FireFighter 1 Final

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Which of the following is one of the three methods by which team members working in hazardous area should maintain contact with one another at all times? a. OTOH b. Rope c. Visual d. Radio

C. Visual

Which NFPA standard covers wildland fire fighter professional qualifications? a. 1051 b. 1021 c. 1041 d. 1031

a. 1051

Which type of radiation causes damage primarily through ingestions or inhalation? a. Alpha b. Beat c. Gamma d. None of the above

a. Alpha

What is a common sign or symptom of heat stroke? a. Hot, dry skin b. Cramping c. Profuse sweating d. Bradycardia

a. Hot, dry skin

What is the flame-resistant material used in PPE? a. PBI b. Treated cotton duck c. Thermax d. Durex

a. PBI

What does the "P" stand for in "GPS"? a. Positioning b. Personnel c. Preventive d. Proactive

a. Positioning

Which kind of steel has been specially treated to resist cutting by normal means? a. case hardening b. alloy c. ductile d. tempered

a. case hardening

Which type of nozzle is used to fight fires in inaccessible places such as attics and basements? a. cellar b. educator c. piercing d. water curtain

a. cellar

Which of the following is the organizational structure through which a department manages its routine and emergency operations? a. chain of command d. division of labor c. scalar structure d. incident command system

a. chain of command

What is the term for an open space within a wall where wires and pipes run? a. chase b. channel c. bay d. hoist way

a. chase

Which form of emergency causes spontaneous heating of a pile of linseed oil-soaked rags? a. chemical b. exothermic c. hypergolic d. organic

a. chemical

A class B foam extinguisher is NOT rated for which fuel? a. cooking oil b. paint thinner c. diesel fuel d. gasoline

a. cooking oil

Which saw is designed for cutting curves into wood? a. coping b. fret c. hacksaw d. carpenter's handsaw

a. coping

On a two-fire-fighter ladder carry, what should the fire fighter closer to the butt end do? a. cover the butt spur with the gloved hand b. extend the free arm forward c. carry the ladder chocks d. decide on the best placement

a. cover the butt spur with the gloved hand

Which of the following is one of the four major categories of door locks? a. cylindrical b. tumbler c. dead bold d. recessed

a. cylindrical

Which term means the weight of a building without contents? a. dead load b. curb weight c. net weight d. live load

a. dead load

What is the dome-shaped muscle between the chest and the abdomen? a. diaphragm b. peritonenum c. omentum d. abdominal facia

a. diaphragm

Which term can be defined as the set of guidelines that a department establishes for its fire fighters? a. discipline b. span of control c. unity of command d. training

a. discipline

When should fire fighters begin to think about which tools they might need for a given call? a. during the response b. after size up c. at the beginning of the shift d. upon arrival at the scene

a. during the response

Which device is used to protect a rope when it must be dragged over a sharp or abrasive surface? a. edge protector b. pulley c. bolster d. sheath

a. edge protector

A rope carried by a fire fighter only for self-rescue from an extreme situation is called a(n) _______ rope. a. escape b. personal emergency c. self-rescue d. bail-out

a. escape

When approaching a fire with an extinguisher in hand, you should always have a(n) ________. a. exit route b. light source c. portable radio d. backup unit

a. exit route

Defensive firefighting operations are conducted from which location? a. exterior b. roof c. interior d. exposure

a. exterior

Which lift/drag requires two rescuers? a. extremities b. standing c. webbing sling d. blanket

a. extremities

A Pitot gauge is used to determine ________ pressure. a. flow b. operating c. residual d. static

a. flow

An engine lays hose from a water source to fire scene in a _____ lay. a. forward b. basic c. standard d. single

a. forward

A ladder ____ is used to lower a rescuer into a trench or manhole. a. gin b. tripod c. frame d. anchor

a. gin

Which material is commonly used to protect steel and wood structural members from fire? a. gypsum b. lightweight concrete slurry c. fiberglass d. expanded urethane

a. gypsum

When under great pressure, most people's behavior will revert to _______. a. habit b. instinct c. previous experience d. common sense

a. habit

Which tool combines an axe, a pick, and a claw? a. halligan bar b. pick-head axe c. ram bar d. clemens

a. halligan bar

What is the term for keeping a ladder from slipping by applying one's weight to the underside of it? a. heeling b. securing c. anchoring d. tying-in

a. heeling

How does humidity affect the body's temperature-regulating mechanisms? a. high humidity reduces evaporative cooling b. the need for fluid replacement decreases as humidity increases c. low humidity improves convective cooling d. sweating increases as humidity decreases

a. high humidity reduces evaporative cooling

A fire fighter's first priority should be to take care of ______. a. himself or herself b. people affected by the incident c. the general public d. the members of his or her company

a. himself or herself

Which item is necessary to include in a life safety rope's documentation? a. history of use b. recommended storage c. expiration date d. vendor

a. history of use

Which tool is used to protect a hose line that is being hoisted over a sharp edge? a. hose roller b. edge protector c. hose ramp d. hose pulley

a. hose roller

A soft suction hose is used to connect a pumper to a _____. a. hydrant b. standpipe/FDC c. master stream device d. static water supply

a. hydrant

Which technique should you use to open the airway when you suspect the victim may have a spinal injury? a. jaw thrust b. neck left c. head tilt d. head tilt - neck lift

a. jaw thrust

What is the color code for a hydrant flowing 1500 gpm (5678 lpm) or more? a. light blue b. green c. orange d. white

a. light blue

Which term best describes how much risk is acceptable in attempting to protect savable property? a. limited b. minor c. significant d. none

a. limited

Which part of the body is especially prone to turning pale or blue as a result of inadequate breathing? a. lips b. ears c. underside of the wrists d. schlera

a. lips

What is the lead agency for crisis management during a terrorist incident? a. local law enforcement b. FBI c. DHS d. FEMA

a. local law enforcement

What is a safety rule for climbing a ladder? a. look upward only when necessary b. avoid holding onto the beams during the climb c. carry, rather than hoist, tools whenever possible d. avoid standing with both feet on the same rung

a. look upward only when necessary

What is the likely result of a ladder striking an overhead obstruction while it is being raised? a. loss of control of the ladder b. sudden collapse of the fly section c. a broken or weakened halyard d. damage to the ladder that is not readily apparent

a. loss of control of the ladder

Which feature of hose couplings is used to aid in the coupling and uncoupling of hose? a. lug b. shank c. spanner d. Higbee cut

a. lug

What is the purpose of the Higbee indicators? a. make hose coupling easier and faster b. help disoriented fire fighters find their way out of a building c. indicate when the hose may be pulling out of the coupling d. identify the thread standard type

a. make hose coupling easier and faster

Radio frequencies are designated in units of ______. a. Megahertz b. Hertz c. Terahertz d. Gigahertz

a. megahertz

When rescuing an unconscious victim from a window, how many fire fighters enter the window to assist the victim? a. one b. three c. none d. two

a. one

Fire fighters responding to a dispatch in a emergency vehicles are exempt from _______. a. only those exemptions specified by statute b. traffic laws dealing with traffic signals and parking c. most civil and criminal liability d. standards of reasonable care that apply to emergency vehicles

a. only those exemptions specified by statute

What is the purpose of the head tilt-chin left technique? a. open the airway b. protect the spine c. feel the carotid pulse d. examine the pharynx

a. open the airway

Where is water directed during hydraulic ventilation? a. out a window or door b. through the roof opening c. over the roof opening d. just over the seat of the fire

a. out a window or door

Microorganisms capable of causing disease are called _____. a. pathogens b. microbes c. septogens d. contagion

a. pathogens

The elements of HIPAA that most directly affect EMS providers are those that deal with _______. a. patient confidentiality b. bloodborne pathogens c. insurance fraud d. liability of individual providers

a. patient confidentiality

Which step should be performed before beginning search and rescue? a. perform a risk-benefit analysis b. deploy a hose line or tagline c. perform primary survey d. go directly to the most severely threatened area of the structure

a. perform a risk-benefit analysis

What is the term for a roll call taken by a supervisor at an emergency incident? a. personnel accountability report b. status and location check c. resource status report d. personnel safety check

a. personnel accountability report

Each EMS system has a medical director with _____ credentials. a. physician b. critical care nurse c. EMS administrator d. EMT Paramedic

a. physician

Which action is potentially hazardous while raising an extension ladder? a. placing a foot on a rung b. anchoring the ladder with a foot against a rail c. tying off the halyard d. hoisting the halyard with the hands in the "thumbs up" position

a. placing a foot on rung

How is a sprinkler wedge used to stop flow from an activated sprinkler? a. push two wedges together from opposite sides between the orifice and the deflector b. tap a wedge into place between the orifice and the deflector c. insert the wedge into the orifice and drive it into place with a striking tool d. tap two wedges into place above and below the deflector

a. push two wedges together from opposite sides between the orifice and the deflector

How does an incident involving large numbers of contaminated victims differ from other mass-casualty incidents? a. quarantine of victims in the contaminated area may be necessary b. rescue of victims is delayed until the area is cleared of secondary devices c. triage may be moved into the hot zone d. primary victim decontamination may be moved to healthcare facilities

a. quarantine of victims in the contaminated area may necessary

What is the one of the two styles of wooden door frames? a. rabbet b. ledge c. barn d. finger joint

a. rabbet

What is the effect of rest on physical endurance? a. rest improves endurance b. there is no significant effect c. rest decreases endurance d. the effect varies with the type of exertion

a. rest improves endurance

Which type of door is typically used for entrance doors? a. solid core b. panel c. hollow core d. ledge

a. solid core

A specialized tool for tightening or loosening hose couplings is the ______ wrench. a. spanner b. ring c. strap d. hose

a. spanner

Which description best fits a hose jacket device? a. split metal cylinder b. soft rubber sheet c. stiff canvas patch d. wound plastic coil

a. split metal cylinder

When assisting a conscious victim down a ladder, how can the rescuer maintain control of the victim's descent? a. squeeze the victim against the ladder b. tie the victim to a rope looped over a rung c. tie the victim to the rescuer d. stand on the same rung as the victim

a. squeeze the victim against the ladder

Forcible entry tools are classified by type. What is one of those classifications? a. striking b. rotary c. nondestructive d. lever

a. striking

What does a rating of 40 on a class B extinguisher mean? a. sufficient extinguisher power for 40 square feet of burning fuel b. BTU absorption comparable to 40 gallons of water c. discharge duration of at least 40 seconds d. sufficient extinguishing power for 40 gallons of burning fuel

a. sufficient extinguisher power for 40 square feet of burning fuel

A ladder is carried at arm's length in a(n) _____ carry. a. suitcase b. grab c. quick d. arm

a. suitcase

Which hazardous material is commonly found in vehicle batteries? a. sulfuric acid b. pentaic acid c. hydrofluoric acid d. hydrochloric acid

a. sulfuric acid

What is the largest terrorist event in the history of the US? a. the World Trade Center attack in NYC b. the Kobar Towers military housing bombing in Daharan, Saudi Arabia c. the Alfred P. Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma City d. the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland

a. the World Trade Center attack in NYC

All fire extinguishers are classified according to ______. a. the classes of fire on which they are effective b. their relative extinguishing power c. the net weight of their contents d. the type of extinguishing agent used

a. the classes of fire on which they are effective

Which statement about evidence that is in plain view is correct? a. the evidence may be secured without a warrant b. probable cause must be established prior to seizure of the evidence c. the evidence cannot be seized without a warrant d. the evidence is exempt from the exclusionary rule

a. the evidence may be secured without a warrant

What is an advantage of an automatic fog nozzle? a. the flow rate adjusts to maintain the rated nozzle pressure b. the nozzle reaction remains constant despite variations in pump pressure c. the flow from the nozzle remains constant despite variations in pressure d. the flow rate remains constant regardless of the discharge pattern

a. the flow rate adjusts to maintain the rated nozzle pressure

For whom should fire fighters consider that they work? a. The tax paying citizens b. Themselves c. Their supervisors d. Their team

a. the tax paying citizens

What happens to personnel accountability passports at the scene of an incident? a. they are left with a designee at the command post or hazardous area entry point b. they are carried by the company officer c. they are left in the cab of the apparatus to be collected by a designee d. they are distributed to the company members

a. they are left with a designee at the command post or hazardous area entry point

What is the correct ladder placement for breaking a window for ventilation? a. to the side of the window, tip level the top of the window b. centered on the window, tip on the wall just above the window c. to the side of the window, tip level with the sill d. centered on the window, tip just below the sill

a. to the side of the window, tip level with the top of the window

Which type of roof opening extends all the way across the roof from one exterior wall to the other? a. trench b. band c. cross d. transverse

a. trench

Which CDC policy is based on the assumption that all victims are potential carriers of bloodborne pathogens? a. universal precautions b. pathogen control c. standard precautions d. exposure control

a. universal precautions

What is HBV? a. virus b. vaccine c. type of respirator d. bacterium

a. virus

When should the building be used to anchor the butt during a ladder raise? a. when a single firefighter raises an extension ladder b. for any single-fire-fighter ladder raise c. when sending a roof ladder aloft d. when laddering a building without eaves

a. when a single firefighter raises an extension ladder

When can the presence of chemical, biological, or radiological agents be ruled out? a. when the area has been cleared by qualified personnel with detection equipment b. when there are no plumes, spills or property damage c. when there is no evidence of suspicious activity d. if persons in the hazard exhibit no signs or symptoms

a. when the area has been cleared by qualified personnel with detection equipment

What is the best source of complex carbohydrates? a. whole grain bread b. red meat c. fish d. vegetables

a. whole grain bread

What is Type V construction? a. wood frame b. lightweight c. fire resistive d. ordinary

a. wood frame

Which phrase indicates an imminent fire-ground hazard, such as a structural collapse? a. "hold all traffic" b. "emergency traffic" c. "mayday" d. "code 30"

b. "emergency traffic"

Prior to any official statement by his or her department, how should a fire fighter respond to an inquiry about the cause of a fire? a. "Findings will be make public at the earliest possible time" b. "the fire is under investigation" c. "no comment" c. "the fire is of unknown origin"

b. "the fire is under investigation"

If heated to a temperature of 1000 degrees F, how far will a 10 foot steel beam elongate? a. 1/2 inches b. 1 inches c. 2 inches d. 3 inches

b. 1 inch

Which NFPA standard deals with protective ensembles for structural and proximity firefighting? a. 1981 b. 1971 c. 1500 d. 1472

b. 1971

Which NFPA standards deals with open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus? a. 1801 b. 1981 c. 1622 d. 1990

b. 1981

Which NFPA standard deals with personal alert safety systems? a. 1785 b. 1982 c. 1440 d. 1460

b. 1982

Which hose diameter is used as both supply line and attack handline? a. 3 " b. 2 1/2" c. 1 3/4" d. 2 3/4"

b. 2 1/2"

Which size of coupling are the outlets on most fire hydrants sized to fit? a. 4" b. 2 1/2" c. 3" d. 3 1/2"

b. 2 1/2"

How close must a fire engine get to a static water source to be able to draft directly from it through hard suction hose? a. 10 ft. b. 20 ft. c. 30 ft. d. a distance equal to the total length of the available hard suction hose minus 10 ft.

b. 20 ft.

What is the realistic minimum usable residual pressure from a water distribution system for fire fighting operations? a. 30 psi b. 20 psi c. 0 psi d. 40 psi

b. 20 psi

What percentage of bombings in the US involves incendiaries? a. 50 to 55 percent b. 20 to 25 percent c. 10 to 15 percent d. 40 to 50 percent

b. 20 to 25 percent

A 50' (15m) section of charged 2 1/2" (64mm) hose weighs approximately _____. a. 150 lb b. 200 lb c. 125 lb d. 100 lb

b. 200 lb

What is the percentage of oxygen normally found in air? a. 17.7 % b. 21 % c. 18 % d. 19.5 %

b. 21 %

NFPA standards require an SCBA low-air alarm to sound when the cylinder pressure drops to _____ percent of capacity. a. 10 b. 25 c. 15 d. 20

b. 25

Three out of four career fire fighters work in jurisdictions with a population of _______ or more. a. 50,000 b. 25,000 c. 100,000 d. 75,000

b. 25,000

Three out of four career fire fighters work in jurisdictions with a population of _________ or more. a. 75,000 b. 25,000 c. 50,000 d. 100,000

b. 25,000

According to NFPA statistics for 2010, how many fatalities resulted from fire incidents in the US? a. 6388 b. 2755 c. 7820 d. 4806

b. 2755

How many points of contact should a fire fighter maintain with the ladder when checking the stability of a roof surface? a. 1 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2

b. 3

The output range for portable lights is generally _____ watts. a. 500 to 750 b. 300 to 1500 c. 250 to 500 d. 500 to 1000

b. 300 to 1500

How should fire fighters approach a vehicle fire? a. 90 degree angle from the side b. 45 degree angle from the side c. directly from the front d. directly form the rear

b. 45 degree angle from the side

How often should SCBA face pieces be fit-tested? a. every 6 months b. every 12 months c. monthly d. every 3 months

b. Every 12 months

Which item is an optional component of the structural firefighting ensemble? a. Protective hood b. Hearing protection c. Personal alert safety system d. Eye protection

b. Hearing protection

What do fire departments commonly use to manage incidents that require more resources than are immediately available? a. A local incident management system b. Mutual aid agreements c. A regional emergency operations center d. Isolation and withdrawal policies

b. Mutual aid agreements

Which NFPA standard requires all fire fighters to be in their seats, with seat belts secured, whenever the fire apparatus is in motion? a. 1021 b. 1500 c. 1002 d. 1921

b. NFPA 1500

Which organization developed the Everybody Goes Home Program? a. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) b. National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) c. International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) d. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

b. National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF)

How does the Canadian emergency reporting system differ from the 911 system used in the United States? a. Canadian callers must dial "0" to report an emergency b. The U.S. and Canadian systems are essentially the same c. Emergency reporting numbers in Canada vary between provinces and territories d. Canadian callers must dial seven-digit numbers to report an emergency

b. The U.S. and Canadian systems are essentially the same

Which state must a fuel be in for combustion to take place? a. Solid, liquid, or vapor b. Vapor c. Solid d. Liquid

b. Vapor

What is an approved treatment to prevent rusting of bare metal tool surfaces? a. paint b. a light film of oil c. cosmoline d. a nonflammable rust inhibitor

b. a light film of oil

In the United States, the number of fire fighter deaths that occurs during emergency operations is _____ the number that occur during nonemergency activates. a. nearly five teams b. about equal to c. about twice d. about half

b. about equal to

Telecommunicators should use _______ listening. a. Critical b. Active c. Interrogatory d. Interpretive

b. active

Which term describes a power-operated ladder that is permanently mounted on a fire apparatus? a. snorkel b. aerial c. extension d. quint

b. aerial

How should company members check into the rehab center? a. on an as needed basis b. all members together c. individually d. in assigned pairs

b. all members together

On a three-fire-fighter ladder carry, how should the fire fighters align themselves? a. two on one side, one on the other b. all three on the same side of the ladder c. two at the butt, one at the tip d. two at the tip, one at the butt

b. all three on the same side of the ladder

How do thermopane windows affect fire behavior? a. are more likely to break when exposed to heat b. allow for faster heat build up within the structure c. improve ventilation d. decrease the likelihood of backdraft

b. allow for faster heat build up within the structure

What are the tiny air sacs at the end of an airway called? a. bronchioles b. alveoli c. mediastia d. pulmonary capillaries

b. alveoli

Which construction type is particularly susceptible to extension of fire upward through walls? a. ordinary b. balloon frame c. platform d. heavy timber

b. balloon frame

Hard rubber hose stored on a hose reel is _______ hose. a. forestry b. booster c. attack d. mop-up

b. booster

The primary hazard of ______ is that it can displace oxygen from the atmosphere. a. hydrogen cyanide b. carbon dioxide c. carbon monoxide d. chlorine

b. carbon dioxide

What is the term for a heart that is not contracting? a. shock b. cardiac arrest c. heart attack d. stroke

b. cardiac arrest

What is the term for the process of maintaining continuous possession and control of evidence from the time it is discovered until it is used in court? a. evidentiary control b. chain of custody c. conservator of possession d. affidavit of possession

b. chain of custody

In a typical fire department rank structure, an assistant chief reports to the ______. a. section chief b. chief of the department c. command staff d. battalion chief

b. chief of the department

Which type of extinguishing agents should be used on electrical fires? a. class A b. class C c. class D d. class B

b. class C

Which hazard is of particular concern with fires involving stacked or piled material? a. toxic exposure b. collapse c. rekindle d. interference with sprinkler systems.

b. collapse

An EMS system where the fire department provides medical first response and another agency provides patient transportation is a ______ system. a. tiered b. combination c. contract d. split

b. combination

Which type of ladder can be converted from a straight ladder to an A-frame configuration? a. fresno b. combination c. attic d. folding

b. combination

Which term is a measure of whether a material will burn? a. conductivity b. combustibility c. specific heat d. pyrolytic index

b. combustibility

What is a term for rapid oxidation that produces heat and light? a. vaporization b. combustion c. catalyzation d. pyrolysis

b. combustion

What is the term for the transfer of heat through a circulating medium of liquid or gas? a. condensation b. convection c. radiation d. conduction

b. convection

According to NFPA statistics, what was the leading case of fire in residential occupancies in 2011? a. smoking materials b. cooking equipment c. electrical malfunctions d. heating appliances

b. cooking equipment

Which of the following is a common type of handsaw? a. chop b. coping c. lanier d. band

b. coping

What is the term for the weather resistant surface of a roof? a. tar paper b. covering c. skin d. decking

b. covering

What is a common salvage operation? a. determining the cause and origin of the fire b. covering ventilation openings c. utility control d. pulling ceilings

b. covering ventilation openings

What are laminated glass windows likely to do when exposed to a fire? a. break irregularly into long, sharp-edged shards b. crack but remain in place c. melt d. shatter into small nuggets with dull edges

b. crack but remain in place

What does the "C" stand for in "CISM"? a. crisis b. critical c. company d. casualty

b. critical

What is the term for an event that threatens to exceed a fire fighter's ability to cope? a. traumatic event b. critical incident c. dissociative event d. acute stress incident

b. critical incident

Which type of wildland fire attack is made on the fire's burning edge? a. indirect b. direct c. frontal d. offensive

b. direct

Dry chemical extinguishers may be used on Class C fires because they _______. a. are noncorrosive b. do not conduct electricity c. leave no residue d. are chemically similar to water

b. do not conduct electricity

How should fire fighters handle a potentially explosive device? a. direct master streams onto the device b. do not handle or approach the device c. surround the device with an earthen dyke or sandbags d. carefully move the device to a safe area

b. do not handle or approach the device

A chemical reaction that produces heat is _____. a. endothermic b. exothermic c. isothermic d. thermodynamic

b. exothermic

What is the term for the substance that puts out the fire? a. propellant b. extinguishing agent c. live load d. dry charge

b. extinguishing agent

Which hazard category includes automotive service or repair facilities? a. moderate b. extra c. severe d. ordinary

b. extra

When a ladder is used to gain access to a roof, a minimum of ___ rungs should show above the roofline. a. three b. five c. seven d. one

b. five

Turbulent smoke is an indication of impending _______. a. mushromming b. flashover c. self-ventilation d. stratification

b. flashover

The volume of water that is being moved through a pipe or hose is termed the ______. a. stream b. flow c. pressure d. throughout

b. flow

Which pressure must be measured to calculate the quantity of water flowing through a hydrant discharge? a. operating b. flow c. residual d. head

b. flow

What is the term for the transparent part of a window? a. glass b. glazing c. light d. lens

b. glazing

Which fuel is most susceptible to changes in relative humidity? a. compacted b. grass c. brush d. aerial

b. grass

What is the second phase of fire? a. fully developed b. growth c. flameover d. incipient

b. growth

Which knot is used to keep the hoisting rope aligned with the handle of a tool being hoisted? a. directional figure eight b. half hitch c. overhand d. half sheepshank

b. half hitch

Which part(s) of ladders should not be exposed to solvents? a. beams b. halyard c. pawls d. all parts

b. halyard

The most rapidly moving part of a wildland fire is the _____. a. point b. head c. apex d. foot

b. head

What is Type IV construction? a. masonry on synthetics b. heavy timber c. synthetics d. wood frame

b. heavy timber

The essential reason that team efforts are imperative in the fire service is because of the ________. a. need to accomplish several tasks simultaneously b. intense physical labor involved in firefighting operations c. need to maintain manageable span of control d. tendency for task-related tunnel vision

b. intense physical labor involved in firefighting operations

What is plaster board commonly used for? a. roof sheathing b. interior walls and ceilings c. shear wall d. roof fascia and soffits

b. interior walls and ceilings

Which statement summarizes the overall effect of negative-pressure ventilation? a. it releases the contaminated atmosphere b. it pulls smoke out c. it displaces the contaminated atmosphere d. it pushes smoke out

b. it pulls smoke out

In general, which type of EMS delivery has been found to provide the highest quality of care? a. fire department EMS b. it varies by community c. separate EMS agency d. combination

b. it varies by community

Which term means the spread of fire from one floor to another via exterior windows? a. laddering b. leap-frogging c. flashover d. stack effect

b. leap-frogging

What is dry lightning? a. a lightning strike that does not cause a fire b. lightning strike without rain c. lightning that does not contact the ground d. lightning occurring in otherwise fair weather

b. lightning strike without rain

During salvage operations, rolls of plastic film are particularly useful for protecting _______. a. high-piled stock b. long surfaces c. cabinets/bookshelves d. office equipment

b. long surfaces

Which action should fire fighters perform first before forcing a door? a. gap the door b. look for a glass panel in or adjacent to the door c. sound the surrounding wall d. check for the presence of a dead bolt

b. look for a glass panel in or adjacent to the door

Which knot component is part of a clove hitch? a. round turn b. loop c. bight d. follow-though

b. loop

During short duration incidents, which type of nourishment is ideal for fire fighters to sustain peak performance levels? a. caffeinated soda b. low sugar, high protein sports bars c. equal portions of protein, carbohydrate, and fat d. plan water only

b. low sugar, high protein sports bars

The pipes that deliver water from the treatment facility for distribution are _________. a. trunks b. mains c. distributors d. secondaries

b. mains

Which natural fiber is commonly used to make ropes? a. horse hair b. manila c. coir d. wool

b. manila

Portable monitors, deck guns, and ladder pipes are examples of _______. a. aerial streams b. master stream devices c. handlines d. deluge sets

b. master stream devices

Which term best describes how much risk is acceptable in attempting to save endangered lives? a. none b. measured c. unlimited d. minor

b. measured

Which feature of some carbon dioxide extinguishers makes them dangerous for use on Class C fires? a. steel cylinder b. metal horn c. loaded stream d. external cartridge

b. metal horn

Fire-retardant wood is treated with ________. a. calcium sulfate b. mineral salts c. urea d. aluminum oxide

b. mineral salts

Which type of load is most commonly used for preconnected attack lines? a. horseshoe b. minuteman c. accordion d. skid

b. minuteman

What residue does a CO2 fire extinguisher leave when discharged? a. iron oxide b. none c. carbon d. mineral salt

b. none

What is one of the three types of wooden swinging doors? a. tambour b. panel c. gibb d. stopped

b. panel

Which style of leadership does the fire department use? a. distributed b. paramilitary c. decentralized d. top centralized

b. paramilitary

How can you determine that a dry barrel hydrant is still draining? a. place a hand on the stem nut and feel for vibration b. place a hand over an outlet and feel for suction c. listen carefully for a hissing sound d. look for a continuing trickle from the discharge outlet

b. place a hand over an outlet and feel for suction

What is the correct handling of an amputated body part? a. place it in a basin filled with an ice/saline mixture b. place in a clean plastic bag and keep it cool c. place it in a basin or bag filled with ice d. wrap it in a towel or dressing soaked in sterile water or saline

b. place in a clean plastic bag and keep it cool

Which tool has two retractable blades? a. ceiling hook b. plaster hook c. a tool d. shove knife

b. plaster hook

What is the area between the fingers of a wildland fire? a. joint b. pocket c. island d. peninsula

b. pocket

The location where an ignition source comes into contact with a fuel supply is the _____. a. heel b. point of origin c. ignition point d. incipient point

b. point of origin

For an extinguishing agent to be rated for a particular class of fire, it must ______. a. be effective in portable volumes b. prevent rekindling c. be nontoxic d. be noncorrosive

b. prevent rekindling

Which tool is a hand powered hydraulic spreader tool? a. spanner b. rabbet c. pivot d. kelly

b. rabbet

Which term describes the top or bottom section of a trussed beam? a. block b. rail c. rung d. dog

b. rail

The sole responsibility of a(n) ______ is to provide emergency assistance to crews working inside the hazardous area. a. interior attack b. rapid intervention crew c. buddy system d. rescue group

b. rapid intervention crew

If, during training, you observe an unsafe practice, what should you do? a. Take immediate action to reduce the hazard b. Bring it to the attention of the instructor or designated safety officer c. Stay focused on your own assignment d. Alert the members in closest proximity to the hazard

b. ring it to the attention of the instructor or designed safety officer.

