprint methods from?

Incomplete combustion

Where there is insufficient oxygen to completely combust the fuel then there is incomplete combustion and smoke is formed.

Sir Francis Galton, 1892

Who wrote a book called "Fingerprints" and when?

class characteristics; size; shape

a careful examination of the impression can reveal important _____ _______________, such as the _____ and _______ of the tool


a continuum of color formed when a beam of white light is dispersed so that its component wavelengths are arranged in order

firearms identification

a discipline of forensic science dedicated to the examination and comparative analysis of firearms and ammunition components, with a primary concern of determining if a bullet, cartridge case, or other ammunition component was fired by a particular firearm

Comparison Microscope

a version of the compound microscope that magnifies two different samples at the same time, side by side, and can even overlay one image over another


a white discoloration of the skin that occurs when the body remains in contact with an object while livor mortis occurs

The standard guideline for determining the judicial admissibility of scientific examination stemmed from which court ruling?

a. Frye v. United States i. Those jurisdictions following the "Frye standard (Frye v. United States) require that new methods be generally acceptable to a significant proportion of the scientific discipline to which they belong.

What must the court be assured about the methods in scientific analysis? Select one or more:

a. Scientifically acceptable, reliable i. Admissible evidence must be reliable and relevant to the case at hand, and for scientific analysis, the court must be assured that the methods used are scientifically acceptable and reliable.

The rules of evidence are exclusionary. Explain what this means.

a. a law that prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial. b. This set of evidentiary rules is basically exclusionary in nature; that is, these rules serve to filter out information presented by either side that may be irrelevant to the factual and legal issues at hand or that violate long-standing prohibitions such as those against the admissibility of hearsay or substantially prejudicial information. c. The system of rules that constitutes the law of evidence controlling the flow of information in civil and criminal litigation is exclusionary. d. A rule of evidence that excludes or suppresses evidence obtained in violation of a defendant's constitutional rights.


actual color of car


all preceding methods of Time of death can no longer be used. 2 main functions: autolysis & putrefaction

direction of blood

always moving where the drop gets more and more narrow

____ are Y-shaped proteins that attack foreign cells


What happens during an antigen-antibody response?

antibodies (WBC's known as B lymphocytes) fight foreign substances

When a foreign material enters your body, your immune system launches an attack called an ______ _______ _________

antigen-antibody response

trace evidence

any small pieces of material, naturally occurring or man made

clotting blood

any time something foreign enters your body, platelets are involved in ______________________

The proton and electron (are, are not) of appropriate equal mass.

are not

darkness of the lines going upward and downward

are the pressures equal when applied to upward or downward strokes

500 BC - Greeks distinguished between _____ and _____

arteries, veins

projected (arterial gush)

artery was severed - peak in blood spatter - no more peak means the heart isnt pumping anymore

cartridge case individual characteristics

as a result of the firing process, the cartridge case receives unique markings that enable it to be related back to a specific firearm

firing hand; detection

as a result, traces of the residues are often deposited on the _________ _____ of the shooter, and their __________ can provide valuable information as to whether or not an individual has recently fired a weapon

individual characteristics

as the bullet travels down the bore, it is engraved not only with the rifling but it is also marked by these imperfections in the form of a pattern of striations that is unique to that barrel

increases; decreases

as time since firing _________, the success of detection __________

mineral (rock) fibers

asbestos, rock wool, fiberglass are all fibers made from rock

Modified Griess Testing

assists the examiner in visualizing burned and partially burned gunpowder particle patterns

Sodium Rhodizonate Testing

assists the examiner in visualizing soot and vaporous lead residues

The total number of protons and neutrons present in a nucleus is known as the _____.

atomic mass


automatic pattern recognition increase match rate form 1.5% to 20-25%

What is the most commonly examined paint


ediscovery specialists should

avoid changing the data and verifying the has values

Do arteries carry blood to or away from the heart?


Pyrolysis gas chromatography is a particularly valuable technique for characterizing paint's (binder, pigments).


bullet; cartridge case

both the ________ and ________ ______ are marked by contact with the metal surfaces of the weapon during loading and firing

universal donor

can be given to anyone (O)

blood type

can only include or exclude a certain group of people

universal recipient

can receive anything (TYPE AB)


can rotate objectives on revolving nosepiece

Cellulose acetate

cellulose that is chemically altered to create an entirely new compound not found in nature

Griess; Sodium Rhodizonate

chemical tests, such as the ______ test and _________ ____________ Test, may be needed to detect residues that are not visible


chemically-altered cellulose; soft, lustrous, versatile- synthetic

DNA is found in..

chromosomes located in nucleus of cells

When examining paint, the examiner looks for

color layers and sequence

presumptive testing

color testing & microcrystalline testing

Codis stands for

combined DNA index system

Typescript Comparisons

comparisons of machine generated documents, photocopier, printer, and typewriter, examination of accidental markings and characteristics due to some defect

transcript comparisons

comparisons of machine-generated documents photocopier, printer, fax machine, and typewriter examination of accidental markings and characteristics due to some defect

Chain of custody form should

completed for every piece of evidence that is collected


computer , media , electronic devices internet corporate network or service provider

Central processing Unit (CPU)

computer chip that calculates or carries out the commands or instructions of the operating system and computer programs

forensic anthropology

concerned with the recovery, examination and identification of human skeletal remains. may be able to determine sex, gender age, race and skeletal injury

Subadult age estimation is ___________ based whereas adult age estimation is ____________ based

developmental; degenerative

hair development

develops from follicle where actively growing cells die/harden chemically continue to divide & push upwards out of the skin

void (shadowing)

devoid of spatter (person was in front of wall during injury)

Oral Deposition

differs from trial testimony only you and attorney captures ur knowledge about the case opposing attorney previews your anticipated testimoeny

should not use formal checklist

do not include in final report attorneys can oppose it , like if u don't check off a box


do the letters flow? are the letters shaky and erratic?

destructive methods used in QD ink analysis

electrostatic detection apparatus thin layer chromatography (TLC) high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC)


embedded data that defines or describes another piece of data ex. title , subject , location , comments


engraving in the inner surface of a barrel with spiral grooves


engulf foreign substances to destroy it B and t lymphosites

Virtual image

enlarged image produced by lens

Hash values

ensure integrity of data


enzymes that assembles new DNA strands when DNA is copying itself

What is another name for red blood cells?


Network forensics

examination of networks( wired or wireless) with connected live devices , such as routers , switches , mobile ,

Deposition banks

examples of expert witness previous testimonies

Polarizing Microscope

exploits optical properties of materials, discovers details of structure and composition, identification and characterization, redirects the passage of light waves, gives vivid colors and intensity contrasts

Spandex fiber

extreme elastic properties


extremely elastic man-made fiber

fabric production

fabrics are made of individual threads that are knitted or woven together

(true/false) Type AB+ can donate to type A+.


(true/false) Type AB- can donate to type A+.


(true/false) Type B+ can donate to type O+.


