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Who is the current President Pro Tem of the Senate?

(NOT) Chuck Grassley

Elliott has brown hair and doesn't believe that the government had the right to pass a law saying that it is illegal for people with brown hair to drive. (There isn't such a law, but what if there was!) To show his dislike of this law, he openly drives without a hat on even through he didn't get a license because of his hair color. He is engaging in... a. civil disobedience b. communal activism c. a boycott d. a lobbying campaign

a. civil disobedience

A subgroup of a party that brings together members representing common social, economic and religious characteristics is known as the party's __________. a. coalition b. cross-cutting cleavage c. grass roots lobbyists d. national committee

a. coalition

The most visible and perverse reserved power for the state is in the area of _____. a. Education b. Taxes c. Law Enforcement d. Social Welfare

a. education

Declare and engage in war a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

Maintain an Army, Navy, and Air Force a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

Negotiate treaties with foreign countries a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

Powers of the National Government a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

Print and coin money a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

Regulate Interstate and Foreign Commerce a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

Set rules for Immigration a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

Set traffic standards a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

Set up a Post Office a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

admit new states a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

a. enumerated

A person's sense of being able to accomplish a goal politically is known as which of the following? a. political efficacy b. policy preference c. political apathy d. political efficiency

a. political efficacy

If someone wants to find out what the average American thinks is important to being a good president, they might try __________ all eligible voters in all fifty states. a. polling b. petitioning c. lobbying d. surveillance

a. polling

As a federation, which of the following types of policies would most likely be framed by the state governments, rather than the national government in Washington D.C.? a. Social Policy b. Military Policy c. Economic Policy d. Domestic Policy

a. social policy

How many grade levels are there for administrative and clerical personnel within competitive service who are labeled general schedule (GS)? a. 9 b. 15 c. 12 d. 11

b. 15

Continuing debate within the Senate designed to prevent passage of a bill is called _________. a. Logrolling b. A Filibuster c. A Cloture d. A Rider

b. A Filibuster

Interest groups obstructionism of the majority refers to what? a. The call by groups for citizens in the home-district or state to contact their legislators about specific issues. b. A situation where an interest group uses the political process to achieve selfish objectives; usually to ensure that they as a group of individuals profit financially from political legislation. c. A situation where the leaders of interest groups act in ways that promote their own interests of the broader membership of the group. d. The overlapping of group membership from individuals with the result that society rarely finds the same people lined up on opposite sides of all issues under debate.

b. A situation where an interest group uses the political process to achieve selfish objectives; usually to ensure that they as a group of individuals profit financially from political legislation.

Positive steps taken by private or public institutions to overcome the remaining effects of racial or sexual bias is known as _________. a. Proactive Management b. Affirmative Action c. Accepted action d. Inclusionary Rules

b. Affirmative Action

Which of the following statements about minority representation in the 113th Congress (2013-14) is true? a. Women gained about 10% of all seats in Congress, including both the House and the Senate. b. African Americans gained about 10% of all seats in Congress, including both the House and the Senate. c. Latinos gained about 10% of all seats in Congress, including both the House and the Senate. d. Asians gained about 10% of all seats in Congress, including both the House and the Senate.

b. African Americans gained about 10% of all seats in Congress, including both the House and the Senate.

The passing of major innovations within domestic policy agendas requires ... a. Firm partisan support of the entire majority party. b. Broad bipartisan support c. Strong lobbyist support d. Unanimous support in Congress

b. Broad bipartisan support

Cases in which the death penalty might be imposed, meaning the defendant is on trial for his or her life is called a/an ________. a. Misdemeanor Case b. Capital Case c. Felony Conviction d. Ex Post Facto Law

b. Capital Case

Fill in the blank: _______ encompass participation - a citizens' rights under the law to take part in society on an equal footing with others. a. The Free Exercise Clause b. Civil Rights c. Civil Liberties d. Preferred Freedoms

b. Civil Rights

A loose collection of states in which the principal power lies at the individual state level is known as a ___________. a. Unitary State System. b. Confederation c. Local Option. d. Socialist State. e. Marble Cake Federation

b. Confederation

In the period following the Revolutionary War leading to the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, the American colonies were a(n) ______. a. Unitary State b. Confederation c. Federation d. Monarchy

b. Confederation

Which of the following party groups would most likely support less government interference in economic matters but still believe that the state itself must promote virtue and social responsibility for society to retain a strong moral climate? a. Conservative Democrats b. Conservative Republicans c. Social Democrats d. Neoconservatives

b. Conservative Republicans

Which ideology promotes full employment for all American citizens? a. Libertarianism b. Democratic Socialism c. Neoconservatism d. Neoliberalism

b. Democratic Socialism

___________, in modern terms, would refer to tightly knit political parties or interest groups, which the framers thought should be limited in terms of the power they could control. a. Caucuses b. Factions c. Anti-Federalists d. Capitalists

b. Factions

Unlike in developing countries, the per capita income of all fifty state in the United States in about even, i.e. it doesn't differ much even between states like New York and Mississippi. a. True b. False

b. False

Which of the following regulatory agencies is meant to protect economic competition against monopoly? a. Interstate Commerce Commission b. Federal Trade Commission c. Securities and Exchange Commission d. Federal Economic Regulatory Commission

b. Federal Trade Commission

Americans are... a. Completely free to do what they want. b. Free to do as they please as long as they do not interfere with other people's freedom. c. Are not really free.

b. Free to do as they please as long as they do not interfere with other people's freedom

A feeling of partisanship would lead someone to most likely say which of the following statements? a. I am very proud to be an American. b. I am either a Republican or a Democrat, but not a mixture of both c. I am a proud to belong to a particular church. d. I am a member of a particular minority group

b. I am either Republican or a Democrat, but not a mixture of both

A(n) ______ is a formal agreement with other states to deal with policy problems that cross state lines. a. Mayflower Compact b. Interstate Compact c. Business Compact d. Intrastate Compact

b. Interstate Compact

When a govenrment agency issues rules to achiece noneconomic policy goals such as fair treatment in the workplace or safe workplaces they are passing which of the following? a. Economic regulation b. Social regulation c. Social legislation d. Noneconim legislation

b. Social regulation

The presiding officer of the House of Representatives is called which of the following? a. House Majority Leader b. Speaker of the House c. President of the House d. House President Elect

b. Speaker of the House

The Non-establishment Clause of the First Amendment means... a. That Congress can make laws making sure that all Americans are religious. b. That Congress is prohibited from declaring a national church to which all Americans must belong. c. That the President can ratify laws ensuring that all Americans act in a religious way in every aspect of their lives. d. That the President can declare that all Americans Must belong to a certain religion.

b. That Congress is prohibited from declaring a national church to which all Americans must belong.