What is the term for the evaluation of an action's potential positive results and its potential negative consequences? a. primary survey b. risk-benefit analysis c. strategic analysis d. size-up

b. risk-benefit analysis

What is correct procedure when cutting a ventilation opening in a roof? a. use preexisting openings only when there is no alternative b. rock the saw over, rather than through, structural supports c. several small holes distributed over the fire are better than one large hole d. return the saw to idle before withdrawing it from a cut

b. rock the saw, rather than through, structural supports

What is the correct procedure when a victim regurgitates during CPR? a. suction the oropharynx between ventilations b. roll the victim on his or her side and clear the vomit c. continue CPR without interruption d. increase the ventilation pressure

b. roll the victim on his or her side and clear the vomit

Which type of ladder is usually carried up another ladder before being put into place? a. attic b. roof c. fresno d. chimney

b. roof

What do the beams of a ladder directly support? a. halyard b. rungs c. roof hooks d. fly

b. rungs

A temporary location that provides refuge while awaiting rescue or finding a method of self-rescue from a hazardous situation is a(n) _______. a. emergency refuge b. safe location c. in-place shelter d. secure room

b. safe location

Which knot is used to prevent the end of a rope from slipping through the primary knot? a. bowline b. safety c. clove hitch d. half hitch

b. safety

What is the term for the main area of the fire? a. heel b. seat c. origin d. body

b. seat

A safety knot is most typically used to ______. a. connect two ropes together b. secure the leftover working end of a rope c. prevent a rope from slipping through a pulley or eye d. form a loop around a stationary object

b. secure the leftover working end of rope

A rapid, weak pulse is most commonly associated with _____. a. respiratory difficulty b. shock c. stroke d. TB

b. shock

The term for a rope that is suddenly put under unusual tension is ______ loading. a. drop b. shock c. impact d. tensile

b. shock

What is the best way to extinguish a class C fire? a. withdraw to a safe distance and let the fire burn itself out b. shut off the power and treat it as a class A or B fire c. use a class C extinguisher d. shut off the fuel flow at a valve

b. shut off the power and treat it as a class A or B fire

Which item is characteristic of a biological agent attack? a. an explosive based dispersal device b. slow onset of symptoms c. pungent odor d. dead or dying animals

b. slow onset of symptoms

Which hazard is of particular concern in a basement fire? a. storage of flammable/hazardous materials b. smoke and heat venting up the stairs toward fire fighters c. excessive property damage from cutting interior vent holes d. an air-tight compartment prone to backdraft

b. smoke and heat venting up the stairs toward fire fighters

Which effect is caused by temperature differences inside and outside a building? a. inversion b. stack effect c. stratification d. lapping

b. stack effect

A standard approach to risk-benefit analysis should be incorporated into an agency's _________. a. mission statement b. standard operating procedures c. incident action plan d. peer counseling

b. standard operating procedures

The goal of _____ is to ensure that all members of an agency perform a given task in a uniform way. a. the manual of operations b. standard operating procedures c. tactical objectives d. policies

b. standard operating procedures

What is an example of indirect medical control? a. phone/radio contact b. standing orders c. combination EMS system d. continuing medical education

b. standing orders

At a suspected terrorist incident, which one of these agencies should be notified first? a. DHS b. state emergency management officials c. FBI d. FEMA

b. state emergency management officials

What is the most basic method for staying oriented inside a low-visibility environment? a. staying in contact with a partner b. staying in contact with the hose line c. use a guide rope d. staying in contact with a wall

b. staying in contact with the hose line

Poles used to stabilize long extension ladders are called _____. a. guy poles b. staypoles c. extension poles d. side poles

b. staypoles

Overextension of the fly section of an extension ladder is prevented by _____. a. locks b. stops c. guides d. pawls

b. stops

Which type of hose coupling does not have male or female ends? a. snap-tite b. storz c. naval d. ramos

b. storz

Which type of hose roll is used to store hose on a storage rack? a. doughnut b. straight c. twin d. flat

b. straight

What is the term for cool, stagnant interior smoke? a. layering b. stratification c. stacking d. inversion

b. stratification

Which type of tool is used to apply an impact force directly on another tool or object? a. lever b. striking c. impact d. swinging

b. striking

When hoisting a ladder, a _____ line should be attached to the bottom of the ladder to help control it as it is hoisted. a. spring b. tag c. guy d. safety

b. tag

Who is responsible for knowing the location of every member of a fire company at all times? a. all personnel b. the company officer c. the accountability officer d. the safety officer

b. the company officer

Which term means the sorting multiple victims to establish priority of care? a. mass casualty assessment b. triage c. prioritization d. classification

b. triage

What is the term for protective measures taken to minimize risk of exposure to communicable disease in the presence of blood or body fluids? a. infection control procedures b. universal precautions c. exposure risk reduction measures d. body substance protection

b. universal precautions

A vehicle fueled by CNG or LPG is fully involved in fire. Which of the following should be used to fight the fire? a. carbon dioxide b. unmanned master stream c. 1 3/4" hose stream d. 2 1/1" hose stream

b. unmanned master stream

What is one of the three primary classifications of rope based on function? a. rigging b. utility c. static d. rescue

b. utility

When is the use of utility rope appropriate? a. when the total load is less than 750 lbs b. when the rope will not be supporting people c. for static loads only d. in situations where the rope will likely be damaged

b. when the rope will not be supporting people

All ladder rescues should be preformed with at least ___ fire fighters whenever possible? a. 3 b. 5 c. 2 d. 4

c. 2

Which type of company is responsible for securing a water source, deploying handlines, and putting water on the fire? a. Pumper b. Initial attack c. Engine d. Truck

c. Engine

An event or outcome that is predicted based on known facts, common sense, and previous experience is a _______. a. Possibility b. Projection c. Probability d. Fact

c. Probability

Which term describes the main area of the fire? a. Body b. Foot C. Seat D. Point of Origin

c. Seat

How is natural gas usually delivered? a. From a large outdoor cylinder or tank b. As a liquefied gas c. Through underground pipes d. In portable cylinders

c. Through underground pipes

What is the best way to cut off electrical service to a structure? a. Pull the meter b. Cut the service drop c. Throw the main switch at the circuit breaker box d. Throw the pole-mounted breaker

c. Throw the main switch at the circuit box

Which federal government agency manages wildland incidents occurring on federal lands? a. Occupational Health and Safety Administration b. US Fire Administration c. US Forest Service f. Federal Emergency Management Agency

c. US Forest Service

Freelancing is considered ______. a. Commendable b. Responsible c. Unacceptable d. Necessary

c. Unacceptable

Which basic management principle says that each fire fighter should answer to only one supervisor? a. Organizational accountability b. Division of labor c. Unity of command d. Span of control

c. Unity of command

Which hose load has the hose up on its edge and laid side-to-side in the hose bed? a. fan-fold b. edge c. accordion d. combination

c. accordion

What is a distinguishing feature of the oriented search method? a. room access is through an exterior opening b. contact with a wall is maintained at all times c. an officer stays at the door during a room search d. a diagonal slash

c. an officer stays at the door during a room search

When charging a supply line at a hydrant, the fire fighter should ______. a. check that the hydrant strap is secure b. fully open the stem and then back it off one full turn c. avoid standing between the hose line and the hydrant d. place the hose clamp before opening the hydrant

c. avoid standing between the hose line and the hydrant

What is the sudden, explosive ignition of fire gases that occurs when oxygen is introduced into a superheated space? a. mushrooming b. rollover c. backdraft d. flashover

c. backdraft

The majority of ground cover fires are extinguished with which item? a. backfire b. aircraft c. backpack pump d. CAFS

c. backpack pump

In which construction type are there uninterrupted channels in the walls from the foundation to the attic? a. lightweight truss b. heavy timber c. balloon frame d. unreinforced masonry

c. balloon frame

What is another term for a sheet bend? a. round turn b. water knot c. becket bend d. lark's foot

c. becket bend

Which knot is typically used to tie together two ropes of unequal size? a. bowline b. square c. becket bend d. half hitch

c. becket bend

What is the term for high-volume, high velocity, turbulent, ultra dense black smoke? a. laminar fire b. endothermic fire c. black fire d. turbulent fire

c. black fire

Which method of construction is required for life safety rope? a. woven b. plaited c. block creel d. solid braid

c. block creel

Which wrench has a closed end and is used to tighten nuts and bolts? a. adjustable b. spanner c. box-end d. pipe

c. box-end

After rescuers have checked and corrected a victim's airway, what should they check and correct next? a. circulation b. level of consciousness c. breathing d. bleeding

c. breathing

Ladder placement, use of aerial or ground ladders, and emergency exit routes all depend on ________. a. Occupancy load b. Time of day c. Building layout d. Built-in suppression systems

c. building layout

What is a ladder I-beam usually made of? a. wood b. alloy c. fiberglass d. truss blocks

c. fiberglass

What is the primary fire hazard associated with ordinary construction? a. difficulty in ventilating the structure b. high fire loading c. fire extension through concealed spaces d. heat-related failure of steel trusses

c. fire extension through concealed spaces

What is the body's primary source of energy? a. electrolytes b. protein c. glucose d. insulin

c. glucose

Which of the following is a component of the wildland fire triangle? a. fuel moisture b. wind c. heat d. humidity

c. heat

A bangor ladder ______. a. is a single section ladder at least 20 ft long b. has a single beam c. is equipped with staypoles d. is also known as Pompier ladder

c. is equipped with staypoles

In a jacketed fire hose, which function does the outer jacket serve? a. it reduces friction loss b. it resists kinking c. it adds strength that allows the hose to withstand water pressure d. it is the waterproof layer of the hose

c. it adds strength that allows the hose to withstand water pressure

What is one of the 10 standard wildland firefighting orders? a. avoid downhill fire line construction b. establish & maintain chain of command & span of control c. keep informed on weather conditions and forecasts d. beware of unburned fuel between you and the fire

c. keep informed on weather conditions and forecasts

If a private residence has a single fire extinguisher, where should it be located? a. near the bedrooms b. laundry area c. kitchen d. garage

c. kitchen

An elevated master stream device mounted at the tip of an aerial ladder is a _________. a. rung gun b. snorkel c. ladder pipe d. dry chemical

c. ladder pipe

When referring to hose, what does the "L" stand for "LDH"? a. light b. low c. large d. limited

c. large

What is a characteristic of fine fuels? a. resistance to rapid changes in fuel moisture b. difficulty in extinguishing them c. large surface area relative to volume d. long burn duration

c. large surface area relative to volume

Which part of a door lock catches and holds the door frame? a. striker b. shackle c. latch d. mortise

c. latch

How much risk to fire fighters is acceptable in attempting to save valuable property? a. none b. unlimited c. limited d. significant

c. limited

What is the normal state of a nerve agent? a. gas b. powder c. liquid d. it varies with the specific agent

c. liquid

What is a component of the three part method of assessing the adequacy of breathing? a. open b. shake c. listen d. count

c. listen

Which term means the weight of a building's content? a. tare weight b. gross building weight c. live load d. dead load

c. live load

Which piece of equipment should be used whenever possible during an emergency drag from a vehicle? a. webbing b. blanket c. long backboard d. short backboard

c. long backboard

Which statement about masonry materials is correct? a. masonry materials have high thermal conductivity b. masonry materials are susceptible to pyrolysis c. masonry materials are fire resistive d. masonry materials expand significantly when heated

c. masonry materials are fire resistive

Which type of hose ranges in size from 2 1/2" (65 mm) to 3" (75mm) in diameter? a. master b. supply c. medium d. large

c. medium

What should be used to clean fire hoses? a. Class A foam b. a dilute bleach solution c. mild detergent d. TSP (trisodium phosphate)

c. mild detergent

Which attack line load is particularly useful when the line must be advanced up a stairway? a. wyed lines b. skid c. minuteman d. triple layer

c. minuteman

Which of the following is exclusively a paramedic-level skill? a. moving trauma victims b. automated defibrillation c. monitoring heart rhythms d. treating shock

c. monitoring heart rhythms

How often should ground ladders be visually inspected? a. annually b. biannually c. monthly d. quarterly

c. monthly

When water is converted to steam, it occupies _____ space. a. somewhat less b. somewhat more c. much more d. about the same

c. much more

The realistic duration of an SCBA air supply is _____ than the rated duration. a. about the same b. somewhat longer c. much shorter d. somewhat shorter

c. much shorter

What is one of the three categories of wildland fire causes? a. proximal b. electrical c. natural d. mechanical

c. natural

Which component of the fire triangle is in greatest abundance in a wildland fire? a. heat b. fuel c. oxygen d. reducing agent

c. oxygen

A freestanding wall that extends above the roofline is a ____ wall. a. pony b. sleeper c. parapet d. curtain

c. parapet

Which fuel produces large quantities of black, rolling smoke that rises in a vertical column? a. vegetation b. wood c. petroleum products d. textiles

c. petroleum products

What is one of the two primary methods of direct attack on a wildland fire? a. aerial b. backfire c. pincer d. frontal

c. pincer

Which is a common symptom of nerve agent exposure? a. rapid pulse b. rash c. pinpoint pupils d. dry mouth

c. pinpoint pupils

When lifting a ladder from the ground into the carrying position during the three-fire-fighter flat shoulder carry, all three fire fighters should ______. a. move their hands from the beam to the rung b. step toward the butt c. pivot during the lift d. move to the same side

c. pivot during the lift

Which cancer causing material do transformers contain? a. polyphenyl chlorinates b. polychlorinated vinyls c. polychlorinated biphenyls d. biphenyl chlorinates

c. polychlorinated biphenyls

What are smoke, heat, and toxic gases called collectively? a. fire gases b. black fire c. products of combustion d. smoke

c. products of combustion

What is the main component in tissue growth and repair? a. unsaturated fats b. lipids c. protein d. carbohydrates

c. protein

What is another term for written medical standing orders? a. algorithms b. policies c. protocols d. procedures

c. protocols

Which position serves as a liaison between the incident commander and the news media? a. planning section chief b. agency representative c. public information officer d. liaison officer

c. public information officer

What is the color code for a hydrant flowing less than 500 gpm (1890 lpm)? a. orange b. white c. red d. yellow

c. red

What is a function of a hose liner? a. resist mechanical damage b. protect against thermal damage c. reduce friction loss d. withstand water pressure

c. reduce friction loss

What is the primary goal of rehabilitation? a. replacement of SCBA cylinders b. minimizing exposure to critical incident stress c. restoring normal body temperature d. reinforcing team integrity

c. restoring normal body temperature

Weighing the potential danger to fire fighters against the potential for saving a life is called _______. a. life-safety analysis b. primary survey c. risk-benefit analysis d. triage

c. risk-benefit analysis

What are electrolytes? a. specialized tissues that conduct nerve impulses b. compounds that provide energy for physical exertion c. salts and other chemicals dissolved in body fluids d. nutrients required for body temperature regulation

c. salts and other chemicals dissolved in body fluids

What is the first priority following an explosion? a. incident stabilization b. victim rescue c. scene safety d. preservation of evidence

c. scene safety

A Roberts head is a type of _______. a. cylinder head b. axe head c. screwdriver d. maul

c. screwdriver

Which tool is classified as a rotating tool? a. halligan b. pike pole c. screwdriver d. pry bar

c. screwdriver

What is another term for gypsum board? a. paneling b. chalkboard c. sheetrock d. cement board

c. sheetrock

Which tool is most commonly used for debris removal? a. hux b. pike pole c. shovel d. pulaski

c. shovel

The number of people whom one person can supervise effectively is known as _______. a. division of labor b. functional supervision c. span of control d. chain of command

c. span of control

Couplings are tightened and loosened with a _____ wrench. a. hose b. hydrant c. spanner d. lug

c. spanner

Who usually performs fire cause investigation? a. the chief fire official b. the incident commander c. specially trained fire personnel d. law enforcement personnel

c. specially trained fire personnel

Specific information on the actions to be taken to accomplish a certain task is provided by _____. a. policies b. rules and regulations c. standard operating procedures d. incident action plans

c. standard operating procedures

Specific information on the actions to be taken to accomplish a certain task is provided by _______. a. Policies b. Rules and regulations c. Standard operating procedures d. Incident action plans

c. standard operating procedures

A rope with minimal stretch under load is ______. a. pliant b. dynamic c. static d. fixed

c. static

What is the term for the large discharge opening on a fire hydrant? a. main b. deluge c. steamer d. primary

c. steamer

What does a CMU contain? a. thermal expansion joints b. void space c. steel reinforcing rods d. I-bars

c. steel reinforcing rods

Which statement about structural steel is correct? a. structural steel maintains its shape when exposed to high temperatures b. structural steel is susceptible to fatigue c. structural steel is very strong under both tension and compression d. temperatures commonly produced in fires exceed structural steel's melting point

c. structural steel is very strong under both tension and compression

Ideally, when forcible entry is used, what should fire fighters do before leaving the scene? a. make the occupant aware of the unsecured openings b. bring the matter to the attention of the LE personnel c. take steps to secure the building d. photograph and document the damage

c. take steps to secure the building

Which term means that a fire company arrives together, works together, and leaves together? a. personnel accountability b. unity of command c. team integrity d. span of control

c. team integrity

It is permissible to remove SCBA during salvage operations after _______. a. all remaining fire has been extinguished b. the area is clear of smoke c. the atmosphere has been tested and found safe d. the fire is extinguished

c. the atmosphere has been tested and found safe

Which of the following must occur before self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is removed? a. A personnel accountability report has been performed b. All remaining fire has been extinguished c. The atmosphere has been tested and found safe d. Salvage efforts are complete

c. the atmosphere has been tested and found safe

Who should accompany a fire fighter sent to the rehabilitation area? a. an EMT b. No one; the affected fire fighter should go to rehab alone c. The entire crew d. One member of his or her crew

c. the entire crew

What must be done prior to making forcible entry into a fire building? a. utilities must be controlled b. an "all clear" must be declared c. the fire attack team must be ready d. ventilation must be established

c. the fire attack team must be ready

Which situation is indicated when you open a door and the smoke thins, but the smoke still fills the doors? a. the fire has ventilated through another opening b. there is a slow-moving, low-intensity fire c. the fire is below the level of the door d. the fire has reached thermal equilibrium

c. the fire is below the level of the door

What is the correct procedure during a clockwise room search? a. the crew turns right at the entry point b. the left hand sweeps the middle of the room c. the left hand maintains contact with the wall d. the crew turns left at each corner

c. the left hand maintains contact with the wall

Which part of the body does bubonic plague attack? a. the liver kidney b. the brain c. the lymph nodes d. the immune system

c. the lymph nodes

When using the clothes drag, what supports the victim's head? a. the victim's clothing b. a backboard or cervical collar c. the rescuer's arms d. the hands of the rescuer at the patient's head

c. the rescuer's arms

What is the maximum reach for a 28ft (8.5 m) ladder? a. the second story window sill only b. the third story c. the second story roof d. the second story windows with two rungs inside

c. the second story roof

For whom should fire fighters consider that they work? a. their team b. their supervisors c. the tax-paying citizens d. themselves

c. the tax-paying citizens

How should an unconscious child be carried down a ladder? a. the victim placed over the rescuer's shoulder, one arm holding the knees against the rescuer's chest b. the victim supported at the crotch and chest by the rescuer's arm c. the victim cradled across the rescuer's arms d. the rescuer's arms under the victim's arms, the victim crotch on the rescuer's knee

c. the victim cradled across the rescuer's arms

Which statement about the numerical rating of a class K extinguisher is correct? a. the numerical rating indicates the relative extinguishing power of the agent b. a numerical rating is required for commercial hood systems c. there is no numerical rating for a class K extinguisher d. the numerical rating indicates the relative duration of the agent

c. there is no numerical rating for a class K extinguisher

Why should ground ladders that are unused be cleaned periodically? a. to prevent oxidation b. to keep step and grab surfaces tacky c. to remove accumulated road grime d. to prevent halyard deterioration

c. to remove accumulated road grime

What is the term for the natural and human-made features of land? a. geology b. cartography c. topography d. geography

c. topography

Which function do red blood cells perform? a. provide energy for metabolism b. form clots c. transport oxygen d. fight infection

c. transport oxygen

How are jalousie windows normally opened and closed? a. pulling the chain attached to the drum b. sliding the sash within the frame c. turning a small hand-crank d. using a remote operated electric motor

c. turning a small hand-crank

Which motion best accomplishes the removal of the pin and tamper seal from a portable fire extinguisher? a. push, then pull b. side to side motion c. twisting motion d. a strong pull directly outward

c. twisting motion

Which of the following is an acceptable method for a company officer to verify the status of a company member? a. oral b. auditory c. visual d. radio

c. visual

Under actual firefighting conditions, an SCBA cylinder rated for 45 minutes can be realistically expected to last approximately _____ minutes. a. 10 b. 40 c. 30 d. 20

d. 20

Fats should account for approximately ____ of calories in a balanced diet. a. 40 to 50 percent b. 10 to 15 percent c. 55 to 65 percent d. 25 to 30 percent

d. 25 to 30 percent

In general, what volume does a 2 1/2" (64 mm) handline flow? a. 200 gpm b. 300 gpm c. 175 gpl d. 250 gpm

d. 250 gpm

Commonly used master stream devices flow _______. a. 500 to 1200 gpm b. 500 to 2000 gpm c. 350 to 2500 gpm d. 350 to 1500 gpm

d. 350 to 1500 gpm

Fire fighters should spend a minimum of ____ minutes per day in physical fitness training. a. 30 b. 15 c. 45 d. 60

d. 60

Generally speaking, a 1 1/2" (38-mm) attack hose can flow_______. a. 50 to 100 gpm b. 120 to 180 gpm c. 75 to 150 gpm d. 60 to 125 gpm

d. 60 to 125 gpm

Approximately ____ percent of fire fighters in the United States are volunteers. a. 34 b. 46 c. 55 d. 73

d. 73

Approximately how many anthrax spores are needed to cause an anthrax infection? a. 10 to 100 b. 100,000 to 500,000 c. 300 to 1,000 d. 8,000 to 10,000

d. 8,000 to 10,000

How much does water weigh? a. 10.5 lb per gallon b. 12.2 lb per gallon c. 7.5 lb per gallon d. 8.3 lb per gallon

d. 8.3 lb per gallon

Which class of fire includes flammable and combustible liquids? a. A b. C c. D d. B

d. B

What does smoke puffing in and out of a structure indicate? a. Imminent flashover b. Impending structural collapse c. Growth-phase fire d. Backdraft conditions

d. Backdraft conditions

Which acronym refers to required ongoing education for EMS providers? a. ROE b. OME c. CEU d. CME

d. CME

What does the "D" stand for "CAD"? a. Department b. Disaster c. Decision d. Dispatch

d. Dispatch

What is a danger to consider when attacking a Class C fire? a. Permeation of PPE b. Flashover c. Backdraft d. Electrical injury

d. Electrical injury

Who developed the first fire hydrant? a. Ben Franklin b. John Lofton c. Hans Hautsch d. George Smith

d. George Smith

Which of the following is a blister agent? a. Soman b. Chlorine c. Pralidoxime d. Lewisite

d. Lewisite

What is the second step in the five-step process of receiving and dispatching emergency calls? a. Confirmation b. Classification/prioritization c. Caller interrogation d. Location validation

d. Location Validation (1. Call receipt 2. Location validation 3. Classification & prioritization 4. Unit selection 5. Dispatch)

Which tool is a combination of hoe and rake? a. forestry hoe b. combination c. Pulaski d. McLeod

d. McLeod

Which national organization writes codes and standards for fire protection? a. FEMA b. OSHA c. USFA d. NFPA