True or False: Most soils have indistinguishable colors and textures.

false (distinguishable)

True or False: Each object collected at the crime scene that contains soil evidence must be individually wrapped in plastic, with the soil intact, and transmitted in the lab.

false (paper not plastic)

natural fibers

fibers found in nature; classified according to origin; vegetable/cellulose- plant; animal/protein- keratin, mineral- on PT, compounds; Ex: Silk, Cotton, Wool, Mohair, Cashmere; usually twisted and wild strands

What do WBCs do?

fight disease and produce antibodies

Henry Faulds wrote to Charles DArwin

fingerprints could be used to catch crimminals

class; individual

firearms identification involves the examination of both _______ and ____________ characteristics

Sir Francis Galton

fist classification system

Scanning Electron Microscope

focuses a beam of electrons through the specimen onto its surface, great depth of field and shows 3D image

protein (animal) fibers

found in nature made from animals: fur/hair like wool, silk

cellulose (plant) fibers

found in nature made from plants:cotton, rayon, cellulose acetate

Electromagnetic waves similar to X-rays but of a higher energy are ______.

gamma rays

Most soils are differentiated by

gross appearance


gun barrel markings are _______ to each gun


hair from species of dog

hair growth

hair goes through a cycle during growth from anagen, catagen, telogen, & exogen; length- 0.5 mm/day, 1 cm/mo


hair growth is ended; club shaped appearance

hair comparison

hair is class evidence but color, length, diameter, scale types, ect. can be used to narrow down suspects; dyed hair has color in cuticle/cortex; bleaching removes pigment & gives yellow tint; people in vary amt, diameter of hair


hair isn't growing but transitioning; hair follicle shrinks to 1/6 normal length; lower pt destroyed about 10-20 days


has sodium chlorate = false positive in testing for luminal

collecting evidence according to proper steps

helps ensure that the computer evidence is authentic

What protein found in RBCs allows them to carry oxygen?


Narcotics, examples

heroin, codeine, methadone, oxycodone

ridges and furrow

hills and valleys of friction ridges


hole in the stage through which the base light reaches the stage


identical genes

Blood-Alcohol Laws

initially recommended BAC of .15, but realized too high so dropped it to .08 (.08 = five times more likely to get into accident)

Blunt Force Trauma

injuries cause by non-sharpened object; can abrade tissue or can cause a contusion. (pipe, bat, crowbar etc)


inner layer of hair, made of kertain & imbedded w/paigment; main chara: corti fusi -air sacs & melanin; provides strength, color, & texture for hair

Silk fibers

insect fiber that is spun by a silkworm to make its cocoon; the fiber reflects light and has insulating properties

first case in the US involving questioned documents

kidnapping and murdering of charles lindbergh,s infant son. analysis of ransom note.

cut rifling

leaves good marks for identification

transfer pattern

leaving a print in blood

Controlled Substance Act (CSA)

legislation in the US that defines illegal drugs and classifies them by schedules


lengthwise yarn


lengthwise yarn

Condenser Lens

lens mounted below or on the stage used to focus or condense the light onto the specimen

good sources of handwriting exemplars

letters, diaries, greeting cards, personal notes

ulna loops

loop opens toward right or ulna bone

What velocity produces the widest blood droplets?

low (blunt object)

Stereoscopic Microscope

lower magnifications than compound light, gives 3D image, right side up image, two monocular compound light microscopes with common objective lens

Which chemical test detects hemoglobin left behind by blood and luminesces?


how are man made fivers typically made?

machine made fibers were manufactured from raw materials from cotton or wool pulp

Knitted fabric

made by interlocking loops into a specific arrangement

synthetic (artificial) fibers

man-made fibers in a lab from burning of petroleum, coal, & gas; Ex: Rayon, Nylon, Acetate, Acrylic, Spandex, Polyester; usually straight strands

RH -

means the protein is absent

RH +

means the red blood cells have the protein

Schedule V

medical purpose low potential for abuse contains limited quantities of narcotics (robitussin, Tylenol with codeine)

Schedule IV

medical use low potential for abuse and risk of dependency (xanax, valium, sleeping pills, tranquilizers)

animal medulla

medulla for these species are greater than 1/2

human medulla

medulla for this species is usually less than 1/3

testing for identification

microscope observation, burning, thermal decomposition, chemical tests, density, refractive index, & fluorescence

first step in the forensic examination of fibers

microscopic comparison

cartridge case individual characteristics

microscopic imperfections are left on the breech face, extractor and ejector and in the chamber of the firearm during the various manufacturing processes



Factors affecting one's handwriting

mood or emotional state, age, speed, position of the writer, alcohol/ drugs, type of writing instrument

The technique of bombarding specimens with neutrons and measuring the resultant gamma rays emission is known as _____.

neutron activation analysis

A nuclear reactor is the source of _____.


What is the most common type of WBC and your first line of defense when you get an infection?


plastic container

never put DNA (blood) in a _________________



untreated wood


Do RBCs have a nucleus?


Type O

no clumping anywhere

Schedule I

no medical use high potential for abuse (heroin, LSD, Peyote, MDMA "ecstasy", bath salts


non-destructive method used to detect minute differences in ink colors

Concentration categories

normal, therapeutic, toxic, lethal

Sharp Force Trauma

occurs with weapons that have sharpened edges, tissue is sliced not torn or crushed. knives, razor blade, box cutter. Location of wounds are important. Look for defensive wounds (fingers, palms, lower extremities)

recombinant DNA

opening of DNA helix and combining it with another strand

structure of the hair root

part below that's enclosed w/in hair follicle; skin that grows hair- dermal papillae (contains androgens- cause follicle to get smaller/finer in those predisposed to hair loss)

medicolegal death investigator

personnel from ME or Corner's officer who responds to a crime scene and coordinates efforts with police and crime scene personnel.

original evidence

physical items and the data objects that are associated with those items at the time of the seizure


pigment that gives hair its color; collectively known as the melanocytes

serial number restoration includes

polish area smooth, chemical etching dissolves damaged portions first electrochemical etching ultrasonic cavitation- high-frequency vibrations eliminate damaged portions first

Livor Mortis/Lividity

pooling and settling of blood within the blood vessels, blood is no longer flowing, usually appears as purple discoloration of skin. will appear cherry red is CO is inhaled. begins 30 minutes after death becomes fixed in position of the body

restoration of serial numbers

possible through chemical etching because the metal crystals in the stamped zone are placed under a permanent strain that extends a short distance beneath the original numbers

What do valves do?

prevent back flow of blood

Preserving the collected evidence using forensically sound techniques is the

primary goal

sit william J. herschel

prints don´t change overtime

Plastic prints (impressions)

prints left on a soft, receiving surface, no enhancement needed.

