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According to the data presented below, which yield ratio best describes the relationship between offers and hires? Custodial Recruitment & Selection Outcomes Applicants: 90 Phone screenings: 26 Interviews: 9 Offers: 6 Drug screening: 3 Hires: 2


Your historic yield ratio when calculating the number of interviews conducted from your applicant pool for driver positions is 1:8. You then change the content of your position announcement to more accurately reflect your company's culture and change the placement of the announcement from Career Builder to LinkedIn Jobs. Which of the following yield ratios would be the best indicator that these changes resulted in more qualified candidates applying for your driver positions?


Which type of selection instrument is most likely to have adverse impact on protected groups?

A cognitive ability test

For which organization would a market minus compensation strategy make the most sense?

A company that is known for its excellent culture and developmental opportunities

What type of interview would be most helpful if you need to assess how candidates perform as members of a collaborative team?

A group interview

Which of the following causes of a performance gap on the part of employees is most definitely NOT appropriately addressed with a training intervention?

A lack of motivation

For which of the following organizations would the ranking method of job evaluation be most appropriately used to determine a job hierarchy?

A local day spa with three locations

Your performance gap analysis shows that the primary reason your customer service representatives are not following their scripts when interacting with customers is that they're evaluated only on the number of calls answered, not the outcome of those calls. This performance gap cause is most appropriately categorized as:

A managerial issue

At XYZ Fitness, successful candidates for personal trainers must first have a bachelor's degree in a related field and then they must pass a physical fitness test to move to the personal interview stage of the selection process. This is an example of what type of selection process?

A multiple hurdle model

Which source of information is most likely to yield information that informs the behavior level of Kirkpatrick's model of training evaluation?

A performance appraisal conducted on trainees 6 months after they return to work

Which of the following selection instruments would be most useful in predicting employee performance in your organization?

A personality test that has a -.69 validity coefficient with performance appraisal scores

Which of the following types of pay is most likely to be perceived by employees as resulting from a subjective decision?

A raise based on an annual performance review

What type of selection test measures candidates' current knowledge of a subject?

An achievement test

Your performance gap analysis shows that the primary reason your customer service representatives are not resolving customer complaints within the prescribed 10 minutes is a slow, glitchy software program used to document customer complaints and their solutions. This performance gap cause is most appropriately categorized as:

An environmental issue

Which of the following selection activities typically has the highest predictive validity with respect to on-the-job performance?

Assessment centers

You are conducting interviews with forklift driver candidates. Which of the following questions you ask in the interview is most likely to provide useful information for your hiring decision?

At our company, our drivers are also responsible for the routine maintenance of their forklifts. Tell me about your experience in maintaining forklifts.

In your class preparation materials, all of the following were proposed as alternatives to conducting formal performance appraisals EXCEPT:

Automate as many jobs as possible, so that performance appraisals become unnecessary

Which of the following recruitment methods is most likely to yield candidates who lack applied organizational experience but have formal training in the field and are knowledgeable about the latest industry trends?

College recruiting

Which of the following is a method of assessing the reliability of your interview process?

Compare the ratings given to candidates by multiple interviewers

About which skills and abilities of candidates can you learn through behavioral interviewing?

Conflict management skills Interpersonal communication skills Problem solving abilities

Jacob received only a mediocre score on an aptitude test, but the average of the scores of all other candidates was even lower. If Jacob receives high marks for the aptitude test in the selection process, this exemplifies which type of selection bias?

Contrast bias

According to the chapter you read about performance-based pay, all of the following have been traditional bases of pay prior to a movement toward performance-based pay EXCEPT:

Corporate profitability

One reason for developing a sound and clear compensation strategy is that companies can be assured they are offering a fair salary for a particular job and can therefore be comfortable if a candidate rejects a job offer. In your course preparation materials, this reason was an example under what stated benefit of having a sound compensation strategy?


According to the video you watched about creating a pay strategy, which step was defined as a "formal statement about your organization's pay approach"?

Create a compensation philosophy

Which of the following performance appraisal methods would provide the most detailed information to an employee regarding what specific behaviors need to be improved upon?