A categorial grant-in-aid, which is the most prominent form of national aid, is a transfer of cash from the national government to state or local governments... a. which can bemused for whatever the state government thinks is most urgent. b. for some specific purpose and can only be spend on projects associated with the purpose. c. that allows the recipients discretion in its use. d. can be applied with discretion about how the funds are spent, provided they all within the specified category.

b. for some specific purpose and can only be spent on projects associated with that purpose.

Which of the following statements is most true about the links between economic status and ideology? a. The poorest Americans overwhelmingly identify as liberals. b. Wealthier individuals are much more likely to be conservative. c. Economic status doesn't really impact whether a person considers themselves as libel or conservative. d. Most wealthy Americans consider themselves as moderates.

b. Wealthier individuals are much more likely to be conservative.

Since the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt, the president's closest confidants are ... a. Cabinet Members b. White House Staff c. Congress d. The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA)

b. White House Staff

Which type of segregation is applied to situations where institutions become radically divided because of personal choice and not a law/policy? a. De Jure Segregation b. De Facto Segregation c. Ex Post Facto Segregation d. Affirmative Action

b. de Facto Segregation

The Necessary and Proper Clause in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution grants ______ powers to the U.S. Congress. a. reserved b. implied c. enumerated d. delegated

b. implied

Republicans and Democrats disagree primarily.... a. about religious matter b. over matter of emphasis and degrees with regard to the role of government in everyday life c. over whether or not Americans should have a cabalist economy d. about Immigration and Representative Government

b. over mater of emphasis and degree with regard to the role of government in everyday life

As a capitalist country, Americans see _________ as an essential element of economic progress. a. taxation b. private property c. fair competition d. equality for all

b. private property

A system in which a party receives a number of seats in a legislative body based on the percentage of votes the party received during elections it is known as which of the following? a. Majority election b. Proportional representation c. plurality election d. run-off election

b. proportional representation

Charter Local Governments a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

b. reserved

Conduct elections a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

b. reserved

Determine the qualifications of voters a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

b. reserved

Establish and maintain schools a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

b. reserved

Govern marriage and divorce laws a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

b. reserved

Maintain the State Militia (National Guard) a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

b. reserved

Powers of the State Governments a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

b. reserved

Regulate Intrastate Commerce (trade) a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

b. reserved

If Party A fails to elect a candidate into office for many years but of late has gained in organizational, electoral and/or governmental strength... it has experienced a(n) a. Cross-cutting cleavage b. resurgence c. realignment d. recession

b. resurgence

The Constitutional Convection, which was held in Philadelphia between May 25 and September 17, 1787... a. was a series of open meetings involving public input about the framing of the Constitution, whether they owned property or not. b. was a set of secret meetings among elites held to make changes to the Articles of Confederation. c. sought the opinions of different groups in society through the publication of a series of editorial columns in New Papers called the Federalist Papers. d. easily drafted and ratified the new U.S. Constitution.

b. was a set of secret meetings among elites held to make changes to the Articles of Confederation

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump got 48.6% of the popular cote in Pennsylvania, while Hillary Clinton got 47.9% of Pennsylvania's popular vote. How many of Pennsylvania's 20 Electoral College votes went to Donald Trump? a. 20 b. 15 c. 10 d. 5

c. 10

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted Congress the power to tax incomes in 1913? a. 10th b. 11th c. 16th d. 19th

c. 16th

What is the least number of electoral college votes a state can receive? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3d. 5

c. 3

Arkansas has 2 Senators and 4 Representatives. How many Electoral College votes does it have? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 3

c. 6

A member of the _______ would most likely advocate for little to no government interference neither in the economy nor in the private lives of American citizens. a. Communist b. Green Party c. Libertarian Party d. Neoconservative Party

c. Libertarian Party

What is it called when a member of Congress with urban constituents supports a farm bill in exchange for the vote of a member of Congress with rural constituents for the food stamp program? a. Specialization b. Socialization c. Logrolling d. Pork Barreling

c. Logrolling

Medicare and Medicaid laws were introduced during the 1960s presidency of __________. a. Woodrow Wilson b. John F. Kennedy c. Lyndon Johnson d. Franklin D. Roosevelt

c. Lyndon Johnson

People who believe that government is too coercive and inefficient and should be restricted would advocate for a __________. a. Contingency Plan. b. Positive State. c. Minimalist State. d. Collective good.

c. Minimalist State

A system of advising in which all sides of an issue are presented to the president is which of the following? a.Multiple advisees b. Balanced issues debate c. Multiple advocacy d. Balanced advisory policy

c. Multiple advocacy

When deciding cases involving disputes between the national government and the states, the Supreme Court most often favors ______. a. State concerns and interests b. Intrastate interests c. National Constitutional values d. Local and state interests

c. National Constitutional Values

All of the following terms/concepts are associated with the view of political ideologies by millennials, according to a surveys administered by Harvard University's Institute of Politics, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. Creating jobs and lowering the unemployment rate is the most important issue facing the government. b. Millennials are increasingly concerned that the country is headed in the wrong direction. c. Partisan labels associated with the republican and democratic parties explain the political voting patterns of Millennials. d. There are more Millennials that identify as independents than previous generations.

c. Partisan labels associated with the republican and democratic parties explain the political voting patterns of Millennials

Janet and Linda are friends. Janet smokes because she is afraid Linda and her group of friends will not accept her because of her non-conformity, even though her family disapproves of this activity. By making this decision about what to do and not do when away from her family, Janet is responding to the influence of her _________. a. Political Party b. Psychological Profile c. Peer Group d. Parochial Participants

c. Peer Group

Organizations devoted to channeling money from members of interest groups to political candidates are known as which of the following? a. Political access coalitions b. Political Assessment committees c. Political action committees d. Political party accessories

c. Political action committees

All of the following are eligibility requirements for members of the House of Representatives, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. S/he must be 25 years of age. b. S/he must be a naturalized citizen. c. S/he must be a U.S. citizen for 9 years. d. S/he must be a resident of the state from which s/he is elected.

c. S/he must be a U.S. citizen for 9 years.