Algor Mortis

process in which a body continually adjusts to equalize with the environmental temperature. heat loss is dependent upon environmental factors, size of body, clothing etc. Temperature should be taken immediately through the ear canal. Record environmental temperature


produce antibodies for immune system to fight off foreign substances (pathogens) to keep u safe B-CELLS = produce antibodies to attack foreign substances T-CELLS = attack foreign substances directly

human genome

project designed to determine order of bases on all 23 human chromosomes

Nucleus contains

protons and neutrons

Three important subatomic particles of the atom are the __________, ____________, and_________.

protons, neutrons, electrons

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

provide standards for laboratories Quality management system

Acrylic fibers

provide warmth from a lightweight, soft, and resilient fiber

document analysis

questioned documents and known documents are compared to detect any changes or obliterations



Goal of the crime scene investigation.

recognize, document and collect evidence

What can blood spatter be used for?

reconstructing a crime scene


red blood cells have


result of an individual taking his/her own life with lethal intention; must be able to show that the act was done alone and without outside help; must be intentional

plain arch

ridges to one side and exit on the other side

rigid edges

rigid surfaces causes a drop to have


rules u internalize and use to measure your performance

hair cuticle (scales)

scales always point toward the tip of the hair. These scales differ between species of animals and are named based on their appearance


self digestion by body cell enzymes

Diaphysis of bone


plain weave

simplest & most common weave; resembles a checkerboard


simplest types of fingerprints ridges enter on one side of print and exit on the other 5% of people have arches

smokeless powders may be

single, double or triple base


sit in bone

wet surface

small particle reagent (SPR)


smell- burning hair, ignites- burn readily (not steady), not easily extinguished, residue- ash easily crumbled


smell- burning hair, ignites- harder to ignite than silk, steady but difficult to keep burning, residue- ash easily crumbled


smell- burning leaves, ignites- takes a while, closer to ash is more brittle, easily extinguished by blowing, residue- powdery ash


spacing between letters spacing between words spacing between lines placement of words on a line empty margins

what to look for when looking at formatting

spacing between letters, spacing between words, spacing between lines placement of words on a line, empty margins

Rigor Mortis

stiffening or contraction of muscle mass; begins 2-4 hours after death. Starts at the same time throughout the body, observed first in jaws and neck, may progress in head-to-foot direction. fight/trauma/shock may accelerate it. no two bodies are the same

near-contact gunshots

stippling and smudging are in a tight circle tear/char clothing/skin

Anabolic Steroids

synthetic to stimulate testosterone - two effects: 1. muscle growth 2. male traits

anthropometry (Alphonse Bertillion)

take body measurments and describe marks on surface of the body- only people over 20

colorimetric testing

testing in which a change or production of color is used to screen for compounds

friction ridges and purpose

textwed surface of skin and increase friction between skin surface and surfaces the contact


the Forensic Information System for Handwriting; computerized handwriting recognition database used for searching new threatening letters against previously submitted materials (maintained by the U.S. Secret Service)

grooves; accuracy

the ________ serve to guide a fired bullet through the barrel, imparting a rapid spin to insure __________

National Integrated Ballistics Information Network

the _________ __________ _________ ____________ _________ produces database files from bullets and cartridge cases retrieved from crime scenes or test fires from retrieved firearms, often linking a specific weapon to multiple crimes

muzzle; discharged shot

the __________ to target distances can be established by measuring the spread of the ____________ _____


the accused party , civil or criminal

trigger; firing pin; primer; powder

the act of pulling the ________ serves to release the weapon's ________ ____, causing it to strike the _______, which in turn ignites the ________


the act or process of enlarging the physical appearance or image of something

computerized imaging

the advent of __________ ________ technology has made possible the storage of bullet and cartridge case surface characteristics in a manner analogous to automated fingerprint files

powder-residue pattern

the approximate distance from which a handgun or rifle has been fired must be determined by means of a careful comparison of the ______________ ________ located on the victim's clothing or skin against test patterns made when the suspect weapon is fired at varying distances from a target

Field of view

the area of the specimen that can be seen after it is magnified. Gets smaller as the magnification is increased


the barrel is drilled close to the desired diameter then a gang broach goes through and cuts the grooves deeper and deeper to desired status

Rules of evidence

the best evidence in court is the original evidence must be shown to be authentic and trustworthy

cartridge case comparison

the cartridge case, in its rearward thrust, is impressed with the surface markings of the breech face

Chain of Custody (definition)

the chronological documentation of the movement , location and possession of evidence

RF Formula

the distance from the starting point to the TLC plate / the distance from the starting point to the solvent front

gunpowder; primer; shooter

the firing of a weapon not only propels residues toward the target, but _____________ and ________ residues are also blown back toward the __________

cartridge case comparison

the firing pin and breech face of a firearm offer a highly distinctive signature for individualization of cartridge cases

smaller the drops

the greater the force the ...

steel; drilling

the gun barrel is produced from a solid bar of ______ that has been hollowed out by __________

First case in the U.S. involving questioned documents

the kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindbergh's infant son (Charles Lindbergh Jr.)

individual characteristics

the longitudinal striations on each must coincide

irregular; uniqueness

the manufacturing imperfections are left on the barrel's inner surface and are randomly ________ and serve to impact a ____________ to each barrel


the mechanism in a firearm by which a cartridge or a fired case is withdrawn from the chamber


the mechanism in a firearm that throws the cartridge or fired case from the firearm


the process of storing data in a manner that is suitable for long term availability and retrieval

forensic entomology

the study of insect and their relation to a criminal investigation, may be used to estimate time of death. observation of the development stages of maggots and arrival of insects. determinations are not always straight forward due to weather, location, drugs present etc.

time; living

the success of detection is relative to the _____ since firing on a _______ subject

forensic examiner

the ultimate decision for making a final comparison will be determined by the __________ __________ through traditional microscopic methods

Twill weave

the warp yarn is passed over one to three weft yarns before going under one makes a diagonal weave pattern Design resembles stair steps Denim is the most common example

what affects the velocity/speed of a bullet?

the weight of the bullet and size of the casing

Satin weave

the yarn interlacing is not uniform creates long floats interlacing weave passes over four or more yharns stain is the most obvious example

What makes up the leg?

tibia, fibia, femur and patella

Do veins carry blood to or away from the heart?


Hashing files at crime scene

to help ensure integrity and validity crime photos files moved form device , lab independent recording/documentation

Best evidence rules states

to prove the content , original document is required photographed , recorded etc.

The presence of _____ elements in materials provides useful "invisible" markers when comparing physical evidence.


small quantities of elements are known as

trace elements

examination of firearm evidence

trace should be collected the casings should be processed for prints rifling characteristics class characteristics of firearm examiner must check to make sure it is safe to fire shoot bullets into bullet trap microscopic examination

written report

translate into verbal testimony limit to what you write , pay attention to detail

(true/false) 85% of the population has the Rh protein.


(true/false) Blood is a tissue.


(true/false) ELISA stands for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).


(true/false) Type O- can donate to type AB+.


True or False: Emission spectroscopy can be used to identify the components of paint pigments.


True or False: Paint samples removed for examination must always include all of the paint layers .


principle of handwriting analysis

two writings are the product of one person if the similarities are unique and there are no fundamental un-explainable differences . every persons handwriting is unique

factors affecting ones handwriting variations

types of writing instruments mood or emotional state age speed position of the writer alcohol/drugs

maintain objectivity

unbiased opinions during your forensic investigations and examinations

Psychological Dependence

underlies all drug use - produce such a good feeling that you want to continue to get that feeling - fear of withdrawal symptoms of anxiety stop the user from not using them

Scanning Electron Microscope

uses beams of electrons rather than light to look at elements of tiny specimens such as gunpowder residue from bullets or ink from a ransom note

comparison mircoscope

uses two compound microscopes connected by an optical bridge

Schmorl's Nodes

vertebral disks drying and creating dents

gunpowder; smoke

when a firearm is discharged, unburned/partially burned particles of ___________ and ______ are propelled out of the barrel along with the bullet toward the target

blood congeals/solidifies

when blood leaves the body

microscopically; gunpowder particles

when garments or other evidence relevant to a shooting are received in the crime laboratory, the surfaces of all items are first examined _____________ for the presence of ____________ _________


when hair falls out follicle enter new anagen growth

when you're injured

when is the only time you want your blood to clot?

