Fire inspector set ch 1-12 for state test

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open burning includes the following activities:

-Burning of combustible waste (usually or Organic waste, such as trees, leaves, and brush) — In metal drums or excavated pits — In debris piles — At construction or demolition sites (combustible construction materials)

means of egress components may be active, such as an automatic sprinkler system, or passive, such as doors, walls, and floors. Part of the inspector's job is to:

-Verify that doors, stairs, and walls conform to the adopted building and safety codes. • Recognize and evaluate those building components that serve as components of a means of egress. • Be aware of any exemptions in the means of egress requirements that are permitted in structures that are protected by automatic sprinkler systems. NFPA® 101, Life Safety Code®, contains specific examples of automatic sprinkler exemptions.

What is required to operate access-controlled egress?

-sensor on the egress side detects an occupant approaching. -Loss of power automatically unlocks the doors. — The doors must be arranged to unlock from a manual unlocking device that delays relocking for a mini- mum of 30 seconds and has a sign stating, "PUSH TO EXIT." — Activation of the building fire alarm, fire detection, or automatic sprinkler system will unlock the doors. — Some entrance doors in certain occupancy classes may not be allowed to be secured during periods of occupancies; or at all.

A public way must also have a clear width and height of

10 feet (3 m)

Markings are signs that direct occupants to the nearest exit and are no more than _______ ft from the nearest visible sign.


Vertical clearance over a fire lane

13 feet, 6 inches (4 m)

How much force is required to release the latch on panic hardware?

15 pounds (7.5N)

Buildings must be readily accessible to fire apparatus for emergency operations. Accessibility is based on the ability to extend a fire hose to a point no greater than_____ from the apparatus

150 feet (45 m)

According to the model fire codes, dead-end fire lanes and access roads are those that extend farther than ___ ft. from a public street or road.

150 ft. Or 45m

Gates across fire access lanes must open to provide a minimum clearance of ____ unless the AHJ approves another distance.

20 feet (6 m)

Firelanesandfireapparatusaccessroadsmustbeaminimumwidth of ___ft.

20 ft.

How much force is required to set the door in motion on panic hardware?

30 pounds (15N)

In new buildings, model codes require that swinging or hinged doors serving as a component of a means of egress provide a minimum of ______________ of clear unobstructed width

32 inches (800 mm)

In multistoried buildings, the total occupant load of all floors served by the stairway is less than 50 people. In this case, stairways must be at least _________wide.

36 inches (900 mm)

In multistoried buildings, exit Stairways must be at least _____ wide unless the total occupant load of all floors served by the stairway is less than 50 people.

44 inches (1 100 mm). 50

Horizontal exits may be substituted for other exits if they do not compose more tha__ percent of the total exit capacity of the building.


The letters on an exit sign must be _____in height and the strokes of the letters are at least ____________wide

6 in heigh and 3/4 inches 19 (mm) wide.

an angle not exceeding ___ degrees is necessary to allow apparatus to drive onto the lane without the tailboard or front bumper striking the ground

8 degrees

type of occupancy group also dictates the wall finish (paint, wallpaper, fabric, or other materials). Generally, NFPA® permits only the use of Class _______________ OR _________________interior finishes in exits or exit-access corridors.

A (0-25 flame-spread rating) or Class B (26-75 flame-spread rating)


A luminous discharge of electricity across a gap. Arcs produce very high temperature.

Horizontal Exit

A path of egress travel from one building to an area in another building on approximately the same level, or a path of egress travel through or around a wall or partition to an area on approximately the same level in the same building

Fire escape ladders are only allowed for limited purposes if approved by the ____?


Access-controlled egress.

Access-controlled egress. This type of hardware is designed to allow oc- cupants to egress freely while enabling the door to be secured from the outside (Figure 7.15). The occupant must use a security card or enter a code to gain entrance.

Clear Width

Actual unobstructed opening size of an exit.

Area of Refuge

An area where persons unable to use stairways can remain temporarily to await instructions or assistance during emergency evacuation.

In buildings that do not require panic hardware on exit doors, the model building codes define the types of door locks that may be installed: — exit doors can feature deadbolt locks that operate with the action of the latch and do not require keys, special tools, or knowledge to operate. — Thumb-turn bolts that operate independently of the door latch are examples of unacceptable locking devices on the egress (inside) side of exit doors (Figure 7.14). — Manually operated flush bolts or surface bolts are not permitted.