How much risk should fire fighters take to attempt to recover a victim who has no chance of surviving? a. A little b. A lot c. Unlimited d. None

d. None

Following notification of an emergency response, when should fire fighters don personal protective equipment (PPE)? a. After the first arriving unit gives its report on conditions b. Upon dismounting the apparatus at the scene c. While on the apparatus, en route to the call d. Prior to mounting the apparatus

d. Prior to mounting the apparatus

Which tool combines an axe with an adze? a. council rake b. McLeod c. Brush hook d. Pulaski

d. Pulaski

What is the process called when a material decomposes upon being exposed to heat in the absence of oxygen? a. Electrolysis b. Oxidation c. Vaporization d. Pyrolysis

d. Pyrolysis

What does the "R" stand for in "PAR"? a. Roster b. Resource c. Rescue d. Report

d. Report

Which technique should be used when fire fighters must search a large area such as a warehouse? a. Officer-led search b. Oriented search c. Teams of two d. Search ropes

d. Search ropes

What is the requirement for structural firefighting boots? a. Pull-on design b. Rubber upper c. Zipper closure d. Slip-resistant sole

d. Slip-resistant sole

Which of the following agents is the most contagious? a. Plague b. Ricin c. Anthrax d. Smallpox

d. Smallpox

What is the term for communications center dispatchers? a. Public afety answering technicians b. 911 receptionists c. Signals technicians d. Telecommunicators

d. Telecommunicators

Which situation is indicated when you open a door and the smoke exits through the top half of the door and clean air enters through the bottom half? a. Nonsurvivable conditions for occupants b. An under-ventilated fire c. Disturbance of thermal layering d. The fire is on the same level as the door

d. The fire is on the same level as the door

Which part of the structural firefighting PPE ensemble is designed to protect the neck and ears? a. The coat collar b. the bib c. The SCBA mask d. The protective hood

d. The protective hood

Which technology is commonly used to find hidden fire? a. Photo ionization detector b. Flame ionization detector c. Infrared sonography d. Thermal imaging device

d. Thermal imaging device

Keeping EMS providers updated on changes in the field is the function of ______. a. the national registry process b. continuing medical education classes c. treatment protocols and procedures d. a continuous quality improvement program

d. a continuous quality improvement program

In the context or fire fighter survival, what is a safe location? a. any safe haven or building used for sheltering in place b. any location outside the threatened area c. a temporary staging area immediately adjacent to the hazard zone d. a location that is less hazardous than the alternatives

d. a location that is less hazardous than the alternatives

How does the use of a pressure point control bleeding? a. clotting factors are held in place b. a nerve is tricked into constricting an artery c. a fluid dam is created in the soft tissue d. a major blood vessel is compressed against a bone

d. a major blood vessel is compressed against a bone

The board to which fire fighter personnel accountability tags are attached is commonly referred to as _______. a. the roster b. the roll c. the hall pass d. a passport

d. a passport

A K tool is used in combination with _______. a. vise grips b. a strap wrench c. a pick head axe d. a pry bar

d. a pry bar

Which statement about straight streams is correct? a. a straight stream is the same as a solid stream b. a straight stream resists breakup better than solid stream c. a straight stream is discharged from a smooth-bore nozzle d. a straight stream is discharged from an adjustable fog nozzle

d. a straight stream is discharged from an adjustable fog nozzle

An endothermic reaction is one that _______. a. requires catalyst b. releases energy c. occurs in the absence of oxygen d. absorbs heat

d. absorbs heat

Which means of victim removal should be avoided if possible? a. fire escape b. aerial tower c. stairway d. aerial ladder

d. aerial ladder

When is a secondary search performed? a. immediately upon completion of the primary search b. simultaneously with the primary search c. as soon as personnel become available d. after the fire is under control or fully extinguished

d. after the fire is under control for fully extinguished

Why do compact fuels burn slowly? a. they retain moisture b. they are less continuous c. they have less surface area d. air cannot circulate as freely

d. air cannot circulate as freely

Before raising an extension ladder, you should check to make sure the _____. a. halyard is secure b. foot is heeled c. dogs are locked d. area is clear of overhead obstructions

d. area is clear of overhead obstructions

Upon arrival at a fire, how can on-call volunteer fire fighters establish team integrity? a. establish a personnel accountability system b. establish a staging area c. operate to best tactical advantage d. assemble into companies

d. assemble into companies

When rescuing a downed fire fighter, what is the first step once the fire fighter is reached? a. attach the downed fire fighter to the RIC-universal air connection b. check the downed fire fighter's air supply c. package the downed fire fighter for removal d. assess the downed fire fighter's condition

d. assess the downed fire fighter's condition

Where should a search rope be anchored? a. to each rescuer b. to a hauling system c. to a second exit d. at the entry point

d. at the entry point

The first portable light should be set up _____. a. as close as possible to the seat of the fire b. on the "C" side of the structure c. on the "A" side of the structure d. at the entry point into the structure

d. at the entry point into the structure

What is the term for a small opening in which a prying tool can be inserted? a. purchase b. anchor c. maw d. bite

d. bite

Which technique is used to assist a conscious infant with a severe airway obstruction? a. check thrusts b. back slaps c. abdominal thrusts d. both back slaps and chest thrusts

d. both back slaps and chest thrusts

How does a doughnut hose roll differ from a straight hose roll? a. the female coupling is on the outside b. both couplings are in the middle c. the two couplings are connected d. both couplings are on the outside

d. both couplings are on the outside

For infant CPR, which pulse is checked? a. pedal b. radial c. carotid d. brachial

d. brachial

A school is which type of terrorist target? a. symbolic b. ecoterrorism c. infrastructure d. civilian

d. civilian

Which emotional problem accounts for 20 percent of violent attacks? a. autism b. hyperactivity c. attachment disorder d. depression

d. depression

What is the shape of an NFPA 704 placard? a. triangle b. square c. circle d. diamond

d. diamond

What is a disadvantage of fire resistive construction? a. non fire-resistive structural members b. the lack of built-in fire protection systems c. susceptibility to water change d. difficulty in ventilating the structure

d. difficulty in ventilating the structure

The amount of rest needed to recover from physical exertion is _______ related to the intensity of the work performed. a. not b. inversely c. somewhat d. directly

d. directly

What occurs when air is forced into the stomach instead of the lungs during rescue breathing? a. cardiac tamponade b. subcutaneous emphysema c. aspiration pneumonia d. gastric distention

d. gastric distention

What is an advantage of a fog-stream nozzle? a. less disruption of thermal layering b. lower operating pressure c. longer stream reach d. greater heat absorption per gallon discharged

d. greater heat absorption per gallon discharged

Before climbing a ladder, fire fighters should make sure it is _____. a. chocked b. blocked c. unoccupied d. heeled

d. heeled

When lives can be saved, how much risk is justified in trying to save them? a. moderate b. minimal c. unlimited d. high

d. high

Which benefit is most likely to result from properly performed ventilation? a. protection of exterior exposures b. prevention of fire extension to uninvolved areas c. reduced fire intensity d. improved conditions within the structure

d. improved conditions within the structure

What is the preferred type of rope for rescue operations? a. twisted b. braided c. plaited d. kernmantle

d. kernmantle

A fire fighter will most typically report directly to a person of which rank? a. unit leader b. battalion chief c. section chief d. lieutenant

d. lieutenant

What is the main purpose of the secondary search? a. remove remaining occupants b. double-check the primary search area c. find evidence of cause and origin d. locate deceased victims

d. locate deceased victims

What is an advantage of a smooth-bore nozzle? a. creation of more air turbulence b. operation at a higher nozzle pressure c. greater heat absorption per gallon discharged d. longer stream reach

d. longer stream reach

What is formed by making a circle in a rope? a. bight b. snub c. coil d. loop

d. loop

Ropes should be cleaned with ______. a. water only b. a mild bleach solution c. castile soap d. mild detergent

d. mild detergent

For which preconnected hose load does the fire fighter shoulder part of the load, with hose paying off the top of that load as the fire fighter advances? a. forestry b. triple layer c. skid d. minuteman

d. minuteman

For which application is dynamic rope especially well suited? a. hoisting b. rescue c. static loads d. mountaineering

d. mountaineering

Which statement about natural fiber ropes is correct? a. natural fiber ropes absorb less water than synthetic ropes b. natural fiber ropes are no longer approved for fire service use c. some natural fiber ropes are approved for life-safety use d. natural fiber ropes deteriorate even if stored properly

d. natural fiber ropes deteriorate even if stored properly

With which group would discussion of confidential patient information be acceptable? a. friends and neighbors of the patient b. other EMS or fire personnel not involved in patient care c. EMS crews from another shift d. none of the above

d. none of the above

Pressure in a water distribution system during average consumption is ______ pressure. a. residual b. static c. mean d. normal operating

d. normal operating

Which statement about hazard recognition is correct? a. the most obvious hazards tend to pose the least danger b. hazards decrease as the duration of the incident increases c. hazards tend to be the same regardless of the nature of the incident d. not all hazardous conditions are evident through observation

d. not all hazardous conditions are evident through observation

A class C agent must _______. a. be safe for use in an enclosed area b. be compatible with foam c. resist freezing d. not conduct electricity

d. not conduct electricity

Which firefighting attack, if successful, will result in the least amount of property damage? a. defensive b. combination c. indirect d. offensive

d. offensive

What is the easiest, quickest way to ventilate interior spaces in a building? a. use natural ventilation through windows b. use the building HVAC system c. create a vertical opening d. open interior doors

d. open interior doors

When water is motionless, which kind of energy does it have? a. static b. residual c. kinetic d. potential

d. potential

What is the best source of information for identifying building layout, stairways, and exits? a. occupant description b. initial entry crews c. 360 degree survey d. pre-incident plan

d. pre-incident plan

Which term means the amount of energy in a body or stream of water? a. flow b. volume c. watts d. pressure

d. pressure

CPR should be withheld in which situation? a. long-standing progressive disease process b. penetrating trauma to the head c. unwitnessed arrest d. rigor mortis

d. rigor mortis

Which tool is commonly used to provide a secure work platform for the fire fighters working on pitched roof? a. pike pole b. safety rope c. halligan d. roof ladder

d. roof ladder

Which phase of a fire ground operation involves the observation and evaluation of factors used to determine the strategy and tactics to be employed? a. evaluation b. initial assessment c. investigation d. size-up

d. size-up

Which type of glass is normally used in automobile side and rear windows? a. annealed b. laminated c. polycarbonated d. tempered

d. tempered

A fire department communication center functions most like a(n) _________. a. Freeway interchange b. Brain c. Internet search engine d. Coach

B. Brain

What is the correct procedure for deploying a triple-layer load preconnect? a. place the nozzle and the top fold over the shoulder and walk away from the apparatus b. clear the hose from the bed by pulling the loop on the lowest tier c. once the load has cleared the bed, drag the three layers to the point of attack d. shoulder the top two layers, with the bottom layer paying off from the bed

a. place the nozzle and the top fold over the shoulder and walk away from the apparatus

Which fiber is commonly used in water rescue rope? a. polypropylene b. spectra c. olefin d. polyester

a. polypropylene

The use of a fan to blow clean air into a structure and force fire gases out is known as ______ ventilation. a. positive pressure b. mechanical c. ejection d. horizontal

a. positive pressure

What is the first step in making plans to manage an emergency incident? a. Perform size-up b. Establish command c. Transmit/receive the initial report d. Establish personnel accountability

a. preform size-up

What is indicated by a fire that flares up when water is applied to it? a. presence of an ignitable liquid b. use of trailers c. structural alterations d. an incendiary device

a. presence of an ignitable liquid

Where do most structure fires occur? a. residences b. light industrial c. office/retail d. manufacturing

a. residences

The pressure remaining in a water distribution system when water is flowing is the _____ pressure. a. residual b. flow c. operating d. static

a. residual

What does the "R" stand for in "LUNAR"? a. resources needed b. region (location) c. rescue required d. roll call

a. resources needed

Which ladder is carried with the tip forward? a. roof b. extension c. straight d. attic

a. roof

When making louver cuts, what is used as a fulcrum to make the louvered openings? a. roof support b. decking c. purlin d. ridge pole

a. roof support

What is formed by making a loop in a rope and then bringing the two ends of the rope parallel to each other? a. round turn b. bend c. eye d. cinch

a. round turn

What is the correct tool to tighten a hard suction hose connection? a. rubber mallet b. spanner c. hose wrench d. strap wrench

a. rubber mallet

Which part of the ladder directly bears the weight of the person climbing it? a. rung b. spur c. tie rod d. truss block

a. rung

Which part of a rope is used for hoisting? a. running end b. working end c. free end d. standing end

a. running end

The purpose of the hooks of a roof ladder is to ____. a. secure the tip of the ladder to the peak of a pitched roof b. provide safe attachment points for the fire fighters working on the ladder c. prevent the butt of the ladder from slipping or shifting d. grip the eave of the roof to keep the ladder from slipping

a. secure the tip of the ladder to the peak of a pitched roof

Which is the least common case of residential fire? a. smoking b. intentional c. heating equipment d. cooking

a. smoking

Which action is correct for a fire in a building that is known to be abandoned and unoccupied? a. stay outside and fight the fire from the exterior b. operate as you would for any building with similar fire conditions c. take a hose line inside, perform a primary survey, and extinguish the fire if conditions permit d. enter the building, perform a primary search, and then get out

a. stay outside and fight the fire from the exterior

What is a common use for a wooden wedge during overhaul? a. stopping the flow of water from a sprinkler head b. plugging a gas leak c. pulling a meter d. shoring unstable objects

a. stopping the flow of water from a sprinkler head

Safety begins with _______. a. taking personal responsibility b. developing good habits c. leadership by example d. realistic training

a. taking personal responsibility

How are tasks assigned on the fire ground? a. tasks are assigned to and performed by intact companies b. individuals are assigned tasks individually c. individuals are assigned tasks singly by the company officer d. resources are pooled and deployed according to task

a. tasks are assigned to and performed by intact companies

A fire fighter with specialized knowledge and training for high angle rescue, structural collapse, trench rescue, confined-space, and similar operations is a _______. a. technical rescue technician b. special operations technician c. search and rescue technician d. Fire Fighter II

a. technical rescue technician

PPE has the greatest effect on which body function? a. temperature regulation b. respiration c. perfusion d. cellular metabolism

a. temperature regulation

Which type of glass is used in most sliding doors? a. tempered b. laminated c. annealed d. polycarbonate

a. tempered

If one member of a company needs rehabilitation, who goes to the rehabilitation area? a. the entire company b. all members who need it c. that member only d. the member and his or her assigned buddy

a. the entire company

What is the correct procedure for the triple-layer load? a. the entire load must be on the ground before the nozzle can be advanced b. each layer should be a single length of hose c. half the load is shouldered and the other half pays off from the ground d. the nozzle is attached to the bottom layer

a. the entire load must be on the ground before the nozzle can be advanced

For which situation is the three-fire-fighter flat shoulder ladder carry best suited? a. the ladder must be carried over short obstacles b. there are overhead obstructions c. the ladder must be maneuvered around sharp corners d. the ladder will be raised in a narrow space

a. the ladder must be carried over short obstacles

What is the most likely consequence if the butt of a ladder is placed too close to the side of the building? a. the ladder will have reduced weight capacity b. the butt will kick out from the wall c. the ladder will be more prone to tipping sideways d. the tip will pull away from the wall

a. the ladder will have reduced weight capacity

When ventilating the basement, where is the preferred location to ventilate? a. the point farthest away from the entrance used by the fire attack crew b. any preexisting opening c. the most accessible location d. the stairway from the upper level

a. the point farthest away from the entrance used by the fire attack crew

Which statement about vent-entry-search is correct? a. the process puts the searcher between the fire and a ventilation opening b. vent-entry-search is practical only for single-story buildings c. searchers enter and exit the search room through an interior door d. the process begins prior to fire attack

a. the process puts the searcher between the fire and ventilation opening

What is a disadvantage of positive-pressure fans? a. they can spread heat and smoke if used improperly b. they impede entry and exit of personnel c. favorable wind conditions are required for their use d. correct placement can be time consuming

a. they can spread heat and smoke if used improperly

What is limitation of backpack water vacuums? a. they cannot be worn with SCBA b. they cannot be used with dirty water c. lift is limited to approximately 3 ft d. they must be used in a well-ventilated area

a. they cannot be worn with SCBA

A problem with using doorways as ventilation openings is that ______. a. this technique compromises personnel entry & exit b. it is more difficult to control the ventilation process c. the large opening can admit too much air d. this technique tends to produce churning

a. this technique compromises personnel entry & exit

Rotating tools are used to assemble parts that are connected by which means? a. threaded fasteners b. welds c. nails d. rivets

a. threaded fasteners

What is the very top of a ladder called? a. tip b. claw c. top plate d. fly

a. tip

Why is it necessary to limit the lowest stream angle of a portable monitor? a. to prevent instability of the monitor b. to reduce stress on the supply lines c. to ensure the safety of crews and equipment operating nearby d. to minimize flooding around the monitor

a. to prevent instability of the monitor

What is the medical term for windpipe? a. trachea b. epiglottis c. larynx d. esophagus

a. trachea

What is the purpose of a personnel accountability system? a. Track personnel and assignments on the emergency scene b. Prevent freelancing c. Brief newly arriving crews on the situation status d. Ensure completion of tasks delegated to fire fighters

a. track personnel and assignments on the emergency scene

Combustible materials positioned to spread fire are known as ______. a. trailer b. propagants c. incendiary devices d. accelerants

a. trailer

What is a function of the circulatory system? a. transport carbon dioxide to the lungs b. absorb carbon dioxide from the alveoli c. absorb oxygen from body tissues d. transport oxygenated blood to the lungs

a. transport carbon dioxide to the lungs

What does the Golden Rule mean when applied to the fire service? a. treat everyone else as if they were a member of your family b. stay humble and teachable; and willing to teach others c. honor the job by working hard and doing your best d. working as a team is essential to success

a. treat everyone else as if they were a member of your family

What is the best perspective to maintain when treating a patient? a. treat the patient as you would want to be treated if you were in his or her position b. your obligation to the community comes before your obligation to the patient c. you must accept that there are some situations where you will be powerless to help d. your duty is to what is right for the patient regardless of any objection on that person's part

a. treat the patient as you would want to be treated if you were in his or her position

Which construction assembly is the most susceptible to total failure resulting from the failure of a single component? a. truss b. bearing wall c. cantilever d. roof panel

a. truss

Which of the following is another term for deck gun? a. turret pipe b. deluge set c. playpipe d. monitor

a. turret pipe

How are the fire fighters arranged in the three-fire-fighter flat ladder carry? a. two on one side, one on the other b. all three on the same side of the ladder c. two at the butt, one at the tip d. two at the tip, one at the butt

a. two on one side, one on the other

At a minimum, a dispatch message should include which item of information? a. Type of emergency b. Location of the reporting party c. Assigned tactical radio frequency d. Level of severity

a. type of emergency

Prolonged exposure to ______ light can damage synthetic ropes? a. ultraviolet b. infrared c. spectral d. polarized

a. ultraviolet

When using a standpipe connection in a stairwell, how should the hose be arranged? a. up the stairwell toward the floor above the fire b. in large coils on the landing nearest the fire floor c. back and fourth on the landing d. down the stairwell toward the floor below the fire floor

a. up the stairwell toward the floor above the fire

A personnel accountability report is commonly performed in which situation? a. upon occurrence of a significant event b. upon activation of a low-air alarm c. upon entry of a company into the hazardous area d. as each resource checks in to the command post

a. upon occurrence of a significant event

What is the fastest way for a mobile water supply apparatus to offload water into a portable tank? a. use the dump valve b. connect to the drafting pumper c. use large-diameter hose d. engage the tender's auxiliary pump

a. use the dump valve

What is the most commonly used extinguishing agent for Class A fires? a. water b. ammonium phosphate c. dry chemical d. potassium bircarbonate

a. water

Where should a fire fighter stand when breaking windows? a. windward side of the window with the hands above the break b. leeward side of the window with the hands below the break c. leeward side of the window with the hands about the break d. windward side of the window with the hands below the break

a. windward side of the window with the hands above the break

What is the vapor density of air? a. 14.7 b. 1.0 c. 0.0 d. 29.9

b. 1.o

What is the floor-to-floor height of a commercial structure? a. 9-10 ft b. 10-12 ft c. 12-14 ft d. 8-9 ft

b. 10-12 ft

An Emergency Medical Technician training course is a minimum of ____ hours. a. 80 b. 110 c. 60 d. 150

b. 110

What is the voltage of the electrical system on most conventional vehicles? a. 24 volts b. 12 volts c. 36 volts d. 6 volts

b. 12 volts

Health and safety programs for the fire fighters are the subject of NFPA _____. a. 1001 b. 1500 c. 1901 d. 1021

b. 1500

Medical requirements for fire fighter are specified in which NFPA standard? a. 904 b. 1582 c. 1962 d. 1002

b. 1582

Medical requirements for fire fighters are specified in which NFPA standard? a. 1002 b. 1582 c. 1962 d. 904

b. 1582

Which NFPA standard sets the minimum performance standards for aerial ladders and elevating platforms? a. 1450 b. 1901 c. 1932 d. 1724

b. 1901

Which OSHA standard mandates the use of backup teams at incidents where operations are conducted in an IDLH atmosphere? a. 2000.471 b. 1910.134 c. 2610.472 d. 1500.120

b. 1910.134

Smoke has ____ major components. a. 5 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4

b. 3

The two-fighter shoulder can be used with extension ladders up to ____ long. a. 24 ft b. 35 ft c. 30 ft d. 40 ft

b. 35 ft

What is the minimum flow from a master stream device? a. 450 gpm b. 350 gpm c. 750 gpm d. 500 gpm

b. 350 gpm

The distance between fire fighters is a safety zone and the flames should be a minimum of ____ times the flame height. a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 2

b. 4

Type III construction is usually limited to a maximum height of ____ stories. a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 5

b. 4

Approximately ____ percent of fire fighters who die in vehicle collisions are not wearing seat belts. a. 10 b. 40 c. 50 d. 25

b. 40

Most smooth-bore nozzles are designed to operate at which pressure? a. 125 psi b. 50 psi c. 100 psi d. 75 psi

b. 50 psi

Portable pumps can deliver a maximum of _____. a. 750 gpm b. 500 gpm c. 250 gpm d. 1000 gpm

b. 500 gpm

What is the maximum capacity of typical portable water tanks? a. 3500 gal. b. 5000 gal. c. 2000 gal. d. 1500 gal.

b. 5000 gal.

Approximately ____ percent of fire departments in the United States provide patient transportation. a. 45 b. 55 c. 35 d. 65

b. 55

The generally accepted time for a unit to be dispatched after a communications center received a call is _____ seconds or less. a. 45 b. 60 c. 30 d. 90

b. 60

What is the proper climbing angle for a ladder? a. 45 degrees b. 75 degrees c. 30 degrees d. 60 degrees

b. 75 degrees

In general, the maximum reach of a CO2 extinguisher is ____ feet. a. 16 b. 8 c. 4 d. 32

b. 8

Approximately what percentage of the United States and Canada has access to a 911 system? a. 80 b. 90 c. 60 d. 70

b. 90

Approximately ____ percent of U.S. fire departments provide some level of EMS to their communities. a. 85 b. 95 c. 65 d. 75

b. 95

Hypothermia is defined as body temperature less than ____. a. 91 degrees F b. 95 degrees F c. 93 degrees F d. 89 degrees F

b. 95 degrees F

Which of the following is a component of typical natural gas service? a. A cylinder-mounted petcock b. A pressure-reducing valve c. A storage tank d. A protective dome

b. A pressure-reducing valve

How has the widespread use of cellular phones affected the automatic location identification (ALI) feature of the enhanced 911 systems? a. ALI is not needed b. ALI may be unable to provide a specific location c. ALI does not function for wireless calls d. The location database is updated automatically

b. ALI may be unable to provide a specific location.

What is used to connect hose couplings with dissimilar threads? a. Siamese b. Adaptor c. Fitting d. Hose jacket

b. Adaptor

What does the "A" stand for in "CAD"? a. Ancillary b. Aided c. Auxiliary d. Automatic

b. Aided

What is the relationship between resistance and heat as electricity flows through a wire? a. As resistance increases, heat decreases b. As resistance increases, heat increases c. There is no relationship between the two d. As resistance decreases, heat increases

b. As resistance increases, heat increases

Which drug is part of the DuoDote Kit? a. Phenytoin b. Atropine c. Metaraminol d. Isoproterenol

b. Atropine

The NFPA standard requires that a communications center be equipped with ________. a. A reception area with a staffed watch desk b. Backup systems for all the critical equipment c. Private water supply d. A HEPA-grade air filtration system

b. Backup systems for all the critical equipment

Emergency medical services are provided at two levels. What is one of those? a. First Responder b. Basic Life Support c. Advanced first aid d. Basic first aid

b. Basic Life Support

Who is responsible for coordinating the activities of several fire companies in a defined geographic area such as a district? a. Section Chief b. Battalion Chief c. Captain d. Assistant Chief

b. Battalion Chief

Which valve is opened or closed by rotating a handle a quarter turn? a. Siamese b. Butterfly c. Slide d. Gate

b. Butterfly

In a typical fire department rank structure, an assistant chief reports to the ______. a. section chief b. chief of the department c. command staff d. battalion chief

b. Chief of the Department

Heavy streams are typically used in a(n) ______ attack. a. Offensive b. Defensive c. Indirect d. Tactical

b. Defensive

What is the term for a phone line that connects two predetermined points? a. Dedicated circuit b. Direct line c. Private line d. Local circuit

b. Direct line

The concept of conduction is useful for predicting ______. a. Duration of burn b. Direction of fire spread c. Occupant survivability d. Extent of involvement

b. Direction of fire spread

Which statement about the use of a protective hood is correct? a.First don the hood and then apply the SCBA face piece straps over it, making sure the hood is clear of the seal. b. Don the SCBA face piece first and then pull the hood up over it. c. It is optional if the helmet equipped with fire resistive neck/ear flaps is worn. d. any method used for donning the hood is acceptable as long as the SCBA face piece seal is tested and intact.

b. Don the SCBA face piece first and then pull the hood up over it.