DNA cannot show

when suspect was at scene or for how long


(Size of Crime Scene) -Focuses on specific type of physical evidence

components of blood

- plasma - red blood cells - whole blood cells - platelets

The pattern of DNA =



- cell fragments - involved in clotting - no nuclei

Fiberglass fiber

a manufactured inorganic fiber


a process by which digital evidence is duplicated copied or imaged

How many types of crime scene evidence are there?


Compound Light Microscope

150x limits of magnification, light as a source of illumination, used on both living and preserved specimens.

When does rigor mortis disappear?

18-36 hours after death

james Watson, francis crick and rosalind franklin

1953 discovered shape of DNA molecule

RH factor

85% of human population has RH factor (protein) on their red blood cells

Min. 16

UK standard of points of identification


Appetite Supressent

What are arson dogs and the disadvantage of using them?

Arson dogs help sniff out trace evidence of hydrocarbon accelerants. Dogs have an extremely refined and sensitive sense of smell. A disadvantage to using them is that they don't know what they have located and cannot discriminate between a real accelerant and a hydrocarbon that is part of some object and was released by the fire.

Indirect evidence of trauma

Art, medical equipment, weapons, artifacts and written sources

The osteological paradox

Assumption that if a skeleton had no lesions, they were healthy

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called the ______.

Atomic Number


Atoms or molecules that have lost or gained one or more electrons and, thus, have a net positive or negative charge.

Fresh Stage

Heart stops, skin gets tight/grey, muscles relax, and bladder/bowels empty

Necessary Conditions for fire

Heat or energy source Fuel Oxygen source Chain reaction between the fuel and oxygen. All four elements must be present for a fire.


Hemoglobin in which the oxygen has been replaced by carbon monoxide (CO)

Schedule 1 Drug

High potential for abuse, no current medical use in the US, lack safety for use as treatment. (EX: heroin, marijuana) penalties 0-20yrs/ $1 million

Effects of Cocaine

High productivity, euphoria and loss of appetite - stimulates pleasure center at base of brain Deaths due to cardiac and respiratory arrest

Ethical Standard

High standard of honesty and honor

15. What is the difference between a high explosive and a high-order explosion?

High-order explosion - Occurs at or near its maximum theoretical force, describes the efficiency of an explosive. High explosion - Produces a pressure wave with velocities greater than 3280 ft/sec.

Sternal Foramen

Holes present

Taking Notes

(Crime Scene Documentation) -Notification of personnel -Arrival Information -Scene Description (environment, evidence) -Victim Description


(Crime Scene Documentation) -Take examination quality photographs -Every photo should be recorded in log -Take with and without a scale


(Determine Type Weapon) weight, diameter, give length and/or other features

Secondary Crime Scene

(Location of the Crime Scene) -Subsequent Crime Scenes

Primary Crime Scene

(Location of the Crime Scene) -Where the original crime occurred.


(Size of Crime Scene) -One location, composed of many microscopic crime scenes.


(Type of Rifling) smeared indentions


(Type of Rifling) smooth indentions

What type of WBC helps to identify bacteria and viruses in the body and produce antibodies and cells that specifically target them?

(memory) B cells

Strip/Lane Search

*2nd most popular* Used for covering large or open areas 2+ people Format: Move slowly along examining parallel strips of terrain

Non-Coding Regions

- 3% percent of the human DNA sequences code for proteins - 97% percent is non-coding and is repetitive; repeating the same sequence over and over - 50% percent of the human genome has interspersed repetitive sequences


- Higher u drop blood the larger the drops - Higher u drop the blood the more satelites u get - UNTIL YOU REACH THE HEIGHT OF TERMINAL VELOCITY o It doesn't pick up anymore speed and size remains constant

Securing and controlling the crime scene

- Preserve with tape or barricades - Clear scene by removing unauthorized personnel (officers, spectators, family) - More people, more chance of contamination

Seven S's of crime scene investigation

- Secure scene - Separate witnesses - Scan scene - See that crime scene examiners receive overall and close up photos - Sketch scene - Search for evidence - Secure collected evidence


- When blood hits the ground anything that overcomes the force of cohesion - leave the blood droplet due to overcoming cohesion

Medicolegal Death Investigator

-Personnel from ME or Coroner's office who respond to a crime scene and coordinate efforts with police and crime scene personnel. -Collecting information to assist in determination of Cause and Manner of Death -Additional personnel used to help determine Cause and Manner of Death, or identification -Forensic Anthropologist -Forensic Odontologist -Forensic Entomologist

Crime Scene Documentation

-Taking notes -Videotaping -Photographing -Sketching

Rule about Legal Matching Requirements

-There are no legal requirements in the U.S. on the number of points that must match when comparing two prints. -Usually a print needs to be large enough to find at least 8-12 characteristics.

Cause of Death

-What is the action that initiates the series of events ending in death? -What is the character of the injury that started the chain of events? -May include "contributing factors" if death is prolonged, adverse medical conditions -Usually the medical reason someone dies,

Explain steps in chain of custody.

1) Bags evidence, marks it for identification, seals it and signs it across the sealed edge. 2) Signed over to a lab tech for analysis who opens it, but not the sealed edge. 3) After analysis, the lab tech puts the evidence back in the evidence bag, seals it in another bag and signs the evidence log.

Four Dimensions of the Taphonomic Model

1. Objects 2. Space 3. Modification of objects 4. Cultural dimension

Problems with pubic symphysis method (2)

1. Observer errors 2. First bone to be destroyed during burial

Problems with sternal rib end method (1)

1. Only the fourth rib can be used

6 types of synovial joints

1. Pivot 2. Ball and socket 3. Hinge 4. Ellipsoid 5. Saddle 6. Gliding

Sources of Evidence (2)

1. Primary (skeleton/any soft tissue present) 2. Secondary (documentation/trepanation)

Bullet construction refers to (3)

1. Profile 2. Internal composition 3. Jacketing

What two things does the axial skeleton provide?

1. Protection for vital organs 2. Stabilization to stay up right

3 Components of Ethics

1. Provide written rules 2. Specify violations 3. Decide consequences

Field Sobriety Tests

1. Psychological test - horizontal gaze/pen light to determine if eye jerk and walk and turn/one-leg stand 2. Breath test - oxidizes alcohol in breath to create electricity


1st hair grows at 3-6 mo after conception; shed before birth & replaced

Fracture Complications: Bone necrosis

2 bits of fracture unable to fit together and part of bone dies


2 deltas 35% of people have whorls have at least on ridge that makes or almost makes completer circle

accidental whorls

2+ patterns doesn´t fall under any other catefories

How many PAIRS of chromosomes does each person have?

23 pairs

# of full length pubic hairs


Usually, how many ribs are there?

24, 12 on each side

What is the most difficult age range to assess?


How many types of blood vessels are there?