Government employment at the local and state levels (civilian employees working for the government) is about ______ that of the national government. a. Half as many b. Twice as many c. Seven Times More d. a Quarter more

c. Seven times more

The written text of an act of Congress is called a(n) ... a. Bill of Attainder b. Legislative Action c. Slip Law d. Congressional Code

c. Slip Law

All of the following statements are TRUE and related to liberalism (as an ideology), EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. The government should be formed primarily to protect individuals' rights to life, liberty and property b. People are capable of succeeding by overcoming obstacles without resorting to violence c. Sometimes social change must be violent to be effective. d. Most individuals will make rational decisions because it is in their best interest to do so. e. The state gains its legitimacy from the consent the governed.

c. Sometimes social change must be violent to be effective

Permanent committees of Congress that alone can approve legislation to go to the floor for debate are known as which of the following? a. Debate Committees b. Select Committees c. Standing Committees d. Joint Committees

c. Standing Committees

The body responsible for guiding a state political party organization on an ongoing basis is which of the following? a. Party Caucus b. Coalition of the Willing c. State Committee d. National Committee

c. State Committee

Which of the following types of bills are usually given the privilege of a closed rule in the House of Representatives, meaning that no amendments can be made to the bill outside of committee deliberation? a. Appropriate Bills b. Subsidy Bills c. Tax Bills d. Educational

c. Tax Bills

Margaret talks a lot about the concept of liberty in government. What is her main argument? a. That government should regulate all industry. b. That people are free to do whatever they want. c. That people should be free from government interference with regard to issues not related to the running of the government. d. That people should be closely monitored by the government in the name of safety.

c. That people should be free from government interference with regard to issues not related to the running of the government

Which third party, running in the 1912 election under the leadership of a former U.S. President, is the only time in American history that a third party actually outpossed one of the amor parties in a presidential election? a. The Anti-Masons b. United We Stand c. The Bull Moose Party d. The Tea Party

c. The Bull Moose Party

Which of the Executive Departments was the last (or most recent) to be created? a. The Department of Veterans' Affairs b. The Department of Justice c. The Department of Homeland Security d. The Department of Health and Human Services

c. The Department of Homeland Security

Which Constitutional Amendment guarantees the due process of law? a. The Second Amendment b. The Fourth Amendment c. The Fifth Amendment d. The Seventh Amendment

c. The Fifth Amendment

Which Act passed in 1986 made it a requirement that employers must verify the American citizenship or legal status of all job applicants or face stiff penalties? a. The Green Card Act b. The Naturalization Act c. The Immigration Reform and Control Act d. The Affirmative Action Act

c. The Immigration Reform and Control Act

Agencies proposing major rules - rules having an impact of $100 million or more on the economy - must submit a regulatory impact analysis to ______________ before the rule goes into effect. a. Congress b. The Federal Trade Commission c. The Office of Management and Budget d. An administrative Law Judge

c. The Office of Management and Budget

Which of the following Cabinet Department positions IS NOT included as part of the inner cabinet? a. The Secretaries of State b. The Secretary of Defense c. The Secretary of Education d. The Secretary of Treasury e. The Attorney General

c. The Secretary of Education

Who has the most actual (not honorary) power in the Senate? a. The President Pro Tem b. The President of the Senate c. The Senate Majority Leader d. The Speaker of the House

c. The Senate Majority Leader

McCulloch v. Maryland was about... a. The right of the national government to impose a federal income tax on U.S. citizens. b. Regulating Interstate trade. c. The right of the national government to establish a national bank. d. The right of the states to determine their own interest rates under the terms of federalism.

c. The right of the national government to establish a national bank

Federalism is the product and system of the continuing struggle between ______ as they compete for dominance in the political system. a. Majority and Minority Rights b. Executive and Judicial Power c. The value of unity and the value of diversity d. The values of Freedom and Equality

c. The values of unity and the value of diversity

The Clear and Present Danger Test and the Increment Test are meant to do what? a. To ensure the privacy of the President. b. To give the government more power to restrict free speech c. To keep the government from restricting free speech unless harmful consequences of what is said have imminent consequences. d. To keep people from talking about government policies and decisions.

c. To keep the government from restricting free speech unless harmful consequences of what is said have imminent consequences.

Before the addition of the 14th Amendment, which applied the Bill of Rights to the states, the federal government was involved in disputes between states and their citizens... a. To a significant degree. b. In no way whatsoever. c. To only a small degree. d. Explicitly.

c. To only a small degree

Since the U.S. government is a constitutional republic with a representative government, the phrase 'government for and by the people' means that the average citizen has what power(s)? a. To control how the economy works b. to make legislation c. to vote and petition their representatives about change d. to fight inflation

c. To vote and petition their representatives about change

Borrow Money a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

c. concurrent

Levy and collect taxes a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

c. concurrent

Powers shared by the State and National Governments a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

c. concurrent

Protect Public Health a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

c. concurrent

Protect the Rights of citizens a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

c. concurrent

Provide for Public Safety a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

c. concurrent

Punish lawbreakers a. Enumerated b. Reserved c. Concurrent

c. concurrent

A(n) __________ occurs when a reasonably stable pattern of party support, based on a particular set of important political issues, is replaced by a new pattern of party support based on a new set of issues. a. dealignment b. partisan shift c. realignment d. cross-cutting cleavage

c. realignment

If you are a Republican and you think that the government should only get involved in situations that the free market can't regulate, then you advocate for a(n) ______________ state. a. positivist b. minimalist c. socialist d. capitalist

c. socialist

Who has the final say in whether or not an amendment is added to the U.S. Constitution? a. President b. Congress c. The States d. The Supreme Court

c. the states

To pass scrutiny under the Lemon test, a law must meet all of the following requirements, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. It must have a secular purpose. b. The primary effect of the law must be neutral, neither hindering nor advancing religion. c. It must not promote excessive entanglement between church and state. d. Absolutely no forms of state aid can be given to a religious institution.

d. Absolutely no forms of state aid can be given to a religious institution.

Bart learned a lot of what he know about politics from his father (Homer), mother (Marge), and sister (Lisa) , as well as from his principle, Mr. Skinner, and his best friend Mulhouse. These people are all _________. a. Sectarian Participants b. Agents of the State c. Parochial Participants d. Agents of Socialization

d. Agents of Socialization

Which were the only two presidents during the twentieth century to leave office with a higher public approval rating than when they came in? a.Franklin Roosevelt and Teddy Roosevelt b. John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson c. Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan d. Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan

d. Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan

What institution(s) has the final say in whether or not a proposed amendment (change) to the U.S. Constitution will be ratified? a. It cannot be changed since the constitution outlines the basic laws of the country. b. The President signs the Amendments into law. c. Congress has the final decision after it has been considered by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states. d. By the legislatures of three-fourths of the states or by conventions in three-fourths of the states.

d. By the legislatures of three-fourths of the states or by conventions in three-fourths of the states.