What is the minimum level of training necessary to provide care to a victim in an ambulance? a. EMR b. EMT c. First Responder d. Paramedic

b. EMT

If one team member must exit a hazard area for any reason, what should the rest of the team do? a. Defer to the team leader, who should decided based on the circumstances b. Exit as the entire team together c. Continue working on their assignment d. Assign a buddy to accompany the member out of the hazard area

b. Exit as the entire team together

Which agency licenses a fire department to operate a radio system? a. Federal Emergency Management Agency b. Federal Communications Commission c. Federal Office of Communications d. The State Office of Emergency Services

b. Federal Communications Commission

Initial size-up of an emergency incident is conducted by the _______. a. Reporting party b. First-arriving unit c. First-arriving chief officer d. Telecommunicator

b. First-arriving unit

What is the term for the spontaneous ignition of hot gases at the upper level of a room? a. Flashover b. Flameover c. Ghosting d. Mushromming

b. Flameover

What is the term for the lowest temperature at which a liquid produces enough flammable vapor to burn momentarily? a. Ignition temperature b. Flash point c. Fire point d. Flammable range

b. Flash point

Which of the following was one of the major U.S. fires of 1871? a. Great Fire of Pittsburgh b. Great Chicago Fire c. Great Boston Fire d. Great New Orleans Fire

b. Great Chicago Fire

Which of the following is the acronym for the federal law protecting the privacy of victims? a. FLSA b. HIPAA c. FOIA d. FPPA


What is the relationship between HIV and AIDS? a. the relationship between the two has not been established b. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS c. AIDS is the virus that causes HIV d. HIV and AIDS are to different diseases entirely

b. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS

Which of the following is a life threatening condition requiring immediate medical care? a. Heat exhaustion b. Heat stroke c. Heat shock d. None of the above

b. Heat stroke

Which exemptions or privileges do fire fighters have when responding to an emergency in their personal vehicles? a. They are permitted to regard stoplights as stop signs. b. It varies by jurisdiction c. The same as emergency vehicles d. None; they are treated just like any other private car

b. It varies by jurisdiction

Which tool is designed to pull a lock cylinder out of a door? a. rabbet tool b. K tool c. lock cutter d. hux bar

b. K tool

A fire fighter will most typically report directly to a person of which rank? a. Battalion chief b. Lieutenant c. Unit leader d. Section chief

b. Lieutenant

Which material is a component of mortar? a. Diatomaceous earth b. Lime c. Calcium sulfate d. Pea gravel

b. Lime

Which type of fire attack consists of overpowering a small fire with water or another extinguishing agent? a. Defensive b. Offensive c. Quick d. Interior

b. Offensive

What is the term for the process in which oxygen combines chemically with another substance to create a new compound? a. Pyrolysis b. Oxidation c. Combustion d. Electrolysis

b. Oxidation

In which process is a new compound created from the combination of oxygen and another substance? a. Pyrolysis b. Oxidation c. Catagenesis d. Combustion

b. Oxidaton

Which piece of equipment must be worn with structural firefighting PPE and SCBA? a. Buddy-breather b. PASS device c. Bail-out rope d. Portable radio

b. PASS device

Which term describes the small magnetic boards carried by company officers as part of a personnel accountability system? a. Dog tags b. Passports c. Scoreboards d. Unit rosters

b. Passports

Which of the following chemicals is classified as a pulmonary agent? a. Ricin b. Phosgene c. Cyanide d. Lewisite

b. Phosgene

The goal of ______ is to ensure that all members of the agency perform a given task in a uniform way. a. The manual of operations b. Policies c. Standard operating procedures d. Tactical objectives

b. Policies

What is one of the two basic categories of information on which size-up is based? a. Projections b. Probabilities c. Risk d. Estimates

b. Probabilities

What is the first step in cleaning SCBA? a. cover the regulator in a plastic bag b. Rinse the entire unit with clean water from a hose c. Use compressed air to blow loose contamination off the unit d. Remove the cylinder from the harness

b. Rinse the entire unit with clean water from a hose

During a two-person rescue of a downed fire fighter, where does the first fire fighter grab the victim? a. arms b. SCBA shoulder straps c. legs d. chest

b. SCBA shoulder straps

Which agent was used in the 1995 terrorist attack on the Tokyo subway system? a. Anthrax b. Sarin c. ANFO d. Cynide

b. Sarin

What does the "S" stand for in SOP? a. Specific b. Standard c. Sequential d. Special

b. Standard

Which of the following is an essential element of safe emergency operations? a. Initiative b. Teamwork c. Sacrifice d. Integrity

b. Teamwork

The American with Disabilities Act requires that communications centers be able to receive calls by which medium? a. Walk-in b. Text message c. Radio transmission d. Personal digital assistant (PDA)

b. Text message

As an incident progresses, what is an additional factor to be evaluated in the ongoing size-up? a. Establishment of an overall goal for the incident b. The effectiveness of the initial plan c. Actions that can be safely accomplished d. Additional resources needed

b. The effectiveness of the initial plan

Which item is a primary factor in determining which units to send to an incident? a. The time lapse between call receipt and dispatch b. The incident location c. The reporting party's recommendation d. The reporting party's plausibility

b. The incident location

Which of the following is one of the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives? a. Ensure a mandatory rest period following full consumption of a single SCBA b. Utilize technology whenever it can produce higher levels of safety and health c. Develop and promotion national standards for rapid intervention team operations d. Promote the establishment of an annual Fire Fighter Safety Stand Down

b. Utilize technology wherever it can produce higher levels of safety and health

When is a natural gas shut-off valve in the closed position? a. When the stem is fully rotated inward b. When the handle is at a right angle to the pipe c. When the bar is parallel to the pipe d. When the valve handle is fully rotated clockwise

b. When the handle is at a right angle to the pipe

What is a disadvantage of combination fire department/EMS systems? a. responsibility for patient care is delegated to less qualified personnel b. a fire company may be out of service for a long time while waiting for an ambulance c. fire department personnel provide a lower level of care d. fire company personnel are utilized for patient transport

b. a fire company may be out of service for a long time while waiting for an ambulance

Which statement best describes a primary search? a. primary search is a rapid search for victims after initial knockdown b. a primary search is a quick search for victims in immediate danger c. a primary search is rapid initial assessment of life-threatening conditions d. a primary search is an extensive and thorough search for potential victims

b. a primary search is a quick search for victims in immediate danger

When there is extra hose at the entry of a building, how should that hose be arranged? a. a straight line b. a serpentine pattern c. large, loose coils d. similar to an accordion fold

b. a serpentine pattern

The function of a standpipe system is to provide ______. a. a connection from an engine to a static water source b. a water supply for interior attack lines c. a connection for pumper support of a sprinkler system d. an auxiliary water supply for the fire department

b. a water supply for interior attack lines

What is the minimum size hose line for a vehicle fire? a. 1 1/2" b. 1 3/4" c. 2 1/2" d. 1"

a. 1 1/2"

The USFA recommends establishing a rehabilitation operation when the chill factor drops to ___ or lower. a. 10 degrees F b. 20 degrees F c. 15 degrees F d. 25 degrees F

a. 10 degrees F

Pressure readings on an SCBA cylinder gauge and the regulator or remote pressure gauge should not differ by more than ____ psi. a. 100 psi (700 kPa) b. 200 psi (1400 kPa) c. 250 psi (1700 kPa) d. 50 psi (350 kPa)

a. 100 psi (kPa)

It is estimated that one vehicle accident involving an emergency vehicle occurs for every ____ emergency responses. a. 1000 b. 5000 c. 100 d. 10,000

a. 1000

Training and performance qualifications for firefighters are specified in which NFPA standard? a. 1001 b. 1021 c. 1500 d. 472

a. 1001

An oxygen-deficient atmosphere is defined as one where the percentage of oxygen in air is less than ____ percent. a. 19.5 b. 21 c. 18 d. 17.5

a. 19.5

Which NFPA standard covers the criteria for design, construction, and performance of life safety rope and related equipment? a. 1983 b. 1984 c. 1981 d. 1982

a. 1983

In general, mobile water supply apparatus carry ______. a. 1ooo to 3500 gal. b. 2000 to 5000 gal. c. 3000 to 6000 gal. d. 1000 or fewer gal.

a. 1ooo to 3500 gal.

How many terrorist threat advisory levels are there? a. 2 b. 4 c. 5 d. 3

a. 2

What is the maximum diameter of a small handline? a. 2" b. 2 1/2" c. 1 1/2" d. 1 3/4"

a. 2"

According to NFPA, the minimum rest time during rehabilitation is ____ minutes. a. 20 b. 5 c. 10 d. 15

a. 20

The upper temperature limit in which people can survive is _____. a. 212°F (100°C) b. 318° c. 270°F (132°C) d. 350°F (176°C)

a. 212°F (100°C)

Large handlines flow approximately ______. a. 250 gpm b. 150 gpm c. 350 gpm d. 200 gpm

a. 250 gpm

Matter exists in ____ states. a. 3 b. 6 c. 5 d. 4

a. 3

Approximately ____ percent of people infected with small pox will die. a. 30 b. 15 c. 4 d. 45

a. 30

Which acronym refers to a level of emergency medical service provision? a. ALS b. FSTC c. EOA d. ASUR

a. ALS

Which of the following is a commonly used mixture in improvised explosives? a. ANFO b. ARGO c. PATP d. TADP


What is the legal term for discontinuing CPR without either the order of physician or hand-off of the victim to someone of equal or superior training? a. abandonment b. negligence c. dereliction d. nonfeasance

a. Abandonment

The of number of emergency reports received from wireless phones is ______ those received from land lines. a. About the same as b. Far fewer than c. Fewer than d. For more than

a. About the same as

What is the smallest unit of matter? a. An atom b. A molecule c. A particle d. An element

a. An atom

What does the "A" stand for in "PSAP"? a. Answering b. Alerting c. Activating d. Auxililary

a. Answering

What is a common indicator of hidden fire burning within a wall? a. Blistering paint b. Charring of gypsum board c. Deformation d. Crackling sounds

a. Blistering paint

Which class of fire involves energized electrical equipment? a. C b. B c. D d. A

a. C

Which class of fire is depicted in the pictograph system by a flame and electrical plug and socket? a. C b. D c. K d. B

a. C

Which statement about a wireless phone calling 911 is correct? a. Callers may report emergencies without knowing the location. b. The call is routed to a national center, resulting in considerable delay in their receipt by the local telecommunications center. c. The calls are automatically prioritized to the rear of the queue. d. Enhanced 911 system features eliminate the problem of location the caller.

a. Callers may report emergencies without knowing the location

Where was the first fire insurance company formed in America? a. Charleston, SC b. Boston, MA c. New York, NY d. Chicago, IL

a. Charleston, SC

What is the fire step in the process of response? a. Checking PPE b. Determining the route of travel c. Mounting the apparatus d. Belting in

a. Checking PPE

What is the third step in the five-step process of receiving and dispatching an emergency call? a. Classification and prioritization b. Caller instruction c. Unit selection d. Unit notification

a. Classification and prioritization (1. call receipt 2. location validation 3. classification & prioritization 4. unit selection 5. dispatch)

Which type of breathing apparatus recycles the users exhaled air? a. Closed circuit b. Powered air c. Supplied air d. Air-purifying respirator

a. Closed circuit

The movement of heated gases in a fire is an example of which form of heat transfer? a. Convection b. Radiation c. Conduction d. Circulation

a. Convection

Which agency establishes the national curriculum for EMS courses? a. Department of Transportation (DOT) b. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) c. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) d. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

a. Department of Transportation (DOT)

What does the "D" stand for in "ADA"? a. Disabilities b. Dangerous c. Distressed d. Directional

a. Disabilities

Which of the following is one of the four basic management principles used by fire departments? a. Division of labor b. Common terminology c. Delegation of authority d. Management by objective

a. Division of labor

What is the term for a radio that transmits and receives on different frequencies? a. Duplex b. Repeater c. Cross-band d. Binary

a. Duplex

What does the "E" stand for in the acronym CME? a. education b. enforcement c. emergency d. event

a. Education

What does the "E" in LCES stand for? a. Escape routes b. Expect surprises c. Establish accountability d. Establish lookouts

a. Escape routes (Lookout, Communications, Escape route, Safety zone)

What is the lead federal agency for consequence management during a terrorist incident? a. FEMA b. DOT c. FBI d. DHS


Which position specializes in reviewing plans for fire detection and suppression systems for functionality and code compliance? a. Fire protection engineer b. Fire prevention officer c. Fire systems specialist d. Fire marshal

a. Fire protection engineer

What is the term for temperature in a room reaching the point where all the combustible contents of the room ignite? a. Flashover b. Autoignition c. Rollover d. Backdraft

a. Flashover

Taking action without orders or regard to SOPs is known as _______. a. Freelancing b. Independent action c. Improvisation d. Initiative

a. Freelancing

Which item meets the minimum requirements for visibility for personnel working a vehicle accident? a. High-visibility safety vests b. Turnout coats and pants with reflective strips c. Yellow turnout coats and pants d. Any PPE with reflective strips

a. High-visibility safety vests

Which fire gas is a product of burning plastic? a. Hydrogen cyanide b. Acrolein c. Carbon dioxide d. Hydrogen sulfide

a. Hydrogen cyanide

When performing size-up, which question can most reliably be answered based on the time of day? a. Is the building occupied? b. Is the alarm a result of system malfunction? c. Was the fire intentionally set? d. Is the fire threatening?

a. Is the building occupied?

What is the primary function of the moisture barrier in structural firefighting PPE? a. Keep liquids and vapors from reaching the skin b. Promote evaporation of perspiration c. Prevent exposure to pathogens d. Protect the body from high temperatures

a. Keep liquids and vapors from reaching the skin

What is an approved material for structural firefighting boots? a. Leather b. Polymeric synthetic c. Extos d. Gore-Tex

a. Leather

Which component of structural turnout coats is critical for protecting the body from steam burns? a. Moisture barrier b. Insulation c. Thermal barrier D. Outer shell

a. Moisture barrier

Which system is used to issue alerts when a terrorist threat poses a significant danger to the US? a. National Terrorism Advisory System b. Color-coded threat level system c. Homeland Security Threat Advisory d. Homeland Security Information Bulletin

a. National Terrorism Advisory System

Which type of attack is typically used for a small fire in a room? a. Offensive b. Quick c. Transitional d. Combination

a. Offensive

Which style of leadership does the fire department use? a. Paramilitary b. Top centralized c. Decentralized d. Distributed

a. Paramilitary

What is the correct term for the small two-way radios carried by individual fire fighters? a. Portable radios b. Walkie-talkies c. Pocket radios d. Mobile radios

a. Portable radios

When should fire fighters don their PPE? a. Prior to mounting the apparatus b. En route to the scene of the incident c. Immediately upon mounting the apparatus d. Upon arrival at the scene

a. Prior to mounting the apparatus

What is the attack plan based upon at a fire? a. Probabilities b. Possibilities c. Worst-case scenarios d. Facts

a. Probabilities

Which position servers as a liaison between the incident commander and the news media? a. Public information officer b. Liaison officer c. Agency representative d. Planning section chief

a. Public information officer

What is the chemical change that occurs to wood when it is heated? a. Pyrolysis b. Reduction c. Catagenesis d. Oxidation

a. Pyrolsis

Which type of company specializes in saving victims from fires, confined spaces, trenches, and high angle situations? a. Rescue b. Rapid Intervention c. Truck d. Engine

a. Rescue

Which acronym is used to remember the symptoms of nerve agent exposure? a. SLUDGEM b. DUMBELS c. TRACEM d. HA HA MINCE


Who has the authority to directly and immediately stop any activity on the fire ground that he or she judges to be unsafe? a. Safety officer b. Division/group supervisors c. All personnel d. Company officer

a. Safety Officer

Which term describes operations undertaken to prevent avoidable property loss? a. Salvage b. Overhaul c. Property conservation d. Recovery

a. Salvage

What does the "S" stand for in "RECEO-VS"? a. Salvage b. Size-up c. Search d. Span of Control

a. Salvage (Rescue, Exposures, Confinement, Extinguishment, Overhaul, Ventilation, Salvage)

What is the function of the ANI feature of an enhanced 911 system? a. Show the caller's phone number b. Lock the caller's phone open c. Show the caller's location d. Provide the callers identity

a. Show the caller's phone number

What is a commonly used technique for conserving SCBA air? a. Skip breathing b. Pursed-lip breathing c. Inhale by mouth, exhale by nose d. Breath counting

a. Skip breathing

What does the "S" stand for in "SOP"? a. Standard b. Sequential c. Specific d. Special

a. Standard

Which term means the evaluation of structure fire conditions to determine if occupants could be alive? a. Survivability profiling b. Size-up c. Triage d. Risk Management

a. Survivability profiling

A _____ phone is designed for use by hearing-impaired persons. a. Text b. Display c. Video d. Digital

a. Text

Which statement about telecommunication center voice recorders is correct? a. The recordings are useful for review of the telecommunication center's performance. b. Nondisclosure laws require destruction of recordings of routine traffic after 72 hours. c. The units record only when manually activated by the telecommuicator. d. The cordings are not discoverable for use in litigation.

a. The recordings are useful for review of the telecommunication center's performance.

Which form of heat transfer travels in all directions? a. Thermal radiation b. Convection c. Direct contact d. Conduction

a. Thermal radiation

What does the Golden Rule mean when applied to the fire service? a. Treat everyone else as if they were a member of your family b. Working as a team is essential to success c. Stay humble and teachable, and be willing to teach others d. Honor the job by working hard and doing your best

a. Treat everyone else as if they were a member of your family

Which marking indicates a search is presently under way in a particular room? a. a diagonal slash b. an S c. an X d. a circle

a. a diagonal slash

What is used to carry a self-locking twin doughnut hose roll? a. a loop of hose b. hose strap c. rope d. webbing

a. a loop of hose

Compared to fog nozzle streams, smooth-bore nozzle streams ________. a. absorb less heat b. are more effective for hydraulic ventilation c. cause more disruption of thermal layering d. have a lower discharge volume

a. absorb less heat

Administering intravenous fluids and medications are skills performed by a firefighter trained to the _____ level. a. advanced life support b. transitional life support c. basic life support d. intermediate life support

a. advanced life support

What is the second stage of advancing an attack line? a. advancing the line to the point of attack b. flaking out the line at the building entrance c. purging the line of air d. pulling the line from the bed

a. advancing the line to the point of attack

Ideally, when should overhaul operations begin? a. after fire investigators have examined the scene b. anytime after extinguishment c. as soon as resources are available d. concurrently with salvage

a. after fire investigators have examined the scene

Who determines the required immunizations for fire fighters? a. agency medical director b. personal doctor c. local health officer d. CDC

a. agency medical director

What is the function of lugs found on couplings? a. aid in coupling and uncoupling hose b. help the coupling slide over obstructions c. align the threads during coupling d. strengthen the coupling

a. aid in coupling and uncoupling hose

What is the most common method of dispersing chemical agents? a. air flow b. explosion c. sprayers d. physical contact with contaminated surfaces

a. air flow

In a direct attack, water should be applied until ______. a. all visible flame is extinguished b. water droplets fall from the ceiling c. the smoke level begins to drop d. the fire darkens down

a. all visible flame is extinguished

What is a common use for a hose clamp? a. allow a hydrant to be opened before the supply line is connected to the pump intake b. regulate pressure/volume in a single hose c. control a burst section of hose line without interrupting water flow d. allow for a quick-connect of an attack line to a pumper when the threads do not match

a. allow a hydrant to be opened before the supply line is connected to the pump intake

When standing upright on a rung, how far should the rung at shoulder height be from the fire fighter? a. an arm's length b. about 24 inches c. half an arm's length d. about 12 inches

a. an arm's length

What is a secondary search? a. an exhaustive search for victims after the fire is brought under control b. any search not conducted by the initial attack crew c. a quick search for victims performed during the initial attack d. a search for victims conducted outside the immediate fire area

a. an exhaustive search for victims after the fire is brought under control

The earliest known fire department was in _________. a. ancient Rome b. Germany c. Greece d. the Ottoman Empire

a. ancient Rome

How often should ladder service testing be performed? a. annually b. quarterly c. monthly d. semi-annually

a. annually

When shutting down electrical service to a structure, you should _______. a. apply a lockout device b. test an outlet c. notify the utility company d. remove the breakers

a. apply a lockout device

For an area to qualify for the classification of "light hazard", most of the combustibles present must be _______. a. arranged so that a fire is unlikely to spread b. extinguishable by a portable fire extinguisher c. Class A only d. no more than moderately combustible

a. arranged s that a fire is unlikely to spread

How soon after a traumatic call should a critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) be held? a. As soon as possible b. Within a week c. Within 24 hours d. Within 72 hours

a. as soon as possible

When should you declare a mayday? a. as soon as you think you might be in trouble b. when you have been unable to self-rescue c. when you find yourself in IDLH atmosphere d. when you find a victim and need assistance with the rescue

a. as soon as you think you might be in trouble

In the fire service, the bugle has become a symbol of _____. a. authority b. courage c. fraternity d. service

a. authority

What is the function of the rapid intervention company? a. be ready and immediately available for rescue of fire fighters b. provide personnel specializing in the rescue of building occupants c. reduce losses by expediting the initial fire attack d. provide a ready reserve of resources in the event of a change in conditions

a. be ready and immediately available for rescue of fire fighters

Which part of the ladder is placed against the ground when the ladder is raised? a. butt b. dog c. bed d. heel

a. butt

Which fuel is used most readily by the body during high intensity physical activities? a. carbohydrates b. starch c. amino acids d. saturated fats

a. carbohydrates

Which fire-extinguishing agent would be best choice for use on delicate electronic equipment? a. carbon dioxide b. aqueous film-forming foam c. ordinary dry chemical d. multipurpose dry chemical

a. carbon dioxide

In a typical fire department rank structure, an assistant chief reports directly to the ______. a. chief of the department b. section chief c. battalion chief d. command staff

a. chief of the department

If individual sprinkler heads cannot be shut off, what should be done to stop the flow of water? a. close the sprinkler control valve b. close the water service valve at the water meter c. Open the fire department connection outside d. open the system drain valve

a. close the sprinkler control valve

What is the correct method to stop the flow of gas into a structure applied by an outside storage cylinder? a. close the valve on the cylinder b. disconnect the cylinder c. rotate the quarter-turn valve at the meter d. delegate the task to the gas service company

a. close the valve on the cylinder

Where are dry-barrel hydrants typically used? a. cold climates b. static water supplies c. areas subject to frequent vandalism d. dedicated fire protection water system

a. cold climates

Nutrition during extended-duration incidents should emphasize ______. a. complete, balanced meals b. fluid and electrolyte replacement c. carbohydrate loading d. high protein, high fat foods

a. complete, balanced meals

Which hazard presents the greatest risk for a fire in modern vehicle? a. components containing pressurized gas b. laminated glass c. bursting tires d. exploding fuel tanks

a. components containing pressurized gas

Which material is prone to spalling under fire conditions? a. concrete b. wood c. steel d. fiberglass

a. concrete

Heat traveling from one end of a steel beam to the other end is an example of _________. a. conduction b. oxidation c. radiation d. convection

a. conduction

Which form of heat transfer consists of kinetic energy moving from one particle to another? a. conduction b. induction c. reduction d. convection

a. conduction

What is the most important component of fire fighter survival? a. consistently apply safe operating procedures b. establishment of RICs c. preincident planning d. maintaining team integrity

a. consistently apply safe operating procedures

Which item is required for EMS provider recertification? a. continuing medical education (CME) b. clinical experience hours c. continuous service hours d. a specified minimum number of patient contacts

a. continuing medical education (CME)

Fuels that are in contact with each other are described as _____. a. continuous b. uninterrupted c. compact d. unbroken

a. continuous

How does the fire fighter move when performing the fire fighter drag? a. crawling on hands and knees b. walking backward c. duck-walking d. walking forward

a. crawling on hands and knees

Which program is specifically designed to prevent harmful emotional or psychological reactions to extremely stressful incidents? a. critical incident stress management b. employee assistance program c. crisis intervention and assistance d. peer counseling

a. critical incident stress management

Training personnel to serve in both firefighting and EMS roles is referred to as _____. a. cross-training b. division of labor c. functional training d. manpower sharing

a. cross-training

Which of the following is one of the three basic roof designs? a. curved b. hip c. gable d. mansard

a. curved

A fire extinguisher's agent is stored within its _____. a. cylinder b. tank c. chamber d. horn

a. cylinder

Which of the following is one of the four basic management principles used by fire departments? a. division of labor b. common terminology c. management by objective d. delegation of authority

a. division of labor

Which type of adaptor is used to connect two female couplings to each other? a. double male b. wye c. Siamese d. double female

a. double male

Which method is best suited for removing an unconscious victim from a dangerous location? a. drag b. carry c. lift d. assist

a. drag

What is the most reliable way to stay well hydrated? a. drink early and often b. drink as much as you can during work periods c. drink when you are thirsty d. use urine color as an indicator of hydration

a. drink early and often

Which statement about dry chemical agents is correct? a. dry chemical agents are not subject to freezing b. dry chemical agents are noncorrosive c. all dry chemical agents have a multipurpose rating d. dry chemical agents are compatible with all types of foam

a. dry chemical agents are not subject to freezing

In a fire department EMS system, at which level of training are the first response and transport services provided? a. either one can be BLS or ALS b. first response is BLS and transport ALS c. both are ALS d. first response is ALS and transport is BLS

a. either one can be BLS or ALS

What is the term for building components consisting of individual pieces of wood glued together? a. engineered b. manufactured c. modular d. lightweight

a. engineered

Which type of ladder should be carried by more than one fire fighter? a. extension b. attic c. single d. roof

a. extension

Which term means the level at which the ground intersects the foundation of a structure? a. grade b. shoulder c. fill d. camber

a. grade

Which of the following is an example of a fine fuel? a. grass b. branch c. root d. stick

a. grass

What is the term for the partly organic material on a forest floor? a. ground duff b. understory c. litter d. surface compost

a. ground duff

Which method of evacuation for victims above ground should be avoided whenever possible? a. ground ladder b. fire escape c. aerial device d. interior stairway

a. ground ladder

Subsurface fuels are challenging to deal with because they are ______. a. hard to locate b. continuous c. highly susceptible to changes in weather d. readily ignitable

a. hard to locate

The use of Halon 1211 is strictly controlled because it is _____. a. harmful to the environment b. carcinogenic c. mutagenic d. a chemical asphyxiant

a. harmful to the environment

What is the most common cause of total lack of respirations in adults? a. heart attack b. drowning c. choking d. trauma

a. heart attack

Fire fighters wearing fully encapsulated suits are particularly susceptible to ______. a. heat stress b. mechanical injury c. respiratory injury d. cardiac arrhythmia

a. heat stress

The two-person chair carry is particularly useful ______. a. in narrow corridors b. for victims with possible spinal injury c. in heavy smoke conditions d. for obese victims

a. in narrow corridors

The incident commander outlines the steps needed to bring an incident under control in the ______. a. Incident action plan b. Report on conditions c. Situation status report d. Initial report

a. incident action plan

The individual responsible for the overall management of an incident is the ______. a. incident commander b. company officer c. commanding officer d. operations chief

a. incident commander

Who has the responsibility to account for all fire fighters involved in an emergency incident? a. incident commander b. safety officer c. company officer d. fire fighter

a. incident commander

The time span between the initial infection and the first onset of symptoms is the ______ period. a. incubation b. dormancy c. gestation d. latency

a. incubation

Truck companies are sometimes referred to as ____ companies. a. ladder b. rescue c. rapid intervention d. engine

a. ladder

Hose that is at least 3 1/2" (88 mm) in diameter is considered ______ diameter. a. large b. small c. medium d. master

a. large

When performing an abdominal thrust, where does the fire fighter place the thumb side of the fist? a. midway between the belly button and the xiphoid b. below the belly button c. on the sternum d. on the belly button

a. midway between the belly button and the xiphoid

What is a common cause of deterioration in natural fiber ropes? a. mildew b. infrequent use c. storage in a rope bag d. storage in a low-humidity environment

a. mildew

Adult victims are often found _______. a. near a door b. in a bathtub c. in a closet d. under a bed

a. near a door

When is it acceptable to use a roof ladder as a free-hanging ladder? a. never b. if the ladder will support the weight of only one person c. if the ladder was manufactured after 1993 d. if the total supported weighted will not exceed 500 lb

a. never

Where is the bacterium that causes plague most commonly found? a. on rodents b. in human feces c. in damp, moist, dark areas d. in decomposing vegetation

a. on rodents

When lowering an unconscious child down a ladder, where should the rescuer's hands be? a. on the beams b. on the different rungs c. on the same rung d. one on a rung, the other on a beam

a. on the beams

What is another term for a safety knot? a. overhand knot b. rescue knot c. finishing knot d. half hitch

a. overhand knot

A fire cannot be considered fully extinguished until _____ is complete. a. overhaul b. the suppression operation c. loss control d. secondary search

a. overhaul

Which statement best describes the process of overhaul? a. overhaul ensures that all remaining fire is discovered and extinguished after the main fire has been knocked down b. overhaul includes demobilization and the release of resources from the scene c. actions are taken to protect property from preventable smoke, fire, and water damage d. overhaul focuses on preservation of evidence, investigation, and determination of fire cause and origin

a. overhaul ensures that all remaining fire is discovered and extinguished after the main fire has been knocked down