Fingerprints are individual characteristics, they are unchanged througout life, and they have individual ridge patterns that classify them.

3 principles of fingerprints:

When is rigor mortis completely gone?

48-60 hours after death

Only ___% of people experience skeletal change with leprosy


# of full length hairs from all areas of scalp


Cortical tissue makes up ____% of skeletal weight


Becke line

A bright halo observed near the border of a particle immersed in a liquid of a different refractive index.

Becke Line

A bright halo that is observed near the border of a particle immersed in a liquid of a different refractive index.

Modus Operandi (MO)

A certain criminal's repeated behavior

Periodic Table

A chart of elements arranged in a systematic fashion; vertical rows are called groups or families, and horizontal rows are called series; elements in a given row have similar properties


A control substance derived from the erythroxylin cocoa plant that creates an excitatory condition (stimulation), state of wakefulness, and euphoria


A controlled substance that, along with its analogs such as methamphetamine, creates an excitatory condition (stimulation), state of weakfulness, and euphoria

Radial Fracture

A crack in a glass that extends outward like the spoke of a wheel from the point at which the glass was struck.

Radial fracture

A crack in a glass that extends outward like the spoke of a wheel from the point at which the glass was struck.

DNA Typing

A method in which DNA is converted into a series of bands that ultimately distinguishes each individual


A pure substance composed of two or more elements.

microcrystaline tests

A reaction between the compound of interest and chemical reagent that results in the formation of unique crystals that can be observed with the micrscope


A schedule I drug that causes uses to experience severe psychotic manifestations. Was once used as a surgical anesthetic


A small packet of electromagnetic radiation energy; each photon contains a unit of energy equal to the product of Planck's constant and the frequency of radiation: E=hf.

Crystalline solid

A solid in which the constituent atoms have a regular arrangement.

7. What is an accelerant? Give an example.

Accelerant - Fuels that are easily vaporized and support combustion and are highly exothermic. Example: gasoline

What term describes when a laboratory has agreed to operate according to a professional or industry standard and has proven that it can and does operate this way?



Analytical instrument that combines a liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometery. Detects more compounds than than GC-MS

Skeletal Remains Evidence

Analyzed to determine a victim's age, sex, race, and stature.

Paleo =



Another word for fingerprints

Mass Fatality Incident

Any situation where more deaths occur than can be handled by the local medical resources


Anything that has mass and occupies space.

Concentric Fracturing

Appear as part or all of a circle whose centre is the point of impact


Basic Input Output System set of routines stored in read only memory that enables the computer to start the operating system and to communicate the with various devices in the system


Build up of smoke in an enclosed area with a lack of oxygen, a sudden increase in oxygen causes an explosive fire.

Why are black and white images used for a reconstruction?

Because eye and hair colour cannot be easily determined and therefore if included, may throw people off

19. Why is it so important to be able to recover intact residues of unexploded material?

Because it can lead to finding out what caused the explosion and solve a crime.

Body Fluid Evidence

Blood, semen, saliva, sweat, and urine can be analyzed to provide information about the crime as well as its victims or the suspect.

Where is DNA found in the body?

Blood, semen, skin cells, tissue, organs, muscle, brain cells, bone, teeth, hair, saliva, mucus, perspiration, fingernails, urine, feces, etc.


Blood, urine, bile, etc.; fluids obtained from the body

Harris Lines

Body is so stressed it stopped growing (similar to lines on teeth)

Rigor Mortis

Body remains still for 24-36 hours

Ring Fractures

Bone around the foramen magnum separates from the occipital

ID of marijuana

Botanical features observed under a microscope chemical test, "bear claws" on upper side of leaves (cystolithic hairs), DL test, TLC.

How is a fire trail made?

By pouring an accelerant along a floor in the desired direction

Talipes Equinovarus

Club foot; soft tissue in feet constrict and bone begins to bend

Elements of quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) include all of the following EXCEPT:

Collecting evidence at the crime scene.

Visible light

Colored light ranging from red to violet and electromagnetic spectrum.

Visible Light

Colored light ranging from red to violet in the electromagnetic spectrum.

CODIS stands for?

Combined DNA Index System


Combined DNA Index System, electronic database of DNA profiles that can identify suspects


Combines a microscope with a spectrophotometer which allows the scientist to acquire spectra of extremely small sample areas non destructively

3. What is a combustion reaction? Give an example.

Combustion reaction - Reactions between fuel and oxygen to produce energy (example: wood burning)

Fires and explosions are both the result of what?

Combustion reactions, where a fuel and oxygen react, sometimes violently and instananeously, to give off large amounts of energy.


Cordage is placed around the neck and tightened and held in place by force

What are the two U.S. systems of death investigation?

Coroner and Medical Examiner

Axial Skeleton

Cranium, mandible, sternum, hyoid, vertebral column, rib cage

Hair shape-oval



Death is not in the same place body is found

Small Particle Reagent (SPR)

Done on a surface that was previously wet/is wet

Trepanning Theories: Paul Broca

Done on children; those who lived had magical powers

Trepanning Theories: Guiard

Done to help illness

The structure of DNA is called?

Double helix


Downer - relaxes user Many medical uses Take it orally - enters through intestines or stomach

Postmortem Drug testing

Drug testing with the goal of determining whether drugs were the cause or contributing factor in a death

Color Test

Drug turns a specific color when in reaction with a certain reagent - this is only useful for screening because not conclusive for results


Drugs that produce produces a temporary increase of functional activity or efficiency


Drugs that relieve pain.

Schedule I Drugs

Drugs with a high potential for abuse and addiction and no accepted medical application (Heroin, LSD, marijuana)

What chemical test is used to determine if mammal blood is from a human?


Cocaine, def

Extracted from coca plant Ingest through either snort or injection Stops the re-uptake of dopamine causing stimulation

What are electrical fires?

Electric appliances, wires, components, and connections are all capable of giving off sparks or overheating given the proper set of conditions.

How do fire scene investigators find out if a fire is arson?

Eliminate all accidental and natural causes of the fire

Oblique, non-displaced Fracture

Ends of the fracture are united on a diagonal


Every gene has at least two alternative forms and an individual receives one allele from mother and one from father.

Questioned Documents Evidence

Examiners will analyze a ransom note or other documents to find clues to link it to the crime scene or a suspect. Examiners look specifically at paper used, printing method, handwriting styles, type of ink, or watermarks and indentations.

Role of Heat/energy source

Excites fuel and oxygen into excited state so they can undergo chemical reaction. This equates to the activation energy of the reaction.

5. What does exothermic mean? Give an example of an exothermic reaction.

Exothermic - Releases energy as one of its products (ex: lighting a candle)

DNA Evidence

Extracted from almost any tissue - hair, fingernails, bones, teeth, and body fluids. Profile is created and compared to those from the suspects or victims.

Local Labs

Funding is a major issue Maintain integrity and no contamination Affects: -Personnel -Accommodations -Equipment -Services

What name did the Daubert decision refer to the judge as?

Gatekeeper i. This role assigned to the judge is often referred to as the gatekeeper, and the court offered suggestions for making that determination, while leaving flexibility to the judges. • General acceptance was one criterion, as were peer review of the technique, standards for the method, validation of the method, potential errors, and testable (and thus falsifiable) theories. • All these concepts provided a toolbox to judges (nonscientists) to assist them in evaluating the utility and reliability of scientific evidence.