Critical incident technique

According to the video you watched about creating a compensation strategy, during which step would you apply the appropriate mix of base pay, incentives, and benefits to the eligible roles?

Determine your compensation levers

According to the Compensation 101 article you read, what is the first step in developing an effective compensation system?

Develop accurate job descriptions

The ability to provide instructional consistency by offering the same training content to employees worldwide was suggested in your class preparation materials as an advantage of which training method?


Which of the following reasons for organizations to develop and adopt a compensation strategy is most likely to be affected by the transparency of pay-related decisions?

Employee goodwill toward the organization

Which of the following actions is most likely to improve the validity of a selection instrument?

Ensure that interview questions use common language so candidates understand what is being asked.

In your class preparation materials, all of the following were suggested as helpful tips for conducting performance reviews EXCEPT:

Ensure the recipient of the review agrees with the content and rating

Research has shown that characteristics of the work environment to which trainees return after training is completed influence the extent to which training transfer occurs. According to the training transfer materials you read, all of the following are characteristics of the work environment that facilitate transfer of training EXCEPT:

Ensuring that trainees who don't use the skills acquired in training are subject to the progressive discipline policy

Which of the following methods of performance appraisal would be most affected by the evaluator's written communication ability?

Essay method

All of the following are characteristics of performance-based pay systems EXCEPT:

Exception-based management

Which of the following is an internal factor that affects an organization's recruitment strategy?

Expansion plans

Which method of performance appraisal might require that the bottom 10% of employees in a particular job category according to their performance evaluations be terminated?

Forced ranking system

Which type of performance-based pay awards employees a percentage of the financial gains resulting from their department's or team's performance improvements?


Which of the following sources of compensation survey data is most likely to be the least expensive?

Government agencies

Which of the following performance appraisal methods would be relatively inexpensive to develop AND would yield quantitative data that could be used to make comparisons across employees?

Graphic rating scale

"Attendance" is one item of 20 upon which the customer service manager rates each customer service representative at the end of each year. Phillip is a customer service representative who did not miss a day of work all year and frequently arrived early for his assigned shifts. Although some other aspects of Phillip's performance weren't perfect, his attendance record was so outstanding that the manager gave him all "5" ratings at the end of the year. This is an example of which type of performance appraisal system error?

Halo effect

A hiring manager tends to rate candidates highly in all areas of performance if their resume is grammatically error-free. This exemplifies which type of selection bias?

Halo effect

Which of the following selection instruments is most likely to have high predictive or criterion-related validity?

Honesty tests

You should ask all of the following questions about compensation surveys to determine their quality EXCEPT:

How much does the survey cost?

You are conducting interviews with forklift driver candidates. Which of the following questions you ask in the interview would most likely be used as a basis for an illegal discrimination suit brought by an unsuccessful candidate?

I grew up in a small town like you, where our church was the social center of town. Was your experience like that?

For a particular job, your 4 sources of market data show average yearly salaries of $56,000, $83,000, $49,000, and $61,000. In your course preparation materials, all of the following were suggestions for dealing with this outlying data point EXCEPT:

Immediately discard the outlier without considering possible reasons it was included.

Which employment law requires employers to verify that new hires are legally eligible to work in the United States?

Immigration Reform and Control Act

You are an HR specialist for a company whose customer service manager has asked you to design a monetary incentive system for her customer service representatives to increase the customer service they provide. She feels that higher customer satisfaction scores are indicative of increased sales and customer retention rates. Therefore, she would like the incentives based on an increase in scores on the quarterly customer satisfaction survey, would like them calculated annually to decrease administrative time and costs, and divided equally among customer service representatives to avoid unhealthy competition among CSRs. You should mention all of the following possible disadvantages of the suggested system to the manager EXCEPT:

In general, monetary incentives have not been effective in improving employees' performance.

Which of the following is a typical benefit of recruiting employees from outside the organization?

Increased number of applicants

If you were given the instruction to immediately and significantly reduce the time and costs associated with recruiting and selecting bank tellers , which of the following changes would you recommend for adoption?