Dr. Martin Luther King engaged in acts of... a. Communal Activism b. Political Evangelism c. Parochial Participation d. Civil Disobedience

d. Civil Disobedience

A compilation of current administrative rules classified by agency and subject matter can be found in which of the following? a. Code of Civil Legislation b. Code of Government Regulations c. Government Legislative Code d. Code of Federal Regulations

d. Code of Federal Regulations

The Pentagon is associated with the Department of ______________. a. National Security b. Central Intelligence c. Homeland Security d. Defense

d. Defense

_____ are those specifically enumerated in the Constitution as belonging to the national government. a. Delegated Powers b. Implied Powers c. Reserved Powers. d. Express Powers

d. Express Powers

Viewed as seperate from the presidency, the collection of executive departments, independent establishments, and government corporations is known as which of the following? a. Interest groups b. Fifth branch c. Policy committees d. Fourth branch

d. Fourth branch

All of the following won the Electoral College, but only one of them lost the popular vote (in one of the two elections they won). Which one lost the popular vote but won the election anyway? a. Barach Obama b. Ronald Regan c. Bill Clinton d. George W. Bush

d. George W. Bush

Which of the following prevents civil servants from participating in partisan political activity? a. Pendleton Act b. Spoils System c. Partisan Restriction Act d. Hatch Act

d. Hatch Act

The Social Security Program is part of the Department of ______________, which explains why it involves so much government spending. a. Management and Budget b. State c. Treasury d. Health and Human Services

d. Health and Human Services

A person that is seeking re-election is called a(n) ________. a. Politico b. Washington Insider c. Trustee d. Incumbent

d. Incumbent

While having minimal support in the 1960s, a gallop poll in 2012 indicates that approximately 45% of Americans identify themselves as __________. a. Republicans b. Democrats c. Libertarians d. Independents

d. Independents

An association of people holding common views and working together to influence government is known as which of the following? a. Interest groups b. Citizen coalitions c. Concerned citizens d Interest groups

d. Interest groups

All of the following are TRUE and statements about why the election of 2008 was so unique, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. It was the first time that neither an incumbent president nor vice-president appeared on one of the major party tickets. b. It featured a degree of diversity never before seen in a national political race. c. More Americans mobilized to cast ballots than ever before. d. It was the first time a Mormon ran as the candidate for one of the major party tickets.

d. It was the first time a Mormon ran as the candidate for one of the major party tickets.

If a presidential candidate campaigns by promoting changes to ensure that the economy would operate free of government control, they would be advocating... a. Libertarians b. Free Market Capitalism c. Democratic Socialism d. Laissez-Faire Economics

d. Laissez-Faire Economics

What are '527 organizations'? a. A group of 527 organizations that have declared themselves advocates for campaign finance reform. b. Members of the Iron Triangle. c. Organizations involved in class action suits. d. Organizations that attempt to go around campaign finance laws by making independent (unlimited) expenditures meant to indirectly endorse candidates in a campaign.

d. Organizations that attempt to go around campaign finance laws by making independent (unlimited) expenditures meant to indirectly endorse candidates in a campaign.

A broad statement of the philosophy and program under which a party's candidates for election is known as which of the following? a. Party Manifesto b. Proposal c. Foundation d. Platform

d. Platform

Which of the following important committees is found only in the House of Representatives? a. Debate Committee b. Bills Committee c. Session Committee d. Rules Committee

d. Rules Committee

The three-fifths compromise addressed which of the following issues? a. The type of representation to be implemented into Congress b. The inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution c. The amount of taxes that should be paid by rich property-owners d. Slavery

d. Slavery

Most law enforcement responsibilities lie at the _____. a. The Local Level alone b. The Federal Level c. The Interstate Level d. State and Local Levels

d. State and local levels

Women's suffrage came from the ratification of _________ in 1920. a. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 b. The Fifteenth Amendment c. The Anti-Exclusionary Rule d. The Nineteenth Amendment

d. The Nineteenth Amendment

Who is the individual most responsible for the performance and actions of bureaucrats in the executive branch? a. Department Heads b. Agency CEO's c. Cabinet Members d. The President

d. The President

Since 1965, the Ninth Amendment has been used to provide which civil liberty, NOT specifically enumerated in the Constitution? a. The Right to a Speedy Trial b. The Right to an Abortion c. The Right to be Arrested because of Probable Cause d. The Right to Privacy

d. The Right to Privacy

If someone carries over political attitudes from a small group (i.e. family) and apply it to the broader political setting, they are examples of the _________ of political socialization. a. Cognitive Development Theory b. Social Learning Theory c. Rational Choice Theory d. Transfer Theory

d. Transfer Theory

__________ is the most common form of active political participation in the United States. a. Campaigning b. Communal Activism c. Protesting d. Voting

d. Voting

All of the following are found in the Declaration of Independence, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. All Men are created Equal. b. All Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. c. All Men have the rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness d. We secure the blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Posterity. e. All o these phases are found in the Declaration of Independence

d. We secure the blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Posterity

In a federal system, who/what has jurisdiction over individual citizens? a. only the national government b. only the state government c. the supreme court d. both the national and state governments

d. both the national and state governments

Which of the following forms of local governance is a form of government where power is diffused and no single individual is in charge? a. Mayor-Council b. Laissez-fair Management c. Council-Manager d. Commission

d. commission

While the number of Americans identifying themselves as conservatives has remained higher than the number of identifying themselves over the last thirty years... a. the number of extreme liberals exceeds the number of extreme conservatives. b. both groups agree on raising government spending. c. There are more people overall who say that they don't know. d. Only a slim majority off American identify with either label.

d. only a slim majority of American identify with either label

Adam Smith, in the "Wealth of Nations", argues that a wise and frugal government.... a. dismantles existing welfare state programs b. protect individuals from the inequities of a modern industrial and technological society c. regulates industry and promotes the general welfare of all citizens d. restrains men from injuring one another

d. restrains men from injuries one another

Minority Rights limit... a. the rights of the majority. b. governmental power through the creation of a written charter. c. the collective goods available to all citizens. d. the kinds of law majorities in Congress or in the state legislatures amy pass.

d. the kinds of laws majorities in Congress or in the state legislatures may pass.

Brian is a recent graduate who cares about reforming the welfare system to make sure that services are provided to historically underserved populations. As he starts his career and thinks about becoming politically active, which party is likely to be more receptive to his agenda? a. The Fascist Party b. The Libertarian Party c. The Democratic Party d. The Republican Party

d. the republican party

In a confederal system, which level has the most power? a. The local mayor b. The Executive Branch c. The National Government d. The states

d. the states

How many electoral college votes are there in total? a. 51 b. 100 c. 435 d. 535 e. 538

e. 538

The ________________ appoints Supreme Court Justices; the ____________ confirms the appointment. a. President; American Bar Association b. The American Bar Association; the President c. The President; the House of Representatives d. The House of Representatives; the Senate e. The President; the Senate

e. The President; the Senate

T OR F: Before proceeding to the President to be signed into law, bills must pass through the House and the Senate chambers. Then, once each chamber has drafted their final version of the bill, the House-Senate Conference Committee decides which one is better and sends it to the President for consideration.


T OR F: Economic regulation, while bringing benefits to society, never benefits the regulated industry.


T OR F: In an impeahcment of the president. The Senate investigates the incident and determines if there is enough evidence to reccomend impeachment, then the House votes on whether the president is guilty or innocent.


T OR F: It is illegal to burn the American flag.


T OR F: Length of service in Congress has no bearing on committees or position appointments, appointments are based on resume qualifications alone.


T OR F: Naturalized-citizens can become president


T OR F: Presidents can veto constitutional amendments.


