Final Lab Review

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How long should you scrub your hands with soap before rinsing?

20 seconds

Why is the testing strategy important in the design of an experiment?

A good strategy will produce accurate results.

Starch, cellulose, glycogen, and polypeptides are all made from chains of many subunits, or building blocks. What is the name given to a chain composed of many subunits?

A polymer

What should your hypothesis represent?

A possible explanation to a problem or observation.

______ living organisms are made up of cells.


What are the building blocks of proteins?

Amino acids

Which enzyme catalyzes the breakdown of starch into sugars?


When finished working with some bacterial cultures in glass tubes, what should be done with the cultures?

Autoclave the tubes.

Proteins that speed up biochemical reactions are called....


Which type of cell contains a nucleus?


Which phase involves carrying out the strategy and collecting measurements?

Experiment Phase

True or False: All laboratory chemicals can be disposed of by pouring them down the drain.


True or False: Eyeglasses provide the same protection as goggles or safety glasses.


True or False: Preparation of a wet mount is a lengthy process.


Which of the following items should be autoclaved after working in the lab?

Glass bacterial culture tubes

Which phase involves creating a strategy and formulating a hypothesis?

Hypothesis Phase

A chain of similar building blocks called subunits, or monomers.


The linking of amino acids is used to build which macromolecule?

Polypeptides and Proteins

Starch is a(n):


What color indicates a positive reaction for the presence of protein using the Biuret test?


What color indicates a positive reaction for the presence of reducing sugar using Benedict's test?


Which is true or the independent variable of an experiment?

Remains the independent variable throughout the experiment.

Which phase involves sharing your results and composing a report?

Report Phase

The ability to distinguish fine detail or discriminate between two very closely spaced objects is called....


If leaving an objective lens over the stage when storing the microscope, which objective lens should be placed over the stage?

Scanning (4X)

Where should you dispose of glass slides, syringes, used scalpel blades, and glass Pasteur pipettes?

Sharps container

Amylase is an enzyme that cuts _____________________ into smaller molecules.


What are the building blocks of polysaccharides such as glycogen?


In order to be of scientific value, it is important that a hypothesis should be ......


True or False: Bacterial cells are generally smaller than eukaryotic cells.


True or False: Food and beverages should never be consumed or brought into the lab.


When turning off running water, it is important to remember to ____________.

Use a towel when touching the faucet handle.

A _____________ ____________ is a slide preparation made by placing a drop of liquid specimen, such as pond water, on a slide and covering with a cover slip.

Wet Mount

What is the rule for appropriate footwear during laboratory work?

You should wear closed toed shoes.

Which item can be placed in the regular trash can or recycle container?

- Lab notes

What is involved in the analysis phase?

- Make calculations based on the raw measurements. - Graph the results.

Which of the following items should be disposed of in a biohazard bag or bin?

- Plastic Petri dishes with cultures. - Disinfectant-soaked paper towels used to clean a microbial spill. - Dissection tissue. - Long plastic serological pippettes.

What are the steps for hand washing?

- Remove watch and jewelry. - Wet hands. - Apply soap. - Rub hands together. - Rinse soap from hands under water. - Dry hands with towel and use towel to turn off faucet.

Which of the following items in this dissection exercise are potentially dangerous to the student?

- The scalpel. - The organism.

What is/are advantages of using a wet mount?

- The specimen can be viewed as living cells. - The mostility of a specimen can be viewed under the microscope.

Which of the following items will you need to make a wet mount?

- Transfer pipette. - Clean slide. - Cover slip.

What color indicates a negative reaction for the presence of protein using the Biuret test?


What color indicates a negative reaction for the presence of reducing sugar using Benedict's test?


There are three types of molecules used to build the cell: Proteins, carbohydrates, and ______________________________.


Which category of macromolecules is classified as a group based upon insolubility in water?


The combination of lenses on a microscope increases the apparent size of an object, making an object that is too small to be viewed with the unaided eye appear larger. This is known as _________________.


Which of the following statements concerning lab protocols is correct?

Make-up and contact lenses should never be applied during lab.