Thermal effects (explosions)

Generally the least damaging effects of an explosion. At the instant of detonation a large, ball of fire or flash is produced at the bomb seat. High explosive = Hot and brief Low explosive = Longer duration, lower temp. No further effects will occur once the flash dies out unless there is nearby combustible material that may ignite into secondary fires.

Tempered Glass

Glass that is strengthened by introducing stress through rapid heating and cooling of the glass surfaces.

Tempered glass

Glass to which strength is added by introducing stress through Rapid heating and cooling the glass surfaces.

Innocence Project

Group of college law students work on cases where DNA may prove innocence (or guilt)

Forensic Anthropology

Identification and examination of skeletal remains in a legal context

antibody (rh)

If u have the antigen for RH u don't have the

RH positive

If u have the antigen it will clump

Kary Mullis

In 1985 developed PCR testing

Alec Jeffreys

In 1985 isolated DNA markers and called them DNA fingerprints

mobile phase

In a chromatographic system such as thin layer chromatography or gas chromatography, the phase that moves.

Development of Latent Prints: Iodine

Iodine-fumes react with oils and fats to produce a temporary brown print.

Arches, whorles, and loops

Kinds of fingerprint patterns:

Hair shape-crescent moon



L5 wants to be a part of the sacrum and fuses to top

Who determines how the evidence fits into the crime scene?

Lead detective

1659 AD - Anton van _______ viewed blood cells under a microscope


Controlled Substances Act (CSA)

Legislation in the US that defines illegal drugs and classifies them by Schedules

What are the vast majority of natural fires caused by?

Lightning strikes


Looking at more human bones; collections begin to accumulate with development of serology

What is a low explosive?

Low explosives, by definition, have denotation velocities below 3,280 fps. In low explosives, the oxygen is physically mixed with the fuel, and the explosion takes place at a slower rate than if the fuel and oxygen were chemically combined. ex: smokeless powder

Tuberculosis is an infection primarily in the __________.



Marijuana and other parts of the plant Cannabis with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as the active ingredient

Arch Mark

Mark produced by four or five adjacent teeth and same arch

What is the last epiphyses to fuse?

Medial clavicle at 29

Over the counter (OTC)

Medicines that can be purchased without a prescription

Physical Evidence is so important...

More reliable than eye witness testimony Important means of investigation Necessary to determine guilt or innocence.

Two types of chain of custody forms

Multi-evidence Single evidence

Types of accelerant residues

Neat ignitable liquid - Intact, unburned accelerant. Simple separation and direct injection into GC Partially burned accelerants - Most of the volatile components have been evapourated, leaving behing high boiling components. These need to be extracted from the matrix and concentrated. Nearly completely burned accelerants - May be some non-volatile residue left that can be extracted. Identification can be difficult.

Development of Latent Prints: Ninhydrin

Ninhydrin-reacts with amino acids to turn it purple (works well on paper)

Non-initiating explosives

Non sensitive. Takes great effort to detonate. Can be transported safely. Needs initiating explosive to cause detonation. Eg. Dynamite and C4

Algor Mortis

Normal cooling of a body which takes place as the body equilibrates with the external temperature

Forms of Documentation

Note taking Photographing Video Sketching

Who can O+ donate to?

O+, A+, B+, AB+

Opiates def

Pain-killer - comes from the gummy white substance of a poppy plant that exist in Asia or South America - that is what is used to create morphine or heroin

Effects of Heroin

Produces a high / sense of well-being and is a pain reliever - heroin becomes morphine in the brain but gets their quicker - last for 3-4 hours

Blunt Force Trauma

Production of impact marks


Psychoactive drug that induces hallucinations or alters sensory experiences


Reacts with amino acids, usually develop prints in good quality, sprayed ports surface

Iodine fuming

Reacts with lipids, doesn't last long on nonporous surfaces

What is the process of determining or eliminating the events that could have occurred at the crime scene by the analysis of the crime scene appearance, location and position of physical evidence, and the forensic laboratory examination of the physical evidence?

Reconstructing the crime scene i. Crime scene reconstruction is the process of determining or eliminating the events that could have occurred at the crime scene by analysis of the crime scene appearance, location and position of the physical evidence, and forensic laboratory examination of the physical evidence. It involves scientific crime scene investigation, interpretation of the scene's pattern of evidence, laboratory testing of the physical evidence, systematic study of related case information, and logical formulation of potential scenarios that could produce the evidence at the scene.

Pathological Fracture

Related to disease

Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (FRCrP)

Rules created by the US supreme court that govern the way evidence and procedures are applied in criminal cases

Admissibility or inadmissibility of trial information is determined by the application of what?

Rules of evidence


S1 does not fuse to sacrum


Scientific Working Group for the Analysis of Seized Drugs

Stages of Trauma: Peri-Mortem

Shows no sign of healing

Natural fibers

Silk, cotton, wool, mohair, cashmere

Development of Latent Prints: Silver Nitrate

Silver nitrate- reacts with chloride to form silver chloride, turn gray when exposed to light


Skull does not grow because the brain stops its development

Stages of Trauma: Post-Mortem

Still shows no sign of healing


Studies the personality of the writer bases on handwriting samples, not accepted as science in courts

Botanical Examinations

Study of various plant structures, such as roots, stems, branches, leaves, fruits, or flowers, that may be used to determine if the plants are controlled substances. (Marijuana, Peyote)


Substance derived from the erythroxylin cocoa plant that creates and excitatory condition, state of wakefulness and euphoria

Destructive methods used in QD ink analysis


Which part of the cranium contains the ear holes?


Presumptive Test

Test that presumes the presence of the questioned substance; also called a screening test. Blue-purple color in test for marijuana can also be cause by other substances. In that case it is a false positive. Negative test results, confirm that there is no marijuana in the sample.

Work Place Drug Testing

Testing job applicants and employees for illegal drugs in their system

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

The US government agency responsible for regulation of controlled drugs

11. What is the crucial difference between a fire and an explosion?

The biggest difference between an explosion and a fire is the speed of the reaction

Corpus Delicti

The body of the offense -Must be proven a crime has been committed -Ex. dead body for homicide, stolen items for burgalry


The branch of science that involves the study of electromagnetic radiation and it's interaction with matter.

postmortem drug testing

The branch of toxicology focused on the analysis of biofluids after death of the body.


The data does not support a conclusion as to whether the profiles match.


The exothermic chemical reaction of a fuel with oxygen giving of heat energy, carbon dioxide and water. Fires and explosions are both types of combustion reactions.


The fluid portion of the blood, obtained by centrifuging a whole blood sample.

Firearms: Gauge

The maximum weight of a lead ball that would fit down the barrel of a weapon


The measurement of human bone quantitatively

What is the ignition temperature?

The minimum temperature to keep a fire self-sustaining, varies with the fuel


The number of waves that pass a given point per second.


The process by which a drug moves through the body: absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion


The smallest unit of an element that can exist and still retain its identity as that element.


The smallest unit of an element, which is not divisible by ordinary chemical means; atoms are made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons plus other subatomic particles.