T OR F: The Declaration of Independence was issued because there was unanimity within the colonies in 1776 on the wisdom of declaring independence, meaning that every American colonist wanted to declare independence and we had the right to do so.


T OR F: The House and Senate Majority Leaders have the most power in each chamber respectively.


T OR F: While playing an important role in the American political process, interest groups are much more active and influential in European democracies.


Who is the current President of the Senate?

Mike Pence

If the Republicans win a majority in the Senate in the 2020 federal elections, who will be the new Senate MAJORITY Leader?

Mitch McConnell

Who is the current Senate MAJORITY Leader?

Mitch McConnell

In terms of federalism, what is the point of the Electoral College? a. To ensure majority rule in the presidential election process. b. to ensure that presidential nominees must appeal to states as states rather than focusing of amorphous mass of citizens c. to alienate the individual voter from the electoral process d. to ensure that the presidential election process is democratic


Who is the current Speaker of the House?

Nancy Pelosi

T OR F: Acts of civil disobedience are always illegal, even if they do not include the use of violence as a form of protest.


T OR F: All states today have laws regulating private behavior and personal relations to some extent.


T OR F: Americans express roughly the same amount of confidence in labor unions as they do big companies.


T OR F: Congress did not recognize American Indians as citizens until 1924.


T OR F: Congress has the ultimate responsibility for the creation and abolishment of bureaucratic agencies.


T OR F: If the President vetoes a bill, two-thirds of the Congress can rally to veto Presidential veto, meaning that the bill becomes law regardless of what the President thinks.


T OR F: Members of the president's cabinet serve at the president's discretion.


T OR F: Political disagreements are generally caused by economic and/or ideological differences.


T OR F: Symbolic speech, an act that communicates a point with actions rather than words, is protected under the First Amendment.


T OR F: The Defense Department accounts for almost 1/4th of the number of citizens working for the national government.


T OR F: While American conservatives originally supported a strong central government to preserve the sacred rights of all people, this changed over time. As more people gained voting rights, conservatives lost their faith in the central government and began to focus on the rights of property and of individuals to be free of government interference.


T OR F: While individual PACs are limited in what they can give to an individual candidate, there is no limit on the total amount of money a candidate can accept from difference PACs.


T OR F:America's founding fathers created policies such that only those individuals owning property could vote, rather than supporting the democratic rights of suffrage to all citizens.


T OR F:Direct democracy, so fears y the conservatives of the 18th and 19th centuries (our founding fathers), has become an important tool of the contemporary conservatives through their use of popular initiatives and the referendum process to check the power of state legislatures.


Approxiametely how many civilians does the U. S. government employ each year? a. 2.8 million b. 3.2 million c. 4 million d. 1.7 million

a. 2.8 million

Understanding that many interest groups across the board may focus more attention on one issue than another, it is often thought that those groups pursuing certain goals to the exclusion of all others are... a. A threat to democracy because they refuse the compromise that helps to make a democratic system work. b. Considered a vibrant part of American democracy because they uphold a citizen's constitutional right to free speech. c. Anti-democratic because they force the majority to adhere to the interests of minorities. d. Acting unconditionally because they advocate positions that infringe on the rights of others.

a. A threat to democracy because they refuse the compromise that helps to make a democratic system work.

In line with the 25th Amendment, which of the following is NOT a way that the President of the United States can be declared disabled and/or unable to fulfill presidential duties? a. A unanimous Decision by the Supreme Court b. The President him/herself can make the declaration c. The Vice-President and a majority of the Cabinet can declare the President unfit. d. A two-thirds majority of Congress, in response to debates between the VP and the cabinet.

a. A unanimous Decision by the Supreme Court

An aide to a member of Congress that frequently acts on behalf of the legislator in dealing with colleagues, staff, constituents, and lobbyists is known as which of the following? a. Administrative Assistant b. Congressional Secretary c. Legislative Assistant d. Congressional Assistant

a. Administrative Assistant

Which of the following are considered EXCLUSIVE committees (meaning that members should not serve on additional committees) in the House of Representatives, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. Budget b. Ways and Means c. Rules d. Appropriations

a. Budget

Comprehensive legislation that ended racial segregation in accessing public accommodations and employment in the public and private sectors. a. Civil Rights Act of 1964 b. Access to Rights Act of 1952 c. Voting Rights Act of 1965 d. Civil Rights Act of 1954

a. Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Bill of Rights is... a. Comprised of the first ten amendments. b. Included completely in the First Amendment. c. Separate to the U.S. Constitution. d. Comprised of the first five Articles o the U.S. Constitution.

a. Comprised of the first ten amendments

Which ideology emphasizes the value of tradition and defends the political and economic status quo against the forces of change. a. Conservatism b. Libertarinism c. Liberalism d. Socialism

a. Conservatism

The belief is limiting the powers of government by a written charter is known as... a. Constitutionalism b. Confederacy c. Federalism d. Civil Rights

a. Constitutionalism

Which ideology challenges the status quo, supports the redistribution of wealth to achieve true economic equality, and promotes public ownership of basic industries? a. Democratic Socialism b. Populism c. Neoconservatism d. Democrats

a. Democratic Socialism

Which of the following is NOT intended to be an activity performed by an interest group? a. Enforce Majority Rule b. Mobilize voters c. Swing votes d. Raise money to lobby government officials

a. Enforce Majority Rule

The preservation of a space for religious practice free of interference by government comes from which of the following? a. Free-Exercise Clause b. Establishment Clause c. Separate but Equal Doctrine d. Second Amendment

a. Free-Exercise Clause

The organization the reports of the performance and efficient of federal programs is known as which of the following? a. Government Accountability Office b. Federal Program Review Office c. Office of Bureaucratic Efficiency d. Congressional Budgetary Council

a. Government Accountability Office

The Senate can do all of the following, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. Impeach the President b. Ratify Treaties c. Confirm federal judges d. Introducing riders (non germane amendments)

a. Impeach the President

Responding to the actions of presidents like Lydon Johnson and Richard Nixon in the 1960-70s, what term emerged to describe a president that took too much power into their own hands, i.e. without consulting Congress? a. Imperial Presidency b. Impeachment c. Head of Government d. Stewardship Presidency

a. Imperial Presidency

A bureaucratic unit that is tasked with the regulation of a specific industry or economic pracitce is known as which of the following? a. Independent regulatory commission b. Government regulation corporation c. Independent agency d. Regulation department

a. Independent regulatory commission

__________ refers to services (schools, roads, hospitals) that are provided by the government because they are needed for capitalism to flourish. a. Infrastructure b. Ideological Imperatives c. Economic Resources d. Capital Gains

a. Infrastructure

Which of the following is true of burning an American flag? a. It is constitutional. b. It is a violation of national but NOT state laws. c. It is unconstitutional. d. It is illegal if an individual is under the age of 16.

a. It is constitutional.

