Final knes 353

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Which of the following muscle groups is considered part of the core?

transversus abdominis and back extensor musculature

If you have disabilities, you can still achieve a high state of wellness.


Three 10 minute bouts of cardiovascular activity yield the same results as one 30 minute bout.


The overload principle is defined as which of the following?

Doing more than normal amounts of activities

The goal of aerobic interval training is to challenge the aerobic system to train the body to work

near maximal levels for extended periods of time.

Common forms of back pain are caused by all BUT which of the following?

Increased flexibility of the hip flexor muscles

Resting heart rate, such as 65 beats per minute, is the best indicator of fitness.


The "E" in RPE scale stands for Exercise.


The purpose of a stress test is?

To check activity readiness for people with high risk

When a person experiences extreme DOMS, they have most likely followed the principle of progression.


When a person has DOMS, it is caused by lactic acid build up in their muscles.


Which of the following is NOT experienced when exercising in extreme heat?

Heat attack

Dynamic stretching is beneficial after exercise in order to increase blood flow back to the heart.


Fitness increases when a person completely eliminates the principle of rest from their exercise routine.


In the FITT formula, the second "T" stands for Training.


Non-smoking spouses of smokers have how much of a greater risk of developing lung cancer than a spouse of a non-smoker?


Which of the following statements is true?

"Lifestyle" activity is generally categorized in the moderate intensity category.

All of the following are tips for avoiding being ripped off by a quack EXCEPT

-ordering only from companies that list addresses, not post office box numbers. -sending cash to purchase your item. <--- -when in doubt, check out the company with the Better Business Bureau. -read the ad carefully, especially the small print

According to statistics in the book, there is an increased risk of driving when blood alcohol content (BAC) reaches what level?

.04 percent

No more than what percentage of your total calories should come from saturated fats?


Which range reflects the RDA for protein?

10 to 35 percent

According to the book, what defines the "target zone" for step counts for healthy adults?

10,000-12,500 steps

The best example of an "aerobic activity" is a

30-minute jog.

Which of the following is the recommended rating on the RPE scale for cardiovascular exercise?


What percent of fatal injury traffic accidents involve at least one driver with a BAC of .08 or higher?


Approximately how many calories would a 70kg person burn if they exercised at 4 METS for 30 minutes?

140 calories

Current physical activity guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services suggest that one minute of vigorous activity is equivalent to ________ minutes of moderate activity.


How much of the "F" in the FITT principle does the physical activity pyramid recommend for strength training?

2-3 days a week

Maximum strength is usually reached at what age?


One pound of body fat contains approximately how many calories?


Which intensity range is generally used for aerobic intervals?


Which of the following is NOT a dimension of wellness?


How often does someone in the world die of smoking related ailments?

6.5 seconds

What is the target heart rate range for a 22 year old in good cardiovascular fitness that participates in regular to moderate activities with a resting of heart rate of 68?


According to the physical activity pyramid, the frequency for aerobic exercise is 2-3 days per week.


Which of the following is NOT true about physical activity and aging?

Activity can prevent arthritis.

Static stretching is most beneficial when performed when?

After your workout

Self-management skills for changing enabling factors include all BUT which of the following?

Being organized

Physical activity is considered medicine, and can reduce which of the following?

Blood pressure Risk for Heart Attack Atherosclerosis *All of the answers are correct.

According to the text, which of the following is considered the most important aspect of fitness?

Cardiovascular Fitness

What does the "C" in RICE stand for?


Regular physical activity can lower the risk of all BUT which of the following?


Which is true of the sexual experience?

Decisions regarding sex involve all 5 wellness dimensions.

Which of the following is NOT one of the six components of skill-related physical fitness?


Which of the following is NOT an environment that you need to be concerned about exercisin

Extremely low altitude

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding flexibility?

Generally females are more flexible than males

What is the primary difference between health-related and skill-related fitness?

Health-related fitness is directly related to a reduced risk of hypokinetic disease.

According to Prochaska's "Stages of Change" model, individuals in the precontemplation stage would say which of the following?

I don't want to change.

What is a documented benefit of stretching other than increasing flexibility?

It can relieve muscle spasms or cramping.

Which is true of a person's basal metabolic rate?

It is determined largely by muscle mass.

Which of the following would represent an optimal /desirable blood lipid profile?

LDL <100, HDL >60

Maddie has been regularly performing the same exercise routine for 5 years. She has reached a plateau in her fitness level. Based on the principles of physical activity, what is the best explanation for this?

Maddie needs to provide additional overload to gain further benefits.

Cardiovascular fitness is typically evaluated using which of the following assessments?

Maximum Oxygen Uptake Test (VO2 Max)

What does the "M" in SMART goals stand for?


Which of the following is the correct order in a periodized program (shortest to longest)?

Micro, meso, macro

What is an important guideline to consider when using the physical activity pyramid?

No single activity provides all of the benefits.

When your toe is pointed down towards the ground that motion is called?

Plantar flexion

What is the 3rd stage of change in Prochaska's model?


Which of the following is NOT true about smoking policies?

Public smoking bans have had little effect on rates of smoking.

What was the name of the main character in the video "Never leave the playground"?

Stephen Jepson

Which is a true statement concerning major causes of death?