The total magnification of an image is determined by _____________________ the magnification power of the ocular lens and the magnification power of the objective lens used.


The _______________________ lenses further magnify the image produced by the objective lens.


When should hands be washed?

- Any time the hands are potentially contaminated with chemicals or microorganisms. - Prior to the lab exercise. - Following the lab exercise.

The major approaches to characterizing microorganisms include which four of the following?

- Biochemical. - Microscopic. - Macroscopic. - Genetic.

Which of the following types of molecules are basic building blocks of cells?

- Carbohydrates - Lipids - Proteins

Which of the following structures are present in plant cells but not animal cells?

- Chloroplasts - Cell walls

What does the experiment phase involve?

- Collecting measurements in the notebook. - Carrying out the strategy chosen in the hypothesis phase.

To protect your skin and clothing from hazards such as chemicals and infectious organisms, what should be worn at all times in the lab?

Lab coat

Why do scientists put so much effort into documenting their experiment and analysis?

Because other researchers must be able to repeat the experiment in order to check the results.

Which reagent is best suited for the detection of reducing sugars such as glucose?

Benedict's Reagent

Dissection specimens and bacterial culture plates should be discarded into a _______ bin when you are finished with them.


Infectious agents in the laboratory are classified into four ________________ levels based on their ease of transmission and ability to cause disease.


Which of the following structures is not common to both plant and animal cells?

Central vacuole

The disinfectant spray is most appropriately used for _______________________.

Cleaning up infectious spills.

Which part of the microscope will be used first to adjust the focus when starting with the lowest power lens?

Coarse Focus Adjustment Knob

During which of the following lab activities is it most important to tie back long hair and secure loose clothing?

Conducting an aseptic transfer of bacteria using the Bunsen burner.

What is enhanced when a stain is used to make a sample, or parts of a sample, darker than the background in a slide?


Which of the following reagents is best suited for the detection of starch?


Which question can you ask yourself to determine the dependent variable of an experiment?

Which will I measure in the experiment?

In which of the following situations would you use the fume hood?

Working with hazardous chemicals.

At room temperature the reaction between Biuret reaction and protein _____________________________.

is almost instantaneous

Lipids are characterized primarily on the basis of their insolubility in _________________________.


Reactions of photosynthesis in which energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugars.

Calvin Cycle

What process occurs in the stroma?

Calvin Cycle

Which gas is given off by cell respiration?

Carbon Dioxide

The carbon atoms in a glucose molecule produced by photosynthesis originated as part of which reactant?

Carbon dioxide

Yellow or orange pigment that serves as an accessory to chlorophyll in photosynthesis.


The G1 phase of the cell cycle is characterized by ___________________________.

Cell Growth

What structure separates the internal environment of a cell from the external environment?

Cell Membrane

Prokaryotes and plant cells have which structure in common?

Cell Wall

All living organisms are composed of _____________________________.


During which era did hominds appear?


Green pigment that absorbs solar energy and is important in agal and plant photosynthesis; occurs as chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.


What are the photosynthetic pigments?

Chlorophyll A, Chlorophyll B, and Carotenoids.

Which organelle allows a plant to absorb light energy?


The diffuse, granular combination of DNA and proteins is called _______________________________________.


A basic principle in biology stating that genes are located on chromosomes and that the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis accounts for inheritance patterns.

Chromosome Theory of Inheritance

Just prior to cell division DNA condenses into rod shaped structures called _____________________________________________.


Serum has the same composition as blood plasma minus the ____________________________.

Clotting factors

This part of the compound microscope is responsible for bringing the specimen into general focus.

Coarse Adjustment Knob

What are examples of X-linked traits?

Color blindness and Hemophilia

Which compounds will travel the greatest distance on the chromatography paper?

Compounds that are most soluble in the solvent.

In order for diffusion to occur, there must be a:

Concentration gradient

Which factor determines the direction of diffusion in all cases?

Concentration gradient

What is the name of the fluid substance contained within the cell?


Where does fermentation occur?


In which cell type is a nucleus not present?


How is a prokaryotic cell different from an eukaryotic cell?