Which of the following philosophers is most directly associated with liberalist theory and whose through was an inspiration for the U.S. Declaration of Independence? a. John Locke b. John Adams c. Andrew Jackson d. Adam Smith

a. John Locke

___________ is the authority of courts to set aside a legislative act as being in violation of the Constitution. a. Judicial Review b. Original Jurisdiction c. Appellate Jurisdiction d. Write of Mandamus

a. Judicial Review

Of the following groups, which is LEAST likely to vote? a. Latino voters b. African American voters c. White voters

a. Latino voters

Martha is a college student who tends to read the journal "Reason" when trying to learn about current political developments and believes that there should be government protection of property rights and freedom of individuals but no government regulation of the economy. She most likely identifies as a(n) ____________. a. Libertarian b. Populist c. Republican d. Democratic Socialist e. Republican

a. Libertarian

Most Americans share elements of or identify with ___________. a. Mainstream ideologies that do not challenge the existing political order. b. Radical ideologies c. Ideologically rigid political parties d. Corporatist ideologies

a. Mainstream ideologies that do not challenge the existing political order.

__________ is/are expressed through free and periodic elections. a. Majority Rule b. Minority Rights c. Capitalist Advantage d. Individual Rights

a. Majority Rule

Finish this sentence: Regulation of consumer products ... a. Means that government action compensates for market failures. b. Is unconstitutional. c. Never happens in America but in socialist countries. d. Guarantees that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

a. Means that government action compensates for market failures.

The protection of the employed, pensions for the elderly and guaranteed prices for farmers were all programs associated with Franklin D. Roosevelt's __________ initiative. a. New Deal b. Civic Engagement c. Great Society d. Social Democratic

a. New Deal

Because of the decision in Humphrey's Executor v. United States and the Federal Trade Commission Act, a President can remove career civil servants for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT ... a. Patronage Concerns b. Misconduct c. Inefficiency/ Incompetence d. Criminal Conduct

a. Patronage Concerns

The process by which citizens acquire politically relevant knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes and patterns of behavior is known as ________. a. Political Socialization b. Partisanship c. Policy Preference d. Party Indoctrination

a. Political Socialization

The balance representatives strike between the interests of their constituents and their own conscience is known as which of the following? a. Politico style b. Political communication c. Trustee Role d. Moral consciousness

a. Politico style

Costly government spending that may not be beneficial to the country as a whole is known as? a. Pork Barrel Politics b. Liberal Social Politics c. Politics As Usual d. Franking Privileges

a. Pork Barrel Politics

The decision to avoid tying the Constitution to a certain way of life - whether agrarian, industrial or technological - or to a particular econamicdoctrine, means that the Constitution exalts ________. a. Procedure over substance b. Brevity over Specificity c. Executive Power over Judicial Power d. Minority Interests over Majority Rule

a. Procedure over substance

T OR F: American citizens are generally very well informed about major political issues.


T OR F: Article II, section 2 gives the president the power to pardon any violation of state or federal law.


T OR F: Because America is a democracy, every action taken by the United States government is primarily dictated by public opinion


T OR F: Because of their support for a positivist state, liberals believe that the government should displace private enterprise wherever possible.


T OR F: Because unions are a powerful lobbying force, most American working people choose to belong to unions.


If the Democrats win a majority in the 2020 federal elections in the Senate, who will be the new senate MAJORITY leader?

Charles Schumer

Who is the current Senate MINORITY leader?

Charles Schumer

Who is the current House MINORITY Leader?

Kevin McCarthy

The practice of making appointments to government jobs on the basis of party loyalty and support in elections and campaigns is known as which of the following? a. Spoils System b. Fringe Benefits c. Political Payoffs d. Nepotism

a. Spoils System

When comparing the U.S. Constitution with those of the individual states, all of the following statements are TRUE about state constitutions, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. State constitutions tend to be shorter and make their points more directly than the U.S. Constitution b. Whereas the U.S. Constitution focused on the structure, operation and power of the U.S. government, state constitutions often reflect battles within the states over economic and social issues. c. State Constitutions read more like statutes than the U.S. Constitution because they (state constitutions) are frequently changed. d. State Constitutions are more detailed than the U.S. Constitution

a. State constitutions tend to be shorter and make their points more directly than the U.S. Constitution

A theory that the president can take any act that is not specifically prohibited by the Constitution or statutory law is know as which of the following? a. Stewardship theory b. Free exercise theory c. Presidential discretion theory d. Constitutional theory

a. Stewardship theory

The Library of Congress is part of which branch? a. The Legislative Branch b. The Executive Branch c. The Judicial Branch

a. The Legislative Branch

Which of the following branches was meant to have the most power, as outlined by the Founding Fathers in Article One of the U.S. Constitution? a. The Legislative Branch b. The President c. The Supreme Court d. The States

a. The Legislative Branch

Liberals see government as an important vehicle for the protection of... a. The name from the exploration by the few b. The interests of the privileged few c. Oppositional groups from government interference d. The disadvantaged classes of society over the wealthy

a. The many from the exploitation by the few

Madison defined _________ as the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, whether or one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective. a. Tyranny b. Republicanism c. Confederalism d. Majority Rule

a. Tyranny

Senate Business is conducted by ___________________. a. Unanimous Consent b. Majority Rule c. Proportional Representation d. Simple Majorities

a. Unanimous Consent

While the United Stated is a federation, the fifty American states are themselves _____ with respect to their own local governments. a. Unitary governments b. Federal governments c. Confederal governments d. Appellate governments

a. Unitary governments

Which of the following statements is TRUE when discussion the 1994 (federal) Congressional elections? a. Voters chose a majority Republican House and Senate for the first time in 40 years. b. Voters chose a majority Democratic House and Senate for the first time in 40 years. c. All Republicans incumbents were voted out of the office in the Senate. d. More incumbents were elected than new members of Congress in both houses.

a. Voters chose a majority Republican House and Senate for the first time in 40 years.