Institute a referral bonus program for your current tellers and eliminate all other recruitment methods

Which of the following would be the best method of assessing the reliability of a selection interview?

Inter-rater reliability

Which of the following is an advantage or hiring an internal candidate for a position?

It can improve the morale of the current employees.

All of the following are characteristics of a sound compensation strategy EXCEPT:

It is described in quantitative terms for easy understanding.

In the video "Understanding the importance of pay and rewards", all of the following were suggested as reasons pay is important EXCEPT:

It is increasing in importance among younger workers.

As opposed to hiring external candidates, which of the following is an advantage of hiring internal candidates for open positions within your organization?

It reduces orientation costs.

In the videos about training needs analysis you watched to prepare for class, all of the following were used as sources of information about employees' current performance EXCEPT

Job descriptions

Which of the following is a disadvantage of assessing the test-retest reliability of a selection instrument?

Keeping track of all the participants is labor intensive.

Which level of training evaluation addresses the question, "To what extent did trainees improve their knowledge and skills?"

Learning level

Which of the following training methods would be most useful when a trainer needs to deliver a limited amount of information to a large number of participants in a short period of time?


If the goals of your performance appraisal system are to encourage open communication between a supervisor and employees, to get more "buy in" to the appraisal system from the employees, and to use the appraisal for further skill development, which performance appraisal system would be most appropriate?

Management by objectives

The following are an advantage and a disadvantage of which type of performance appraisal method? Advantage - It is based on the assumption that the individual (employee) knows more than anyone else about her/his own capabilities, needs, strengths, weaknesses and goals. Disadvantage - Positive and active participation from subordinates is not easily forthcoming.

Management by objectives

According to the chapter you read about performance-based pay, all of the following were proposed as reasons performance-based pay systems could be rendered ineffective EXCEPT:

Money is an ineffective motivator for most employees.

In a 360-degree performance appraisal system, information about an employee's performance is collected from a variety of persons who have contact with the employee. Which source of information would most likely suffer from the disadvantage of biased ratings due to a personal relationship with the employee?


Your office staff will be using a new electronic calendaring system designed to make it easier for them to share their schedules with each other. Which of the following data collection methods would most effectively assess whether your employees have a lack of skill with regard to this system?

Perform a work sample test in which each employee is asked to accurately schedule an upcoming meeting using the new system.

All of the following are recommended actions to avoid having your performance appraisal system lead to legal disputes EXCEPT:

Performance reviews should focus on the personal traits of employees

All of the following are likely disadvantages of collecting information from subordinates to inform a performance review EXCEPT:

Personal relationships may bias the ratings provided.

Which of the following job evaluation methods is most obviously a quantitative method?

Point method

Which of the following selection instruments is most likely to have low reliability?

Professional references

Which type of performance-based pay is most likely to reward the largest percentage of employees if the criteria for award payment are met?

Profit sharing

Which of the following content of employees' or candidates' social media resulted in the highest percentage of negative actions taken by employers?

Provocative or inappropriate photos or content

A paired comparison is a type of which job evaluation system?


Which of the following recruitment sources is most likely to yield applicants who are good fits with the organizational culture of your marketing firm?

Referrals from current employees

All of the following circumstances would indicate that an organization should examine how its pay system compares to compensation in its market EXCEPT:

Satisfaction survey scores indicate high performers are unhappy they're paid the same as other employees.

According to the video, "The Selection Process", which step in the selection process is characterized by determining if candidates meet the minimum qualifications for performance of a job?


All of the following are excellent practices when researching your salary survey options and selecting your sources EXCEPT:

Select sources from organizations of approximately the same size as yours.

Which performance-based pay system would be most likely to help an organization meet an organizational goal of increasing employee development opportunities?

Skill-based pay

When assessing the criterion-related validity of a selection instrument, what is the typical criterion to which the participants' performance on the instrument is compared?

Some measure of individual job performance of the participants

Which of the following is the best example of a behavioral interview question?

Tell me about a time tried to resolve a customer complaint and what you learned from that experience.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the internal consistency method of testing the reliability of a selection instrument?

Test results may be affected by testing fatigue.