Prokaryotes lack a nucleus

What are the stages of Meiosis I in order?

Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Interkinesis

What are the stages of Meiosis II in order?

Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II, Daughter Cells

What are the stages of Mitosis in order?

Prophase, Early Metaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Sampling of an area using small squares to census the population of an area.

Quadrat Sampling

A(n) ___________________________ recessive allele can only exert its phenotypic effect on a homozygote.


When interpreting a pedigree chart, if the disorder is ______________________, neither parent has to have the disorder because they can be heterozygous.


Allele that exerts its phenotypic effect only in the homozygote. Its expression is masked by a dominant allele.

Recessive Allele

In which phase of the cell cycle are the chromosomes replicated?


The cellular basis of Mendel's Law of Segregation is the:

Separation of homolgous chromosomes during Anaphase I of meiosis.

The segregation of alleles during formation of gametes is the result of:

Separation of homologous chromosomes during Anaphase I.

Which of the following occur in Meiosis I?

Separation of homologs and Crossing-over

What is the difference between how sex cells are created and how typical somatic cells are replicated?

Sex cells are created by meiosis, and somatic cells by mitosis.

Genes located on the X or Y chromosomes are called:

Sex-linked genes

- A measure of diversity in an ecosystem. ( N-(N-1)) /(total n(n-1)) N = total number of organisms n = number of individuals of each species

Simpsons Diversity Index

The two copies of a duplicated chromosome are called:

Sister chromatids

Why are there few fossils of animals that lack shells or skeletal structures?

Soft tissues decay

A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is called a .............


How has natural selection occurred in insects?

Some insects become resistant to a chemical pesticide very quickly. Even if only a few individuals are resistant, the rest will die off, and the resistant insects will survive. Insects typically produce large numbers of offspring, so the insects with the resistant genes will rapidly take over.

A group of like individuals that share a common gene pool is called a __________________________________.


A grouping of similar organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring is called a(n):


Jacob syndrome can occur as a result of nondisjunction in:

Sperm formation

This part of the compound microscope is responsible for moving the stage left and right or up and down.

Stage Control

Which solute is too large to diffuse through a dialysis tubing membrane?


Besides storing carbon, having structural functions and being involved in communication, what other role do carbohydrates have?

Storing energy

What is the function of cell walls in plant cells?

Structural support

What must occur before surcose is used in cellular respiration?

Sucrase enzyme breaks it down to glucose and fructose.

Which of the following carbohydrates is a dissacharide?


In a plant cell, where is the cell membrane located?

Surrounding the cytoplasm

Which of the following is characteristic of the S phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle?

Synthesis of DNA

The series of events that results in the duplication of a cells genetic material and division of the cell is called ___________________.

The Cell Cycle

How does the concentration gradient affect the rate of diffusion?

The bigger the gradient the faster the rate.

How does the speed of diffusion depend on the speed of the molecules?

The faster the molecules move, the greater the diffusion speed.

In which phase of photosynthesis is oxygen produced?

The light-requiring reactions

Which statement best describes the natural selection of antibiotic resistance genes in bacteria?

The presence of the antibiotic selects for bacteria that already have a mutation to an existing genes that confers resistance.

What drives diffusion?

The random movement of molecules.

The cellular basis of Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment is the:

The separation of homologous chromosomes during Anaphase I of meiosis.

The independent assortment of allelic pairs during gamete formatiton, as described by Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment, results from:

The separation of homologous chromosomes during Anaphase I.

What happens during diffusion?

There is a net movement of molecules from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.

How do cells produce new cells?

They divide to create two new cells from single parent cell.

Which statement is correct about daughter cells produced by mitosis?

They will be genetically identical.

How are gametes formed?

Through Meiosis. (Males - Spermatogenesis) (Females - Oogenesis)

Where do the light reactions occur within the chloroplast?

Thylakoid membrane

What is the function of the chloroplast?

To produce carbohydrates (sugars)

Used to measure the change from one area to another. It is carried out by laying a line along an area, and then recording species the line touches, or placing a quadrat at regular intervals.

Transect Sampling

A fossilized species which has characteristics of two distinctly different species is called a _____________________________________.