Bolt locks

hazardous materials in the surrounding area: Class 2 locations are___

Combustible dust may be found.

Dead-end corridor

Condition that exists when a corridor has no outlet to a means of egress and is more than 20 feet (6 m) in length.

Alley dock

Configuration that allows a vehicle to back into a space and turn around.

Site Plan

Drawing that provides a view of the proposed construction in relation to existing conditions; includes survey information and information on contours and grades; generally the first sheet on a set of drawings.

INFO potential overhead obstructions can impede the 13-feet, 6-inch (4 m) minimum unobstructed height requirement above fire lanes or fire apparatus access road

Electrical lines or utility poles • Trees, vines, and other vegetation • Parking lot lights or street lights • Building canopies, marquees, or overhangs • Flagpoles • Signs • Satellite dishes • Overhead pipes in industrial complexes

Intrinsically Safe Equipment

Equipment designed and approved for use in flammable atmospheres that is incapable of releasing sufficient electrical energy to cause the ignition of a flammable atmospheric mixture.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 - Public Law 101- 336

Federal statute intended to remove barriers, physical and otherwise, that limit access by individuals with disabilities.

_______ sets the minimum site access requirements and permit the local code official to require additional access.

Fire codes define the minimum site access requirements and permit the local code official to require additional access.

hazardous materials in the surrounding area: Class 1 locations are___

Flammable vapors and gases may be present

In multistoried buildings, exit stairs requirements for handrails are:

Handrails may be required for both sides of the stairs. -Stairs that are exceptionally wide may be required to have intermediate handrails in the middle of the stairs.

Which of the following is the BEST reason why exits should be located remotely from each other?

Helps minimize travel distance to an exit

The design of the area of refuge must meet the requirements of the

ICC/ANSI 117.1

hazardous materials in the surrounding area: Class 3 locations are___

Ignitable fibers may pose a hazard.

•Improperlydispensing,mixing,ortransferringflammableandcombustible liquids • Using flammable liquids for cleaning • Storing flammable or combustible liquids in unapproved containers or locations (Figure 9.8) • Using a flammable liquid such as gasoline to ignite a solid fuel, such as charcoal briquettes

Improper Use and Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids

• Overloaded wiring or receptacles • Daisy chains • Frayed or damaged extension cords • Extensioncordsusedforpermanentwiring,affixedtowalls,orrunthrough doors, ceilings, or joists (p. 312) • Extensioncordsthatareundersizedinamperagecapacityfortheequipment plugged into them • Tools that can cause electrical shorts • Unprotected temporary lights or wiring (Figure 9.6, p. 312) • Tampering with grounded circuits

Improper Use of Electrical Equipment

• Accumulations of trash or litter, particularly near ignition sources • Oily rags in open waste containers • Overgrown grass, weeds, and brush • Obstructions that prevent a safe and orderly exit and/or clear exit access

Inadequate Housekeeping

Who reviews and approve the designs of these dead-end access roads because the size and turning radius of fire apparatus factors into the road's dimensions.

Inspectors review and approves the designs, AHJ approves the access road, Property owner maintains the turnarounds

NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, means of egress system may pass through the following:

Intervening room spaces • Doorways • Corridors • Passageways • Balconies • Ramps • Stairs • Courts • Yards • Horizontal exits

In multistoried buildings, exit stairs requirements for landings are:

Landings must be provided so that no flights of stairs are greater than 12 feet (3.5 m) high (Figure 7.20). •

rules apply to dispensing hazardous liquids:

Loading and unloading stations for Classes IA through IC liquids must be located no closer than 25 feet (8 m) from storage tanks, property lines, or adjacent buildings (Figure 9.10). • Loading and unloading stations for ClassII and ClassesIII A and III B liquids must be located no closer than 15 feet (5 m) from these same objects (Figure 9.11). • Loading and unloading stations must be constructed on level ground. • Curbs, drains, natural ground slope, or other means are required to keep any spills in the original area. Adequate ventilation(natural or mechanical) must be maintained for loading and unloading stations.

When occupant loads are greater than 500, the codes generally require how many separate exits?

Minimum of 3

ignition temperature

Minimum temperature to which a fuel, other than a liquid, in air must be heated in order to start self-sustained combustion independent of the heating source.