While currently it is technically a violation of federal law, some states have made certain to all types of use of marijuana legal. a. true b. false

a. true

While performing what are constitutionally state functions, local governments have the ability to develop relationships directly with the national government. a. true b. false

a. true

someone who acts according to the Rational Actor Model... a. weighs the costs and benefits of undertaking a particular action. b. hold the same political views of someone they admire to be like them. c. protest against things they don't like but they are careful to keep their actions within the limits of the law. d. learn increasingly difficult political concepts as they develop mentally.

a. weighs the costs and benefits of undertaking a particular action

In the event that the office of the president, and vice president become vacant the next position in line for the presidency is which of the following? a.The Speaker of the House b.The Secretary of State c.Chief of Staff d.The President of the Senate

a.The Speaker of the House

Why was Shays' Rebellion was a primary catalyst for the constitutional convention in Philadelphia? a. Because it threatened to destroy the city of Philadelphia. b. It exposed the weaknesses of the powers granted to the federal government in the Articles of Confederation. c. It demonstrated the need for a state constitution convention in Massachusetts. d. It demonstrated the strength of the powers granted to the federal government in the Articles of Confederation.

b. It exposed the weaknesses of the powers granted to the federal government in the Articles of Confederation

Which form of local governance most directly mirror that of the national government, i.e. the executive-legislative model followed in Washington D.C.? a. Laissez-faire b. Mayor-Council c. Commission d. Council-Manager

b. Mayor-Council

What is the source of implied powers, as granted to Congress in the U.S. Constitution? a. The 17th Amendment b. Necessary and Proper Clause c. Commerce Clause d. Article 5

b. Necessary and Proper Clause

While believing that current welfare policies overburden the government and damage its ability to govern effectively, _________ still support the need for a modest welfare state consisting of social security, unemployment insurance and medicare. a. Paleoconservatives b. Neoconservatives c. Neoliberals d. Industrial Age Conservatism

b. Neoconservatives

The agency of the Executive Office that is responsible for providing the president with budgetary information and advice, as well as compiling the presidents annual budget to Congress is known as which of the following? a. Executive Office of Budget Management b. Office of Management and Budget c. White House Budget Office d. Executive Office of the Budget

b. Office of Management and Budget

The nation's motto, "E Pluribus Unum", which symbolizes the coming together of different people into one, means... a. In God We Trust b. Out of Many, One c. The Melting Pot of Democracy d. Home of the Free and the Brave

b. Out of Many, One

Larry is a registered Democrat and has voted for the Democratic nominee for president in every election since he turned 18. Also, Larry has volunteered his time in the past to rally and campaign for the Democratic Party. What is this psychological attachment to politics is known as what? a. Party Indoctrination b. Party Identification c. Political Polarization d. Political Efficacy

b. Party Identification

American politics is characterized as ____________, because power is dispersed among many different centers of power. a. Elitist b. Pluralist c. Multifaceted d. Polarized

b. Pluralist

An election in which a candidate wins by getting more votes than any other candidate, even if it is not the majority is known as which of the following? a. Run-off election b. Plurality election c. Majority election d. Proportional representation

b. Plurality election

Which of the following positions in the Senate is filled by someone NOT elected to Congress? a. Senate Majority Leader b. President of the Senate c. President Pro Tempore d. Senate Whips

b. President of the Senate

The exclusionary rule provides which of the following protections? a. Provides immunity for officers and excludes them from trial procedures. b. Prevents the state from using evidence against a defendant that was obtained illegally. c. None of the above d. Excludes some cases from trial and recommends them to lower courts. e. Prevents judges from adjudicating two defendants at once.

b. Prevents the state from using evidence against a defendant that was obtained illegally.

The only constitutional amendment to be repealed from the U.S. Constitution addressed what issue? a. Abolition b. Prohibition c. Congressional Salaries d. Abortion

b. Prohibition

The goals or objectives of a bureaucracy are called ... a. Public Goods b. Public Purpose c. Bureaucratic Principles d. Bureaucratic Norms

b. Public Purpose

Government rules and regulations that seem to unnecessarily complicate needed action is known as which of the following? a. Bureaucratic loop holes b. Red tape c. Over regulation d. Big government

b. Red tape

Tax reform is a form of ______. a. Distributive Policy b. Redistributive Policy c. Renewable Term Policy d. Adjustable Premium Policy

b. Redistributive Policy

As Commander and Chief, the U.S. President has the constitutional power to ... a. Declare war and direct the military during times of war. b. Repel sudden attacks on the United States and have civilian control over the military. c. To have control over the military and the economy during times of war. d. To declare war, but retain civilian control over the military.

b. Repel sudden attacks on the United States and have civilian control over the military.

The current President Pro Tem is a member of the _______ Party. a. Socialist b. Republican c. Democrat d. Libertarian

b. Republican

Which of the Executive Departments has the highest expenditures (in billions)? a. The Department of Defense b. The Department of Health and Human Services c. The Department of the Treasury d. The Department of Labor

b. The Department of Health and Human Services

What is known as the managerial arm of the modern presidency? a. The State Department b. The Executive Office of the President c. The Council of Economic Advisors d. The Treasury Department e. The Office of Management and Budget

b. The Executive Office of the President

Who determines the election if nether Presidential Nominee wins over 270 votes? a. The Supreme Court b. The House of Representatives c. The State Department d. The Senate

b. The House of Representatives

As a part of the checks and balances incorporated into the U.S. Constitution, which of the three branches has the power to declare was formally? a. The Executive Branch / the President b. The Legislative Branch / Congress c. The Judicial Branch / The Supreme Court d. The Federal Branch / the President

b. The Legislative Branch / Congress

The Tea Part movement, which influenced elections in Washington in 2010, is a splinter group from which party? a. The Democrats b. The Republicans c. The Libertarians d. The Progressives

b. The Republicans

Before the ratification of _________, slavery was not considered a Constitutional issue. a. Affirmative Action b. The Thirteenth Amendment c. Article III d. The First Amendment

b. The Thirteenth Amendment

The __________, proposed at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, favored a substantially stronger national government and a Congress based on numerical representation. a. The New Jersey Plan b. The Virginia plan c. The Articles of Confederation d. The Rhode Island and Delaware Compact

b. The Virginia plan

Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution vests the power of the budget, declaring war and writing legislation to _______________, meaning that the Founding Fathers meant for this branch to be the most influential branch of government. a. The executive branch, the president b. The legislative branch, congress

b. The legislative branch, congress

What constitutes the presidential ticket? a. The names of the Secretary of State and the National Security Officer. b. The names of the President and Vice-President to be. c. The Name of the Presidential Nominee only. d. The names of the President, Vice-President and Secretary of State to be.

b. The names of the President and Vice-President to be.

What was the primary weakness of the Articles of Confederation? a. The central government was too strong and limited the state's powers. b. The states were far stronger than the central government, which meant that the country as a whole was not very unified. c. The people didn't have a real influence on the government, which undermined the democratic nature of the states. d. The Congress was too strong and dictated terms to the central government.

b. The states were far stronger than the central government, which meant that the country as a whole was not very unified.

Which of the following is not a basic requirement for a democratic government, even though many governments (including ours) have adopted this practice? a. Majority rule expressed in free, periodic elections. b. Three branches of government with checks and balances. c. Equality before the law for all citizens

b. Three branches of government with checks and balances

The Free Expression guaranteed by the First Amendment is intended to do all of the following, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. To allow the dominant wisdom of the day to be challenged, if it is not still applicable to society. b. To contribute and/or guarantee social and political stability and cohesion. c. To aid self development through by encouraging citizens to enhance their intellectual and artistic expression. d. To allow citizens the ability to tell the government what they think and thereby make government responsive to the people.

b. To contribute and/or guarantee social and political stability and cohesion.