What is the correct procedure for vent-entry- search? a. use of this process in combination with horizontal ventilation b. Vent the window as soon as possible after entering the room c. Close the door as soon as possible after making entry d. Searches must be equipped with a hose line

c. Close the door as soon as possible after making entry

What is the best way to stop the flow of liquefied petroleum (LP) gas into s structure? a. Turn the valve on the meter to the closed position b. Rotate the quarter-turn valve on the supply pipe c. Close the valve on the storage tank d. Disconnect the cylinder

c. Close the valve on the storage tank

Fire fighters attack the fire with heavy streams from outside the fire building during a(n) _____ attack. a. Perimeter b. Offensive c. Defensive d. Indirect

c. Defensive

What does the "D" stand for in the acronym AED? a. device b. delivery c. defibrillator d. detector

c. Defibrillator

What is the best way to gather information about the size and location of a fire? a. Reading the smoke b. Reports from occupants c. Direct visual observation d. Use of thermal imaging

c. Direct visual observation

Which term can be defined as the set of guidelines that a department establishes for its fire fighters? a. Unity of command b. Span of control c. Discipline d. Training

c. Discipline

What is the usual response when a caller disconnects before full information can be gathered and the dispatcher cannot reconnect by calling the caller back? a. Send a full complement of responders, including police, EMS, and fire b. Send a single engine to assess the situation c. Dispatch a police unit to check on the caller d. Log the incident and wait for the caller to call back

c. Dispatch a police unit to check on the caller

A short fold in a supply hose load that prevents a coupling from flipping around when the hose is being laid out is a ______. a. bowtie b. flip c. Dutchman d. reverse

c. Dutchman

What is the minimum level of training necessary to administer oxygen? a. Paramedic b. First Responder c. EMT d. EMR

c. EMT

Which item of information is tracked by a personnel accountability system? a. Progress benchmarks b. Time spent in an IDLH atmosphere c. Each crew's assignment d. Chain of command

c. Each crew's assignment

Which of the following is one of the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives? a. Promote mandatory participation in fire fighter fitness and wellness programs b. Fight fire aggressively buy plan for safety first c. Ensure that fire fighters have access to counseling and psychological support services d. Empower safety officers to stop unsafe practices

c. Ensure that fire fighters have access to counseling and psychological support services

How much of the body is structural personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to cover? a. All but the ears b. All but the wrists c. Every square inch d. All but the neck

c. Every square inch

What is the method of choice for extinguishing most Class B fires? a. Interrupting the chemical chain reaction b. Cooling the fuel c. Excluding oxygen d. Dispersing the vapors

c. Excluding oxygen

Fire that is spreading to an exposure is _______. a. Running b. Free-burning c. Extending d. Crowning

c. Extending

Which type of respiratory protection is normally used in wildland firefighting? a. SCBA b. PAPR c. Filter Mask d. APR

c. Filter Mask

Which type of radiation is the most harmful to the human body? a. Delta b. Beat c. Gamma d. Alpha

c. Gamma

What is the color code for a hydrant flowing 1000 to 1499 gpm (3785 to 5674 lpm)? a. light blue b. yellow c. green d. orange

c. Green

Which of the following is a side of the fire triangle? a. Ignition source b. Chemical chain reaction c. Heat d. Catalyst

c. Heat

Which class of fire is depicted in the pictograph system by a fire in a frying pan? a. C b. B c. K d. D

c. K

Who first developed RECEO tactical model? a. Alan Brunacini b. John Norman c. Llyod Layman d. James Smith

c. Lloyd Layman

Who serves as liaison between the medical community, hospital, and the EMS providers? a. local department of health designee b. agency EMS program coordinator c. Medical Director d. regional EMS program coordinator

c. Medical Director

What is the term for a two-way radio that is permanently mounted in a vehicle? a. Portable radio b. Repeater c. Mobile radio d. Hi-band radio

c. Mobile radio

Which NFPA standard contains a complete list of qualifications for telecommunicators? a. 1071 b. 1051 c. 1061 d. 1081

c. NFPA 1061

Which of the following are developed to provide definitive guidelines for present and future actions? a. Regulations b. Standard operating procedures c. Policies D. After action reports

c. Policies

Which type of team conducts a quick evaluation of an area to identify the number of people involved in an incident? a. Rescue b. Survey c. Reconnaissance d. Search

c. Reconnaissance

A company officer gives the incident commander the results of inspection and exploration of a specified area in a ________. a. Situation status report b. Report on conditions c. Reconnaissance report d. Size-up

c. Reconnaissance report

A structural firefighting PPE ensemble includes which specific piece of equipment? a. Safety harness b. Thermal imager c. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) d. Portable radio


Which building feature would create the greatest challenge for fire fighters in gaining access to trapped victims? a. Hung acoustic ceilings b. Self-closing fire doors c. Security bars on windows d. solid core doors

c. Security bars on windows

Which process enables the incident commander to determine which resources will be needed to control the situation? a. Preincident planning b. Personnel accountability c. Size-up d. Chain of command

c. Size-up

What is the purpose of the personal alert safety system (PASS)? a. Sound an alarm when certain gases are detected b. Sound an alarm if ambient temperatures exceed a specified level c. Sound an alarm if a fire fighter is motionless for a set period of time d. Warn fire fighters when their air supply is low

c. Sound an alarm if a fire fighter is motionless for a set period of time

Which geometric figure is used to represent the four elements required for a self-sustaining fire? a. Square b. Pyramid c. Tetrahedron d. Polygon

c. Tehtrahedron

Which location presents the most immediate life-safety hazard for an apartment fire? a. The uppermost floor of the building b. The apartments adjacent to the fire c. The apartment directly above the fire d. The apartment directly underneath the fire

c. The apartment directly above the fire

What is the function of an automatic vehicle locator system? a. Prioritize resources based upon location b. Determine the location of mobile phone callers c. Track apparatus location via GPS d. Display fire department vehicle location on an electronic map

c. Track apparatus location via GPS

Which activity is acceptable while riding in a moving apparatus? a. Briefly unbolting to don PPE on the way to a call b. Tailboard riding with a safety strap c. Use of hearing protection d. Riding without a safety belt in a fully enclosed cab

c. Use of hearing protection

What is a method commonly used to attach individual fire fighters' personnel accountability tags to the board on the apparatus? a. torx-head screws b. clear vinyl pockets c. Velcro d. spring clips

c. Velcro

When is it acceptable to remove the inner thermal layer from a turnout coat? a. When the coat is used for confined-space operations b. Never c. When the coat is being cleaned d. When the coat is used for wildland firefighting

c. When the coat is being cleaned

Which device splits one hose stream into two hose streams? a. Siamese b. Water thief c. Wye d. Splitter

c. Wye

What happens during a blitz attack? a. the building of origin is considered unsavable b. opposing hose lines are used in a coordinated attack c. a master stream is used for an offense operation d. fire attack is made regardless of ventilation status

c. a master stream is used for an offense operation

Advanced life support personnel operate as the extension of ______. a. the agency b. the first responders c. a physician d. the public health system

c. a physician

Which compound is added to a water extinguisher to improve penetration of fuel? a. alcohol b. alkai metal salt c. a wetting agent d. bicarbonate

c. a wetting agent

Which statement best summarizes when a dry chemical extinguisher should be serviced and recharged? a. after a discharge resulting in loss of 30 percent or pressurization b. after a discharge resulting in loss of 10 percent of pressurization c. after any discharge d. after a discharge resulting in loss of 20 percent of pressurization

c. after any discharge

Which of the following is commonly used as a dry chemical extinguishing agent? a. carbon tetrachloride b. potassium hydrate c. ammonium phosphate d. calcium bicarbonate

c. ammonium phosphate

Who provides online medical control? a. the most qualified responder b. the company officer c. an EMS physician d. an EMT-Paramedic

c. an EMS physician

In the two-part marking system for indicating which rooms have been searched, which symbol means a search is complete? a. a circle with a diagonal slash b. the letters SC c. an X d. a diagonal clash

c. an X

What is required to perform vertical ventilation? a. a positive pressure fan b. a smoke ejector c. an opening in the top of the building d. a roof ladder

c. an opening in the top of the building

The danger category of the heat stress index is determined by the _____. a. relative humidity b. duration of exposure c. apparent temperature d. air temperature

c. apparent temperature

In which situation would you raise the legs of a victim in shock? a. head injury b. spine injury c. arm injury d. leg injury

c. arm injury

What is the standard method for managing the workload for fire fighters working a high-rise fire? a. hoist, rather than carry, tools and equipment b. do not require PPE for personnel working in smoke-proof stairwells c. assign several companies to do the work normally assigned to one company d. enforce a 1:1 work time/rehabilitation time rule

c. assign several companies to do the work normally assigned to one company

You are alone in zero-visibility conditions and unable to find an exit. Which action listed below should you take last? a. declare a "mayday" over your radio b. give a LUNAR report c. attempt self-rescue d. activate your personal safety system (PASS)

c. attempt self-rescue

In the fire service, the bugle has become a symbol of ______. a. service b. fraternity c. authority d. courage

c. authority

Which type of bleeding is characterized by the blood oozing out? a. arterial b. venous c. capillary d. internal

c. capillary

What is the term for the particular set of circumstances that brought the ignition source into contact with a fuel? a. source b. origin c. cause d. mechanism

c. cause

If you encounter a closed door during a search, what should you do before entering? a. gap the door b. try before you pry c. check the door for heat d. loudly identify yourself and your intentions

c. check the door for heat

What is the best item to aid extinguishment of smoldering fire in tightly packed combustible materials? a. water fog b. piercing nozzle c. class A foam d. dry chemical

c. class A foam

For the purpose of extinguisher selection and placement, what is an example of a light hazard environment? a. restaurant kitchen b. parking garage c. classroom d. self-storage building

c. classroom

Which knot is used to tie off a ladder halyard? a. sheepshank b. bowline on a bight c. clove hitch d. figure eight

c. clove hitch

What is the open space between the ceiling of the top floor and the underside of the roof of a building? a. mansard b. roof chase c. cockloft d. eave

c. cockloft

Fire fighters may need to hold on to the ____ while filling a self-expanding portable tank. a. hose b. frame c. collar d. rope

c. collar

For forcible entry, who usually determines the point of entry and method to be used? a. fire fighter b. chief officer c. company officer d. incident commander

c. company officer

What is the term for an ignition source that has enough heat energy to ignite the fuel and remains in contact with it long enough to cause ignition? a. causative b. proximate c. competent d. effectual

c. competent

What is used to pressurize a stored-pressure water extinguisher? a. water b. nitrogen c. compressed air d. carbon dioxide

c. compressed air

Which extinguishing agent is best suited for use in wildland fire operations? a. AFFF b. carbon dioxide c. compressed air foam d. dry chemical

c. compressed air foam

NFPA standards are ________. a. regulatory law b. administrative law c. consensus documents d. model codes

c. consensus documents

A figure eight on a bight is used to _______. a. attach a rope to an eye or ring b. join two ropes together c. create a secure loop at the working end d. wrap a loop around an object

c. create a secure loop at the working end

Fire fighters should regard the citizens of their community as _______. a. consumers b. taxpayers c. customers d. clients

c. customers

What is the term for terrorism that targets computer systems or the internet? a. data terrorism b. electronic terrorism c. cyberterrorism d. digital terrorism

c. cyberterrorism

A master stream device that is permanently mounted on an engine and plumbed directly into the pump is a _____. a. playpipe b. deluge set c. deck gun d. monitor

c. deck gun

What is the term for discoloration of the parts of a deceased person's body closest to the ground? a. myasthenia gravis b. morbid coagulation c. dependent lividity d. chromatis mortis

c. dependent lividity

What is a common sign of damage to a kernmantle rope? a. loose or twisted sheath b. discoloration c. depressions in the kern d. fuzziness of the mantle

c. depressions in the kern

A primary goal of investigating each fire fighter accident or injury is to ________. a. determine whether misfeasance occurred b. assess civil liability exposure c. determine how such an incident can be avoided in the future d. establish patterns and trends

c. determine how such an incident can be avoided in the future

On which basis are wildland fuels classified? a. weight b. moisture content c. diameter d. composition

c. diameter

Which term can be defined as the set of guidelines that a department establishes for its fire fighters? a. Unity of command b. Span of control c. Discipline d. Training

c. discipline

Organizing an incident by breaking down the overall strategy into a series of smaller tasks is an example of _____. a. span of control b. unity of command c. division of labor d. discipline

c. division of labor

What is the term for preparing a knot by tightening it and removing twists, kinks, and slack from the rope? a. following b. finishing c. dressing d. squaring

c. dressing

What is the difference between dry powder and dry chemical extinguishing agents? a. "dry powder" and "dry chemical" are both terms for the same class of agents b. a dry powder is compatible with foam; a dry chemical is not c. each is rated for a different class of fire d. a dry powder is harmful to the environment; a dry chemical is not

c. each is rated for a different class of fire

Spiking trees and vandalizing research laboratories are examples of ______ targets. a. civilian b. symbolic c. ecoterrorism d. infrastructure

c. ecoterrorism

What is the second step to take in controlling external bleeding? a. pressure points b. direct pressure c. elevation d. tourniquet

c. elevation

Which level of training is designed specifically for people such as police officers, teachers, and daycare providers who encounter medical emergencies as part of their jobs? a. emergency medical technician b. standard first aid c. emergency medical responder d. EMT-Intermediate

c. emergency medical responder

A class C extinguisher is rated for use on ______. a. radioactive materials involved in flame b. flammable chemical c. energized electrical equipment d. wood, paper, or cloth

c. energized electrical equipment

Which type of company is responsible for securing a water source, deploying handlines, and putting water on the fire? a. pumper b. truck c. engine d. initial attack

c. engine

What is another term for flammability limits? a. pyrophoric limits b. volatility index c. explosive limits d. oxidation range

c. explosive limits

For the purpose of extinguisher selection and placement, a woodworking shop is a(n) _______ hazard environment. a. light b. ordinary c. extra d. moderate

c. extra

In which type of fuel will a fire spread the most rapidly? a. brush b. slash c. fine d. compacted

c. fine

What is the term for a long, narrow extension of fire projecting out from the main body of a wildland fire? a. spot b. island c. finger d. run

c. finger

What is another term for fire point? a. autoignition temperature b. flash point c. flame point d. ignition point

c. flame point

Which of the following is an example of two dimensional fire? a. ground cover fire b. roof fire c. flammable liquid spill on open ground d. fire contained within a void space

c. flammable liquid spill on open ground

What occurs when room temperature reaches the ignition point of the combustibles within it? a. backdraft b. lapping c. flashover d. mushrooming

c. flashover

Which of the following is an example of a symbolic type of terrorist target? a. military base b. water treatment facility c. foreign embassy d. stadium

c. foreign embassy

What is the decrease in pressure that occurs as water moves through a hose? a. water hammer b. residual pressure c. friction loss d. kinetic energy

c. friction loss

The end of the hose bed closet to the apparatus cab is the _____. a. back b. partition c. front d. bulkhead

c. front

Flashover occurs during which phase of the fire? a. incipient b. ignition c. fully developed d. growth

c. fully developed

The flow or quantity of water moving is measured in _____. a. joules b. cubic feet per minute c. gallons per minute d. pounds per square inch

c. gallons per minute

Which pipe pattern supplies water to hydrants from more than one direction? a. engineered b. parallel c. grid d. duplex

c. grid

What is the most common type of wildland fire? a. forest b. brush c. ground cover d. crown

c. ground cover

Bromochlorodifluoromenthane is a ______ agent. a. class D b. multipurpose dry chemical c. halogenated d. wet chemical

c. halogenated

What is the term for the rope or cable used to extend or hoist the fly section of an extension ladder? a. sheet b. hawser c. halyard d. leader

c. halyard

Which question is important to consider when inspecting life safety ropes? a. how long has the rope been in storage? b. has the rope ever been under load? c. has the rope been subject to shock loading? d. has the rope been exposed to sunlight?

c. has the rope ever been under load?

Which type of company specializes in incident involving spilled or leaking hazardous chemicals? a. truck b. salvage c. hazardous material d. engine

c. hazardous material

At which type of incidents should a rehabilitation center be established? a. incidents requiring the use of full PPE b. all fire incidents c. high intensity / long duration incidents d. all incidents

c. high intensity / long duration incidents

Which type of building is the most prone to the stack effect? a. shopping mall b. warehouse c. high rise d. cold storage facility

c. high rise

Which hazard is of particular concern with hybrid vehicles? a. secondary battery b. fuel cell stack c. high-voltage components d. drive battery

c. high voltage components

How is mass decontamination usually performed? a. simple removal of clothing and dry decontamination with a readily available absorbent b. use of local shower facilities such as at a nearby gym c. high volume, low pressure streams pumped by fire apparatus d. establishment of several parallel standard decontamination cooridors

c. high volume, low pressure streams pumped by fire apparatus

Which family of knots is used primarily to attach a rope around an object? a. bends b. loops c. hitches d. bights

c. hitches

Which hose load has the hose up on the edge and placed around the perimeter of the hose bed in a U shape? a. perimeter b. split c. horseshoe d. U

c. horseshoe

What is the term for a vehicle that operates using a battery-powered electric motor combined with a conventional gasoline engine? a. alternative fuel b. fuel cell c. hybrid d. electric

c. hybrid

Which statement about hydraulic ventilation is correct? a. a straight or solid stream is used b. a medium diameter line is required c. hydraulic ventilation effectively moves large volumes of smoke and heat d. the ventilation crew is not exposed to products of combustion

c. hydraulic ventilation effectively moves large volumes of smoke and heat

Where should the tip of a ladder be placed for rescue operations from a window? a. about 4 feet above the window b. into the opening about three rungs c. immediately below the sill d. on either side of the window, halfway up the opening

c. immediately below the sill

When is an exception made to the two-in/two-out rule? a. when it will delay operations due to lack of personnel b. in IDLH entries where there is no visible fire c. in life-threatening situations where immediate action can save a life d. there is no exceptions; the rule applies to all IDLH entries

c. in life-threatening situations where immediate action can save a life

What is the term for materials used to start a fire? a. accelerant b. igniter c. incendiary device d. trailer

c. incendiary device

As fatigue increases, the risk of injury ______. a. stays the same b. becomes unavoidable c. increases d. decreases

c. increases

A water supply system is which type of terrorist target? a. ecoterrorism b. civilian c. infrastructure d. symbolic

c. infrastructure

The highest potential of a secondary device? a. injection b. ingestion c. inhalation d. absorption

c. inhalation

Which of the following is a common reaction to low-level radiation exposure? a. skin burns b. tremors c. nausea and vomiting d. nose bleed

c. nausea and vomiting

Under which circumstance is it sufficient to rely strictly on odor to determine the presence of a chemical agent? a. the specific material has been identified b. there is no such circumstance c. no other means of detection is available d. the odor is detected outside the isolation perimeter

c. no there means of detection is available

Type II construction is referred to as _________. a. fire retardant b. ordinary c. noncombustible d. fire resistive

c. noncombustible

The priorities of the basic five fire-ground objectives are ________. a. Not separate but exclusive b. Separate but not exclusive c. Not separate and not exclusive d. Separate and exclusive

c. not separate and not exclusive

Which fiber is commonly used in life safety rope? a. rayon b. olefin c. nylon d. sisal

c. nylon

Which term refers to how a building is used? a. type b. classification c. occupancy d. group

c. occupancy

According to NFPA 10, the maximum floor area that can be protected by each extinguisher depends on the _____. a. occupancy load b. construction class c. occupancy type d. presence of a built-in suppression system

c. occupancy type

How should fire fighters space themselves when advancing an uncharged line up a ladder? a. 15 ft. b. 10 ft. c. one fire fighter on each ladder section d. only the fire fighter with the nozzle should be on the ladder

c. one fire fighter on each ladder section

Attack lines should be connected to a standpipe system ______. a. two floors below the fire b. one floor above the fire c. one floor below the fire d. on the fire floor

c. one floor below the fire

What should be done to avoid water hammer? a. always maintain a minimum residual pressure of 20 psi b. purge air from the line before opening a valve or nozzle c. open and close all valves slowly d. never connect a hard suction hose to a pressurized water supply

c. open and close all valves slowly

The smothering method of extinguishment is most frequently used in which wildland operation? a. indirect attack b. direct attack c. overhaul d. cold trailing

c. overhaul

Which hazard should be of particular concern to fire fighters who are carrying long tools? a. self-closing doors b. tight turns in corridor c. overhead wires d. windows

c. overhead wires

An agent that takes weeks to evaporate is said to be ____. a. stable b. insoluble c. persistent d. immiscible

c. persistent

Which device is used to measure the amount of radiation exposure for an individual? a. ionization detector b. type III PASS device c. personal dosimeter d. Geiger counter

c. personal dosimeter

Tracking every company working at an incident from the time they arrive until they time they are released is the function of the _____ system. a. resource tracking b. roll call c. personnel accountability d. check-in

c. personnel accountability

What is the most commonly used improvised explosive device? a. Satchel bomb b. letter/package bimb c. pipe bomb d. vehicle bomb

c. pipe bomb

What is the term for the lowest temperature at which a liquid produces enough vapor to sustain a continuous fire? a. ignition temperature b. flash point c. vaporization temperature d. flame point

d. flame point

Which type of hose ranges in size from 1" to 1 1/2" (25 to 38 mm) in diameter? a. handline b. booster c. medium d. forestry

d. forestry

Class D agents work primarily by ______. a. suppressing vapor production b. inhibiting the chemical chain reaction c. penetrating the fuel d. forming a crust over the fuel

d. forming a crust over the fuel

When placed at the correct angle for climbing, the ratio of the ladder's vertical reach to distance of the butt from the structure is ___ to one. a. five b. two c. three d. four

d. four

What is the minimum acceptable level of protective equipment when conducting forcible entry during fire suppression operations? a. helmet, coat and gloves b. helmet and eye protection c. gloves and eye protection d. full structural firefighting PPE

d. full structural firefighting PPE

Which of the following is a sign of cyanide gas poisoning? a. profuse sweating b. sudden collapse c. skin blisters d. gasping for air

d. gasping for air

How infectious is smallpox? a. mildly infectious b. moderately infectious c. it is not infectious d. highly infectious

d. highly infectious

Operating a PIV handle is similar to operating a ______. a. ball valve b. pump panel pull-valve c. nozzle bale d. hydrant wrench

d. hydrant wrench

What is a common location for a sprinkler system OS&Y valve? a. on the service side of the water meter b. in an underground service box c. outside next to the post indicator valve d. in a utility or mechanical room

d. in a utility or mechanical room

At an emergency scene, the safety officer reports directly to the _______. a. Operations chief b. Medical group supervisor c. General staff d. Incident commander

d. incident commander

The individual responsible for the overall management of an incident is the _______. a. operations chief b. commanding officer c. company officer d. incident commander

d. incident commander

If a wildland or ground cover fire is too dangerous for a direct attack, which type of fire attack should be used? a. pincer b. flanking c. head d. indirect

d. indirect

During salvage, what is the best way to quickly stop the flow from a single sprinkler head? a. replace the bulb or link b. install a replacement head c. close the branch line valve d. insert a sprinkler wedge

d. insert a sprinkler wedge

Depositing a company's personnel accountability roster with the entry officer or command post indicates that the company ________. a. is available for assignment b. has been released from the scene c. has arrived on scene d. is inside the hazard area

d. is inside the hazard area

A blanket drag is best suited for a victim who ______. a. may have a spinal injury b. is a child c. is grossly obese d. is not dressed

d. is not dressed

What is the term for an area of unburned land surrounded by burned land? a. pocket b. heel c. finger d. island

d. island

Which statement regarding the fire fighter drag is correct? a. it is well suited to stairways b. it requires no equipment to carry out c. it requires cooperation on the part of the victim d. it can be used when the victim is heavier than the rescuer

d. it can be used when the victim is heavier than the rescuer

Which statement about an RIC is correct? a. it is required only on hazardous materials and confined-space rescue incidents b. a backup hose line crew operating inside the hazard zone may function as the RIC c. it is not permitted to perform any non-RIC tasks d. it is an extension of the two-in/two-out rule

d. it is an extension of the two-in/two-out rule

What is a defining characteristic of utility rope? a. it features natural fiber construction b. it is de-rated or expired rescue rope c. it has a minimum breaking strength of 300 lbs. d. it must not be used to support the weight of a person

d. it must not be used to support the weight of a person

Which statement about positive-pressure ventilation is correct? a. it requires the use of a build in HVAC system b. it uses a smoke ejector to draw smoke out of a building c. it can be used only under favorable wind conditions d. it should be used only if attack crews have access to all fire

d. it should be used only if attack crews have access to all fire

Why should fire fighters understand the basic principles of fire investigation? a. they may be called to serve as cause investigators b. an understanding of fire cause aids in fire suppression c. they may have to detain or question suspects of witnesses d. it will help them to observe and preserve evidence

d. it will help them to observe and preserve evidence

Smoke produced by a small fire involving ordinary combustibles is ____________. a. gray and fast moving b. black and thick c. mustard or brown and wispy d. light colored and lazy

d. light colored and lazy

During rescue breathing, what should be done with firmly attached dental appliances? a. they should be removed if gentle pressure alone is sufficient to detach them b. they should be removed c. single or double bridges should be left in place; all other appliances should be removed d. nothing

d. nothing

When are company officers and safety officers involved in risk-benefit analysis? a. when assigned this task by the incident commander b. at the beginning and end of each operational period c. at each completion benchmark d. on a continuous basis

d. on a continuous basis

What do company officers do when the incident commander requests a personnel accountability report (PAR)? a. collect the passports from company members b. report with the company to the staging area c. report with the company to rehab d. physically verify that all assigned members are present

d. physically verify that all assigned members are present

Which construction technique builds one floor at a time with a firestop between each floor? a. ordinary b. balloon c. flitch plate d. platform frame

d. platform frame

What is the term for a water-soluble flammable liquid? a. miscible liquid b. hypergolic fuel c. solute d. polar solvent

d. polar solvent

What is the second most common synthetic fiber used for life safety ropes? a. rayon b. polypropylene c. monoester d. polyester

d. polyester

What is the term for a hose line that is stored on an engine connected to a discharge and equipped with a nozzle for immediate deployment? a. skid load b. ready load c. bundle d. preconnect

d. preconnect

How are rehabilitation concerns affected by cold weather? a. recommended fluid intake is reduced b. PPE reduces the likelihood of hypothermia c. drinking hot liquids should be prohibited d. rehab should include access to dry clothing

d. rehab should include access to dry clothing

What should fire fighters do with their PPE in rehabilitation? a. keep it on in cold or wet weather b. remove helmets, hoods and gloves c. keep it on d. remove it

d. remove it

After company officers carry out a PAR, what do they do next? a. send the passport to the command post b. resume operations c. check the air status of all personnel within the company d. report the results to the incident commander

d. report the results to the incident commander

Which of the following is a form of passive cooling? a. immersion in cool water b. use of misting fans c. application of wet towels d. rest in an air-conditioned environment

d. rest in an air-conditioned environment

What is the most important reason for team integrity in firefighting operations? a. chain of command b. span of control c. tactical effectiveness d. safety of personnel

d. safety of personnel

A class K agent's effect on the fuel is known as _______. a. dissolution b. emulsification c. hydrolyzation d. saponification

d. saponification

What is an occlusive dressing used for? a. treating burns b. preventing infection c. stopping bleeding d. sealing chest wounds

d. sealing chest wounds

If a fire fighter becomes disoriented, how can the hose line be used to assist in egress? a. place one hand on the swivel and one hand on the shank; move in the direction of the swivel b. the male coupling is on the end of the hose nearest the apparatus c. place both hands on the coupling; travel in the direction of the hand holding the male coupling d. move in the direction of the shank without the lugs

c. place both hands on the coupling; travel in the direction of the hand holding the male coupling