Transitional form

True or False: All living organisms use the same genetic code.


True or False: Homologous structures show evidence of common descent.


True or False: If two species are closely related, the proteins of one will react strongly with the antiobodies of ther other.


True or False: Sexually reproducing species produce both sex cells (gametes) and somatic (non-sex or body) cells.


True or False: Two daughter cells produced by mitosis will have the same number of chromosomes as the original parent cell.


Which of the following describes the structure of a disaccharide?

Two monosaccharides bonded together.

What colors does chlorophyll a and b absorb?

Violet, blue, and red.

What colors does carotenoids absorb?

Violet-blue-green range.

When you are finished with the dissection tray and forceps used in dissection of a preserved specimen, what should you do with this equipment?

Wash them in the sink.

The oxygen that gets released into the atmosphere by photosynthesis comes from which reactant?


What is the solvent in biological solutions such as cytoplasm and blood?


Anaphase I

Which stage of Meiosis I is shown in this picture?


Which stage of Meiosis I is shown in this picture?

Metaphase I

Which stage of Meiosis I is shown in this picture?

Prophase I

Which stage of Meiosis I is shown in this picture?

Telophase I

Which stage of Meiosis I is shown in this picture?

Daughter Cells

Which stage of Meiosis II is shown in this picture (Hint: Right side of the picture/the four cells)?

Anaphase II

Which stage of Meiosis II is shown in this picture?

Metaphase II

Which stage of Meiosis II is shown in this picture?

Prophase II

Which stage of Meiosis II is shown in this picture?

Telophase II

Which stage of Meiosis II is shown in this picture?


Which stage of mitosis is shown in this picture?

Early Metaphase

Which stage of mitosis is shown in this picture?


Which stage of mitosis is shown in this picture?


Which stage of mitosis is shown in this picture?


Which stage of mitosis is shown in this picture?

In a plant cell, where is the central vacuole located?

Within the cytoplasm

On which of the following human chromosomes are sex-linked genes found?

X & Y

Allele that is located on an X chromosome but related to a trait that has nothing to do with sex characteristics.


When interpreting a pedigree chart, if most of the males in the pedigree are affected, then the disorder is ____________________________.


Which sex chromosome disorders result in a hemale phenotype?


In which organisms is ethanol produced as a result of fermentation?


The evolutionary relationship between two species may be estimated by the number of ___________________________________.

accumulated mutations

Centrioles are only found in ________________ cells.


Diffusion is considered a passive transport mechanism. This means that...

cells do not expend ATP in order for diffusion to occur.

Genetic differences among individuals within a population ______________________________________.

creates variation

Solute molecules can move most freely through....


Fossils of animals are commonly of _____________________________.

hard body parts like bones and shells.

Different wavelengths of light __________________________________________.

have different colors

When sampling the organisms in an ecosystem, the sampling sites should be chosen:

in a random manner

Archeopteryx represents a transitional form because __________________________________.

it has characteristics of both birds and dinosaurs.

The source of energy for photosynthesis is ___________________________.


The central vacuole is present in ____________________ cells.


Genes that are carried by either sex chromosome are referred to as ___________________ linked genes.


Dialysis tubing is selectively permeable. This means that...

some solutes will pass through and others will not.

A concentration gradient exists in a solution when....

the concentration within the solution is not the same everywhere.

A volumeter is used to measure changes in _______________________________.


All of the wavelengths of visible light combine to form ____________________________________ light.


The general mechanisms of bacterial antibiotic resistance are:

- Enzymatic activity that modifies the structure of the drug. - Modifications to the sites at which the drug binds. - The use of alternative metabolic pathways. - Rapid transport of the drug out of the cell. - Decreased permeability of the cell to the drug.

Which items should be washed in the sink after they have been used in the lab?

- Foreceps and probe used in dissection of a preserved specimen. - Beaker used for steaming during a staining exercise.

Which of the following is a substrate in the process of cell respiration?

- Glucose - Oxygen

Which of the following is considered to be evidence of the unity of life through evolution?

