FINALS MGMT 363- Chapter 13

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reinforcement contingencies

cause-and-effect relationships between the performance of specific behaviors and specific consequences

variable ratio reinforcement schedule

an intermittent schedule in which consequences are delivered following a different number of behaviors, sometimes more and sometimes less, that vary around a specified average number of behaviors

fixed ratio reinforcement schedule

an intermittent schedule in which consequences are delivered following a specific number of behaviors

fixed interval schedule

an intermittent schedule in which consequences follow a behavior only after a fixed time as elapsed

variable internal reinforcement schedule

an intermittent schedule in which the time between a behavior and the following consequences varies around a specified average

Higher-order needs

are concerned with relationships (belongingness, relatedness, and affiliation), challenges and accomplishments (esteem, self-actualization, growth, achievement) and influence (power)

Lower-order needs

are concerned with safety and with physiological and existence requirements

situational constraints

are factors beyond the control of individual employees, such as tools, policies, and resources that have an effect on job performance


the physical or psychological requirements that must be met to ensure survival and well-being


the process of changing the consequences that follow behavior


the set of forces that initiates, directs, and makes people persist in their efforts to accomplish a goal

reinforcement theory

the theory that behavior is a function of its consequences, that behaviors followed by positive consequences will occur more frequently, and that behaviors followed by negative consequences, or not followed by positive consequences, will occur less frequently

goal-setting theory

the theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they accept specific, challenging goals and receive feedback that indicates their progress toward goal achievement

expectancy theory

the theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their efforts will lead to good performance, that good performance will be rewarded, and that they will be offered attractive rewards


to accomplish challenging goals


to be liked and accepted


to influence others

1. Join the organization 2. Regularly attend their jobs 3. Perform their jobs well 4. Stay with the organization

Companies use extrinsic rewards to motivate people to perform four basic behaviors:

distributive justice

the perceived degree to which outcomes and rewards are fairly distributed or allocated

procedural justice

the perceived fairness of the process used to make reward allocation decisions


the perceived relationship between effort and performance


the perceived relationship between performance and rewards

intrinsic rewards

a natural reward associated with performing a task or activity for its own sake

extrinsic rewards

a reward that is tangible, visible to others, and given to employees contingent on the performance of specific tasks or behaviors

intermittent reinforcement schedule

a schedule in which consequences are delivered after a specified or average time has elasped or afer a specified or average numver of behaviors has occurred

continuous reinforcement

a schedule that requires a consequence to be administered following every instance of a behavior


a target objective, or result that someone tries to accomplish

equity theory

a theory that states that people will be motivated when they perceive that they are being treated fairly

1. existence 2. relatedness 3. growth

Alderfer's ERG Theory (which collapses Maslow's five needs into three)

1. Valence 2.Expectancy 3. Instrumentality

Expectancy theory holds that people make conscious about their motivation. The three factors that effect those choices are:

goal acceptance

the extent to which people consciously understand and agree to goals

1. Don't reinforce the wrong behaviors 2. Correctly administer punishment at the appropriate time 3. Choose the simple and most effective schedule of reinforcement

Managers should remember three other things when motivating with reinforcement theory:

1. physiological 2. safety 3. belonginess 4. esteem 5. self-actualization

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:

1. affiliation 2. achievement 3. power

McClelland's Learned Needs Theory:

-decreasing or withholding their inputs (that is, effort) -increasing outcomes -rationalize or distort inputs or outcomes -changing the referent

People who perceive that they have been underewarded may try to restore equity by-

- reinforcement contingencies - schedule of reinforcement

Reinforcement has two parts:

1. inputs 2. outcomes 3. referents

The basic components of equity theory are:

1. lower order needs 2. higher order needs

Two basic kinds of needs categories:

1. identify 2. measure 3. analyze 4. intervene 5. evaluate

University of Nebraska business professor Fred Luthans, who has been studying the effects of reinforcement theory in organizations for more than a quarter of a century, says that there are five steps to motivating workers with reinforcement theory:

1. surveying employees to identify preferred rewards 2. ensuring that employees see the connection between pay and performance 3. motivating employees to take active rather than passive roles

Use expectancy theory to motivate by:

job performance = motivation x ability x situational constraints

What is the job performance equation?

1. assign specific, challenging goals 2. make sure workers truly accept organizational goals 3. provide frequent, specific, performance-related feedback

What practical steps can managers take to se goal setting theory to motivate employees? Managers can do three things-

- start by looking for and correcting major inequities - reduce employees' inputs - make sure decision making processes are fair

What practical steps can managers take to use equity theory to motivate employees?

1. start by asking people what their needs are 2. satisfy lower-order needs first 3. expect people's needs to change 4. as needs change and lower-order needs are satisfied, create opportunities for employees to satisfy higher-order needs

What practical steps can mangers take to motivate employees to increase their effort?


a form of inequity in which you are getting fewer outcomes relative to inputs than your referent is getting


a form of inequity in which you are getting more outcomes relative to inputs than your referent


achievement and recognition


esteem and self-actualization


food and water


friendship, love, social interation

outcome/input (O/I) ratio

in equity theory, an employee's perception of how the rewards received from an organization compare with the employee's contributions to that organization


in equity theory, others with whom people compare themselves to determine if they have been treated fairly


in equity theory, the contributions employees make to the organization They include education & training, intelligence, experience, effort, number of hours worked, and ability.


in equity theory, the rewards employees receive for their contributions to the organization They include pay, fringe benefits, status symbols, and job titles & assignments.

performance feedback

information about the quality or quantity of past performance that indicates whether progress is being made toward the accomplishment of a goal

initiation of effort

is concerened with the choices that people make about how much effort to put forth in their jobs ex: "Do I really knock myself out for these performance appraisals or just do a decent job?"

persistence of effort

is concerened with the choices that poeple make about how long they will put forth effort in their jobs before reding or eliminating those effots ex: I'm only halfway through the project, and I'm exhausted. Do I plow through to the end, or just call it quits?

direction of effort

is concerned with the choices that people make in deciding where to put forth effort in their jobs ex: "I should be spending time with my high-dollar accounts instead of learning this new computer system!"

job performance

is how well someone performs the requirements of the job


is the degree to which workers possess the knowledge, skills, and talent needed to do a job well


physical and economic


realizing your full potential needs


reinforcement in which a positive consequence is no longer allowed to flow a previously reinforced behavior, thus weakening the behavior

positive reinforcement

reinforcement that strengthens behavior by following behaviors with desirable conseqences

negative reinforcement (avoidance learning)

reinforcement that strengthens behavior by withholding an unpleasant consequence when employees perform a specific behavior


reinforcement that weakens behavior by following behaviors with undesirable consequences

schedule of reinforcement

rules that specify which behaviors will be reinforced, which consequences will follow those behaviors, and the schedule by which those consequences will be delivered


safety and physiological needs


the attractiveness or desirability of a reward or outcome

goal difficulty

the extent to which a goal is hard or challenging to accomplish

goal specificity

the extent to which goals are detailed, exact, and ambiguous

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