Which construction feature is most commonly found in Type V buildings? a. pre-stressed concrete b. treated lumber c. platform-frame construction d. bar joists

c. platform-frame construction

Which of the following are developed to provide definitive guidelines for present and future actions? a. standard operating procedures b. after-action reports c. policies d. regulations

c. policies

At least one member of every interior firefighting team should be equipped with a ________. a. a spare SCBA cylinder b. guide rope c. portable radio d. thermal imager

c. portable radio

All portable fire extinguishers use which means for expelling their contents? a. volume b. gravity c. pressure d. vacuum

c. pressure

What is the function of stops on an extension ladder? a. prevent collapse in the event of halyard failure b. prevent the ladder from slipping on the ground c. prevent overextension d. lock the extended fly sections in place

c. prevent overextension

What is a primary objective in establishing a perimeter around a known or suspected terrorist incident scene? a. stop or minimize the amount of material released b. mark the transition between control zones c. prevent people not initially involved from becoming victims d. maintain personnel accountability

c. prevent people not initially from becoming victims

A quick attempt to locate potential victims who may be in danger is a(n) ____________. a. initial survey b. rapid sweep c. primary search d. secondary search

c. primary search

The "P" in the acronym PASS, used in reference to fire extinguisher operation, stands for _______. a. point b. pause c. pull d. pick

c. pull

Heat transfer in the form of invisible waves is called ____. a. conduction b. convection c. radiation d. emissions

c. radiation

What is one of the primary functions of a roof ladder a. provide a secondary means of egress b. provide lightweight, rapid access to a roof c. reduce the risk of roof collapse during ventilation operations d. reduce the number of fire fighters required for vertical ventilation

c. reduce the risk of roof collapse during ventilation operations

Which statement about rehabilitation is correct? a. a rehab center should be established at every incident b. rehab should be limited to high intensity or long-duration incidents c. rehab should be a consideration on every incident d. the need for rehab should be determined by line personnel

c. rehab should be a consideration on every incident

What should company officers do if they believe there is a change in the balance of risk to benefit during an incident? a. continue with their assignments b. change their tactics accordingly c. report their observations to the incident commander d. withdraw without delay

c. report their observations to the incident commander

Which statement is correct about simultaneous offensive and defensive operations at the same building? a. simultaneous offensive and defensive operations may be a useful tactic for large industrial buildings b. simultaneous offensive and defensive operations may be necessary until the completion of the primary search c. simultaneous offensive and defensive operations are dangerous and should not be done d. simultaneous offensive and defensive operations are useful for a small fire that is threatening exposures

c. simultaneous offensive and defensive operations are dangerous and should not be done

Smoke that is produced by ordinary household materials when they are first heated has which sort of appearance? a. Brown and fast moving b. Black and thick c. Slow moving and white d. Mustard yellow and lazy

c. slow moving and white

What is the phenomenon in which smoke hangs low to the ground on a calm, cool, damp day? a. downdrafting b. ground effect c. smoke inversion d. pooling

c. smoke inversion

The number of people whom one person can supervise effectively is known as ______. a. chain of command b. division of labor c. span of control d. functional supervision

c. span of control

A ladder consisting of a single section is called a ____ ladder. a. roof b. fly c. straight d. ground

c. straight

The individual fibers of a natural fiber ropes are twisted together to form a _______. a. twill b. plait c. strand d. creel

c. strand

Ground cover is an example of a(n) ______ fuel. a. understory b. compact c. surface d. live

c. surface

Which part of the body should be used for a heavy lift? a. The shoulder girdle b. The abdomen c. The legs d. The waist

c. the legs

Which statement is correct regarding class D extinguishing agents? a. application methods are similar regardless of the agent and fuel involved b. some agents are also rated for other classes of fire c. the specific agent must be matched to the specific fuel d. most agents are effective on several class D fuels

c. the specific agent must be matched to the specific fuel

How does PPE prevent evaporate cooling? a. perspiration is absorbed in the layers b. the thermal barrier prevents heat transfer c. the vapor barrier prevents evaporation of sweet d. the liner reflects evaporative heat

c. the vapor barrier prevents evaporation of sweet

Which statement about outward-opening doors is correct? a. these doors can be identified by their exposed stiles b. the hinges of these doors are not accessible c. these doors are designed to facilitate exit d. these doors are typically found on residential structures

c. these doors are designed to facilitate exit

How do heated gases move in a room? a. they spread laterally to the walls and then begin to rise b. they seek the lowest point and settle there c. they rise to the ceiling and spread outward d. they disperse evenly throughout the entire volume of the room

c. they rise to the ceiling and spread outward

What is the function of a personnel accountability system? a. organize resources into divisions, groups, and crews b. prevent freelancing and deviation from SOPs c. track the location and assignments of all personnel at the incident d. establish and maintain team integrity

c. track the location and assignments of all personnel at the incident

In two rescuer CPR on an infant, compressions should be performed with the ______. a. heel of one hand b. ring and middle fingers c. two thumbs/encircling hands technique d. ring, middle, and index fingers

c. two thumbs/encircling hands technique

The two-fire-fighter stiff-arm method is used to _____. a. reload LDH into a hose bed b. make hard suction hose connections c. uncouple hose d. advance a charged line

c. uncouple hose

Which basic management principle says that each fire fighter should answer to only one supervisor? a. span of control b. division of labor c. unity of command d. organizational accountability

c. unity of command

When does the rest phase begin during the rehabilitation process? a. after body temperature has been restored b. after rehydration and calorie replacement c. upon arrival at the rehabilitation center d. after the initial medical evaluation

c. upon arrival at the rehabilitation center

Which term refers to the weight of gas compared to air? a. vapor gravity b. specific gravity c. vapor density d. specific density

c. vapor density

The NFPA defines wildland fires as unplanned and uncontrolled fire burning in _____ fuel. a. natural b. living c. vegetative d. organic

c. vegetative

Which part of the circulatory system carries blood to the heart? a. arteries b. capillaries c. veins d. arterioles

c. veins

What is a critical factor to evaluate in size-up for search and rescue? a. reflex time b. type of fire attack c. victims' ability to self-evacuate d. age of victims

c. victims' ability to self-evacuate

Which term means areas where underdeveloped land with vegetative fuels is mixed with human-made structures? a. greenbelt b. rural-urban intermix c. wild-urban interface d. rural development zone

c. wild-urban interface

Which type of glass is most typically used in fire doors and windows? a. pyrex b. laminated c. wired d. safety

c. wired

In which situation should utility company personnel be called to interrupt power from a remote location? a. The building houses multiple living units b. Multiple hose lines are in house c. Wires outside the fire building are damaged d. Occupants are non- or semi-abulatory

c. wires outside the fire building are damaged

Which attack line load is particularly useful when there is a long distance between the engine and the fire? a. minuteman b. skid c. wyed lines d. triple layer

c. wyed lines

HIPPA applies specifically to _____. a. healthcare providers b. certified or registered medical personnel c. EMS providers d. "covered entities"

d. "covered entities"

Which radio terminology is used to report a fire fighter in trouble and requiring immediate assistance? a. "fire fighter requesting assistance" b. "emergency traffic" c. "signal 102" d. "mayday"

d. "mayday"

According to NFPA statistics, the value of direct property damage caused by structure fires in the US in 2010 was ____. a. $13.3 billion b. $5.1 billion c. $22 billion d. $9.7 billion

d. $9.7 billion

The flash point of gasoline is ________. a. -15 degree F b. 0 degree F c. 32 degrees F d. -45 degrees F

d. -45 degrees F

Once a fire fighter loses an initial 2 quarts of water of internal fluid, how long will rehydration take? a. 5 to 15 minutes b. 15 to 30 minutes c. 30 to 60 minutes d. 1 to 2 hours

d. 1 to 2 hours

Generally speaking, a 1 3/4" (45 mm) attack hose can flow _______. a. 60 to 125 gpm b. 100 to 160 gpm c. 75 to 150 gpm d. 120 to 180 gpm

d. 120 to 180 gpm

Which NFPA standard contains information on a fire department infection control program? a. 1561 b. 1701 c. 1521 d. 1500

d. 1500

Which NFPA standard deals with protective clothing and equipment for wildland firefighting? a. 1214 b. 1072 c. 1982 d. 1977

d. 1977

What is the ideal location for the rehabilitation center at a high-rise fire? a. in the lobby of the fire building b. outside but nearby the fire building c. in a safe location on the fire floor d. 2 or 3 floors below the fire

d. 2 or 3 floors below the fire

A fire fighter can lose up to ___ in an hour of strenuous exertion. a. 1.5 quarts b. 1 quart c. .5 quart d. 2 quarts

d. 2 quarts

A class A fire extinguisher with a numerical rating of 2 contains _____ gallons of water. a. 2.2 b. 1.5 c. 1.0 d. 2.5

d. 2.5

What is the minimum number of fire fighters needed to advance and maneuver a 2 1/2" handline inside a building? a. 2 b. 4 c. 1 d. 3

d. 3

To effectively manage a cardiac arrest, a minimum space of ___ is needed on all side of the victim? a. 2 ft b. 6 ft c. 1 ft d. 3 ft

d. 3 ft

A PPE ensemble weighs at least ______. a. 25 lb b. 60 lb c. 75 lb d. 40 lb

d. 40 lb

According to NFPA statistics, approximately how many home structure fires were reported in the United States in 2010? a. 257,500 b. 925,300 c. 38,400 d. 482,000

d. 482,000

What is the minimum measurement for a ventilation opening cut in a roof? a. 5 ft by 5 ft b. 6 ft by 6 ft c. 6ft by 8 ft d. 4ft by 4 ft

d. 4ft by 4 ft

The hydrostatic test interval for a dry chemical extinguisher with a stainless steel shell is every _____ years. a. 12 b. 10 c. 3 d. 5

d. 5

There are ___ major steps in processing a report of an emergency. a. 3 b. 4 c. 6 d. 5

d. 5

For a ladder contacting the wall 20ft above the ground, the base should be ____ from the wall. a. 6 ft b. 4 ft c. 3 ft d. 5 ft

d. 5 ft

Fire fighters should be able to don personal protective clothing within ____ seconds. a. 75 b. 90 c. 45 d. 60

d. 60

When donning SCBA, fire fighters should check that cylinder has a minimum of ____ percent of its rated maximum pressure. a. 80 b. 100 c. 75 d. 90

d. 90

Which class of fire involves ordinary combustibles such as wood and paper? a. B b. C c. D d. A

d. A

When preforming size-up, what is the most reliable source of facts about a structure? a. Reporting part information b. Eyewitness accounts c. Initial reports d. A pre-incident plan

d. A pre-incident plan

Which explosive was used in the 1995 bombing of the Alfred E. Murrah Federal Building? a. TNT b. TATP c. Urea nitrate d. ANFO


Which tool can be used to operate a natural gas supply valve? a. Strap wrench b. Flat-head screwdriver c. Hydrant wrench d. Adjustable wrench

d. Adjustable wrench

What is the term for a rapid chemical process in which the combination of a substance with oxygen produces heat and light? a. Convection b. Pyrolysis c. Oxidation d. Combustion

d. Combustion

What are TDD and TTY? a. Location finders in enhanced 911 systems b. Voice-activated applications for smart phones that place a 911 call c. Routers that direct wireless calls to the appropriate dispatch center d. Communication devices for hearing-impaired persons

d. Communication devices for hearing-impaired persons

Of the basic fire-ground objectives, which item is third in order of priority? a. Protect exposures b. Extinguish the fire c. Rescue victims d. Confine the fire

d. Confine the fire (1. Save Lives 2. Protect exposures 3. Confine the fire 4. Extinguish the fire 5. Salvage property & overhaul the fire)

What does the "C" stand for in "RECEO-VS"? a. Conduction b. Convection c. Command d. Confinement

d. Confinement (Rescue, Exposures, Confinement, Extinguishment, Overhaul, Ventilation, Salvage)

Why is the age of a building relevant during size-up? a. Reliability of suppression systems is suspect in older buildings b. Required fire flow increases with age c. Older buildings are more difficult to ventilate d. Construction methods change over time

d. Construction methods change over time

The majority of fires are extinguished by which method? a. Excluding oxygen b. Inhibiting the chemical chain reaction c. Suppressing vapor emission d. Cooling the fuel

d. Cooling the fuel

What is used to connect individual sections of hose together to extend their length? a. Higbee b. Appliance c. Rocker d. Coupling

d. Coupling

What does the second "D" stand for in "TDD"? a. Dispatch b. Dedicated c. Dialer d. Deaf

d. Deaf

Which type of attack is used to minimize risk to fire fighters? a. Indirect b. Combination c. Tactical d. Defensive

d. Defensive

What is the second priority in basic fire-ground objectives? a. Salvage b. Extinguishment c. Confinement d. Exposure protection

d. Exposure protection (1. Save lives 2. Protect exposures 3. Confine the fire 4. Extinguish the fire 5. Salvage property & overhaul the fire)

What is the term for acting without a superiors order or outside of department SOPs? a. Independent action b. Decentralized authority c. Initiative d. Freelancing

d. Freelancing

What is the dispatcher's first responsibility? a. Calm and reassure the caller b. Determine the nature and extent of the incident being reported c. Provide the caller with real-time, emergency instructions, such as how to perform CPR d. Get the information needed to dispatch the appropriate units to the correct location

d. Get the information needed to dispatch the appropriate units to the correct location

Which piece of protective equipment is of particular importance when caring for a victim with a cough? a. gown b. surgical mask c. goggles d. HEPA respirator

d. HEPA respirator

Which gas is most commonly produced by residential or commercial fires? a. Hydrogen sulfide b. Nitrous oxide c. Anhydrous ammonia d. Hydrogen cyanide

d. Hydrogen cyanide

Which are the two levels of NFPA fire fighter certification? a. A and B b. Basic and Advanced c. Junior and Senior d. I and II

d. I and II

Which are the two levels of NFPA fire fighter certification? a. A and B b. basic and advanced c. Junior and Senior d. I and II

d. I and II

Which type of construction is heavy timber? a. V b. III c. II d. IV

d. IV

Who develops the incident action plan? a. Operations section chief b. Command staff c. Planning section chief d. Incident commander

d. Incident commander

Which development led to the widespread use of the mechanized pumping apparatus? a. Private insurance companies b. Wagon mounted steam engines c. Jacketed hose d. Internal combustion engines

d. Internal combustion engines

Which national organization writes codes and standards for fire protection? a. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) b. United States c. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) d. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

d. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Through which organization are Emergency Medical Responders nationally registered? a. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services b. FEMA c. International Red Cross d. National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians

d. National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians

When is it acceptable to drive a fire apparatus over a downed power line? a. In an emergency situation where there is no alternative approach b. Only if it can be done in such a way that no two tires touch the downed line simultaneously c. If the wire is motionless and silent d. never

d. Never

What does the "N" stand for in "ANI"? a. Name b. Normal c. Network d. Number

d. Number

What is the term for the process of finding and completely extinguishing any remaining pockets of fire? a. Salvage b. Investigation c. Mop-up d. Overhaul

d. Overhaul

How does wearing PPE affect the body's ability to regulate temperature? a. heat in efficiently conducted from the skin to the shell b. cool SCBA cylinder air improves respiratory cooling c. the perspiration-soaked inner liner enhances cooling by convection d. PPE prevents evaporative cooling

d. PPE prevents evaporative cooling

How do most volunteer fire fighters receive dispatch messages? a. Phone b. Home receiver c. Siren or horn d. Pager

d. Pager

Which fire gas is a product of incomplete combustion of common household items? a. Acrolein b. Hydrogen chloride c. Sulfur dioxide d. Phosgene

d. Phosgene

Which statement about the operation of HVAC equipment during fire ventilation operations is correct? a. HVAC systems should be shut down as soon as possible b. it is important to maintain power to the HVAC system at all times c. HVAC systems are designed to automatically shut down when smoke is detected d. some HVAC systems incorporate features that are useful for clearing smoke

d. some HVAC systems incorporate features that are useful for clearing smoke

The use of which terrorist method has increased dramatically in recent years? a. dirty bombs b. food contamination c. biological core d. suicide bombing

d. suicide bombing

The rate of combustion of wood is most directly related to which factor? a. age b. use of adhesives c. volatility d. surface area

d. surface area

The most likely cause of leaking between two joining couplings is a damaged or missing _______. a. shank gasket b. compression gasket c. expansion ring d. swivel gasket

d. swivel gasket

A fire fighter with specialized knowledge and training for high angle rescue, structural collapse, trench rescue, confined space, and similar operations is a _______. a. Special operations technician b. Fire Fighter II c. Search and rescue technician d. technical rescue technician

d. technical rescue technician

A safety zone should be large enough ______. a. to fit apparatus as well as personnel b. to be accessible by rotary-winged aircraft c. to accommodate an entire division d. that fire shelters are not needed to prevent injury

d. that fire shelters are not needed to prevent injury

What must be done before beginning ventilation? a. the main body of the fire must be knocked down b. the rapid intervention crew must be assigned and ready c. the primary search must be complete d. the hose team must be in place and ready to attack the fire

d. the hose team must be in place and ready to attack the fire

Who plans ahead to make sure there is a fresh or rested crew ready to rotate with a crew that needs rehabilitation? a. the company officer b. the logistics section chief c. the staging officer d. the incident commander

d. the incident commander

Which preconnected hose load forms an S-shape in the hose bed? a. split b. skid c. minuteman d. triple layer

d. triple layer

What does it mean when a fire extinguisher has a pictograph with a red slash through it? a. use on that class of fire would be ineffective b. the fire extinguisher is rated for use on that class of fire c. the fire extinguisher has not been tested for use on that class of fire d. use on that class of fire could be hazardous

d. use on that class of fire could be hazardous

What is the correct procedure for a burst hose line? a. leave the burst section in operation unless the water loss is affecting nozzle flow b. place the clamp as far from the burst section of hose as possible c. shut the line down at the pump panel only as last resort d. use two lengths of hose to replace a single burst length

d. use two lengths of hose to replace a single burst length

Which type of bleeding is characterized by a steady flow of dark red blood? a. capillary b. arterial c. serous d. venous

d. venous

Which form of ventilation is best for potential backdraft conditions? a. negative pressure b. positive pressure c. horizontal d. vertical

d. vertical

Which type of ventilation uses openings in roofs or floors so that heat and smoke can escape the structure in an upward direction? a. mechanical b. negative pressure c. horizontal d. vertical

d. vertical

If overhaul operations may disturb possible evidence, what should fire fighters do before continuing with their work? a. have a law enforcement officer evaluate the situation b. tag and bag the evidence c. take photos or make sketches of the evident in an undisturbed state d. wait for investigators to examine it

d. wait for investigators to examine it

What is the most common error when making a mayday call? a. making inadequate efforts at self-rescue before making the call b. failing to activate the PASS after making the call c. issuing the call prematurely d. waiting too long before making the call

d. waiting too long before making the call

Which agent is approved for use in a Class K system? a. carbon dioxide b. aqueous film-forming foam c. dry chemical d. wet chemical

d. wet chemical

What is the most common application for an engineered wood product? a. where high fire-resistance is required b. stair treads and risers c. short load-bearing members d. where extra-long beams are required

d. where extra-long beams are required

The first priority for search teams is those areas _______. a. where victims are most likely to be found b. with the highest number of occupants c. where trapped occupants have the best chance for survival d. where occupants are in the most immediate danger

d. where occupants are in the most immediate danger

Which attack line load is often coupled to a larger-diameter line? a. split b. triple layer c. minuteman d. wyed lines

d. wyed lines

Which statement best summarizes an apparatus operator's legal responsibility for the safe operation of that vehicle? a. The operator is legally exempt from liability during an emergency response. b. The operator is not legally responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle; instead, legal responsibility is borne by the agency. c. The operator is not legally responsible for the safe o9peration of the vehicle, but is considered morally responsible. d. The operator is legally responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle at all times.

d. The operator is legally responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle at all times.

Before opening doors or exiting the apparatus, fire fighters should always check for ________. a. A patent face piece seal b. Pump engagement c. Smoke indicators d. Traffic hazards

d. Traffic hazards

What should a call-taker do if a call comes in about an issue the fire department does not handle? a. Send the call to he back of teh queue and take it when there is no priority traffic b. Politely inform the called that the fire department does not provide assistance for his or her issue. c. Advise the caller to call back on the nonemergency line. d. Transfer, direct, or refer the caller to the appropriate agency.

d. Transfer, direct, or refer the caller to the appropriate agency

What is the function of an EOSTI? a. Emit and audible alarm when the wearer becomes motionless b. Emit an audible alarm in the presence of certain gases c. Broadcast a mayday signal d. Warn an SCBA wearer of low cylinder pressure

d. Warn an SCBA wearer of low cylinder pressure

What is the most common cause of cardiac in children? a. a congenital defect b. meningitis c. cardiac myopathy d. a breathing problem

d. a breathing problem

How does vent-entry-search differ from conventional search and rescue? a. the fire is ventilated before entry is made b. the fire fighter is attached to a guide rope c. all windows and doors are propped open during the search d. a window is used for entry and exit

d. a window is used for entry and exit

A fire caused by a person falling asleep with a lit cigarette is an example of a(n) ______ fire. a. negligent b. unintentional c. causal d. accidental

d. accidental

Which of the following is exclusively a Paramedic level skill? a. use of an AED b. extrication c. ambulance operation d. administering medications

d. administering medications

Which statement best summarizes the types of incidents for which the incident command system (ICS) be should be implemented? a. Incidents exceeding a single 0perational period b. Incidents where the incident commander's span of control is exceeded c. Incidents involving more than a single company d. All emergency incidents

d. all emergency incidents

The earliest know fire department was in _____. a. the Ottoman Empire b. Greece c. Germany d. ancient Rome

d. ancient Rome

Which of the following is a form of active cooling? a. removal of PPE b. rest in a shady area c. rest in an air-conditioned environment d. application of wet, cool towels

d. application of wet, cool towels

Within a room space, where are the hottest gases found? a. at the lowest level b. it varies depending on the composition of the gases c. distributed uniformly throughout the volume d. at the highest level

d. at the highest level

What is the most common hazard associated with confined spaces? a. carcinogenic materials b. explosion c. electrical shock d. atmospheric conditions

d. atmospheric conditions

Which type of fog-stream nozzle provides a flow between 90 and 225 gpm (340 and 852 lpm)? a. fixed-gallonage b. adjustable gallonage c. variable pattern d. automatic-adjusting

d. automatic-adjusting

What is the medial term for tearing away of body tissue? a. evisceration b. degloving c. separation d. avulsion

d. avulsion

Which wood-frame construction system uses studs that run continuously from the basement to the roof? a. western b. platform c. conventional d. balloon frame

d. balloon frame

For an extinguishing agent to be approved for use on energized electrical equipment, it must ______. a. form a vapor barrier b. leave no residue c. be safe of ruse in a closed room d. be electrically non-conductive

d. be electrically non-conductive

To qualify as a light hazard for the purpose of extinguisher selection and placement, the majority of materials in the area must ________. a. be fire resistive b. be class A or C combustibles c. have a flash point exceeding 150 degrees F d. be noncombustible

d. be noncombustible

Which type truss has a curved upper member and straight low member? a. engineered b. open web c. lightweight d. bowstring

d. bowstring

What is the primary indicator of the point of origin in a structure fire? a. depth of smoke stains b. color of smoke c. shape of floor char d. burn pattern on a wall

d. burn pattern on a wall

The one-person walking assist is best suited for victims who are ________. a. awake and responsive b. require support to walk c. unable to walk d. capable of walking

d. capable of walking

Which fire extinguishing agent is best for use on sensitive electronic equipment? a. aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) b. loaded stream c. ammonium phosphate d. carbon dioxide

d. carbon dioxide

What should be done after a self-closing door is forced? a. return the door to the closed position b. allow the mechanism to resume its normal operation c. cut the actuation cable d. chock the door in the open position

d. chock the door in the open position

Which statement about foam fire extinguishers is correct? a. both class A and class B extinguishers may be used to some effect on either class of fire b. neither class A nor class B extinguishers can be used to any effect on the other class of fire c. class A foam extinguishers may be used to some effect on Class B fires d. class B foam extinguishers may be used to some effect on class A fires

d. class B foam extinguishers may be used to some effect on class A fires

Which knot would typically be used to attach a rope to a tree or pole? a. square knot b. figure eight on a bight c. bowline on a bight d. clove hitch

d. clove hitch

How can churning be eliminated during smoke ejection? a. increase the number or size of exhaust openings b. raise the fan in the opening c. pull the fan back a few inches d. completely block the opening around the fan

d. completely block the opening around the fan

NFPA standards are ___________. a. administrative law b. regulatory law c. model codes d. consensus documents

d. consensus documents

The kern of a kernmantle rope is its ______. a. weave b. strand c. sheath d. core

d. core

Which extinguishing method is being used when a foam blanket is placed over the surface of a burning liquid? a. diluting the fuel b. inhibiting the chemical chain reaction c. cooling the fuel d. cutting off the oxygen supply

d. cutting off the oxygen supply

What is a consequence of falling relative humidity? a. falling burn index b. increased lapse rate c. decreased ignitability d. decreased fuel moisture

d. decreased fuel moisture

Which area is the second search priority? a. directly under the fire b. directly adjacent to the fire c. between the fire and the main exit d. directly above the fire

d. directly above the fire

Which precaution should you take when raising the fly section of an extension ladder? a. maintain a firm grip on the rungs b. set your feet against the inside of the rails c. set the dogs after each click d. do not wrap the halyard around your hands

d. do not wrap the halyard around your hands

Which sort of air movement is likely on a hot day in and air conditioned tall building? a. updraft b. stratification c. churning d. downdraft

d. downdraft

What is placed directly on a wound to control bleeding and prevent further contamination? a. bandage b. splint c. tourniquet d. dressing

d. dressing

What is an appropriate use for a 1" (25 mm) booster line? a. car fire b. exposure protection c. appliance fire d. dumpster fire

d. dumpster fire

Who usually decides which agencies will provide EMS? a. the local emergency planning committee (LEPC) b. the chief fire official c. an accreditation committee d. elected officials

d. elected officials

Which statement about the care and use of PPE is correct? a. in hot weather, resist the temptation to remove your turnout coat when at the rehabilitation station. b. accumulated dirt or contamination reduces the protective quality to turnout coats c. special cleaning solutions are available for home laundering of turnout coats d. damp turnout coats provide an extra degree of thermal protection

b. accumulated dirt or contamination reduces the protective quality of turnout coats

Which of the following is a component of the seven part rehabilitation model? a. air cylinder replacement b. active/passive warming/cooling c. injury prevention d. check in/check out

b. active/passive warming/cooling

Liquid nerve agents are most effective when they are _____. a. condensed b. aerosolized c. vaporized d. diluted

b. aerosolized

The food supply is an example of a(n) _____ target. a. infrastructure b. agroterrorism c. ecoterrorism d. cyberterrorism

b. agroterrorism

Which method is usually recommended for drying ropes? a. a hose dryer b. air drying c. a laundry dryer d. direct sunlight

b. air drying

A fire fighter with specialized training for aircraft and airport related incidents is a(n) _______. a. technical rescue technician b. aircraft rescue fire fighter c. hazardous material technician d. aviation operations specialist

b. aircraft rescue fire fighter

A fire fighter with specialized training for aircraft and airport-related incidents is a(n) ______. a. technical rescue technician b. aircraft rescue fire fighter c. hazardous material technician d. aviation operations specialist

b. aircraft rescue fire fighter

At which type of incidents is rehabilitation a concern? a. all fire incidents b. all incidents c. incidents requiring the use of full PPE d. high intensity / long duration incidents

b. all incidents

How should fire fighters be released from rehabilitation? a. individuals should be released as they complete the rehab process b. all member of a company should be released together c. personnel should be released on an as needed basis d. personnel should check out in the same order that they checked in

b. all member of a company should be released together

Which agent is rated for use on class A fires? a. potassium chloride b. ammonium phosphate c. sodium bircarbonate d. potassium bircarbonate

b. ammonium phosphate

Which type of shock is caused by a severe allergic reaction to a foreign substance? a. allergenic b. anaphylactic c. neurogenic d. septic

b. anaphylactic

What is the most common source of saturated fats? a. fish b. animal products c. deaf-leaf vegetables c. cereal grains

b. animal products

Which of the following is one of a fire department's two basic resources? a. Training b. Apparatus c. Leadership d. Organization

b. apparatus (the other is personnel)