- Homologous structures - Biochemical similarities - Fossil record

What are the four phases of the Scientific Method?

- Hypothesis - Experiment - Analysis - Report

Which of the following are potential hazards that might be encountered in the laboratory?

- Infectious agents. - Open flames. - Sharp instruments and glassware. - Corrosive chemicals.

Which topics belong in a scientific paper?

- Introduction. - Methods (Procedures). - Results.

If a disorder is autosomal dominant, then:

- It appears in both sexes with equal frequency. - Does not skip generations. - Affected offspring must have an affected parent unless they possess a new mutation.

If a disorder is autosomal recessive, then:

- It appears in both sexes with equal frequency. - Tends to skip generations. - Affected offspring are usually born to unaffected parnets.

What is required of a scientific result?

- It must be open to revision in the light of new data. - It has been tested using the scientific method.

What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis?

- Light Intensity - Level of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - Temperature

Skeletal variations are adaptations for _______________________________.

- Locomotion - Exploiting resources

What are the potential dangers of working with an ignited Bunsen burner?

- Long loose hair could catch on fire. - Ethanol used for sterilization can be ignited by open flames.

The total magnification of an image is determined by _____________________ and ____________________________.

- Magnificatiton of the objective lens used. - Magnification of the ocular lens.

Which of the following organelles are found in both animal and plant cells?

- Mitochondrion - Golgi Apparatus - Endoplasmic Reticulum

If a disorder is X-linked recessive, then:

- More males than females are affected. - An affected son can have parents who have the normal phenotype.

What are the common characteristics of all eukaryotic cells?

- Nucleus - Cytoplasm - Cell Membrane

What is the structure of a protist cell?

- Nucleus - Cytoplasm - Cell Wall - Nucleolus*** (Contains DNA & RNA)

If a disorder is Y-linked Dominant, then:

- Only males are affected. - It is passed from father to all sons. - It does not skip generations.

What is the structure of a bacterial cell?

- Plasma Membrane (surrounds cytoplasm) - Cell Wall - Capsule**** - Nucleoid (location of bacterial chromosome) - Ribosomes

Which human sex chromosome anomalies result from an individual having two or more X chromosomes?

- Poly-X syndrome - Klinefelter syndrome

A favorable variatiton will most likely allow an individual to ___________________________________.

- Produce more offspring. - Capture more resources such as food and territory.

Which events occur in the G2 phase of the cell cycle?

- Rapid cell growth. - Synthesis of proteins.

Which of the following processes are a part of the cell cycle?

- Replication of a cells chromosomes. - Equal distribution of chromosomes between daughter cells. - Partitioning of cellular components between daughter cells.

In which substance(s) can diffusion occur?

- Semi-Solid - Air - Liquid

In which type(s) of medium does molecular movement occur?

- Semi-Solid - Liquid - Gas

What are examples of haploid cells?

- Sex cells (sperm and egg) - Male insect cells (ants, bees, and wasps) - Algae cells (at certain point in life) - Fungi cells (at certain point in life)

Which of the following is an abiotic factor?

- Soil - Temperature

What are examples of diploid cells?

- Somatic Cells (skin, blood, and muscle cells) - Animal Cells (usually diploid their whole lives) - Plant Cells (during sporophyte phase)

Which of the following are functions of lipids?

- Storage of energy. - Storage of carbon. - Construction of membranes.

Which factors does molecular speed depend on?

- Temperature - Molecular weight - Type of medium

Laboratory safety protocols are established to protect ________________________.

- The lab workers that are directly involved with the exercise. - Visitors to the lab that do not understand the science experiment. - Immunocompromised individuals that enter into biohazardous lab rooms. - The lab equipment and materials used in the exercise.

What conditions must be present before a solute can diffuse across a membrane?

- There must be unequal concentration on either side of the membrane. - The membrane must be permeable to the solute.

Which of the following are functions of proteins?

- They act as catalysts. - They can be structural. - They can be for signaling. - They can play a role in the immune system.

Which is true of daughter cells produced by Meiosis II?

- They are genetically variable. - They are haploid.

What are the main purposes for wearing latex gloves?