Physical Dependence

There are physical factors involved - stop using the drug can cause nausea, body chills, cramps, etc - fear of these cause continued use or relapse

What are thermal effects?

Thermal or temperature effects are generally the least damaging of the effects of an explosion. The flash usually dies very quickly.

Why have there been population surges through time?

Tools (weapon use), farming (domesticated animals spread disease), industrial revolution (accidents)


Toxic chemical inhibits the electron transport chain in the mitochondria of cells. Most toxic in its gaseous state. Levels above 2500 ng/ml are fatal.

Tire Track Features to Analyze

Tread pattern Width & depth of tread Unique characteristics due to wear patterns, damage, or material defects.

True or False: The mouth is usually left closed in a facial reconstruction.


Grid Search

Used for covering large or open areas 2+ people Format: shoulder to shoulder arm's width. Move slowly along examining parallel strips of terrain. Then move down and over when end is reached. Upside: double check areas

Point to Point Search

Used for smaller and confined scenes Typical for most indoor crime scenes

Liquid Chromatography

Used to identify unknown plant pigments & other compounds

macroscopic examinations

Visual examination generally performed with the unaided eye; used to identify class characteristics


Voluminous skull

Locard Exchange Principle

When 2 objects come into contact with one another, an exchange of matter takes place. This is called... *Physical evidence can link suspect, victim, crime scene, and objects to one another

Fracture Matches Evidence

When an object is broken, torn, or cut, two unique edges are formed. Can be compared to see if they fit together to show that they may have been part of the same object at one time.


a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by more than 200 species of mushrooms, collectively known as psilocybin mushrooms

Data extraction

a process that identifies and recovers information that may not be immediately apparent


analytical standards established by a consensus of the scientific community engaged in the analysis of drugs of abuse


a branch of biology, chemistry, and medicine (more specifically pharmacology) concerned with the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.


a fabric made up of two or more different types of fibers


a goal in all areas of criminalistics; becomes an attainable reality in firearm and tool mark examination

vaporous lead

a halo of ___________ _____ (smoke) deposited around a bullet hole is normally indicative of a discharge of 12 to 18 inches or less

Rock wool

a manufactured mineral fiber

Asbestos fibers

a natural fiber that has been used in fire-resistant substances

cellulose acetate

cellulose-altered chemically to create an entirely new compound not found in nature-synthetic

unallocated space

allocation units not assigned to active files within a file system

Federal rules of evidence

allow a duplicated instead of originals when its is produced by the same impression as the original

Radioactivity is composed of the following emissions: ______, _____, and _______.

alpha particle, beta particle, and gamma rays

an electron is said to be in an excited state when

an electron is pushed into a higher orbital by absorbing heat/ energy


an electronic device that can: receive input from a user calculate or process command produces an output (visual , audio, function)

microscopic comparison

an optical bridge allows viewing of evidence side by side. useful for comparing bullets, fibers, and hair

Development of Latent Prints: Powders

adhere to both water and fatty deposits

hair toxicology

advantages of toxicology: easy to collect/store, externally available, provide info on drug use/poisoning

What science(s) are included in the field of forensic science? Select one or more:

a. Anthropology and entomology i. Biology and chemistry

Research has shown that people who serve as eyewitnesses to a crime

a. Do not necessarily have a good memory for trivial details i. Eyewitness testimony can be invaluable in an investigation, but such evidence should always be considered and scrutinized the same way scientific evidence would be. • In the worst cases, witnesses may lie, but even those with the best of intentions can be mistaken; memories can even be false memories, such as when a child "remembers" being abused by a parent even when there was no abuse. • Eyewitnesses can miss or omit critical details or even create or embellish upon what happened without realizing it.

Other Prints

a. Ears—shape, length and width b. Voice—electronic pulses -measured on a spectrograph c. Foot—size of foot and toes; friction ridges on the foot d. Shoes—can be compared and identified by type of shoe, brand, size, year of purchase, and wear pattern e. Palm—friction ridges can be identified and may be used against suspects. f. Lips—display several common patterns g. Teeth—bite marks are unique and can be used to identify suspects. h. Eye-The blood vessel patterns in the eye may be unique to individuals. They are used today for various security purposes.

The knowledge that elements selectively _____ and_____ light provides the basis for important analytical techniques designed to detect the presence of elements in materials.

absorb , emit

Effects of Marijuana

absorbed quickly and results in excess dopamine production No physical dependence - but psychological


absorption and reemission of light; used for comparing fibers as well as spotting fibers for collection

Schedule III

accepted medical use moderate potential for abuse moderate to low risk of dependence (Barbiturates, steroids, ketamine)

collection of hair

adequate # of control samples from victim, suspects, others at scene & control sample: 50 full-length hair from scalp & 24 full-length pubic hairs;

Wool fibers

animal fiber coming most from sheep, but may be goat, rabbit, camel, alpaca, llama, or vicuna

tool mark

any impression, cut, gouge, or abrasion caused by a tool coming into contact with another object

examples of counterfeiting

currency bonds coins postage stamps


death at the hands of another; death though reckless, intentional or grossly negligent actions of another.


decomposition carried out by bacteria; bloating, discoloration, foul smelling gasses, skin slippage.

collection of fiber analysis

bag clothing individually folded in sheet of paper then in paper bags (not on same surface before); tape lifts of exposed skin on bodies/objects;

Must collect all the way to the _________

bare metal

"Eye appeal" of the automobile comes from the _____ layer.



basic chemical substances of all synthetic fibers

expired (expiratory)

blood blown out of nose or mouth usually resulted from internal bleeding as the body tries to expel the blood out

Where are antibodies found?

blood plasma

What does an elongated blood drop indicate?

blood was traveling from a different direction when it landed (directionality)

determinable from hair

if human or animal, race, origin of source's body , whether hair is forcibly removed, treated w/chemicals, drugs


if the ______ of the weapon is sufficiently close, these products will be deposited onto the target

Systematic approach to investigation

case assessment operational planning use a operational checklist to ensure consistency identify needed resources securing the incident/crime scene interviews and interrogations forensic examinations of collected evidence document all steps taken during investigation prepare written report subject findings to peer review

The movement and number of swings can often be documented by examining what type of blood spatter pattern?




what should be determined about rifling characteristics

caliber # of lands and grooves direction of twist in rifling degree of twist widths of lands and grooves

class characteristics of firearms

caliber shape of firing pin shape of firing chamber size and shape of the firing pin size of extractors and ejectors geometrical relationship between extractor and ejector

cartridge case class characteristics

caliber, breech face marks, extractor and ejector locations, firing pin shape and location

trabecular bone

cancellous bone - the spongey middle part

Which type of blood vessel supplies cells with nutrients then removes wastes?