National Electrical Code

Exit ramps info

New ramps must be at least 44 inches (1 100 mm) wide with a maximum slope of 1 to 12 (1 foot [300 mm] of rise for every 12 feet [3.5 m] of horizontal distance). The maximum length for a single ramp is 30 feet (9 m) without a landing.

Public Way

Parcel of land such as a street or sidewalk that is essentially open to the outside and is used by the public to move from one location to another.

Common path of travel

Path that all occupants must travel in one direc- tion before reaching a point where they may choose between two separate and distinct paths leading to two separate exits (Figure 7.35). This distance is used in the calculation of total travel distance to an exit for the purpose of locating exits for a building or area.

Topographical —

Pertaining to configuration of the land or terrain

Fire Department Connection (FDC)

Point at which the fire department can connect into a sprinkler or standpipe system to boost the water flow in the system.


Portion of a means of egress that is separated from all other spaces of the building structure by construction or equipment, and provides a protected way of travel to the exit discharge.

Exit Access

Portion of a means of egress that leads to the exit; for example, hallways, corridors, and aisles.


Refers to the entire square footage (m2) of a space measured wall to wall with no deductions for desks, files, movable partitions, or other items.

Net —

Refers to the gross square footage (m2) minus any space taken up by equipment, furniture, corridors, or other space that is not used for the oc- cupancy. For example, in an assembly occupancy such as a pool hall, only the clear floor space available for use is calculated — the gross area of the space minus the area taken up by the pool tables, counters, restroom spaces, office areas, and storage spaces.

Means of Egress

Safe, continuous path of travel from any point in a structure to a public way; the means of egress is composed of three parts: the exit access, the exit, and the exit discharge

Which of the following can slow access by fire and emergency services personnel and has been responsible for many fatalities?

Security Bars

Security bars hinder first responders by____?

Security bars slow access by fire and emergency services personnel and have been responsible for many fatalities.

In multistoried buildings, exit stairs requirements for stair treads are:

Stair treads must be solid and slip resistant. -Stair treads and risers must be in good condition to prevent tripping.

NFPA® 241

Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations.


Street closed at one end designed to the minimum dimen- sions as required by the municipality.

—Short section of roadway that lies perpendicular to the end of a dead-end street with equal sections on each side of the dead-end.

T or hammerhead

means of egress system is composed of three basic elements

The exit access • The exit • The exit discharge

Horizontal exits

These exits require fire walls or fire-barrier walls with at least a 2-hour fire- resistance rating. A 11⁄2-hour fire-rated door assembly would be installed in the fire barrier to permit movement between the two compartments.

Open flame • Spark (Figure 9.2) • Heat that friction creates • Heating device • Overheated circuit, or damaged cord or electrical equipment • Any number of other sources

Unintentional Ignition Sources

• Inadequate housekeeping • Unintentional ignition sources • Open burning • Improper use of electrical equipment • Improper use and storage of flammable and combustible liquids

Unsafe Behaviors

INFO model fire codes require that an individual apply for a permit before the desired burn date

Upon receiving an application, an inspector should visit the site to verify that conditions are in compliance with adopted regulations. With an approved burn site, inspectors may issue a burn permit. The permit should describe the required conditions under which the burn will be held. *Inspectors should only approve burn permits when all conditions are in compliance with the jurisdiction's open burning regulations.

Smokeproof Enclosures

are stairways or stair enclosures (sometimes referred to as smoke towers) that are designed to limit the penetration of smoke, heat, and toxic gases into the stairway.

A means of egress system relies on a number of subsystems such as...

automatic sprinklers, or passive fire protection, such as fire-resistance-rated construction of doors and walls • Exit signs • Door hardware • Exit illumination • Handrails

Emergency lights are powered by ________ or an auxiliary power system


Horizontal exits

commonly used in (but not limited to) high-rise buildings and hospitals as a means of passing through a fire-barrier wall that separates two fire compartments in a structure

Exit doors may be required to open in the _________ of travel toward the primary exit, depending on occupancy and occupant load


Exit passageways

exit passageway is similar to an exit stair enclosure, except that it is constructed in a horizontal plane. Exit passageways are designed to connect an interior exit stair or a hallway without stairs on the same level to an exit door on the structure's exterior. Exit passageways must be constructed of the same fire-resistant-rated material as the exit stairs.