Where does the victim's arm go in the one-person walking assist? a. across the victim's chest b. around the rescuer's neck c. linked in the rescuer's arm d. around the rescuer's waist

b. around the rescuer's neck

How is exposure affected by distance from a source of radiation? a. distance does not directly affect exposure b. as distance increases, exposure decreases c. the relationship varies with the type of radiation d. as distance increases, exposure increases

b. as distance increases, exposure decreases

When should a full rehabilitation center be established? a. for any incident occurring in extreme weather b. at all incidents requiring the use of PPE c. at all incidents d. in varies with conditions and the nature of the incident

b. at all incidents requiring the use of PPE

The sudden introduction of air into a oxygen depleted, superheated space may result in _____. a. ghosting b. backdraft c. black fire d. improved visibility

b. backdraft

Which of the following is the most likely indication of accelerant use? a. burnt blankets and rags b. charring on the underside of a door c. door propped open d. multiple points of origin

b. charring on the underside of a door

What should rescuers do if they hear a crackling sound while performing CPR? a. nothing; continue compressions b. check and correct hand position c. decompress the abdomen d. decrease compression depth slightly

b. check and correct hand position

What is sounding? a. probing a closet or confined space with a tool handle b. checking the condition of a roof by striking it with a tool c. listening for fire inside concealed spaces d. using a screwdriver or similar tool to check the depth of char

b. checking the condition of a roof by striking it with a tool

What is the best way to confirm everyone has safely evacuated a building? a. conduct a personnel accountability report b. conduct a thorough search c. conduct a head count d. question occupants

b. conduct a thorough search

Which type of tool is a pick-head axe? a. combination b. cutting c. prying d. striking

b. cutting

What is the most serious consequence of untreated dehydration? a. syncope b. death c. heat exhaustion d. heat stroke

b. death

What is slash? a. partially decomposed organic matter b. debris from logging or clearing operations c. partially burned fuel d. seasonal ground cover

b. debris from logging or clearing operations

During the ______ phase, fire has consumed either the available fuel or oxygen and temperature drops. a. isothermic b. decay c. incipient d. overhaul

b. decay

You are alone in zero-visibility conditions and unable to find an exit. Which action listed below should you take first? a. attempt to find a hose line or tagline b. declare a "mayday" over your radio c. activate your personal alert safety system (PASS) d. find a wall and methodically search it for a window or door

b. declare a "mayday" over your radio

Using a light-duty extension cord to connect a heavy duty appliance is an example of which subtype of electrical fire cause? a. overloaded wiring b. defective installation c. user negligence d. improper use of equipment

b. defective installation

What is the last resort for a fire fighter in danger of being overrun by a wildland fire? a. flee to the safety zone b. deploy a fire shelter c. take shelter in a vehicle cab d. take shelter in a house

b. deploy a fire shelter

When should fire fighters begin making observations for use in a fire investigation? a. during salvage/overhaul b. during dispatch and response c. upon arrival d. during suppression

b. during dispatch and response

From which end of the rope can a clove hitch accept tension without coming untied? a. the running end only b. either end c. neither end d. the working end only

b. either end

Another term for head pressure is ______ pressure. a. residual b. elevation c. flow d. static

b. elevation

What is the minimum recommended pressure for water coming from a fire hydrant? a. 30 psi b. 40 psi c. 50 psi d. 20 psi

b. elevation

What is the lowest level of training qualified to perform BLS skills? a. advanced first aid b. emergency medical responder c. emergency medical technician d. first responder

b. emergency medical responder

A Class C fire involves ______. a. a flammable liquid or gas b. energized electrical equipment c. a combustible metal d. cooking material

b. energized electrical equipment

What prevents food or water from entering the trachea? a. tympanum b. epiglottis c. arytenoid cartilage d. vallecula

b. epiglottis

A hose adaptor connects two hose sections of ______. a. equal diameter and similar threads b. equal diameter but differing threads c. unequal diameter but similar threads d. unequal diameter and differing threads

b. equal diameter but differing threads

What is an advantage of portable fire extinguishers over hose lines? a. longer duration b. faster deployment c. controllable rates of flow d. greater heat absorption

b. faster deployment

What is a common sign or symptom of low blood sugar? a. excessive thirst b. feeling weak and shaky c. muscle cramps d. nausea and vomiting

b. feeling weak and shaky

Which of the following knots decreases the load-bearing capacity of rope the least? a. bowline b. figure eight follow-through c. they all decrease load capacity about equally d. figure eight on a bight

b. figure eight follow-through

A rope is attached to a ladder for hoisting using a(n) _______. a. bowline b. figure eight on a bight c. overhand safety d. clove hitch

b. figure eight on a bight

What is most basic method of regaining orientation in a zero-visibility environment? a. listen for the sound of the apparatus motor b. find and follow a hose line c. probe the walls for a window or door d. activate the PASS

b. find and follow a hose line

What is usually the main type of fuel present in ground cover fires? a. heavy b. fine c. light d. course

b. fine

What is the primary fire hazard of ordinary construction? a. high fire loading b. fire extension through concealed spaces c. difficulty in ventilating the structure d. heat-related failure of steel trusses

b. fire extension through concealed spaces

Positive pressure ventilation is the least suitable approach for which situation? a. high rise fire b. fire in structural void spaces c. fire attack is in progress d. structure with large interior spaces

b. fire in structural void spaces

The primary purpose of the ____ is to transfer the weight of the building and its contents to the ground. a. floor joists b. foundation c. piers d. grade truss

b. foundation

Localized tissue damage resulting from prolonged exposure to cold is called _______. a. hypothermia b. frostbite c. frostnip d. coldsnap

b. frostbite

What is the relationship between habits developed in training and performance on the fire ground? a. Habits formed in training necessarily become abbreviated and rushed on the fire ground. b. Habits developed in training will continue on the fire ground. c. In the stress of emergency operations, habits are overridden by instincts d. Fire ground performance is not significantly altered through habituation

b. habits developed in training will continue on the fire ground

What is the term for a rope used on an extension ladder to raise a fly section? a. bunt b. halyard c. uphaul d. fly line

b. halyard

Compared to a natural fiber rope, synthetic fiber rope _______. a. is weakened to a lesser degree by knots b. has a smaller diameter than a natural fiber rope of equal strength c. is less susceptible to damage from acid or alkali exposure d. is more susceptible to heat damage

b. has a smaller diameter than natural fiber rope of equal strength

A fire fighter who is trained and certified in chemical identification, leak control, and decontamination is a(n) ______. a. materials technical specialist b. hazardous materials technician c. Fire Fighter II d. spill management technician

b. hazardous materials technician

What is a cause of shock by pump failure? a. vasodilation b. heart attack c. spinal injury d. systemic infection

b. heart attack

The majority of fire fighter deaths are caused by ______. a. asphyxiation b. heart attack or stroke c. burns d. trauma

b. heart attack or stroke

Which fuel classification included large brush? a. ground b. heavy c. moderate d. median

b. heavy

The location near where a wildland fire began is the _______. a. origin b. heel c. launch d. source

b. heel

During a fire, where is a missing child likely to be located? a. is his or her parent's bed b. hiding in a closet c. in an exit pathway d. in the kitchen

b. hiding in a closet

Which special hazard is found on hybrid vehicles? a. slow-drain capacitors b. high voltage cables c. compress gas cylinders d. sulfuric acid

b. high voltage cables

Which type of ventilation relies on doors and windows on the same level as the fire? a. positive pressure b. horizontal c. natural d. passive

b. horizontal

Which of the following is one of the three factors that determine friction loss? a. water source b. hose diameter c. atmospheric pressure d. ambient temperature

b. hose diameter

Which term means the properties of energy, pressure, and water flow as related to fire suppression? a. fire flow b. hydraulics c. hydrodynamics d. friction loss

b. hydraulics

Which of the following is one of the two classifications of fire cause? a. intentional b. incendiary c. arson d. malicious

b. incendiary

Which condition will generally result in lower relative humidity? a. higher fuel moisture b. increasing temperature c. nighttime d. precipitation

b. increasing temperature

The primary function of a fire helmet's _____ is intended to provide thermal protection. a. outer shell b. inner liner c. vapor barrier d. suspension system

b. inner liner

What is the primary extinguishing mechanism of dry chemical agents? a. forming a crust over the fuel b. interrupting the chemical chain reaction c. displacing oxygen d. suppressing vapor production

b. interrupting the chemical chain reaction

Which is a correct statement about a victim vomiting during CPR? a. it is a sign of effective CPR b. it is a common occurrence c. it is usually a result of incorrectly performed compressions d. if it happens, CPR should continue without interruption

b. it is a common occurrence

What is the biggest drawback of the two-person seat carry? a. the carry requires access to a chair b. it is difficult to move through doors c. rescuers must maintain a stooped posture d. it is difficult to travel long distances

b. it is difficult to move through doors

Which type of window is made of overlapping sections of tempered glass in a metal frame? a. jointed b. jalousie c. projected d. casement

b. jalousie

When vent-entry-search is performed with two fire fighters, where is the second fire fighter located? a. the doorway b. just outside the window c. at the anchor point d. in constant physical contact with the fire searcher

b. just outside the window

Which type of glass is normally used in automobile windshields? a. annealed b. laminated c. tempered d. reinforced

b. laminated

What is the term for the process in which heated products of combustion spread outward and downward? a. stack effect b. mushrooming c. stratification d. thermal imbalance

b. mushrooming

A potential problem with application of a multipurpose dry chemical agent to a class K fire is ______. a. spitting and splattering of fuel b. neutralization of other agents applied to the fire c. production of toxic gas d. sudden flare-up of the fire

b. neutralization of other agents applied to the fire

In ordinary construction, exterior walls are made of ______. a. combustible materials b. noncombustible or limited combustible materials c. any standard load bearing material d. fire resistive materials

b. noncombustible or limited combustible materials

A pot left unattended on a stove that catches fire is an example of an act of _______. a. negligence b. omission c. misfeasance d. inadvertence

b. omission

Which of the following is one of the three basic components required for fire? a. carbon b. oxygen c. an ignition source d. a catalyst

b. oxygen

How can pipe bombs be modified to enhance their injurious effect? a. use of PVC piping b. pack them with nails c. time them to explode at dusk d. use a blasting cap detonator

b. pack them with nails

A ladder belt or a leg lock should be used when _____. a. carrying equipment up or down the ladder b. reaching or working from a ladder c. tying in either the fly or the butt d. moving an unconscious victim down a ladder

b. reaching or working from a ladder

What is the first priority for a victim who is in a hazardous area and in need of medical treatment? a. begin medical treatment b. remove the patient from the hazard c. complete the primary survey d. package the patient for removal

b. remove the patient from the hazard

An escape rope must be _____ once it is used. a. inspected b. replaced c. tested d. cleaned

b. replaced

Upon release from rehabilitation, fire fighters should _____. a. be medically evaluated b. report for reassignment c. be released from the scene d. return to their previous assignment

b. report for reassignment

Which type of company specializes in saving victims from fires, confined space, trenches, and high angle situations? a. truck b. rescue c. rapid intervention d. engine

b. rescue

A loaded stream extinguisher is designed to ______. a. improve fuel penetration b. resist freezing c. prevent unnecessary water damage d. create a foam blanket

b. resist freezing

In a _____ lay, the hose is laid out from the fire to the hydrant. a. relay b. reverse c. defensive d. hydrant

b. reverse

What is the most common source of airway obstruction? a. a nonfood object b. the tongue c. food d. vomitus

b. the tongue

What is a sign of effective CPR? a. the victim's pupils dilate when exposed to light b. the victim's skin takes on a pink color c. there is gurgling with each exhalation d. the victim vomits

b. the victim's skin takes on a pink color

Which statement is correct about glass block walls? a. the wall will contain structural steel b. the wall is non-load bearing c. glass blocks are extremely difficult to breach d. glass blocks quickly fail under fire conditions

b. the wall is non-loading bearing

When using a webbing sling drag, what helps support the victim's head and neck? a. a roll of blanket b. the webbing sling c. the rescuer's hands d. the rescuer's forearms

b. the webbing sling

Which of the following is one of the four key characteristics affecting the behavior of building materials under fire conditions? a. surface area/mass ratio b. thermal conductivity c. porosity d. density

b. thermal conductivity

Which type of ventilation opening is used to stop fire spread in a long, narrow building? a. triangular b. trench c. peak d. louvered

b. trench

Which sign is an indication of possible backdraft conditions? a. vigorous flame productions b. turbulent, pressurized smoke c. good interior visibility d. windows broken out

b. turbulent, pressurized smoke

What is the correct method to stop the flow of gas delivered via utility pipeline into a structure? a. delegate the task to the utility company b. turn off the valve at the meter c. close the valve on the cylinder d. pinch the pipe closed using grounded pipe clamps

b. turn off the valve at the meter

What is the maximum personnel load for a fire service ladder? a. three fire fighters b. two fire fighters and one victim c. one fire fighter plus one victim d. two fire fighters

b. two fire fighter and one victim

During an unconscious-victim ladder rescue, what is the position of the victim? a. horizontal, facing the ladder b. upright, facing the rescuer c. horizontal, facing the rescuer d. upright, facing the ladder

b. upright, facing the rescuer

What does fast moving smoke indicate? a. incomplete combustion b. very hot fire c. hot synthetic fuel content d. poorly ventilated fire

b. very hot fire

When responding to domestic disputes or other scenes involving violence, fire fighters should ______. a. attempt to mediate the dispute b. wait for law enforcement to declare the scene safe c. call for a critical incident stress debriefing team d. remove the involved individuals to separate rooms

b. wait for law enforcement to declare the scene safe

When can one fire fighter safely handle a large handline? a. when using the handline for exposure protection b. when the handline is stationery and well anchored c. when using a 50 psi nozzle d. under no circumstances

b. when the handline is stationery and well anchored

Which of the following activities produces the highest level of physiological stress? a. vehicle accident requiring extrication b. working in a fully encapsulated suit c. a medical emergency where the victim is choking d. back to back incidents

b. working in a fully encapsulated suit

Fifty year old deteriorating wiring is an example of which subtype of electrical fire cause? a. deferred maintenance b. worn out or defective equipment c. defective installation d. improper use of equipment

b. worn out or defective equipment

When rescuing an unconscious child or small adult from a window, how many rescuers enter the window to assist the victim? a. 2 b. 0 c. 1 d. 3

c. 1

The body's ability to absorb fluid is limited to approximately ____ per hour. a. 1 pint b. 1 gallon c. 1 quart d. 1 ounce

c. 1 quart

The risk of rekindle exists even if as little as ____ of the original fire is left smoldering. a. 15% b. 10% c. 1 % d. 5 %

c. 1%

The maximum diameter of a 1 hour fuel is ____. a. 1 " b. 1/2" c. 1/4" d. 3/4"

c. 1/4"

Requirements for placing and mounting portable fire extinguishers are found in NFPA _____. a. 470 b. 1201 c. 10 d. 170

c. 10

When raising a ladder, it should be kept a minimum of ____ from power lines. a. 20 ft b. 15 fit c. 10 ft d. 5 ft

c. 10 ft

Protein should account for approximately ____ of calories in a balanced diet? a. 25% b. 40% c. 10% c. 55%

c. 10%

Approximately _____ fire fighters are killed in the line of duty each year in the United States. a. 1000 b. 10 c. 100 d. 10,000

c. 100

Most fog nozzles are designed to operate at which nozzle pressure? a. 80 psi b. 75 psi c. 100 psi d. 50 psi

c. 100 psi

What is the minimum size of the radio-free area surrounding a potential explosive device? a. 500 ft. b. 300 ft. c. 1000 ft. d. 200 ft.

c. 1000 ft.

Training and performance qualifications for firefighters are specified in which NFPA standard? a. 1021 b. 472 c. 1001 d. 1500

c. 1001

What is the maximum length of a straight or roof ladder that can be carried safely by one fire fighter? a. 12 ft b. 16 ft c. 18 ft d. 14 ft

c. 18 ft

According to the NFPA, what is the minimum distance between the center of the fire hydrant outlet and the finished grade of the ground around the hydrant? a. 30" b. 12" c. 18" d. 24"

c. 18"

Which NFPA standard deals with use, maintenance, and service testing of in-service fire department ground ladders? a. 1401 b. 1875 c. 1932 d. 1560

c. 1932

Which NFPA standard covers protective clothing and equipment for wildland firefighting? a. 1980 b. 1978 c. 1977 d. 1979

c. 1977

According to NFPA, rehab should be required after a fire fighter has consumed ____ 30-minute SCBA bottle(s). a. 4 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

c. 2

According to the NFPA, rehab should be required after ____ minutes of intense work without SCBA. a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 60

c. 40

How long is the typical Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) course? a. 24 hours b. 30 hours c. 40 hours or more d. 16 hours

c. 40 hours or more

The upper limit of span of control in a complex, dynamic situation is generally considered to be ____ to 1? a. 15 b. 10 c. 5 d. 20

c. 5

Carbohydrates should account for approximately ____ of calories in a balanced diet. a. 30% b. 45% c. 60% d. 75%

c. 60%

Fire fighters should drink _____ of water for every 5 to 10 minutes of physical exertion. a. 12 to 15 oz (0.35 5o 0.45 L) b. 16 to 20 oz (0.5 to 0.6 L) c. 8 to 10 oz (0.2 to 0.3 L) d. 2 to 4 oz (60 to 120 mL)

c. 8 to 10 oz. (.2 to .3 L)

Which class of fire extinguisher includes a number in its classification? a. C b. D c. A d. K

c. A

Which class of fire includes cloth? a. B b. C c. A d. D

c. A

Which class of fire is depicted in the pictograph system by a burning trash can next to a wood fire? a. A b. C c. B d. K

c. A

What does the "buddy system" refer to? a. The passport personnel accountability system b. Two in, Two out c. A team of two partners who maintain constant contact d. The tradition of "No one left behind"

c. A team of two partners who maintain constant contact

A gas valve that has been shut off may be reopened ______. a. After completion of overhaul b. If the fire was confined to room contents only c. After the system has been inspected by a qualified person d. Upon restoration of electrical power

c. After the system has been inspected by a qualified person

What does the automatic location identification (ALI) system rely on to be effective? a. A direct line b. The caller's name c. An accurate and current database d. A minimum 30-second call duration

c. An accurate and current database

At which point in a structure fire should utilities be disconnected? a. Immediately upon arrival b. After initial knock-down c. As early as possible in the incident d. After the "all clear" is declared

c. As early as possible in the incident

What does the "A" stand for in "LUNAR"? a. Air supply b. Assistance needed c. Assignment d. Area

c. Assignment

For the purpose of extinguisher selection and placement, light hazard environments usually contain a limited amount of combustibles of which class? a. D b. C c. B d. K

c. B

Which class of fire is depicted in the pictograph system by a flame and gasoline can. a. C b. A c. B d. D

c. B

Which hazard is unique to CNG and LPG powered vehicle fires? a. slow-drain capacitors b. potential for three-dimensional fire c. BLEVE d. highly toxic products of combustion


Which construction feature of older buildings provides a path for rapid spread of fire? a. Platform construction b. Unreinforced masonry c. Balloon-frame construction d. Lath and plaster interior finish

c. Balloon-frame construction

What is the correct term for radio system permanently mounted in a building? a. Repeater system b. Land radio system c. Base station d. Transmitter

c. Base station

Who is responsible for coordinating the activities of several fire companies in a defined geographic area such as a district? a. Section chief b. Captain c. Battalion Chief d. Assistant Chief

c. Battalion Chief

What is the primary function of the purge valve on an SCBA? a. Supply air in the event of a regulator malfunction b. de-fog the face piece interior c. Bleed off residual pressure after the cylinder valve has been closed d. Switch between pressure and pressure-demand modes

c. Bleed off residual pressure after the cylinder valve has been closed

A caller is connected directly to a telecommunicator through which device? a. Fire alarm box b. Central alarm station c. Call box d. Local alarm

c. Call box

Which rank is directly above a lieutenant in the fire service? a. Division/group supervisor b. Division chief c. Captain d. Battalion chief

c. Captain

Which of the following is the organizational structure through which a department manages its routine and emergency operations? a. Incident command system b. Division of labor c. Chain of command d. Scalar structure

c. Chain of Command

Where was the first fire insurance company formed in America? a. New York, New York b. Boston, Massachusetts c. Charleston, South Carolina d. Chicago, Illinois

c. Charleston, South Carolina

Tempered glass is about ______ as strong as regular glass. a. four times b. half c. twice d. equally

a. four times

Which fire ground situation is most likely to result in bloating? a. gulping water b. use of positive pressure SCBA c. heavy exertion d. stress and anxiety

a. gulping water

Which tool is designed for both cutting and prying? a. pry axe b. halligan c. ram bar d. bam bam

a. pry axe

Where are the hinges placed on a casement window? a. side b. middle c. top d. bottom

a. side

Which type of map details changes in elevation? a. topographic b. cartometric c. planometric d. orthographic

a. topographic

What does the SAID (specific adaptation to imposed demands) principle apply to? a. training methods b. tactics and strategy c. critical incident stress d. rehabilitation

a. training methods

What is the preferred method to cut a ventilation hole in a metal roof? a. triangular b. louvered c. trench d. peak

a. triangular

Which of the following is an Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) skill? a. use of an AED b. attending patients during ambulance transport c. use of airway adjuncts d. administration of oxygen

a. use of an AED

The quantity of wildland fuel available in specific area is fuel _______. a. volume b. loading c. density d. continuity

a. volume

What should be done with the excess halyard once an extension ladder is placed and extended? a. wrap it around rungs of the ladder b. use it to form an anchor point c. let it hang between the ladder and the building d. use it to tie off the bed section

a. wrap it around rungs of the ladder

What is the signal to the incident commander that the secondary search has been completed? a. "nothing found" b. "secondary all clear" c. "fire under control" d. "loss stopped"

b. "secondary all clear"

Approximately ____ percent of fire fighters in the United States are volunteers. a. 55 b. 73 c. 46 d. 34

b. 73

Which of the following is classified as a pulmonary agent? a. Sarin b. Chlorine c. Sulfur mustard d. Cyanide

b. Chlorine

Which class of fire involves combustible metals? a. A b. D c. B d. K

b. D

Which toxic gas is commonly produced by fire? a. Nitrogen sulfide b. Hydrogen cyanide c. Hydrogen sulfide d. Acrolein

b. Hydrogen cyanide

Who is generally the most valuable and reliable source of information about a building? a. Occupants b. Maintenance personnel c. Witnesses d. Neighbors

b. Maintenance personnel

Which critical piece of information is required by the telecommunicator to initiate a dispatch? a. Reporting party identity b. Nature of situation c. Severity of the situation d. Callback number

b. Nature of the situation

In a fire response, which goal has the highest priority? a. Extinguishing the fire b. Preventing spread of fire to exposures c. Preventing rekindle d. Protecting building contents

b. Preventing spread of fire to exposures (other options in quiz were: extinguishing the fire; preventing rekindle; protecting building contents)

Where does gas exchange occur? a. pulmonary arteries b. alveoli c. meninges d. bronchioles

b. alveoli

Complete this sentence; "We will not risk our lives at all ________." a. because we will use our heads instead b. for persons or property that are already lost c. for others who are already at risk b. because to do so we become part of the problem

b. for persons or property that are already lost

What is the rabbet tool used for? a. making a temporary repair to a burst hose b. forcing open a locked door c. anchoring a rope d. opening a hydrant

b. forcing open a locked door

How many fire fighters are necessary to properly execute a long backboard rescue? a. two b. four or more c. three d. one

b. four or more

Churning most frequently occurs with which form of ventilation? a. positive pressure b. negative pressure c. vertical d. horizontal

b. negative pressure

What is a common location for a post indicator valve? a. next to the water meter b. on an exterior wall c. on the main system riser d. in a utility or mechanical room

b. on an exterior wall

What is the color code for a hydrant flowing 500 to 999 gpm (1890 to 3780 lpm)? a. green b. orange c. light blue d. red

b. orange

Which color are the high voltage cables in a hybrid vehicle? a. red b. orange c. red/white d. black/white

b. orange

Which statement about operating a nozzle from a ground ladder is correct? a. two parallel ladders are required for this operation b. the hose must be tied securely to the ladder c. the ladder should be tied off to the building d. this is a risky operation that should be avoided whenever possible

b. the hose must be tied securely to the ladder

What is the term for plastics that will melt under fire conditions? a. thermoset b. thermoplastic c. pyrolytic d. amorphous

b. thermoplastic

Which statement about citizens who call 911 for medical aid is generally correct? a. they tend to wait too long to call for help b. they have little or no medical training c. their reports to the dispatcher are reliable and accurate d. they are inclined to call 911 even for minor incidents

b. they have little or no medical training

Which part is specifically designed to prevent the beams of a wooden ladder from separating? a. rung b. tie rod c. protection plate d. spring bar

b. tie rod

What is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot? a. running end b. working end c. standing part d. bight

b. working end

Which metal is used in building construction primarily as a coating to protect metal parts from rust and corrosion? a. manganese b. zinc c. copper d. gypsum

b. zinc

Which is used to report that the primary search has been completed? a. "search negative" b. "area search complete" c. "primary all clear" d. "nothing found"

c. "primary all clear"

What is the minimum number of fire fighters required to make up a firefighting team? a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1

c. 2

Turnout coats and trousers have a protective system that consists of ____ layers. a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 5

c. 3

Which agency is common provider of EMR/EMT training? a. American Red Cross b. American Heart Association c. Community College d. local health and human services agency

c. Community College

During operations in traffic areas, lane and street closures should be performed according to ______. a. Advice of law enforcement personnel b. NFPA standard c. Department SOP d. State Vehicle code

c. Department SOP

Which of the following was one of the major U.S. fires of 1871? a. Great New Orleans fire b. Great Fire of Pittsburgh c. Great Chicago fire d. Great Boston fire

c. Great Chicago fire

What is the critical factor to consider when evaluating the potential for collapse of the a burning structure? a. Weather conditions b. Reflex time c. How long it has been burning d. Size of the collapse

c. How long it has been burning

What is the lowest temperature at which a fuel-air mixture will ignite spontaneously called? a. Fire point b. Specific heat c. Ignition temperature d. Flash point

c. Ignition temperautre

What happens if a CAD system detects that an invalid address is being entered? a. It offers a best estimate of the correction location b. It sends a single unit to the nearest valid location c. It prompts the telecommuicator to ask the caller for additional information d. It sends a full first alarm assignment to each possible location

c. It prompts the telecommunicator to ask the caller for additional information

What does the "L" stand for in the acronym SLUDGEM? a. Lethal b. Liquid c. Lacrimation d. Lethargy

c. Lacrimation

Truck companies are sometimes referred to as ______ companies. a. rapid intervention b. rescue c. ladder d.engine

c. Ladder

What makes a water thief different from a wye is the addition of _____________. a. clapper valves b. ball valves c. a 2 1/2" outlet d. a second inlet

c. a 2 1/2" outlet

The NFPA recommends color-coding hydrants to indicate _______. a. the water source b. the most recent flow test c. available flow d. available pressure

c. available flow

What is the lower structural member of a truss called? a. beam b. girder c. chord d. cantilever

c. chord

Which tool is part of the "irons"? a. pick head axe b. mallet c. flat-head axe d. pry bar

c. flat-head axe

What is another term for surface fuels? a. litter b. understory c. ground d. duff

c. ground

During triage, what color is the tag placed on a victim who has first priority? a. blue b. green c. red d. white

c. red

What is a total lack of respirations called? a. cheynes-stokes respirations b. kussmaul breathing c. respiratory arrest d. hypoventilation

c. respiratory arrest

Which type of raise is typically used when the ladder is raised perpendicular to the target surface? a. beam b. throw c. rung d. overhead

c. rung

What is the common sign or symptom of high blood glucose? a. nausea/vomiting b. syncope c. sluggish feeling d. profuse sweating

c. sluggish feeling

Which of the following is a type of door frame? a. jointed b. stiled c. stopped d. dadoed

c. stopped

Which statement about downed electrical wires is correct? a. Turnout boots and thick rubber glove will afford you sufficient protection. b. A down power line may be safely pinned down under the tire of the apparatus. c. Fire fighters should operation under the assumption that all downed utility lines are energized. d. Firefighters should use tools with wood or fiberglass handles to manipulate downed lines.

c.Fire fighters should operate under the assumption that all downed utility lines are energized.