What are the 2 functions of platelets?

clotting, repair (of damaged blood vessels)

Type A

clumping in antibody A

Type B

clumping in antibody B


clumping in blood vessels results in obstructions causing a depletion of oxygen to cells and a build up of carbon dioxide - which results in kidney failure and death

Type AB

clumping in both A and B

receiving wrong blood type

clumping of blood will block arteries and blood flow wont be smooth to organs so they will shut down (kidney failure)


clumping of red blood cells (bad)

The most distinctive characteristic of paint is


use and appearance of connecting lines

continuous writing or lifting of pen? are upper case and lower case letters connected or separated?

serial number

criminalists are requested to restore a ______ _________ when it has been removed or obliterated by grinding, rifling, or punching


crosswise yarn


crosswise yarn

Free Space

data storage areas available for use by compter

A(n)_____ is a display of colors or frequencies emitted from a light source.

emission spectrum

Time of Death

estimation/approximation; never exact. Based on the interpretation of various post-mortem features and characteristics due to physical and chemical changes. Consider the environment (outside/exposed/hot/raining etc)

document analysis and its purpose

examination and comparison of questioned documents with a known sample (exemplar) to establish authenticity or to detect any changes, erasures or obliterations


examination of a body post-mortem; record and photographs will be used during court proceedings

what is FISH? who maintains it?

forensic information system for handwriting computerized handwriting recognition database used for searching new threatening letters against previously submitted materials maintained by the US secret service

Neuron activation measures what

gamma rays

paper comparisons

general appearances, color, wright, water marks, fiber identification, additives, filters, fillers, pigments, optical brighteners, clay, CaCO3, blue and violet dyes, etc.


generally a five hole disc placed under the stage on a higher power microscope


gives a short-lived blue glow to test and reacts with the hem of hemoglobin on red blood cells false positives= - broccoli / cauliflower - MUST MAKE SURE ITS HUMAN BLOOD

why is lividity important?

gives investigators a general idea of how long the deceased has been dead, gives investigators an idea if the deceased was moved after death

Computer forensics defintion

identification, collection , preservation , examination and presentation of digital evidence in a legally acceptable manner

how is dna used as evidence?

identify victim, link crime scenes together, quilt

close-range gunshots

gunshot residue reaches victim has stippling or soot


hair at rest for 2-3 weeks; elongated appearance


hair from deer or elk


hair from human


hair from species of cat

coronal cuticle

hair sample likely came from a bat

spinous cuticle

hair sample likely came from a mink


hair that grows up to 6 years; flame appearance


hair that's actively growing-protein & keratin; last 2-7 yrs; 85% hairs growing at once; 10 cm/yr; can't grow longer than 1 m


hair that's resting ready to fall out; last 2-6 mo; lose about 60-150 hairs/day

fibers may become imp. evidence in incidents that involve personal contact such as...

homicide, assault, or sexual offenses

Manner of Death

homicide, suicide, accidental, natural, undetermined

bullet trap

horizontal- steel tank filed with water. the shot is fired through the self sealing membrane and extracted for analysis vertical- does not require a self sealing membrane and has a basket to collect the bullets

electrochemical etching

inside is drilled out and coated with a chemically resistant polymer and a etching material is applied. using electricity, the electric currant eats away the metal

Atoms with same number of protons but a different number of neutrons


how does rifling happen?

it comes from boaring out the center of the barrel


it is the presence of any minute imperfections on a tool that imparts ___________ to that tool

loose-contact gunshots

just touches target surface can have blown out entrance wound, and similarities with near-contact, soft tissue may tear

Processing an incident or crime scene guidelines

keep accurate notes to document secure the scene from unauthorized access or personnel take a video sketch the incident check computers conduct interviews Bag and tag the evidence

What is another name for white blood cells



made from fibers- twisted filaments; types: natural & artificial


made of twisted filaments, or fibers


made up amino acids = protein; keratin (waterproof) makes it resistant to wear/tear; most frequently found evidence at crime scenes; can link criminal w/crime


magnetic powder

non destructive methods used in QD ink analysis

magnify glass, cameras, microscopes, alternative light source, digital image enhancement software, microspectropotometer a non destructive way to detect minute differences in ink colors based on UV-visible range light absorption

collect evidence and document employed tools

maintain chain of custody

type O

majority of population has this blood type but it is always low in the blood banks

twill weave

makes a diagonal weave; resembles a stair step; denim is a common example


makes the virtual image appear larger. To find this you multiply the number on the lens of 10

Refractive index

measurement of the bending of light as it passes from air into a solid or liquid

What cell structure is found in a WBC that is not in other blood cells?

nucleus (DNA)

collection of firearm evidence

only rubber-coated or heavily taped tools should be used to probe for bullets locate and jot down serial numbers of firearms weapons should be unloaded before transportation all removable parts should be removed and marked(silencer, magazine) all ammunition in the possession of a suspect should be seized

guidelines for writing reports ( 4 basic conditions)

opinions depend on special skills/knowledge qualify as an expert must testify to a degree describe facts to which their opinions are based on

Infrared spectrophotometry

paint absorbs infrared radiation to yield spectrum

document examiner

performs scientific analysis of handwriting and other features of questioned documents qualified as a form of excerpt testimony by the US court of appeals 1999

Sources of Information (evidence)

person place thing

maintain confidentiality

personal and legal responsibility necessary to conduct to maintain credibility

testimony preservation deposition

requested by client preserve your testimony in case of schedule conflicts or health problems

Medical Examiner

required to be a medical doctor, specializes in pathology, usually board certified, will make a determination using all available information.

difference between semi-automatic and regular?

semi-automatic are self loading

Schedule II

severely restricted for medical use high potential for abuse (cocaine, methamphetamine, methadone, oxycodone)

Pubic hair

short and curly

balls; pellets; markings

shotguns generally fire small lead _____ or _______ that are not impressed with any characteristic ___________ that can be related back to the weapon

what makes up DNA?

sides or backbones of DNA molecule are made up of sugar (deoxyribof) and phosphate groups (pairs of nucleotides or nitrogen basis (adenine (a) with thymine (t) and guanine (g) with cytosine (c))

Polarizing Microscope

similar to compound light microscopes, however it has a polarize in the condenser which can be rotated to analyze the sample

Stellate patterns

star-shaped wound that occurs when there is contact between a gun and skin; larger than exit wound. Expansion and escape of gases

Cadaveric Spasm

stiffening of the hands/arms immediately; may find weapon in hand of deceased, cannot be replicated, will only release upon putrefaction

What end do you look at to tell the direction of a blood drop?



take bone away

Depth of focus

thickness of specimen under focus. Gets smaller as you increase the magnification

Evidence bag

to collect and preserve the physical evidence

Why might a forensic investigator test blood for unique blood proteins outside of the ABO blood groups?

to get a more individualized (specific) match


to look at the results of an examination for its significance and probative value to the case

Document your steps

to prove them repeatable

How does a gun work?

trigger is puled, the firing pin hits the primer, the gun powder in the casing ignites creating a small explosion, this propels the bullet out of the barrel and the casing is expelled

(true/false) people with AB blood have no AB antibodies


(true/false) there are more than 600 types of blood proteins


True or False: The ultimate value of soil as evidence depends on its variation at the crime scene.


Cotton fibers

vegetable fiber, strong, tough, flexible, moisture-absorbent, not shape-retentive

Stereoscopic Microscope

views particles of evidence in 3D and allows the investigator to turn over a tiny object such as a seed or a hair beneath the microscope

hair shaft

visible part of hair consists of dead cells (keratin) & bonded w/water; parts; cuticle, cortex, medulla

Patent prints

visible prints, no needed enhancement


wound longer than it is deep

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