Fire lanes and fire apparatus access roads must extend to within_____ of all portions of a building, although local codes may require otherwise

extend to within 150 feet (45 m) of all portions of a building

A decorative ceiling may not be required to have any, _________but a ceiling that is part of a means of egress must have the same fire resistance rating as the walls.

fire-resistance rating

To provide a protected path of travel and qualify as an exit, ______________must separate interior stairs from other parts of the building

fire-resistant construction *least a 1-hour minimum fire- resistance rating when the exit connects three stories or fewer. Pg 258

The means of egress must terminate

in a public way or an area of refuge.

occupant load

is defined as the total number of persons for which the means of egress of a building or portion thereof is designed.

Who establishes requirements for marking fire lanes and fire apparatus access roads.

local jurisdiction

Who must develop minimum weight requirements for fire lanes and fire apparatus access roads

local municipality

Panic hardware

may be required based upon occupancy classification and occupant load. Occupants should be able to operate panic hardware as follows: — Causing the latch to release by applying a force of no more than 15 pounds (7.5 N). — Setting the door in motion by applying a force of no more than 30 pounds (15 N) (Figure 7.13). In some occupancies, operating panic hardware to open exit doors activates an alarm. This alarm is intended to notify the employees or management or to help prevent theft.

FIRE WALLS: The fire-resistance rating is based on the type of the building has an automatic sprinkler system.

occupancy, building height, type of building construction, and whether

Inspectors are concerned about floor coverings because:

of the flammability of the materials used.

The occupant load for a building or room is established during the _______ process

plans review

exit discharge

portion of a means of egress that is between the exit and a public way

The capacity of the means of egress is BEST described as:

the number of people who can move along the means of egress.

Two ways to make the stair enclosure smokeproof are

to pressurize it or to use natural or mechani- cal ventilation.

When the exit connects four or more stories, the separating construction must have a fire-resistance rating of at least ____?

two hours.

Delayed egress -

unlock upon operation of automatic sprinkler system, automatic fire detection system and unlock when power controlling the locking mechanism is lost.

fire inspector typically encounters three types of fire hazards:

unsafe behavior, unsafe conditions, and hazardous processes

Delayed egress doors require_____?

—Initiating the release mechanism by applying a force of no more than 15 lbs (67 N) must permit the door to open within 15 seconds, or in some cases, 30 seconds. — Opening the door will activate an audible signal. — Doors must be labeled with a sign stating, "PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS. DOOR CAN BE REOPENED IN 15/30 SECONDS." — Occupants must not have to pass through more than ONE door equipped with delayed egress before reaching an exit.

Info The following guidelines apply to the safe handling of small amounts of these liquids:

• Classes IA through IC and Class II liquids must be kept in covered safety containers when they are not actually in use. • ClassesIAthroughICliquidsmustnotbeusedinthepresenceofanypossible ignition source, such as open flames, electrical arcs, or heating elements. • Classes IA through IC liquids cannot be stored in containers that are pres- surized with air. In some circumstances, they may be stored in containers that are pressurized with an inert gas. • Appropriate electrical bonding and grounding procedures must always be followed

large loss-of-life fires, common factors continue to be cited even today:

• Locked or blocked exit doors • Improperly designed or marked exits • Inaccessible exits •Inadequate or nonexistent fire protection systems Combustible interior materials or contents Overcrowded occupancies

Open burning

• Permissible (or forbidden) times, air quality, or weather conditions • Mandatory attendance during the burning period • Availability of fire extinguishing equipment • Separation distances from exposure buildings or properties • Clearance of vegetation around the burn site • Acceptable fuels used to ignite combustible materials

The following items may also cause issues with exterior access:

• Weight requirements • Illegal parking • Overhead obstructions • Landscape issues • Topographical conditions • Season climate conditions

Two basic types of horizontal exits are:

•Ameansofegressfromonebuildingtoanareaofrefugeinanotherbuilding on approximately the same level. • A means of egress through a fire barrier or fire wall to an area of refuge at approximately the same level in the building that provides protection from smoke and fire.

Two of the most important life safety functions of doors are to:

•Separate occupants from the movement of fire, smoke, and other toxic gases • Serve as components of a means of egress system

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