Fire hydrants should be inspected at least once every _____ months. a. 6 b. 24 c. 18 d. 12

d. 12

How can a vehicle powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) be identified? a. the gas cylinder will be visible between the rear axle and bumper b. a high pressure filling coupling in place of the gasoline fill spout c. a small CNG decal on the lower corner of the passenger side windshield d. CNG stickers on the front and back of the vehicle

d. CNG stickers on the front and back of the vehicle

Which fire gas kills by replacing oxygen in the blood? a. Sulfur dioxide b. Hydrogen cyanide c. Phosgene d. Carbon monoxide

d. Carbon monoxide

Who developed the first fire hydrant? a. John Lofton b. Ben Franklin c. Hans Hautsch d. George Smith

d. George Smith

The structural components of a Type ___ building will not burn. a. III b. IV c. V d. II

d. II

Fire involving combustible cooking media, such as oils and greases, are considered Class ____. a. G b. E c. F d. K

d. K

When is freelancing acceptable during emergency operations? a. Prior to the establishment of an incident command structure b. Whenever such action will result in a favorable outcome c. In response to sudden changes in circumstances or conditions d. Never

d. Never

What is the correct procedure when a member of a fire company has to leave a structure to change an air cylinder? a. the member exits alone if he or she can do so safely b. the member and his or her appointed buddy exit c. those members who are low on air exit together d. all company members exit together

d. all company members exit together

What is a primary factor when determining hazard classifications for extinguisher selection and placement? a. permissible occupancy load b. do not conduct electricity c. presence of sprinkler system d. amount of combustibles present

d. amount of combustibles present

Which extinguishing agent is suitable for use on a Class C fire? a. aqueous film-forming foam (AFF) b. carbon tetrachloride c. dry powder d. carbon dioxide

d. carbon dioxide

What is one of the four key characteristics affecting the behavior of building materials under fire conditions? a. load b. composition c. stability d. combustibility

d. combustibility

Which alternative fuel is often used in buses and delivery vans? a. propane b. liquefied petroleum gas c. methanol d. compressed natural gas

d. compressed natural gas

What is miosis? a. fluid leakage from capillaries b. excessive salivation c. loss of coordination d. constriction of the pupils

d. constriction of the pupils

Upward spread of fire within a structure is primarily caused by which form of heat transfer? a. radiation b. circulation c. conduction d. convection

d. convection

In which type of search pattern do fire fighters turn upon entry to a room and then turn left at each corner around the room? a. oriented b. left-handed c. standard d. counterclockwise

d. counterclockwise

Which carry works best for children and small adults? a. extremities b. incline c. chair d. cradle-in-arms

d. cradle-in-arms

It there is no life-safety hazard, which type of fire attack should be used in a building under construction? a. offensive b. blitz c. indirect d. defensive

d. defensive

The pipes that deliver water to users and hydrants on individual streets are ______. a. cross mains b. service lines c. secondaries d. distributors

d. distributors

Organizing an incident by breaking down the overall strategy into a series of smaller tasks is an example of _____. a. span of control b. discipline c. unity of command d. division of labor

d. division of labor

Which of the following is one of the FBI's two classifications for terrorism? a. ideological b. political c. foreign d. domestic

d. domestic

What is hard suction hose most commonly used for? a. relay pumping b. filling a portable tank c. transferring water from a pressurized source to a pump d. drafting from a static water source

d. drafting from a static water source

What is another term for gypsum board? a. lath b. stucco c. OSB d. drywall

d. drywall

What does steel do when heated? a. harden b. spall c. contract d. elongate

d. elongate

Which statement about the use of existing roof openings for vertical ventilation is correct? a. no additional openings should be cut in a roof that has preexisting openings b. existing roof openings are generally impractical to force open c. existing roof openings are generally too small to be useful d. existing roof openings should be used whenever possible

d. existing roof openings should be used whenever possible

How much damage is caused by forcing the locks on double-hung windows? a. moderate b. none c. minor d. extensive

d. extensive

Gypsum board that is exposed to fire for a prolonged time will ______. a. delaminate b. warp c. spall d. fail

d. fail

What does the medical term "shock" mean? a. a severe systemic infection b. failure of the nervous system c. a sudden overwhelming emotional reaction d. failure of the circulatory system

d. failure of the circulatory system

Which mechanical device is needed to accomplish negative pressure ventilation? a. draft curtain b. fog stream c. chainsaw d. fan

d. fan

Which type of wall is used to prevent the spread of fire from one side of the wall to the other? a. partition b. bearing c. curtain d. fire

d. fire

A portable fire extinguisher is best suited for which situation? a. room and contents fire b. vegetation fire c. car fire d. fire in a wastebasket

d. fire in a wastebasket

Which position specializes in reviewing plans for fire detection and suppression systems for functionality and code compliance? a. fire systems specialist b. fire marshal c. fire prevention officer d. fire protection engineer

d. fire protection engineer

A long section of protective material used to protect flooring or carpet is a _______. a. carpet cover b. salvage mat c. floor roll d. floor runner

d. floor runner

The unburned part of a wildand fire area is the ______. a. clear b. island c. perimeter d. green

d. green

In a well-designed water distribution system, which type of pattern do the water mains follow? a. loop b. branched c. parallel d. grid

d. grid

Another term for a portable ladder is _____ ladder. a. straight b. bangor c. single d. ground

d. ground

A fire fighter who is trained and certified in chemical identification, leak control and decontamination is a(n) ____. a. Material technical specialist b. Fire Fighter II c. Spill management technician d. Hazardous materials technician

d. hazardous material technician

In which type of incident is the rehab center located farthest from the operational area? a. confined space b. wildland c. high-rise d. hazardous materials

d. hazardous materials

Which of the following is a requirement of a competent ignition source? a. design and intent b. an act of omission c. a mechanical or chemical process d. heat source and fuel in contact long enough to reach ignition temperature

d. heat source and fuel in contact long enough to reach ignition temperature

In the time it takes to consume two SCBA air cylinders, enough body fluid can be lost to result in ______. a. heat exhaustion b. impaired temperature regulation c. syncope d. heat stroke

d. heat stroke

What is the most efficient and widely used tool used to open a jammed vehicle door? a. rabbet tool b. pry axe c. come along d. hydraulic spreader

d. hydraulic spreader

Which condition is defined as an internal body temperature less than 95 degree F? a. frost bite b. cold stroke c. exposure d. hypothermia

d. hypothermia

Combustion begins when a fuel is heated to its _____. a. lower flammable limit b. fire point c. flash point d. ignition point

d. ignition point

In a building fire, you observe warped steel structural members. What is the correct action to take? a. direct a hose on the members b. inform the incident commander of your observations c. no specific action is required d. immediately withdraw from the building

d. immediately withdraw from the building

Which advisory indicates the most severe risk of terrorist threat? a. elevated b. orange c. red d. imminent

d. imminent

Placing an electric heater too close to combustible materials is an example of which subtype of electrical fire cause? a. worn-out or defective b. defective installation c. user negligence d. improper use

d. improper use

What is the preferred method to ventilate a large building? a. trench cut b. multiple roof openings c. vertical ventilation d. individual ventilation of interior compartments

d. individual ventilation of interior compartments

What is one of the three categories of wildland fire causes? a. spontaneous b. conditional c. criminal d. intentional

d. intentional

Which development led to the widespread use of the mechanized pumping apparatus? a. private insurance companies b. jacketed hose c. wagon mounted steam engines d. internal combustion engines

d. internal combustion engines

What is the purpose of a secondary device? a. cause diversion of response b. act as a backup in case failure of the primary device c. initiate detonation of the primary device d. kill and injure emergency responders

d. kill and injure emergency responders

Which coupling goes on the inside of a straight hose roll? a. either b. both couplings are attached c. female d. male

d. male

What expels the extinguisher agent from a pump tank water extinguisher? a. gravity b. pressure cartridge c. compressed air d. manual effort

d. manual effort

Which circular saw blade is susceptible to damage from gasoline vapors? a. all blades b. wood c. polycarbonate d. masonry

d. masonry

Which nozzle type has the highest flow rate? a. smooth bore b. adjustable c. handline d. master stream

d. master stream

All forms of ventilation that use fans or other powered equipment are classified as _____ ventilation. a. hydraulic b. assisted c. positive pressure d. mechanical

d. mechanical

Friction is a form of _________ energy. a. kinetic b. molecular c. radiant d. mechanical

d. mechanical

Which of the following is a component of the seven part rehabilitation model? a. debriefing b. rotation c. stress management d. medical monitoring

d. medical monitoring

Which type of cutting blade can be damaged by gasoline vapors? a. carbide tip b. plastic c. wood d. metal

d. metal

How much risk to fire fighters' lives is acceptable in attempting to minimize damage to property that is already severely damaged? a. a little b. a lot c. a moderate amount d. none

d. none

In the one-fire-fighter carry, where is the top beam of the ladder? a. in the hands b. under the arm c. above the head d. on the shoulder

d. on the shoulder

When rescuing a conscious person from a window using a ladder, where does the second fire fighter stand? a. on the bottom rung of the ladder b. about six rungs down from the top c. on a rung level with the opening d. one rung below the windowsill

d. one rung below the windowsill

The weight of carbon dioxide is about _____ the weight of air. a. twice b. half of c. equal to d. one-and -a-half times

d. one-and -a-half times

Which action should be avoided when performing horizontal ventilation? a. initiating a fire attack prior to ventilation b. use of fans or blowers c. use on a windy day d. opening upward windows first

d. opening upward windows first

It is of particular importance to control utilities prior to ________. a. ventilating the roof b. setting up positive-pressure ventilation c. beginning salvage operations d. opening walls

d. opening walls

A threaded stem indicates the valve position on which sprinkler control valve? a. post indicator b. butterfly c. gate d. outside stem and yoke

d. outside stem and yoke

Which type of burn is also known as a second degree burn? a. sunburn burn b. full thickness burn c. superficial burn d. partial thickness burn

d. partial thickness burn

A fire department is required to have a _____ to track personnel and assignments at an emergency scene. a. passport systems b. situation status report c. unit log d. personnel accountability system

d. personnel accountability system

Which of the following is a form of online medical control? a. standing orders b. treatment protocols c. ALS level personnel d. physician contact by phone

d. physician contact by phone

How are rehabilitation concerns affected by high humidity? a. the likelihood of hypothermia increases with humidity b. time spent is rehab can be reduced c. rehab time must double d. plain water only

d. plain water only

What is the term for ladders that are designed to be removed from the apparatus? a. pompier ladders b. bangor ladders c. articulating ladders d. portable ladders.

d. portable ladders

At a traffic accident scene, apparatus should be ______. a. Parked on the left-hand lane immediately adjacent to the scene b. Positioned on the opposite side of the scene as the oncoming traffic c. Parked as far to the right as possible d. Positioned to create a barrier between the oncoming traffic and the scene

d. positioned to create a barrier between the oncoming traffic and the scene

Which of the following is a component of a BLEVE? a. contact with an energized electrical circuit b. a "closed box" structure c. a flammable gas leak d. pressurized flammable liquid vessel

d. pressurized flammable liquid vessel

What is a commonly used structural material in a Type I building? a. engineered wood b. oriented-strand board c. treated wood d. protected steel

d. protected steel

What is the defining characteristic of a fire department EMS system? a. delivery of ALS level care b. provision of first tier medical response c. training of all personnel to a specified level d. provision of both medical and transport services

d. provision of both medical and transport services

Which tool is part of the basic set of interior fire fighting tools? a. rotating tool b. lever c. fulcrum tool d. prying tool

d. prying tool

What is the term for the capability of an apparatus to pump water while moving? a. dual drive b. auxiliary drive c. power take off d. pump and roll

d. pump and roll

A dirty bomb spreads _______ contamination. a. biological b. neutron c. chemical d. radioactive

d. radioactive

What is an advantage of having the medical first response provided by the fire department? a. fewer personnel required to provide care b. access to additional funding resources c. immediate care is available for injured fire fighters d. reduced wait times for patient transport

d. reduced wait times for patient transport

Which item is used to attached a smaller hose to larger one? a. adaptor b. gate c. fitting d. reducer

d. reducer

What is the term for the process of reducing the effects of fatigue during an emergency operation? a. recuperation b. restoration c. recovery d. rehabilitation

d. rehabilitation

What is the ratio of water in air compared to the maximum amount of water vapor that air can hold at a given temperature? a. saturation index b. barometric pressure c. moisture ratio d. relative humidity

d. relative humidity

Which factor has the greatest effect on the moisture content of fuels? a. temperature b. continuity c. wind d. relative humidity

d. relative humidity

What is the term for the stiffening of muscles that occurs after death? a. necrosis b. morbidity c. lividity d. rigor mortis

d. rigor mortis

How many gallons per minute can a tanker shuttle operation deliver without interruption? a. a few hundred b. a few thousand c. zero d. several hundred

d. several hundred

What is the U-shaped part of a padlock that locks into the padlock body? a. bow b. latch c. tongue d. shackle

d. shackle

What is one disadvantage of CO2 extinguishers? a. corrosive residue b. cost c. electrical conductivity d. short discharge range

d. short discharge range

What is a correct use for a portable fire extinguisher? a. diluting flammable liquids b. pretreating exposures c. overhaul d. situations in which the use of water is not recommended

d. situations in which the use of water is not recommended

Which item is used in negative pressure ventilation? a. negative-pressure fan b. blower c. HVAC system d. smoke ejector

d. smoke ejector

In which condition does moisture trapped in concrete become heated, turn into steam, and expand, causing parts of the concrete to break away? a. stressing b. scaling c. cavitation d. spalling

d. spalling

What are butt spurs on a ladder? a. bumps and dents that occur on the foot pad as a result of use b. mechanical locks that hold the fly section in place c. devices that secure the ladder to a roof ridge d. spikes on the base that keep it from slipping

d. spikes on the base that keep it from slipping

Which supply line load is capable of laying both single and dual supply lines? a. horseshoe b. twin c. Detroit d. split bed

d. split bed

Which tool is best suited for breaking tempered glass? a. maul b. glass saw c. axe blade d. spring-loaded punch

d. spring-loaded punch

When organizing teams for a large building search, assignments are often based on __________. a. known areas of safe refuge b. alarm panel indicators c. wind direction d. stairway locations

d. stairway locations

The pressure in a system when no water is flowing is called ____ pressure. a. flow b. operating c. residual d. static

d. static

A dry hydrant provides access to a ________. a. portable water tank b. municipal water system c. cistern or well d. static water source

d. static water source

Which of the following is one of the four parts of the maintenance formula for ropes? a. dry b. feel c. coil d. store

d. store (care, clean, inspect, store)

The majority of fire fighter injuries are ______. a. Soft tissue injuries b. Inhalation injuries c. Burns d. Strains and sprains

d. strains and sprains

A chisel is classified as a ______ tool. a. pushing/pulling b. prying/spreading c. cutting d. striking

d. striking

For which application would the use of a pick-head axe be incorrect? a. puncturing a door b. prying up boards c. ventilating a roof d. striking another tool

d. striking another tool

Wildland fuels that lie under the surface of the ground are _____ fuels. a. substory b. duff c. understory d. subsurface

d. subsurface

On which principle does a thermal imaging camera operate? a. ultraviolet light detection b. diffraction spectroscopy c. digital image enhancement d. temperature differentials

d. temperature differentials

Which area is the first search priority? a. the rooms most likely to be occupied b. the higher-level floors c. exit pathways d. the area immediately around the fire

d. the area immediately around the fire

Which of the following is an element of the definition of terrorism? a. the event is preceded by threat, warning, or previous similar event b. the event results in loss of life, injury, or property damage c. the event originates with an organized, nongovernmental group d. the event is undertaken to further political or social objectives

d. the event is undertaken to further political or social objectives

Which situation is indicated if you open a door and the smoke rises and the opening clears outs? a. the fire is extinguished b. the fire is in the decay phase c. the fire is ventilation controlled d. the fire is above the level of the door

d. the fire is above the level of the door

Who is responsible for determining when removal of SCBA is permissible after a fire has been extinguished? a. The company officer b. Each individual is responsible for this decision c. The incident commander d. The safety officer

d. the safety officer

What is decapitation? a. the traumatic opening of the skull b. the herniation of the brain through the lower skull opening c. evisceration of the gray matter d. the separation of the head from the rest of the body

d. the separation of the head from the rest of the body

Which statement about painting hand tools is correct? a. paint will evolve flammable vapors in a fire environment b. rust-inhibiting paint should be applied to the nonworking surfaces of metal tools c. paint will extend the life of wood handles d. the use of paint on tools can hide defects or damage

d. the use of paint on tools can hide defects or damage

Which term describes how readily heat will flow through a material? a. combustibility b. reactivity c. volatility d. thermal conductivity

d. thermal conductivity

The thick, quilted layer of a turnout coat is the ______. a. absorbent liner b. liner c. vapor barrier d. thermal barrier

d. thermal liner

For the purpose of fire extinguisher placement, what is the relationship between occupancy use category and hazard classification? a. hazard determines occupancy b. occupancy determines hazard c. they are different terms for the same thing d. they are not necessarily related

d. they are not necessarily related

Why should EMS providers have a good working knowledge of hospital procedures and policies? a. they may be subject to assignment to a hospital in a disaster situation b. they may be asked to testify in court as a witness to hospital actions c. during busy periods, they may have to admit their patient without the assistance of hospital personnel d. they may be asked to assist hospital personnel during victim transfer

d. they may be asked to assist hospital personnel during victim transfer

During salvage, what should be done with any pictures on the walls? a. they should be left in place and turned toward the wall b. they should be left in place and covered with plastic sheeting c. they should be placed face-down under the bed d. they should be removed and placed with the furniture

d. they should be removed and placed with the furniture

Which statement is correct about sliding your hands long the underside of the beams while climbing a ladder? a. this practice is practical only on ladders with I-beam construction b. this practice is appropriate only when both hands are free c. this practice is less secure than grabbing the rungs in a hand-over-hand manner d. this practices provides you with three continuous points of contact

d. this practice provides you with three continuous points of contact

Which statement about using hose streams on an elevated transformer fire is correct? a. you should use just enough water to, but to extinguish, the fire b. class B foam is the ideal extinguishing agent c. water should be applied in short bursts d. this technique may cause splashing and spread of toxic liquids

d. this technique may cause splashing and spread of toxic liquids

A burning liquid that is pouring over the edge of a container is known as a _____ fire. a. continuous b. flowing c. cascading d. three dimensional

d. three dimensional

The rails of a trussed beam are separated by _____. a. A-plates b. tie rods c. I-beams d. truss blocks

d. truss blocks

Before beginning any forcible entry, which reminder phrase should fire fighters keep in mind? a. without a hose, the fire grows b. get low before you go c. doors are replaceable; lives are not d. try before you pry

d. try before you pry

Natural fiber ropes are created using which type of construction? a. kernmantle b. braid-on-braid c. plaited d. twisted

d. twisted

Which type of rope consists of individual strands twisted together? a. laid b. twine c. braided d. twisted

d. twisted

When should the fire fighter at the hydrant charge the supply line? a. after placing the hose clamp b. after the supply line is connected to the pump intake c. as soon as it is connected to the hydrant d. upon receiving a signal from the driver/operator

d. upon receiving a signal from the driver/operator

For natural ventilation, which windows should be opened last? a. those windows openings directly into the fire room b. those windows in the rooms not directly involved in the fire c. leeward windows d. upwind windows

d. upwind windows

What is the last step in rolling a straight hose roll? a. tie the slip knot b. create a fold to protect the outer coupling c. connect the couplings together d. use a foot to align protruding hose

d. use a foot to align protruding hose

Which emergency drag is best for fast removal from a dangerous area? a. blanket b. clothes c. extremities d. webbing sling

d. webbing sling

The traditional symbol for a class D fire extinguisher is a(n) _______. a. orange circle b. green triangle c. blue square d. yellow star

d. yellow star

Which part of the ladder is raised or extended from the bed section? a. guide b. extension c. tip d. fly

f. fly

A gas with a vapor density of ___ will rise in air. a. 1.0 b. 0.1 c. 10 d. 100

a. 0.1

At 5% of dehydration, work capacity can be decreased by as much as ______. a. 30% b. 20% c. 10% d. 5%

a. 30%

Master streams flow a minimum of _______. a. 350 gpm b. 500 gpm c. 450 gpm d. 400 gpm

a. 350 gpm

Typical backpack pumps contain ______. a. 4 to 8 gal b. 8to 12 gal c. 2 to 4 gal d. 5 to 10 gal

a. 4 to 8 gal

Generally speaking, a 1" (25 cm) booster hose can flow _______. a. 40 to 50 gpm b. 50 to 75 gpm c. 15 to 30 gpm d. 20 to 40 gpm

a. 40 to 50 gpm

The upper limit of span of control in a complex, dynamic situation is generally considered to be ___ to 1. a. 5 b. 10 c. 20 d. 15

a. 5

Aerial fuels are at least ____ above the ground. a. 6ft b. 10ft c. 8ft d. 4ft

a. 6ft

Portable ladders approved for fire service use can support up to _____. a. 750 lb b. 450 lb c. 300 lb d. 600 lb

a. 750 lb

A typical number fire engine carries ____ of supply hose. a. 750 to 1250 ft. b. 500 to 750 ft. c. 1000 to 1500 ft. d. 1500 to 2000 ft.

a. 750 to 1250 ft.

The USFA recommends establishing a rehabilitation operation when the heat stress index reaches _______. a. 90 degree F b. 80 degree F c. 95 degree F d. 85 degree F

a. 90 degree F

Flammable liquid fires are considered Class _____. a. B b. D c. A d. C

a. B

Which rank is directly above a lieutenant in the fire service? a. Captain b. Division Chief c. Division/group supervisor d. Battalion Chief

a. Captain

What characteristic is associated with modern lightweight construction techniques? a. Greater susceptibility to collapse b. Unstopped stud bays c. Higher dead load d. A more air-tight structure

a. Greater susceptibility to collapse

Which type of respirator is required to prevent exposure to tuberculosis? a. HEPA respirator b. N90 respirator c. powered air-purifying respirator d. standard surgical mask

a. HEPA respirator

Which type of company specializes in incidents involving spilled or leaking hazardous chemicals? a. Hazardous material b. Truck c. Salvage d. Engine

a. Hazardous material

Which type of construction is called ordinary construction? a. III b. I c. II d. IV

a. III

Which class of fire involves combustible cooking oils and fats? a. K b. A c. B d. D

a. K

Which hose appliance combines tow hose lines into one? a. Siamese b. Manifold c. Reducer d. Wye

a. Siamese

What is a bar joist? a. an opened-web steel truss b. a truss with steel parallel members and wood diagonals c. a steel I-beam used to support a floor or roof d. any engineered component with steel load-bearing members

a. an open-web steel truss

What are the two main structural components that run the entire length of ladder? a. beams b. flies c. rungs d. truss blocks

a. beams

What kind of agent is anthrax? a. biological b. pulmonary c. nerve d. metabolic

a. biological

Which knot is frequently used to secure the end of the rope to an anchor point? a. bowline b. square c. overhand safety d. becket bend

a. bowline

What is another term for aerial fuels? a. raised b. canopy c. ladder d. elevated

b. canopy

Drinks that contain _____ should be avoided for fluid replacement. a. electrolytes b. caffeine c. salt d. sugar

b. caffeine

What is one of the 10 standard wildland firefighting order? a. do not attempt to outrun a fire uphill b. base all actions on current and expected fire behavior c. focus on what is not burning, rather than what is burning d. attack the flanks of the fire, not the head

b. base all actions on current and expected fire behavior 10 Wildland Fire Order: 1. keep informed on the fire weather conditions & forecasts 2. know what you fire is doing at all times 3. base all actions on current and expected fire behavior 4. identify escape routes & safety zones and make them known 5. post lookouts when there is possible danger 6. be alert, keep calm, think clearly, act decisively 7. maintain prompt communications with yoru forces, your supervisor & adjoining forces 8. give clear instructions and ensure they are understood 9. maintain control of your forces at all times 10.fight fire aggressively, having provided for safety first

Which level of EMS service delivery consists primarily of patient assessment, oxygen delivery, and moving/lifting of patients? a. intermediate life support b. basic life support c. advanced life support d. transitional life support

b. basic life support

Breaching of which type of wall is most likely to result in structural collapse? a. sleeper b. bearing c. partition d. exterior

b. bearing

What is formed by reversing the direction of a rope to form a "U" bend with two parallel ends? a. loop b. bight c. bend d. round turn

b. bight

What is the term for the burned area of a wildland fire? a. body b. black c. heel d. island

b. black

HIV, HBV, and HCV are ____. a. carcinogens b. bloodborne pathogens c. blood clotting factors d. chemical warfare agents

b. bloodborne pathogens

What is the initial treatment for a chemical burn? a. flush the contaminated area b. brush the material off the victim c. apply a sterile dressing d. administer oxygen

b. brush the material off the victim

What is a typical sign of blister agent exposure? a. dry mucous membranes b. burning, reddened skin c. flu-like symptoms d. seizures

b. burning, reddened skin

How do multipurpose dry chemical agents prevent rekindling of Class A fuel? a. by attracting and holding moisture b. by forming a crust over the fuel c. by penetrating the fuel d. by interrupting the chemical chain reaction

b. by forming a crust over the fuel

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