- To protect yourself from infection of an open wound. - To protect your experiment from bacteria on your hands. - To protect yourself from chemicals in the exercise.

What is a towel used for during the handwashing process?

- To turn off the faucet. - To dry your hands after throughly scrubbing and rinsing them.

Which of these items should be placed in the sink after completing the lab activity?

- Tools used in preserved specimen dissection. - Used glass beaker. - Tray used in preserved specimen dissection.

Most of the differences noted between skeletons of different primate species represent adaptations for ____________________________________.

- Type of locomotion used by the species. - Food gathering and eating. - Increased reproductive success.

What items must be placed into a hard-sided sharps container rathern than a biohazard bag or regular trash can?

- Used scalpel blades. - Used glass slides. - Needles/syringes. - Pasteur pippettes (glass).

When should you wear goggles or appropriate safety glasses in the lab?

- When you are working with chemicals or bacterial cultures that may splash into the eyes. - When you are using UV light.

When is it critical to wear gloves in the laboratory?

- You must wear gloves when working with toxic chemicals. - You must wear gloves when performing dissection experiments. - You must wear gloves when working with sterile mammalian cell cultures.

What is the procedure for applying immersion oil to a slide?

1) Identify the region of interest with the 40X objective (yellow ring). 2) Rotate the nosepiece halfway towards the 100X objective (green ring). 3) Apply one drop of immersion oil to the slide. 4) Rotate the 100X lens into the drop.

What is the the procedure for removing immersion oil from a slide?

1) Rotate the nosepiece so that the 4X objective is centered over the slide. 2) Using lens paper, remove the immersion from the 100X objective and the microscope slide.

What are two things to remember with using immersion oil on a slide?

1) The 40X objective should never get in contact with the oil. 2) Always use lens paper for cleaning.

What are the steps necessary in preparing and observing a wet mount?

1. Obtain a clean slide and cover slip. 2. Using a transfer pipette, obtain a drop of specimen and place onto the center of the slide. 3. Carefully place the cover slip over the drop of specimen. 4. Observe preparation under the 10X objective lens. 5. Observe preparation under the 40X objective lens.

The expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring of a SsTt x sstt cross is:


The expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring of an Aa X Aa cross is:


How many chromosomes are in somatic cells of humans?


What is an example of a homologous structure?

A bird's wing and a horse's foreleg.

What is the definition of phenotype?

A characteristic of an individual that can be observed or measured.

Which of the following best describes a transitional species?

A species that no longer exists, but is a "missing link" between species that came before and after it.

Which type of substance should travel the shortest distance along the chromatography paper?

A substance attracted to cellulose in the paper.

How does the selection for antibiotic resistance occur in bacteria?

**Natural Selection - Over time, bacteria can become resistant to certain antibiotics (such as penicillin). - In a large population of bacteria, there may be some bacteria that are not affected by an antibiotic. These survive and reproduce ----producing more bacteria that are not affected by the antibiotic. - The number of strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has increased, partly due to the misuse of antibiotics. This has led to more infections that are difficult to control, particularly in hospitals.

Compard to eukaryotes, prokaryotic cells lack which structures?

- A nucleus - Membrane bound organelles

All vertebrate embryos have _______________________________.

- A tail - A notochord - Pharyngeal pouches

Which of the following are true of alleles?

- Alleles determine traits. - Alleles are found on homologous chromosomes. - Alleles are variations of genes.

During which stages of meiosis can nondisjunction occur?

- Anaphase I - Anaphase II

What are examples of prokaryotic cells?

- Bacteria - Archaea

If a disorder is X-linked Dominant, then:

- Both males and females are affected; often more females than males are affected. - Does not skip generations. - Affected sons must have an affected mother. - Affected daughters must have either an affected mother or an affected father.

Which of the following are reactants of the Calvin cycle?

- Carbon dioxide - NADPH - ATP

Which structures are found in plant cells but not in animal cells?

- Chloroplast - Central Vacuole - Cell Wall

Which are the three most important factors that determine the quality and clarity of a microscope image?

- Contrast - Resolving Power - Magnification

Lab coats provide protection against which of the following?