Which of the following metrics regarding conducting performance reviews would be most affected by a manager having a wider span of control?

The amount of time taken to set up performance review meetings

Which of the following would be an appropriate reason for an organization to decide to lag the market with respect to the base pay of a particular job?

The company has a high tolerance for turnover in this job.

One of your employees has twice sent somewhat sexually inappropriate jokes via email to the entire office. Which of the following would be the best evidence that training might be an appropriate intervention to solve this problem?

The employee is from a culture that has very different standards regarding what is sexually appropriate in the workplace.

Members of the sales team at a party supply store, who each earn a $36,000 annual base salary, typically experience seasonal fluctuations in their sales performance. During most months, the average gross sales for the team is $215,000, but this spikes to an average of $280,000 during November and December in most years. Beginning in January, 2020, store management will implement a sales commission system in which the 5-person sales force will split evenly 75% of gross sales over $275,000 each month. For example, each salesperson would earn a $750 monthly sales bonus in months in which sales were $280,000 (.75 x 5,000/5). Which characteristic of effective performance-based pay systems is most likely being violated in this system?

The goal set to earn payments is not attainable.

Due to the typical measure used to determine if employees have earned a merit pay raise, the effectiveness of a merit pay system depends on the quality of what other organizational system?

The performance appraisal system

Which of the following is a political barrier to conducting training evaluation?

The possibility of collecting evidence of the ineffectiveness of training

A selection process includes an assessment of candidates' work ethic, but those involved in administering the selection process have different ideas regarding exactly what will be used to measure this characteristic. This situation is most likely to adversely affect what characteristic of this selection system?

The reliability of the system

Which of the following is a disadvantage of assessing the validity of a selection instrument by administering it to your current employees?

The results may not be applicable to a different population such as applicants for your jobs.

Which of the following characteristics would most likely lead you to decide NOT to use a particular compensation data source?

The source predominantly uses information from friends and colleagues of the survey publisher.

Which of the following measures of the effectiveness of a performance appraisal system would be most affected by making sure the items on the performance appraisal are reflective of the tasks and responsibilities on a job description?

The validity of the performance appraisal system

According to the video you watched about creating a compensation strategy, which of the following measures can be used to evaluate the success of your compensation system?

Time to hire new employees

What is the typical role of human resource managers in the selection process?

To define the steps in the process and guide hiring managers through them

What is the primary purpose of conducting a training needs analysis?

To identify the causes of a performance gap and those who should attend training

Job evaluation addresses which of the following goals of all compensation systems?

To make sure the compensation system ensures equity across jobs within the organization

All of the following are important reasons to conduct training evaluation EXCEPT:

To reveal which individual employees have specific knowledge deficits that lead to performance gaps.

According to the author of your human resource management e-text, all of the following are reasons for organizations to develop a formal, systematic method of assessing employees' performance EXCEPT:

To verify that the job descriptions of employees are accurate and thorough

Which of the following is the most accurate description of the priority that training should have in treating organizational performance problems?

Training may be an appropriate last step in this process.

One of the disadvantages of using an external recruiter to fill a position is the recruiter typically is not intimately familiar with the culture of the organization. Which of the following actions taken by an organization would be LEAST likely to minimize this disadvantage?

Verify that the recruiter has experience recruiting in your industry.

According to the materials on transfer of training that you read for class, all of the following are things you should consider when trying to engineer transfer into your training programs EXCEPT::

Whether any significant learning took place during the training

Organizations often require immediate supervisors to collect information regarding the performance of their subordinates and to deliver performance feedback during reviews because they believe the opinion of the supervisor is an important. Which performance appraisal method allows for the LEAST flexibility of supervisors to incorporate their own opinions about employees' performance into the appraisal process?

Work standards approach

Which of the following statements is true of yield ratios when used to measure the effectiveness of an organization's recruitment and selection process?

Yield ratios are most informative when compared to similar ratios collected over time.

Your organization has 2 openings for social media marketing specialists. Which of the following circumstances would best support a decision to recruit internally for these positions?

Your specialists work closely with your sales and production teams.

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