The leading causes of death are largely preventable.

Which of the following is NOT true of AIDS?

The proportion of heterosexual males with HIV is higher than for heterosexual females

Which of the following explains why women are more susceptible to alcohol than men?

They have less of the enzyme needed to process alcohol.

A Heart Attack can occur when a person is experiencing emotional turmoil.


During the U.S. Prohibition government officials poisoned alcohol they knew would be stolen by bootleggers and about 10,000 people died.


Which of the following is NOT a predictor for successful aging?

Your attitude Age of your grandparents Your gender *None of the answers are correct

Lack of fitness in which muscle group is typically related to poor posture and potential back problems?


According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), which person would be cleared for moderate and vigorous physical activity without a medical exam or clinical exercise testing?

apparently healthy individuals with low risk and no "yes" answers on the PAR-Q

What type of job might cause a person to experience hypostress?

assembly line worker

Trying to reach a daily step count goal of 10,000 steps with a pedometer is an example of a(n) ______________ goal.


Regular physical activity has been found to be effective at relieving stress by

both reducing the intensity of the stress response and decreasing the likelihood of developing stress disorders.

Which of the following is a plant source of omega-3 fatty acids?

canola oil walnuts flaxseeds *all of the answers are correct

Which is true regarding anabolic steroids and supplements?

creatine works by enhancing energy production and delaying fatigue

Pronated feet can lead to foot, knee, and lower back pain because of

decreased shock absorption.

A "chipper" is someone that

doesn't smoke every day.

What factors contribute to the energy cost of a given activity?

duration of activity intensity of activity person's weight *all of the above

Which of the following describes the "medical model" as applied to health care?

emphasis on treating illness with medicine

Goal setting and self-assessment are examples of which behavior change factor?


Which of the following is an example of an emotion-focused coping strategy?

exercising to take your mind off the problem

Ambiguous stressors are more problematic because

fewer clear-cut solutions exist

What term incorporates flexibility, core strength, balance, and agility?

functional fitness

Which of the following is the accepted international standards used by the U.S. and the World Health Organization for classifying overweight and obese?

greater than 25, greater than 30

Target zones for cardiovascular exercise intensity are most accurate if they are based on a percentage of

heart rate reserve

When a person has hot, flushed, dry skin with a fast pulse, this could be a sign of?

heat stroke.

Beneficial proteins in the bloodstream that pick up cholesterol for removal by the liver are called?

high-density lipoproteins.

Which of the following combination of exercises might you recommend for an individual with back pain and excessive lumbar lordosis?

hip flexor stretching and abdominal strengthening

Cardiovascular fitness is considered the most important aspect of physical fitness because

it reduces risks for chronic disease.

Skill-related fitness is least likely to aid performance in which of the following?


A sprain is an injury to which of the following?


Brady currently weighs 170 pounds and would like to get down to 160 pounds. Which weight loss goal corresponds to the guidelines established by the American College of Sports Medicine?

lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks

Which of the following is NOT a behavioral goal?

lose 15 pounds in 3 months

Which is an accepted and recommended formula for determining max heart rate?

maxHR equals 208 minus (.7 times your age)

Delayed onset muscle soreness is due to?

microscopic muscle tears.

What is the primary purpose of a cardiovascular cool down?

minimize blood pooling and speed recovery

The best dietary guideline for reducing body fat is to?

moderately reduce caloric intake.

Which of the following is an advantage of free weights over weight machines?

more related to real-life activities and movements

What sequence of exercises should one follow when training all major muscle groups in a workout?

multiple-joint exercises before single-joint ones

Adults are less likely to meet the guidelines for which of the following activities?

muscle fitness and flexibility activity

Which term relates most closely to the concept of "functional fitness"?

neuromotor training

Sue would like to improve the flexibility of her calf muscles. Which of the following static training thresholds would you recommend?

old stretch 15 seconds, perform 4 repetitions, 3 days a week

Which of the following is true about resistance exercise?

one set can produce up to 50% of the total possible gain in strength

The principle of reversibility is the opposite of which of the following exercise principles?


According to a recent study, use of marijuana increased the risk of experiencing

panic attacks.

The type of stretching exercise believed to be most effective at improving flexibility is


High-protein diets are damaging on the kidneys because the body must

process a lot of extra nitrogen.

Which of the following is true regarding muscular fitness?

relative strength of women is similar to that of men

What is meant by "compression of morbidity"?

shortening the total number of years that illnesses or disabilities occur

Recent research indicates that those who ___________ more have higher rates of chronic disease and death.


The three priority healthy lifestyles are regular physical activity, sound nutrition, and

stress management

Which body system is associated with the "fight-or-flight" response?

sympathetic nervous system

How do companies get away with providing misleading information in infomercials?

they take advantage of freedom of speech laws

A person's VO2 max declines about 10% per decade.


What levels on a fasting blood glucose level indicate diabetes?

values greater than 125

What two factors are especially important when applying the FITT principle?

volume and pattern

In periodization, the emphasis shifts from ____________ to _____________ as the training progresses.

volume, intensity

Measurement of maximal oxygen uptake is a good indicator of overall cardiovascular fitness because

you cannot take in and use a lot of oxygen without good cardiovascular fitness.

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