- Corrosive chemicals. - Infectious microorganisms.

Which structures are found in most prokaryotic cells?

- Cytoplasm - Cell Membrane - Cell Wall

Which characteristics are common to all cells at some point in development?

- Cytoplasm - Ribosomes - DNA - Cell membrane

What simple steps could be taken to improve contrast for viewing this microorganism?

- Decrease the light intensity. - Stain the microorganism.

Which of the following items can be correctly discarded into biohazard bags or biohazard bin?

- Discarded dissection tissue. - Plastic agar plate with bacterial culture. - Gloves used to work with infectious materials. - Long plastic serological pipettes.

What does the Mendel's Law of Segregation state?

- Each individual has two factors for each trait. - The factors segregate (separate) during the formation of the gametes. - Each gamete contains only one factor from each pair of factors. - Fertilization gives each new individual two factors for each trait.

What does Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment state?

- Each pair of factors segregates (assorts) independently of the other pairs. - All possible combinations of factors can occur in the gametes.

How can chromosomal inheritance result in genetic inheritance of certain traits in humans?

- Each parent contributes one set of chromosomes to its offspring. - Even though male and female gametes (sperm and egg) differ in their size and morphology, they have the same number of chromosomes, suggesting equal genetic contributions from each parent. - The gametic chromosomes combine during fertilization to produce offspring with the same number of a chromosome as their parents.

Which of the following is an endergonic (energy-requiring) reaction?

ADP + P --> ATP

Which of the following is a product of cell respiration?

ATP and Water

Which of the following are products of the light reactions of photosynthesis?

ATP, oxygen, and NADPH

Non-living chemical or physical factors that influence an ecosystem are referred to as:

Abiotic components

Which type of reaction(s) requires oxygen as a substrate?


Respiration that uses oxygen, occurs in the mitochondria, and results in a higher yielf of ATP.

Aerobic Respiration

Rank the substances with easiest diffusion at the top.

Air Liquid Semi-solid

Which statement is true about how cells arise?

All cells are formed by division of pre-existitng cells.

The expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring of an Aa x AA cross is:

All offspring have the dominant phenotype.

Genes often have alternative forms called:


What is the definition of recessive?

An allele whose phenotypic effect is exerted when present in two copies.

Respiration that does not require oxygen consists of glycolysis followed by a reduction of pyruvate by NADH to produce lactate or ethanol and CO2. Occurs outside of the mitochondria.

Anaerobic Respiration

Which phase involves drawing graphs, evaluating results, as well as evaluating the hypothesis?


How do you tell the difference between a plant and animal cell under the microscope?

Animal Cell: - Contains centrioles. Plant Cell: - Contains chloroplasts. - Contains a cell wall.

A good scientific experiment is reproducible. What does this mean?

Anyone can conduct the same experiment in another lab and expect the same results.

After they are used, reusable instruments or glassware that require sterilization should be placed in the __________________________.


When interpreting a pedigree chart, if it is a 50/50 ratio between men and women the disorder is __________________________.


What is the greatest unit of time represented on the geologic timescale?

Billions of years

The living organisms in an ecosystem are referred to as:

Biotic components

Which of the following reagents is best suited for the detection of protein?


What color indicates a positive reaction for the presence of starch using the iodine test?

Blackish color

Which cell type(s) has/have cell walls?

Both prokaryotes and plants

Which of the following tests is best suited for the detection of fat and oils (lipids)?

Brown paper

Genetic cross involving two traits, where the individuals involved in the cross are heterozygous for both traits; example is AaBb x AaBb.

Dihybrid Cross

Cell condition in which two of each type of chromosome are present.


A(n) ___________________________ allele exerts it phenotypic effect in a heterozygote.


When interpreting a pedigree chart, if the disorder is _____________________, one of the parents must have the disorder.


Allele that exerts its phenotypic effect in the heterozygote. It masks the expression of the recessive allele.

Dominant Allele

Which term is used to describe all organisms and nonliving factors that function as an interacting system within a defined geographic area?


Which cell type has membrane-bounded organelles?