Which of the following is not a requirement for becoming President of the United States? a. To be 35 years of age or older b. To have no felony convictions c. To be a natural born citizen d. To be a resident of the United States for at least 14 years

b. To have no felony convictions

The U.S. president is constitutionally allowed to serve ... a. Four, two year terms b. Two, four year terms c. Two, six year terms d. Unlimited, four year terms

b. Two, four year terms

When most Americans talk about equality, they are actually referring to.... a. An equality of result b. Representative equality c. An equality of opportunity d. Absolute equality

c. An equality of opportunity

The refusal of a citizen to buy a particular product or use a certain service is an example of a(n) _________. a. Picketing Campaign b. Voting Preference c. Boycott d. Petition

c. Boycott

_________ is an economic system based on private ownership of property and free economic competition among individuals and businesses? . Socialism b. Republicanism c. Capitalism d. Free Marketierism

c. Capitalism

Legal action initiated on behalf of a large number of individuals is known as which of the following? a. Customer Service b. Constituent Action Lobbyists c. Class Action Lawsuits d. Class Action Liaisons e. Complaint Litigation Services

c. Class Action Lawsuits

Found in Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution, the __________ gives Congress the authority to regulate the country's economic environment. a. Necessary and Proper Clause b. Capitalist Clause c. Commerce Clause d. The Positivist Clause

c. Commerce Clause

Individuals that consider themselves liberals in today's politics identify with the __________ party. a. Socialist b. Libertarian c. Democratic d. Republican

c. Democratic

Which party currently has the majority in the House of Representatives? a. Libertarian b. Republicans c. Democrats d. The Tea Party

c. Democrats

Which of the following is NOT an example of a government corporation? a. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation b. National Park Foundation c. Department of Veteran Affairs d. National Railroad Passenger Corporation

c. Department of Veteran Affairs

What type of power diffusion is characteristic of federal system, such as that found in the United States? a. Dividing power between the state and local levels of government b. Dividing power among the three branches. c. Dividing power between the national government and the individual states. d. Dividing power between the executive branch and the judicial branch

c. Dividing power between the national government and the individual states.

Which of the following presidential acts DOES NOT require the approval of the Senate? a. The Appointment of Supreme Court Judges b. The ratification of treaties c. Executive Agreements d. Confirm the appointment of Ambassadors

c. Executive Agreements

The vertical division of power between national and state governments is known as __________. a. Socialism b. Capitalism c. Federalism

c. Federalism

Who was the first female candidate for president or vice-president in the United States? a. Hilary Clinton b. Sarah Palin c. Geraldine Ferraro d. Eleanor Roosevelt e. Condoleezza Rice

c. Geraldine Ferraro

Which of the following is NOT a primary function of a political party? a. Helping to structure people's perceptions of politics in order to help them make sense of the political world around them. b. Making government responsible to the people by giving citizens the opportunity to reward the party that they think does the best job representing their interests. c. Helping socialize voters by giving them a psychological hook that pulls them into politics. d. Lobby the government on behalf of a certain group within American society. e. Seeking to influence public policy by placing its own members in positions of government authority.

c. Helping socialize voters by giving them a psychological hook that pulls them into politics.

A bureaucratic unit organizationally located outside of an executive department is known as which of the following? a. Corporate agency b. Executive agency c. Independent agency d. Department agencies

c. Independent agency

Public ownership of an industry means that the government.... a. Makes all of the decisions about how to run that industry b. Is in full control of that industry c. Is a major or controlling stockholder of that industry but does not control it d. Has no controlling interest in that industry

c. Is a major or controlling stockholder of that industry but does not control it

What is the primary power of the President of the Senate? a. He/she leads all floor debates. b. To make the final decision about all bills under consideration. c. To break ties. d. As the most powerful member of the Senate, he/she has unlimited power.

c. to break ties

An ideology is an integrated set of political ideas about... a. what constitutes as the ideal democracy b. how to guarantee freedom to all citizens c. what constitutes the most equitable and just political order d. how to achieve equality in society

c. what constitutes the most equitable and just political order

The Amendment limited the number of terms that a president can serve was ratified ... a. From the beginning on the advice of George Washington to avoid the president acting like a King. b. In 1800 with the election of Thomas Jefferson to end a long period of Federalist presidential rule. c. In 1951 after Franklin D. Roosevelt died shortly into his fourth term in office. d. In 1974 in response to Richard Nixon being brought up on impeachable charges.

c.In 1951 after Franklin D. Roosevelt died shortly into his fourth term in office.

The 1973 War Powers Resolution Act ... a.Gave the President more power to engage military troops in combat without congressional approval. b. Required congressional approval before any troops could be sent into combat. c. Required congressional approval after 60 days of any presidential decision to send troops into combat. d. Required congressional notification of covert operations conducted by the CIA after 60 days.

c.Required congressional approval after 60 days of any presidential decision to send troops into combat.

How many electoral college votes does a Presidential Nominee and his/her running mate need to win the election? a. 51 b. 100 c. 250 d. 270

d. 270

Florida has 2 Senators and 27 Members in the House of Representatives. How many Electoral College Votes does Florida have? a. 3 b. 15 c. 27 d. 29

d. 29

Washington D.C. has no senators or members of the House of Representatives, since it is not a state but rather the District of Colombia. How many electoral college votes are allocated to Washington D.C.? a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

d. 3

Which percentage of the Bills introduced into Congress eventually pass and are enacted into law in recent years? a. 100% b. 48% c. 22% d. 3%

d. 3%

What is the maximum amount of money a PAC can donate directly to a candidate in one election? a. 2,000 b. 2,500 c. 4,000 d. 5,000

d. 5,000

What is the most amount of money a contributor can give to a PAC in an election? a. 2,000 b. 2,500 c. 4,000 d. 5,000

d. 5,000

All of the following are true and related to the national convention, EXCEPT FOR WHICH ONE? a. A national committee is designated to oversea the party's affairs on an ongoing basis. b. The respective parties write a statement of the party's proposed programs during the national convention c. The respective party's candidates for president and vice-president are selected during the national convention. d. The national convention is held prior to the presidential election every four years. e. A political organization based on patronage benefitting members of that respective party is designated during the national convention.

e. A politcal organization based on patronage benefitting members of that respective party is designated during the national convention.

The case of Plessy v. Ferguson established the ________. a. Equality of Result Doctrine b. Equal Protection of African Americans c. Emancipation Proclamation d. Affirmative Action Programme e. Separate-but-Equal Doctrine

e. Separate-but-Equal Doctrine

If someone only pays enough attention to politics to vote, but they engage in group and community activities with the aim of solving social problems, they are examples of... a. voting specialists b. complete activists c. parochial participants d. inactives e. communalists

e. communalists

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