Eukaryotic Cells

A gradual change in allele frequencies in a population over time is called _____________________________________.


The fact that all vertebrate animals undergo similar embryonic stages suggests ______________________________________.

Evolutionary relatedness

True or False: All of the cells of a sexually reproducing organism are diploid.


Process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen.


This part of the compound microscope is responsible for tuning the focus and increasing the detail of the specimen.

Fine Adjustment Knob

An original diploid parent cell will produce how many daughter cells when meiosis is complete?


Which is the longest phase of the cell cycle for most cells?


In which medium are solvent molecules most widely spread?


A sequence of DNA that encodes a functional product such as a protein is called a(n) __________________________________.


All of the genes and alleles of a population are referred to as the:

Gene pool

An individual's combination of alleles for a particular gene is called a(n):


An organism's phenotype is mostly determined by its ___________________________.


Combination of alleles that determines a particular trait in an organism; often designated by letters --- for example, BB or Aa.


The genetic makeup of an individual.


The term __________________________ refers to the specific genetic makeup of an individual.


A simple sugar that is an important source of energy.


Which carbohydrate is the primary or preferred starting compound for glycolysis and the fermentation pathway?


Which organelle is involved in the packaging of proteins for secretion?

Golgi Apparatus

What are the functions of mitosis in multicellular eukaryotic organisms such as plants and animals?

Growth, development, and repair.

Cell condition in which only one of each type of chromosome is present.


Where in the chloroplast are the photopigments located?

In the thylakoid membranes

The carrier molecules of the electron transport system are located in the _______________________________________.

Inner mitochondrial membrane

What is the purpose of paper chromatography?

It can separate substances in a mixture.

An image of chromosomes arranged in pairs by size and shape is called a(n):


Separation of alleles from each other during meiosis, so that the gametes contain one from each pair. Each resulting gamete has an equal chance of receiving either allele.

Law of Segregation

The steps in photosynthesis that occur on the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast and that convert solar energy to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH, evolving oxygen in the process.

Light Reactions of Photosynthesis

This part of the compound microscope is responsible for turning the illuminator off and on.

Light Switch

The process by which sexually reproducing organisms reduce their chromosome number in half during the production of gametes is called:


In which stage of meiosis does crossing over occur?

Meiosis I

Alleles of unlinked genes assort independently of each other during meiosis, so that the gametes contain all possible combinations of alleles.

Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment

The type of cell division that is used in tissue repair is _______________________________.


Which of the following best describes molecular motion?

Molecules move in random directions.

Cross the involves individuals possessing two different alleles for a single trait; for example, Aa (Heterozygous).

Monohybrid Cross

Changes in gene structure are called _________________________________.


Variations in the genetic composition of individuals in a population allows for _______________________________________.

Natural Selection

Autosomal number disorders such as Down syndrome are often the result of:


The failure of homologs or sister chromatids to separate correctly during meiosis is called:


Which of the following should be done first in the event of a laboratory accident?

Notify the instructor

Biodiversity of a region is the ___________________________________.

Number and relative abundance of species.

One of the most important parts of a compound microscope, as they are the lenses closest to the specimen.

Objective Lenses

This part of the compound microscope is responsible for allowing a person to see the specimen.

Ocular Lens (Eyepiece)

Where is the cell wall located in a plant cell?

On the outside of the cell membrane

A _____________________ is a tree-like chart that shows a family history for a particular trait across several generations.


A _________________________ is a diagram that indicates the pattern of expression for a particular trait within the members of a family across several generations.


An observable characteristic of an organism is referred to as a:


Vissible expression of a genotype --- e.g., brown eyes or attached earlobes.


A(n) _____________________________ is all of the members of a species that live in a defined geographical area.


The G2 phase of the cell cycle is also known as the ______________________________.

Pre-Mitotic Phase

The process of cell respiration accomplishes which of these?

Produces ATP from ADP and P

The greater the number of layers, or strata, that lie above a fossil, _________________________________.

the older the fossil

Inside each chloroplast are stacks of membranes called _______________________________________.


The overall function of photopigments is ___________________________________.

to absorb light energy.

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